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There are many digital communication technologies being promoted as the

future replacement for the venerable 4–20 mA analog standard, and most are
self-described as fieldbus. With the exception of FOUNDATION™ fieldbus,
virtually all of these technologies were developed for non-process
environments such as automotive manufacturing, building automation, or
discrete parts manufacturing, and later adapted to process control. Generally,
they are well suited to the applications for which they were originally
developed. Some of these technologies are open, some are proprietary. Most
are a combination, having some open aspects but requiring the use of
proprietary hardware or software components. All but FOUNDATION
require a proprietary application to provide a complete control solution.

Every communication technology provides a method for transmitting data

between various devices and a host, and some provide communications
directly between devices. The various schemes differ in how well they are
optimized for moving data quickly, their suitability for real-time control, the
cost of hardware implementations, their networking capability for branches,
spurs and long distances, and for how power is distributed.

Comparisons among “fieldbus technologies” typically reduces to

comparisons of data rates, message length, number of devices on a segment,
etc. These are all important communications issues and each technology
represents a particular set of trade-offs which adapt it to its original
application, and each is rooted in the technology that was available or in
vogue at the time of its

Using a strategy exactly opposite of FOUNDATION fieldbus, these

various communications technologies minimize dependence on local
intelligence in deference to minimum device cost, and maximize reliance on
a centralized control architecture. Measurement instruments in such
structures communicate to a central computing system at the request of that
central system. A proprietary control application, running on the central
system processes the field data and distributes control signals to other
devices back in the field. Regardless of how open the communication
scheme may be, the control application is always proprietary.

The key distinctions between these technologies and FOUNDATION

fieldbus are;

 FOUNDATION fieldbus provides an open specification for both

communications and the control application.

 FOUNDATION fieldbus distributes control

functionality across the bus, making maximum use of local intelligence
to improve performance and reduce total system cost.
 Devices are required to be interoperable, providing the user with tools to
implement a control system with products from multiple manufacturers
without custom programming.

With FOUNDATION fieldbus, the network is the control system. The

major goals of this primer are to illustrate how this new architecture
behaves, what it means to users, and what it requires of control equipment

Structure of Foundation Fieldbus

Foundation Fieldbus uses the OSI Model as a basis and uses three layers.
The three layers are indicated in the diagram below. They are:

◆ The Application Layer (broken into the Fieldbus Message

Specification and Fieldbus Access Sublayer)
◆ The Data Link Layer
◆ The Physical Layer

In addition there is a fourth layer called the User Layer. This is important to
define as it allows for interoperability between equipment from different
manufacturers by specifyingthe use of Function Blocks.
Physical Layer

The physical layer comprises a 31.25kbps data communications network

often referred to as the H1 layer. Both communications signals and the current
for each device are conveyed down this pair of wires. A terminator is placed
at each end of the pair of wires to eliminate any reflections. There is also a
High Speed Standard (HSE) standard which will run on 100 Mbps Ethernet
and which is due to be released shortly.

Note in the Figure 3, the terminator at each end. The power

supply has a power conditionerto ensure that the data signals on the main
homerun do not get drained into the low impedance power supply. The
maximum length of the homerun is 1900m. In addition, thereare spurs that
connect off the main homerun. These lengths are defined within the
Foundation Fieldbus standard. (Note that RS-485 does not allow any spur
lengths off themain homerun).
Data Link Layer

As indicated in figure 3, there are three types of devices specified in the

Data Link Layer specification for Foundation Fieldbus. These are:

◆ Basic Device
◆ Link Master
◆ Bridge

Link Master devices have the potential of becoming a link Active

Scheduler (LAS). The LAS issues a Compel Data command to devices on
the network at defined intervals. When a device receives a Compel Data
Command it publishes its data on the bus for all devices to use. The devices
that have been configured to read this data in are called Subscriber devices.
This scheduled data transfer is used for the regular cyclical transfer of control
loop data between devices on the bus.
Bridges are used to interconnect different Foundation Fieldbuses. The
Basic Device is effectively an Instrument or actuator. Note that a Basic
Device cannot become a LAS.
Application layer

The Application Layer provides an interface for the device’s application

software. This layer defines how to read, write, or start a task in a remote
node. The main task of this layer is to define syntax for the messages.
The main components of the Application Layer are the Fieldbus Access
Sublayer (FAS) and the Fieldbus Message Specification (FMS).

The FAS uses the scheduled and unscheduled features of the Data Link
Layer to provide a service for the Fieldbus Message Specification (FMS).
The types of FAS services are described by Virtual Communication Rela-
tionships (VCR).

The VCR is like the speed dial feature on your memory telephone. There
are many digits to dial for an international call—an international access
code, country code, city code, exchange code, and the specific telephone
number. This information only needs to be entered once and then a “speed
dial number” is assigned. After setup, only the speed dial number needs to
be entered for dialing to occur.

In a similar fashion, after configuration, only the VCR number is needed to

communicate with another Fieldbus device.

Just as there are different types of telephone calls, such as person-to-person,

collect, or conference calls, there are different types of VCRs. VCRs and
their management are covered in more detail in Chapter 5.

Fieldbus Message Specification (FMS) services allow user applications to

send messages to each other across the Fieldbus using a standard set of mes-
sage formats.

FMS describes the communication services, message formats, and protocol

behavior needed to build messages for the User Application.

Data that is communicated over the Fieldbus is described by an “object

description.” Object descriptions are collected together in a structure called
an object dictionary (OD).

The object description is identified by its index in the OD. Index 0, called
the object dictionary header, provides a description of the dictionary itself
and defines the first index for the object descriptions of the User Applica-
tion. The User Application object descriptions can start at any index above
Index 255 and below define standard data types such as Boolean, integer,
float, bitstring, and data structures that are used to build all other object

A Virtual Field Device (VFD) is used to remotely view local device

data described in the object dictionary. A typical device will have at least
two VFDs: a Network and System Management VFD and a User
Application VFD.

Network Management is part of the Network and System Management

Application. It provides for the configuration of the communication stack.
The Virtual Field Device (VFD) used for Network Management is also used
for System Management, and provides access to the Network Management
Information Base (NMIB) and to the System Management Information
Base (SMIB). NMIB data includes Virtual Communication Relationships
(VCR), dynamic variables, statistics, and Link Active Scheduler (LAS)
schedules (if the device is a Link Master). SMIB data includes device tag
and address information and schedules for Function Block execution.

The specifications that define Foundation fieldbus are owned and maintained
by the Fieldbus Foundation, and are promoted as Foundation fieldbus.

The solution distributes functionality across the network and makes

maximum use of intelligence in the individual field devices. It provides a
deterministic protocol for real-time control. It defines a standardized, object-
oriented, function block model for application software and a unique Device
Description technology to achieve multi-manufacturer device and host
interoperability without custom programming.

Foundation fieldbus represents an extensive combination of technology and

organizational infrastructure. It provides a tested, open specification for
interoperable devices which are designed to support diagnostics, monitoring
and control in mission critical applications. But the technology goes well
beyond written specifications. It includes multiple sources for development
and configuration tools, communication stacks and applications software.
There are automated test systems and documented test procedures for testing
stack conformance and device interoperability

The Fieldbus Foundation provides an established infrastructure which

supports the test programs, maintenance and improvements in the
specification, maintains and supplies key software utilities, and provides an
organization where member companies can cooperate on technology
development and exchange.

Industrial process and manufacturing automation applications share many

common requirements. Both can benefit from devices having multi-
manufacturer interoperability, both need realtime scheduled and unscheduled
bus access, they must deal with physical resource constraints, and both need
increasing device autonomy. There is a common need for monitoring and
control systems where subsystems can report error and operational health
conditions, and perform remote calibration, diagnostics and program

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