Employer Branding and Its Role in Effective Recrui
Employer Branding and Its Role in Effective Recrui
Employer Branding and Its Role in Effective Recrui
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1. Introduction
Every organization faces crucial challenges in order to survive in the global
competitive market, to encounter growth, sustain itself (Mosley, 2007) and gain
competitive advantages (Lievens & Highhouse, 2003; Sivertzen, et al., 2013).
Efficient Human capital is the basic need for the survival of the organization;
therefore, recruitment of right and competent candidate becomes a necessary element
for the organization (Wright, McMahan & McWilliams, 1994). Along with this
aspect, the current trend also demands a far more comprehensive and strategic
perspective to recruit, utilize and retain valuable human resources (Guthridge et al.
2008). The importance to attract, recruit and retain talents has been acknowledged by
every organization as they face the scarcity of potential employee in the labor market
(Chhabra & Sharma, 2014). Companies are concerned about their employee’s
opinion, loyalty, retention and their perception towards the company, so they find
what strategy should be made to attract the potential employees (Dabirian et al.,
2016). In a global market, employer brand and corporate reputation are imperative
90 AIMS International Journal of Management 14(2)
factor for attracting the best talent (Cappelli, 2001). Employer attractiveness is
defined as, “the envisioned benefits that a potential employee sees in working for a
specific organization” and the package of benefits in which potential employees
perceive from his future job (Berthon, P., Ewing, M. & Hah, L.L., 2005). Although,
how this attractiveness generated in the mind of the potential employee and
influences them to apply for a job; is still a matter of discussion. Previous researches
have indicated that potential employee compare their own needs, personality and
value with the organization’s image (Backhaus and Tikoo, 2004). When employee’s
desires match with the organization’s image, the organization becomes attractive to
them (Schneider, 1987; Cable & Judge, 1996; Backhaus & Tikoo, 2004). Strong
brand image of a company has benefits such as hiring of employee at low cost,
enhance employee relation, hire best talent in lower pay scale and also helpful in
improving employer- employee relations (Riston, 2002). “Branding” is the
commitment between an organization and its potential or existing customers which
has to be understood and delivered by the organization (Foster, Punjaisri & Cheng,
2010). Employer branding is a tool which is used to enhance employer attractiveness
and corporate reputation (Sivertzen et al., 2013). It focuses on the outside the
organization where there could be chances to convert potential employee to become
the part of the organization (Foster et al., 2010).
Previous literature reviews state the significant impact of employer branding on
retention of employees (Ambler & Barrow, 1996; Armstrong, 2007; Backhaus &
Tikoo, 2004; Chhabra & Sharma, 2014). But a few research works have been
conducted to find the role of employer branding dimensions for attraction of
candidates. In this study we have tried to find out the employer attractiveness
depends upon which of the major factors of employer branding in recruitment
influence them to apply for a job.
The main purpose of this paper is to find out role of different value proposition of
employer branding dimensions on job seekers to attract and influence them to apply
for a job. Organization image perception and attractiveness can influence the job
seekers to apply for the job. The study outlines the key factors or value propositions
of employer branding for the organizational attractiveness. The study will also help
the managers to make the organization more attractive and eye-catching for the job
seekers. The core objective of the study is to determine which value proposition of
employer branding affects employee attraction.
brand image in product market is well known, but it also plays a key role in
recruitment process (Sivertzen, Nilsen & Olafsen, 2013). In the organization
‘employees’ are the most important resource and ‘brand’ is an asset for the company
(Ambler & Barrow, 1996). Considering other side of view, the employer creates
his/her image as a brand which communicates loyalty, trust, positive attitudes
towards the potential employee.
The concept of employment brand very specifically pointed out by Swystun
(2007) who argued “a brand is a mixture of attributes, tangible and intangible,
symbolized in a trademark, which if managed properly, creates value and influence”
(p.14). In this definition, researcher agrees that branding is essential to create
organization’s image positively. Similar to the concept of ‘branding’ in marketing,
‘employment brand’ also provides the uniqueness of the product and gaining distinct
employment experience (Edwards, 2010). It is assumed that when organizations
clearly interpret the employment experience, it helps in creation of brand perception
towards the potential recruits and influences them to apply for job (Edwards, 2010).
The employment experience is organization specific; in this regard Backhaus and
Tikoo (2004) argue, employer branding “suggests differentiation of a firm’s
characteristics as an employer from those of its competitors, the employment brand
highlights the unique aspects of the firm’s employment offerings or environment” (p.
502). In this regard, American Marketing Association (1960) said that a ‘brand’ is a
means to differentiate from the competitors, and it gives competitive advantage to
the organization (van Reil & Balmer, 1997). The image of employer brand indicates
the nature of employment, career opportunity, challenges and its unique features,
which distinguish it from competitors (Arachchige & Robertson, 2011).
The term ‘employer branding’ does not refer the short-term recruitment strategy
but is focused on long term strategy, having innovation (Srivastava & Bhatnagpur,
2010) and awareness and creation of perception of different stakeholders regarding
the firm (Sullivan, 2004). Brands create a psychological impact on people as they
tend to associate the brands mentally as well as emotionally (Brown, 1992; Kapferer,
2004). The employer branding concept is mostly applicable in high value-added
business or services where salary is high and number of working employees is few
(Ambler & Barrow, 1996). Backhaus and Tikoo have (2004) defined employer
branding as “the process of building an identifiable and unique employer identity”.
Ambler & Barrow (1996) proposed three dimensions of employer branding
namely: functional, economical and psychological. Functional branding is defined as
development or engagement of some useful activity (Ambler & barrow, 1996,
p.187). Economic benefit is the sum up as ‘material or monetary reward’ which
signifies not only the price but also the additional things involved in the product.
Psychological benefits are intangible in nature and constitute of feelings such as
belongingness, purpose and satisfaction (Ambler & Barrow, 1996).
Micudova, 2018), which most likely is the reflection of brand (Fombrun, 1996).
Several studies have also suggested that there is a relationship between image of the
organization and attraction of quality job applicants (Fombrun, 1996; Cable &
Turban, 2001). Many researches support the findings that reputation and brand image
of organization play a significant role in recruitment process (Berthon et al, 2005;
Lievens et al., 2007; Xie, Bagozzi & Meland, 2015).
Employer branding becomes an ‘umbrella programme’ to give a definite structure
to the previous HR policies and practices (Edwards, 2010). Employer branding also
targets current and potential employees.
the establishment providing a platform to apply the knowledge (Hadi and Ahmad,
2018). It is an extent to which job-seekers are attracted towards the employer and
their learning experience for the benefits of society (Berthon et al., 2005).
Apart from this five-value proposition, Dabirian et al. (2016) added two value
propositions which are management value and work life balance. Management value
focuses on employer-employee relations not with the company. A proper work life
balance facilitates the people to work in the harmony at work place and also maintain
personal life with friends, parents or club members without any conflict (Hadi &
Ahmad, 2018). Other important values added in employer branding are diversity
value and psychological value (Hadi & Ahmad, 2018).
4. Research Methodology
The sample size of the study was 205 consisting of job seekers- fresh graduates or
final year students and employees who are actively searching for the better
opportunities outside the organization. Hence judgmental sampling has been used in
collecting the responses. The students who were selected from the final year of MBA
were less than 5 months away from completing their post-graduate degrees and
entering in the organization. On the other hand, employees were both full-time and
part time and their education level ranges from graduate, post-graduate to M.Phil. /
Ph.D. In addition, they were working for the past six months to several years as a
part-time or full-time in the organization.
Before the selection of the population of the study and sample size determination,
a total of three focus groups discussion were conducted. The participants were final-
year MBA students of different colleges and full time and part-time employees. The
purpose of the focus group discussion was to identify the items for employer
branding dimensions of the attractiveness construct. For this study, researcher
outlined twenty-four items, however, after focus-group discussion there were total
fourteen value propositions were identified. These items were rated from ‘never’
(least preferred) to ‘always’ (most preferred). For this research, survey method is
opted and questionnaire is designed to collect demographic details of the respondents
and their opinion related to employee attraction and employer branding. A total of
twenty-three questions were designed in which, part-A of the questionnaire contained
their name, gender, education level, experience, about their interest and choices.
Part-B of the questions was designed in a five-point Likert scale (from 1-Never to 5-
Always) to measure the outcome value. While designing the questionnaire the
various variables taken in consideration are interest value, social value, application
value, development value and economic value. The statistical analysis was done
using SPSS 20.0.
position company's
36% vision &
• While searching and applying for a job 63.9% respondent looked for career
growth opportunity, 19.5% working environment, 7.3% company’s offerings,
6.3% employer-employee relations and 2.9% saw other factors. It could be said
that now-a-days career growth opportunity in a company plays a crucial role in
applying for a job.
The data collected through questionnaire was processed in SPSS 20. Principal
Component Analysis (PCA) method used along with Direct Oblimin rotation
extracted all the factors having Eigen value greater than one (>1). The results were
reported in Table 2, in form of pattern matrix which summarizes the component
value greater than 0.4. One of the scale items about the opportunity to learn new
things, had the correlated value below 0.4, hence, has been dropped to reduce the
For a job seeker all these elements play a significant role. There is no consistent
strategy which can help the recruiters to attract the potential candidates. Social media
is gaining significance and companies are using this platform but still one cannot
predict a single way out to attract talent. One need to take into consideration every
aspect psychological factor like satisfaction at workplace, economic benefits, growth
opportunity etc. as each of them plays a pivotal role. People also want social security
at work like insurance schemes, provident fund and gratuity which gives them
protection from uncertainties. They want to have participative management style; as
none of us want to just follow the things but when we are involved, we feel a sense
of responsibility. People want to be more versatile as monotonous work is not
preferred anymore. Hence all these aspects are important and must be taken care to
create perfect employer brand. Social media platforms are being used rampantly by
many companies. Recruiter engagement through social media is still an area that
needs to be explored and there is need to explore strategies that are going to work
efficiently in this direction. Practitioners need to incorporate all the factors like
psychological, economic and functional benefit in creating employer branding.
7. Conclusion
Organization’s image perception and attractiveness do influence the job seekers to
apply for the job. Employer branding is a sum of psychological, economic and
functional benefits provided by employment and identified by the employer. It has a
psychological impact on prospective employee. Value propositions are considered as
a backbone of employer branding as it develops a clear vision about the organization
and significantly helps in employee attraction and retention. This research paper
explored the importance of employer branding and its impact on recruitment process.
From this study, our findings suggest that social value is a very crucial value for
employees or hiring a new employee in the organization. It is noticeable that job-
seekers are giving more preference in the social values. While searching a job they
give more preference to the employer-employee relations, good relations with
colleague so that they can feel the sense of belongingness with the organization.
Findings of the study will help the recruiters to adapt to better measures.
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She has organized and mentored several seminars, workshops, conferences and
management programs. Her areas of interest include labour economics and human
relations, organization Behavior and industrial relation issues. She has also served as
Head of the Department of Management.