Big Waffle Inc. Daradar
Big Waffle Inc. Daradar
Big Waffle Inc. Daradar
The Liège waffle is a richer, denser, sweeter, and chewier waffle. Native to
the greater Wallonia region of Eastern Belgium and alternately known as
gaufres de chasse (hunting waffles) they are an adaptation of brioche bread
dough, featuring chunks of pearl sugar which caramelize on the outside of
the waffle when baked.
American waffles vary significantly. Generally denser and thinner than the
Belgian waffle, they are often made from a batter leavened with baking
powder, which is sometimes mixed with pecans, chocolate drops or berries
and may be round, square, or rectangular in shape.
The waffles are crisp and less dense than Belgian waffles, always heart
shaped, and served with cherries, cream and optionally rice pudding as part
of the traditional afternoon feast on Sundays in the region.
Cost Of summary