Mgoha : ' "Xsjjl8
Mgoha : ' "Xsjjl8
Mgoha : ' "Xsjjl8
rur Wiuiiiiar 1 racing
Authorised SignA A/
C prporatio i Foi ov gak^”” - - j
* * •
METAL TEMP (*C) 250 ^300 325 350 375 400 425 450 475 500 525 550 575 600
et (N/mm1)
jc (N/mm*)
Sr (Nlmm*) •
Certfied toal parbailers entered hereto uro correct. The has been designed end censbuclod to comply with the Indian Boter RogUations for a masmum working pressure
Mawrvn Tempe-ature. & sabs'acrony wCbitoun hydro tost pressure mention above n tho prose-w of our responsitto mproserrtMive whose
signature a appended hero unde'
The Pipes have been Nanefactured 8 Tested et our works as per specification ASTh A 106 SR.B
/ remarks
:• of q y* $p«ci C Kan, an increase of 0.061 He above the specified Ha» Mill be pereitted «pto a Nax cf 1.3SV
Identification marks ; |mn m । A. WL *>I SKC SL 0135. HAP! IMO)'1/T J5TH/1SNE A/SAI06 CO. B KIR 153 GH . B 355.60 I
Place : NAGOTHANE (M) lUWWJKI M njj 8 p$t-i WS H0 1500 PSI«T Of PJPEtHME NR 0103/MCE NR 0175 ( S 6
Data : 20-FE8-16
Maker, Recrewitaove SHTAM SUKER Sf. Supervisor - UfAX VeSe
W» have saesled ourselves that »>e
PIPES (Nome 8 Signature)
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lY'.ivl have hesttwMnxiedn accordance with Indian Baler Regulations 1950. /-
t _L v 74« The twits ccrxkxtod on Tv samples taken horn too Maned 1
have been wtoessed by us and toe panculars entered nerer are ariea f jr