Vijay Mansinhbhai Mandora Nr. Satyagrah Chhavni, Satellite, Ahmedabad - 380015, Gujarat

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Address: 14/6, Parivar Bunglow, Beside Premchand Nagar Road,

Nr. Satyagrah Chhavni, Satellite, Ahmedabad — 380015, Gujarat.

Date: 31-03-2022

BSE Ltd.
Corporate Relation Department
Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers,
Dalal Street, Fort,
Mumbai: 400 001

Scrip Code: 540063

Scrip Name: ECS
ISIN No.: INE925Q01024 Re.; ECS Biztech Limited

Dear Sir/Madam,

Sub: Disclosure under Reg. 29(2) of SEBI (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeovers)
Regulations, 2011

With reference to the above mentioned subject, | am enclosing herewith disclosure under Regulation
29(2) of the SEBI (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeover) Regulations, 2011 for your
information and take on record.

Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,


(Vijay M. Mandora)
(Seller and Promoter of TC)

Place: Ahmedabad

Encl: As above

cc TO:
Company Secretary & Compliance Officer,
ECS Biztech Limited (Target Company),
B-02, THE FIRST, ECS Corporate House,
Behind Keshavbaug Party Plot,
Off. 132 Ft. Road,
Vastrapur, Anmedabad,
Gujarat, 380015
Disclosure under Regulation 29(2) of SEBI (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeover
Regulations, 2011
Name of the Target Company (TC) ECS Biztech Limited
(Script Code: 540063, Script Name: ECS }
Name of the acquirerts)/Seller and Persons Vijay Mansinhbhai Mandora (Promoter of TC)
Acting in Concert (PAC) with the acquirer
Whether the aequirer/seller belongs to Yes — Promoter
Promoter / Promoter Group
Name(s) of the Stock Exchange(s) where the BSE Limited
shares of TC are listed
Details of aequisitien/disposal/holding of Number % w.r.t. total % w.r.t. total
shares/ voting rights/holding of the acquirer share / voting diluted share
and PAC capital wherever / voting
Before the acquisition/sell under applicable (*) capital of
consideration, holding of: TC(**)
a) Shares carrying voting rights 1,25,75,390 61.18 61.18
b) Shares in the nature of encumbrance
c) Voting rights (VR) otherwise than by shares
d) Warrants / convertible securities / any
other instrument that entitles the acquirer
to receive shares carrying voting rights in
the TC
(specify holding in each category)
e) Total (atb+c+d) 1,25,75,390 61.18 61.18
Details of acquisition/sale
a) Share carrying voting rights acquired/ sold 20,00,000 9.73 3.73
b) Voting rights (VR) acauired / sold otherwise
than by shares
c) Warrants / convertible securities / any
other instrument that entitles the acquirer
to receive shares carrying voting rights in
the TC
(specify holding in each category)
d) Shares encumbered / invoked/ released by
the acquirer
e) Total (atb+c+/-d) 20,00,000 9.73 9.73
After the acquisition/ sale, holding of:
a) Shares carrying voting rights 1,05,75,390 51.45 51.45
b) Shares encumbered with the acquirer
c) Voting rights (VR) otherwise than by shares
d) Warrants / convertible securities / any
otherwise instrument that entitles the
acquirer to receive shares carrying voting
rights in the TC
(specify holding in each category)
e) Total (at+b+c+d) 1,05,75,390 51.45 51.45
Mode of acquisition / sale (e.g. open Off market
market/ off market / public issue / right
issue/ preferential allotment/ inter-se
transfer etc.).
Date of aequisitien/ sales of shares / ¥R or
efshares, whichever is applicable
Equity share capital/ total voting capital of 2,05,55,047 Equity Shares of Rs. 10/- each, aggregating
the TC before the said acquisition / sale (*) to Rs. 20,55,50,470/- only.
Equity share capital/ total voting capital of 2,05,55,047 Equity Shares of Rs. 10/- each, aggregating
the TC after the said acquisition / sale (*) to Rs. 20,55,50,470/- only.
10. Total diluted share / voting capital of the 2,05,55,047 Equity Shares of Rs. 10/- each, aggregating
TC after the said acquisition / sale to Rs. 20,55,50,470/- only.

(*) Total share capital / voting capital to be taken as per the latest filing done by the
Company to the
Stock Exchange under Regulations 31(1)(b) of SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015.
(**) Diluted share/ voting capital means the total number of shares in the TC assuming full conversio
of the outstanding convertible securities/ wa rrants into equity shares of the TC.

Signature of the Acquirer / Seller/ Authorised Signatory

Vijay M. Mandora
(Seller and Promoter of TC)

Date: 31-03-2022
Place: Ahmedabad
Date -30-03-2022

The Listing Department

BSE Limited
PhirozeJeejeebhoy Towers
Dalal Street

Subject: Disclosure pursuant to regulation 29(2) of SEBI (Substantial Acquisition of

shares and takeover) Regulations 2011

Dear Sir

Pursuant to regulation 29(2)of SEBI (Substantial Acquisition of shares and takeover)

Regulations 2011 please find necessary information in the format prescribed under the said
regulations relating to Purchase of shares of Capfin India Ltd

Please take on record and acknowledge the receipt.

Thanking You
Yours Faithfully

Signature of the Acquirer

Dinesh Mantry
For on and behalf PAC
Formatfor disclosuresunder Regulation 29/2)ofSEBISubstantialAcquisition ofSharesand
Takeovers)Regulations, 2011
Capfin India Limited
Nameof theTargetCompany(TC)
Acquirer-Dinesh Mantry
Name(s)oftheacquirerand PersonsActingin Concert (PAC)
withtheacquirer PAC
1. Sarita Mantry

Whethertheacquirerbelongs to Promoter/Promotergroup
Bombay Stock Exchange

Number 96w.r.t.totals %w.r.t. total

hare/voting diluted
Detailsoftheacquisition/disposalasfollovws capital share/voting
wherever capitaloftheTC

Beforetheacquisitionunderconsideration, holding of:

278888 9.73% 9.73%

a) Sharescarrying votingrights
b) Shares in the nature of encumbrance (pledge/ lien/
c) Votingrights(VRJotherwise than byshares
d) Warrants/convertible securities/any other instrument
thatentitlestheacquirer toreceivesharescarrying voting
rights in the TC (specify holding in each
e) Total (a+b+c+d)
278888 9.73% 9.73%

17000 0.59% 0.59%
a) Sharescarrying votingrightsacquired/sold
b) VRsacquired/soldotherwise than byshares
c) Warrants/convertible securities/any other instrument
that entitles the acquirer to receive shares carrying
voting rights in the TC (specify holding in each
d) Sharesencumbered /invoked/released bytheacquirer
e) Total (a+b+c+/-d)
17000 0.59% 0.59%
Aftertheacquisition/sale,holding of:

295888 10.32% 10.32%

a) Sharescarrying votingrights
b) Sharesencumbered with theacquirer
c)VRsotherwise than byshares
d) Warrants/convertible securities/any other instrument
thatentitlestheacquirertoreceivesharescarrying voting
rights in the TC (specify holding in each
e) Total (a+b+c+d)
295888 10.32% 10.32%

Modeofacquisition /salefe.g.openmarket/off-market/
issue /preferentialallotment/ inter-se
publicissue/ rights

intimation ofallotmentofshares, whicheverisapplicable
28647000 divided into 2864700 equity shares of
saidacquisition/ sale
Rs10 each/

28647000 divided into 2864700 equity shares of
Rs10 each/
saidacquisition/ sale
28647000 divided into 2864700 equity shares of
Total diluted share/voting capital of the TC after the said
Rs10 each/

Place: New Delhi

Date: 29/03/2022

Thanking You
Yours Faithfully

Signature of the Acquirer

Dinesh Mantry
For on and behalf PAC
Annexure for Disclosing under Regulation 29(2) ofSEBI (SAST) Regulation
2011 in respect of Capfin India Limited

Date of No. of % to Holding Holding

Name of Category Holding Holding
Total After % To
Before % to Acquisitioon Shares
Acquisition Total
Acquire Issued
and PAC Acquisition Total
Issued d Capital


17000 0.59% 123700 4.31%

106700 3.72% 29-03-2022
Dinesh Promoter

Mantry Group
172188 6.01%
Sarita Promoter 172188 6.01%

0.59% 295888 10.32%
9.73% 17000
Total 278888

Place: New Delhi

Date: 29/03/2022

Thanking You
Yours Faithfully

Signature of the Acquirer

Dinesh Mantry
For on and behalf PAC
Date - 3003_2022

8SE Ltd.

Mumbai40O 001


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1428300 26,53
Monika Kalpesh Sheth
23, Ashwamegh Bunglows-2,
Nr. A-One
Ahmedabad 380015
Date: 30.03.2022
Department of Corporate Service
BSE Limited
P.J. Towers,
Dalal Street,

Dear Sir,

Sub: Disclosures under Regulation 29(1) of the SEBI (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and
Ref Scriptcode:50367s Script1D:WagendInfra Venture Limited
/We are sending herewith Disclosure under Regulation 29(1) of the SEBI (Substantial
Acquisition of Shares and takeovers) Regulations, 2011

Please find above in order and acknowledge the same.

Thanking You,
Yours Faithfully,

Mk. S K
Monika Kalpesh Sheth

Encl: as above

Ms. Lavina Jhawar
Company Secretary & Compliance Officer
Wagend Infra Venture Limited
117, Hubtown Solaris, 1st Floor, N S Phadke Marg
Near East-West Flyover, Andheri (East),
Mumbai, Maharashtra, 400069
Disclosures under Regulation 29(2) of SEBI (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and
Takeovers) Regulations, 2011

Name of the Target Company (TC)

Wagend Infra Venture Limited

Name(s) of the acquirer and Persons Acting in Monika Kalpesh Sheth

Concert (PAC) with the acquirer [Public Category
Whether the acquirer belongs to No
|Promoter/Promoter group
Name(s) of the Stock Exchange(s) where the shares BSE Limited
of TC are Listed
Details of the acquisition/disposal as follows Number % %W.r.t. total
share/voting diluted
capital share/voting
wherever capital of the TC
applicable(*) (**)

Before the acquisition under consideration,

holding of:
a) Shares carrying voting rights 115168 0.24% 0.24%
b) Shares in the nature of encumbrance
(pledge/ lien/ non-disposal undertaking/ others)

c) Voting rights (VR) otherwise than by shares

d) Warrants/convertible securities/any ot
instrument that entitles the acquirer to
receive shares carrying voting rights in the T C
(specify holding in each category)

115168 0.24% 0.24%

la) Shares carrying voting rights aequired/sold 13913 0.03% 0.03%

b) VRs acquired /sold otherwise than by shares

c) Warrants/convertible securities/any other

instrument that entitles the acquirer to receive
shares carrying voting rights in the TC (specify
|holding in each category) acquired/sold
d) Shares encumbered/ invoked/released by the
e) Total (a+b+c+/-d) 13913 0.03% 0.03%
After the acquisitien/sale, holding of:
a) Shares carrying voting rights
101255 0.21% 0.21%
b) Shares encumbered with the acquirer
c) VRs otherwise than by shares
d) Warrants/convertible securities/any other
instrument that entitles the acquirer to receive
shares carrying voting rights in the TC (specify
holding in each category) after acquisition
e) Total (a+brc+d)
101255 0.21% 0.21%
|Mode of aequisitien/ sale (e.g. open market/ off. OPEN MARKET
market/public issue/ rights issue/ preferential
Date of aequisitien / sale of shares/ 4R-er-date-ef- 29-03-2022-13913shares
Feeeipt-efintimation of alletmentef-shares
Equity share capital/ total voting capital of the TC 115168 shares
before the said-aequisitien/ sale
Equity share capital/ total voting capital of the TC 101255 shares
after the said aequisitien/ sale
Total diluted share/veting_eapital-ef-the-TE 13913 shares
fter the said-aequisitien
()Total share capital/voting capital to be taken as per the latest filing done by the company to
the Stock Exchange under Clause 35 of the listing Agreement.

(*) Diluted share/voting capital means the total number of shares in the TC assuming full
conversion of the outstanding convertible securities/warrants into equity shares of the TC.

Signature of the acquire/ seller / Autherised Signatory

Place: Ahmedabad
Date: 30-03-2022

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