Activity 5 Product Performance Task and Rubric
Activity 5 Product Performance Task and Rubric
Activity 5 Product Performance Task and Rubric
Activity 5 – (Product) Performance Task and Rubric. Develop a performance task and
scoring rubric, containing appropriate weighted criteria (indicators), descriptors for
interpretation and aligned standards using GRASPS model.
Task: Let students make a poster about pandemic that what we are experiencing today.
Objectives: To enable the students make a poster that all about covid-19 pandemic
Goal – Your goal is to make a poster that is all about covid-19 pandemic.
Situation – You need to make a poster that portray our situations right now which we are
experiencing pandemic.
Product/Performance and Purpose – Draw a poster which all about the covid-19 and the
Standards & Criteria for Success – Your poster making should correct harmony and
contrast of the colors to be used and your poster should relate the pandemic which we
are experiencing today, that is easy for the teachers to critique and you will be assessed
Level 4:
All graphics are relevance to the topic and make it easier to understand.
Poster is well organized. Headings are used effectively. Poster tells story that the
observer quickly attracts the poster and quickly find the information if asked a
factual question.
The poster is extremely attractive of design in terms in color and cleanliness as
well as neatness
The poster is highly creative in its poster and shows careful thought and design
and as well as organizations of ideas.
Level 3:
All graphics are relevance to the topic and most make it easier to understand.
Poster is almost organized. Headings are used effectively. Poster tells story that
the observer attracts the poster and find the information if asked a factual question.
Poster is attractive of design but a little bet messy in color and in cleanliness as
well as neatness.
Poster is creative and shows some thought in design and organization of ideas.
Level 2:
Level 1: