Historical Antecedents of Science and Technology
Historical Antecedents of Science and Technology
Historical Antecedents of Science and Technology
Historical Antecedents of
Science and Technology
Bronze-Age Civilization
largest of the four urban civilizations: Egypt, Mesopotamia, South Asia
and China.
1920s archeologist unearthed the ruins of the Indus Valley Civilization.
Mohenjo- Daro(4,600 year old city)
The civilization did not have massive monument, buried mummies in
tombs and records of wars and battles.
Introduced new techniques of metallurgy and handicraft
Cities are well-known for baked brick houses, complex drainage system
and water drainage system as well as agricultural practices.
oldest and longest lasting civilizations of the world
China comes from the Sanskrit word "Cina" (pronounced "Chin") from Qin Dynasty
Greeks and Romans called China "Seres" meaning "the land where the silk comes
It made important advancements in science, technology, mathematics and astronomy.
First to record astronomical phenomena(solar eclipse)
Abacus (between 1000BC and 500BC) not only use for counting but for basic and
complex mathematical operations.
Han Dynasty (206BC-220AD):
*First Movable printing press(960 AD)
*Silk -created as early as Chinese Neolithic Period
-during Han Dynasty that sericulture- the cultivation and production of silk was
refined and mastered.
- the demand eventually paved way for its trade to other parts of the world and
the creation Silk Road.
*Gunpowder- initially for fireworks, one of the popular creations of Chinese Taoist
alchemist in 142 AD
-used in Mongol Wars in 10th century and European domination of
China in the 1800s.
Ancient Greece (between 800BC and 500 BC)
known as Hellas or Ellada which is "Greece" in Greek
made up of mainland and groups of smaller islands
characterized by expansion of villages and development of marketplaces and meeting
early inhabitants rely on trade.
Commercial sea trading- primary source of income
It is also known for its achievements in politics, art, philosophy, and science.
Greek Philosophy- Philosophers: Plato, Aristotle, Socrates
Advancements in Mathematics and Science: Pythagoras (Pythagorean Theorem) and
Thales of Miletus- first Western Philosopher & Mathematician; Milesian School
Hippocrates- Father of Western Medicine
- Hippocratic Oath- promise to uphold values of ethics in the practice
of medicine.
Innovations and Engineering and Mechanics flourished:
* Water Mills- Philo's Perachora wheel (pioneering invention contributed to the
creation of water mills.
*Ctesibius- known for developing of water clock or clepysydra. It works using
water droppings and clay vessels to track time.
*Odometer- attributed to Archimedes of Syracuse during the First Punic War.
small town near the Tiber when August Caesar became the 1st Emperor
they borrowed & enriched culture of Greece and became powerful empire,
encompassing most of continental Europe, Britain, Western Asia, Mediterranean and
Northern Africa
took pride of technological advancements that were lost in Middle Ages
grew as one largest empire in history estimated from mid-7th to 13th century
Koran- Holy Book of the Muslims
Muslims scientist played significant role in the development of science:
*placing more emphasis on observation & experimentation than Greeks
Paper making technologies
The House of Wisdom-result of translations of Greek and Syriac
texts to Arabic; belonging to Abbasid Caliphs
Golden Age of Science (8th century & continued up to 13th century)
Ibn Al-Haytham or Alhazen- foundation of modern optics
- devised the Law of Refraction
Abu Ali al-Hussein Ibn Sina or Avicenna- physician & philosopher
-wrote a book: al-Qanun fi al-Tibb or The Cannon of Medicine
Abu Qasim Khalaf ibn Abbas Al Zahrawi or Al Zahrawi- Father of
Surgery & greatest surgeon in Middle Ages
Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi- developed Algebra
Al-Biruni- devised a method of determining radius of the earth
Jabir ibn Hayyan- known as "Father of Chemistry"
medieval europe
Charles the Great or Charlemagne (8th century)- assisted Alcuin of York(an
English monk) that founded the Carolingian Empire.
Numerous scientific innovation are know to have occurred after the decline of the
Carolingan Empire
Rise & fall of Germanic Kingdoms in Western Europe
Viking Age (793-1006AD)- notable in changing geopolitical landscape of Europe
*Vikings- cruel warriors, pillagers & skillful navigators.
- Axe- was most commonly used weapon.
Crusades- series of religious wars by the Latin Church to curb the spread of Islamic
faith in Europe.
12 th century- realms of scientific knowledge & literature
translation of these works led to rediscovery of works
*Claudius Ptolemy(astronomer)
*Euclid( mathematicians)
Stadium Generale
Establishment of medieval universities
Christian scholasticism
Two main religious order spearheaded the methodology of scholasticism:
a. Franciscans- founded by St. Francis of Assisi (1209)
b. Dominicans- by St. Dominic (1215)
Roger Bacon- repeating cycle of
scientific theory:
a. Observation
b. Formulation of hypothesis
c. Experimentation
Medieval scholars delved deeper
into various fields of science&
technology: Alchemy and
Compound Microscope
-*Zacharias Janssen- credited for the
invention of compound microscope in
1590. It was an important progression
from a single lens
Arnold Toynbee
one who popularized the term "Industrial Revolution"
" substitutions of competition for the medieval
regulations that previously controlled the production and
distribution of wealth" (1884)
Galileo Galilei
invented a practical telescope that could magnify
objects 20 times larger than a Dutch perspective
first to use the telescope skyward and made
important astronomical discoveries and identified the
presence of craters & mountains on the moon.
Jacquard Loom
considered as one of the most critical drivers of the
Built by Joseph Marie Jacquard, a French weaver
Jacquard Loom, simplifies the textile manufacturing:
"the weaver" and a "drawboy"
Engine Powered Airplane
Orville Wright and Wilbur Wright
credited the designed and successfully operating the 1st engine-power aircraft
approached the design of the power aircraft and flight scientifically.
They proved that aircrafts could fly without airfoil- shaped wings.
John Logie Baird- a Scottish engineer invented the modern television
1924- he televised objects in outline.
1925- recognizable human
1928- projected colored images
1929- BBC(British Broadcasting Corporation) used this for its
earliest television programming
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