Usamah Bin Zaid Infographic

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Usamah bin Zaid

The Story of a Brave, Noble, Pious Young Man.

Usamah bin Zaid was from a lineage Following the defeat at Mu’tah, where
of slaves, son of Zaid bin Harith and he’d watched his father die at the hands
Barakah bint Tha’labah. of the Romans. He was at the front of the
He was born into a cavalry in the battle of Hunain, at 16.
believing family during
At the age of 11, he
the call to Islam.
was seen at Uhud,
turning heads, with a
He wanted to fight at Badr at the age sword almost taller than At the next
of 10 and his father said, “But are he was. All the sahaabahs battle against
you able to carry a sword?” asked, “Who is this boy?” Rome the
They later came to find out Prophet (pbuh)
He replied with, “If I am it was Usamah bin Zaid and appointed Usamah as commander of the
unable to carry a sword, I he had come to the battlefield army, at only 19, to avenge his father.
can still fire arrows at them.” of his own accord. Others argued this decision as the army
consisted of notable individuals such as
His father feared for They sent the boy home and told him Khalid bin Al-Walid.
him and told him to to return when he can carry a sword
wait until he was older and had finished his full training. The battle was called off at the moment
and more able. Usamah mounted his horse. News was sent
Narrated by Aishah: “I heard the of the Prophet (pbuh) dying moments and
Messenger of Allah say: ‘Whoever loves Allah and his Messenger, all the sahaabahs rushed back.
then he should love Usamah.’”
After Abu Bakr became Caliph, he
He was trusted by the Prophet (pbuh) appointed Usamah commander of the
so much that he would consult him expedition as the Prophet (pbuh) had
in family affairs, such as the one regarding done. He walked beside Usamah as he rode
the rumours of Aishah. the horse.
Ali once asked the Prophet (pbuh) who from the men was dearest to The battle was successful and Usamah
him. He (pbuh) replied with, “He whom Allah blessed and on whom I killed the man that had martyred his
bestowed favour, Usamah bin Zaid. And then you.” father at that place.
The Prophet (pbuh) rode on his
camel as he re-entered Makkah.
Sitting behind him was none
other than Usamah.
When the Prophet (pbuh) entered
the Ka’bah to pray, no one entered Once in battle he an Ansar encountered a man
with him except Usamah. who said, “La ilaha illallah!” the moment they
unsheathed their swords. But Usamah did not leave until
When Umar ibn Al-Khattab divided he saw him dead. He related the story to the Prophet (pbuh)
wealth among the muslims, he gave who said: “Oh Usamah! Would you kill someone who says
Usamah 5000 while his son only 2000. ‘La ilaha illallah’?” He said, “He only said it to protect
Abdullah said, “You have preferred himself from being killed.” The Prophet (pbuh) repeated
Usamah over me, while I have taken his question again and again until Usamah wished he
part in battles in which he did had become muslim only right then. He made an oath to
not take part?” Allah to never kill a man that says ‘La ilaha illallah’.
Umar replied, “Usamah was more beloved to the During the time of Ali, he never partook in any of the civil
Messenger of Allah thanyou and his father was more wars, even though he loved him so much, lest he kills a man
beloved to the Messenger of Allah than your father.” that utters ‘La ilaha illallah.’

“Usamah was very dark in colour, but his soul was light. He was skillful and brave, raised by the Prophet (pbuh) and he loved him greatly.”

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