General Notes
Some of the questions in the assignments give an indication of the type of questions
that can be expected in the test and examination.
The assignment must be completed by each student individually, but you may consult
with other students and use any source. However, it is strictly forbidden to copy work
from someone else and present it as your own work.
It is strongly advised that you first attempt the questions on your own before trying to
get help. This will give you a good indication of your understanding of the material
and will identify the areas on which you should focus.
Since you can consult and find help from any source, it is expected that you should be
able to complete all questions correctly. This means that if assignments are marked
like tests every student should obtain full marks for the assignments.
REQUIREMENT 2: Each assignment must contain a written and signed declaration by the
student as to the actual contribution the student made to the completion of the assignment. It
is strictly forbidden to copy/duplicate another student’s work and to submit this as your own
work. If this type of fraud is detected, students involved will not get any marks for the
assignment and may face further disciplinary actions.
Question 1
(a) The following analysis was obtained on samples from different source water supplies that
could be used as raw water to a drinking water treatment plant.
(i) Indicate the likely nature of each of the sources (is it ground water or river
water, treated effluent, etc.) and give reasons for your answer. (9)
(ii) Assess the quality of each source as feed water to a drinking water treatment
plant. Identify the constituents that need to be adjusted to make the source
water fit for drinking water, and name suitable treatment processes (give
motivation for your selection) that could be employed to make each supply
fit for human consumption and also chemically stable.
i) Supply A is likely to be river water because of high turbidity and high number of faecal
coliforms and THM indicating chlorine addition, this likely due to surface water containing
runoff and treated effluent
Supply C is likely to be costal waters due to high acidity , low TOC and low turbidity
ii) Supply A- (1)High Turbidity can be dealt using drinking water treatment processes such as
coagulation, flocculation, sedimentation and filtration. Coagulation and flocculation can be
used to deal very small suspended particles. This is done by destabilized the charged particles
allowing them to form larger flocs that can be removed more easily. Sedimentation allows
the more larger heavier particles to settle to the bottom of a container. and high number of
faecal coliforms(2) can be dealt by disinfection(Physical- Concentrated UV light or Chemical-
Chlorine). High Faecal Coliforms indicate high faecal contamination therefore high risk of
pathogens in the water. Disinfection destroys the pathogen.
Supply B- this water’s total hardness is high. This can dealt using chemical water softeners
such as ion exchange water softeners. This softeners works by exchanging the calcium and
magnesium ions that cause water hardness with sodium ions. CCPP is very high, it can be
reduced during the softening process. NO3-N is higher than the required standard but it can
be removed by ion exchange.
Supply C- The CCPP value is very low, which makes supply C acidic therefore the water might
be corrosive. This can be solved by thru neutralization. This involves adding a base to the
water to raise the pH and counteract the acidity, commonly used chemical used is caustic
soda for this process.
i) In order for the analysis to be acceptable, the percentage error should be less than 5 %.
% error = x100
= 25.08 % no acceptable
Question 2
Potassium permanganate (KMnO4) is often used as oxidant in water treatment for oxidation
and removal of iron and manganese.
a. Write balanced equations for the oxidation and reduction reactions when Mn 2+ and
Fe2+ is oxidised by KMnO4 to MnO2 and Fe3+ respectively. Give the oxidation
numbers of all the manganese and iron species and indicate which are oxidised and
which reduced in the reactions. (6)
Oxidation numbers
Mn2+ 4 + oxidized
MnO4 - 4 + reduced
Fe2+ 3 + oxidized
Fe3+ 3+
MnO2 4+
b. Calculate the theoretical amount of KMnO4 required to oxidise Mn2+ to MnO2. (3)
❑ 2+¿ ¿
2 mole K Mn O 4 =3 moles M n
d. Calculate the amount of acidity produced in the reaction as mg/ H+ per mg/ Mn2+,
as well as the amount of natural alkalinity destroyed in the water (HCO 3-) Give
your answer in mg/ CaCO3 per mg/ Mn2+ oxidised. (6)
1.48∗50 ❑ 2+¿¿
= =1.4 1 mg/lCaC O3 per mg/l M n
KMnO4 required= =0.996 mg/l KMn O4
KMnO4 solution required= 0.996∗mg/l 0.8
KMn =0.00071ml /soln
Flow Rate: =17361l/min
= ∗12.33=11.56 ml soln/min
Question 3
You are the newly-appointed engineer/scientist recruited to improve management and control
of the operation of the water treatment plant of a city. The city obtains raw water from a dam
and the water is treated in a conventional drinking water treatment plant to produce water that
complies with drinking water quality requirements. However, serious complaints about the
drinking water quality have been received from consumers during the past year and analytical
reports from an independent laboratory have also caused concern. It is your task to evaluate
the operation of the plant and to develop a plan of action to improve plant performance and
reliability. Answer the following questions in sufficient detail to demonstrate your
competence to perform this task.
(i) Explain what is meant by a multiple barrier safeguarding approach to protect water
quality. (4)
(ii) During your investigations you found that the turbidity in sandfilter effluent varies
between 0.5 and 1.5 NTU. Do you regard this as a problem? Motivate your answer?
Discuss possible causes for this variation in turbidity and suggest preventative
corrective actions. (8)
(iii) One of the most frequently reported complaints is about occasional poor taste and
odour of the drinking water. Give an overview of three possible causes of this
problem, the substances that may cause the problem and the different methods to deal
with this problem. (8)
(iv) The most serious problem reported in the laboratory reports is the presence of
indicator organisms in some water samples collected at certain household sampling
points. Although this points to problems with disinfection (chlorination is used), there
are many factors that can affect the effectiveness of the process. Give an overview of
all the factors that you consider must be considered and indicate in each case what the
effect of the specific factor is. (8)
(v) The Department of Water and Sanitation introduced Blue Drop Certification that can
be awarded to water service authorities. Briefly describe what this certification seeks
to achieve and discuss some of the most important aspects that the certification
process considers. (8)
Question 4
b. Discuss the essential differences between coagulation and flocculation and
explain the role of the velocity gradient and give typical G and Gt values (with
units) for coagulation and flocculation.
c. A rapid mixer is to be used for coagulation of surface water with high turbidity. If
the flow is 720 m3/h, find the volume and dimensions of the tank and the power
requirements. Assume that the detention time is 20 s and G = 1000 s -1 and µ =
0.00115 Ns/m2 and that the tank cross section is a square, and the depth of the
tank is 1.5 times the width. (8)
d. Jar test results to determine the optimal ferric sulfate dosage as coagulant are
provided in the table below. The initial water sample has a pH of 6.5, turbidity of
30 NTU and alkalinity of 50 mg/L as CaCO3.
(i) Determine the daily optimal amount of ferric sulphate required to treat 10 million
litres per day of water to a turbidity below 1 NTU. (4)
(ii) Also determine if there is need for any additional alkalinity to be introduced into
the system. Ferric sulphate reacts as follows in water. Motivate your answer (4)
Fe(SO4)3 + 3Ca(HCO3)2 → 2Fe(OH)3 (s) + 3CaSO4 + 6CO2
Ferric sulfate dose, mg/L 5 10 15 20 25
Turbidity, NTU 15 5 1 0.9 2
Question 5
(a) Discuss the following aspects related to sedimentation:
(i) Explain the difference between surface overflow rate and hydraulic residence
time and the role of each in settling behaviour. (6)
(ii) Give a brief discussion of the factors that affect sedimentation efficiency and
explain the effect of each factor (8)
(b) Discuss / describe the following aspects with reference to design and operation of
sand filters
(i) Single media vs. multimedia filtration: advantages, problems, applications.
…. (10)
(ii) Formation of mud balls, preventing mud ball formation, cleaning of filter
media. (8)
(iii) The importance of effective back-washing to ensure sustainable production
of filtered water of the required quality. (6)
(c) A city is to install rapid sand filters downstream of the clarifiers. The design loading
rate is selected to be 160 m3/m2.day. The design capacity of the waterworks is 0.35
m3/s. The maximum surface per filter is limited to 50 m2. Determine the number
and size of filters and calculate the normal filtration rate. (8)
Determine the overall removal efficiency of a settling tank with a depth of 3 m and
retention time of 1 h 45 min.
NB. the graph generated to work out this problem should be submitted together with the
Question 6
The solution of equilibrium problems is essential in the analysis of many weak acid-base
systems in surface water and in water treatment.
a. Write the mass balance, proton balance and equilibrium relationships for a 0.2 M
Na2CO3 solution in water. (8)
b. Using a spreadsheet, calculate the concentrations of the different carbonate
species at different pH-values and draw a pC-pH diagram for the system and
show the equivalence point of the solution on the diagram. (12)
NB. Please submit your spreadsheets electronically on clickUP.
c. Using simplifying assumptions, calculate the equilibrium pH of a solution made
by adding acetic acid to water to give a concentration of 1.5 x 10-2 M at 25°C.
Ignore activity corrections. (8)
d. Oxalic acid (HOOCCOOH) is a diprotic acid with pKA1 = 1.25 and pKA2 = 4.28.
Using a spreadsheet, determine the equilibrium pH of a solition made by adding
enough oxalic acid to water to give a concentration of 10-2 M (5)
e. Complete the following table by giving the effect of the addition of X moles/l of the
particular chemical on the parameter as indicated in a closed system. Show 0 for no
effect, +X (or 2X) for increase of X (or 2X) mole/l and –X (or 2X) for decrease of X
(or 2X) mole/l (6)
Add X mol/l H2CO3 Alkalinity HCO3- Acidity
OH- +X
CO32- -X
HCO3- -X 0
CO2 +X
Question 7
Drinking water treatment plants put a lot of emphasis on monitoring quality of water
released to communities for consumption. The presence of indicator organisms such as
E. Coli is used a standard measure of the safety of the water. In recent years it has been
discovered that the presence of emerging pollutants, which are not part of the standard
water quality measurement protocols may pose long term health effects. Briefly discuss
5 emerging pollutants that are currently of concern in South Africa. Indicate the
possible health effects they may pose, the minimum concentrations of concern and
propose a quality control strategy that can be implemented in existing plants to monitor
these pollutants. [15]
NB. Your discussion should be at least one and a half pages of 1.5 spacing and it
should include a minimum of 5 journal articles used as references.
Question 8
Disinfection is one of the major steps in the drinking water treatment process. Depending on
the source of water being treated, there is high likelihood of producing disinfection by-
products (DBP) when chlorine is used as disinfectant.
a. Describe how the formation of disinfection by products takes place, discuss which
water sources are more likely to present this problem and propose methods that can be
used to mitigate DBP formation. (10)
b. Chlorine dioxide has been proposed as a possible solution in the prevention of DBP
formation. Discuss mechanism by which chlorine dioxide imparts disinfection in
water. Briefly discuss the advantages and disadvantages associated with the use of
chlorine dioxide. NB. You are encouraged to use and cite journal articles for this
question. (10)
c. In order to obtain a free residual of chlorine of 0.5 mg/L, a dose of 10 mg/L is added
to a 36400 m3/day water treatment plant. NB It is common practice to apply Cl2:NH3
dosage ratios of 3:1
(i) Calculate the amount of Cl2 and NH3 required to achieve this. (8)
(ii) Explain why it is sometimes necessary to add ammonia during the disinfection
process and what is the reasoning behind using a 3:1 Cl2:NH3 dosage ratio (6)
d. Chlorine usage in a 20 000 m3/day treatment plant is 8 kg. The residual after 10 min
contact time is 0.15 mg/L. What is the chlorine demand of the water? (4)
e. The graph below shows the log-concentration diagram of a system containing 5 x 10-4
M NH3 and an unknown amount of Sodium hypochlorite. Determine.
i. The unknown species A to F (6)
ii. The sodium concentration (2)
iii. The pH (2)
iv. In a similar system, the NH3 is substituted with 2.5 x10 M NH4Cl and 2.5 x10-4
Question 9
Using the STASOFT software available on the following link which is also available on
clickUP please complete the following problems:
(a) Complete the tables below: Softening the water to a final Ca2+ concentration of 30 mg/L
as CaCO3 using the specified softening agent yields the following information: (10)
Parameter Value Units
Total Alkalinity mg/L as CaCO3
Ca2+ 30 mg/L as CaCO3
TDS 450 mg/L
CCPP mg/L as CaCO3
Dosage required mg/L as Ca(OH)2
Soda Ash:
Parameter Value Units
Total Alkalinity mg/L as CaCO3
Ca2+ 30 mg/L as CaCO3
Na+ mg/L
TDS 450 mg/L
CCPP mg/L as CaCO3
Dosage required mg/L as Ca(OH)2
(b) Complete the tables below: After Softening the water in (a) to a final Ca2+ concentration
of 30 mg/L as CaCO3 using lime, stabilize the resulting stream to a CCPP of 7 mg/L as
CaCO3 using the specified stabilizing agent: (10)
Parameter Value Units
Total Alkalinity mg/L as CaCO3
Ca2+ mg/L as CaCO3
TDS 450 mg/L
CCPP 7 mg/L as CaCO3
Dosage required mg/L as Ca(OH)2
Soda Ash:
Parameter Value Units
Total Alkalinity mg/L as CaCO3
Ca2+ mg/L as CaCO3
Na+ mg/L
TDS 450 mg/L
CCPP 7 mg/L as CaCO3
Dosage required mg/L as Ca(OH)2
(c) Complete the table below: After stabilizing the water in (b) to a CCPP of 7 mg/L as
CaCO3 using lime, determine the final water properties after reaching equilibrium with air
(assume the partial pressure of CO2 in air is 0.0004 atm: (5)
Parameter Value Units
Total Alkalinity mg/L as CaCO3
Ca2+ mg/L as CaCO3
TDS 450 mg/L
CCPP mg/L as CaCO3
CO2 added mg/L as CO2
(d) Determine the final pH of a combined stream if 2 streams with the following properties
are blended equally: (10)
Stream 1
Parameter Value Units
Total Alkalinity 325 mg/L as CaCO3
Ca2+ 240 mg/L as CaCO3
Na+ 150 mg/L as Na
Mg2+ 49 mg/L as Mg
TDS 600 mg/L
pH 9
T 55 °C
Stream 2
Parameter Value Units
Total Alkalinity 325 mg/L as CaCO3
Ca2+ 0 mg/L as CaCO3
Cl- 120 mg/L as Cl
SO42+ 560 mg/L as SO42+
TDS 700 mg/L
pH 2
T 25 °C
Final pH = _____________________________
(e) Determine the blending ratio to yield a final pH of 7 for a combined stream if 2 streams
with the following properties are blended: (10)
Stream 1
Parameter Value Units
Total Alkalinity 325 mg/L as CaCO3
Ca2+ 240 mg/L as CaCO3
Na+ 150 mg/L as Na
Mg2+ 100 mg/L as Mg
TDS 600 mg/L
pH 9
T 55 °C
Stream 2
Parameter Value Units
Total Alkalinity 325 mg/L as CaCO3
Ca2+ 0 mg/L as CaCO3
Cl- 120 mg/L as Cl
SO42+ 560 mg/L as SO42+
TDS 700 mg/L
pH 6.5
T 25 °C
Stream 1 = _____________________________
Steam 2 = ______________________________