MMP Exercise1 Drawingtools
MMP Exercise1 Drawingtools
MMP Exercise1 Drawingtools
8. Create a layer and name it type. a. Again with the first frame of the type layer chosen, choose the type tool T in the Tools Palette. b. Choose a font and font color. c. Adjust your font size with the hot text slides (light blue underlined text after size). Type anything youd like. d. In the Properties Panel, note that there is a Filters Option. In the lower left corner of Filters, choose add Filter. Add a Filter to your text. 9. Create a layer and name it gradient. a. Click the Object Drawing (at the bottom of the toolbar). b. Choose the oval tool. c. Open Window>Color. Choose Radial as your fill option and select the colors you want to use for your fill. d. Select the color of your gradient (paint bucket in upper left corner of color palette). e. Open Window>Swatches. Roll over the bottom row below the default swatches, a paint bucket will appear. Click to add YOUR custom gradient to the swatches panel. f. Draw a circle. It will fill with your created custom gradient. g. Double click on your circle to edit it. If you look at the top left corner of your flash file, you'll see "Scene 1" followed by "Drawing Object". You are in the drawing object's timeline. The shapes that you've already drawn should appear faded. h. You can also adjust the position of the gradient with the Gradient Transform (this is in the same area as Free Transform. Move your gradient highlight. i. When you're pleased with your gradient position, click on Scene 1 (in the upper left corner) to return to the main timeline. 10. Create a layer and name it combo. a. Draw an oval. b. Use the polygon tool (choose star) and draw a star. Size the star so that it will fit inside the oval. c. Place over the oval and delete the center. 11. Create a layer and name it Kuler. a. Go to Window>Extensions>Kuler. Choose a Kuler palette (or create your own custom palette in Kuler). b. Add it to your swatches library. (Choose icon (Add to Swatches Panel.) to the right of the "Save Theme" button to add your custom swatches to your swatches panel. c. Draw a shape and fill with color from your Kuler Swatches. Change the Alpha of that color. 12. Save your file and drop in Art Faculty>C.Galler>Drop Box.