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25LPA) Exam⭕

�Selection Process:
1) Online Test ( 3 Coding Question - 3 Hours) (Easy, Medium & Hard).
2) Technical Interview/Behavioral Interview.

� Online Test:
Each Question will have a different Difficulty Level:
a) Easy (all the test cases should run).
b) Medium (80% of the test cases should run).
c) Hard (75% of the test cases should run).

� Programming languages allowed For All 3 Questions:

a) C
b) C++
c) Java
d) Python
e) JavaScript

✅ Note: You can use different programming languages to solve different

coding problems.
� Easy: That can be solved by applying the basic application of aptitude,
Algorithm, and Data Structures:
Easy level Question based on the following Topics:
a) Aptitude
b) Algorithm
c) Stack
d) Queue
e) Tree
f) Graph
g) Hash Map
h) Linked List

� Medium: That can be solved by applying the basics of the Greed

a) Pure Greedy Algorithms.
b) Orthogonal Greedy Algorithms.
c) Relaxed Greedy Algorithms.

� Hard: Usually a question based on Dynamic Programming.

Some common examples of Dynamic Problems are :
a) Overlapping Subproblem.
b) Optimal substructure properties.
c) Knapsack problem
d) Fibonacci Numbers
e) Palindromic Subsequence
f) Longest Common Substring
g) Dijkstra’s algorithm
⭕ Previous Question Papers⭕

1) Khaled has an array A of N elements. It is guaranteed that N is even. He wants to choose at most N/2 elements from
array A. It is not necessary to choose consecutive elements. Khaled is interested in XOR of all the elements he chooses.
Here, XOR denotes the bitwise XOR operation.

For example:

If A=[2,4,6,8], then Khaled can choose the subset [2,4,8] to achieve XOR=(2 XOR 4 XOR 8)=14.

Khaled wants to maximize the XOR of all the elements he chooses. Your task is to help Khaled to find the max XOR of a
subset that he can achieve by choosing at most N/2 elements?

Input format:

The first line contains an integer, N, denoting the number of elements in A.

Each line i of the N subsequent lines (where 0<=i<=N) contains an integer describing Ai.




Sample Input 1

Sample Output 1


N=2, A=[1,2] Khaled can choose the subset[2]. The xor of the elements in the subset is 2. And the number of elements in
the subset is 1 which is less than N/2.

Sample Input 2

Sample Output 2


N=4, A=[1,2,4,7] Khaled can choose the subset [7]. The xor of the elements in the subset is 7, and the number of
elements in the subset is 1 which is less than N/2.
2) You have been given a string S of length N. The given string is a binary string which consists of
only 0’s and ‘1’s. Ugliness of a string is defined as the decimal number that this binary string


“101” represents 5.

“0000” represents 0.

“01010” represents 10.

There are two types of operations that can be performed on the given string.

Swap any two characters by paying a cost of A coins.

Flip any character by paying a cost of B coins

flipping a character means converting a ‘1’to a ‘0’or converting a ‘0’ to a ‘1’.

Initially, you have been given coins equal to the value defined in CASH. Your task is to minimize
the ugliness of the string by performing the above mentioned operations on it. Since the answer
can be very large, return the answer modulo 10^9+7.


You can perform an operation only if you have enough number of coins to perform it.

After every operation the number of coins get deducted by the cost for that operation.

Input Format

The first line contains an integer, N, denoting the number of character in the string

The next line contains a string, S, denoting the the binary string

The next line contains an integer, CASH, denoting the total number of coins present initially

Next will contains an integer, A, denoting the cost to swap two characters.

Then the next line contains an integer, B, denoting the cost to flip a character.


1 <= N <= 10^5

1< len(S)<= 10^5

1<=CASH <=10^5



Sample Input 1 :


Sample Output 1 :


3 flips can be used to create “0001” which represents 1.

Sample Input 2:


Sample Output 2:


First swap 0 with the most significant 1, then use flip twice first on index one and then on index
two “111011”=>”0111111″=>”001111″=>”000111″ the value represented is 7.

Sample Input 3:


Sample Output 3:


Flip the 3 most significant characters to get “000011” : the value represented by this string is 3.N
3) You have an interesting string S of length N. It is interesting because you
can rearrange the characters of this string in any order. You want to cut this
string into some contiguous pieces such that after cutting, all the pieces are
equal to one another.
You can’t rearrange the characters in the cut pieces or join the pieces together.
You want to make the number of pieces as large as possible. What is the
maximum number of pieces you can get?
Note: You can observe that you may not want to cut the string at all,
therefore the number of pieces is 1. Hence, the answer always exists.
Input Format
The first line contains a string, S, denoting the string.
length(S) :: 1 -> 2 * 10^5
Sample Input 1:
Sample Output 1 :
Sample input 2:
Sample Output 2:
Sample input 2:
Sample Output 2:
4) Today you decided to go to the gym. You currently have energy equal to E units. There are N exercises in the gym. Each of these
exercises drains Ai amount of energy from your body.

You feel tired if your energy reaches 0 or below. Calculate the minimum number of exercises you have to perform such that you become
tired. Every unique exercise can only be performed at most 2 times as others also have to use the machines.

If performing all the exercises does not make you feel tired, return -1.

Input Format


The first line contains an integer, E, denoting the Energy.

E :: 1 -> 10^5


The next line contains an integer, N, denoting the number of exercises. N :: 1 -> 10^5


Each line i of the N subsequent lines (where 0 ≤ i < N) contains an integer describing the amount of energy drained by i-th exercise.

A[i] :: 1 -> 10^5

Sample Input 1:

Sample Output 1 :

Sample input 2:


Sample Output 2:


Sample input 3:

Sample Output 3:

5) There is a battle between heroes and villains going on. You have M heroes, all of them have the
same health H. There are N villains, health of the i-th villain is Vi.

When a hero, with health H battles a villain with health Vi, one of the three scenarios can happen:

if H > Vi: The villain is defeated, and the health of the hero is decreased by Vi if H < Vi: The villain
wins, his health is not affected, and the hero is no longer able to fight. if H = Vi: Both are
considered defeated, and neither can fight.

The heroes start fighting villains one by one in the same order, first villain 1 then villain 2 and so on.
It might be possible that before defeating all the villains, all the heroes are defeated. Therefore, to
ensure the victory of the heroes, you want to remove some villains from the front.

Your task is to find the minimum number of villains you need to remove from the front such that
the victory of the heroes is guaranteed.

Note: If in the last battle, both the hero and villain are defeated and no more heroes or villains
remain, it would still be considered a victory since all the villains are defeated.

Input Format


The first line contains an integer, N, denoting the number of villains N :: 1 -> 2*10^5


The next line contains an integer, M, denoting the number of heroes M :: 1 -> 2*10^5


The next line contains an integer, H, denoting the health of each of the heroes H :: 1 -> 10^9


Each line i of the N subsequent lines (where 0 ≤ i < N) contains an integer describing the health of
each of the villains.

array[i] :: 1 -> 10^9

Sample Input 1:

Sample Output 1 :

Sample input 2:

Sample Output 2:

Sample input 3:

Sample Output 3:

6) You are given an array of size N. You need to change this array into a mountain. By mountain we mean,
the either ends of the array should have equal elements. Then as we move towards the middle from both
ends, the next element is just one more than the previous one. So, it would have a peak in the middle and
decrease if you go towards either end, just like a mountain.

Examples of mountains are [1, 2, 3, 2, 1] or [6, 7, 8, 8, 7, 6]. But the array [1, 2, 4, 2, 1] is not a mountain
because from 2 to 4 the difference is 2. The array [1, 2, 3, 1] is also not a mountain because the elements 2
and 3 are not equal from both ends.

You need to find the minimum number of elements that should be changed to make the array a mountain.
You can make the elements negative or zero as well.

Input Format


The first line contains an integer, N, denoting the number of elements in array. N :: 1 -> 10^5


Each line i of the N subsequent lines (where 0 ≤ i < N) contains an integer describing i-th element of array.
array[i] :: 1 -> 10^6

Sample Input 1:

Sample Output 1 :

Sample input 2:

Sample Output 2:
7) You need to build a road in a rugged terrain. You know the sea level of each segment of
the rugged terrain, i.e., the i-th segment is Li meters from sea level.
You need to transform the terrain into a strictly downward sloping terrain for the road, i.e.,
for each i-th segment where 2 <= i <= N, resultant Li-1 > Li. To do so, you employ a
powerful digging team to help you dig and reduce the sea level of the segments. On day D,
the team can reduce the sea level for each segment that you scheduled that day by 2D-1
meters each.
You are allowed to assign the team to dig on multiple segments and/or dig on the same
segments for multiple days.
Your task is to find the minimum number of days needed to transform the terrain as per
your requirements.
Input Format
The first line contains an integer, N, denoting the number of elements in L. N :: 1 -> 10^5
Each line i of the N subsequent lines (where 0 < i ≤ N) contains an integer describing Li, the
sea level of the i-th segment. L[i] :: -10^9 -> 10^9
Sample Input 1:
Sample Output 1 :
Sample input 2:
Sample Output 2:
8) Andy wants to go on a vacation to de-stress himself. Therefore he decides to take a trip to an
island. It is given that he has as many consecutive days as possible to rest, but he can only make
one trip to the island. Suppose that the days are numbered from 1 to N. Andy has M obligations in
his schedule, which he has already undertaken and which correspond to some specific days. This
means that ith obligation is scheduled for day Di. Andy is willing to cancel at most k of his
obligations in order to take more holidays.

Your task is to find out the maximum days of vacation Andy can take by canceling at most K of his

Input Format

The first line contains an integer N, denoting the total number of days

The next line contains an integer M denoting the total number of obligations.

The next line contains an integer K denoting the largest number of obligations he could cancel

Each line i of the M subsequent lines (where 0<=i<=M) contains an integer describing Di.






Sample Input 1:


Sample Output 1 :


Here he could cancel his 3rd and 4th obligation which makes vacation length 5.

Sample input 2:


Sample Output 2:


Here he could not cancel any obligation since K=0, so the vacation length is 3.
9) One of the first lessons IT students learn is the representation of natural numbers in the binary number
system (base 2) This system uses only two digits, 0 and 1. In everyday life we use for convenience the
decimal system (base 10) which uses ten digits, from 0 to 9. In general, we could use any numbering system.

Computer scientists often use systems based on 8 or 16. The numbering system based on K uses K digits with
a value from 0 to K-1. Suppose a natural number M is given, written in the decimal system To convert it to
the corresponding writing in the system based on K, we successively divide M by K until we reach a quotient
that is less than K

The representation of M in the system based on K is formed by the final quotient (as first digit) and is
followed by the remainder of the previous divisions For example :

If M=122 and K=8, 122 in base 10= 172 in base 8 This means that the number

In decimal system = 172 in octal system.

172 in base 8 = 1*8^2 + 7*8 + 2 = 122

You made the following observation in applying the above rule of converting natural numbers to another
numbering system

In some cases in the new representation all the digits of the number are the same. For example 63 in base
10= 333 in base 4

Given a number M in its decimal representation, your task is find the minimum base B such that in the
representation of M at base B all digits are the same.

Input Format

The first line contains an integer, M, denoting the number given


1 <= M = 10^12

Sample Input 1 :


Sample Output 1 :


Explanation :

Here 41 in base 40. will be 11 so it has all digits the same, and there is no smaller base satisfying the

Sample Input 2 :


Sample Output 2 :


Explanation :

Here 34430 in base 312 will have all digits the same and there is no smaller base satisfying the requirements.
10) Wael is well-known for how much he loves the bitwise XOR operation, while kaito is well
known for how much he loves to sum numbers, so their friend Resli decided to make up a problem
that would enjoy both of them. Resil wrote down an array A of length N, an integer K and he
defined a new function called Xor- sum as follows

Xor-sum(x)=(x XOR A[1])+(x XOR A[2])+(x XOR A[3])+…………..+(x XOR A[N])

Can you find the integer x in the range [0,K] with the maximum Xor-sum (x) value?

Print only the value.

Input format

The first line contains integer N denoting the number of elements in A.

The next line contains an integer, k, denoting the maximum value of x.

Each line i of the N subsequent lines(where 0<=i<=N) contains an integer describing Ai.





Sample Input 1


Sample Output 1




Sample Input 2

Sample Output 2



Sample Input 3

Sample Output 3



Xor_sum(8)=(8^7)+(8^4) +(8^0)+(8^3)=46.
⭕ Infosys Interview Experience ⭕

� Technical Round:
Asked Questions Based on their Resume and their area of Interest.
knowledge of at least one programming language.
Computer Fundamentals Like:
a) Operating Systems.
b) Data Structures & Algorithms.
Awareness Of the Latest Emerging Technologies.
Questions From your Projects/Internships and the role you played in them.

� HR Round:
The Objective here is essentially to assess whether you are the best fit for the company.
Question from your:
a) Background.
b) Education.
c) Hobbies.
d) Even your View Of life!
You must prepare for some Infosys company-related questions.
� Digital Specialist Engineer:
1) Tell me about yourself.

2) Explain projects you have done.

1) What is oops?

2) What are the four main principles of OOPS?

3) What is polymorphism?

4) What is inheritance?

5) What are the different types of inheritance?

6) What is abstraction?

7) What is encapsulation and how will you do it?

8) What is overloading and how it works?

9) What is method overriding?

10) What are the different types of access modifiers and explain each of them.

11) Will all properties of a parent can acquire by child class in inheritance?

1) What is DBMS?

2) How data is stored?

3) What is normalization?

4) Explain various normal forms in normalization?

5) Explain 2NF with an example.

6) What is a primary key?

7) What is a foreign key?

1) What is an algorithm?

2) Explain any sorting algorithm orally without code?

3) What is a linked list?

4) Explain the structure of the linked list.

5) What is linear data structure?

6) What is a non-linear data structure and examples?

1) What is IP Address?

2) What is MAC Address?

3) What are different types of protocols?

� Specialist Programmer:
1) Tell me About yourself.
2) Question From DBMS.
3) What is BCNF.
4) What is 3NF.
5) What are CPU Scheduling and its types.
6) What is Deadlock.
7) Prevention of Deadlock.
8) Multithreading Concept.
9) Some Coding Question.
10) 2-3 networking Question.
11) Question From Oops Concept (Inheritance, Polymorphism, Abstraction, and
12) Do You Have Any Question to Me.

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