b. Self-control
Physical Education is an educational d. Courage
process, which includes the acquisition and e. Determination
refinement of motor skills, the development f. Personal Discipline
and maintenance of fitness for optimal
health and well-being, the attainment of D. COGNITIVE OBJECTIVES-MENTAL
knowledge and the growth of positive DEVELOPMENT
attitudes toward physical activity. I. Includes the development of
Objectives are goals or desired intellectual abilities, acquisition of
outcomes that can be realized from the knowledge, formulation of ideas,
participation in carefully planned problem solving analysis,
Physical Education Program. interpretation and creativity.
II. Understanding of rules and
A. PSYCHOMOTOR OBJECTIVE-PHYSICAL application of strategies or
DEVELOPMENT techniques in games and sports
1. Deals with the program of activities III. Includes analysis of movement and
that build physical power in an principles underlying movement.
individual by developing the various
organic system of the body. It VALUES OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION
results in the ability to sustain, to The value of physical education
recover and to resist fatigue. activities is found in the resulting
2. Development of health-related development and adjustment of the
fitness such as cardio-respiratory individual. Engaging in any activity
endurance, muscular endurance, stimulates in some degree the four types of
strength and flexibility development although different activities
3. Development of performance- emphasize different amounts. Regular
related fitness such as speed, power, exercise and physical activity are extremely
coordination and balance important and beneficial for long-term
health and well-being.
Participation in Physical Education
activities provides opportunities for the
acquisition and practice of desirable 1. Reduce the risk of premature.
social traits necessary for adjustment to 2. Reduce the risk of developing and/or
happy living and to the social life in dying from heart disease.
general. Some worthwhile traits are: 3. Reduce high blood pressure or the risk
a. Friendliness of developing high blood pressure.
b. Cooperation 4. Reduce high cholesterol or the risk of
c. Respect for the rights of others developing high cholesterol.
d. Good sportsmanship 5. Reduce the risk of developing colon
e. Good leadership and cancer and breast cancer.
followership 6. Reduce the risk of developing
f. Honesty in group competition diabetes.
7. Reduce or maintain body weight or
body fat.
C. AFFECTIVE OBJECTIVES- EMOTIONAL 8. Build and maintain healthy muscles,
DEVELOPMENT bones, and joints.
The informal nature of physical 9. Reduce depression and anxiety.
education offers opportunities for the 10. Improve psychological well-being.
development of expression and
emotional mastery like:
11. Enhance work, recreation, and sports a flat, rectangular surface with baskets at
performance. opposite ends.
PE PRELIMS competitive levels require the use of
BASKETBALL more equipment such as clocks,
INTRO – a team sport in which two teams of scoresheets, scoreboard(s), and the like.
five active players each try to score points rectangular in shape which measures
against one another by propelling a ball 25m x 18m
through a 10 feet (3m) high hoop (the goal) should be a flat surface, rubberized
under organized rules. colored paint for outdoor and wooden for
the ball can be advanced on the court by indoor court.
bouncing (dribbling) or passing it between a regulation basketball court in
teammates. international games is 28 by 15 meters
disruptive physical contact (fouls) is not (approx. 92 by 49 ft)
permitted and there are restrictions on how in NBA is 94 by 50 feet (29 by 15m)
the ball can be handled (violations) most court are made of wood.
Dr. James Naismith a steel basket with net and backboard
is known world-wide as the inventor of hang over each other of the court.
basketball. at almost all levels of competition the
born in 1861 in Ramsay township, near top of the rim is exactly 10 feet (3.05 m)
Almonte, Ontario, Canada above the court and 4ft. (1.2 m) inside the
the concept of basketball was born from baseline.
his school days in the area where he played Ball
a simple child’s game known as duck-on-a- it shall be inflated to an air pressure
rock outside his one-room schoolhouse. such that when it is dropped onto the
Naismith went on to attend McGill playing surface from a height of 1.80m
University in Montreal, Quebec, Canada measured from the bottom of the ball, it
after serving as McGill’s Athletic will rebound to a height of 1.20-1.40m
Director, he moved to YMCA Training measured at the top of the ball.
School in Springfield, Massachusetts, USA in the hometeam shall provide at least 2
1891 balls that meet the above specifications.
he needed a game that could be played the referee shall be the sole judge of the
indoors in a relatively small space. legality of the balls.
the first game was played with a soccer the ball shall be made of leather or
ball and two peach baskets used as goals. rubber on synthetic materials.
in addition to the creation of the sport, approx. it is less than 75cm to 78cm in
Naismith graduated as a medical doctor circumference with a weight of not less
primarily interested in sports physiology than 600-650 grams.
and what would today call sports science as its color shall be dark orange for men’s
a presbyterian minister. basketball and tri-color for women’s
Naismith watched his sport, introduced basketball.
in many nations by the YMCA movements as RING AND BACKBOARD
early as 1893.
the ring is made of solid iron with 45cm
basketball was introduced at Berlin diameter attached to the board lying on a
Olympics in 1936. horizontal place 3.05m above the floor.
Naismith’s handwritten diaries THE GAME CLOCK
discovered by his granddaughter in early is used for timing periods of play and
the intervals between them.
Time-Out Watch
a stopwatch is used for timing time-
30-Second Device
the device shall be automatic, digital
count-down type, indicating the time in
the signal of the device should
automatically sound with a very load
signal when it reaches zero.
used by the official scorer for recording
Player Foul Marker
is used for indicating the number of
fouls committed by a player.
for games played in four periods of 12
minutes they shall be numbered 1-6 (1-5
in black, 6 in red)
Team Foul Indicators
are suitable devices to indicate the
number of team fouls.
the device shall stop the number of
team fouls (8 for games of 2x20 minutes
and 5 for games of 4x12 minutes) to
indicate that a team has reached the
penalty status.
shall indicate the time remaining in a
period as prescribed by the game clock.