The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda: Faculty of Sclenoe Master of Scienc

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Vacdodaa- 390 002, Gujarat, India.

Statement of Grade for Mastor of Sclenoe (Fina) (Gaoog)

Faculty of Sclenoe Master of Scienc
Examinatlon: Aprl-2020
Mother Name: USHABEN
Specialization: Geology
PRN 2015033800109486 Seat Number 407012 resher)
FacultyCollege/institution Facusty of Sckenca Vadodera (3810)
Course Ced Course Name Credts Grede Grade Earnad Gr
Otained Points Ponts
GEO2301 Exploration Geology 3.00 C 7.00 2100 EX
GEO2 302 Mining Geology end Mineral Econornics 3.00 C 7.00 2100 EX
GEO2303 Economic Geology 3.00 D 6.00 18.00 EX
GEO2304 Engineering Geology 3.00 8.00 24.00 EX
GEO2305 Global Tedtonics 2:00 5.00 1000 EX
GEO2306 Micropaleontology 2.00 7.00 14.00 E.X
GEO2307 Marine Geology 2.00 9.00 18.00 EX
GEO2308 Quarnttative Goology 2.00 6.00 12.00 EX
GEO2309 Micropaleontology Lab 2.00 7.00 14.00 E.X
GEO2310 |Cornpauter Applicalions andDataProcessingLab 2.00 C 7.00 14.00 E.X
FSMSCFINAL Credit 2400 EGP: 186.00 SGPA: 6.92 Stotus: Complete Grade C

GEO2401 Environmental Geology 3.00 6.00 18.00 E.C

GEO2402 |Hyarogeology 3.00 7.00 21.00 E.CC
GEO2403 Sedinentary Ervionmentsand Basin Analysis 2.00 8.00 16.00 E.C
GEO2404 Quaternary Geology 3.00 B.00 24.00 E.C
GEO2405 Petuoleum and Coal Geology 3,00 7.00 21.00 EC
GEO2406 Hyd ogeologyLab 2.00 7.00 14.00 E.C
GEO2407 Petuoleum Geology Lab 2.00 B 8.00 16.00E.C
GEO2408 Dissertetion 2.00 8.00 16.00 E.C
GE02409 Cormprehensive Viva-Voce 2.00 B 8.00 16.00 E.C
SSMSCOFINAL Credik 22.00 EGP182.000 SGPA: 7.38 Stals: Completa Grade:B
FSMSCIFINAL) (Sout Nor 307012 ExemEvent October-2019)
__Total Crudi: 24.00 EGP:106.00 SGPA:692 Stalus Completo Gradw C
MSCPREVIOUs) (Seut No: 207012 Exem Event Apri-2019)
Total Credic 5400 EGP:343.00 SGPA:6.35 Stalus: Complolo GradC
Grend Total;- Perconoga: 671 % TotalCrodits :10000 ToalEGP:671.00
Cumle CCPA:6.71
Status:Complole |Grade:C
Abbreviations Gr: Giade, SGPA: Sermester Grade Point Average, CGPA: Cumulative Grade Point Average. EGP: Eaned Grade Points
E-Exempted, C: Ourent Appeerence, X Past Performerce, N; Not Exempted, M Performance Cancelled, 1DL: To be Declared Later, #/%
Passedwiuh Grace Marks/Grece Points ":Awarded Higher Class/Gradewith grace, : Exernption Approved

Statement No: 3430199

Deputy Registrar
Date: 16 Oct 2020 (Bxamination)


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