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“Harvesting energy from in-pipe hydro systems at urban and building scale”

Submitted By
Borkar Suraj Satyavan

Under The Guidance Of

Mr. Shinde. O.P.


S.R.E. I’s
(2022– 2023)
S.R.E. I’s



This is to certify that

Borkar Suraj Satyavan

Have satisfactorily completed Micro Project on

“Harvesting energy from in-pipe hydro systems at urban and building scale”
As a part of Syllabus of WRE (22501)
Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education, Mumbai
For the partial fulfillment of

Diploma in Civil Engineering

In the academic year 2022-2023

Prof . Shinde. O.P. Prof. Kamble V. P


Prof. Kapile A. S.

It gives me great pleasure in presenting this project report. I would like to thank
Head of Dept. of Civil-Egg. - Prof. Mr Kamble V.P. for wholeheartedly helping and
directing in my project work. I would also like acknowledge my wholehearted gratitude to
my Subject teacher Prof. Mr. Shinde.O.P. for his inspiration and guidance without which
it would have been difficult for me to complete the project report. Last but not the least; I
would also like to thank the Civil Engineering Department Staff Members, College
Library Staff Members and College Staff.

I also thanks to all our friends & well-wishers who have helped us directly or
indirectly to complete this synopsis in a satisfactory manner.

Finally, I would like to thanks our family for their support, it would have been
impossible for us to accomplish this study without their support .

To report the experience of using architectural designs of a hospital for a

historical documentary research. Methods: report of the experience of the
methodological route of using architectural designs of a model hospital from 1974 to
2002. Results: after being spread on a worksheet, the projects of interest were
selected, enabling the data arrangement, where the analytical chart was applied,
context; authorship; authenticity/ reliability; nature of the text and preliminary
analysis. The findings were grouped by pertinence and similarity, resulting in the
construction of categories of analysis. Final Considerations: architectural design is a
challenging source, both for its pursuit, since it took two and a half years until it was
legally licensed, as well as for involving specific terminologies and symbology of its
A special attention should be given to the selection criteria, organization and
analysis of the document, and sharing the access of unusual sources with the health
area, like this one, so as to stimulate the development of research.Descriptors:
Nursing History; Documents; Hospital Architecture; Evidence-Based Architectural
Design; Historiography.




1 Chapter No 1- Introduction 1-3

2 Chapter No 2- Methodology 4-6
3 Chapter no 3-Conclution 7-8
4 Chapter No 4-Reference 9-9
5 Actual procedure Followed

6 Teacher Evaluation Sheet

7 Evaluation as per Suggested Rubric for Assessment of Micro

8 Micro – Project Evaluation Sheet

9 Micro project proposal

Chapter No: - 1

Hydropower is a mature and cost-competitive renewable energy source that plays a

strategic essential role in XXI century electricity mix, contributing to more than 16% of
electricity generation worldwide (more than 3500 TWh) and about 85% of global renewable
electricity [1], [2]. In use in over 160 countries, hydropower capacity is on the rise, reaching
1.31 TW worldwide at the end of 2011 [3] against 369 GW of wind [4] and 177 GW of
photovoltaic at the end of 2014 [5].

Hydroelectricity presents several advantages over most other sources of electrical power,
including a high level of reliability, proven technology, high efficiency (about 90%
efficiency, water to wire), very low operating and maintenance costs, flexibility and large
storage capacity. Furthermore, hydropower systems can help stabilizing fluctuations between
demand and supply supporting the variability of other renewable energy sources such as wind
power and photovoltaic electricity, whose production is growing considerably worldwide.

The great variety in the size of hydropower plants allows this technology to adapt to both
large centralized and small scale urban distributed energy model needs. Recently, thanks to
the development of small hydro turbines, compact and specified for urban use, it is possible
to harness water power for on- site energy generation or domestic production or industrial
and agricultural districts.
Chapter No: - 2

Hydro Power Classification by Capacity

Hydro Power plants capacities range from several watt (W) for the smallest individual
installations, to tens of gigawatt (GW) for the largest. Depending on the installed capacity,
hydropower systems are classified into "large hydro" (over 10 MW) or "small hydro" (up to
10 MW). Small systems are in turn divided in "mini-hydro" (up to 1 MW), "micro-hydro" (up
to 100 kW) and "pico-hydro" (up to 5 kW). HPP with capacity lower than 10 MW are
estimated to represent about 10% of the global HPP capacity [6].

These size based subdivision represent an average size reference as there is no global
agreement between different countries on the classification of hydro systems according to the
installed power, with the consequence that the definition of small-scale hydro spans a very
wide range of plants sizes. As shown in Table 1, various countries, or groups of countries,
define ‘small hydro’ differently, from below 1.5 MW in Sweden to below 50 MW in China.

This broad spectrum in definitions of size categories is motivated by local energy and
resource management needs of different countries such as national licensing rules to
determine which authority is responsible for the process (e.g., Norway) or the need to define
eligibility for specific support schemes (e.g., US Renewable Portfolio Standards).
Table 1. Small-scale hydropower by installed capacity (MW) as defined by various countries
Country Small-scale hydro as Reference
defined by capacity (MW)

Brazil Brazil Government Law No. 9648, of May 27,

≤ 30

Canada Natural Resources Canada, 2009

China Jinghe (2005), Wang (2010)

European Union Directive 2004/101/EC (“Linking Directive”)

India Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, 2010

Norway Norwegian Ministry of Petroleum and Energy


Sweden ≤ 1.5 European Small Hydro Association

United States 5-100 US National Hydropower Association

Due to their ease of construction and integration into local environments, the deployment
of small hydro power systems is increasing in many parts of the world, especially in remote
areas where other energy sources are not viable or not economically attractive.

Among systems with power up to 100 kW (micro hydro), particularly interesting for the
potential of integration at urban and building scale are in-pipe hydro power systems. Designed
for gravity fed and pressurized transmission and distribution lines as well as effluent outfalls
and other pipe conveyance systems, these particular micro hydro systems may be located in
municipal water or waste water systems, industrial water systems, or irrigation systems.

In-pipe hydro systems can operate across a wide range of head and flow conditions inside
most common piping materials such as steel, ductile iron, concrete, or any material that can
be mated with steel pipe, providing clean, baseload energy without the intermittency of wind
and solar and without environmental repercussion. Since most of piping runs underground,
such systems are also protected from vandalism, theft or weather accidents and are compatible
even with historical cities or locations with strict visual regulations.
The ideal sites are where pipeline construction or maintenance is scheduled to take place.
Retrofit sites are also ideal especially when situated next to electrical loads, pipes above
ground or below ground with vault access.

nn Another benefit of integrating in-pipe hydro systems is the possibility to better control
overpressure and lower it where necessary, thus preventing leaks in aging infrastructure and
elongating service life of all piping equipment.

In pipe Hydro Power Systems

In pipe hydro power systems can be divided in two main designs:

Internal systems, where the runner is wholly inside the pipe section and only the generator
protrudes from the conduit ;

External systems, where the runner is contained in a secondary conduit that bypasses the
main one.

Internal systems

Internal systems (Fig. 1) have the advantage of a more compact size that makes them
more suitable, but not restricted, for smaller applications. Power output ranges from 5-10
watts, sufficient to supply self powered water metering or monitoring systems, to 100 kW
for more energy intensive applications.

Internal systems
Fig. 2. Fuji micro tubular water turbine.
Internal systems are based on traditional in line impellers (Hydro-spin), tubular turbines as
Micro Tubular Water Turbine (Fig. 2) and Linepower, or more innovative designs such as
Archimedes coils (Hydro-coil, Fig. 3), all with horizontal axis parallel to the water flow.
Lucidpipe Power System generators (Fig. 4) employ a Gorlov design vertical axis turbine
instead, allowing for a simpler design since the turbine shaft is already aligned with the

Fig. 3. Hydro-Coil 600.

Fig. 4. Lucidpipe power system.

These products come in a variety of sizes for different applications: Hydro spin can be
installed in pipes as little as 80 mm in diameter, whereas Hydro-coil is available in 150 and 300
mm size and Lucidpipe covers the range from 600 to 1500 mm, being most suitable for large
scale applications such as urban aqueducts and sewage systems or agricultural districts.
Fuji Electric Systems’ Micro Tubular Water Turbine shrinks the traditional bulb generator
design down to 290, 500 and 760 mm diameter, for a power output from 3 to 250 kW and the
possibility to control flow rate with movable runner vanes. Linepower, developed by Kubota
Corporation, also employs a tubular design, fitting the generator right inside the bulb, making
the turbine assembly little larger than the 250 mm conduit and achieving a power output in

External systems

External systems (Fig. 5) do not depend so strictly on pipe size since the runner is enclosed
in a dedicated conduit, and allow for even greater flexibility. Their main drawback is the need
for larger vaults to accommodate the turbine and generator assembly, making them less ideal
for retrofit intervention on existing water infrastructures.
Fig. 5. External systems.

Most products available on the market, such as Rentricity Flow to Wire (Fig. 6) or
Sustainable Energy and Monitoring Systems (SEMS), Leviathan Benkatina (Fig. 7) or
Hitachi Energy Recovery System, employ Francis design turbines with a rated power
that goes from 3-10 kW (Benkatina OG2, Hitachi ERS) to 5-30 kW (Rentricity SEMS)
for smaller applications, whereas large scale applications (30-350 kW) are covered by
Rentricity Flow to Wire Systems. These systems are usually customized to meet the
existing pipe size, whereas the turbine and generator are chosen based on available water
flow and head.

Fig. 6. Rentricity flow-to-wire system.

Fig. 7. Leviathan benkatina OG2.

Main Applications of in Pipe Hydro Power Systems

All cities are served by pressured piping grids systems to supply water where it is needed
for drinking, domestic o industrial use, while drain and sewage systems are usually gravity
fed. Both hold untapped energy deriving from abundant pressure, and drinking water
processors and industrial manufacturers typically install pressure reduction valves (“PRVs”)
– hydraulic devices that maintain pre-set pressure ranges – to relieve the excess pressure and
release it as waste heat. Theoretically, all systems that employ pressure reducing devices could
replace them with in pipe generators, maintaining the same control on water flow and pressure
whilst producing usable electricity.
Urban applications
On a large, urban grid scale these systems can find several applications.
Small turbines can be used to power water metering and control stations that are isolated
from the electrical grid. These generators cause a negligible loss of water head and supply
power continuously, constituting a viable alternative to wind turbines and photovoltaics, which
suffer from inconsistent operation and need back up batteries, and gasoline power units that
need constant refueling and maintenance and are of course very polluting. The possibility to
install several self powered control units in different places of the water grid allows for the best
control and awareness of its condition and operativeness to reduce water lost due to spilling
and leaks, in particular in countries where the water resource is scarce and the infrastructure
aging. In the US alone leaking pipes account for an estimated 7 billion gallons of water each
day, according to the American Society of Civil Engineers [8]. In Israel, the company Hydro
Spin is deploying several micro turbines to power pressure regulators, flow and water quality
measurers that supply control centers with 24/7 data and allow for quick responses in case of
leakage or pressure loss.
Of course the harvested energy can be returned to the electric grid and used alongside other
renewable and traditional energy sources, as demonstrated by several ongoing and completed
projects all around the world.

In particular, in 2015 the city of Portland made the news by installing a Lucidpipe Power
System in one of its main water lines: the four 42” vertical axis turbines total 200 kW power
and are expected to generate an average of 1100 MWh each year serving approximately 150
homes. A three turbine 60 kW Lucidpipe system has also been installed in San Antonio,
Texas, while the pilot installation in Riverside, California (Fig. 8) has been active since
January 2012.

Fig. 8. Lucidpipe installation in Riverside, California.

Fig. 9. Rentricity flow-to-wire installation, Keene, NH.

Rentricity has also been very active in North America, with installations in the cities of
Halifax, Barre, Oneida Valley and in the Westmoreland County, spanning a 10-50 kW power
range. In particular, the water treatment facility of the city of Keene, New Hampshire (Fig.
9), has been equipped with two turbine generators with different capacities running in parallel,
to maximize power yield at all operating conditions: Turbine Generator no. 1 at 720 GPM,
generating 17 to 18 kW power, Turbine Generator no. 2 at 1440-1470 GPM, generating 36 to
38 kW power, Turbine Generators 1 and 2 operating in parallel at 20702170 GPM, generating
50 to 55 kW power.

The city of Los Angeles is also in talks to install a 225 kW Flow to Wire system in a
transfer station between two municipal reservoirs.

Another interesting application is planned in Hong Kong: the Municipal Water Supplies
Department partnered with the Department of Building Services Engineering of Hong Kong
Polytechnic University to turn some of its 7800 km of water mains into a source of power.
Researchers developed a 8 blades spherical turbine able to output 80 Volts and tested it in
several locations across the city. The plan is to install an array of microturbines to generate
700 kWh per year, reducing carbon dioxide emissions by 560 kg/yr.

Building applications

Another large potential energy source lies in the piping systems of single buildings, both
for tap water supply, drainage and cooling and heating circuits, with particular regard to large
building such as commercial and residential high-rises or shopping malls. In particular,
skyscrapers require large amounts of pressure to supply water to the higher floors, and the
excess pressure in the lower section is usually wasted via PRVs and could be harvested for
powering buildings appliances.

Hong Kong real estate developer Sino Group is collaborating with Arup and Hong Kong
Polytechnic University to install their 100 W vertical axis turbine in building pipelines. A
first prototype was installed in the Olympian City 2 shopping mall with the aim of powering
an elevator lighting systems. The company is also installing turbines in an apartment
development to power lighting systems in stairwells, elevators and lobby.

Another building application employs flow and pressure of hot and cold return water
piping of large air conditioning systems (Fig. 10): Hitachi Energy Recovery System uses a
vertical axis Francis turbine with integrated electric generator to provide a compact assembly
in 3 kW and 9 kW size, already tested in the Iwatsuki office of Fuji Xerox (2 units
outputting 2.4 kW each with 25 m water head) and in Koyo Paper (9.6 kW with 40 m head)
and NGK Spark Plug (6.0 kW with 25 m head) factories.
Fig. 10. Integration of in-pipe hydro in air conditioning systems .

Fig. 11. Radial-flux energy harvester.

For single habitation units applications, reduced space and water head requirements
become paramount for any integration of energy harvesting devices in existing piping systems
without impeding water flow.

These machines usually have little energy output - less than 1 W - and are best suitable
for powering metering and control devices or small lighting systems.Scientists from
HSGIMIT and IMTEK developed an automatic remote water meter powered by an energy
harvester able to generate up to 720 mW when using a flow rate of 20 l/min, corresponding
to a fully opened water tab [9]. This way it is possible to add metering devices anywhere in
existing piping systems without the need for electric and data connections since the devices
is self-powered and transmits data via Wi-Fi, and to integrate water monitoring to any building
automation system or to other internet of things devices with positive effect on water
consumption and energy reduction. The energy harvester itself is based on an impeller wheel
directly coupled with an electromagnetic energy transducer, constituted by a two pole ring
magnet and three induction coils along with a battery (Fig. 11)
Chapter No: - 3

The integrated and intelligent electricity system of future smart cities goes through a model
of distributed energy generation which provides maximum integration of renewable energy
sources in urban centers [10].

Among the different renewable energy sources that are nowadays suitable for integration in
urban areas, in addition to photovoltaic and vertical axis wind systems, particularly interesting
are small scale hydro systems, with power output from 5 to 100 kW (micro Hydro), installed
in urban or industrial water supply grids and waste drainage networks.

Analysis performed shows in fact that in-pipe systems can offer many advantages both in
terms of quantity of energy produced and supply continuity without the problems of
architectural integration and dependence on weather conditions typical of photovoltaic and
wind systems, making it strongly recommended whenever water grid conditions allow its

In addition to providing clean energy, the application of these systems can help improving
the management of water networks, allowing to monitor and adjust the water flows and to
optimize overpressure, thus lengthening service life of all equipment.

These systems can be installed anywhere upstream of a pressure-transient zone in a gravity-

fed pipeline, wherever power is desired, and operate across a wide range of flow conditions
without the need for pumps to create back-pressure and velocity adjustments.

Several cities such as Portland, Los Angeles and Hong Kong have started testing those
systems at urban scale producing electricity for thousands of homes by exploiting the excess
pressure of water supply, otherwise wasted through traditional pressure reduction devices.

Energy is often the single largest expense for many water utilities, representing 40%-50%
of a water agency’s annual operating budget [11]. In-pipe power systems can provide
municipalities with an opportunity to reduce costs and reliance on grid-based power by using
their existing water infrastructure to generate cost-effective renewable energy.
Furthermore, systems below 5 kW (pico hydro) can find interesting applications in
buildings and highrises in particular, by exploiting the overpressure normally available on the
lower floors or integrated in the pipes of single habitation units along with measuring sensors,
constituting self powered water monitoring tools able to transmit via Wi-Fi information such
as water consumption, operating temperature and water quality and contributing to the
intelligent management of all energy services of the building (Internet of things).

Therefore, in order to promote these promising renewable energy systems, it's advisable to
expand, co- ordinate and disseminate results of in-pipe micro and pico hydro technology
development to improve operational performance, reduce costs and foster technologies to
better support the grid integration of large amounts of variable renewable energy, in order to
achieve a clean and resilient electricity system that supports efficient, flexible, reliable and
affordable operation.
Chapter No: - 4

OECD/IEA. Key World Energy Statistics. Paris: IEA Publications; 2014:1-80.

OECD/IEA. World Energy Outlook. Paris: IEA Publications; 2014:1-748
World Energy Council. World Energy Resources, 2013 Survey. 2013:1-468.
Global Wind Energy Council. Global Wind Statistics. 2014. 2015:1-5.
IEA PVPS. Snapshot of Global PV Markets 2014, 2015:1-16.
IEA. Technology Roadmap, Hydropower. 2012:1-61.

Pichs-Madruga R, Sokona Y, Seyboth K, Matschoss P, Kadner S, Zwickel T, et al.

Intergovernmental panel on climate change working group III Edenhofer O. IPCC Special
Report on Renewable Energy Sources and Climate Change Mitigation.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; 2012:1-1075.
American society of civil engineers. Report Card for America’s Infrastructure Executive
Summary. 2009:1.
Hoffmann D, Willmann A, Göpfert R, Becker P, Folkmer B, Manoli Y. Energy harvesting
from fluid flow in water pipelines for smart metering applications. Journal of
Physics: Conference Series, 2013; 476:1-5.
IEA. Energy Technology Perspectives, Harnessing Electricity's Potential. Paris: IEA
Publications; 2014:1-382.
Micro-Project Proposal
Title of Micro-Project
“Harvesting energy from in pipe hydro systems at urban and
building scale”

Brief Information
(Importance of the project, in about 4 to 5 Sentences)
Pumps are classified into two types namely Dynamic pumps as well as Positive
Displacement Pumps. Types of Pumps Dynamic Pumps. Dynamic pumps are
classified into different types but some of them are discussed below like Centrifugal,
Vertical centrifugal, Horizontal centrifugal, Submersible, and Fire hydrant systems.
Centrifugal Pumps. These types of pumps are most commonly used worldwide. The
working is very simple, described well and carefully tested

Aim of the Micro-Project (in about 4 to 5 sentences)

The main aim of this micro project is Collect the information and draw the hospital plan.

This Micro- Project aims at:

1. To study the Public Building Plan of Hospital.
2. To Study the Information and Drawing of Hospital Plan.

1.0 Action Plan (sequence and time required for major activities for 8 Weeks)

Name of
S. Planned Responsible
Details of activity Finish
No. Start date Team
1 Select the group Borkar S.S.
2 Select the title of Borkar S.S.
micro project.
3 Collect the Borkar S.S.
information project.
4 Study of Pipe hydro Borkar S.S.
5 Importance of Pipe Borkar S.S.
hydro system.
6 Reason for Water Borkar S.S.
Resources Engineering.
7 Collect the all Borkar S.S.
information in file.
8 Submit the micro Borkar S.S.

2.0 Resources required (major resources such as raw material, some machining facility,
software etc.)

S. Name of Specifications Qty Remarks

No. Resource
1 Microsoft word Windows 2010 1

4)Actual Procedure Followed

Activity Activity Sign

Sr. Start Date Performed of
Details of Activity
No. –Finish By Team Subject
Date Members Teacher
Select a project name with
the help of a subject teacher.
Teacher guide the how to
make a project.
Discuss the Micro project
subject with group members
and how to collect the
Collect the information with
3 the help of textbook, reference
books. Note down the main
points with the help of group

Collect information and

diagram to saw the teacher.
4 Teacher guide to how to
prepare a report of micro
Made the micro project
report with the help of group
5 members and printout the
pages and made a file ofmicro
Check the project with the
6 help of teacher and submit the
micro project report.

5)Outputs of the Micro-Projects

Collect the Information and Draw the (G+2) Submission Drawing Plan of Hospital.
Select alternative resources for more information.

6)Actual Resources Used

Major resources such as raw material,
Software(MS Word 2010)

7)Skill Developed/ Learning out of this Project

8. Teacher Evaluation Sheet

Name of Student: Borkar Suraj Satyavan.

Enrollment No: 2009920203
Name of Program: Water Resources Engineering.
Semester: V
Course Title: Diploma in civil Engineering.
Course Code: 22501

Title of the Micro-Project: Harvesting energy from in-pipe hydro systems at

urban and building scale
Evaluation as per Suggested Rubric for Assessment of Micro Project
 (Please tick in appropriate cell for each characteristic)
S Charact Poor Average Good Excellent
. eristic to ( Marks ( Marks ( Marks ( Marks
N be 1-3 ) 4-5) 6-8) 9- 10 )
o assessed
1 Relevan Relate Related Take Take
ce to the to very to some care of at- care of
course few LOs Los least one more than
CO one CO

2 Not At-least At –least About 10

Literature more than 5 relevant 7 relevant relevant
Survey two sources, at sources, sources,
/informati sources least 2 most latest most latest
on (primary latest
collection and
y), very

3 Comple Comple Complet Complet Complet

tion of the ted less ed 50 to ed 60 to ed more
Target as than 50% 60% 80% than 80 %
S Charact Poor Average Good Excellent
. eristic to ( Marks ( Marks ( Marks ( Marks
N be 1-3 ) 4-5) 6-8) 9- 10 )
o assessed
4 Analysi Sample Sufficien Sufficien Enough
s of Data Size t and t and data
and small, appropriate appropriate collected
representa data sample, sample, by
tion neither enough enough sufficient
organized data data and
nor generated generated appropriate
presented but not which is sample
well organized organized size.
and not and Proper
presented presented inferences
well. No or well but drawn by
poor poor organising
inferences inferences and
drawn drawn presenting
charts and

5 Quality Incomp Just Well Well

of lete assembled/ assembled/ assembled/
Prototype fabricatio fabricated fabricated fabricated
/Model n/assembl and parts with proper with proper
y. are not functioning functioning
functioning parts. In parts. In
well. Not in proper proper
proper shape, shape,
shape, within within
dimensions tolerance tolerance
beyond dimensions dimensions
tolerance and good and good
S Charact Poor Average Good Excellent
. eristic to ( Marks ( Marks ( Marks ( Marks
N be 1-3 ) 4-5) 6-8) 9- 10 )
o assessed
limit. finish/appe finish/appe
Appearanc arance. But arance.
e/finish is no Creativity
shabby. creativity in design
in design and use of
and use of material

6 Report Very Nearly Detailed, Very

Preparatio short, sufficient correct and detailed,
n poor and correct clear correct,
quality details description clear
sketches, about of description
Details methods, methods, of
about material, materials, methods,
methods, precautions precautions materials,
material, and and precautions
precautio conclusion, Conclusi and
n and but clarity ons. conclusion
conclusio is not there Sufficient s. Enough
ns in Graphic tables,
omitted, presentatio Descriptio charts and
some n. But not n. sketches
details are enough
wrong graphic

7 Present Major Includes Includes Well

ation informati major major organized,
on is not informatio informatio includes
included, n but not n and well major
informati well organized informatio
on is not organized but not n, well
well and not presented
S Charact Poor Average Good Excellent
. eristic to ( Marks ( Marks ( Marks ( Marks
N be 1-3 ) 4-5) 6-8) 9- 10 )
o assessed
organized presented presented
. well well
8 Any
g upon
nature of
by pen)
Defense Could Replied Replied Replied
9 not reply to properly to most of the
to considerabl considerabl questions
considera e number e number properly
ble of of
number questions questions.
of but not
questions very
. properly
Micro-Project Evaluation Sheet

Process Assessment Product Assessment Tota

Part Project Part B - individual l
A- Methodolog Project Presentation/Viv Marks
Project y Report/Workin a 10
Proposa (2 marks) g Model (4 marks)
l (2 marks)

Every course teacher is expected to assign marks for group evolution for each group
of students in first 3 columns as per rubrics & individual evaluation in 4 TH column for
each group of students as per rubrics based on viva.
Comments/Suggestions about team work/leadership/inter-personal communication:


Any Other Comment:


Name and designation of the Faculty Member: Prof- Shinde O.P.


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