Rozan Office

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Child Protection Policies





1 Introduction & Background 3-5

2 Objectives of the Policy 5

3 Scope 5

4 Childhood and Child Abuse 6-8

5 Values and Principles in Working with 8


6 Strategy 8-9

7 Rozan’s Child protection and safeguarding 9

policy and code of conduct

8 Guidelines for staff 9-12

9 Guidelines for working in 12

communities/sessions/activities with


10 Guidelines for Reporting 12-18

11 Action on Violation of the Policy 18-19



We would like to thank Sahil for providing us

consent to incorporate some points of their
child protection policy in Rozan’s Child
Protection Policies Document

Rozan Child Protection Policy

1. Introduction and Background:

Rozan is an Islamabad based non-governmental, non-profit organization working on issues of

emotional health of men, women, youth and children using capacity building, awareness

raising, research, counseling and advocacy as its core intervention strategies. Rozan’s vision

is to create “a self-aware, gender just society that celebrates diversity and is free of


Rozan Vision: A self-aware, gender-just society that celebrates diversity and is free of


Rozan’s Mission: To collectively work with individuals, vulnerable groups and institutions

on promoting emotional health, tolerance, gender equality and reducing violence against

women and children.

Rozan's team consists of psychologists, social workers, volunteers, and supporters. Rozan

was officially registered in December 1998 under the Societies Act of 1860 and was awarded

tax-exemption status in 2005. In 2006, Rozan acquired the prestigious special consultative

status with the United Nation’s Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC).

Rozan’s Programs:

 Children’s Program -Aangan

Since 1998, Rozan’s oldest Program (Aangan) Aangan, works on the emotional health of

children and youth with a particular focus on child sexual abuse (CSA). Aangan is an Urdu

word that means ‘courtyard’, and as such, represents a secure and safe place for children to

play. The program started its work with children and mothers in an effort to raise awareness

on child sexual abuse. However, keeping in view the strictly-tabooed nature of the subject as

well as a need to address the issue of child sexual abuse with a more holistic and empowering

framework for children and youth, Aangan now addresses the issue of child sexual abuse

within the overall context of emotional health.

Aangan also works as a resource center on child sexual abuse. It carries out its activities by

raising awareness in communities on the issue and building the capacity of concerned

institutions like schools, hospitals and other NGO’s on the subject. It has worked with key

stakeholders, teachers, parents, doctors, NGOs and CBOs workers and community

volunteers. Educational material developed by Rozan on children’s emotional well being and

body protection is nationally acknowledged.

 Women’s Program, Zeest

Zeest, literally meaning life, focuses on gender and violence against women. Zeest believes

that women must be at the center stage in any movement for social justice and change. It

recognizes violence against women as both, an outcome of the power imbalance in gender

relations and a principal organizing feature of patriarchy that serves to control women.

 Police Program, Rabta

Since 1999, Rozan’s programme, Rabta, an Urdu word meaning connection, has been

building the capacity and enhancing the sensitivity of the police personnel in Pakistan to

effectively respond to women and child survivors of violence.Through sustained capacity

building of the police department, Rabta seeks to improve the ability of police personnel to

handle cases of women and children survivors of violence and ensure their access to justice.

In 2011 the program expanded its scope and took on an initiative for creating demand within

the communities for democratic policing in Pakistan and put police reforms as a priority

public policy agenda.


 Men’s Program, Humqadam

Humqadam is an Urdu word meaning a companion who walks alongside. The program aims

at creating spaces for men to engage on the issue of violence against women. It explores

alternative and healthier models of masculinities with a special emphasis on involving men

and boys in stopping violence against women.

2. Objectives of the Policy

The objectives of the policy are as follows:

 To educate staff/volunteers/ consultant/caregivers about basic information regarding

child protection/ child sexual abuse (CSA)

 To aware staff/volunteers/consultant/caregivers about the process and reporting

procedures incase they encounter any case of child sexual abuse (CSA) of a child

 To develop violence free society for children where they can feel safe and secure

 To develop advocacy mechanisms to provide support systems for children’s well-


3. Scope:

Rozan’s CP Policies will be applicable within and outside Rozan by staff members,

volunteers, caregivers, mothers, and consultants who are directly involved in activities related

to children e.g, summer camps, baby’s room of Rozan, activities related to children in

community, schools, summer camps, life skill sessions etc. An orientation session with

mothers of Rozan staff and caregivers is a part of Rozan’s regular activities to ensure the

safety of children within Rozan.

4. Childhood and Child Abuse

 Who is a Child?

A child is recognized as being a person under the age of 18 years.

(United Nations Child Rights Convention (CRC) of which Pakistan is a signatory)

 Child Abuse:

A deliberate physical, sexual or emotional act that makes a child feel uncomfortable, unloved

and shameful.

Child abuse occur when a child experiences harm, usually as the result of the failure on the

part of the parent or career to ensure a reasonable standard of care and protection. Child

abuse can be physical, emotional, and/or sexual. Abuse can also include neglect and

harassing behaviours like bullying.

 Types of Child Abuse:

Child Physical abuse

Physical abuse occurs when a person purposefully injures or threatens to injure a child or

young person.

This may take the form of:

 Slapping

 Punching

 Shaking

 Kicking

 Burning

 Shoving

 Grabbing

 The injury may take the form of bruises cuts, burns or fractures.

Child Emotional Abuse

Emotional abuse occurs when a child is repeatedly rejected or frightened by threats. This may

involve name calling, being put down or continued coldness from parent or care giver to the

extent that it affects the child’s physical and emotional growth.

Child Sexual Abuse

Sexual abuse is when an older child, adolescent or adult uses a child or young person for his

or her own sexual stimulation or gratification regardless of the age of consent locally. These

can be contact or non-contact acts including threats and exposure to pornography.

Child abuse takes place not only with in the family environment but also outside the family

such as in institutions, at work, on the street, in war zones and emergencies.

Child pornography

Child pornography is defines as any visual depiction of sexually explicit conduct involving a

minor (less than 18 years).

With an advancing era of internet and digital technology, child pornography market is

increasing. Such material related to child pornography is readily available in internet

technology including networking websites, file sharing sites, photo-sharing sites and even the

mobile applications. Child pornography offenders can also connect on internet forums and

networks to share their interests, desires and experiences abusing children, in addition to

selling, sharing and trading images


Neglect is the persistent failure or the deliberate denial to provide the child with clean water,

food, shelter, or sanitation.

 Types of Child Sexual Abuse

1. When a stranger or someone the child knows abuses the child.

2. “Incest”: When a relative by blood or by law, abuses the child.

5. Values and Principles in Working with Children (Save the Children):

 All child abuse involves the abuse of children’s rights.

 All children have equal rights to protection from abuse and exploitation.

 The situation of all children must be improved through promotion of their rights as set

out in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. This includes the right to

freedom from abuse and exploitation.

 Child abuse is never acceptable

 We have a commitment to protecting children with/ for whom we work

 When we work through partners, they have a responsibility to meet minimum

standards of protection for children in their programs

6. Strategy

Rozan will work and follow strategies to protect children from abuse through the

following means:

 Awareness: Rozan will ensure that all staff members, volunteers and others involved

with Rozan are aware of the problem of child abuse and the risks to children.

 Prevention: Rozan will ensure, through awareness and good practice, that all staff

members, volunteers and others involved in Rozan activities minimize any risk factors

related to children.

 Reporting: Rozan will ensure that all staff members, volunteers and others involved

with Rozan are clear about the steps to take regarding any concerns arise related to the

safety of children.

 Responding: Rozan will ensure that action is taken to support and protect children

where concerns arise regarding possible abuse or exploitation of children.

7. Rozan’s Child protection/safeguarding policy and code of conduct :

Rozan ensures and safeguard the rights of children from all forms of abuse and

exploitation and staff, volunteers and everyone involved must always act for the best

interest of the children. These child protection policies make sure that all staff, volunteers,

caregivers, and consultants make Rozan a safe place for children and the code of conduct

must be followed by all of them. Following steps must be followed by Rozan’s staff,

volunteers, caregivers and consultants at all time:

 Staff members are screened to make it obvious that they are suitable and have the

sensitivity towards dealing/working with children

 Staff are trained to deal with the children in a respectful behavior

 Rozan has a clear mechanism for the staff member if he/she is suspected of being

involved in child sexual abuse or exploitation and there is a reporting system for it

 When we work in communities or any other social set-up like schools, we look at

all possible risk factors for the children we come into contact with and put in place

a child safe environment.

8. Guidelines for staff

 Staff / volunteer /consultants

Considering the aim of this policy. it is important that staff /volunteer /consultant are made

aware of this policy .Personnel terms and conditions must be reviewed to incorporate child

protection guidelines. Furthermore, staff and volunteer induction should cover child

protection issues.

 Responsibilities:

ROZAN staff/ consultant and volunteers should be able to contribute significantly to the

relief of a child’s distress as a rest of abuse. The initial abuse responses can be crucial in the

child’s road to recovery from abuse. ROZAN staff/consultant and volunteers, in either

reassuring the child themselves or in advising partner organization as to how to do so can go

a long way towards supporting a child in such circumstances.

Behavior children should be able to expect from Rozan staff and volunteers:

 Being a positive role model

 Loving/caring/responsible

 Encouragement/Motivation

 Advice and guidelines

 Equal treatment between boys and girls

 Allowing children to make discussions particularly about their own lives

The staff members or volunteers should consult with manager operations or program manager

within ROZAN. Following the ROZAN child protection procedures (CPP), involves

reporting to ROZAN management. Decisions on reporting should be informed by the

interests of the child being seen as the most important interests, in deciding whether or not

external reporting should take place, the legal and professional responsibilities on ROZAN

must also be taken into account where it is decided that reporting should not take place,

decisions, should be recorded.

 Dos and Donts


All ROZAN staff, volunteers, caregivers, mothers, consultants and partners in Pakistan must


 Respect children’s dignity in homes or work places

 Listen carefully to children

 Act on children’s concerns/problems immediately

 Act fairly on matters that involves children and adults altogether

 Play positive role in safeguarding children and promoting their safety

 Avoid/ discourage child domestic violence or any form of child labor as well as in


 Endeavor to provide advice and clear guidance to children

 Try as much as possible to involve children in decision-making

Staff and volunteers must never:

 Employ children under 16 or those who are not being provided primary school


 Involve children in sexual relationships

 Beat or otherwise assault children

 Hit or otherwise physically abuse children

 Develop physical/sexual relationship with children

 Develop relationships with children who could in any way be deemed exploitative or


 Act in ways that may be abusive or may place a child at risk of abuse

ROZAN child protection committee composition


ROZAN child protection committee will comprise of Managing Director, Program Director,

Manager Operations and Aangan Children Program

 Reporting mechanism for abuse within ROZAN

It is important for Director to thoroughly investigate child protection concerns, especially

where these relate to members of staff, volunteers and other representatives of ROZAN.

ROZAN Child protection committee has zero tolerance for child’s sexual abuse,

exploitation and pornography.

9. Guidelines for working in communities/sessions/activities with


While working in communities, Rozan staff members/volunteers must keep in mind that

child safety and security is the top priority. Following points must be kept in mind when

dealing with children in communities or in any activity like summer camp, sessions with

children etc (Oxfam):

 Avoid staying alone with the child at school or any other place as it might put the

child in unsafe situation

 Avoid kissing or hugging child even it is under societal and cultural acceptance as

others might perceive it as unsafe for a child. Try to stay at a distance from a child

but help them in need like helping a small child to stand up if he/she falls on a


 While taking and publishing photos in reports or in website, consent must be taken

from parents, caregivers and older children in different events like sessions or

summer camp or activities of community. A child must also be dressed

appropriately while taking photos.

10. Guidelines for Reporting:


 ROZAN child protection committee must be given complaints in writing.

 The committee will meet within five days after receiving the complaint.

 Within 14 days Child Protection Committee-CPC will meet with complaint and

accused to hear the case and CPC share findings with both complainant and


 Complainant and accused will be given 5 days to request for appeal to any

ROZAN Board of Director.

 Within 14 days of Appeal, decision will be given. This will be the full and final



 If a complaint is against any member of ROZAN child protection

committee then he/she will not set in the committee.

 A member of ROZAN Board of Directors may be requested to join the

committee for any review, conflict resolution or appeal.


A framework for Action against Child Abuse

If you are concerned about the safety of a child i.e. you see or suspect child abuse/an allegation of abuse is

made/a child discloses abuse

Discuss your concerns with child protection committee

Discussion should focus on;

 Nature of concerns

 Assessed risk to children

 If the nature of this case is beyond ROZAN’s scope then reporting to child protection welfare

bureau or concerned authority.

 Medical intervention through referral along with program officer, Aangan or Rozan Helpline

 Police involvement for registration for FIR along with program officer ,Rabta

Actions /next steps

Concerns should normally be reported in the same working day

Ensure that detailed written records are made of all events and what the child has said (where this


Manager operation and Program Manager in conjunction with ROZAN Directors will then decide on a

course of action, talking all circumstances into account.

Records of such case and action take will be in a locked file, marked “confidential “ and passwords

should be used for computer-generated files.

The name of complainant will be confidential in any circumstances

The case may be referred to the relevant organization on the referral list (See Annexure 1)

 Responding to abuse

Following are further guidance on how to respond to issue of abuse where you see, suspect or

are told about allegations or incidents of abuse :

If you witness abuse directly , it is essential to take immediate action to protect the child

Where it seems safe to do so, and the child is in danger, try to stop the abuse continuing and

protect the child or young person

This may mean;

 Intervening yourself, while having regard to your own safety

 Seeking help to intervene, and/or

 Involving ROZAN protection committee.

However, it is imperative that you take whatever action you can to try and stop further

abuse taking place, but do not place yourself at risk.

If you are informed about possible child abuse

You may hear of alleged or suspected abuse from different sources, if in the course of your

work, you are told by an adult, for example, a colleague, a worker or another agency, and a

member of the public is essential that you raise concern with ROZAN child protection

committee (CPC).

It is also possible that a child may tell you about abuse, they themselves are suffering. In

these circumstances, it is important to respond sensitivity to the child in listening to their


It is important to reassure the child and discuss with them what will happen next. This must

include internal reporting of the alleged abuse through the local ROZAN report procedures,

but, depending on the nature of the allegations, action to meet the immediate protection needs

of the child may be necessary.

Where you become concerned that child abuse may be occurring but have no actual


In most situations it is unlikely that you will be certain that a child is being abused.

Establishing whether a child is being abused or not is usually a complex process. However,

the policy requires that you become aware of the problem of child abuse and the risk to

children, and that you may prioritize the safety of children in all of your work and contact

with them. Even where you are not 100% sure or do not have direct evidence that abuse is

taking place, it is still important that you raise and report your concerns so that appropriate

action can be considered.

The guidelines accept that;

 Child abuse is distressing for all concerned

 It is often difficult to accept that it may have occurred

 While some disciplinary and sexual practices may be regarded as culturally

acceptable, they may contravene ROZAN’S policy

You may worry that:

 You are mistaken

 You will not be believed


 There is no specific evidence

 Impact on the child of your actions may be a negative or damaging one

 You won’t know where it will lead

 You may be blamed and penalized yourself

 You are betraying a friend if the perpetrator is someone you know

However, in such cases, the approach should be one of

 Focusing clearly on the welfare of the child or children involved

 Asking “what if I am right”?

 Informing and follow the procedures

Staff and volunteers have a very clear responsibility to prevent abuse, protect children and

raise concerns. The aim of the policy is to ensure that all concerns can be raised and

considered; taking into account all relevant factors in each case, including those of local

culture and custom.

 Staff/Volunteers/Consultant role:

It is important for all staff, volunteers and other in contact with children to:

 Be aware of situation, which may present risks and manage these

 Plan and organize the work and the workplace so as to minimize risks

 As far as possible, be visible in working with children

 Ensure that a culture of openness exists to enable any issues or concerns to be raised

and discuss

 Ensure that a sense of accountability exists between staff so that poor practices or

potentially abusive behavior does not go unchallenged


 Talk to children about their contact with staff or others encourage them to raise any


 Empower children –discuss with them their rights, what is acceptable and

unacceptable, and what they can do if there is a problem

In general, it is inappropriate to:

 Spend excessive time alone with children away from other

 Take children to your home, especially where they will be alone with you

Staff, Volunteers and other should avoid action or behavior that could be construed as poor

practice or potentially abusive, For Example, they should never

 Use language, make suggestions or offer advice, which is appropriate, offensive or


 Behave in a manner, which is inappropriate or sexually provocative

 Have a children /child with whom they are working to stay overnight at their home


 Sleep in the same room or bed as a child with whom they are working

 Do things for children of a personal nature that they can do for themselves

 Condone, or participate, in , behavior of children ,which is illegal ,unsafe or abusive

 Act in ways intended to shame, humiliate, belittle or degrade children, or otherwise

perpetrate any form of emotional abuse

 Discriminate against, show differential treatment or favor particular children to the

exclusion of other

11.Action on Violation of the Policy:


If established that a member of staff/volunteer/consultant has abused a child/child, then

ROZAN’s relevant disciplinary procedure should be followed

Criteria of abuse

 Verbal Abuse

 Physical abuse

 Pinching /slapping

 Employment of children

 All form of sexual abuse including abduction or any form of pornography

Depending on the circumstances, seriousness of the allegations and the staff member’s level

of involvement in the incidence, the following “Procedure A” may be carried

 Procedure A

1. Suspension-to allow investigation to take and decision on appropriate

measures to be taken

2. Written warning

3. Supervision to ensure behavior change for one month

If no compliance, the following disciplinary “Procedure B” may be taken

 Procedure B

1. Withdrawal of volunteer status

2. Dismissal

3. Taken to court

If proven guilty of abduction, rape, sodomy or any form of pornography step 2 and 3 of

disciplinary procedure will be taken immediately



Referral list

Sahil-Legal Aid

Office No.13, First Floor, Al-Babar center,

F-8 Markaz, Islamabad

Ph: 92-51 2260636, 2856950

Fax: 92-51 2254678

[email protected]

Pakistan Sweet Homes



[email protected]

SOS Children's Village Islamabad

Near Police Academy


Opposite Nust University

H-11, Islamabad

+92 321 566 9173

[email protected]


Adjacent to CDA office I, H 8/1 H-8, Islamabad, Islamabad Capital Territory

EDHI CENTRE H-8, Address



National center of protection of children (NCPC)

Near numl University H/9, Islamabad

Ph# 051-9258661-3


Child welfare protection

Nai abadi ,near attock oil refinery Hospital


Ph# 051-5488381

Bedari Helpline




[email protected]

Islamabad Police

Helpline 8090



Shelter Home,Islamabad

Shaheed Benazir Bhutto center, street 4,near city school ,pitras bukhari road,HDI,Islamabad


[email protected]

Shelter Home,Rawalpindi

Social welfare complex, Shamsabad



554D,Kanal view nearby Neyaz Thokhar Baig,Lahore


[email protected]

Noor Education Trust

0317-9991499, 091-6006831

[email protected]

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