Design Concept

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• India has been a popular travel destination for

American tourists seeking serenity and spiritual
growth. But in recent years, wellness travel to
India has exploded. Wellness travel --any
tourism associated with the goal of maintaining
or enhancing one's personal well-being.
• As more people embrace overall healthier
lifestyles at home, we are now seeing those
behaviors translate and be integrated into their
travel and vacation habits.


An act of practicing healthy habits on daily

basis to attain a better physical and mental


• Wellness Tourism is a term used to describe the rapidly

growing practice of travelling across international borders to
seek Wellness & Medical services. India attracts patients from
all over the world.
• The indigenous or traditional healthcare practices like
Ayurveda, Siddha, Unani,Naturopathy, and Yoga provide
uniqueness. Representing 14 percent of all tourism spending.
India holds an advantage as a Wellness Tourism Destination
Health resorts operate on the basis of the
Spa Act. In order to obtain the status of a
India's wellness offerings include yoga, meditation
health resort, the commune must have:-
and Ayurveda, these things are really resonating
• Local climate with healing qualities.
with people. People in the West have a lot of
Unique, natural deposits of medicinal
interest in the Indian system of medicine such as
Ayurveda and yoga. Yoga & meditation helps
• Healthcare entities providing services
people to detoxify themselves and be in a state of
within the scope of spa treatment by
highly qualified medical personnel.
Visitors coming to India for wellness-based trips,
• High standard hospital facilities and
often spend a fair amount of time visiting here,
sanatorium centers with complete back-up
learning about the ancient arts of yoga and
meditation, as well as Ayurveda. Thus, it is
• Devices intended for using natural
providing an opportunity to earn a good amount
medicinal resources.
of foreign exchange
• Requirements defined in regulations of the
law on environmental protection and
shaping of the environment.

In health geography and environmental

psychology, substantial literatures on green
space environments emphasize their
potential to promote health and well-being.
Fortunately, there is a recently rediscovered
body of evidence that supports the view
that nature generally, and everyday living
environments in particular, can have a
profound effect on health and well-being.
Connecting with nature can restor cognitive


An ancient tradition Since ancient time people use to visit to mountains

or forest in search of their soul or to meditate A break from reality A
retreat usually a place to take a break from your busy schedule or
overcome some kind of mental stress. The place like these help people
to develop new hobbies which they can practice back home A place to
seek comfort It is place where you can seek comfort and take
consultation from health experts. Whether through yoga or meditation,
stress management etc. A variety of pursuits There is a misconception
that wellness resort are only the places for silence and peace and are
boring but there are variety of options like physical exercise, cooking
session, music sessionsYOGA & AYURVEDA India's wellness offerings
include yoga, meditation and Ayurveda, these things are really
resonating with people. People in the West have a lot of interest in the
Indian system of medicine such as Ayurveda and yoga. Yoga &
meditation helps people to detoxify themselves and be in a state of
mindfulness. Visitors coming to India for wellness-based trips, often
spend a fair amount of time visiting here, learning about the ancient arts
of yoga and meditation, as well as Ayurveda. Thus, it is providing an
opportunity to earn a good amount of foreign exchange
Wellness comprises of social mental and physical bell being of a person.
The environment, space as well as the surrounding people plays a
important role in a social and mental well-being of person. There are
certain intangible aspects of wellness used in the design like providing
social gathering spaces like bonfire, cooking sessions, music pavilions.
And considering the nutrition aspect a restaurant for special health
cuisine is being provided.

The tangible aspect of wellness is related to the built environment and

the human sense like for smell scented plants are used in landscape, use
of natural material for touch, providing maximum views for vision and
introducing elements of sound like water channels and fountains.

There are certain intangible aspects of wellness

used in the design like providing social gathering
spaces like bonfire, cooking sessions, music
pavilions. And considering the nutrition aspect a
restaurant for special health cuisine is being

biophilic design
conceptual skecthes

elements of nature

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