A Novel Single-Input Dual-Output ThreeLevel DC-DC Converter
A Novel Single-Input Dual-Output ThreeLevel DC-DC Converter
A Novel Single-Input Dual-Output ThreeLevel DC-DC Converter
fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TIE.2018.2807384, IEEE
Transactions on Industrial Electronics
0278-0046 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TIE.2018.2807384, IEEE
Transactions on Industrial Electronics
5 Case C, vo2 ………….
Fig. 1 shows the circuit diagram of the proposed SIDO-TLC. 3
In this figure, vin is the input voltage, vo1 is the step-up output 2
voltage, and vo2 is the step-down output voltage. The series 1
capacitors C11 and C12 are the filter capacitors of the step-up 0
output, while C2 is the filter capacitor of the step-down output. 0.8 1
The converter is composed of four power switches: S1, S2, S3,
0.6 0.9
d2=(Y) 0.4
and S4, with anti-parallel diodes, and two power diodes: D11 and 0.2 0.6
0 0.5
D12. Table I shows the switching states, the unfiltered step- Fig. 2. Operating range of the output voltage gains with variation of
down output voltage vab, the instantaneous voltages of inductors duty-cycles d1, and d2.
vL1 and vL2, the series capacitors’ currents iC11 and iC12, and also
limits in each case, the operating range of the SIDO-TLC is
the capacitors’ voltage change (magnitude and direction).
defined in Table II based on the steady-state evaluation.
As can be seen from Table I, several switching states can not
Accordingly, Fig. 2 illustrates the operating range of the
only generate the same output voltages, but also have the same
SIDO-TLC by showing the voltage gain surfaces with variation
charging states. In other words, they have identical equivalent
of duty-cycles d1 and d2. As it is seen in Fig. 2, although the
circuits. Furthermore, some other switching states generate the
proposed converter regulates two output voltages
same output voltages and just their charging states are different
independently and at the same time fulfill the task of a three-
((5, 6) & (7, 8); (9, 10) & (11, 12); 13 & 14). It appears that this
level control strategy, the converter spans a wide range of duty-
wide variety of redundancies can guarantee the precise
cycles. That is because all three possible cases in which the
balancing of the series capacitors, which will be discussed in
converter can regulate the output voltages along with its three-
next sections.
level control strategy are defined for the proposed converter.
Regarding the duty-cycles of the switches, there are three
Also, Fig. 3 shows the main waveforms of the SIDO-TLC as
possible operating cases named A, B, and C for the SIDO-TLC.
well as its switching states in each case. As depicted in Fig. 3,
In the ideal situation, the control signals of S1 and S4 have the
vab varies between 0 and Vo1/2 in the operating cases A and B,
same duty-cycles (dS1=dS4=d1) and are 180 degree phase-
while it varies between Vo1/2 and Vo1 in case C. Meanwhile,
shifted. In the same way, the control signals of S2 and S3 have
due to the utilized switching sequence in each case, the effective
the same duty-cycles (dS2=dS3=d2) and are 180 degree phase-
ripple frequencies of the inductors currents and vab are twice as
shifted. In order to achieve the afore-mentioned phase-shifts,
much as the switching frequency. This will help the designer to
two saw-tooth carriers with the same frequency and 180 phase-
reduce the passive components size without increasing the
shift are used in each operating case. Depending on d1 and d2
switching frequency.
values, the operating cases can be expressed as follows:
Case A: (1/2 < d1 & d2 < 1) & (d1 > d2). B. Static Gain
Case B: (1/2 < d1 & d2 < 1) & (d1 < d2). By applying inductors’ volt-second balance in one-second of
Case C: (d2+1/2 < d1 < 1) & (0 < d2 < 1/2). the switching period, both step-up and step-down gains can be
According to all possible duty-cycles and output voltage
0278-0046 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TIE.2018.2807384, IEEE
Transactions on Industrial Electronics
S1 S2 S3 S4 vab vL1 vL2 iC11 iC12 C11 C12
1 0 0 0 0
2 0 0 1 0
0 vin−vo1 −vo2 iL1−vo1/Ro1 iL1−vo1/Ro1
3 0 1 0 0
4 0 1 1 0
5 0 0 1 1
0 vin−vo1/2 −vo2 iL1−vo1/Ro1 −vo1/Ro1
6 0 1 1 1
7 1 1 0 0
0 vin−vo1/2 −vo2 −vo1/Ro1 iL1−vo1/Ro1
8 1 1 1 0
9 0 0 0 1
vo1/2 vin−vo1 vo1/2−vo2 iL1−vo1/Ro1 iL1−iL2−vo1/Ro1
10 0 1 0 1
11 1 0 0 0
vo1/2 vin−vo1 vo1/2−vo2 iL1−iL2−vo1/Ro1 iL1−vo1/Ro1
12 1 0 1 0
13 1 0 1 1 vo1/2 vin−vo1/2 vo1/2−vo2 iL1−iL2−vo1/Ro1 −vo1/Ro1
d1 d2 0° 180°
1 1 1
0 0 0
S1 S1 S1
S2 S2 S2
S3 S3 S3
S4 S4 S4
iL1 iL1 iL1
(d2−1/2)TSW (d1−1/2)TSW (1− d2)TSW (d1− d2− 1/2)TSW
vo1 1
Hence, . (1)
vin 2 d1 d2
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TIE.2018.2807384, IEEE
Transactions on Industrial Electronics
180° −
Case Duty-cycle limits Voltage limits − dpI1_A d2
vo1 ∑ PI1_A +
1/2 < d1 & d2 < 1 0° −
A vin/2 < vo2 < vo1/2 +
d1 > d2
1/2 < d1 & d2 < 1 0 < vo2 < vin/2 Vo1,ref
d1 < d2 vo1 > 2(vin−vo2) +
d2+1/2 < d1 < 1 vo1/2 < vo2 < vo1 S4
C 180° −
0 < d2 < 1/2 vin < vo1 < 2vin − dpI2_A ++ d1
vo2 ∑ PI2_A ∑ +
+ 0° −
And for the inductor L2,
1 v
vo2 d2 o1 vo2 d1 d2
2 2 Fig. 4. Block diagram of the closed-loop control system for case A
(excluding the balancing control system).
State16 State13
o1 vo2 1 d1 0 has exclusive PI controllers (e.g. PI1_A & PI2_A for case A in
2 Fig. 4). In this study, the control strategy will be described for
State12 case A, and other cases will be designed with the same
approach. According to Fig. 4, both output voltages are
Hence, 1 d2 . (2) compared with their reference values (Vo1,ref and Vo2,ref for boost
vo1 and buck outputs, respectively). The generated error signals
vo2 vo2 vo1 1 d2 will then pass through PI1_A and PI2_A, producing dPI1_A and
Thus, . (3) dPI2_A, respectively. According to Table II, d1 is greater than d2.
vin vo1 vin 2 d1 d2
To meet this condition, d1 and d2 are obtained as follows:
The voltage gains in cases B and C can also be achieved in the d2 dPI 1_ A
same way as the above procedure. (6)
d1 dPI 1_ A dPI 2_ A .
Voltage gains for all three cases become
Thus, the step-up output is regulated by d2, and the step-down
1 output is regulated by d1, while d2 is constant.
2 d d , Case A & Case B
vo1 1 2 B. Voltage Balancing Control Strategy
vin 1 In practice, the voltages of the series capacitors C11 and C12
, Case C
1 d2 will deviate from each other due to the asymmetry of the series
switches and their drive signals [14], [15], as well as the leakage
1 d2
, Case A & Case B currents of the capacitors [16]. Another reason could be the
vo2 2 d1 d2 (5) electronic elements which are not essentially identical despite
vin d1 d2 the fact that their factory specifications are the same. This
, Case C
1 d2 unbalancing will cause problems such as damaging the switches
and diodes, reducing the quality of the output waveforms, and
From (4) and (5), it can be seen that d1 and d2 are the control
reducing the total lifetime of the circuit. The objective of the
parameters for both output voltages. In cases A and B, the step-
balancing control strategy for the proposed converter is meeting
up output voltage is related to both d1 and d2, while in the case (7):
C, it is only related to d2. On the other hand, the step-down v
output voltage in all three cases is related to both d1 and d2. vC 11 vC 12 o1 . (7)
More detailed study of the control strategy will be conducted in
For pursuing that, one of the voltages of the capacitors should
the following section.
be sensed and compared with vo1/2. Again the balancing
control procedure will be explained for case A.
On the assumption that the SIDO-TLC operates in case A, if
A. Closed-Loop Control Strategy vC11 > vo1/2, vC11 should be decreased in comparison with vC12.
In this paper, the method utilized for control strategy is Thus, according to Table I, the time lengths of the switching
taken from the conventional three-level buck and boost states 12 and 14 should be increased, and the time lengths of 10
converters. Nonetheless, due to the novelty of the SIDO-TLC, and 13 should be decreased. To fulfill the aim, as shown in
a new control design is required. As previously mentioned, the Fig. 5, the pulse width of S1 and S2 should be increased, and the
proposed converter consists of three separate cases. In order to pulse width of S3 and S4 should be decreased, which means:
regulate both step-up and step-down output voltages, two
proportional-integral (PI) compensators have been employed
for each case. Having its own switching sequence, each case
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Transactions on Industrial Electronics
1 d1+Δd 1
d1− Δd iˆL1 iˆL1
dˆ1 L1
0.5 d2− Δd i i
L2 0
d L2
ˆ o1 A. vˆo1 B . dˆ2 .vˆ in
0 dt ˆ 0
vˆ o2 vˆo2 d 0
16 13 12 16 14 10 vˆC vˆC 0
vˆo1 0 0 1 0 0 iˆL2
vˆ 0 0 0 1 0 .
o2 vˆo1 (12)
S4 vˆC 0 0 0 0 1 vˆ
Fig. 5. Effect of balancing duty-cycle on the control signals of the vˆC
switches and time length of the switching sates in case A. where [A] and [B] are the system and control matrices,
respectively. Also, v̂ o1, v̂ o2, and Δv̂ C compose the outputs of the
dS 1 d1 d control system.
dS 2 d2 d In the ideal situation, the steady-state voltage balancing error
(8) (ΔVC) and also ΔD are equal to zero. However, due to the non-
dS 3 d2 d
idealities such as the leakage currents (i.e. when using
dS 4 d1 d electrolytic capacitors), ΔVC has a non-zero value. If so, the
where Δd is the balancing duty-cycle. designed balancing control system should produce an
appropriate Δd to tend ΔvC to zero. The leakage currents of the
C. Small-Signal Modeling
series capacitors are modeled with two constant dc current
Obtaining the small-signal model of a converter is a high sources (ILeak1 and ILeak2) paralleled with C11 and C12,
priority in designing the control system. In this paper, the respectively [16]. The relation between the leakage currents and
balancing control strategy has been taken into account in the the steady-state balancing duty-cycle, in case A, can be
small-signal modeling of the SIDO-TLC. In the proposed expressed as:
approach, averaging of inductors currents and capacitors
voltages in one switching period has been done for each case ILeak 2 ILeak1 ILeak
separately. The state space averaging in one switching period, D . (13)
4IL1 2IL2 4IL1 2IL2
for each case, can be expressed as
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TIE.2018.2807384, IEEE
Transactions on Industrial Electronics
Magnitude (dB)
V VC 50
0 o1
L2 L2
B 2 I L2 I L1
C1 C1
Phase (deg)
0 0 0 270
2 I L2 2I L1 180
0 0 90
C1 10−3 10−2 10−1 100 101 102 103 104 105 106
Frequency (Hz)
D. Compensator Design Uncompensated
The operation of the SIDO-TLC has been validated using a 100
Magnitude (dB)
lab prototype. The converter’s specifications for a design 50
example are shown in Table III. Regarding these specifications, −50
the SIDO-TLC operates in case A, as in compliance with the −100
relations in Table II. Also, Table IV shows the selected 360
components of the converter. From (12), (14), and (15), the 270
Phase (deg)
control transfer functions of the converter is obtained through 180
MATLAB software. The corresponding Bode diagrams have 0
also been plotted in order to design the optimal control system. −90
10−3 10−2 10−1 100 101 102 103 104 105
As previously mentioned, the step-up output voltage is Frequency (Hz)
regulated by d2, and the step-down output voltage is regulated (b)
by d1. The control transfer functions with constant coefficients 200
Magnitude (dB)
Phase (deg)
Parameter Value 45
10-3 10-2 10-1 100 101 102 103 104
Total Output Power (Po) 300 W Frequency (Hz)
Input Voltage (Vin) 60 V (c)
Step-Up Output Voltage (Vo1) 125 V
Fig. 6. Bode diagrams of the designed SIDO-TLC. (a) Loop gain of the
Step-Down Output Voltage (Vo2) 36 V step-up output before the compensation, after the compensation with
Step-Up Resistive Load (Ro1) 65 Ω ΔD=0, and after the compensation with ΔD=0.004 [see (16)]. (b) Loop
Step-Down Resistive Load (Ro2) 20 Ω gain of the step-down output ——, [see (17)]. (c) Balancing control
Switching Frequency (fSW) 20 KHz transfer function (Δv̂ C/Δd̂ ) with ΔD=0, and ΔD=0.004 [see (18)].
vˆo1 3 s3 2 s2 1 s 0
COMPONENT LIST OF THE SIDO-TLC dˆ2 s 4 3 s3 2 s2 1 s 0
vˆo1 4 s 4 3 s3 2 s2 1 s 0
D 4103
dˆ s5 4 s 4 3 s3 2 s2 1 s 0
Component Attribute Specification
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Fig. 7. Photo of the designed experimental prototype.
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situation, step changes are applied to the input voltage and the
step-up output load, and in the second situation, step changes
are applied to the input voltage and the step-down output load.
In fact, the simultaneous step changes of load and input voltage
can be regarded as a bigger challenge for the control system 38
rather than the individual change of the load or the input 36 Vo2 (Calculation)
voltage. In Fig. 11(a), the resistive load at the boost terminal 34 Vo2 (Simulation)
changes from Ro1= 65 Ω to Ro1=303 Ω, and at the same time, 32 Vo2 (Experimentation)
the input voltage steps up from Vin=56 V to Vin=60 V. Under 30
0.5 0.55 0.6 0.65 0.7 0.75 0.8 0.85 0.9 0.95 1
this condition, vo1 settles to its reference value in about 60 ms D2=0.55 D1
with a 20% overshoot (25 V), and vo2 in about 80 ms with a 12% (a)
Step-Down Output Voltage (Vo2)
undershoot (4.2 V). It is clear that the output voltages are stably 30
Vo2 (Calculation)
regulated at their predetermined values of Vo1=125 V and 28
Vo2 (Simulation)
Vo2=36 V under dynamic changes, owing to the satisfactory 26
Vo2 (Experimentation)
performance of the closed-loop control system. 22
In Fig. 11(b), the resistive load at the buck terminal changes 20
from Ro2=135 Ω to Ro2=20 Ω, and at the same time, the input 18
voltage steps down from Vin= 60 V to Vin=59 V. As it can be 16
seen, the output voltages are insensitive to the simultaneous
changes of the input voltage and step-down terminal load. 10
2) Autonomous Transition Through Cases 0.5 0.55 0.6 0.65 0.7 0.75 0.8 0.85 0.9 0.95 1
D1=0.6 D2
As seen in Fig. 12, with the sudden change of the input
voltage from 60 V to 92 V, the control system autonomously Fig. 10. Comparative analysis of calculated, simulated, and
switches from case A to B, and the output voltages are well experimental results of the output voltages with variations in D1 and D2
regulated at their predetermined values. for Vo2.
C. Balancing Strategy Test in Fig. 13(a), without the balancing control technique, the
In order to test the proposed balancing strategy of the voltage difference between the series capacitors reaches 20 V,
SIDO-TLC practically, an unbalanced condition at the step-up yet if the unbalancing increases, the switches and diodes will be
terminal has been provided. Fig. 13 shows iL1, vC11, vC12, and vo1 damaged. By applying the balancing control strategy, as seen in
with and without the balancing control strategy. As can be seen Fig. 13(b), the voltages are precisely balanced, and the output
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60 V
56 V
vC11 [10 V/ div] 72.5 V
vin [10 V/ div]
52.5 V
io1 [1 A/ div]
vC12 [10 V/ div]
8.32 V/div 20 ms/div
iL1 [2 A/ div]
iL1 [2 A/ div]
io2 [1 A/ div]
vo1 [100 V/ div]
(b) (b)
Fig. 11. Transient state experimental waveforms of the SIDO-TLC due Fig. 13. Experimental waveforms of series capacitors voltages, step-up
to the varied load and input voltage. (a) Load at the step-up terminal output voltage, and iL1 in an unbalanced condition. (a) Without the
changes from Ro1=65 Ω to Ro1=303 Ω, and input voltage changes from balancing control system, (b) with the proposed balancing control
56 V to 60 V. (b) Load at the step-down terminal changes from technique.
Ro2=135 Ω to Ro2=20 Ω, and input voltage changes from 60 V to 59 V.
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Transactions on Industrial Electronics
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