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Photo by NASA
SOIL EROSION – A natural process by
which the land surface is worn away by the
action of wind, water, and gravity

Modified Courtesy Florida DEP

Construction Site Erosion
 Erosion - The process in which, by the actions of wind or
water, soil particles are displaced and transported.
 Sediment - Eroded material that is suspended in water
or wind
 Sedimentation - The deposition or settling of eroded
 Turbidity - The measure of the relative clarity of a
liquid ( muddyness )
*Measured in NTU’s or Transparency
Types of Erosion
 Raindrop - Movement of soil particles caused by the direct
impact of raindrops on bare soil
 Sheet - Runoff which flows over the ground surface as a thin,
even layer
 Rill - A small, intermittent water course with steep sides,
usually only a few inches deep
 Gully - A channel caused by concentrated flow of surface and
stormwater runoff over unprotected, erodible soil
 Stream & Channel Bank - Bank and bed erosion of existing
stream channel caused by increased peak flows
Raindrop Impact Erosion
Raindrop Impact
+ Surfaces become “puddled”
+ Lower infiltration rates
+ Increased runoff
= Increased Turbidity

Source: Environmental Soil Physics, Hillel

Sheet Flow Erosion

Sheet flow is easy to see on pavement

“Shiny” Dirt is Sheet Flow
Rills turning into Gullies
Effects of
Soil Change
& Improper Tracking
Rill Erosion

Gully Erosion
Streambank Erosion
Efforts to Correct
the Problems
 Bed Load - Soil particles that are dragged, rolled,
skipped, or saltated
 Suspension - Soil particles that are lifted up by
the flow energy and moved long distances down
stream before settling to the bed
 Colloidal Suspension - Same as suspension but
includes only the fine, colloidal soil particles that
may never settle to the bed
Water Erosion
Stream Bank After Mitigation
Mitigation After Heavy Flows Created
Stream Bank Erosion
Surface Area Requirements of Sediment Traps

Size Particle Settling Settling Surface 1Surface

mm Velocity Velocity Area ft.2 Area m
ft/sec m/sec per ft3/sec 450GPM
per m3/sec
discharge discharge
For every
0.5 Coarse sand 0.19 0.058 6.3 20.7 GPM
Fine Silt
0.2 Medium sand 0.067 0.020
will only 17.9 58.7 need
0.1 Fine sand 0.023 0.0070
fall out 52.2 171.0
5000SF of
0.05 Coarse silt 0.0062 0.0019
slowly, 193.6 635.0
0.02 Medium silt 0.00096 very
0.00029 1250.0 4101.0
0.01 Fine silt 0.00024 0.000073 5000.0 to settle
0.005 Clay 0.00006 0.000018 20000.0 fine silt.

These are rules of thumb, or models. What might be different

on your site from the design model used for your pond?
Diameter Order of Size Settling Velocity Time Required to
(mm) (mm/sec) Settle 1 Meter (3.28 ft)
 10.0 Gravel 1,000 1.0 Seconds
 1.0 100 9.8 Seconds
 0.6 Coarse Sand 63
 0.3* 32
 0.2* 21 48.0 Seconds
 0.15* Fine Sand 15 67.0 Seconds
 0.10 8 125.0 Seconds
 0.06 3.8
 0.015 0.35 47.6 Minutes
 0.010 Silt 0.154 107.0 Minutes
 0.005 0.0385 7.2 Hours
 0.003 0.0138 20.1 Hours
 0.0015 Clay 0.0035
 0.001 0.0015 180.0 Hours
 0.0001 0.0000154 754.0 Days
 0.00001 Colloidal Particles 0.000000154 207.0 Years
*Range of acceptable pore sizes for silt fence geotextiles.
4 acres needs
½ Acre of pond
for 4 micron
It is Difficult to Treat Fine Silts & Clays
Suspended in Water
Wind Erosion
Wind Erosion

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