Ann Roy Theory of Need and Career Choice

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Ann Roy theory of need and career choice

This theory was presented by Ann Roy

Core points:

Early experiences of the childhood and interaction with the caregivers whether its positive and negative
are influence on the person’s attitude, beliefs, values, attitudes , career and occupational choice.

Early experiences with parents

Emotional concentration of the child: parents are very overprotective and over demanded

Avoidance of the child: parents neglect the child as well as emotionally rejected

Acceptance of the child: Parents encourage the child independence is loving acceptance but on the
other side they involve minimal in the child’s life is casual acceptance.

roe theory is heavily influenced by the Abraham Maslow theory. according to this theory, the hierarchy
of need is important because it predict motivation and desire towards the next need so through this
theory Roy explain the each individual has different needs that they focus on being met in the
workplace and the needs that an individual is motivated towards is based on their early experiences that
will be sought after in their occupation. Occupational choice plays a huge factor in the individuals life
and certain needs must be met to satisfy that individual . basic needs must be met before the other
needs can motivate the individual.

vocational choice:

individual from the childhood centered families ( towards persons) will always be aware of other
attitudes and opinions towards them.

Individual from the rejecting homes ( towards non persons) may be defensive and aggressive towards
others and may be reject everyone in the environment

Classification of occupation

Ann Roy classify the occupation in groups and levels based on their experiences with childhood and
hierarchy of needs

Towards person: Towards non person

Group 1: services group 4: technology

Group 2: business contract group 5: outdoors

Group 3: organization group 6: science

Group 7: general culture

Group 8: arts and entertainment

Six levels of occupation :

Level 1: professional and managerial level 2: professional

Level3: semi professional and small business level 4: skilled

Level 5: semi skilled level 6: unskilled

How occupation and levels are combined together

Group 1 : services

Level 1: psychotherapist. Level 2: social worker . level 3: armed forces . level 4: barbers . level 5: fireman

Level6: garbage collector

Group 2: business contract

L 1 : promotors . L2: public relations. L3: salesman . L4: auctioneers buyers . L5: peddlers . L6: none

Group 3 : organization

L1: president. L2: politicians.L3: accountants. L4: cashier. L5: file clerk. L6: messenger

Group 4 : ( technology )

L1: applied scientist L2: architecture L3: contractor L4: electrician L5: bakers L6: carpentry

Group 5: ( outdoor)

L1: consulting L2 : wildlife speclist L3: farmers L4: oil well drillers L5: tractor driver L6: fishermen

Group 6 ( the sciences)

L1: mathematicians L2: dentist L3: x ray technicians L4: technical assistant L5: hospital attendants L6:

Group 7( general culture )

L1: editors L2: educational administrator L3: librarians L4: law clerks L5 & 6 none

Group 8 ( arts and entertainment)

L1 : creative artist L2: art or music critics L3: designer L4: photographer L5: illustrator L6: none


The theory gives career guidance counselors insight into the patterns of relationship prevalent between
the parents and their children at the home level

It helps career counselors in assisting students from the disturbed families on career choice

It also helps the career counselors to make parent understand the effects of the behavior towards their
children and the kind of environment they create at home on their children’s career choice and success

This theory reveals that individuals needs and interest at a particular time can be determining factor for
a career choice
Roe’s classification of occupational choice provided information on the various classes of occupation and
the level of responsibility as well as the capacity, ability, and skill associated with each class occupation .

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