Mcdonald 1978
Mcdonald 1978
Mcdonald 1978
The Ontario Institute for Studies in Education
Let ~i, ’’’, y, be item scores on the remaining q items in the domain,
with sum score
(Note that the last two sums include the diagonal variance terms.)
Let us now suppose that the behavior domain is explained by just
one factor, i.e., we have a Spearman case, or factorially homogeneous
case. (Shortly we consider multiple factors.) Let the factor loadings
and uniquenesses of ~i, - - -, xp be /i, - - -, fp, and U12, ..., Up2, and let
those of ~, &dquo; -, y, be gi, - &dquo;, gQ, and W12, ..., wQ2. Then
and equality is attained if and only if there is only one factor, and all
factor loadings are the same.2
Substituting factor loadings and uniquenesses in the covariances in
(12), together with (11), yields
Using the mathematical identity, for any numbers ~i, ’’’, bp,
fp¡, or, an equivalent, the items are parallel in the sense that all
covariances of items are the same.
We see, then, that if a behavior domain is explainable by a finite
number of common factors, coefficient alpha is in general less than the
coefficient of generalizability, given by the squared correlation be-
tween selection score and domain score. It follows also that the as-
sumptions made by Tryon (1957) and by Kaiser and Michael (1975)
cannot be true in such a behavior domain, except under the much
stronger condition of parallelism of items, which they were trying to
free the theory from. But then, such assumptions are unnecessary, if by
factor analysis we can both assess the general character of the behavior
domain, and estimate generalizability by sample counterparts of (9) or
A more extended account of these and related matters will be given