Directions: Your Goal As A Future Science Teacher Should Be To Engage Your Students To
Directions: Your Goal As A Future Science Teacher Should Be To Engage Your Students To
Directions: Your Goal As A Future Science Teacher Should Be To Engage Your Students To
Unit 1 Worksheets
Name: __Berlyn Joy T. Untalan 1: Concept MappingScore: _____________
__ _____
Yr & Sec.:_______III-2_______________ Date: __4/3/2023____
Directions: Your goal as a future science teacher should be to engage your students to
love learning and doing science. What are the features of an ideal science class?
Characterize each of the elements below. Identify at least three (3) key
features/characteristics for each element and explain each. (15 Points)
Scoring rubric:
a. Content - 3 points
b. Organization of Ideas - 2 points
Total - 5 points
Elements Characteristics/Features
1. Nurtures student curiosity
Teacher 2. Encourages scientific thinking
3. Develops scientific literacy
2. Problem solver
3. Diligent
Students 4. Ambitious
5. Curious
Before making a choice, a logical thinker will carefully consider all the
available facts or data. Conducting tests, verifying theories, and developing a
thesis all need the use of logic. Since most science majors are adept at
debating, reasoning, and organization, the advantages of logical thinking go
well beyond the classroom.
2.Problem solver
Science majors are used to their plans failing. They are successful because
they are adamant on finding the source of the issue. They tend to welcome
difficulties and setbacks if they result in the opportunity to learn something
valuable along the way. They are not afraid to adapt to new circumstances.
This personality quality is necessary for managing late nights spent studying,
extra hours spent on projects, and numerous after-school meetings. In
science, accuracy is crucial, and top students understand that, despite how
tiresome it may occasionally appear, putting in extra work will pay off in the
4. Ambitious
With so many job options, science majors are driven and always looking for
ways to grow and learn. It is obvious that those responsible for the scientific
advances and discoveries over the last ten years have this essential quality.
5. Curious
Although curiosity is a natural human trait, science enthusiasts are particularly
interested and are often looking for explanations and conducting research.