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[1678215371.575] <001> trace started.

[1678215371.969] <001> [2192] <03/07 19:56:11.968> C:\Program Files (x86)\Rithmic\

Rithmic Trader Pro\Rithmic Trader Pro.exe

Rithmic Trader Pro, 32-bit

.NET CLR 4.0.30319.42000

Microsoft Windows 10 Famille, 6.2.9200.0, Version 2004 (OS Build 19041.264), 64-bit
Machine has been on for 1 day 20:32:25
Current Time is 07-Mar-2023 07:56:11.927579 pm, fr-FR (pi=3.14159, c=299792458),
Paris, Madrid UTC+01.00

Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4200U CPU @ 1.60GHz, 2-core (4-logical)

System Disk: AS-512 (442.74 GB available on system drive)
MAC Addresses: E0:3F:49:33:40:6B, 16:0A:64:FF:2C:E7, 26:0A:64:FF:2C:E7,
24:0A:64:FF:2C:E7, 24:0A:64:FF:2C:E6
IP Address:
RAM: 11.89 GB, 36% used

[1678215371.969] <001> [2192] <03/07 19:56:11.969> Reading Configuration

[1678215371.972] <001> [2192] <03/07 19:56:11.972> Initializing Connection
[1678215371.972] <001> [2192] <03/07 19:56:11.972> Instantiating Heartbeat
[1678215371.972] <001> [2192] <03/07 19:56:11.972> Intantiating Notification
[1678215371.972] <001> [2192] <03/07 19:56:11.972> Contacting License Server...
[1678215372.503] <001> [2192] <03/07 19:56:12.502> Instantiating Local Storage
[1678215372.518] <001> [2192] <03/07 19:56:12.518> Initializing Controls...
[1678215373.632] <001> [2192] <03/07 19:56:13.632> Initialization Successful.
Starting Up...
[1678215374.094] <001> [2192] <03/07 19:56:14.094> Showing login screen...
[1678215813.702] <001> [2192] <03/07 20:03:33.702> Menu: Closing login screen...
[1678215813.707] <001> [2192] <03/07 20:03:33.707> Finis!
[1678215813.708] <001> trace finished.
[1678557559.181] <001> trace started.
[1678557559.643] <001> [9240] <03/11 18:59:19.642> C:\Program Files (x86)\Rithmic\
Rithmic Trader Pro\Rithmic Trader Pro.exe

Rithmic Trader Pro, 32-bit

.NET CLR 4.0.30319.42000
Microsoft Windows 10 Famille, 6.2.9200.0, Version 2004 (OS Build 19041.264), 64-bit
Machine has been on for 5 days 19:35:33
Current Time is 11-Mar-2023 06:59:19.587048 pm, fr-FR (pi=3.14159, c=299792458),
Paris, Madrid UTC+01.00

Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4200U CPU @ 1.60GHz, 2-core (4-logical)

System Disk: AS-512 (440.12 GB available on system drive)
MAC Addresses: E0:3F:49:33:40:6B, 16:0A:64:FF:2C:E7, 26:0A:64:FF:2C:E7,
24:0A:64:FF:2C:E7, 24:0A:64:FF:2C:E6
IP Address:
RAM: 11.89 GB, 35% used

[1678557559.644] <001> [9240] <03/11 18:59:19.644> Reading Configuration

[1678557559.645] <001> [9240] <03/11 18:59:19.645> Initializing Connection
[1678557559.645] <001> [9240] <03/11 18:59:19.645> Instantiating Heartbeat
[1678557559.645] <001> [9240] <03/11 18:59:19.645> Intantiating Notification
[1678557559.646] <001> [9240] <03/11 18:59:19.646> Contacting License Server...
[1678557560.219] <001> [9240] <03/11 18:59:20.219> Instantiating Local Storage
[1678557560.239] <001> [9240] <03/11 18:59:20.239> Initializing Controls...
[1678557561.298] <001> [9240] <03/11 18:59:21.298> Initialization Successful.
Starting Up...
[1678557561.775] <001> [9240] <03/11 18:59:21.775> Showing login screen...
[1678557600.515] <001> [9240] <03/11 19:00:00.515> Do you want to disable market
You won't be able to see live quotes, market depth or charts.
[1678557602.926] <001> [9240] <03/11 19:00:02.926> Login button pressed by:
[Orders] [email protected] (Rithmic 01, Chicago Area)
[Market Data] (Rithmic 01, Chicago Area)
[1678557602.928] <001> [9240] <03/11 19:00:02.928> Starting pre-init clock at: Sat,
Mar 11, 2023 07:00:02.927 PM
[1678557602.931] <001> [9240] <03/11 19:00:02.931> Reading Configuration
[1678557602.949] <001> [9240] <03/11 19:00:02.949>

User: [email protected]
System: Rithmic 01
Gateway: Chicago Area

[Market Data] - disabled

Order: login_agent_prodc
Price: login_agent_tp_r01c
RMS: login_agent_pnl_sslc
History: login_agent_historyc
Indicator: login_agent_indicatorc
Repository: login_agent_repositoryc
Admin: dd_admin_sslc
Device Timeout: default
LBI Timeout: default
Domain: rithmic_prod_01_dmz_domain
Domain Server:
License Server:
Location Broker: ritpz01000.01.rithmic.com:64100
Log Type: log_net

Admin Socket: [email protected]

User Msg: RithmicTraderPro-[]-asus-
[email protected]
Auto Log File: C:\Users\asus\Documents\Rithmic\Rithmic Trader Pro.cur.txt

[1678557602.949] <001> [9240] <03/11 19:00:02.949> Applying Configuration

[1678557602.950] <001> [9240] <03/11 19:00:02.950> Environment Variables:
PROCESSOR_IDENTIFIER = Intel64 Family 6 Model 69 Stepping 1, GenuineIntel
HOMEPATH = \Users\asus
APPDATA = C:\Users\asus\AppData\Roaming
MML_SSL_CLNT_CERT_FILE = C:\Program Files (x86)\Rithmic\Rithmic Trader Pro\
TMP = C:\Users\asus\AppData\Local\Temp
windir = C:\Windows
ProgramFiles(x86) = C:\Program Files (x86)
MML_LOC_BROK_ADDR = ritpz01000.01.rithmic.com:64100
LOCALAPPDATA = C:\Users\asus\AppData\Local
MML_LOG_TYPE = log_net
OS = Windows_NT
USERPROFILE = C:\Users\asus
Path = C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\System32\Wbem;C:\Windows\System32\
MML_SSL_CERT_NAME = rithmic.com
ProgramFiles = C:\Program Files (x86)
SystemDrive = C:
MML_DOMAIN_NAME = rithmic_prod_01_dmz_domain
CommonProgramW6432 = C:\Program Files\Common Files
CommonProgramFiles(x86) = C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files
ComSpec = C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe
CommonProgramFiles = C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files
USER = asus
PUBLIC = C:\Users\Public
__COMPAT_LAYER = DetectorsAppHealth
ProgramData = C:\ProgramData
TEMP = C:\Users\asus\AppData\Local\Temp
PSModulePath = C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules;C:\Windows\system32\
SystemRoot = C:\Windows
DriverData = C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\DriverData
OneDrive = C:\Users\asus\OneDrive
ProgramW6432 = C:\Program Files

[1678557602.953] <001> [9240] <03/11 19:00:02.953> Starting Stream Engines...

[1678557602.962] <007> [9240] <03/11 19:00:02.962> ADMIN connection started...
[1678557602.963] <007> [9240] <03/11 19:00:02.963> Starting Performance Counters...
[1678557602.963] <001> [9240] <03/11 19:00:02.963> Starting ADMIN Connection..
[1678557602.964] <007> [9240] <03/11 19:00:02.964> Pre-init completed in 0.35
[1678557602.964] <007> [9240] <03/11 19:00:02.964> 0. Creating Connection...

[1678557602.965] <007> [9240] <03/11 19:00:02.965> Starting connect clock at: sam.,
mars 11, 2023 07:00:02.964
[1678557603.022] <009> logger task ritpz01000.01.rithmic.com:45454
[1678557603.027] <010> logger task ritpz01000.01.rithmic.net:45454
[1678557603.028] <011> logger task ritpz01000.01.theomne.net:45454
[1678557603.030] <012> logger task ritpz01000.01.theomne.com:45454
[1678557603.035] <009> logger address ritpz01000.01.rithmic.com:45454 : success
[1678557603.036] <007> logger signalled
[1678557603.036] <007> logger tasks : left=0, found=True
[1678557603.042] <010> logger address ritpz01000.01.rithmic.net:45454 : success
[1678557603.042] <012> logger address ritpz01000.01.theomne.com:45454 : success
[1678557603.089] <011> logger address ritpz01000.01.theomne.net:45454 : success
[1678557603.134] <003> running lb task 0
[1678557603.135] <003> lb task 0 connecting to ritpz01000.01.rithmic.com:64100
[1678557603.147] <015> running connect task for ritpz01000.01.rithmic.com:64100
[1678557603.273] <015> connect task for ritpz01000.01.rithmic.com:64100 complete
[1678557603.273] <015> finished connect task for ritpz01000.01.rithmic.com:64100

[1678557603.468] <003> 32766 1 14 32766 1 unknown request 32767 1 ping

[1678557603.610] <003> 10046 1 21000 1 121305 21001 1 420198

10616 1 06:13:05 21010 1 20230305 10615 1 2023-03-05 10123 0 30003 1
dd_admin6_ritpz01000@rithmic_prod_01_dmz_domain 10609 1 dd_admin_sslc 32748 1
1678557598 32764 0 32767 1 mrv_lb 10000 1 dd_admin_sslc 50100 1 1678557598 50101 1
243619 32752 1 1678557603 32752 1 471000

[1678557603.611] <003> lb task to ritpz01000.01.rithmic.com:64100 completed by 0

[1678557603.612] <003> finished lb task 0
[1678557603.613] <007> resolved dd_admin_sslc as name=<dd_admin_sslc> host=<>
domain=<> address=<> port=<40026> type=<4>
[1678557603.621] <011> running connect task for
[1678557603.857] <011> connect task for complete
[1678557603.857] <011> finished connect task for

[1678557604.152] <007>

CN=Sectigo RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA, O=Sectigo Limited, L=Salford,
S=Greater Manchester, C=GB

[Serial Number]

[Not Before]
03/06/2022 02:00:00

[Not After]
05/07/2023 01:59:59


[1678557604.152] <007>
Cert chain

[1678557604.157] <007> Chain revocation flag : ExcludeRoot

[1678557604.157] <007> Chain revocation mode : Online
[1678557604.158] <007> Chain verification flag : NoFlag
[1678557604.158] <007> Chain verification time : 11/03/2023 19:00:04
[1678557604.158] <007> Chain status length : 0
[1678557604.158] <007> Chain application policy count : 1
[1678557604.158] <007> Chain certificate policy count : 0
[1678557604.158] <007> Chain Element Information
[1678557604.158] <007> Number of chain elements : 3
[1678557604.158] <007> Element issuer name : CN=Sectigo RSA Domain
Validation Secure Server CA, O=Sectigo Limited, L=Salford, S=Greater Manchester,
[1678557604.158] <007> Element certificate valid until : 05/07/2023 01:59:59
[1678557604.158] <007> Element certificate is valid : True
[1678557604.158] <007> Element error status length : 0
[1678557604.158] <007> Element information :
[1678557604.159] <007> Number of element extensions : 9
[1678557604.159] <007> Element issuer name : CN=USERTrust RSA
Certification Authority, O=The USERTRUST Network, L=Jersey City, S=New Jersey, C=US
[1678557604.159] <007> Element certificate valid until : 01/01/2031 00:59:59
[1678557604.217] <007> Element certificate is valid : True
[1678557604.217] <007> Element error status length : 0
[1678557604.217] <007> Element information :
[1678557604.217] <007> Number of element extensions : 8
[1678557604.217] <007> Element issuer name : CN=USERTrust RSA
Certification Authority, O=The USERTRUST Network, L=Jersey City, S=New Jersey, C=US
[1678557604.217] <007> Element certificate valid until : 19/01/2038 00:59:59
[1678557604.217] <007> Element certificate is valid : True
[1678557604.217] <007> Element error status length : 0
[1678557604.217] <007> Element information :
[1678557604.217] <007> Number of element extensions : 3
[1678557604.217] <007>
Policy errors -> None
[1678557604.217] <007> subject rithmic.com matches
[1678557604.375] <007> [9240] <03/11 19:00:04.375> OmneVerse up in 1.411 seconds.
[1678557604.376] <007> [9240] <03/11 19:00:04.376> *** 0. Connection created

[1678557604.379] <007> [9240] <03/11 19:00:04.379>

Admin Client
Peer Address:
name=<> host=<tonpz01000.theomne.net> domain=<> address=<>
port=<40026> type=<1>

Local Address:
name=<> host=<DESKTOP-CBUT4IU> domain=<> address=<> port=<57155>

Last Read Time : 1678561204346

Last Write Time: 1678561204376

[1678557604.379] <001> [9240] <03/11 19:00:04.379> 1. Reading Request Table...

[1678557604.390] <007> [9240] <03/11 19:00:04.390> *** 1. Loaded all requests

[1678557604.394] <001> [9240] <03/11 19:00:04.394> Prev Count: 0

[1678557604.394] <001> [9240] <03/11 19:00:04.394> Finished 1 of 4 (Login_ReadTbl)
[1678557604.395] <001> [9240] <03/11 19:00:04.395> Waiting for Repository, Order,
[1678557604.397] <018> [9240] <03/11 19:00:04.397> Waiting for Repository, Order,
[1678557604.397] <001> [9240] <03/11 19:00:04.397> 2. Starting Repository
[1678557604.397] <020> [9240] <03/11 19:00:04.397> Waiting for Repository, Order,
[1678557604.398] <019> [9240] <03/11 19:00:04.398> Waiting for Repository, Order,
[1678557604.398] <001> [9240] <03/11 19:00:04.398> 5. Starting RMS connection...
[1678557604.399] <001> [9240] <03/11 19:00:04.399> 3. Starting Order connection...
[1678557604.433] <020> [9240] <03/11 19:00:04.433> Created OmneStreamEngine[RMS] (0
watches) <initialized>
[1678557604.439] <018> [9240] <03/11 19:00:04.439> Created
OmneStreamEngine[Repository] (0 watches) <initialized>
[1678557604.441] <019> [9240] <03/11 19:00:04.441> Created OmneStreamEngine[Order]
(0 watches) <initialized>
[1678557604.477] <019> [9240] <03/11 19:00:04.477> Login_Order: iKeys items 12
[1678557604.477] <020> [9240] <03/11 19:00:04.477> Login_RMS: iKeys items 12
[1678557604.477] <018> [9240] <03/11 19:00:04.477> Login_Repository: iKeys items 12
[1678557604.497] <036> running lb task 0
[1678557604.497] <036> lb task 0 connecting to ritpz01000.01.rithmic.com:64100
[1678557604.497] <037> running lb task 0
[1678557604.497] <037> lb task 0 connecting to ritpz01000.01.rithmic.com:64100
[1678557604.497] <038> running lb task 0
[1678557604.497] <038> lb task 0 connecting to ritpz01000.01.rithmic.com:64100
[1678557604.497] <039> running connect task for ritpz01000.01.rithmic.com:64100
[1678557604.497] <040> running connect task for ritpz01000.01.rithmic.com:64100
[1678557604.499] <041> running connect task for ritpz01000.01.rithmic.com:64100
[1678557604.627] <041> connect task for ritpz01000.01.rithmic.com:64100 complete
[1678557604.628] <041> finished connect task for ritpz01000.01.rithmic.com:64100

[1678557604.629] <040> connect task for ritpz01000.01.rithmic.com:64100 complete

[1678557604.629] <040> finished connect task for ritpz01000.01.rithmic.com:64100

[1678557604.638] <039> connect task for ritpz01000.01.rithmic.com:64100 complete

[1678557604.638] <039> finished connect task for ritpz01000.01.rithmic.com:64100

[1678557604.763] <038> 32766 1 14 32766 1 unknown request 32767 1 ping

[1678557604.778] <037> 32766 1 14 32766 1 unknown request 32767 1 ping

[1678557604.784] <036> 32766 1 14 32766 1 unknown request 32767 1 ping

[1678557604.883] <038> 10046 1 21000 1 111205 21001 1 723040

10616 1 05:12:05 21010 1 20230305 10615 1 2023-03-05 10123 0 30003 1
login_agent_repo_r01_ritpz04042_40901@rithmic_prod_01_dmz_domain 10609 1
login_agent_repositoryc 32748 1 1678557599 32764 0 32767 1 mrv_lb 10000 1
login_agent_repositoryc 50100 1 1678557599 50101 1 535498 32752 1 1678557604 32752
1 763000

[1678557604.883] <038> lb task to ritpz01000.01.rithmic.com:64100 completed by 0

[1678557604.883] <018> resolved login_agent_repositoryc as
name=<login_agent_repositoryc> host=<> domain=<> address=<>
port=<40901> type=<4>
[1678557604.884] <038> finished lb task 0
[1678557604.885] <042> running connect task for
[1678557604.908] <037> 10046 1 21000 1 121247 21001 1 415634
10616 1 06:12:47 21010 1 20230305 10615 1 2023-03-05 10123 0 30003 1
login_agent_pnl_ritpz01000-40201_eth1@rithmic_prod_01_dmz_domain 10609 1
login_agent_pnl_sslc 32748 1 1678557599 32764 0 32767 1 mrv_lb 10000 1
login_agent_pnl_sslc 50100 1 1678557599 50101 1 550882 32752 1 1678557604 32752 1

[1678557604.908] <037> lb task to ritpz01000.01.rithmic.com:64100 completed by 0

[1678557604.909] <037> finished lb task 0
[1678557604.909] <020> resolved login_agent_pnl_sslc as name=<login_agent_pnl_sslc>
host=<> domain=<> address=<> port=<40201> type=<4>
[1678557604.909] <043> running connect task for
[1678557604.913] <036> 10046 1 21000 1 104634 21001 1 575449
10616 1 04:46:34 21010 1 20230305 10615 1 2023-03-05 10123 0 30003 1
login_agent_op_ritpz02019-40075_op01@rithmic_prod_01_dmz_domain 10609 1
login_agent_prodc 32748 1 1678557599 32764 0 32767 1 mrv_lb 10000 1
login_agent_prodc 50100 1 1678557599 50101 1 558019 32752 1 1678557604 32752 1

[1678557604.913] <036> lb task to ritpz01000.01.rithmic.com:64100 completed by 0

[1678557604.913] <019> resolved login_agent_prodc as name=<login_agent_prodc>
host=<> domain=<> address=<> port=<40075> type=<4>
[1678557604.913] <036> finished lb task 0
[1678557604.914] <044> running connect task for
[1678557605.086] <042> connect task for complete
[1678557605.086] <042> finished connect task for

[1678557605.130] <044> connect task for complete

[1678557605.131] <044> finished connect task for

[1678557605.130] <043> connect task for complete

[1678557605.131] <043> finished connect task for

[1678557605.344] <018>

CN=Sectigo RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA, O=Sectigo Limited, L=Salford,
S=Greater Manchester, C=GB

[Serial Number]

[Not Before]
03/06/2022 02:00:00

[Not After]
05/07/2023 01:59:59


[1678557605.344] <018>
Cert chain

[1678557605.344] <018> Chain revocation flag : ExcludeRoot

[1678557605.344] <018> Chain revocation mode : Online
[1678557605.344] <018> Chain verification flag : NoFlag
[1678557605.344] <018> Chain verification time : 11/03/2023 19:00:05
[1678557605.344] <018> Chain status length : 0
[1678557605.344] <018> Chain application policy count : 1
[1678557605.344] <018> Chain certificate policy count : 0
[1678557605.344] <018> Chain Element Information
[1678557605.344] <018> Number of chain elements : 3
[1678557605.344] <018> Element issuer name : CN=Sectigo RSA Domain
Validation Secure Server CA, O=Sectigo Limited, L=Salford, S=Greater Manchester,
[1678557605.344] <018> Element certificate valid until : 05/07/2023 01:59:59
[1678557605.344] <018> Element certificate is valid : True
[1678557605.344] <018> Element error status length : 0
[1678557605.344] <018> Element information :
[1678557605.345] <018> Number of element extensions : 9
[1678557605.345] <018> Element issuer name : CN=USERTrust RSA
Certification Authority, O=The USERTRUST Network, L=Jersey City, S=New Jersey, C=US
[1678557605.345] <018> Element certificate valid until : 01/01/2031 00:59:59
[1678557605.347] <018> Element certificate is valid : True
[1678557605.348] <018> Element error status length : 0
[1678557605.348] <018> Element information :
[1678557605.348] <018> Number of element extensions : 8
[1678557605.348] <018> Element issuer name : CN=USERTrust RSA
Certification Authority, O=The USERTRUST Network, L=Jersey City, S=New Jersey, C=US
[1678557605.348] <018> Element certificate valid until : 19/01/2038 00:59:59
[1678557605.348] <018> Element certificate is valid : True
[1678557605.348] <018> Element error status length : 0
[1678557605.348] <018> Element information :
[1678557605.348] <018> Number of element extensions : 3
[1678557605.348] <018>
Policy errors -> None
[1678557605.348] <018> subject rithmic.com matches
[1678557605.378] <019>

CN=Sectigo RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA, O=Sectigo Limited, L=Salford,
S=Greater Manchester, C=GB

[Serial Number]

[Not Before]
03/06/2022 02:00:00

[Not After]
05/07/2023 01:59:59


[1678557605.378] <019>
Cert chain

[1678557605.378] <019> Chain revocation flag : ExcludeRoot

[1678557605.378] <019> Chain revocation mode : Online
[1678557605.378] <019> Chain verification flag : NoFlag
[1678557605.378] <019> Chain verification time : 11/03/2023 19:00:05
[1678557605.379] <019> Chain status length : 0
[1678557605.379] <019> Chain application policy count : 1
[1678557605.379] <019> Chain certificate policy count : 0
[1678557605.379] <019> Chain Element Information
[1678557605.379] <019> Number of chain elements : 3
[1678557605.379] <019> Element issuer name : CN=Sectigo RSA Domain
Validation Secure Server CA, O=Sectigo Limited, L=Salford, S=Greater Manchester,
[1678557605.379] <019> Element certificate valid until : 05/07/2023 01:59:59
[1678557605.379] <019> Element certificate is valid : True
[1678557605.379] <019> Element error status length : 0
[1678557605.379] <019> Element information :
[1678557605.379] <019> Number of element extensions : 9
[1678557605.379] <019> Element issuer name : CN=USERTrust RSA
Certification Authority, O=The USERTRUST Network, L=Jersey City, S=New Jersey, C=US
[1678557605.379] <019> Element certificate valid until : 01/01/2031 00:59:59
[1678557605.386] <019> Element certificate is valid : True
[1678557605.386] <019> Element error status length : 0
[1678557605.386] <019> Element information :
[1678557605.387] <019> Number of element extensions : 8
[1678557605.387] <019> Element issuer name : CN=USERTrust RSA
Certification Authority, O=The USERTRUST Network, L=Jersey City, S=New Jersey, C=US
[1678557605.387] <019> Element certificate valid until : 19/01/2038 00:59:59
[1678557605.387] <019> Element certificate is valid : True
[1678557605.387] <019> Element error status length : 0
[1678557605.387] <019> Element information :
[1678557605.387] <019> Number of element extensions : 3
[1678557605.387] <019>
Policy errors -> None
[1678557605.387] <019> subject rithmic.com matches
[1678557605.388] <020>

CN=Sectigo RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA, O=Sectigo Limited, L=Salford,
S=Greater Manchester, C=GB

[Serial Number]

[Not Before]
03/06/2022 02:00:00

[Not After]
05/07/2023 01:59:59


[1678557605.388] <020>
Cert chain

[1678557605.388] <020> Chain revocation flag : ExcludeRoot

[1678557605.388] <020> Chain revocation mode : Online
[1678557605.388] <020> Chain verification flag : NoFlag
[1678557605.388] <020> Chain verification time : 11/03/2023 19:00:05
[1678557605.388] <020> Chain status length : 0
[1678557605.388] <020> Chain application policy count : 1
[1678557605.388] <020> Chain certificate policy count : 0
[1678557605.388] <020> Chain Element Information
[1678557605.388] <020> Number of chain elements : 3
[1678557605.388] <020> Element issuer name : CN=Sectigo RSA Domain
Validation Secure Server CA, O=Sectigo Limited, L=Salford, S=Greater Manchester,
[1678557605.388] <020> Element certificate valid until : 05/07/2023 01:59:59
[1678557605.388] <020> Element certificate is valid : True
[1678557605.388] <020> Element error status length : 0
[1678557605.388] <020> Element information :
[1678557605.388] <020> Number of element extensions : 9
[1678557605.388] <020> Element issuer name : CN=USERTrust RSA
Certification Authority, O=The USERTRUST Network, L=Jersey City, S=New Jersey, C=US
[1678557605.388] <020> Element certificate valid until : 01/01/2031 00:59:59
[1678557605.390] <020> Element certificate is valid : True
[1678557605.390] <020> Element error status length : 0
[1678557605.390] <020> Element information :
[1678557605.390] <020> Number of element extensions : 8
[1678557605.390] <020> Element issuer name : CN=USERTrust RSA
Certification Authority, O=The USERTRUST Network, L=Jersey City, S=New Jersey, C=US
[1678557605.390] <020> Element certificate valid until : 19/01/2038 00:59:59
[1678557605.390] <020> Element certificate is valid : True
[1678557605.390] <020> Element error status length : 0
[1678557605.390] <020> Element information :
[1678557605.390] <020> Number of element extensions : 3
[1678557605.390] <020>
Policy errors -> None
[1678557605.390] <020> subject rithmic.com matches
[1678557605.528] <019> [9240] <03/11 19:00:05.528> Connection OPENED on
[1678557605.528] <020> [9240] <03/11 19:00:05.528> Connection OPENED on
[1678557605.529] <018> [9240] <03/11 19:00:05.529> Connection OPENED on
[1678557605.538] <020> [9240] <03/11 19:00:05.538> *** 5. Started
OmneStreamEngine[RMS] (1 watches) <running>

[1678557605.538] <020> [9240] <03/11 19:00:05.538> Waiting for Repository*, Order*,

[1678557605.538] <018> [9240] <03/11 19:00:05.538> *** 2. Started
OmneStreamEngine[Repository] (1 watches) <running>

[1678557605.538] <018> [9240] <03/11 19:00:05.538> Waiting for Repository*, Order*,

[1678557605.538] <019> [9240] <03/11 19:00:05.538> *** 3. Started
OmneStreamEngine[Order] (1 watches) <running>

[1678557605.538] <019> [9240] <03/11 19:00:05.538> Waiting for Repository*, Order*,

[1678557605.765] <033> [9240] <03/11 19:00:05.765>

32767 1 rithmic_login 32760 1 16940691_0 32747 1 omd_op01@rithmic_04_prod_domain

32747 1 907870 32766 1 13 32766 1 permission denied

[1678557605.769] <035> [9240] <03/11 19:00:05.769>

32767 1 rithmic_login 32760 1 20053038_2 32747 1

omd_pnl_op01@rithmic_04_prod_domain 32747 1 810232 32766 1 13 32766 1 permission

[1678557605.770] <033> [9240] <03/11 19:00:05.770> login error at

login_agent_prodc, permission denied
[1678557605.770] <035> [9240] <03/11 19:00:05.770> login error at
login_agent_pnl_sslc, permission denied
[1678557605.771] <033> [9240] <03/11 19:00:05.771>

32767 1 rithmic_login 32760 1 16940691_0 32747 1 omd_op01@rithmic_04_prod_domain

32747 1 907870 32766 1 13 32766 1 permission denied

[1678557605.772] <035> [9240] <03/11 19:00:05.772>

32767 1 rithmic_login 32760 1 20053038_2 32747 1

omd_pnl_op01@rithmic_04_prod_domain 32747 1 810232 32766 1 13 32766 1 permission
[1678557605.778] <034> [9240] <03/11 19:00:05.778>

32767 1 rithmic_login 32760 1 51600826_1 32747 1

omd_Repo_repo01@rithmic_04_prod_domain 32747 1 3087775 32766 1 13 32766 1
permission denied

[1678557605.778] <034> [9240] <03/11 19:00:05.778> login error at

login_agent_repositoryc, permission denied
[1678557605.778] <034> [9240] <03/11 19:00:05.778>

32767 1 rithmic_login 32760 1 51600826_1 32747 1

omd_Repo_repo01@rithmic_04_prod_domain 32747 1 3087775 32766 1 13 32766 1
permission denied

[1678557605.778] <034> [9240] <03/11 19:00:05.778> Resetting OMNE Environment...

[1678557605.778] <034> [9240] <03/11 19:00:05.778> Removing watches for:
OmneStreamEngine[Order] (1 watches) <running>
[1678557605.781] <034> [9240] <03/11 19:00:05.781> Removing watches succeeded.
[1678557605.781] <034> [9240] <03/11 19:00:05.781> Removing watches for:
OmneStreamEngine[RMS] (1 watches) <running>
[1678557605.781] <034> [9240] <03/11 19:00:05.781> Removing watches succeeded.
[1678557605.781] <034> [9240] <03/11 19:00:05.781> Removing watches for:
OmneStreamEngine[Repository] (1 watches) <running>
[1678557605.781] <034> [9240] <03/11 19:00:05.781> Removing watches succeeded.
[1678557605.781] <034> [9240] <03/11 19:00:05.781> Stopping Tty Timer...
[1678557605.783] <034> [9240] <03/11 19:00:05.783> Stopping BRD Timer...
[1678557605.783] <034> [9240] <03/11 19:00:05.783> Stopping BRD Timer...
[1678557605.783] <034> [9240] <03/11 19:00:05.783> Stopping CHT Timer...
[1678557605.784] <034> [9240] <03/11 19:00:05.784> Stopping GEN Timer...
[1678557605.784] <034> [9240] <03/11 19:00:05.784> Stopping Data Rates...
[1678557605.785] <034> [9240] <03/11 19:00:05.785> Stopping ELP Timer...
[1678557605.785] <034> [9240] <03/11 19:00:05.785> Reset OMNE Environment
[1678557605.796] <001> [9240] <03/11 19:00:05.796> Closing all windows...
[1678557605.798] <001> [9240] <03/11 19:00:05.798> Close all windows succeeded.
[1678557605.817] <001> [9240] <03/11 19:00:05.817> Ready...
[1678557605.817] <001> [9240] <03/11 19:00:05.817> User needs to relogin. Showing
the login screen...
[1678557605.818] <037> [9240] <03/11 19:00:05.818> stopping
OmneStreamEngine[Repository] (0 watches) <running>
[1678557605.845] <001> [9240] <03/11 19:00:05.845> Shutting down OmneVerse...
[1678557605.845] <001> [9240] <03/11 19:00:05.845> Stopping Repository
[1678557607.773] <038> Device Order=>login_agent_prodc has notified an error.
[1678557607.777] <039> Device RMS=>login_agent_pnl_sslc has notified an error.
[1678557607.777] <013> A timer device Order=>login_agent_prodc:recover has been
established to attempt recovery every 1 milliseconds.
[1678557607.779] <013> A timer device RMS=>login_agent_pnl_sslc:recover has been
established to attempt recovery every 1 milliseconds.
[1678557607.787] <037> [9240] <03/11 19:00:07.787> stopped
OmneStreamEngine[Repository] (0 watches) <stopped>
[1678557607.787] <037> [9240] <03/11 19:00:07.787> stopping OmneStreamEngine[Order]
(0 watches) <running>
[1678557607.787] <001> [9240] <03/11 19:00:07.787> Stopping Order connection...
[1678557607.789] <037> [9240] <03/11 19:00:07.789> stopped OmneStreamEngine[Order]
(0 watches) <stopped>
[1678557607.789] <037> [9240] <03/11 19:00:07.789> stopping OmneStreamEngine[RMS]
(0 watches) <running>
[1678557607.789] <001> [9240] <03/11 19:00:07.789> Stopping RMS connection...
[1678557607.790] <037> [9240] <03/11 19:00:07.790> stopped OmneStreamEngine[RMS] (0
watches) <stopped>
[1678557607.790] <037> [9240] <03/11 19:00:07.790> 2 Engines Down.
[1678557607.922] <037> trace finished.
[1678557744.518] <001> trace started.
[1678557744.725] <001> [3640] <03/11 19:02:24.724> C:\Program Files (x86)\Rithmic\
Rithmic Trader Pro\Rithmic Trader Pro.exe

Rithmic Trader Pro, 32-bit

.NET CLR 4.0.30319.42000

Microsoft Windows 10 Famille, 6.2.9200.0, Version 2004 (OS Build 19041.264), 64-bit
Machine has been on for 5 days 19:38:38
Current Time is 11-Mar-2023 07:02:24.688324 pm, fr-FR (pi=3.14159, c=299792458),
Paris, Madrid UTC+01.00

Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4200U CPU @ 1.60GHz, 2-core (4-logical)

System Disk: AS-512 (440.12 GB available on system drive)
MAC Addresses: E0:3F:49:33:40:6B, 16:0A:64:FF:2C:E7, 26:0A:64:FF:2C:E7,
24:0A:64:FF:2C:E7, 24:0A:64:FF:2C:E6
IP Address:
RAM: 11.89 GB, 33% used

[1678557744.725] <001> [3640] <03/11 19:02:24.725> Reading Configuration

[1678557744.725] <001> [3640] <03/11 19:02:24.725> Initializing Connection
[1678557744.725] <001> [3640] <03/11 19:02:24.725> Instantiating Heartbeat
[1678557744.726] <001> [3640] <03/11 19:02:24.726> Intantiating Notification
[1678557744.726] <001> [3640] <03/11 19:02:24.726> Contacting License Server...
[1678557745.254] <001> [3640] <03/11 19:02:25.254> Instantiating Local Storage
[1678557745.264] <001> [3640] <03/11 19:02:25.264> Initializing Controls...
[1678557746.075] <001> [3640] <03/11 19:02:26.075> Initialization Successful.
Starting Up...
[1678557746.295] <001> [3640] <03/11 19:02:26.295> Starting pre-init clock at: Sat,
Mar 11, 2023 07:02:26.294 PM
[1678557746.299] <001> [3640] <03/11 19:02:26.299> Reading Configuration
[1678557746.316] <001> [3640] <03/11 19:02:26.316>

User: [email protected]
System: Rithmic 01
Gateway: Chicago Area
[Market Data] - disabled

Order: login_agent_prodc
Price: login_agent_tp_r01c
RMS: login_agent_pnl_sslc
History: login_agent_historyc
Indicator: login_agent_indicatorc
Repository: login_agent_repositoryc
Admin: dd_admin_sslc
Device Timeout: default
LBI Timeout: default
Domain: rithmic_prod_01_dmz_domain
Domain Server:
License Server:
Location Broker: ritpz01000.01.rithmic.com:64100
Log Type: log_net

Admin Socket: [email protected]

User Msg: RithmicTraderPro-[]-asus-
[email protected]
Auto Log File: C:\Users\asus\Documents\Rithmic\Rithmic Trader Pro.cur.txt

[1678557746.316] <001> [3640] <03/11 19:02:26.316> Applying Configuration

[1678557746.318] <001> [3640] <03/11 19:02:26.318> Environment Variables:
PROCESSOR_IDENTIFIER = Intel64 Family 6 Model 69 Stepping 1, GenuineIntel
HOMEPATH = \Users\asus
APPDATA = C:\Users\asus\AppData\Roaming
MML_SSL_CLNT_CERT_FILE = C:\Program Files (x86)\Rithmic\Rithmic Trader Pro\
TMP = C:\Users\asus\AppData\Local\Temp
windir = C:\Windows
ProgramFiles(x86) = C:\Program Files (x86)
MML_LOC_BROK_ADDR = ritpz01000.01.rithmic.com:64100
LOCALAPPDATA = C:\Users\asus\AppData\Local
MML_LOG_TYPE = log_net
OS = Windows_NT
USERPROFILE = C:\Users\asus
Path = C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\System32\Wbem;C:\Windows\System32\
MML_SSL_CERT_NAME = rithmic.com
ProgramFiles = C:\Program Files (x86)
SystemDrive = C:
MML_DOMAIN_NAME = rithmic_prod_01_dmz_domain
CommonProgramW6432 = C:\Program Files\Common Files
CommonProgramFiles(x86) = C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files
ComSpec = C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe
CommonProgramFiles = C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files
USER = asus
PUBLIC = C:\Users\Public
__COMPAT_LAYER = DetectorsAppHealth
ProgramData = C:\ProgramData
TEMP = C:\Users\asus\AppData\Local\Temp
PSModulePath = C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules;C:\Windows\system32\
SystemRoot = C:\Windows
DriverData = C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\DriverData
OneDrive = C:\Users\asus\OneDrive
ProgramW6432 = C:\Program Files

[1678557746.318] <001> [3640] <03/11 19:02:26.318> Starting Stream Engines...

[1678557746.325] <011> [3640] <03/11 19:02:26.325> ADMIN connection started...
[1678557746.326] <011> [3640] <03/11 19:02:26.326> Starting Performance Counters...
[1678557746.328] <011> [3640] <03/11 19:02:26.328> Pre-init completed in 0.33
[1678557746.328] <001> [3640] <03/11 19:02:26.328> Starting ADMIN Connection..
[1678557746.328] <011> [3640] <03/11 19:02:26.328> 0. Creating Connection...
[1678557746.329] <011> [3640] <03/11 19:02:26.329> Starting connect clock at: sam.,
mars 11, 2023 07:02:26.328
[1678557746.338] <008> logger task ritpz01000.01.rithmic.com:45454
[1678557746.338] <007> logger task ritpz01000.01.rithmic.net:45454
[1678557746.338] <012> logger task ritpz01000.01.theomne.com:45454
[1678557746.338] <005> logger task ritpz01000.01.theomne.net:45454
[1678557746.340] <008> logger address ritpz01000.01.rithmic.com:45454 : success
[1678557746.340] <005> logger address ritpz01000.01.theomne.net:45454 : success
[1678557746.340] <012> logger address ritpz01000.01.theomne.com:45454 : success
[1678557746.341] <011> logger signalled
[1678557746.341] <011> logger tasks : left=0, found=True
[1678557746.360] <007> logger address ritpz01000.01.rithmic.net:45454 : success
[1678557746.394] <017> running lb task 0
[1678557746.395] <017> lb task 0 connecting to ritpz01000.01.rithmic.com:64100
[1678557746.398] <018> running connect task for ritpz01000.01.rithmic.com:64100
[1678557746.529] <018> connect task for ritpz01000.01.rithmic.com:64100 complete
[1678557746.529] <018> finished connect task for ritpz01000.01.rithmic.com:64100

[1678557746.669] <017> 32766 1 14 32766 1 unknown request 32767 1 ping

[1678557746.800] <017> 10046 1 21000 1 104725 21001 1 588744

10616 1 04:47:25 21010 1 20230305 10615 1 2023-03-05 10123 0 30003 1
dd_admin2_ritpz01004@rithmic_prod_01_dmz_domain 10609 1 dd_admin_sslc 32748 1
1678557741 32764 0 32767 1 mrv_lb 10000 1 dd_admin_sslc 50100 1 1678557741 50101 1
444060 32752 1 1678557746 32752 1 670000

[1678557746.800] <017> lb task to ritpz01000.01.rithmic.com:64100 completed by 0

[1678557746.800] <017> finished lb task 0
[1678557746.800] <011> resolved dd_admin_sslc as name=<dd_admin_sslc> host=<>
domain=<> address=<> port=<40932> type=<4>
[1678557746.803] <019> running connect task for
[1678557747.022] <019> connect task for complete
[1678557747.022] <019> finished connect task for

[1678557747.321] <011>

CN=Sectigo RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA, O=Sectigo Limited, L=Salford,
S=Greater Manchester, C=GB

[Serial Number]

[Not Before]
03/06/2022 02:00:00

[Not After]
05/07/2023 01:59:59


[1678557747.321] <011>
Cert chain

[1678557747.323] <011> Chain revocation flag : ExcludeRoot

[1678557747.323] <011> Chain revocation mode : Online
[1678557747.323] <011> Chain verification flag : NoFlag
[1678557747.323] <011> Chain verification time : 11/03/2023 19:02:27
[1678557747.323] <011> Chain status length : 0
[1678557747.323] <011> Chain application policy count : 1
[1678557747.323] <011> Chain certificate policy count : 0
[1678557747.323] <011> Chain Element Information
[1678557747.323] <011> Number of chain elements : 3
[1678557747.323] <011> Element issuer name : CN=Sectigo RSA Domain
Validation Secure Server CA, O=Sectigo Limited, L=Salford, S=Greater Manchester,
[1678557747.323] <011> Element certificate valid until : 05/07/2023 01:59:59
[1678557747.324] <011> Element certificate is valid : True
[1678557747.324] <011> Element error status length : 0
[1678557747.324] <011> Element information :
[1678557747.324] <011> Number of element extensions : 9
[1678557747.324] <011> Element issuer name : CN=USERTrust RSA
Certification Authority, O=The USERTRUST Network, L=Jersey City, S=New Jersey, C=US
[1678557747.324] <011> Element certificate valid until : 01/01/2031 00:59:59
[1678557747.356] <011> Element certificate is valid : True
[1678557747.356] <011> Element error status length : 0
[1678557747.356] <011> Element information :
[1678557747.356] <011> Number of element extensions : 8
[1678557747.356] <011> Element issuer name : CN=USERTrust RSA
Certification Authority, O=The USERTRUST Network, L=Jersey City, S=New Jersey, C=US
[1678557747.356] <011> Element certificate valid until : 19/01/2038 00:59:59
[1678557747.357] <011> Element certificate is valid : True
[1678557747.357] <011> Element error status length : 0
[1678557747.357] <011> Element information :
[1678557747.357] <011> Number of element extensions : 3
[1678557747.357] <011>
Policy errors -> None
[1678557747.357] <011> subject rithmic.com matches
[1678557747.758] <011> [3640] <03/11 19:02:27.758> OmneVerse up in 1.430 seconds.
[1678557747.759] <011> [3640] <03/11 19:02:27.759> *** 0. Connection created

[1678557747.762] <011> [3640] <03/11 19:02:27.762>

Admin Client
Peer Address:
name=<> host=<tonpz01004.theomne.net> domain=<> address=<>
port=<40932> type=<1>

Local Address:
name=<> host=<DESKTOP-CBUT4IU> domain=<> address=<> port=<57170>

Last Read Time : 1678561347738

Last Write Time: 1678561347759

[1678557747.763] <001> [3640] <03/11 19:02:27.763> 1. Reading Request Table...

[1678557747.767] <011> [3640] <03/11 19:02:27.767> *** 1. Loaded all requests

[1678557747.771] <001> [3640] <03/11 19:02:27.771> Prev Count: 0

[1678557747.771] <001> [3640] <03/11 19:02:27.771> Finished 1 of 4 (Login_ReadTbl)
[1678557747.772] <001> [3640] <03/11 19:02:27.772> Waiting for Repository, Order,
[1678557747.775] <007> [3640] <03/11 19:02:27.775> Waiting for Repository, Order,
[1678557747.775] <001> [3640] <03/11 19:02:27.775> 5. Starting RMS connection...
[1678557747.775] <005> [3640] <03/11 19:02:27.775> Waiting for Repository, Order,
[1678557747.776] <001> [3640] <03/11 19:02:27.776> 3. Starting Order connection...
[1678557747.781] <012> [3640] <03/11 19:02:27.781> Waiting for Repository, Order,
[1678557747.782] <001> [3640] <03/11 19:02:27.781> 2. Starting Repository
[1678557747.801] <007> [3640] <03/11 19:02:27.801> Created OmneStreamEngine[RMS] (0
watches) <initialized>
[1678557747.802] <005> [3640] <03/11 19:02:27.802> Created OmneStreamEngine[Order]
(0 watches) <initialized>
[1678557747.803] <012> [3640] <03/11 19:02:27.803> Created
OmneStreamEngine[Repository] (0 watches) <initialized>
[1678557747.834] <012> [3640] <03/11 19:02:27.834> Login_Repository: iKeys items 12
[1678557747.834] <007> [3640] <03/11 19:02:27.834> Login_RMS: iKeys items 12
[1678557747.834] <005> [3640] <03/11 19:02:27.834> Login_Order: iKeys items 12
[1678557747.851] <033> running lb task 0
[1678557747.851] <033> lb task 0 connecting to ritpz01000.01.rithmic.com:64100
[1678557747.852] <034> running lb task 0
[1678557747.852] <034> lb task 0 connecting to ritpz01000.01.rithmic.com:64100
[1678557747.852] <035> running lb task 0
[1678557747.852] <035> lb task 0 connecting to ritpz01000.01.rithmic.com:64100
[1678557747.852] <036> running connect task for ritpz01000.01.rithmic.com:64100
[1678557747.852] <037> running connect task for ritpz01000.01.rithmic.com:64100
[1678557747.852] <038> running connect task for ritpz01000.01.rithmic.com:64100
[1678557747.975] <037> connect task for ritpz01000.01.rithmic.com:64100 complete
[1678557747.975] <037> finished connect task for ritpz01000.01.rithmic.com:64100

[1678557747.980] <036> connect task for ritpz01000.01.rithmic.com:64100 complete

[1678557747.980] <036> finished connect task for ritpz01000.01.rithmic.com:64100

[1678557747.981] <038> connect task for ritpz01000.01.rithmic.com:64100 complete

[1678557747.981] <038> finished connect task for ritpz01000.01.rithmic.com:64100

[1678557748.170] <034> 32766 1 14 32766 1 unknown request 32767 1 ping

[1678557748.172] <033> 32766 1 14 32766 1 unknown request 32767 1 ping

[1678557748.172] <035> 32766 1 14 32766 1 unknown request 32767 1 ping

[1678557748.294] <034> 10046 1 21000 1 104719 21001 1 932592

10616 1 04:47:19 21010 1 20230305 10615 1 2023-03-05 10123 0 30003 1
login_agent_pnl_ritpz01004-40427_eth1@rithmic_prod_01_dmz_domain 10609 1
login_agent_pnl_sslc 32748 1 1678557742 32764 0 32767 1 mrv_lb 10000 1
login_agent_pnl_sslc 50100 1 1678557742 50101 1 943930 32752 1 1678557748 32752 1

[1678557748.294] <034> lb task to ritpz01000.01.rithmic.com:64100 completed by 0

[1678557748.294] <007> resolved login_agent_pnl_sslc as name=<login_agent_pnl_sslc>
host=<> domain=<> address=<> port=<40427> type=<4>
[1678557748.295] <034> finished lb task 0
[1678557748.299] <033> 10046 1 21000 1 105513 21001 1 244078
10616 1 04:55:13 21010 1 20230305 10615 1 2023-03-05 10123 0 30003 1
login_agent_op_ritpz04037-40320_r01@rithmic_prod_01_dmz_domain 10609 1
login_agent_prodc 32748 1 1678557742 32764 0 32767 1 mrv_lb 10000 1
login_agent_prodc 50100 1 1678557742 50101 1 945318 32752 1 1678557748 32752 1
[1678557748.299] <033> lb task to ritpz01000.01.rithmic.com:64100 completed by 0
[1678557748.299] <005> resolved login_agent_prodc as name=<login_agent_prodc>
host=<> domain=<> address=<> port=<40320> type=<4>
[1678557748.299] <039> running connect task for
[1678557748.299] <033> finished lb task 0
[1678557748.300] <040> running connect task for
[1678557748.302] <035> 10046 1 21000 1 100153 21001 1 794501
10616 1 04:01:53 21010 1 20230305 10615 1 2023-03-05 10123 0 30003 1
login_agent_repo_r01_ritpz04046_40902@rithmic_prod_01_dmz_domain 10609 1
login_agent_repositoryc 32748 1 1678557742 32764 0 32767 1 mrv_lb 10000 1
login_agent_repositoryc 50100 1 1678557742 50101 1 946191 32752 1 1678557748 32752
1 172000

[1678557748.303] <035> lb task to ritpz01000.01.rithmic.com:64100 completed by 0

[1678557748.303] <012> resolved login_agent_repositoryc as
name=<login_agent_repositoryc> host=<> domain=<> address=<>
port=<40902> type=<4>
[1678557748.303] <035> finished lb task 0
[1678557748.304] <041> running connect task for
[1678557748.554] <040> connect task for complete
[1678557748.554] <040> finished connect task for

[1678557748.565] <039> connect task for complete

[1678557748.565] <041> connect task for complete
[1678557748.565] <039> finished connect task for

[1678557748.565] <041> finished connect task for

[1678557748.833] <005>

CN=Sectigo RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA, O=Sectigo Limited, L=Salford,
S=Greater Manchester, C=GB

[Serial Number]

[Not Before]
03/06/2022 02:00:00

[Not After]
05/07/2023 01:59:59


[1678557748.833] <005>
Cert chain

[1678557748.833] <005> Chain revocation flag : ExcludeRoot

[1678557748.833] <005> Chain revocation mode : Online
[1678557748.833] <005> Chain verification flag : NoFlag
[1678557748.833] <005> Chain verification time : 11/03/2023 19:02:28
[1678557748.833] <005> Chain status length : 0
[1678557748.833] <005> Chain application policy count : 1
[1678557748.833] <005> Chain certificate policy count : 0
[1678557748.833] <005> Chain Element Information
[1678557748.833] <005> Number of chain elements : 3
[1678557748.833] <005> Element issuer name : CN=Sectigo RSA Domain
Validation Secure Server CA, O=Sectigo Limited, L=Salford, S=Greater Manchester,
[1678557748.833] <005> Element certificate valid until : 05/07/2023 01:59:59
[1678557748.833] <005> Element certificate is valid : True
[1678557748.833] <005> Element error status length : 0
[1678557748.833] <005> Element information :
[1678557748.834] <005> Number of element extensions : 9
[1678557748.834] <005> Element issuer name : CN=USERTrust RSA
Certification Authority, O=The USERTRUST Network, L=Jersey City, S=New Jersey, C=US
[1678557748.834] <005> Element certificate valid until : 01/01/2031 00:59:59
[1678557748.838] <005> Element certificate is valid : True
[1678557748.838] <005> Element error status length : 0
[1678557748.838] <005> Element information :
[1678557748.838] <005> Number of element extensions : 8
[1678557748.838] <005> Element issuer name : CN=USERTrust RSA
Certification Authority, O=The USERTRUST Network, L=Jersey City, S=New Jersey, C=US
[1678557748.838] <005> Element certificate valid until : 19/01/2038 00:59:59
[1678557748.838] <005> Element certificate is valid : True
[1678557748.838] <005> Element error status length : 0
[1678557748.838] <005> Element information :
[1678557748.839] <005> Number of element extensions : 3
[1678557748.839] <005>
Policy errors -> None
[1678557748.839] <005> subject rithmic.com matches
[1678557748.849] <007>

CN=Sectigo RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA, O=Sectigo Limited, L=Salford,
S=Greater Manchester, C=GB

[Serial Number]

[Not Before]
03/06/2022 02:00:00

[Not After]
05/07/2023 01:59:59


[1678557748.850] <007>
Cert chain

[1678557748.850] <007> Chain revocation flag : ExcludeRoot

[1678557748.850] <007> Chain revocation mode : Online
[1678557748.850] <007> Chain verification flag : NoFlag
[1678557748.850] <007> Chain verification time : 11/03/2023 19:02:28
[1678557748.850] <007> Chain status length : 0
[1678557748.850] <007> Chain application policy count : 1
[1678557748.850] <007> Chain certificate policy count : 0
[1678557748.850] <007> Chain Element Information
[1678557748.850] <007> Number of chain elements : 3
[1678557748.850] <007> Element issuer name : CN=Sectigo RSA Domain
Validation Secure Server CA, O=Sectigo Limited, L=Salford, S=Greater Manchester,
[1678557748.850] <007> Element certificate valid until : 05/07/2023 01:59:59
[1678557748.851] <007> Element certificate is valid : True
[1678557748.851] <007> Element error status length : 0
[1678557748.851] <007> Element information :
[1678557748.851] <007> Number of element extensions : 9
[1678557748.851] <007> Element issuer name : CN=USERTrust RSA
Certification Authority, O=The USERTRUST Network, L=Jersey City, S=New Jersey, C=US
[1678557748.851] <007> Element certificate valid until : 01/01/2031 00:59:59
[1678557748.855] <012>

CN=Sectigo RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA, O=Sectigo Limited, L=Salford,
S=Greater Manchester, C=GB

[Serial Number]

[Not Before]
03/06/2022 02:00:00

[Not After]
05/07/2023 01:59:59


[1678557748.855] <012>
Cert chain

[1678557748.855] <012> Chain revocation flag : ExcludeRoot

[1678557748.855] <012> Chain revocation mode : Online
[1678557748.855] <012> Chain verification flag : NoFlag
[1678557748.855] <012> Chain verification time : 11/03/2023 19:02:28
[1678557748.855] <012> Chain status length : 0
[1678557748.855] <012> Chain application policy count : 1
[1678557748.855] <012> Chain certificate policy count : 0
[1678557748.855] <012> Chain Element Information
[1678557748.855] <012> Number of chain elements : 3
[1678557748.855] <012> Element issuer name : CN=Sectigo RSA Domain
Validation Secure Server CA, O=Sectigo Limited, L=Salford, S=Greater Manchester,
[1678557748.855] <012> Element certificate valid until : 05/07/2023 01:59:59
[1678557748.855] <012> Element certificate is valid : True
[1678557748.855] <007> Element certificate is valid : True
[1678557748.855] <012> Element error status length : 0
[1678557748.855] <007> Element error status length : 0
[1678557748.855] <012> Element information :
[1678557748.855] <007> Element information :
[1678557748.856] <007> Number of element extensions : 8
[1678557748.856] <012> Number of element extensions : 9
[1678557748.856] <007> Element issuer name : CN=USERTrust RSA
Certification Authority, O=The USERTRUST Network, L=Jersey City, S=New Jersey, C=US
[1678557748.856] <007> Element certificate valid until : 19/01/2038 00:59:59
[1678557748.856] <012> Element issuer name : CN=USERTrust RSA
Certification Authority, O=The USERTRUST Network, L=Jersey City, S=New Jersey, C=US
[1678557748.856] <007> Element certificate is valid : True
[1678557748.856] <012> Element certificate valid until : 01/01/2031 00:59:59
[1678557748.856] <007> Element error status length : 0
[1678557748.856] <007> Element information :
[1678557748.856] <007> Number of element extensions : 3
[1678557748.856] <007>
Policy errors -> None
[1678557748.856] <007> subject rithmic.com matches
[1678557748.859] <012> Element certificate is valid : True
[1678557748.859] <012> Element error status length : 0
[1678557748.859] <012> Element information :
[1678557748.859] <012> Number of element extensions : 8
[1678557748.860] <012> Element issuer name : CN=USERTrust RSA
Certification Authority, O=The USERTRUST Network, L=Jersey City, S=New Jersey, C=US
[1678557748.860] <012> Element certificate valid until : 19/01/2038 00:59:59
[1678557748.860] <012> Element certificate is valid : True
[1678557748.860] <012> Element error status length : 0
[1678557748.860] <012> Element information :
[1678557748.861] <012> Number of element extensions : 3
[1678557748.861] <012>
Policy errors -> None
[1678557748.861] <012> subject rithmic.com matches
[1678557749.006] <005> [3640] <03/11 19:02:29.006> Connection OPENED on
[1678557749.006] <007> [3640] <03/11 19:02:29.006> Connection OPENED on
[1678557749.011] <007> [3640] <03/11 19:02:29.011> *** 5. Started
OmneStreamEngine[RMS] (1 watches) <running>

[1678557749.012] <007> [3640] <03/11 19:02:29.012> Waiting for Repository*, Order*,

[1678557749.011] <005> [3640] <03/11 19:02:29.011> *** 3. Started
OmneStreamEngine[Order] (1 watches) <running>

[1678557749.012] <005> [3640] <03/11 19:02:29.012> Waiting for Repository*, Order*,

[1678557749.166] <012> [3640] <03/11 19:02:29.166> Connection OPENED on
[1678557749.166] <012> [3640] <03/11 19:02:29.166> *** 2. Started
OmneStreamEngine[Repository] (1 watches) <running>

[1678557749.166] <012> [3640] <03/11 19:02:29.166> Waiting for Repository*, Order*,

[1678557749.233] <030> [3640] <03/11 19:02:29.233>

32767 1 rithmic_login 32760 1 56031866_2 32747 1 omd_op01@rithmic_04_prod_domain

32747 1 910341 32766 1 13 32766 1 permission denied

[1678557749.234] <030> [3640] <03/11 19:02:29.234> login error at

login_agent_prodc, permission denied
[1678557749.236] <030> [3640] <03/11 19:02:29.236>

32767 1 rithmic_login 32760 1 56031866_2 32747 1 omd_op01@rithmic_04_prod_domain

32747 1 910341 32766 1 13 32766 1 permission denied
[1678557749.256] <031> [3640] <03/11 19:02:29.256>

32767 1 rithmic_login 32760 1 36788546_1 32747 1

omd_pnl_op01@rithmic_04_prod_domain 32747 1 810387 32766 1 13 32766 1 permission

[1678557749.256] <031> [3640] <03/11 19:02:29.256> login error at

login_agent_pnl_sslc, permission denied
[1678557749.256] <031> [3640] <03/11 19:02:29.256>

32767 1 rithmic_login 32760 1 36788546_1 32747 1

omd_pnl_op01@rithmic_04_prod_domain 32747 1 810387 32766 1 13 32766 1 permission

[1678557749.298] <032> [3640] <03/11 19:02:29.298>

32767 1 rithmic_login 32760 1 19233845_0 32747 1

omd_Repo_repo01@rithmic_04_prod_domain 32747 1 3088104 32766 1 13 32766 1
permission denied

[1678557749.298] <032> [3640] <03/11 19:02:29.298> login error at

login_agent_repositoryc, permission denied
[1678557749.298] <032> [3640] <03/11 19:02:29.298>

32767 1 rithmic_login 32760 1 19233845_0 32747 1

omd_Repo_repo01@rithmic_04_prod_domain 32747 1 3088104 32766 1 13 32766 1
permission denied

[1678557749.299] <032> [3640] <03/11 19:02:29.299> Resetting OMNE Environment...

[1678557749.299] <032> [3640] <03/11 19:02:29.299> Removing watches for:
OmneStreamEngine[Order] (1 watches) <running>
[1678557749.303] <032> [3640] <03/11 19:02:29.303> Removing watches succeeded.
[1678557749.303] <032> [3640] <03/11 19:02:29.303> Removing watches for:
OmneStreamEngine[RMS] (1 watches) <running>
[1678557749.303] <032> [3640] <03/11 19:02:29.303> Removing watches succeeded.
[1678557749.303] <032> [3640] <03/11 19:02:29.303> Removing watches for:
OmneStreamEngine[Repository] (1 watches) <running>
[1678557749.303] <032> [3640] <03/11 19:02:29.303> Removing watches succeeded.
[1678557749.303] <032> [3640] <03/11 19:02:29.303> Stopping Tty Timer...
[1678557749.305] <032> [3640] <03/11 19:02:29.305> Stopping BRD Timer...
[1678557749.306] <032> [3640] <03/11 19:02:29.306> Stopping BRD Timer...
[1678557749.306] <032> [3640] <03/11 19:02:29.306> Stopping CHT Timer...
[1678557749.306] <032> [3640] <03/11 19:02:29.306> Stopping GEN Timer...
[1678557749.306] <032> [3640] <03/11 19:02:29.306> Stopping Data Rates...
[1678557749.307] <032> [3640] <03/11 19:02:29.307> Stopping ELP Timer...
[1678557749.308] <032> [3640] <03/11 19:02:29.308> Reset OMNE Environment
[1678557749.319] <001> [3640] <03/11 19:02:29.319> Closing all windows...
[1678557749.335] <001> [3640] <03/11 19:02:29.335> Close all windows succeeded.
[1678557749.345] <001> [3640] <03/11 19:02:29.345> Ready...
[1678557749.345] <001> [3640] <03/11 19:02:29.345> User needs to relogin. Showing
the login screen...
[1678557749.346] <039> [3640] <03/11 19:02:29.346> stopping
OmneStreamEngine[Repository] (0 watches) <running>
[1678557749.620] <001> [3640] <03/11 19:02:29.620> Showing login screen...
[1678557749.673] <001> [3640] <03/11 19:02:29.673> Shutting down OmneVerse...
[1678557749.673] <001> [3640] <03/11 19:02:29.673> Stopping Repository
[1678557751.267] <043> Device Order=>login_agent_prodc has notified an error.
[1678557751.269] <045> Device RMS=>login_agent_pnl_sslc has notified an error.
[1678557751.281] <013> A timer device RMS=>login_agent_pnl_sslc:recover has been
established to attempt recovery every 1 milliseconds.
[1678557751.283] <013> A timer device Order=>login_agent_prodc:recover has been
established to attempt recovery every 1 milliseconds.
[1678557751.300] <037> [3640] <03/11 19:02:31.300> Connection BROKEN on
[1678557751.300] <038> [3640] <03/11 19:02:31.300> Connection BROKEN on
[1678557751.300] <001> [3640] <03/11 19:02:31.300>
[1678557751.301] <038> Attempting to recover RMS by opening
RMS=>login_agent_pnl_sslc (recovery attempt 1).
[1678557751.302] <037> Attempting to recover Order by opening
Order=>login_agent_prodc (recovery attempt 1).
[1678557751.305] <039> [3640] <03/11 19:02:31.305> stopped
OmneStreamEngine[Repository] (0 watches) <stopped>
[1678557751.305] <039> [3640] <03/11 19:02:31.305> stopping OmneStreamEngine[Order]
(0 watches) <running>
[1678557751.305] <001> [3640] <03/11 19:02:31.305> Stopping Order connection...
[1678557751.428] <039> [3640] <03/11 19:02:31.428> stopped OmneStreamEngine[Order]
(0 watches) <stopped>
[1678557751.428] <039> [3640] <03/11 19:02:31.428> stopping OmneStreamEngine[RMS]
(0 watches) <running>
[1678557751.429] <001> [3640] <03/11 19:02:31.429> Stopping RMS connection...
[1678557751.430] <039> [3640] <03/11 19:02:31.430> stopped OmneStreamEngine[RMS] (0
watches) <stopped>
[1678557751.430] <039> [3640] <03/11 19:02:31.430> 2 Engines Down.
[1678557751.632] <039> trace finished.
[1678557801.597] <001> trace started.
[1678557801.787] <001> [1836] <03/11 19:03:21.787> C:\Program Files (x86)\Rithmic\
Rithmic Trader Pro\Rithmic Trader Pro.exe

Rithmic Trader Pro, 32-bit

.NET CLR 4.0.30319.42000

Microsoft Windows 10 Famille, 6.2.9200.0, Version 2004 (OS Build 19041.264), 64-bit
Machine has been on for 5 days 19:39:35
Current Time is 11-Mar-2023 07:03:21.759633 pm, fr-FR (pi=3.14159, c=299792458),
Paris, Madrid UTC+01.00

Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4200U CPU @ 1.60GHz, 2-core (4-logical)

System Disk: AS-512 (440.13 GB available on system drive)
MAC Addresses: E0:3F:49:33:40:6B, 16:0A:64:FF:2C:E7, 26:0A:64:FF:2C:E7,
24:0A:64:FF:2C:E7, 24:0A:64:FF:2C:E6
IP Address:
RAM: 11.89 GB, 34% used
[1678557801.788] <001> [1836] <03/11 19:03:21.788> Reading Configuration
[1678557801.788] <001> [1836] <03/11 19:03:21.788> Initializing Connection
[1678557801.788] <001> [1836] <03/11 19:03:21.788> Instantiating Heartbeat
[1678557801.788] <001> [1836] <03/11 19:03:21.788> Intantiating Notification
[1678557801.788] <001> [1836] <03/11 19:03:21.788> Contacting License Server...
[1678557802.299] <001> [1836] <03/11 19:03:22.299> Instantiating Local Storage
[1678557802.330] <001> [1836] <03/11 19:03:22.330> Initializing Controls...
[1678557803.050] <001> [1836] <03/11 19:03:23.050> Initialization Successful.
Starting Up...
[1678557803.405] <001> [1836] <03/11 19:03:23.405> Showing login screen...
[1678557832.933] <001> [1836] <03/11 19:03:52.933> Do you want to disable market
You won't be able to see live quotes, market depth or charts.
[1678557834.672] <001> [1836] <03/11 19:03:54.672> Login button pressed by:
[Orders] [email protected] (Rithmic Paper Trading, Chicago Area)
[Market Data] (Rithmic 01, Chicago Area)
[1678557834.675] <001> [1836] <03/11 19:03:54.675> Starting pre-init clock at: Sat,
Mar 11, 2023 07:03:54.674 PM
[1678557834.677] <001> [1836] <03/11 19:03:54.677> Reading Configuration
[1678557834.690] <001> [1836] <03/11 19:03:54.690>

User: [email protected]
System: Rithmic Paper Trading
Gateway: Chicago Area

[Market Data] - disabled

Order: login_agent_op_paperc
Price: login_agent_tp_paperc
RMS: login_agent_pnl_paperc
History: login_agent_history_paperc
Indicator: login_agent_indicator_paperc
Repository: login_agent_repositoryc
Admin: dd_admin_sslc
Device Timeout: default
LBI Timeout: default
Domain: rithmic_paper_prod_domain
Domain Server:
License Server:
Location Broker: ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:64100
Log Type: log_net

Admin Socket: [email protected]

User Msg: RithmicTraderPro-[]-asus-
[email protected]
Auto Log File: C:\Users\asus\Documents\Rithmic\Rithmic Trader Pro.cur.txt

[1678557834.690] <001> [1836] <03/11 19:03:54.690> Applying Configuration

[1678557834.692] <001> [1836] <03/11 19:03:54.692> Environment Variables:
PROCESSOR_IDENTIFIER = Intel64 Family 6 Model 69 Stepping 1, GenuineIntel
HOMEPATH = \Users\asus
APPDATA = C:\Users\asus\AppData\Roaming
MML_SSL_CLNT_CERT_FILE = C:\Program Files (x86)\Rithmic\Rithmic Trader Pro\
TMP = C:\Users\asus\AppData\Local\Temp
windir = C:\Windows
ProgramFiles(x86) = C:\Program Files (x86)
MML_LOC_BROK_ADDR = ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:64100
LOCALAPPDATA = C:\Users\asus\AppData\Local
MML_LOG_TYPE = log_net
OS = Windows_NT
USERPROFILE = C:\Users\asus
Path = C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\System32\Wbem;C:\Windows\System32\
MML_SSL_CERT_NAME = rithmic.com
ProgramFiles = C:\Program Files (x86)
SystemDrive = C:
MML_DOMAIN_NAME = rithmic_paper_prod_domain
CommonProgramW6432 = C:\Program Files\Common Files
CommonProgramFiles(x86) = C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files
ComSpec = C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe
CommonProgramFiles = C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files
USER = asus
PUBLIC = C:\Users\Public
ProgramData = C:\ProgramData
TEMP = C:\Users\asus\AppData\Local\Temp
PSModulePath = C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules;C:\Windows\system32\
SystemRoot = C:\Windows
DriverData = C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\DriverData
OneDrive = C:\Users\asus\OneDrive
ProgramW6432 = C:\Program Files

[1678557834.692] <001> [1836] <03/11 19:03:54.692> Starting Stream Engines...

[1678557834.698] <001> [1836] <03/11 19:03:54.698> Starting ADMIN Connection..
[1678557834.699] <007> [1836] <03/11 19:03:54.699> ADMIN connection started...
[1678557834.699] <007> [1836] <03/11 19:03:54.699> Starting Performance Counters...
[1678557834.700] <007> [1836] <03/11 19:03:54.700> Pre-init completed in 0.25
[1678557834.700] <007> [1836] <03/11 19:03:54.700> 0. Creating Connection...

[1678557834.701] <007> [1836] <03/11 19:03:54.701> Starting connect clock at: sam.,
mars 11, 2023 07:03:54.700
[1678557834.723] <008> logger task ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:45454
[1678557834.725] <010> logger task ritpz04063.04.rithmic.net:45454
[1678557834.729] <011> logger task ritpz01004.01.rithmic.net:45454
[1678557834.733] <012> logger task ritpz04063.04.theomne.net:45454
[1678557834.734] <009> logger task ritpz01004.01.rithmic.com:45454
[1678557834.734] <013> logger task ritpz01004.01.theomne.net:45454
[1678557834.737] <008> logger address ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:45454 : success
[1678557834.737] <015> logger task ritpz01004.01.theomne.com:45454
[1678557834.738] <007> logger signalled
[1678557834.739] <007> logger tasks : left=0, found=True
[1678557834.747] <012> logger address ritpz04063.04.theomne.net:45454 : success
[1678557834.754] <015> logger address ritpz01004.01.theomne.com:45454 : success
[1678557834.758] <013> logger address ritpz01004.01.theomne.net:45454 : success
[1678557834.735] <014> logger task ritpz04063.04.theomne.com:45454
[1678557834.774] <011> logger address ritpz01004.01.rithmic.net:45454 : failure
[1678557834.779] <010> logger address ritpz04063.04.rithmic.net:45454 : success
[1678557834.786] <009> logger address ritpz01004.01.rithmic.com:45454 : success
[1678557834.786] <014> logger address ritpz04063.04.theomne.com:45454 : success
[1678557834.809] <012> running lb task 0
[1678557834.810] <012> lb task 0 connecting to ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:64100
[1678557834.813] <011> running connect task for ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:64100
[1678557834.942] <011> connect task for ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:64100 complete
[1678557834.942] <011> finished connect task for ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:64100

[1678557835.078] <012> 32766 1 14 32766 1 unknown request 32767 1 ping

[1678557835.204] <012> 10046 1 21001 1 256111 21000 1 105521

10616 1 04:55:21 21010 1 20230305 10615 1 2023-03-05 10123 0 30003 1
dd_admin_tst_ritpz02015@rithmic_paper_prod_domain 10609 1 dd_admin_sslc 32748 1
1678557829 32764 0 32767 1 mrv_lb 10000 1 dd_admin_sslc 50100 1 1678557829 50101 1
855101 32752 1 1678557835 32752 1 79000

[1678557835.205] <012> lb task to ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:64100 completed by 0

[1678557835.207] <012> finished lb task 0
[1678557835.208] <007> resolved dd_admin_sslc as name=<dd_admin_sslc> host=<>
domain=<> address=<> port=<40219> type=<4>
[1678557835.215] <011> running connect task for
[1678557835.405] <011> connect task for complete
[1678557835.405] <011> finished connect task for

[1678557835.698] <007>

CN=Sectigo RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA, O=Sectigo Limited, L=Salford,
S=Greater Manchester, C=GB

[Serial Number]

[Not Before]
03/06/2022 02:00:00

[Not After]
05/07/2023 01:59:59


[1678557835.698] <007>
Cert chain

[1678557835.701] <007> Chain revocation flag : ExcludeRoot

[1678557835.701] <007> Chain revocation mode : Online
[1678557835.701] <007> Chain verification flag : NoFlag
[1678557835.701] <007> Chain verification time : 11/03/2023 19:03:55
[1678557835.701] <007> Chain status length : 0
[1678557835.701] <007> Chain application policy count : 1
[1678557835.701] <007> Chain certificate policy count : 0
[1678557835.701] <007> Chain Element Information
[1678557835.701] <007> Number of chain elements : 3
[1678557835.701] <007> Element issuer name : CN=Sectigo RSA Domain
Validation Secure Server CA, O=Sectigo Limited, L=Salford, S=Greater Manchester,
[1678557835.701] <007> Element certificate valid until : 05/07/2023 01:59:59
[1678557835.701] <007> Element certificate is valid : True
[1678557835.701] <007> Element error status length : 0
[1678557835.701] <007> Element information :
[1678557835.701] <007> Number of element extensions : 9
[1678557835.701] <007> Element issuer name : CN=USERTrust RSA
Certification Authority, O=The USERTRUST Network, L=Jersey City, S=New Jersey, C=US
[1678557835.701] <007> Element certificate valid until : 01/01/2031 00:59:59
[1678557835.725] <007> Element certificate is valid : True
[1678557835.725] <007> Element error status length : 0
[1678557835.725] <007> Element information :
[1678557835.725] <007> Number of element extensions : 8
[1678557835.725] <007> Element issuer name : CN=USERTrust RSA
Certification Authority, O=The USERTRUST Network, L=Jersey City, S=New Jersey, C=US
[1678557835.725] <007> Element certificate valid until : 19/01/2038 00:59:59
[1678557835.725] <007> Element certificate is valid : True
[1678557835.725] <007> Element error status length : 0
[1678557835.725] <007> Element information :
[1678557835.725] <007> Number of element extensions : 3
[1678557835.725] <007>
Policy errors -> None
[1678557835.725] <007> subject rithmic.com matches
[1678557840.412] <007> [1836] <03/11 19:04:00.412> OmneVerse up in 5.712 seconds.
[1678557840.412] <007> [1836] <03/11 19:04:00.412> *** 0. Connection created

[1678557840.418] <007> [1836] <03/11 19:04:00.418>

Admin Client
Peer Address:
name=<> host=<> domain=<> address=<> port=<40219>

Local Address:
name=<> host=<DESKTOP-CBUT4IU> domain=<> address=<> port=<57217>

Last Read Time : 1678561440391

Last Write Time: 1678561440412

[1678557840.419] <001> [1836] <03/11 19:04:00.419> 1. Reading Request Table...

[1678557840.426] <007> [1836] <03/11 19:04:00.426> *** 1. Loaded all requests

[1678557840.429] <001> [1836] <03/11 19:04:00.428> Prev Count: 0

[1678557840.429] <001> [1836] <03/11 19:04:00.429> Finished 1 of 4 (Login_ReadTbl)
[1678557840.429] <001> [1836] <03/11 19:04:00.429> Waiting for Repository, Order,
[1678557840.431] <018> [1836] <03/11 19:04:00.431> Waiting for Repository, Order,
[1678557840.431] <001> [1836] <03/11 19:04:00.431> 2. Starting Repository
[1678557840.432] <020> [1836] <03/11 19:04:00.432> Waiting for Repository, Order,
[1678557840.432] <019> [1836] <03/11 19:04:00.432> Waiting for Repository, Order,
[1678557840.432] <001> [1836] <03/11 19:04:00.432> 5. Starting RMS connection...
[1678557840.432] <001> [1836] <03/11 19:04:00.432> 3. Starting Order connection...
[1678557840.452] <018> [1836] <03/11 19:04:00.452> Created
OmneStreamEngine[Repository] (0 watches) <initialized>
[1678557840.453] <020> [1836] <03/11 19:04:00.453> Created OmneStreamEngine[RMS] (0
watches) <initialized>
[1678557840.454] <019> [1836] <03/11 19:04:00.454> Created OmneStreamEngine[Order]
(0 watches) <initialized>
[1678557840.483] <018> [1836] <03/11 19:04:00.483> Login_Repository: iKeys items 12
[1678557840.483] <019> [1836] <03/11 19:04:00.483> Login_Order: iKeys items 12
[1678557840.510] <020> [1836] <03/11 19:04:00.510> Login_RMS: iKeys items 12
[1678557840.511] <036> running lb task 0
[1678557840.511] <036> lb task 0 connecting to ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:64100
[1678557840.512] <035> running lb task 0
[1678557840.512] <035> lb task 0 connecting to ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:64100
[1678557840.512] <038> running lb task 0
[1678557840.512] <038> lb task 0 connecting to ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:64100
[1678557840.512] <039> running connect task for ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:64100
[1678557840.513] <040> running connect task for ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:64100
[1678557840.523] <041> running connect task for ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:64100
[1678557840.640] <039> connect task for ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:64100 complete
[1678557840.640] <039> finished connect task for ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:64100

[1678557840.646] <040> connect task for ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:64100 complete

[1678557840.646] <040> finished connect task for ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:64100

[1678557840.657] <041> connect task for ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:64100 complete

[1678557840.658] <041> finished connect task for ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:64100

[1678557840.773] <035> 32766 1 14 32766 1 unknown request 32767 1 ping

[1678557840.773] <036> 32766 1 14 32766 1 unknown request 32767 1 ping

[1678557840.799] <038> 32766 1 14 32766 1 unknown request 32767 1 ping

[1678557840.899] <035> 10046 1 21001 1 019811 21000 1 094235

10616 1 03:42:35 21010 1 20230305 10615 1 2023-03-05 10123 0 30003 1
login_agent_op_ritpz08018-40253_paper@rithmic_paper_prod_domain 10609 1
login_agent_op_paperc 32748 1 1678557835 32764 0 32767 1 mrv_lb 10000 1
login_agent_op_paperc 50100 1 1678557835 50101 1 548906 32752 1 1678557840 32752 1

[1678557840.899] <035> lb task to ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:64100 completed by 0

[1678557840.899] <019> resolved login_agent_op_paperc as
name=<login_agent_op_paperc> host=<> domain=<> address=<>
port=<40253> type=<4>
[1678557840.899] <035> finished lb task 0
[1678557840.899] <036> 10046 1 21001 1 546948 21000 1 094217
10616 1 03:42:17 21010 1 20230305 10615 1 2023-03-05 10123 0 30003 1
login_agent_rp_paper_ritpz08012-2@rithmic_paper_prod_domain 10609 1
login_agent_repositoryc 32748 1 1678557835 32764 0 32767 1 mrv_lb 10000 1
login_agent_repositoryc 50100 1 1678557835 50101 1 549193 32752 1 1678557840 32752
1 773000

[1678557840.899] <036> lb task to ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:64100 completed by 0

[1678557840.899] <018> resolved login_agent_repositoryc as
name=<login_agent_repositoryc> host=<> domain=<> address=<>
port=<40201> type=<4>
[1678557840.899] <036> finished lb task 0
[1678557840.902] <042> running connect task for
[1678557840.906] <043> running connect task for
[1678557840.927] <038> 10046 1 21001 1 564359 21000 1 104850
10616 1 04:48:50 21010 1 20230305 10615 1 2023-03-05 10123 0 30003 1
login_agent_pnl_ritpz01003-40261_paper@rithmic_paper_prod_domain 10609 1
login_agent_pnl_paperc 32748 1 1678557835 32764 0 32767 1 mrv_lb 10000 1
login_agent_pnl_paperc 50100 1 1678557835 50101 1 576016 32752 1 1678557840 32752 1

[1678557840.927] <038> lb task to ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:64100 completed by 0

[1678557840.927] <020> resolved login_agent_pnl_paperc as
name=<login_agent_pnl_paperc> host=<> domain=<> address=<>
port=<40261> type=<4>
[1678557840.927] <038> finished lb task 0
[1678557840.928] <044> running connect task for
[1678557841.102] <042> connect task for complete
[1678557841.102] <042> finished connect task for

[1678557841.122] <043> connect task for complete

[1678557841.122] <043> finished connect task for

[1678557841.125] <044> connect task for complete

[1678557841.125] <044> finished connect task for

[1678557841.373] <019>

CN=Sectigo RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA, O=Sectigo Limited, L=Salford,
S=Greater Manchester, C=GB

[Serial Number]

[Not Before]
03/06/2022 02:00:00

[Not After]
05/07/2023 01:59:59


[1678557841.373] <019>
Cert chain

[1678557841.373] <019> Chain revocation flag : ExcludeRoot

[1678557841.373] <019> Chain revocation mode : Online
[1678557841.373] <019> Chain verification flag : NoFlag
[1678557841.373] <019> Chain verification time : 11/03/2023 19:04:01
[1678557841.373] <019> Chain status length : 0
[1678557841.373] <019> Chain application policy count : 1
[1678557841.373] <019> Chain certificate policy count : 0
[1678557841.374] <019> Chain Element Information
[1678557841.374] <019> Number of chain elements : 3
[1678557841.374] <019> Element issuer name : CN=Sectigo RSA Domain
Validation Secure Server CA, O=Sectigo Limited, L=Salford, S=Greater Manchester,
[1678557841.374] <019> Element certificate valid until : 05/07/2023 01:59:59
[1678557841.374] <019> Element certificate is valid : True
[1678557841.374] <019> Element error status length : 0
[1678557841.374] <019> Element information :
[1678557841.374] <019> Number of element extensions : 9
[1678557841.374] <019> Element issuer name : CN=USERTrust RSA
Certification Authority, O=The USERTRUST Network, L=Jersey City, S=New Jersey, C=US
[1678557841.374] <019> Element certificate valid until : 01/01/2031 00:59:59
[1678557841.377] <019> Element certificate is valid : True
[1678557841.377] <019> Element error status length : 0
[1678557841.377] <019> Element information :
[1678557841.378] <019> Number of element extensions : 8
[1678557841.378] <019> Element issuer name : CN=USERTrust RSA
Certification Authority, O=The USERTRUST Network, L=Jersey City, S=New Jersey, C=US
[1678557841.378] <019> Element certificate valid until : 19/01/2038 00:59:59
[1678557841.378] <019> Element certificate is valid : True
[1678557841.378] <019> Element error status length : 0
[1678557841.378] <019> Element information :
[1678557841.378] <019> Number of element extensions : 3
[1678557841.378] <019>
Policy errors -> None
[1678557841.378] <019> subject rithmic.com matches
[1678557841.391] <020>

CN=Sectigo RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA, O=Sectigo Limited, L=Salford,
S=Greater Manchester, C=GB

[Serial Number]

[Not Before]
03/06/2022 02:00:00

[Not After]
05/07/2023 01:59:59


[1678557841.391] <020>
Cert chain

[1678557841.391] <020> Chain revocation flag : ExcludeRoot

[1678557841.391] <020> Chain revocation mode : Online
[1678557841.391] <020> Chain verification flag : NoFlag
[1678557841.391] <020> Chain verification time : 11/03/2023 19:04:01
[1678557841.391] <020> Chain status length : 0
[1678557841.391] <020> Chain application policy count : 1
[1678557841.391] <020> Chain certificate policy count : 0
[1678557841.391] <020> Chain Element Information
[1678557841.391] <020> Number of chain elements : 3
[1678557841.391] <020> Element issuer name : CN=Sectigo RSA Domain
Validation Secure Server CA, O=Sectigo Limited, L=Salford, S=Greater Manchester,
[1678557841.391] <020> Element certificate valid until : 05/07/2023 01:59:59
[1678557841.391] <020> Element certificate is valid : True
[1678557841.391] <020> Element error status length : 0
[1678557841.391] <020> Element information :
[1678557841.391] <020> Number of element extensions : 9
[1678557841.391] <020> Element issuer name : CN=USERTrust RSA
Certification Authority, O=The USERTRUST Network, L=Jersey City, S=New Jersey, C=US
[1678557841.391] <020> Element certificate valid until : 01/01/2031 00:59:59
[1678557841.393] <020> Element certificate is valid : True
[1678557841.393] <020> Element error status length : 0
[1678557841.393] <020> Element information :
[1678557841.393] <020> Number of element extensions : 8
[1678557841.393] <020> Element issuer name : CN=USERTrust RSA
Certification Authority, O=The USERTRUST Network, L=Jersey City, S=New Jersey, C=US
[1678557841.393] <020> Element certificate valid until : 19/01/2038 00:59:59
[1678557841.393] <020> Element certificate is valid : True
[1678557841.393] <020> Element error status length : 0
[1678557841.393] <020> Element information :
[1678557841.393] <020> Number of element extensions : 3
[1678557841.393] <020>
Policy errors -> None
[1678557841.393] <020> subject rithmic.com matches
[1678557841.413] <018>

CN=Sectigo RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA, O=Sectigo Limited, L=Salford,
S=Greater Manchester, C=GB

[Serial Number]

[Not Before]
03/06/2022 02:00:00

[Not After]
05/07/2023 01:59:59


[1678557841.413] <018>
Cert chain

[1678557841.413] <018> Chain revocation flag : ExcludeRoot

[1678557841.413] <018> Chain revocation mode : Online
[1678557841.413] <018> Chain verification flag : NoFlag
[1678557841.413] <018> Chain verification time : 11/03/2023 19:04:01
[1678557841.413] <018> Chain status length : 0
[1678557841.413] <018> Chain application policy count : 1
[1678557841.413] <018> Chain certificate policy count : 0
[1678557841.413] <018> Chain Element Information
[1678557841.413] <018> Number of chain elements : 3
[1678557841.413] <018> Element issuer name : CN=Sectigo RSA Domain
Validation Secure Server CA, O=Sectigo Limited, L=Salford, S=Greater Manchester,
[1678557841.413] <018> Element certificate valid until : 05/07/2023 01:59:59
[1678557841.413] <018> Element certificate is valid : True
[1678557841.413] <018> Element error status length : 0
[1678557841.413] <018> Element information :
[1678557841.413] <018> Number of element extensions : 9
[1678557841.414] <018> Element issuer name : CN=USERTrust RSA
Certification Authority, O=The USERTRUST Network, L=Jersey City, S=New Jersey, C=US
[1678557841.414] <018> Element certificate valid until : 01/01/2031 00:59:59
[1678557841.415] <018> Element certificate is valid : True
[1678557841.415] <018> Element error status length : 0
[1678557841.415] <018> Element information :
[1678557841.415] <018> Number of element extensions : 8
[1678557841.415] <018> Element issuer name : CN=USERTrust RSA
Certification Authority, O=The USERTRUST Network, L=Jersey City, S=New Jersey, C=US
[1678557841.416] <018> Element certificate valid until : 19/01/2038 00:59:59
[1678557841.416] <018> Element certificate is valid : True
[1678557841.416] <018> Element error status length : 0
[1678557841.416] <018> Element information :
[1678557841.416] <018> Number of element extensions : 3
[1678557841.416] <018>
Policy errors -> None
[1678557841.416] <018> subject rithmic.com matches
[1678557841.543] <020> [1836] <03/11 19:04:01.543> Connection OPENED on
[1678557841.547] <020> [1836] <03/11 19:04:01.547> *** 5. Started
OmneStreamEngine[RMS] (1 watches) <running>

[1678557841.547] <020> [1836] <03/11 19:04:01.547> Waiting for Repository*, Order*,

[1678557841.579] <019> [1836] <03/11 19:04:01.579> Connection OPENED on
[1678557841.579] <019> [1836] <03/11 19:04:01.579> *** 3. Started
OmneStreamEngine[Order] (1 watches) <running>

[1678557841.579] <019> [1836] <03/11 19:04:01.579> Waiting for Repository*, Order*,

[1678557841.607] <018> [1836] <03/11 19:04:01.607> Connection OPENED on
[1678557841.607] <018> [1836] <03/11 19:04:01.607> *** 2. Started
OmneStreamEngine[Repository] (1 watches) <running>

[1678557841.607] <018> [1836] <03/11 19:04:01.607> Waiting for Repository*, Order*,

[1678557841.834] <037> [1836] <03/11 19:04:01.834>

32766 0 32767 1 rithmic_login 32760 1 50113417_2 32747 1

omd_pnl_paper_op01@rithmic_paper_domain 32747 1 66567 54013 1 Rithmic 54014 1
Rithmic 30002 1 Rithmic Trader Pro 31033 1 54712 1 MC 44108 1
E0:3F:49:33:40:6B 44108 1 16:0A:64:FF:2C:E7 44108 1 26:0A:64:FF:2C:E7 44108 1
24:0A:64:FF:2C:E7 44108 1 24:0A:64:FF:2C:E6 31804 1

[1678557841.835] <037> [1836] <03/11 19:04:01.835> logged in at

[1678557841.841] <001> [1836] <03/11 19:04:01.841> Login Success (Login_RMS)
[1678557841.841] <001> [1836] <03/11 19:04:01.841> Prev Count: 1
[1678557841.842] <001> [1836] <03/11 19:04:01.841> Finished 2 of 4 (Login_RMS)
[1678557841.842] <001> [1836] <03/11 19:04:01.842> Waiting for Repository*,
[1678557841.891] <034> [1836] <03/11 19:04:01.890>

32766 0 32767 1 rithmic_login 32760 1 21946315_1 32747 1

omd_paper@rithmic_paper_domain 32747 1 1305789 54013 1 Rithmic 54014 1 Rithmic
30002 1 Rithmic Trader Pro 31033 1 54712 1 MC 44108 1
E0:3F:49:33:40:6B 44108 1 16:0A:64:FF:2C:E7 44108 1 26:0A:64:FF:2C:E7 44108 1
24:0A:64:FF:2C:E7 44108 1 24:0A:64:FF:2C:E6 31804 1

[1678557841.891] <034> [1836] <03/11 19:04:01.891> logged in at

[1678557841.891] <001> [1836] <03/11 19:04:01.891> Login Success (Login_Order)
[1678557841.891] <001> [1836] <03/11 19:04:01.891> Prev Count: 2
[1678557841.891] <001> [1836] <03/11 19:04:01.891> Finished 3 of 4 (Login_Order)
[1678557841.891] <001> [1836] <03/11 19:04:01.891> Waiting for Repository*
[1678557841.942] <033> [1836] <03/11 19:04:01.942>

32766 0 32767 1 rithmic_login 32760 1 35959736_0 32747 1

omd_Repo_repo1@rithmic_paper_domain 32747 1 474136 54013 1 Rithmic 54014 1 Rithmic
30002 1 Rithmic Trader Pro 31033 1 54712 1 MC 44108 1
E0:3F:49:33:40:6B 44108 1 16:0A:64:FF:2C:E7 44108 1 26:0A:64:FF:2C:E7 44108 1
24:0A:64:FF:2C:E7 44108 1 24:0A:64:FF:2C:E6 31804 1

[1678557841.942] <033> [1836] <03/11 19:04:01.942> logged in at

[1678557841.943] <001> [1836] <03/11 19:04:01.943> Login Success (Login_Repository)
[1678557841.943] <001> [1836] <03/11 19:04:01.943> Prev Count: 3
[1678557841.943] <001> [1836] <03/11 19:04:01.943> Finished 4 of 4
[1678557841.943] <001> [1836] <03/11 19:04:01.943> 3 Engines Up. Elapsed 7.242

[1678557841.956] <001> [1836] <03/11 19:04:01.956>

Admin Client
Peer Address:
name=<> host=<> domain=<> address=<> port=<40219>

Local Address:
name=<> host=<DESKTOP-CBUT4IU> domain=<> address=<> port=<57217>

Last Read Time : 1678561440549

Last Write Time: 1678561440412

OmneStreamEngine[Order] (1 watches) <running>
OmneStreamEngine[RMS] (1 watches) <running>
OmneStreamEngine[Repository] (1 watches) <running>

Order Channel
Channel name : Order
State : open
Send broadcast : disabled
Queue enabled : yes
Queue name : Order:service_queue
Throttled : no
Input suspended : no
Heartbeat request : are_you_there
Heartbeat enabled : yes
Heartbeat interval : 50 seconds
Last message received : 0.063 seconds ago
Last message sent : 0.375 seconds ago
Environment : system
Time offset from server : -5.287 seconds (1 measurement )
Last offset from server : -5.287 seconds
Average rtt for offset : n/a
Secure mode : enabled
Certificate file : C:\Program Files (x86)\Rithmic\Rithmic Trader Pro\
Certificate name : rithmic.com
Tracing meters : disabled
Trace filtering : 3 of every 3600
Encoding : none

Open messages : 0 (0 bytes)

Close messages : 0 (0 bytes)
Input clone device :
Output clone device :
Proxy device :
Recover freq : 2 seconds
Init recover freq : 0.1 seconds

Event listener : com.rithmic.rithmic_trader.ConnectionListener

Heartbeat listener : com.rithmic.rithmic_trader.HeartBeatHandler

Stream callback : com.omnesys.omne.ose.ose_stream_callback

Finish open callback : com.omnesys.omne.ose.ose_finish_open_callback
Start close callback : com.omnesys.omne.ose.ose_start_close_callback
End of rcd callback :

High water mark (bytes) : n/a

Low water mark (bytes) : n/a
High water mark (msgs) : n/a
Low water mark (msgs) : n/a

Channel encyclopedia : Order_encyclopedia

Channel transports : 1

login_agent_op_paperc : [tonpz08018.theomne.net(] <= current

Channel open count : 1

Channel close count : 0

Transport open count : 1

Transport close count : 0
Transport disconnect count : 0

Timers added : 1
Timers removed : 0

Events posted : 0
Events cancelled : 0

Time Offset: -5.287094

RMS Channel
Channel name : RMS
State : open
Send broadcast : disabled
Queue enabled : yes
Queue name : RMS:service_queue
Throttled : no
Input suspended : no
Heartbeat request : are_you_there
Heartbeat enabled : yes
Heartbeat interval : 120 seconds
Last message received : 0.125 seconds ago
Last message sent : 0.408 seconds ago
Environment : system
Time offset from server : -5.287 seconds (1 measurement )
Last offset from server : -5.287 seconds
Average rtt for offset : n/a
Secure mode : enabled
Certificate file : C:\Program Files (x86)\Rithmic\Rithmic Trader Pro\
Certificate name : rithmic.com
Tracing meters : disabled
Trace filtering : 3 of every 3600
Encoding : none

Open messages : 0 (0 bytes)

Close messages : 0 (0 bytes)
Input clone device :
Output clone device :
Proxy device :
Recover freq : 2 seconds
Init recover freq : 0.1 seconds

Event listener : com.rithmic.rithmic_trader.ConnectionListener

Heartbeat listener : com.rithmic.rithmic_trader.HeartBeatHandler

Stream callback : com.omnesys.omne.ose.ose_stream_callback

Finish open callback : com.omnesys.omne.ose.ose_finish_open_callback
Start close callback : com.omnesys.omne.ose.ose_start_close_callback
End of rcd callback :

High water mark (bytes) : n/a

Low water mark (bytes) : n/a
High water mark (msgs) : n/a
Low water mark (msgs) : n/a

Channel encyclopedia : RMS_encyclopedia

Channel transports : 1

login_agent_pnl_paperc : [tonpz01003.theomne.net(] <= current

Channel open count : 1

Channel close count : 0

Transport open count : 1

Transport close count : 0
Transport disconnect count : 0

Timers added : 1
Timers removed : 0

Events posted : 0
Events cancelled : 0
Time Offset: -5.286984

Repository Channel
Channel name : Repository
State : open
Send broadcast : disabled
Queue enabled : yes
Queue name : Repository:service_queue
Throttled : no
Input suspended : no
Heartbeat request : are_you_there
Heartbeat enabled : yes
Heartbeat interval : 1 seconds
Last message received : 0.012 seconds ago
Last message sent : 0.348 seconds ago
Environment : system
Time offset from server : -5.287 seconds (1 measurement )
Last offset from server : -5.287 seconds
Average rtt for offset : n/a
Secure mode : enabled
Certificate file : C:\Program Files (x86)\Rithmic\Rithmic Trader Pro\
Certificate name : rithmic.com
Tracing meters : disabled
Trace filtering : 3 of every 3600
Encoding : compressed (deflate)

Open messages : 0 (0 bytes)

Close messages : 0 (0 bytes)
Input clone device :
Output clone device :
Proxy device :
Recover freq : 2 seconds
Init recover freq : 0.1 seconds

Event listener : com.rithmic.rithmic_trader.ConnectionListener

Heartbeat listener : com.rithmic.rithmic_trader.HeartBeatHandler

Stream callback : com.omnesys.omne.ose.ose_stream_callback

Finish open callback : com.omnesys.omne.ose.ose_finish_open_callback
Start close callback : com.omnesys.omne.ose.ose_start_close_callback
End of rcd callback :

High water mark (bytes) : n/a

Low water mark (bytes) : n/a
High water mark (msgs) : n/a
Low water mark (msgs) : n/a

Channel encyclopedia : Repository_encyclopedia

Channel transports : 1

login_agent_repositoryc : [tonpz08012.theomne.net(] <= current

Channel open count : 1

Channel close count : 0

Transport open count : 1

Transport close count : 0
Transport disconnect count : 0

Timers added : 1
Timers removed : 0

Events posted : 0
Events cancelled : 0

Time Offset: -5.286807

[1678557842.053] <001> [1836] <03/11 19:04:02.053> Login successful. Getting User

[1678557842.218] <001> [1836] <03/11 19:04:02.218> Getting Aggregator
[1678557842.234] <033> [1836] <03/11 19:04:02.234>

32766 1 7 32766 1 no data 32767 1 list_unaccepted_agreements 32760 1 35959736_5

32747 1 mrv_agreement_enduser_repo1@rithmic_paper_domain 32747 1 32557

[1678557842.475] <034> [1836] <03/11 19:04:02.470>

32766 1 6 32766 1 bad input 32767 1 is_there_an_aggregator 32760 1 21946315_7

[1678557842.494] <001> [1836] <03/11 19:04:02.494> Getting User Settings...

[1678557842.895] <001> [1836] <03/11 19:04:02.895> Getting FCM Information...
[1678557843.028] <001> [1836] <03/11 19:04:03.028> Getting IB Information...
[1678557843.209] <001> [1836] <03/11 19:04:03.209> Getting Entitlement Status...
[1678557843.346] <001> [1836] <03/11 19:04:03.346> Getting Firm Entitlements...
[1678557843.346] <001> [1836] <03/11 19:04:03.346> Getting Exchange Entitlements...
[1678557843.478] <001> [1836] <03/11 19:04:03.478> Getting Exchanges...
[1678557843.618] <001> [1836] <03/11 19:04:03.618> Getting Accounts...
[1678557843.897] <001> [1836] <03/11 19:04:03.897> Requesting current market
[1678557843.905] <001> [1836] <03/11 19:04:03.905> Getting Account Keys...
[1678557843.906] <001> [1836] <03/11 19:04:03.906> Getting orders and positions...
[1678557843.907] <001> [1836] <03/11 19:04:03.907> Getting drips...
[1678557843.909] <001> [1836] <03/11 19:04:03.909> Getting sources...
[1678557843.910] <001> [1836] <03/11 19:04:03.910> Getting products...
[1678557843.911] <001> [1836] <03/11 19:04:03.911> Getting countries and states...
[1678557843.911] <001> [1836] <03/11 19:04:03.911> Getting stored templates...
[1678557844.194] <034> [1836] <03/11 19:04:04.194>

32766 1 6 32766 1 bad input 32767 1 mrv_product_code_select 32760 1 21946315_22

[1678557844.628] <001> [1836] <03/11 19:04:04.628> Getting restricted symbols...

[1678557844.629] <001> [1836] <03/11 19:04:04.629> Getting localization settings...
[1678557844.629] <001> [1836] <03/11 19:04:04.629> Initializing accounts and
[1678557844.673] <001> [1836] <03/11 19:04:04.673> Initializing application...
[1678557844.677] <034> [1836] <03/11 19:04:04.677>

32764 1 7 32764 1 no data 32767 1 mrv_bracket_templates_show_tree_koi 32760 1

21946315_24 32747 1 mrv_bracket_templates_paper@rithmic_paper_domain 32747 1 1523
[1678557844.946] <001> [1836] <03/11 19:04:04.946> Reopening default windows...
[1678557845.041] <001> [1836] <03/11 19:04:05.041> Opening 4 windows...
[1678557846.310] <033> calculated offset : -5.29477866666667
[1678557847.647] <001> [1836] <03/11 19:04:07.647> Login Complete.
[1678557847.649] <001> [1836] <03/11 19:04:07.649> Getting Orders and Positions.
Please Wait...
[1678557847.654] <001> [1836] <03/11 19:04:07.653> Processing cached orders...
[1678557847.654] <001> [1836] <03/11 19:04:07.654> All orders fetched. Loading...
[1678557847.663] <001> [1836] <03/11 19:04:07.663> Getting Positions. Please
[1678557847.663] <001> [1836] <03/11 19:04:07.663> All positions fetched.
[1678557847.664] <001> [1836] <03/11 19:04:07.664> All positions loaded.
[1678557847.682] <001> [1836] <03/11 19:04:07.682> Login Complete.
[1678557847.883] <001> [1836] <03/11 19:04:07.883>
Trader Dashboard (Normal) attached (True) loc {X=1,Y=1}) bounds {X=-1,Y=-
1,Width=1238,Height=733} on screen {X=0,Y=0,Width=1366,Height=768} supress param
(False) params {X=1,Y=1} saved loc {X=1,Y=1}
Performance (Normal) attached (True) loc {X=0,Y=485}) bounds {X=-1,Y=-
1,Width=1238,Height=733} on screen {X=0,Y=0,Width=1366,Height=768} supress param
(False) params {X=0,Y=485} saved loc {X=0,Y=485}
Order History (Normal) attached (True) loc {X=1045,Y=484}) bounds {X=-1,Y=-
1,Width=995,Height=621} on screen {X=0,Y=0,Width=1366,Height=768} supress param
(False) params {X=1045,Y=484} saved loc {X=1045,Y=484}
Recent Orders (Normal) attached (True) loc {X=1046,Y=0}) bounds {X=-1,Y=-
1,Width=919,Height=609} on screen {X=0,Y=0,Width=1366,Height=768} supress param
(False) params {X=1046,Y=0} saved loc {X=1046,Y=0}
CPU 41.4% Rithmic Trader Pro 8.6%, Memory 82.7 MB
[1678557847.885] <034> [1836] <03/11 19:04:07.885>

32764 1 7 32764 1 no data 32767 1 mrv_account_allocation_templates_show_tree_koi

32760 1 21946315_25 32747 1
mrv_account_allocation_templates_paper@rithmic_paper_domain 32747 1 1506

[1678557867.122] <001> [1836] <03/11 19:04:27.122> Any data entered since you last
saved settings will be lost when the window is closed.
Are you sure want to close the Performance?
[1678557869.120] <001> [1836] <03/11 19:04:29.120> Any data entered since you last
saved settings will be lost when the window is closed.
Are you sure want to close the Trader Dashboard?
[1678557871.896] <001> [1836] <03/11 19:04:31.896> Any data entered since you last
saved settings will be lost when the window is closed.
Are you sure want to close the Recent Orders?
[1678557875.193] <001> [1836] <03/11 19:04:35.193> Any data entered since you last
saved settings will be lost when the window is closed.
Are you sure want to close the Order History?
[1678557907.661] <001> [1836] <03/11 19:05:07.661> Checking...
[1678557907.809] <001> [1836] <03/11 19:05:07.808> Version
[1678557928.976] <001> [1836] <03/11 19:05:28.976> Getting connect points...
[1678557929.538] <001> [1836] <03/11 19:05:29.538> Version updated to
Restart to run... [Complete]
[1678557929.538] <001> [1836] <03/11 19:05:29.538> Version updated to
[1678558436.603] <033> calculated offset : -5.29294733333333
[1678558764.562] <001> [1836] <03/11 19:19:24.562> OmneChannel[Repository] started
on 19:04:00 2023-03-11 <open> is quiet for 123,53 seconds.
[1678558765.048] <001> [1836] <03/11 19:19:25.048> OmneChannel[Order] started on
19:04:00 2023-03-11 <open> is quiet for 149,32 seconds.
[1678558766.260] <040> Device Order=>login_agent_op_paperc has notified an error.
[1678558766.266] <016> A timer device Order=>login_agent_op_paperc:recover has been
established to attempt recovery every 1 milliseconds.
[1678558766.269] <030> [1836] <03/11 19:19:26.269> Connection BROKEN on
[1678558766.270] <001> [1836] <03/11 19:19:26.270> Orders disconnected. Waiting to
reconnect (<1 minute)...
[1678558766.271] <030> Attempting to recover Order by opening
Order=>login_agent_op_paperc (recovery attempt 1).
[1678558766.272] <003> running lb task 0
[1678558766.272] <003> lb task 0 connecting to ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:64100
[1678558766.272] <018> running connect task for ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:64100
[1678558766.421] <018> connect task for ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:64100 complete
[1678558766.421] <018> finished connect task for ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:64100

[1678558766.547] <003> 32766 1 14 32766 1 unknown request 32767 1 ping

[1678558766.672] <003> 10046 1 21001 1 174838 21000 1 104909

10616 1 04:49:09 21010 1 20230305 10615 1 2023-03-05 10123 0 30003 1
login_agent_op_ritpz01005-40256_paper@rithmic_paper_prod_domain 10609 1
login_agent_op_paperc 32748 1 1678558761 32764 0 32767 1 mrv_lb 10000 1
login_agent_op_paperc 50100 1 1678558761 50101 1 807208 32752 1 1678558766 32752 1

[1678558766.672] <003> lb task to ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:64100 completed by 0

[1678558766.672] <003> finished lb task 0
[1678558766.672] <030> resolved login_agent_op_paperc as
name=<login_agent_op_paperc> host=<> domain=<> address=<>
port=<40256> type=<4>
[1678558766.672] <018> running connect task for
[1678558766.844] <018> connect task for complete
[1678558766.844] <018> finished connect task for

[1678558767.047] <042> Device RMS=>login_agent_pnl_paperc has notified an error.

[1678558767.047] <016> A timer device RMS=>login_agent_pnl_paperc:recover has been
established to attempt recovery every 1 milliseconds.
[1678558767.063] <012> [1836] <03/11 19:19:27.063> Connection BROKEN on
[1678558767.063] <012> Attempting to recover RMS by opening
RMS=>login_agent_pnl_paperc (recovery attempt 1).
[1678558767.063] <014> running lb task 0
[1678558767.063] <014> lb task 0 connecting to ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:64100
[1678558767.063] <009> running connect task for ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:64100
[1678558767.187] <009> connect task for ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:64100 complete
[1678558767.187] <009> finished connect task for ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:64100

[1678558767.306] <014> 32766 1 14 32766 1 unknown request 32767 1 ping

[1678558767.452] <014> 10046 1 21001 1 582586 21000 1 105112

10616 1 04:51:12 21010 1 20230305 10615 1 2023-03-05 10123 0 30003 1
login_agent_pnl_ritpz02013-40260_paper@rithmic_paper_prod_domain 10609 1
login_agent_pnl_paperc 32748 1 1678558762 32764 0 32767 1 mrv_lb 10000 1
login_agent_pnl_paperc 50100 1 1678558762 50101 1 570563 32752 1 1678558767 32752 1

[1678558767.452] <014> lb task to ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:64100 completed by 0

[1678558767.452] <012> resolved login_agent_pnl_paperc as
name=<login_agent_pnl_paperc> host=<> domain=<> address=<>
port=<40260> type=<4>
[1678558767.452] <014> finished lb task 0
[1678558767.452] <005> running connect task for
[1678558767.624] <005> connect task for complete
[1678558767.624] <005> finished connect task for

[1678558768.385] <012> [1836] <03/11 19:19:28.385> Connection OPENED on

[1678558768.385] <012> The recovery of RMS has been satisfied by the opening of
[1678558768.760] <030> [1836] <03/11 19:19:28.760> Connection OPENED on
[1678558768.760] <030> The recovery of Order has been satisfied by the opening of
[1678558768.916] <037> [1836] <03/11 19:19:28.916>

32766 0 32767 1 rithmic_login 32760 1 50113417_2 32747 1

omd_pnl_paper_op01@rithmic_paper_domain 32747 1 68347 54013 1 Rithmic 54014 1
Rithmic 30002 1 Rithmic Trader Pro 31033 1 54712 1 MC 44108 1
E0:3F:49:33:40:6B 44108 1 16:0A:64:FF:2C:E7 44108 1 26:0A:64:FF:2C:E7 44108 1
24:0A:64:FF:2C:E7 44108 1 24:0A:64:FF:2C:E6 31804 1

[1678558768.916] <037> [1836] <03/11 19:19:28.916> logged in at

[1678558768.916] <001> [1836] <03/11 19:19:28.916> Login Success (Login_RMS)
[1678558768.916] <001> [1836] <03/11 19:19:28.916> Prev Count: 2
[1678558768.916] <001> [1836] <03/11 19:19:28.916> Finished 3 of 4 (Login_RMS)
[1678558768.916] <001> [1836] <03/11 19:19:28.916> Waiting for Order* connection...
[1678558769.026] <034> [1836] <03/11 19:19:29.026>

32766 0 32767 1 rithmic_login 32760 1 21946315_1 32747 1

omd_paper@rithmic_paper_domain 32747 1 1342195 54013 1 Rithmic 54014 1 Rithmic
30002 1 Rithmic Trader Pro 31033 1 54712 1 MC 44108 1
E0:3F:49:33:40:6B 44108 1 16:0A:64:FF:2C:E7 44108 1 26:0A:64:FF:2C:E7 44108 1
24:0A:64:FF:2C:E7 44108 1 24:0A:64:FF:2C:E6 31804 1

[1678558769.026] <034> [1836] <03/11 19:19:29.026> logged in at

[1678558769.026] <001> [1836] <03/11 19:19:29.026> Login Success (Login_Order)
[1678558769.026] <001> [1836] <03/11 19:19:29.026> Prev Count: 3
[1678558769.026] <001> [1836] <03/11 19:19:29.026> Finished 4 of 4 (Login_Order)
[1678558769.026] <001> [1836] <03/11 19:19:29.026> Refreshing P&L (0 accounts)...
[1678558769.026] <001> [1836] <03/11 19:19:29.026> 3 Engines Up. Elapsed 34.325

[1678558769.026] <001> [1836] <03/11 19:19:29.026> Not all connected...

[1678558826.267] <001> [1836] <03/11 19:20:26.267> Disconnect Timer Tick...
[1678558826.268] <001> [1836] <03/11 19:20:26.268> Resetting OMNE Environment...
[1678558826.268] <001> [1836] <03/11 19:20:26.268> Removing watches for:
OmneStreamEngine[Order] (18 watches) <running>
[1678558826.273] <001> [1836] <03/11 19:20:26.273> Removing watches succeeded.
[1678558826.273] <001> [1836] <03/11 19:20:26.273> Removing watches for:
OmneStreamEngine[RMS] (3 watches) <running>
[1678558826.273] <001> [1836] <03/11 19:20:26.273> Removing watches succeeded.
[1678558826.273] <001> [1836] <03/11 19:20:26.273> Removing watches for:
OmneStreamEngine[Repository] (3 watches) <running>
[1678558826.274] <001> [1836] <03/11 19:20:26.274> Removing watches succeeded.
[1678558826.274] <001> [1836] <03/11 19:20:26.274> Stopping Tty Timer...
[1678558826.274] <001> [1836] <03/11 19:20:26.274> Stopping BRD Timer...
[1678558826.275] <001> [1836] <03/11 19:20:26.275> Stopping BRD Timer...
[1678558826.275] <001> [1836] <03/11 19:20:26.275> Stopping CHT Timer...
[1678558826.275] <001> [1836] <03/11 19:20:26.275> Stopping GEN Timer...
[1678558826.276] <001> [1836] <03/11 19:20:26.276> Stopping Data Rates...
[1678558826.277] <001> [1836] <03/11 19:20:26.277> Stopping ELP Timer...
[1678558826.277] <001> [1836] <03/11 19:20:26.277> Reset OMNE Environment
[1678558826.278] <001> [1836] <03/11 19:20:26.278> Removing requests...
[1678558826.278] <001> [1836] <03/11 19:20:26.278> Removing requests succeeded.
[1678558826.282] <001> [1836] <03/11 19:20:26.282> Closing all windows...
[1678558826.320] <001> [1836] <03/11 19:20:26.320> Close all windows succeeded.
[1678558826.362] <001> [1836] <03/11 19:20:26.362> Closing connection...
[1678558826.364] <001> [1836] <03/11 19:20:26.364> Ready...
[1678558826.364] <001> [1836] <03/11 19:20:26.364> User needs to relogin. Showing
the login screen...
[1678558826.367] <005> [1836] <03/11 19:20:26.367> stopping
OmneStreamEngine[Repository] (0 watches) <running>
[1678558826.389] <001> [1836] <03/11 19:20:26.389> Shutting down OmneVerse...
[1678558826.389] <001> [1836] <03/11 19:20:26.389> Stopping Repository
[1678558826.425] <005> [1836] <03/11 19:20:26.425> stopped
OmneStreamEngine[Repository] (0 watches) <stopped>
[1678558826.425] <005> [1836] <03/11 19:20:26.425> stopping OmneStreamEngine[Order]
(0 watches) <running>
[1678558826.427] <001> [1836] <03/11 19:20:26.427> Stopping Order connection...
[1678558826.558] <005> [1836] <03/11 19:20:26.558> stopped OmneStreamEngine[Order]
(0 watches) <stopped>
[1678558826.558] <005> [1836] <03/11 19:20:26.558> stopping OmneStreamEngine[RMS]
(0 watches) <running>
[1678558826.558] <001> [1836] <03/11 19:20:26.558> Stopping RMS connection...
[1678558826.682] <005> [1836] <03/11 19:20:26.682> stopped OmneStreamEngine[RMS] (0
watches) <stopped>
[1678558826.682] <005> [1836] <03/11 19:20:26.682> 2 Engines Down.
[1678558826.819] <005> trace finished.
[1678558964.892] <001> trace started.
[1678558964.930] <001> [1836] <03/11 19:22:44.930> C:\Program Files (x86)\Rithmic\
Rithmic Trader Pro\Rithmic Trader Pro.exe

Rithmic Trader Pro, 32-bit

.NET CLR 4.0.30319.42000

Microsoft Windows 10 Famille, 6.2.9200.0, Version 2004 (OS Build 19041.264), 64-bit
Machine has been on for 5 days 19:58:58
Current Time is 11-Mar-2023 07:22:44.892447 pm, fr-FR (pi=3.14159, c=299792458),
Paris, Madrid UTC+01.00

Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4200U CPU @ 1.60GHz, 2-core (4-logical)

System Disk: AS-512 (440.08 GB available on system drive)
MAC Addresses: E0:3F:49:33:40:6B, 16:0A:64:FF:2C:E7, 26:0A:64:FF:2C:E7,
24:0A:64:FF:2C:E7, 24:0A:64:FF:2C:E6
IP Address:
RAM: 11.89 GB, 36% used

[1678558964.930] <001> [1836] <03/11 19:22:44.930> Login button pressed by:

[Orders] [email protected] (Rithmic Paper Trading, Chicago Area)
[Market Data] [email protected] (Rithmic 01, Chicago Area)
[1678558964.931] <001> [1836] <03/11 19:22:44.931> Starting pre-init clock at: Sat,
Mar 11, 2023 07:22:44.931 PM
[1678558964.931] <001> [1836] <03/11 19:22:44.931> Reading Configuration
[1678558964.934] <001> [1836] <03/11 19:22:44.934>

User: [email protected]
System: Rithmic Paper Trading
Gateway: Chicago Area

[Market Data]
User: [email protected]
System: Rithmic 01
Gateway: Chicago Area

Order: login_agent_op_paperc
Price: login_agent_tp_paperc
RMS: login_agent_pnl_paperc
History: login_agent_history_paperc
Indicator: login_agent_indicator_paperc
Repository: login_agent_repositoryc
Admin: dd_admin_sslc
Device Timeout: default
LBI Timeout: default
Domain: rithmic_paper_prod_domain
Domain Server:
License Server:
Location Broker: ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:64100
Log Type: log_net

[Market Data]
Order: login_agent_prodc
Price: login_agent_tp_r01c
RMS: login_agent_pnl_sslc
History: login_agent_historyc
Indicator: login_agent_indicatorc
Repository: login_agent_repositoryc
Admin: dd_admin_sslc
Device Timeout: default
LBI Timeout: default
Domain: rithmic_prod_01_dmz_domain
Domain Server:
License Server:
Location Broker: ritpz01000.01.rithmic.com:64100
Log Type: log_net

Admin Socket: [email protected]

User Msg: RithmicTraderPro-[]-asus-
[email protected]
Auto Log File: C:\Users\asus\Documents\Rithmic\Rithmic Trader Pro.cur.txt

[1678558964.934] <001> [1836] <03/11 19:22:44.934> Applying Configuration

[1678558964.934] <001> [1836] <03/11 19:22:44.934> Environment Variables:
PROCESSOR_IDENTIFIER = Intel64 Family 6 Model 69 Stepping 1, GenuineIntel
HOMEPATH = \Users\asus
APPDATA = C:\Users\asus\AppData\Roaming
MML_SSL_CLNT_CERT_FILE = C:\Program Files (x86)\Rithmic\Rithmic Trader Pro\
TMP = C:\Users\asus\AppData\Local\Temp
windir = C:\Windows
ProgramFiles(x86) = C:\Program Files (x86)
MML_LOC_BROK_ADDR = ritpz01000.01.rithmic.com:64100
LOCALAPPDATA = C:\Users\asus\AppData\Local
MML_LOG_TYPE = log_net
OS = Windows_NT
USERPROFILE = C:\Users\asus
Path = C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\System32\Wbem;C:\Windows\System32\
MML_SSL_CERT_NAME = rithmic.com
ProgramFiles = C:\Program Files (x86)
SystemDrive = C:
MML_DOMAIN_NAME = rithmic_prod_01_dmz_domain
CommonProgramW6432 = C:\Program Files\Common Files
CommonProgramFiles(x86) = C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files
ComSpec = C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe
CommonProgramFiles = C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files
USER = asus
PUBLIC = C:\Users\Public
ProgramData = C:\ProgramData
TEMP = C:\Users\asus\AppData\Local\Temp
PSModulePath = C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules;C:\Windows\system32\
SystemRoot = C:\Windows
DriverData = C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\DriverData
OneDrive = C:\Users\asus\OneDrive
ProgramW6432 = C:\Program Files

[1678558964.934] <001> [1836] <03/11 19:22:44.934> Environment Variables:

USER = asus
MML_LOC_BROK_ADDR = ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:64100
MML_SSL_CERT_NAME = rithmic.com
MML_SSL_CLNT_CERT_FILE = C:\Program Files (x86)\Rithmic\Rithmic Trader Pro\
MML_LOG_TYPE = log_net
MML_DOMAIN_NAME = rithmic_paper_prod_domain

[1678558964.934] <001> [1836] <03/11 19:22:44.934> Starting Stream Engines...

[1678558964.936] <005> [1836] <03/11 19:22:44.936> ADMIN connection started...
[1678558964.936] <005> [1836] <03/11 19:22:44.936> Starting Performance Counters...
[1678558964.936] <005> [1836] <03/11 19:22:44.936> Pre-init completed in 0.4
[1678558964.936] <005> [1836] <03/11 19:22:44.936> 0. Creating Connection...

[1678558964.936] <005> [1836] <03/11 19:22:44.936> Starting connect clock at: sam.,
mars 11, 2023 07:22:44.936
[1678558964.936] <009> logger task ritpz01000.01.rithmic.com:45454
[1678558964.936] <001> [1836] <03/11 19:22:44.936> Starting ADMIN Connection..
[1678558964.937] <014> logger task ritpz01000.01.rithmic.net:45454
[1678558964.937] <012> logger task ritpz01000.01.theomne.net:45454
[1678558964.937] <018> logger task ritpz01000.01.theomne.com:45454
[1678558964.937] <012> logger address ritpz01000.01.theomne.net:45454 : success
[1678558964.937] <005> logger signalled
[1678558964.937] <005> logger tasks : left=2, found=True
[1678558964.938] <018> logger address ritpz01000.01.theomne.com:45454 : success
[1678558964.940] <053> running lb task 0
[1678558964.940] <053> lb task 0 connecting to ritpz01000.01.rithmic.com:64100
[1678558964.941] <054> running connect task for ritpz01000.01.rithmic.com:64100
[1678558964.947] <009> logger address ritpz01000.01.rithmic.com:45454 : success
[1678558964.951] <014> logger address ritpz01000.01.rithmic.net:45454 : success
[1678558965.075] <054> connect task for ritpz01000.01.rithmic.com:64100 complete
[1678558965.075] <054> finished connect task for ritpz01000.01.rithmic.com:64100

[1678558965.204] <053> 32766 1 14 32766 1 unknown request 32767 1 ping

[1678558965.331] <053> 10046 1 21000 1 104728 21001 1 918670

10616 1 04:47:28 21010 1 20230305 10615 1 2023-03-05 10123 0 30003 1
dd_admin5_ritpz01004@rithmic_prod_01_dmz_domain 10609 1 dd_admin_sslc 32748 1
1678558960 32764 0 32767 1 mrv_lb 10000 1 dd_admin_sslc 50100 1 1678558960 50101 1
457588 32752 1 1678558965 32752 1 204000

[1678558965.331] <053> lb task to ritpz01000.01.rithmic.com:64100 completed by 0

[1678558965.331] <005> resolved dd_admin_sslc as name=<dd_admin_sslc> host=<>
domain=<> address=<> port=<40935> type=<4>
[1678558965.331] <053> finished lb task 0
[1678558965.332] <018> running connect task for
[1678558965.587] <018> connect task for complete
[1678558965.587] <018> finished connect task for

[1678558965.864] <005>

CN=Sectigo RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA, O=Sectigo Limited, L=Salford,
S=Greater Manchester, C=GB
[Serial Number]

[Not Before]
03/06/2022 02:00:00

[Not After]
05/07/2023 01:59:59


[1678558965.864] <005>
Cert chain

[1678558965.864] <005> Chain revocation flag : ExcludeRoot

[1678558965.864] <005> Chain revocation mode : Online
[1678558965.865] <005> Chain verification flag : NoFlag
[1678558965.865] <005> Chain verification time : 11/03/2023 19:22:45
[1678558965.865] <005> Chain status length : 0
[1678558965.865] <005> Chain application policy count : 1
[1678558965.865] <005> Chain certificate policy count : 0
[1678558965.865] <005> Chain Element Information
[1678558965.865] <005> Number of chain elements : 3
[1678558965.865] <005> Element issuer name : CN=Sectigo RSA Domain
Validation Secure Server CA, O=Sectigo Limited, L=Salford, S=Greater Manchester,
[1678558965.865] <005> Element certificate valid until : 05/07/2023 01:59:59
[1678558965.865] <005> Element certificate is valid : True
[1678558965.865] <005> Element error status length : 0
[1678558965.865] <005> Element information :
[1678558965.866] <005> Number of element extensions : 9
[1678558965.866] <005> Element issuer name : CN=USERTrust RSA
Certification Authority, O=The USERTRUST Network, L=Jersey City, S=New Jersey, C=US
[1678558965.866] <005> Element certificate valid until : 01/01/2031 00:59:59
[1678558965.874] <005> Element certificate is valid : True
[1678558965.874] <005> Element error status length : 0
[1678558965.874] <005> Element information :
[1678558965.875] <005> Number of element extensions : 8
[1678558965.875] <005> Element issuer name : CN=USERTrust RSA
Certification Authority, O=The USERTRUST Network, L=Jersey City, S=New Jersey, C=US
[1678558965.875] <005> Element certificate valid until : 19/01/2038 00:59:59
[1678558965.876] <005> Element certificate is valid : True
[1678558965.876] <005> Element error status length : 0
[1678558965.876] <005> Element information :
[1678558965.876] <005> Number of element extensions : 3
[1678558965.876] <005>
Policy errors -> None
[1678558965.876] <005> subject rithmic.com matches
[1678558966.018] <005> [1836] <03/11 19:22:46.018> OmneVerse up in 1.82 seconds.
[1678558966.019] <005> [1836] <03/11 19:22:46.019> *** 0. Connection created

[1678558966.019] <005> [1836] <03/11 19:22:46.019>

Admin Client
Peer Address:
name=<> host=<tonpz01004.theomne.net> domain=<> address=<>
port=<40935> type=<1>
Local Address:
name=<> host=<DESKTOP-CBUT4IU> domain=<> address=<> port=<57389>

Last Read Time : 1678562566012

Last Write Time: 1678562566018

[1678558966.020] <001> [1836] <03/11 19:22:46.020> 1. Reading Request Table...

[1678558966.021] <005> [1836] <03/11 19:22:46.021> *** 1. Loaded all requests

[1678558966.022] <001> [1836] <03/11 19:22:46.022> Prev Count: 0

[1678558966.022] <001> [1836] <03/11 19:22:46.022> Finished 1 of 6 (Login_ReadTbl)
[1678558966.022] <001> [1836] <03/11 19:22:46.022> Waiting for Repository, Order,
Price, RMS, History...
[1678558966.023] <007> [1836] <03/11 19:22:46.023> Waiting for Repository, Order,
Price, RMS, History...
[1678558966.024] <001> [1836] <03/11 19:22:46.024> 2. Starting Repository
[1678558966.025] <050> [1836] <03/11 19:22:46.025> Waiting for Repository, Order,
Price, RMS, History...
[1678558966.026] <001> [1836] <03/11 19:22:46.026> 3. Starting Order connection...
[1678558966.027] <056> [1836] <03/11 19:22:46.027> Waiting for Repository, Order,
Price, RMS, History...
[1678558966.027] <001> [1836] <03/11 19:22:46.027> 5. Starting RMS connection...
[1678558966.033] <057> [1836] <03/11 19:22:46.033> Waiting for Repository, Order,
Price, RMS, History...
[1678558966.033] <001> [1836] <03/11 19:22:46.033> 6. Starting Price connection...
[1678558966.034] <058> [1836] <03/11 19:22:46.034> Waiting for Repository, Order,
Price, RMS, History...
[1678558966.034] <001> [1836] <03/11 19:22:46.034> 4. Starting History
[1678558966.038] <007> [1836] <03/11 19:22:46.038> Created
OmneStreamEngine[Repository] (0 watches) <initialized>
[1678558966.040] <050> [1836] <03/11 19:22:46.040> Created OmneStreamEngine[Order]
(0 watches) <initialized>
[1678558966.042] <056> [1836] <03/11 19:22:46.042> Created OmneStreamEngine[RMS] (0
watches) <initialized>
[1678558966.044] <057> [1836] <03/11 19:22:46.044> Created OmneStreamEngine[Price]
(0 watches) <initialized>
[1678558966.045] <058> [1836] <03/11 19:22:46.045> Created
OmneStreamEngine[History] (0 watches) <initialized>
[1678558966.078] <057> [1836] <03/11 19:22:46.078> Login_Price: iKeys items 12
[1678558966.078] <050> [1836] <03/11 19:22:46.078> Login_Order: iKeys items 12
[1678558966.079] <080> running lb task 0
[1678558966.079] <080> lb task 0 connecting to ritpz01000.01.rithmic.com:64100
[1678558966.079] <081> running lb task 0
[1678558966.079] <081> lb task 0 connecting to ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:64100
[1678558966.080] <082> running connect task for ritpz01000.01.rithmic.com:64100
[1678558966.081] <007> [1836] <03/11 19:22:46.081> Login_Repository: iKeys items 12
[1678558966.081] <085> running lb task 0
[1678558966.082] <085> lb task 0 connecting to ritpz01000.01.rithmic.com:64100
[1678558966.082] <086> running connect task for ritpz01000.01.rithmic.com:64100
[1678558966.083] <058> [1836] <03/11 19:22:46.083> Login_History: iKeys items 12
[1678558966.084] <083> running connect task for ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:64100
[1678558966.084] <088> running lb task 0
[1678558966.084] <088> lb task 0 connecting to ritpz01000.01.rithmic.com:64100
[1678558966.084] <089> running connect task for ritpz01000.01.rithmic.com:64100
[1678558966.096] <056> [1836] <03/11 19:22:46.096> Login_RMS: iKeys items 12
[1678558966.097] <091> running lb task 0
[1678558966.097] <091> lb task 0 connecting to ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:64100
[1678558966.097] <092> running connect task for ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:64100
[1678558966.206] <086> connect task for ritpz01000.01.rithmic.com:64100 complete
[1678558966.206] <086> finished connect task for ritpz01000.01.rithmic.com:64100

[1678558966.209] <082> connect task for ritpz01000.01.rithmic.com:64100 complete

[1678558966.209] <082> finished connect task for ritpz01000.01.rithmic.com:64100

[1678558966.209] <089> connect task for ritpz01000.01.rithmic.com:64100 complete

[1678558966.209] <089> finished connect task for ritpz01000.01.rithmic.com:64100

[1678558966.211] <083> connect task for ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:64100 complete

[1678558966.211] <083> finished connect task for ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:64100

[1678558966.218] <092> connect task for ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:64100 complete

[1678558966.218] <092> finished connect task for ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:64100

[1678558966.328] <085> 32766 1 14 32766 1 unknown request 32767 1 ping

[1678558966.331] <088> 32766 1 14 32766 1 unknown request 32767 1 ping

[1678558966.333] <081> 32766 1 14 32766 1 unknown request 32767 1 ping

[1678558966.338] <080> 32766 1 14 32766 1 unknown request 32767 1 ping

[1678558966.341] <091> 32766 1 14 32766 1 unknown request 32767 1 ping

[1678558966.450] <085> 10046 1 21000 1 102218 21001 1 654986

10616 1 04:22:18 21010 1 20230305 10615 1 2023-03-05 10123 0 30003 1
login_agent_repo_r01_ritpz04063_40901@rithmic_prod_01_dmz_domain 10609 1
login_agent_repositoryc 32748 1 1678558961 32764 0 32767 1 mrv_lb 10000 1
login_agent_repositoryc 50100 1 1678558961 50101 1 581995 32752 1 1678558966 32752
1 328000

[1678558966.450] <085> lb task to ritpz01000.01.rithmic.com:64100 completed by 0

[1678558966.450] <007> resolved login_agent_repositoryc as
name=<login_agent_repositoryc> host=<> domain=<> address=<>
port=<40901> type=<4>
[1678558966.451] <085> finished lb task 0
[1678558966.452] <093> running connect task for
[1678558966.452] <088> 10046 1 21000 1 121233 21001 1 454508
10616 1 06:12:33 21010 1 20230305 10615 1 2023-03-05 10123 0 30003 1
login_agent_history_ritpz01000-40223@rithmic_prod_01_dmz_domain 10609 1
login_agent_historyc 32748 1 1678558961 32764 0 32767 1 mrv_lb 10000 1
login_agent_historyc 50100 1 1678558961 50101 1 584947 32752 1 1678558966 32752 1

[1678558966.452] <088> lb task to ritpz01000.01.rithmic.com:64100 completed by 0

[1678558966.452] <058> resolved login_agent_historyc as name=<login_agent_historyc>
host=<> domain=<> address=<> port=<40223> type=<4>
[1678558966.452] <088> finished lb task 0
[1678558966.453] <094> running connect task for
[1678558966.455] <081> 10046 1 21001 1 703419 21000 1 111554
10616 1 05:15:54 21010 1 20230305 10615 1 2023-03-05 10123 0 30003 1
login_agent_op_ritpz04041-40819_paper@rithmic_paper_prod_domain 10609 1
login_agent_op_paperc 32748 1 1678558961 32764 0 32767 1 mrv_lb 10000 1
login_agent_op_paperc 50100 1 1678558961 50101 1 588576 32752 1 1678558966 32752 1
[1678558966.455] <081> lb task to ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:64100 completed by 0
[1678558966.455] <050> resolved login_agent_op_paperc as
name=<login_agent_op_paperc> host=<> domain=<> address=<> port=<40819>
[1678558966.455] <081> finished lb task 0
[1678558966.456] <095> running connect task for
[1678558966.461] <091> 10046 1 21001 1 730391 21000 1 111723
10616 1 05:17:23 21010 1 20230305 10615 1 2023-03-05 10123 0 30003 1
login_agent_pnl_ritpz04039-40827_paper@rithmic_paper_prod_domain 10609 1
login_agent_pnl_paperc 32748 1 1678558961 32764 0 32767 1 mrv_lb 10000 1
login_agent_pnl_paperc 50100 1 1678558961 50101 1 597034 32752 1 1678558966 32752 1

[1678558966.462] <091> lb task to ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:64100 completed by 0

[1678558966.462] <056> resolved login_agent_pnl_paperc as
name=<login_agent_pnl_paperc> host=<> domain=<> address=<>
port=<40827> type=<4>
[1678558966.462] <091> finished lb task 0
[1678558966.463] <096> running connect task for
[1678558966.468] <080> 10046 1 21000 1 104448 21001 1 744179
10616 1 04:44:48 21010 1 20230305 10615 1 2023-03-05 10123 0 30003 1
login_agent_tp_ritpz02020-40672_tp_r01@rithmic_prod_01_dmz_domain 10609 1
login_agent_tp_r01c 32748 1 1678558961 32764 0 32767 1 mrv_lb 10000 1
login_agent_tp_r01c 50100 1 1678558961 50101 1 592005 32752 1 1678558966 32752 1

[1678558966.468] <080> lb task to ritpz01000.01.rithmic.com:64100 completed by 0

[1678558966.468] <057> resolved login_agent_tp_r01c as name=<login_agent_tp_r01c>
host=<> domain=<> address=<> port=<40672> type=<4>
[1678558966.468] <080> finished lb task 0
[1678558966.469] <097> running connect task for
[1678558966.674] <097> connect task for complete
[1678558966.674] <097> finished connect task for

[1678558966.682] <093> connect task for complete

[1678558966.682] <093> finished connect task for

[1678558966.686] <094> connect task for complete

[1678558966.687] <094> finished connect task for

[1678558966.695] <095> connect task for complete

[1678558966.695] <095> finished connect task for

[1678558966.696] <096> connect task for complete

[1678558966.696] <096> finished connect task for

[1678558966.920] <057>

CN=Sectigo RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA, O=Sectigo Limited, L=Salford,
S=Greater Manchester, C=GB

[Serial Number]

[Not Before]
03/06/2022 02:00:00

[Not After]
05/07/2023 01:59:59


[1678558966.920] <057>
Cert chain

[1678558966.920] <057> Chain revocation flag : ExcludeRoot

[1678558966.920] <057> Chain revocation mode : Online
[1678558966.920] <057> Chain verification flag : NoFlag
[1678558966.920] <057> Chain verification time : 11/03/2023 19:22:46
[1678558966.920] <057> Chain status length : 0
[1678558966.920] <057> Chain application policy count : 1
[1678558966.920] <057> Chain certificate policy count : 0
[1678558966.920] <057> Chain Element Information
[1678558966.920] <057> Number of chain elements : 3
[1678558966.921] <057> Element issuer name : CN=Sectigo RSA Domain
Validation Secure Server CA, O=Sectigo Limited, L=Salford, S=Greater Manchester,
[1678558966.921] <057> Element certificate valid until : 05/07/2023 01:59:59
[1678558966.921] <057> Element certificate is valid : True
[1678558966.921] <057> Element error status length : 0
[1678558966.921] <057> Element information :
[1678558966.921] <057> Number of element extensions : 9
[1678558966.922] <057> Element issuer name : CN=USERTrust RSA
Certification Authority, O=The USERTRUST Network, L=Jersey City, S=New Jersey, C=US
[1678558966.922] <057> Element certificate valid until : 01/01/2031 00:59:59
[1678558966.927] <057> Element certificate is valid : True
[1678558966.927] <057> Element error status length : 0
[1678558966.927] <057> Element information :
[1678558966.928] <057> Number of element extensions : 8
[1678558966.928] <057> Element issuer name : CN=USERTrust RSA
Certification Authority, O=The USERTRUST Network, L=Jersey City, S=New Jersey, C=US
[1678558966.928] <057> Element certificate valid until : 19/01/2038 00:59:59
[1678558966.928] <057> Element certificate is valid : True
[1678558966.928] <057> Element error status length : 0
[1678558966.928] <057> Element information :
[1678558966.928] <057> Number of element extensions : 3
[1678558966.928] <057>
Policy errors -> None
[1678558966.928] <057> subject rithmic.com matches
[1678558966.939] <007>

CN=Sectigo RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA, O=Sectigo Limited, L=Salford,
S=Greater Manchester, C=GB

[Serial Number]

[Not Before]
03/06/2022 02:00:00
[Not After]
05/07/2023 01:59:59


[1678558966.939] <007>
Cert chain

[1678558966.939] <007> Chain revocation flag : ExcludeRoot

[1678558966.939] <007> Chain revocation mode : Online
[1678558966.939] <007> Chain verification flag : NoFlag
[1678558966.939] <007> Chain verification time : 11/03/2023 19:22:46
[1678558966.939] <007> Chain status length : 0
[1678558966.939] <007> Chain application policy count : 1
[1678558966.939] <007> Chain certificate policy count : 0
[1678558966.939] <007> Chain Element Information
[1678558966.939] <007> Number of chain elements : 3
[1678558966.939] <007> Element issuer name : CN=Sectigo RSA Domain
Validation Secure Server CA, O=Sectigo Limited, L=Salford, S=Greater Manchester,
[1678558966.940] <007> Element certificate valid until : 05/07/2023 01:59:59
[1678558966.940] <007> Element certificate is valid : True
[1678558966.940] <007> Element error status length : 0
[1678558966.940] <007> Element information :
[1678558966.940] <007> Number of element extensions : 9
[1678558966.940] <007> Element issuer name : CN=USERTrust RSA
Certification Authority, O=The USERTRUST Network, L=Jersey City, S=New Jersey, C=US
[1678558966.941] <007> Element certificate valid until : 01/01/2031 00:59:59
[1678558966.945] <007> Element certificate is valid : True
[1678558966.945] <007> Element error status length : 0
[1678558966.945] <007> Element information :
[1678558966.946] <007> Number of element extensions : 8
[1678558966.946] <007> Element issuer name : CN=USERTrust RSA
Certification Authority, O=The USERTRUST Network, L=Jersey City, S=New Jersey, C=US
[1678558966.946] <007> Element certificate valid until : 19/01/2038 00:59:59
[1678558966.946] <007> Element certificate is valid : True
[1678558966.946] <007> Element error status length : 0
[1678558966.946] <007> Element information :
[1678558966.946] <007> Number of element extensions : 3
[1678558966.947] <007>
Policy errors -> None
[1678558966.947] <007> subject rithmic.com matches
[1678558966.962] <050>

CN=Sectigo RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA, O=Sectigo Limited, L=Salford,
S=Greater Manchester, C=GB

[Serial Number]

[Not Before]
03/06/2022 02:00:00
[Not After]
05/07/2023 01:59:59


[1678558966.962] <050>
Cert chain

[1678558966.962] <050> Chain revocation flag : ExcludeRoot

[1678558966.962] <050> Chain revocation mode : Online
[1678558966.962] <050> Chain verification flag : NoFlag
[1678558966.962] <050> Chain verification time : 11/03/2023 19:22:46
[1678558966.962] <050> Chain status length : 0
[1678558966.962] <050> Chain application policy count : 1
[1678558966.963] <050> Chain certificate policy count : 0
[1678558966.963] <050> Chain Element Information
[1678558966.963] <050> Number of chain elements : 3
[1678558966.963] <050> Element issuer name : CN=Sectigo RSA Domain
Validation Secure Server CA, O=Sectigo Limited, L=Salford, S=Greater Manchester,
[1678558966.963] <050> Element certificate valid until : 05/07/2023 01:59:59
[1678558966.963] <050> Element certificate is valid : True
[1678558966.963] <050> Element error status length : 0
[1678558966.963] <050> Element information :
[1678558966.964] <058>

CN=Sectigo RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA, O=Sectigo Limited, L=Salford,
S=Greater Manchester, C=GB

[Serial Number]

[Not Before]
03/06/2022 02:00:00

[Not After]
05/07/2023 01:59:59


[1678558966.964] <058>
Cert chain

[1678558966.964] <058> Chain revocation flag : ExcludeRoot

[1678558966.964] <058> Chain revocation mode : Online
[1678558966.964] <050> Number of element extensions : 9
[1678558966.964] <058> Chain verification flag : NoFlag
[1678558966.964] <058> Chain verification time : 11/03/2023 19:22:46
[1678558966.964] <058> Chain status length : 0
[1678558966.964] <058> Chain application policy count : 1
[1678558966.964] <058> Chain certificate policy count : 0
[1678558966.964] <050> Element issuer name : CN=USERTrust RSA
Certification Authority, O=The USERTRUST Network, L=Jersey City, S=New Jersey, C=US
[1678558966.964] <058> Chain Element Information
[1678558966.964] <058> Number of chain elements : 3
[1678558966.964] <050> Element certificate valid until : 01/01/2031 00:59:59
[1678558966.965] <058> Element issuer name : CN=Sectigo RSA Domain
Validation Secure Server CA, O=Sectigo Limited, L=Salford, S=Greater Manchester,
[1678558966.965] <058> Element certificate valid until : 05/07/2023 01:59:59
[1678558966.965] <058> Element certificate is valid : True
[1678558966.965] <058> Element error status length : 0
[1678558966.965] <058> Element information :
[1678558966.966] <058> Number of element extensions : 9
[1678558966.966] <058> Element issuer name : CN=USERTrust RSA
Certification Authority, O=The USERTRUST Network, L=Jersey City, S=New Jersey, C=US
[1678558966.966] <058> Element certificate valid until : 01/01/2031 00:59:59
[1678558966.970] <050> Element certificate is valid : True
[1678558966.971] <050> Element error status length : 0
[1678558966.971] <050> Element information :
[1678558966.971] <050> Number of element extensions : 8
[1678558966.971] <050> Element issuer name : CN=USERTrust RSA
Certification Authority, O=The USERTRUST Network, L=Jersey City, S=New Jersey, C=US
[1678558966.971] <056>

CN=Sectigo RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA, O=Sectigo Limited, L=Salford,
S=Greater Manchester, C=GB

[Serial Number]

[Not Before]
03/06/2022 02:00:00

[Not After]
05/07/2023 01:59:59


[1678558966.971] <050> Element certificate valid until : 19/01/2038 00:59:59

[1678558966.971] <056>
Cert chain

[1678558966.971] <056> Chain revocation flag : ExcludeRoot

[1678558966.971] <056> Chain revocation mode : Online
[1678558966.971] <056> Chain verification flag : NoFlag
[1678558966.971] <056> Chain verification time : 11/03/2023 19:22:46
[1678558966.971] <050> Element certificate is valid : True
[1678558966.971] <050> Element error status length : 0
[1678558966.971] <050> Element information :
[1678558966.971] <058> Element certificate is valid : True
[1678558966.971] <058> Element error status length : 0
[1678558966.971] <058> Element information :
[1678558966.972] <050> Number of element extensions : 3
[1678558966.972] <050>
Policy errors -> None
[1678558966.972] <050> subject rithmic.com matches
[1678558966.971] <056> Chain status length : 0
[1678558966.972] <056> Chain application policy count : 1
[1678558966.972] <056> Chain certificate policy count : 0
[1678558966.972] <058> Number of element extensions : 8
[1678558966.972] <056> Chain Element Information
[1678558966.972] <056> Number of chain elements : 3
[1678558966.972] <056> Element issuer name : CN=Sectigo RSA Domain
Validation Secure Server CA, O=Sectigo Limited, L=Salford, S=Greater Manchester,
[1678558966.972] <058> Element issuer name : CN=USERTrust RSA
Certification Authority, O=The USERTRUST Network, L=Jersey City, S=New Jersey, C=US
[1678558966.972] <056> Element certificate valid until : 05/07/2023 01:59:59
[1678558966.972] <058> Element certificate valid until : 19/01/2038 00:59:59
[1678558966.972] <058> Element certificate is valid : True
[1678558966.972] <058> Element error status length : 0
[1678558966.972] <056> Element certificate is valid : True
[1678558966.972] <056> Element error status length : 0
[1678558966.972] <056> Element information :
[1678558966.972] <058> Element information :
[1678558966.972] <058> Number of element extensions : 3
[1678558966.972] <058>
Policy errors -> None
[1678558966.973] <058> subject rithmic.com matches
[1678558966.973] <056> Number of element extensions : 9
[1678558966.973] <056> Element issuer name : CN=USERTrust RSA
Certification Authority, O=The USERTRUST Network, L=Jersey City, S=New Jersey, C=US
[1678558966.973] <056> Element certificate valid until : 01/01/2031 00:59:59
[1678558966.977] <056> Element certificate is valid : True
[1678558966.978] <056> Element error status length : 0
[1678558966.978] <056> Element information :
[1678558966.978] <056> Number of element extensions : 8
[1678558966.978] <056> Element issuer name : CN=USERTrust RSA
Certification Authority, O=The USERTRUST Network, L=Jersey City, S=New Jersey, C=US
[1678558966.978] <056> Element certificate valid until : 19/01/2038 00:59:59
[1678558966.978] <056> Element certificate is valid : True
[1678558966.978] <056> Element error status length : 0
[1678558966.978] <056> Element information :
[1678558966.978] <056> Number of element extensions : 3
[1678558966.978] <056>
Policy errors -> None
[1678558966.978] <056> subject rithmic.com matches
[1678558967.063] <057> [1836] <03/11 19:22:47.063> Connection OPENED on
[1678558967.064] <001> [1836] <03/11 19:22:47.064> Green LED: Price
[1678558967.064] <057> [1836] <03/11 19:22:47.064> *** 6. Started
OmneStreamEngine[Price] (1 watches) <running>

[1678558967.065] <057> [1836] <03/11 19:22:47.065> Waiting for Repository*, Order*,

Price*, RMS*, History*...
[1678558967.085] <007> [1836] <03/11 19:22:47.085> Connection OPENED on
[1678558967.085] <007> [1836] <03/11 19:22:47.085> *** 2. Started
OmneStreamEngine[Repository] (1 watches) <running>

[1678558967.085] <007> [1836] <03/11 19:22:47.085> Waiting for Repository*, Order*,

Price*, RMS*, History*...
[1678558967.098] <050> [1836] <03/11 19:22:47.098> Connection OPENED on
[1678558967.098] <050> [1836] <03/11 19:22:47.098> *** 3. Started
OmneStreamEngine[Order] (1 watches) <running>

[1678558967.098] <050> [1836] <03/11 19:22:47.098> Waiting for Repository*, Order*,

Price*, RMS*, History*...
[1678558967.109] <058> [1836] <03/11 19:22:47.109> Connection OPENED on
[1678558967.110] <058> [1836] <03/11 19:22:47.110> *** 4. Started
OmneStreamEngine[History] (1 watches) <running>

[1678558967.110] <058> [1836] <03/11 19:22:47.110> Waiting for Repository*, Order*,

Price*, RMS*, History*...
[1678558967.122] <056> [1836] <03/11 19:22:47.122> Connection OPENED on
[1678558967.124] <056> [1836] <03/11 19:22:47.124> *** 5. Started
OmneStreamEngine[RMS] (1 watches) <running>

[1678558967.124] <056> [1836] <03/11 19:22:47.124> Waiting for Repository*, Order*,

Price*, RMS*, History*...
[1678558967.208] <084> [1836] <03/11 19:22:47.208>

32767 1 rithmic_login 32760 1 1253768_49 32747 1

omd_Repo_repo01@rithmic_04_prod_domain 32747 1 3090756 32766 1 13 32766 1
permission denied

[1678558967.208] <084> [1836] <03/11 19:22:47.208> login error at

login_agent_repositoryc, permission denied
[1678558967.208] <084> [1836] <03/11 19:22:47.208>

32767 1 rithmic_login 32760 1 1253768_49 32747 1

omd_Repo_repo01@rithmic_04_prod_domain 32747 1 3090756 32766 1 13 32766 1
permission denied

[1678558967.208] <084> [1836] <03/11 19:22:47.208> Resetting OMNE Environment...

[1678558967.209] <084> [1836] <03/11 19:22:47.209> Removing watches for:
OmneStreamEngine[Order] (1 watches) <running>
[1678558967.209] <084> [1836] <03/11 19:22:47.209> Removing watches succeeded.
[1678558967.209] <084> [1836] <03/11 19:22:47.209> Removing watches for:
OmneStreamEngine[RMS] (1 watches) <running>
[1678558967.209] <084> [1836] <03/11 19:22:47.209> Removing watches succeeded.
[1678558967.209] <084> [1836] <03/11 19:22:47.209> Removing watches for:
OmneStreamEngine[Price] (1 watches) <running>
[1678558967.209] <084> [1836] <03/11 19:22:47.209> Removing watches succeeded.
[1678558967.209] <084> [1836] <03/11 19:22:47.209> Removing watches for:
OmneStreamEngine[History] (1 watches) <running>
[1678558967.209] <084> [1836] <03/11 19:22:47.209> Removing watches succeeded.
[1678558967.209] <084> [1836] <03/11 19:22:47.209> Removing watches for:
OmneStreamEngine[Repository] (1 watches) <running>
[1678558967.209] <084> [1836] <03/11 19:22:47.209> Removing watches succeeded.
[1678558967.209] <084> [1836] <03/11 19:22:47.209> Stopping Tty Timer...
[1678558967.209] <084> [1836] <03/11 19:22:47.209> Stopping BRD Timer...
[1678558967.209] <084> [1836] <03/11 19:22:47.209> Stopping BRD Timer...
[1678558967.209] <084> [1836] <03/11 19:22:47.209> Stopping CHT Timer...
[1678558967.209] <084> [1836] <03/11 19:22:47.209> Stopping GEN Timer...
[1678558967.209] <084> [1836] <03/11 19:22:47.209> Stopping Data Rates...
[1678558967.209] <084> [1836] <03/11 19:22:47.209> Stopping ELP Timer...
[1678558967.209] <084> [1836] <03/11 19:22:47.209> Reset OMNE Environment
[1678558967.209] <001> [1836] <03/11 19:22:47.209> Closing all windows...
[1678558967.209] <001> [1836] <03/11 19:22:47.209> Close all windows succeeded.
[1678558967.213] <001> [1836] <03/11 19:22:47.213> Ready...
[1678558967.213] <018> [1836] <03/11 19:22:47.213> stopping
OmneStreamEngine[Repository] (0 watches) <running>
[1678558967.213] <001> [1836] <03/11 19:22:47.213> User needs to relogin. Showing
the login screen...
[1678558967.240] <001> [1836] <03/11 19:22:47.240> Shutting down OmneVerse...
[1678558967.240] <001> [1836] <03/11 19:22:47.240> Stopping Repository
[1678558969.212] <018> [1836] <03/11 19:22:49.212> stopped
OmneStreamEngine[Repository] (0 watches) <stopped>
[1678558969.212] <018> [1836] <03/11 19:22:49.212> stopping OmneStreamEngine[Price]
(0 watches) <running>
[1678558969.213] <001> [1836] <03/11 19:22:49.213> Stopping Price connection...
[1678558969.244] <088> Device History=>login_agent_historyc has notified an error.
[1678558969.246] <003> A timer device History=>login_agent_historyc:recover has
been established to attempt recovery every 1 milliseconds.
[1678558969.258] <054> [1836] <03/11 19:22:49.258> Connection BROKEN on
[1678558969.258] <001> [1836] <03/11 19:22:49.258>
[1678558969.260] <054> Attempting to recover History by opening
History=>login_agent_historyc (recovery attempt 1).
[1678558969.308] <018> [1836] <03/11 19:22:49.308> stopped OmneStreamEngine[Price]
(0 watches) <stopped>
[1678558969.308] <018> [1836] <03/11 19:22:49.308> stopping
OmneStreamEngine[History] (0 watches) <running>
[1678558969.308] <001> [1836] <03/11 19:22:49.308> Stopping History connection...
[1678558969.310] <018> [1836] <03/11 19:22:49.310> stopped
OmneStreamEngine[History] (0 watches) <stopped>
[1678558969.310] <018> [1836] <03/11 19:22:49.310> stopping OmneStreamEngine[Order]
(0 watches) <running>
[1678558969.310] <001> [1836] <03/11 19:22:49.310> Stopping Order connection...
[1678558969.435] <018> [1836] <03/11 19:22:49.435> stopped OmneStreamEngine[Order]
(0 watches) <stopped>
[1678558969.435] <018> [1836] <03/11 19:22:49.435> stopping OmneStreamEngine[RMS]
(0 watches) <running>
[1678558969.435] <001> [1836] <03/11 19:22:49.435> Stopping RMS connection...
[1678558969.584] <018> [1836] <03/11 19:22:49.584> stopped OmneStreamEngine[RMS] (0
watches) <stopped>
[1678558969.584] <018> [1836] <03/11 19:22:49.584> 4 Engines Down.
[1678558969.718] <018> trace finished.
[1678558994.259] <001> trace started.
[1678558994.489] <001> [11544] <03/11 19:23:14.488> C:\Program Files (x86)\Rithmic\
Rithmic Trader Pro\Rithmic Trader Pro.exe

Rithmic Trader Pro, 32-bit

.NET CLR 4.0.30319.42000

Microsoft Windows 10 Famille, 6.2.9200.0, Version 2004 (OS Build 19041.264), 64-bit
Machine has been on for 5 days 19:59:28
Current Time is 11-Mar-2023 07:23:14.451863 pm, fr-FR (pi=3.14159, c=299792458),
Paris, Madrid UTC+01.00

Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4200U CPU @ 1.60GHz, 2-core (4-logical)

System Disk: AS-512 (440.08 GB available on system drive)
MAC Addresses: E0:3F:49:33:40:6B, 16:0A:64:FF:2C:E7, 26:0A:64:FF:2C:E7,
24:0A:64:FF:2C:E7, 24:0A:64:FF:2C:E6
IP Address:
RAM: 11.89 GB, 35% used

[1678558994.490] <001> [11544] <03/11 19:23:14.490> Reading Configuration

[1678558994.490] <001> [11544] <03/11 19:23:14.490> Initializing Connection
[1678558994.491] <001> [11544] <03/11 19:23:14.491> Instantiating Heartbeat
[1678558994.491] <001> [11544] <03/11 19:23:14.491> Intantiating Notification
[1678558994.491] <001> [11544] <03/11 19:23:14.491> Contacting License Server...
[1678558995.054] <001> [11544] <03/11 19:23:15.054> Instantiating Local Storage
[1678558995.074] <001> [11544] <03/11 19:23:15.074> Initializing Controls...
[1678558996.102] <001> [11544] <03/11 19:23:16.102> Initialization Successful.
Starting Up...
[1678558996.407] <001> [11544] <03/11 19:23:16.407> Starting pre-init clock at:
Sat, Mar 11, 2023 07:23:16.406 PM
[1678558996.414] <001> [11544] <03/11 19:23:16.414> Reading Configuration
[1678558996.426] <001> [11544] <03/11 19:23:16.426>

User: [email protected]
System: Rithmic Paper Trading
Gateway: Chicago Area

[Market Data]
User: [email protected]
System: Rithmic Paper Trading
Gateway: Chicago Area

Order: login_agent_op_paperc
Price: login_agent_tp_paperc
RMS: login_agent_pnl_paperc
History: login_agent_history_paperc
Indicator: login_agent_indicator_paperc
Repository: login_agent_repositoryc
Admin: dd_admin_sslc
Device Timeout: default
LBI Timeout: default
Domain: rithmic_paper_prod_domain
Domain Server:
License Server:
Location Broker: ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:64100
Log Type: log_net

[Market Data]
Order: login_agent_op_paperc
Price: login_agent_tp_paperc
RMS: login_agent_pnl_paperc
History: login_agent_history_paperc
Indicator: login_agent_indicator_paperc
Repository: login_agent_repositoryc
Admin: dd_admin_sslc
Device Timeout: default
LBI Timeout: default
Domain: rithmic_paper_prod_domain
Domain Server:
License Server:
Location Broker: ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:64100
Log Type: log_net

Admin Socket: [email protected]

User Msg: RithmicTraderPro-[]-asus-
[email protected]
Auto Log File: C:\Users\asus\Documents\Rithmic\Rithmic Trader Pro.cur.txt

[1678558996.426] <001> [11544] <03/11 19:23:16.426> Applying Configuration

[1678558996.430] <001> [11544] <03/11 19:23:16.430> Environment Variables:
PROCESSOR_IDENTIFIER = Intel64 Family 6 Model 69 Stepping 1, GenuineIntel
HOMEPATH = \Users\asus
APPDATA = C:\Users\asus\AppData\Roaming
MML_SSL_CLNT_CERT_FILE = C:\Program Files (x86)\Rithmic\Rithmic Trader Pro\
TMP = C:\Users\asus\AppData\Local\Temp
windir = C:\Windows
ProgramFiles(x86) = C:\Program Files (x86)
MML_LOC_BROK_ADDR = ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:64100
LOCALAPPDATA = C:\Users\asus\AppData\Local
MML_LOG_TYPE = log_net
OS = Windows_NT
USERPROFILE = C:\Users\asus
Path = C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\System32\Wbem;C:\Windows\System32\
MML_SSL_CERT_NAME = rithmic.com
ProgramFiles = C:\Program Files (x86)
SystemDrive = C:
MML_DOMAIN_NAME = rithmic_paper_prod_domain
CommonProgramW6432 = C:\Program Files\Common Files
CommonProgramFiles(x86) = C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files
ComSpec = C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe
CommonProgramFiles = C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files
USER = asus
PUBLIC = C:\Users\Public
ProgramData = C:\ProgramData
TEMP = C:\Users\asus\AppData\Local\Temp
PSModulePath = C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules;C:\Windows\system32\
SystemRoot = C:\Windows
DriverData = C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\DriverData
OneDrive = C:\Users\asus\OneDrive
ProgramW6432 = C:\Program Files
[1678558996.430] <001> [11544] <03/11 19:23:16.430> Starting Stream Engines...
[1678558996.439] <011> [11544] <03/11 19:23:16.439> ADMIN connection started...
[1678558996.439] <011> [11544] <03/11 19:23:16.439> Starting Performance
[1678558996.440] <011> [11544] <03/11 19:23:16.440> Pre-init completed in 0.33
[1678558996.440] <011> [11544] <03/11 19:23:16.440> 0. Creating Connection...

[1678558996.442] <001> [11544] <03/11 19:23:16.442> Starting ADMIN Connection..

[1678558996.443] <011> [11544] <03/11 19:23:16.442> Starting connect clock at:
sam., mars 11, 2023 07:23:16.440
[1678558996.458] <008> logger task ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:45454
[1678558996.458] <005> logger task ritpz04063.04.rithmic.net:45454
[1678558996.458] <007> logger task ritpz01004.01.rithmic.com:45454
[1678558996.459] <012> logger task ritpz01004.01.rithmic.net:45454
[1678558996.462] <008> logger address ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:45454 : success
[1678558996.466] <007> logger address ritpz01004.01.rithmic.com:45454 : success
[1678558996.467] <013> logger task ritpz04063.04.theomne.net:45454
[1678558996.468] <014> logger task ritpz01004.01.theomne.net:45454
[1678558996.469] <015> logger task ritpz04063.04.theomne.com:45454
[1678558996.472] <011> logger signalled
[1678558996.472] <011> logger tasks : left=0, found=True
[1678558996.475] <016> logger task ritpz01004.01.theomne.com:45454
[1678558996.481] <012> logger address ritpz01004.01.rithmic.net:45454 : failure
[1678558996.524] <014> logger address ritpz01004.01.theomne.net:45454 : success
[1678558996.533] <016> logger address ritpz01004.01.theomne.com:45454 : success
[1678558996.537] <021> running lb task 0
[1678558996.538] <021> lb task 0 connecting to ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:64100
[1678558996.542] <022> running connect task for ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:64100
[1678558996.569] <013> logger address ritpz04063.04.theomne.net:45454 : success
[1678558996.570] <005> logger address ritpz04063.04.rithmic.net:45454 : success
[1678558996.573] <015> logger address ritpz04063.04.theomne.com:45454 : success
[1678558996.668] <022> connect task for ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:64100 complete
[1678558996.668] <022> finished connect task for ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:64100

[1678558996.801] <021> 32766 1 14 32766 1 unknown request 32767 1 ping

[1678558996.923] <021> 10046 1 21001 1 049751 21000 1 105251

10616 1 04:52:51 21010 1 20230305 10615 1 2023-03-05 10123 0 30003 1
dd_admin_tst_ritpz01003@rithmic_paper_prod_domain 10609 1 dd_admin_sslc 32748 1
1678558992 32764 0 32767 1 mrv_lb 10000 1 dd_admin_sslc 50100 1 1678558992 50101 1
057399 32752 1 1678558996 32752 1 802000

[1678558996.924] <021> lb task to ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:64100 completed by 0

[1678558996.924] <021> finished lb task 0
[1678558996.924] <011> resolved dd_admin_sslc as name=<dd_admin_sslc> host=<>
domain=<> address=<> port=<40219> type=<4>
[1678558996.929] <023> running connect task for
[1678558997.155] <023> connect task for complete
[1678558997.155] <023> finished connect task for

[1678558997.457] <011>

CN=Sectigo RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA, O=Sectigo Limited, L=Salford,
S=Greater Manchester, C=GB

[Serial Number]

[Not Before]
03/06/2022 02:00:00

[Not After]
05/07/2023 01:59:59


[1678558997.457] <011>
Cert chain

[1678558997.459] <011> Chain revocation flag : ExcludeRoot

[1678558997.460] <011> Chain revocation mode : Online
[1678558997.460] <011> Chain verification flag : NoFlag
[1678558997.460] <011> Chain verification time : 11/03/2023 19:23:17
[1678558997.460] <011> Chain status length : 0
[1678558997.460] <011> Chain application policy count : 1
[1678558997.460] <011> Chain certificate policy count : 0
[1678558997.460] <011> Chain Element Information
[1678558997.460] <011> Number of chain elements : 3
[1678558997.460] <011> Element issuer name : CN=Sectigo RSA Domain
Validation Secure Server CA, O=Sectigo Limited, L=Salford, S=Greater Manchester,
[1678558997.460] <011> Element certificate valid until : 05/07/2023 01:59:59
[1678558997.460] <011> Element certificate is valid : True
[1678558997.460] <011> Element error status length : 0
[1678558997.460] <011> Element information :
[1678558997.460] <011> Number of element extensions : 9
[1678558997.460] <011> Element issuer name : CN=USERTrust RSA
Certification Authority, O=The USERTRUST Network, L=Jersey City, S=New Jersey, C=US
[1678558997.460] <011> Element certificate valid until : 01/01/2031 00:59:59
[1678558997.487] <011> Element certificate is valid : True
[1678558997.487] <011> Element error status length : 0
[1678558997.487] <011> Element information :
[1678558997.487] <011> Number of element extensions : 8
[1678558997.487] <011> Element issuer name : CN=USERTrust RSA
Certification Authority, O=The USERTRUST Network, L=Jersey City, S=New Jersey, C=US
[1678558997.487] <011> Element certificate valid until : 19/01/2038 00:59:59
[1678558997.487] <011> Element certificate is valid : True
[1678558997.487] <011> Element error status length : 0
[1678558997.487] <011> Element information :
[1678558997.487] <011> Number of element extensions : 3
[1678558997.487] <011>
Policy errors -> None
[1678558997.487] <011> subject rithmic.com matches
[1678558997.646] <011> [11544] <03/11 19:23:17.646> OmneVerse up in 1.206 seconds.
[1678558997.647] <011> [11544] <03/11 19:23:17.647> *** 0. Connection created

[1678558997.654] <011> [11544] <03/11 19:23:17.654>

Admin Client
Peer Address:
name=<> host=<tonpz01003.theomne.net> domain=<> address=<>
port=<40219> type=<1>

Local Address:
name=<> host=<DESKTOP-CBUT4IU> domain=<> address=<> port=<57404>

Last Read Time : 1678562597619

Last Write Time: 1678562597647

[1678558997.655] <001> [11544] <03/11 19:23:17.655> 1. Reading Request Table...

[1678558997.660] <011> [11544] <03/11 19:23:17.660> *** 1. Loaded all requests

[1678558997.664] <001> [11544] <03/11 19:23:17.664> Prev Count: 0

[1678558997.664] <001> [11544] <03/11 19:23:17.664> Finished 1 of 6 (Login_ReadTbl)
[1678558997.665] <001> [11544] <03/11 19:23:17.665> Waiting for Repository, Order,
Price, RMS, History...
[1678558997.667] <026> [11544] <03/11 19:23:17.667> Waiting for Repository, Order,
Price, RMS, History...
[1678558997.667] <001> [11544] <03/11 19:23:17.667> 2. Starting Repository
[1678558997.668] <027> [11544] <03/11 19:23:17.668> Waiting for Repository, Order,
Price, RMS, History...
[1678558997.668] <029> [11544] <03/11 19:23:17.668> Waiting for Repository, Order,
Price, RMS, History...
[1678558997.668] <028> [11544] <03/11 19:23:17.668> Waiting for Repository, Order,
Price, RMS, History...
[1678558997.669] <001> [11544] <03/11 19:23:17.669> 3. Starting Order connection...
[1678558997.669] <001> [11544] <03/11 19:23:17.669> 6. Starting Price connection...
[1678558997.670] <001> [11544] <03/11 19:23:17.670> 5. Starting RMS connection...
[1678558997.671] <030> [11544] <03/11 19:23:17.671> Waiting for Repository, Order,
Price, RMS, History...
[1678558997.672] <001> [11544] <03/11 19:23:17.672> 4. Starting History
[1678558997.695] <026> [11544] <03/11 19:23:17.695> Created
OmneStreamEngine[Repository] (0 watches) <initialized>
[1678558997.696] <027> [11544] <03/11 19:23:17.696> Created OmneStreamEngine[Order]
(0 watches) <initialized>
[1678558997.698] <030> [11544] <03/11 19:23:17.698> Created
OmneStreamEngine[History] (0 watches) <initialized>
[1678558997.699] <028> [11544] <03/11 19:23:17.699> Created OmneStreamEngine[RMS]
(0 watches) <initialized>
[1678558997.700] <029> [11544] <03/11 19:23:17.700> Created OmneStreamEngine[Price]
(0 watches) <initialized>
[1678558997.730] <030> [11544] <03/11 19:23:17.730> Login_History: iKeys items 12
[1678558997.731] <027> [11544] <03/11 19:23:17.731> Login_Order: iKeys items 12
[1678558997.732] <028> [11544] <03/11 19:23:17.732> Login_RMS: iKeys items 12
[1678558997.738] <029> [11544] <03/11 19:23:17.738> Login_Price: iKeys items 12
[1678558997.741] <026> [11544] <03/11 19:23:17.741> Login_Repository: iKeys items
[1678558997.752] <056> running lb task 0
[1678558997.752] <056> lb task 0 connecting to ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:64100
[1678558997.752] <057> running lb task 0
[1678558997.752] <057> lb task 0 connecting to ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:64100
[1678558997.752] <058> running lb task 0
[1678558997.752] <058> lb task 0 connecting to ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:64100
[1678558997.752] <059> running lb task 0
[1678558997.752] <059> lb task 0 connecting to ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:64100
[1678558997.752] <060> running lb task 0
[1678558997.752] <060> lb task 0 connecting to ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:64100
[1678558997.753] <061> running connect task for ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:64100
[1678558997.753] <062> running connect task for ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:64100
[1678558997.753] <063> running connect task for ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:64100
[1678558997.753] <064> running connect task for ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:64100
[1678558997.753] <065> running connect task for ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:64100
[1678558997.875] <061> connect task for ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:64100 complete
[1678558997.875] <061> finished connect task for ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:64100

[1678558997.876] <065> connect task for ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:64100 complete

[1678558997.876] <065> finished connect task for ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:64100

[1678558997.877] <062> connect task for ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:64100 complete

[1678558997.877] <062> finished connect task for ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:64100

[1678558997.881] <063> connect task for ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:64100 complete

[1678558997.881] <063> finished connect task for ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:64100

[1678558997.884] <064> connect task for ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:64100 complete

[1678558997.884] <064> finished connect task for ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:64100

[1678558997.999] <056> 32766 1 14 32766 1 unknown request 32767 1 ping

[1678558997.999] <060> 32766 1 14 32766 1 unknown request 32767 1 ping

[1678558998.000] <057> 32766 1 14 32766 1 unknown request 32767 1 ping

[1678558998.011] <058> 32766 1 14 32766 1 unknown request 32767 1 ping

[1678558998.012] <059> 32766 1 14 32766 1 unknown request 32767 1 ping

[1678558998.119] <056> 10046 1 21001 1 050777 21000 1 121551

10616 1 06:15:51 21010 1 20230305 10615 1 2023-03-05 10123 0 30003 1
login_agent_history_ritpz01000-40031@rithmic_paper_prod_domain 10609 1
login_agent_history_paperc 32748 1 1678558993 32764 0 32767 1 mrv_lb 10000 1
login_agent_history_paperc 50100 1 1678558993 50101 1 253998 32752 1 1678558997
32752 1 999000

[1678558998.119] <056> lb task to ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:64100 completed by 0

[1678558998.119] <030> resolved login_agent_history_paperc as
name=<login_agent_history_paperc> host=<> domain=<> address=<>
port=<40031> type=<4>
[1678558998.119] <056> finished lb task 0
[1678558998.120] <060> 10046 1 21001 1 562078 21000 1 103048
10616 1 04:30:48 21010 1 20230305 10615 1 2023-03-05 10123 0 30003 1
login_agent_rp_paper_ritpz04063-2@rithmic_paper_prod_domain 10609 1
login_agent_repositoryc 32748 1 1678558993 32764 0 32767 1 mrv_lb 10000 1
login_agent_repositoryc 50100 1 1678558993 50101 1 254745 32752 1 1678558997 32752
1 999000

[1678558998.120] <060> lb task to ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:64100 completed by 0

[1678558998.120] <026> resolved login_agent_repositoryc as
name=<login_agent_repositoryc> host=<> domain=<> address=<>
port=<40833> type=<4>
[1678558998.120] <060> finished lb task 0
[1678558998.121] <057> 10046 1 21001 1 837873 21000 1 115253
10616 1 05:52:53 21010 1 20230305 10615 1 2023-03-05 10123 0 30003 1
login_agent_pnl_ritpz04031-40827_paper@rithmic_paper_prod_domain 10609 1
login_agent_pnl_paperc 32748 1 1678558993 32764 0 32767 1 mrv_lb 10000 1
login_agent_pnl_paperc 50100 1 1678558993 50101 1 254810 32752 1 1678558998 32752 1

[1678558998.121] <057> lb task to ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:64100 completed by 0

[1678558998.121] <028> resolved login_agent_pnl_paperc as
name=<login_agent_pnl_paperc> host=<> domain=<> address=<>
port=<40827> type=<4>
[1678558998.122] <057> finished lb task 0
[1678558998.122] <066> running connect task for
[1678558998.123] <067> running connect task for
[1678558998.124] <068> running connect task for
[1678558998.141] <058> 10046 1 21001 1 612327 21000 1 104925
10616 1 04:49:25 21010 1 20230305 10615 1 2023-03-05 10123 0 30003 1
login_agent_tp_ritpz02012-40518_paper@rithmic_paper_prod_domain 10609 1
login_agent_tp_paperc 32748 1 1678558993 32764 0 32767 1 mrv_lb 10000 1
login_agent_tp_paperc 50100 1 1678558993 50101 1 266402 32752 1 1678558998 32752 1

[1678558998.141] <058> lb task to ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:64100 completed by 0

[1678558998.141] <029> resolved login_agent_tp_paperc as
name=<login_agent_tp_paperc> host=<> domain=<> address=<>
port=<40518> type=<4>
[1678558998.142] <058> finished lb task 0
[1678558998.142] <059> 10046 1 21001 1 639029 21000 1 111900
10616 1 05:19:00 21010 1 20230305 10615 1 2023-03-05 10123 0 30003 1
login_agent_op_ritpz04042-40821_paper@rithmic_paper_prod_domain 10609 1
login_agent_op_paperc 32748 1 1678558993 32764 0 32767 1 mrv_lb 10000 1
login_agent_op_paperc 50100 1 1678558993 50101 1 266776 32752 1 1678558998 32752 1

[1678558998.142] <059> lb task to ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:64100 completed by 0

[1678558998.142] <027> resolved login_agent_op_paperc as
name=<login_agent_op_paperc> host=<> domain=<> address=<> port=<40821>
[1678558998.142] <059> finished lb task 0
[1678558998.144] <069> running connect task for
[1678558998.144] <070> running connect task for
[1678558998.352] <067> connect task for complete
[1678558998.352] <067> finished connect task for

[1678558998.362] <066> connect task for complete

[1678558998.362] <066> finished connect task for

[1678558998.366] <070> connect task for complete

[1678558998.366] <070> finished connect task for

[1678558998.366] <069> connect task for complete

[1678558998.366] <069> finished connect task for

[1678558998.368] <068> connect task for complete

[1678558998.368] <068> finished connect task for

[1678558998.610] <026>

CN=Sectigo RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA, O=Sectigo Limited, L=Salford,
S=Greater Manchester, C=GB
[Serial Number]

[Not Before]
03/06/2022 02:00:00

[Not After]
05/07/2023 01:59:59


[1678558998.610] <026>
Cert chain

[1678558998.610] <026> Chain revocation flag : ExcludeRoot

[1678558998.610] <026> Chain revocation mode : Online
[1678558998.610] <026> Chain verification flag : NoFlag
[1678558998.610] <026> Chain verification time : 11/03/2023 19:23:18
[1678558998.610] <026> Chain status length : 0
[1678558998.610] <026> Chain application policy count : 1
[1678558998.610] <026> Chain certificate policy count : 0
[1678558998.610] <026> Chain Element Information
[1678558998.610] <026> Number of chain elements : 3
[1678558998.610] <026> Element issuer name : CN=Sectigo RSA Domain
Validation Secure Server CA, O=Sectigo Limited, L=Salford, S=Greater Manchester,
[1678558998.610] <026> Element certificate valid until : 05/07/2023 01:59:59
[1678558998.610] <026> Element certificate is valid : True
[1678558998.610] <026> Element error status length : 0
[1678558998.610] <026> Element information :
[1678558998.610] <026> Number of element extensions : 9
[1678558998.610] <026> Element issuer name : CN=USERTrust RSA
Certification Authority, O=The USERTRUST Network, L=Jersey City, S=New Jersey, C=US
[1678558998.610] <026> Element certificate valid until : 01/01/2031 00:59:59
[1678558998.612] <026> Element certificate is valid : True
[1678558998.612] <026> Element error status length : 0
[1678558998.612] <026> Element information :
[1678558998.612] <026> Number of element extensions : 8
[1678558998.612] <026> Element issuer name : CN=USERTrust RSA
Certification Authority, O=The USERTRUST Network, L=Jersey City, S=New Jersey, C=US
[1678558998.612] <026> Element certificate valid until : 19/01/2038 00:59:59
[1678558998.612] <026> Element certificate is valid : True
[1678558998.612] <026> Element error status length : 0
[1678558998.612] <026> Element information :
[1678558998.612] <026> Number of element extensions : 3
[1678558998.612] <026>
Policy errors -> None
[1678558998.612] <026> subject rithmic.com matches
[1678558998.633] <029>

CN=Sectigo RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA, O=Sectigo Limited, L=Salford,
S=Greater Manchester, C=GB
[Serial Number]

[Not Before]
03/06/2022 02:00:00

[Not After]
05/07/2023 01:59:59


[1678558998.633] <029>
Cert chain

[1678558998.633] <029> Chain revocation flag : ExcludeRoot

[1678558998.633] <030>

CN=Sectigo RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA, O=Sectigo Limited, L=Salford,
S=Greater Manchester, C=GB

[Serial Number]

[Not Before]
03/06/2022 02:00:00

[Not After]
05/07/2023 01:59:59


[1678558998.633] <030>
Cert chain

[1678558998.633] <029> Chain revocation mode : Online

[1678558998.633] <030> Chain revocation flag : ExcludeRoot
[1678558998.633] <030> Chain revocation mode : Online
[1678558998.633] <029> Chain verification flag : NoFlag
[1678558998.633] <030> Chain verification flag : NoFlag
[1678558998.633] <029> Chain verification time : 11/03/2023 19:23:18
[1678558998.633] <030> Chain verification time : 11/03/2023 19:23:18
[1678558998.633] <030> Chain status length : 0
[1678558998.633] <030> Chain application policy count : 1
[1678558998.633] <029> Chain status length : 0
[1678558998.633] <030> Chain certificate policy count : 0
[1678558998.633] <030> Chain Element Information
[1678558998.633] <030> Number of chain elements : 3
[1678558998.633] <030> Element issuer name : CN=Sectigo RSA Domain
Validation Secure Server CA, O=Sectigo Limited, L=Salford, S=Greater Manchester,
[1678558998.633] <030> Element certificate valid until : 05/07/2023 01:59:59
[1678558998.633] <030> Element certificate is valid : True
[1678558998.633] <030> Element error status length : 0
[1678558998.633] <029> Chain application policy count : 1
[1678558998.633] <029> Chain certificate policy count : 0
[1678558998.633] <029> Chain Element Information
[1678558998.633] <029> Number of chain elements : 3
[1678558998.633] <030> Element information :
[1678558998.633] <029> Element issuer name : CN=Sectigo RSA Domain
Validation Secure Server CA, O=Sectigo Limited, L=Salford, S=Greater Manchester,
[1678558998.633] <029> Element certificate valid until : 05/07/2023 01:59:59
[1678558998.633] <030> Number of element extensions : 9
[1678558998.633] <029> Element certificate is valid : True
[1678558998.634] <029> Element error status length : 0
[1678558998.634] <030> Element issuer name : CN=USERTrust RSA
Certification Authority, O=The USERTRUST Network, L=Jersey City, S=New Jersey, C=US
[1678558998.634] <029> Element information :
[1678558998.634] <030> Element certificate valid until : 01/01/2031 00:59:59
[1678558998.634] <029> Number of element extensions : 9
[1678558998.634] <029> Element issuer name : CN=USERTrust RSA
Certification Authority, O=The USERTRUST Network, L=Jersey City, S=New Jersey, C=US
[1678558998.634] <029> Element certificate valid until : 01/01/2031 00:59:59
[1678558998.636] <030> Element certificate is valid : True
[1678558998.636] <030> Element error status length : 0
[1678558998.636] <030> Element information :
[1678558998.636] <030> Number of element extensions : 8
[1678558998.636] <029> Element certificate is valid : True
[1678558998.636] <029> Element error status length : 0
[1678558998.636] <030> Element issuer name : CN=USERTrust RSA
Certification Authority, O=The USERTRUST Network, L=Jersey City, S=New Jersey, C=US
[1678558998.636] <029> Element information :
[1678558998.637] <030> Element certificate valid until : 19/01/2038 00:59:59
[1678558998.637] <030> Element certificate is valid : True
[1678558998.637] <030> Element error status length : 0
[1678558998.637] <030> Element information :
[1678558998.637] <029> Number of element extensions : 8
[1678558998.637] <030> Number of element extensions : 3
[1678558998.637] <030>
Policy errors -> None
[1678558998.637] <029> Element issuer name : CN=USERTrust RSA
Certification Authority, O=The USERTRUST Network, L=Jersey City, S=New Jersey, C=US
[1678558998.637] <030> subject rithmic.com matches
[1678558998.637] <029> Element certificate valid until : 19/01/2038 00:59:59
[1678558998.637] <029> Element certificate is valid : True
[1678558998.637] <029> Element error status length : 0
[1678558998.637] <029> Element information :
[1678558998.637] <029> Number of element extensions : 3
[1678558998.637] <029>
Policy errors -> None
[1678558998.637] <029> subject rithmic.com matches
[1678558998.639] <027>

CN=Sectigo RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA, O=Sectigo Limited, L=Salford,
S=Greater Manchester, C=GB

[Serial Number]
[Not Before]
03/06/2022 02:00:00

[Not After]
05/07/2023 01:59:59


[1678558998.639] <027>
Cert chain

[1678558998.639] <027> Chain revocation flag : ExcludeRoot

[1678558998.639] <027> Chain revocation mode : Online
[1678558998.639] <027> Chain verification flag : NoFlag
[1678558998.639] <027> Chain verification time : 11/03/2023 19:23:18
[1678558998.639] <027> Chain status length : 0
[1678558998.639] <027> Chain application policy count : 1
[1678558998.639] <027> Chain certificate policy count : 0
[1678558998.639] <027> Chain Element Information
[1678558998.639] <027> Number of chain elements : 3
[1678558998.639] <027> Element issuer name : CN=Sectigo RSA Domain
Validation Secure Server CA, O=Sectigo Limited, L=Salford, S=Greater Manchester,
[1678558998.639] <027> Element certificate valid until : 05/07/2023 01:59:59
[1678558998.639] <027> Element certificate is valid : True
[1678558998.639] <027> Element error status length : 0
[1678558998.639] <027> Element information :
[1678558998.639] <027> Number of element extensions : 9
[1678558998.639] <027> Element issuer name : CN=USERTrust RSA
Certification Authority, O=The USERTRUST Network, L=Jersey City, S=New Jersey, C=US
[1678558998.639] <027> Element certificate valid until : 01/01/2031 00:59:59
[1678558998.641] <028>

CN=Sectigo RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA, O=Sectigo Limited, L=Salford,
S=Greater Manchester, C=GB

[Serial Number]

[Not Before]
03/06/2022 02:00:00

[Not After]
05/07/2023 01:59:59


[1678558998.641] <028>
Cert chain

[1678558998.641] <028> Chain revocation flag : ExcludeRoot

[1678558998.641] <028> Chain revocation mode : Online
[1678558998.641] <028> Chain verification flag : NoFlag
[1678558998.641] <028> Chain verification time : 11/03/2023 19:23:18
[1678558998.641] <028> Chain status length : 0
[1678558998.641] <028> Chain application policy count : 1
[1678558998.641] <028> Chain certificate policy count : 0
[1678558998.641] <028> Chain Element Information
[1678558998.641] <028> Number of chain elements : 3
[1678558998.641] <028> Element issuer name : CN=Sectigo RSA Domain
Validation Secure Server CA, O=Sectigo Limited, L=Salford, S=Greater Manchester,
[1678558998.641] <028> Element certificate valid until : 05/07/2023 01:59:59
[1678558998.641] <028> Element certificate is valid : True
[1678558998.641] <028> Element error status length : 0
[1678558998.641] <028> Element information :
[1678558998.641] <027> Element certificate is valid : True
[1678558998.641] <027> Element error status length : 0
[1678558998.641] <027> Element information :
[1678558998.641] <028> Number of element extensions : 9
[1678558998.641] <028> Element issuer name : CN=USERTrust RSA
Certification Authority, O=The USERTRUST Network, L=Jersey City, S=New Jersey, C=US
[1678558998.641] <028> Element certificate valid until : 01/01/2031 00:59:59
[1678558998.641] <027> Number of element extensions : 8
[1678558998.641] <027> Element issuer name : CN=USERTrust RSA
Certification Authority, O=The USERTRUST Network, L=Jersey City, S=New Jersey, C=US
[1678558998.641] <027> Element certificate valid until : 19/01/2038 00:59:59
[1678558998.641] <027> Element certificate is valid : True
[1678558998.642] <027> Element error status length : 0
[1678558998.642] <027> Element information :
[1678558998.642] <027> Number of element extensions : 3
[1678558998.642] <027>
Policy errors -> None
[1678558998.642] <027> subject rithmic.com matches
[1678558998.643] <028> Element certificate is valid : True
[1678558998.643] <028> Element error status length : 0
[1678558998.643] <028> Element information :
[1678558998.643] <028> Number of element extensions : 8
[1678558998.643] <028> Element issuer name : CN=USERTrust RSA
Certification Authority, O=The USERTRUST Network, L=Jersey City, S=New Jersey, C=US
[1678558998.643] <028> Element certificate valid until : 19/01/2038 00:59:59
[1678558998.643] <028> Element certificate is valid : True
[1678558998.643] <028> Element error status length : 0
[1678558998.643] <028> Element information :
[1678558998.644] <028> Number of element extensions : 3
[1678558998.644] <028>
Policy errors -> None
[1678558998.644] <028> subject rithmic.com matches
[1678558998.802] <027> [11544] <03/11 19:23:18.802> Connection OPENED on
[1678558998.803] <028> [11544] <03/11 19:23:18.803> Connection OPENED on
[1678558998.803] <026> [11544] <03/11 19:23:18.803> Connection OPENED on
[1678558998.806] <030> [11544] <03/11 19:23:18.806> Connection OPENED on
[1678558998.809] <030> [11544] <03/11 19:23:18.809> *** 4. Started
OmneStreamEngine[History] (1 watches) <running>

[1678558998.809] <026> [11544] <03/11 19:23:18.809> *** 2. Started

OmneStreamEngine[Repository] (1 watches) <running>
[1678558998.809] <030> [11544] <03/11 19:23:18.809> Waiting for Repository*,
Order*, Price*, RMS*, History*...
[1678558998.809] <026> [11544] <03/11 19:23:18.809> Waiting for Repository*,
Order*, Price*, RMS*, History*...
[1678558998.809] <027> [11544] <03/11 19:23:18.809> *** 3. Started
OmneStreamEngine[Order] (1 watches) <running>

[1678558998.809] <027> [11544] <03/11 19:23:18.809> Waiting for Repository*,

Order*, Price*, RMS*, History*...
[1678558998.809] <028> [11544] <03/11 19:23:18.809> *** 5. Started
OmneStreamEngine[RMS] (1 watches) <running>

[1678558998.809] <028> [11544] <03/11 19:23:18.809> Waiting for Repository*,

Order*, Price*, RMS*, History*...
[1678558998.811] <029> [11544] <03/11 19:23:18.811> Connection OPENED on
[1678558998.811] <029> [11544] <03/11 19:23:18.811> *** 6. Started
OmneStreamEngine[Price] (1 watches) <running>

[1678558998.811] <029> [11544] <03/11 19:23:18.811> Waiting for Repository*,

Order*, Price*, RMS*, History*...
[1678558998.985] <055> [11544] <03/11 19:23:18.985>

32766 0 32767 1 rithmic_login 32760 1 56109075_4 32747 1

omd_pnl_paper_op01@rithmic_paper_domain 32747 1 68797 54013 1 Rithmic 54014 1
Rithmic 30002 1 Rithmic Trader Pro 31033 1 54712 1 MC 44108 1
E0:3F:49:33:40:6B 44108 1 16:0A:64:FF:2C:E7 44108 1 26:0A:64:FF:2C:E7 44108 1
24:0A:64:FF:2C:E7 44108 1 24:0A:64:FF:2C:E6 31804 1

[1678558998.988] <055> [11544] <03/11 19:23:18.988> logged in at

[1678558998.998] <001> [11544] <03/11 19:23:18.998> Login Success (Login_RMS)
[1678558998.998] <001> [11544] <03/11 19:23:18.998> Prev Count: 1
[1678558998.998] <001> [11544] <03/11 19:23:18.998> Finished 2 of 6 (Login_RMS)
[1678558998.998] <001> [11544] <03/11 19:23:18.998> Waiting for Repository*,
Order*, Price*, History*...
[1678558999.006] <051> [11544] <03/11 19:23:19.006>

32766 0 32767 1 rithmic_login 32760 1 57583870_0 32747 1

omd_history_paper_tp01@rithmic_paper_domain 32747 1 32193 54013 1 Rithmic 54014 1
Rithmic 30002 1 Rithmic Trader Pro 31033 1 54712 1 MC 44108 1
E0:3F:49:33:40:6B 44108 1 16:0A:64:FF:2C:E7 44108 1 26:0A:64:FF:2C:E7 44108 1
24:0A:64:FF:2C:E7 44108 1 24:0A:64:FF:2C:E6 31804 1

[1678558999.006] <051> [11544] <03/11 19:23:19.006> logged in at

[1678558999.007] <001> [11544] <03/11 19:23:19.007> Login Success (Login_History)
[1678558999.007] <001> [11544] <03/11 19:23:19.007> Prev Count: 2
[1678558999.007] <001> [11544] <03/11 19:23:19.007> Finished 3 of 6 (Login_History)
[1678558999.007] <001> [11544] <03/11 19:23:19.007> Waiting for Repository*,
Order*, Price*...
[1678558999.087] <052> [11544] <03/11 19:23:19.087>

32766 0 32767 1 rithmic_login 32760 1 64624677_3 32747 1

omd_paper@rithmic_paper_domain 32747 1 1350830 54013 1 Rithmic 54014 1 Rithmic
30002 1 Rithmic Trader Pro 31033 1 54712 1 MC 44108 1
E0:3F:49:33:40:6B 44108 1 16:0A:64:FF:2C:E7 44108 1 26:0A:64:FF:2C:E7 44108 1
24:0A:64:FF:2C:E7 44108 1 24:0A:64:FF:2C:E6 31804 1

[1678558999.087] <052> [11544] <03/11 19:23:19.087> logged in at

[1678558999.087] <001> [11544] <03/11 19:23:19.087> Login Success (Login_Order)
[1678558999.087] <001> [11544] <03/11 19:23:19.087> Prev Count: 3
[1678558999.087] <001> [11544] <03/11 19:23:19.087> Finished 4 of 6 (Login_Order)
[1678558999.087] <001> [11544] <03/11 19:23:19.087> Waiting for Repository*,
[1678558999.129] <053> [11544] <03/11 19:23:19.128>

32766 0 32767 1 rithmic_login 32760 1 44972334_1 32747 1

omd_tp_paper_tp01@rithmic_paper_domain 32747 1 57003 54013 1 Rithmic 54014 1
Rithmic 30002 1 Rithmic Trader Pro 31033 1 54712 1 MC 44108 1
E0:3F:49:33:40:6B 44108 1 16:0A:64:FF:2C:E7 44108 1 26:0A:64:FF:2C:E7 44108 1
24:0A:64:FF:2C:E7 44108 1 24:0A:64:FF:2C:E6 31804 1

[1678558999.129] <053> [11544] <03/11 19:23:19.129> logged in at

[1678558999.129] <001> [11544] <03/11 19:23:19.129> Login Success (Login_Price)
[1678558999.129] <001> [11544] <03/11 19:23:19.129> Prev Count: 4
[1678558999.129] <001> [11544] <03/11 19:23:19.129> Finished 5 of 6 (Login_Price)
[1678558999.129] <001> [11544] <03/11 19:23:19.129> Waiting for Repository*
[1678558999.147] <054> [11544] <03/11 19:23:19.147>

32766 0 32767 1 rithmic_login 32760 1 23987677_2 32747 1

omd_Repo_repo1@rithmic_paper_domain 32747 1 487863 54013 1 Rithmic 54014 1 Rithmic
30002 1 Rithmic Trader Pro 31033 1 54712 1 MC 44108 1
E0:3F:49:33:40:6B 44108 1 16:0A:64:FF:2C:E7 44108 1 26:0A:64:FF:2C:E7 44108 1
24:0A:64:FF:2C:E7 44108 1 24:0A:64:FF:2C:E6 31804 1

[1678558999.147] <054> [11544] <03/11 19:23:19.147> logged in at

[1678558999.147] <001> [11544] <03/11 19:23:19.147> Login Success
[1678558999.148] <001> [11544] <03/11 19:23:19.148> Prev Count: 5
[1678558999.148] <001> [11544] <03/11 19:23:19.148> Finished 6 of 6
[1678558999.148] <001> [11544] <03/11 19:23:19.148> 5 Engines Up. Elapsed 2.707

[1678558999.153] <001> [11544] <03/11 19:23:19.153>

Admin Client
Peer Address:
name=<> host=<tonpz01003.theomne.net> domain=<> address=<>
port=<40219> type=<1>

Local Address:
name=<> host=<DESKTOP-CBUT4IU> domain=<> address=<> port=<57404>

Last Read Time : 1678562597781

Last Write Time: 1678562597647
OmneStreamEngine[Order] (1 watches) <running>
OmneStreamEngine[Price] (1 watches) <running>
OmneStreamEngine[RMS] (1 watches) <running>
OmneStreamEngine[History] (1 watches) <running>
OmneStreamEngine[Repository] (1 watches) <running>

Order Channel
Channel name : Order
State : open
Send broadcast : disabled
Queue enabled : yes
Queue name : Order:service_queue
Throttled : no
Input suspended : no
Heartbeat request : are_you_there
Heartbeat enabled : yes
Heartbeat interval : 50 seconds
Last message received : 0.065 seconds ago
Last message sent : 0.345 seconds ago
Environment : system
Time offset from server : -4.810 seconds (1 measurement )
Last offset from server : -4.810 seconds
Average rtt for offset : n/a
Secure mode : enabled
Certificate file : C:\Program Files (x86)\Rithmic\Rithmic Trader Pro\
Certificate name : rithmic.com
Tracing meters : disabled
Trace filtering : 3 of every 3600
Encoding : none

Open messages : 0 (0 bytes)

Close messages : 0 (0 bytes)
Input clone device :
Output clone device :
Proxy device :
Recover freq : 2 seconds
Init recover freq : 0.1 seconds

Event listener : com.rithmic.rithmic_trader.ConnectionListener

Heartbeat listener : com.rithmic.rithmic_trader.HeartBeatHandler

Stream callback : com.omnesys.omne.ose.ose_stream_callback

Finish open callback : com.omnesys.omne.ose.ose_finish_open_callback
Start close callback : com.omnesys.omne.ose.ose_start_close_callback
End of rcd callback :

High water mark (bytes) : n/a

Low water mark (bytes) : n/a
High water mark (msgs) : n/a
Low water mark (msgs) : n/a

Channel encyclopedia : Order_encyclopedia

Channel transports : 1
login_agent_op_paperc : [ritpz04032.04.theomne.net(] <= current

Channel open count : 1

Channel close count : 0

Transport open count : 1

Transport close count : 0
Transport disconnect count : 0

Timers added : 1
Timers removed : 0

Events posted : 0
Events cancelled : 0

Time Offset: -4.810224

Price Channel
Channel name : Price
State : open
Send broadcast : disabled
Queue enabled : yes
Queue name : Price:service_queue
Throttled : no
Input suspended : no
Heartbeat request : are_you_there
Heartbeat enabled : yes
Heartbeat interval : 50 seconds
Last message received : 0.024 seconds ago
Last message sent : 0.342 seconds ago
Environment : system
Time offset from server : -4.810 seconds (1 measurement )
Last offset from server : -4.810 seconds
Average rtt for offset : n/a
Secure mode : enabled
Certificate file : C:\Program Files (x86)\Rithmic\Rithmic Trader Pro\
Certificate name : rithmic.com
Tracing meters : disabled
Trace filtering : 3 of every 3600
Encoding : compressed (deflate)

Open messages : 0 (0 bytes)

Close messages : 0 (0 bytes)
Input clone device :
Output clone device :
Proxy device :
Recover freq : 2 seconds
Init recover freq : 0.1 seconds

Event listener : com.rithmic.rithmic_trader.ConnectionListener

Heartbeat listener : com.rithmic.rithmic_trader.HeartBeatHandler

Stream callback : com.omnesys.omne.ose.ose_stream_callback

Finish open callback : com.omnesys.omne.ose.ose_finish_open_callback
Start close callback : com.omnesys.omne.ose.ose_start_close_callback
End of rcd callback :
High water mark (bytes) : n/a
Low water mark (bytes) : n/a
High water mark (msgs) : n/a
Low water mark (msgs) : n/a

Channel encyclopedia : Price_encyclopedia

Channel transports : 1

login_agent_tp_paperc : [tonpz02012.theomne.net(] <= current

Channel open count : 1

Channel close count : 0

Transport open count : 1

Transport close count : 0
Transport disconnect count : 0

Timers added : 1
Timers removed : 0

Events posted : 0
Events cancelled : 0

Time Offset: -4.809598

RMS Channel
Channel name : RMS
State : open
Send broadcast : disabled
Queue enabled : yes
Queue name : RMS:service_queue
Throttled : no
Input suspended : no
Heartbeat request : are_you_there
Heartbeat enabled : yes
Heartbeat interval : 120 seconds
Last message received : 0.18 seconds ago
Last message sent : 0.344 seconds ago
Environment : system
Time offset from server : -4.806 seconds (1 measurement )
Last offset from server : -4.806 seconds
Average rtt for offset : n/a
Secure mode : enabled
Certificate file : C:\Program Files (x86)\Rithmic\Rithmic Trader Pro\
Certificate name : rithmic.com
Tracing meters : disabled
Trace filtering : 3 of every 3600
Encoding : none

Open messages : 0 (0 bytes)

Close messages : 0 (0 bytes)
Input clone device :
Output clone device :
Proxy device :
Recover freq : 2 seconds
Init recover freq : 0.1 seconds

Event listener : com.rithmic.rithmic_trader.ConnectionListener

Heartbeat listener : com.rithmic.rithmic_trader.HeartBeatHandler

Stream callback : com.omnesys.omne.ose.ose_stream_callback

Finish open callback : com.omnesys.omne.ose.ose_finish_open_callback
Start close callback : com.omnesys.omne.ose.ose_start_close_callback
End of rcd callback :

High water mark (bytes) : n/a

Low water mark (bytes) : n/a
High water mark (msgs) : n/a
Low water mark (msgs) : n/a

Channel encyclopedia : RMS_encyclopedia

Channel transports : 1

login_agent_pnl_paperc : [ritpz04031.04.theomne.net(] <=


Channel open count : 1

Channel close count : 0

Transport open count : 1

Transport close count : 0
Transport disconnect count : 0

Timers added : 1
Timers removed : 0

Events posted : 0
Events cancelled : 0

Time Offset: -4.80569

History Channel
Channel name : History
State : open
Send broadcast : disabled
Queue enabled : yes
Queue name : History:service_queue
Throttled : no
Input suspended : no
Heartbeat request : are_you_there
Heartbeat enabled : yes
Heartbeat interval : 120 seconds
Last message received : 0.146 seconds ago
Last message sent : 0.344 seconds ago
Environment : system
Time offset from server : -4.805 seconds (1 measurement )
Last offset from server : -4.805 seconds
Average rtt for offset : n/a
Secure mode : enabled
Certificate file : C:\Program Files (x86)\Rithmic\Rithmic Trader Pro\
Certificate name : rithmic.com
Tracing meters : disabled
Trace filtering : 3 of every 3600
Encoding : compressed (deflate)

Open messages : 0 (0 bytes)

Close messages : 0 (0 bytes)
Input clone device :
Output clone device :
Proxy device :
Recover freq : 2 seconds
Init recover freq : 0.1 seconds

Event listener : com.rithmic.rithmic_trader.ConnectionListener

Heartbeat listener : com.rithmic.rithmic_trader.HeartBeatHandler

Stream callback : com.omnesys.omne.ose.ose_stream_callback

Finish open callback : com.omnesys.omne.ose.ose_finish_open_callback
Start close callback : com.omnesys.omne.ose.ose_start_close_callback
End of rcd callback :

High water mark (bytes) : n/a

Low water mark (bytes) : n/a
High water mark (msgs) : n/a
Low water mark (msgs) : n/a

Channel encyclopedia : History_encyclopedia

Channel transports : 1

login_agent_history_paperc : [tonpz01000.theomne.net(] <=


Channel open count : 1

Channel close count : 0

Transport open count : 1

Transport close count : 0
Transport disconnect count : 0

Timers added : 1
Timers removed : 0

Events posted : 0
Events cancelled : 0

Time Offset: -4.805002

Repository Channel
Channel name : Repository
State : open
Send broadcast : disabled
Queue enabled : yes
Queue name : Repository:service_queue
Throttled : no
Input suspended : no
Heartbeat request : are_you_there
Heartbeat enabled : yes
Heartbeat interval : 1 seconds
Last message received : 0.005 seconds ago
Last message sent : 0.344 seconds ago
Environment : system
Time offset from server : -4.805 seconds (1 measurement )
Last offset from server : -4.805 seconds
Average rtt for offset : n/a
Secure mode : enabled
Certificate file : C:\Program Files (x86)\Rithmic\Rithmic Trader Pro\
Certificate name : rithmic.com
Tracing meters : disabled
Trace filtering : 3 of every 3600
Encoding : compressed (deflate)

Open messages : 0 (0 bytes)

Close messages : 0 (0 bytes)
Input clone device :
Output clone device :
Proxy device :
Recover freq : 2 seconds
Init recover freq : 0.1 seconds

Event listener : com.rithmic.rithmic_trader.ConnectionListener

Heartbeat listener : com.rithmic.rithmic_trader.HeartBeatHandler

Stream callback : com.omnesys.omne.ose.ose_stream_callback

Finish open callback : com.omnesys.omne.ose.ose_finish_open_callback
Start close callback : com.omnesys.omne.ose.ose_start_close_callback
End of rcd callback :

High water mark (bytes) : n/a

Low water mark (bytes) : n/a
High water mark (msgs) : n/a
Low water mark (msgs) : n/a

Channel encyclopedia : Repository_encyclopedia

Channel transports : 1

login_agent_repositoryc : [tonpz04063.04.theomne.net(] <=


Channel open count : 1

Channel close count : 0

Transport open count : 1

Transport close count : 0
Transport disconnect count : 0

Timers added : 1
Timers removed : 0

Events posted : 0
Events cancelled : 0

Time Offset: -4.804755

[1678558999.187] <001> [11544] <03/11 19:23:19.187> Login successful. Getting User

[1678558999.337] <001> [11544] <03/11 19:23:19.337> Getting Aggregator
[1678558999.463] <054> [11544] <03/11 19:23:19.463>

32766 1 7 32766 1 no data 32767 1 list_unaccepted_agreements 32760 1 23987677_7

32747 1 mrv_agreement_enduser_repo1@rithmic_paper_domain 32747 1 33992

[1678558999.585] <053> [11544] <03/11 19:23:19.584>

32766 1 14 32766 1 unknown request 32767 1 is_there_an_aggregator 32760 1

44972334_8 32747 1 osri_ritpz02012_paper@rithmic_46_domain 32747 1 283574

[1678558999.601] <001> [11544] <03/11 19:23:19.601> Getting User Settings...

[1678558999.934] <001> [11544] <03/11 19:23:19.934> Saving recent login items: 1
[1678558999.936] <001> [11544] <03/11 19:23:19.936> Getting FCM Information...
[1678559000.069] <001> [11544] <03/11 19:23:20.069> Getting IB Information...
[1678559000.247] <001> [11544] <03/11 19:23:20.247> Getting Entitlement Status...
[1678559000.379] <001> [11544] <03/11 19:23:20.379> Getting Exchange
[1678559000.515] <001> [11544] <03/11 19:23:20.515> Getting Firm Entitlements...
[1678559000.785] <001> [11544] <03/11 19:23:20.785> Getting Exchanges...
[1678559000.921] <001> [11544] <03/11 19:23:20.921> Getting Accounts...
[1678559001.187] <001> [11544] <03/11 19:23:21.187> Requesting current market
[1678559001.192] <001> [11544] <03/11 19:23:21.192> Getting Account Keys...
[1678559001.194] <001> [11544] <03/11 19:23:21.194> Getting orders and positions...
[1678559001.195] <001> [11544] <03/11 19:23:21.195> Getting drips...
[1678559001.197] <001> [11544] <03/11 19:23:21.196> Getting sources...
[1678559001.197] <001> [11544] <03/11 19:23:21.197> Getting products...
[1678559001.198] <001> [11544] <03/11 19:23:21.198> Getting countries and states...
[1678559001.198] <001> [11544] <03/11 19:23:21.198> Getting stored templates...
[1678559001.753] <001> [11544] <03/11 19:23:21.753> Getting restricted symbols...
[1678559001.754] <001> [11544] <03/11 19:23:21.754> Getting localization
[1678559001.754] <001> [11544] <03/11 19:23:21.754> Initializing accounts and
[1678559001.825] <052> [11544] <03/11 19:23:21.824>

32764 1 7 32764 1 no data 32767 1 mrv_bracket_templates_show_tree_koi 32760 1

64624677_27 32747 1 mrv_bracket_templates_paper@rithmic_paper_domain 32747 1 1564

[1678559001.848] <001> [11544] <03/11 19:23:21.848> Initializing application...

[1678559002.204] <001> [11544] <03/11 19:23:22.204> Reopening default windows...
[1678559002.314] <001> [11544] <03/11 19:23:22.314> Opening 4 windows...
[1678559003.709] <054> calculated offset : -4.80525433333333
[1678559004.430] <001> [11544] <03/11 19:23:24.430> Login Complete.
[1678559004.432] <001> [11544] <03/11 19:23:24.432> Getting Orders and Positions.
Please Wait...
[1678559004.435] <001> [11544] <03/11 19:23:24.435> Processing cached orders...
[1678559004.436] <001> [11544] <03/11 19:23:24.436> All orders fetched. Loading...
[1678559004.442] <001> [11544] <03/11 19:23:24.442> Getting Positions. Please
[1678559004.442] <001> [11544] <03/11 19:23:24.442> All positions fetched.
[1678559004.443] <001> [11544] <03/11 19:23:24.443> All positions loaded.
[1678559004.465] <001> [11544] <03/11 19:23:24.465> Login Complete.
[1678559004.619] <001> [11544] <03/11 19:23:24.619>
Trader Dashboard (Normal) attached (True) loc {X=1,Y=1}) bounds {X=-1,Y=-
1,Width=1238,Height=733} on screen {X=0,Y=0,Width=1366,Height=768} supress param
(False) params {X=1,Y=1} saved loc {X=1,Y=1}
Performance (Normal) attached (True) loc {X=0,Y=485}) bounds {X=-1,Y=-
1,Width=1238,Height=733} on screen {X=0,Y=0,Width=1366,Height=768} supress param
(False) params {X=0,Y=485} saved loc {X=0,Y=485}
Order History (Normal) attached (True) loc {X=1045,Y=484}) bounds {X=-1,Y=-
1,Width=995,Height=621} on screen {X=0,Y=0,Width=1366,Height=768} supress param
(False) params {X=1045,Y=484} saved loc {X=1045,Y=484}
Recent Orders (Normal) attached (True) loc {X=1046,Y=0}) bounds {X=-1,Y=-
1,Width=919,Height=609} on screen {X=0,Y=0,Width=1366,Height=768} supress param
(False) params {X=1046,Y=0} saved loc {X=1046,Y=0}
CPU 56.9% Rithmic Trader Pro 33.2%, Memory 88.8 MB
[1678559004.622] <052> [11544] <03/11 19:23:24.622>

32764 1 7 32764 1 no data 32767 1 mrv_account_allocation_templates_show_tree_koi

32760 1 64624677_28 32747 1
mrv_account_allocation_templates_paper@rithmic_paper_domain 32747 1 1547

[1678559007.807] <001> [11544] <03/11 19:23:27.807> Any data entered since you last
saved settings will be lost when the window is closed.
Are you sure want to close the Trader Dashboard?
[1678559009.757] <001> [11544] <03/11 19:23:29.757> Any data entered since you last
saved settings will be lost when the window is closed.
Are you sure want to close the Performance?
[1678559013.021] <001> [11544] <03/11 19:23:33.021> Any data entered since you last
saved settings will be lost when the window is closed.
Are you sure want to close the Recent Orders?
[1678559016.413] <001> [11544] <03/11 19:23:36.413> Any data entered since you last
saved settings will be lost when the window is closed.
Are you sure want to close the Order History?
[1678559064.440] <001> [11544] <03/11 19:24:24.440> Checking...
[1678559064.570] <001> [11544] <03/11 19:24:24.570> Update already downloaded.
Select version during login to run. [Complete]
[1678559592.952] <054> calculated offset : -4.804274
[1678559693.682] <063> Device Repository=>login_agent_repositoryc has notified an
[1678559693.688] <017> A timer device Repository=>login_agent_repositoryc:recover
has been established to attempt recovery every 1 milliseconds.
[1678559693.694] <047> [11544] <03/11 19:34:53.694> Connection BROKEN on
[1678559693.696] <047> Attempting to recover Repository by opening
Repository=>login_agent_repositoryc (recovery attempt 1).
[1678559693.696] <003> running lb task 0
[1678559693.696] <003> lb task 0 connecting to ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:64100
[1678559693.697] <010> running connect task for ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:64100
[1678559693.829] <010> connect task for ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:64100 complete
[1678559693.829] <010> finished connect task for ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:64100

[1678559693.962] <003> 32766 1 14 32766 1 unknown request 32767 1 ping

[1678559694.090] <003> 10046 1 21001 1 823944 21000 1 111733

10616 1 05:17:33 21010 1 20230305 10615 1 2023-03-05 10123 0 30003 1
login_agent_rp_paper_ritpz04039-1@rithmic_paper_prod_domain 10609 1
login_agent_repositoryc 32748 1 1678559689 32764 0 32767 1 mrv_lb 10000 1
login_agent_repositoryc 50100 1 1678559689 50101 1 220858 32752 1 1678559693 32752
1 962000
[1678559694.090] <003> lb task to ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:64100 completed by 0
[1678559694.090] <047> resolved login_agent_repositoryc as
name=<login_agent_repositoryc> host=<> domain=<> address=<>
port=<40832> type=<4>
[1678559694.090] <003> finished lb task 0
[1678559694.092] <006> running connect task for
[1678559694.299] <006> connect task for complete
[1678559694.299] <006> finished connect task for

[1678559702.351] <047> [11544] <03/11 19:35:02.351> Connection OPENED on

[1678559702.354] <047> The recovery of Repository has been satisfied by the opening
of Repository=>login_agent_repositoryc.
[1678559703.742] <054> [11544] <03/11 19:35:03.742>

32766 0 32767 1 rithmic_login 32760 1 23987677_2 32747 1

omd_Repo_repo1@rithmic_paper_domain 32747 1 495516 54013 1 Rithmic 54014 1 Rithmic
30002 1 Rithmic Trader Pro 31033 1 54712 1 MC 44108 1
E0:3F:49:33:40:6B 44108 1 16:0A:64:FF:2C:E7 44108 1 26:0A:64:FF:2C:E7 44108 1
24:0A:64:FF:2C:E7 44108 1 24:0A:64:FF:2C:E6 31804 1

[1678559703.749] <054> [11544] <03/11 19:35:03.743> logged in at

[1678559703.750] <001> [11544] <03/11 19:35:03.750> Login Success
[1678559703.750] <001> [11544] <03/11 19:35:03.750> Prev Count: 5
[1678559703.750] <001> [11544] <03/11 19:35:03.750> Finished 6 of 6
[1678559703.750] <001> [11544] <03/11 19:35:03.750> Already logged in...
[1678559703.954] <054> [11544] <03/11 19:35:03.954>

32766 1 7 32766 1 no data 32767 1 list_unaccepted_agreements 32760 1 23987677_48

32747 1 mrv_agreement_enduser_repo1@rithmic_paper_domain 32747 1 34721

[1678560191.302] <054> cannot calculate offset, too much variance in max rtt
(0.109, 0.124)
[1678560201.335] <054> cannot calculate offset, too much variance in max rtt
(0.109, 0.125)
[1678560209.540] <054> calculated offset : -4.80340333333333
[1678560790.798] <054> cannot calculate offset, too much variance in max rtt
(0.109, 0.125)
[1678560796.596] <018> I'll be back...
[1678560799.904] <054> cannot calculate offset, too much variance in max rtt
(0.109, 0.125)
[1678560809.022] <054> calculated offset : -4.80159266666667
[1678571871.084] <001> [11544] <03/11 22:57:51.084> OmneChannel[Repository] started
on 19:23:17 2023-03-11 <open> is quiet for 10800,597 seconds.
[1678571871.715] <026> Device Repository=>login_agent_repositoryc has notified an
[1678571872.095] <017> A timer device Repository=>login_agent_repositoryc:recover
has been established to attempt recovery every 1 milliseconds.
[1678571872.105] <001> [11544] <03/11 22:57:52.105> OmneChannel[Repository] started
on 19:23:17 2023-03-11 <open> is quiet for 10801,618 seconds.
[1678571872.109] <003> [11544] <03/11 22:57:52.109> Connection BROKEN on
[1678571872.110] <003> Attempting to recover Repository by opening
Repository=>login_agent_repositoryc (recovery attempt 1).
[1678571872.110] <047> running lb task 0
[1678571872.111] <047> lb task 0 connecting to ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:64100
[1678571872.111] <009> running connect task for ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:64100
[1678571872.251] <009> connect task for ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:64100 complete
[1678571872.251] <009> finished connect task for ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:64100

[1678571872.381] <047> 32766 1 14 32766 1 unknown request 32767 1 ping

[1678571872.505] <047> 10046 1 21001 1 278202 21000 1 111737

10616 1 05:17:37 21010 1 20230305 10615 1 2023-03-05 10123 0 30003 1
login_agent_rp_paper_ritpz04039-4@rithmic_paper_prod_domain 10609 1
login_agent_repositoryc 32748 1 1678571867 32764 0 32767 1 mrv_lb 10000 1
login_agent_repositoryc 50100 1 1678571867 50101 1 820780 32752 1 1678571872 32752
1 381000

[1678571872.505] <047> lb task to ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:64100 completed by 0

[1678571872.506] <047> finished lb task 0
[1678571872.506] <003> resolved login_agent_repositoryc as
name=<login_agent_repositoryc> host=<> domain=<> address=<>
port=<40835> type=<4>
[1678571872.516] <015> running connect task for
[1678571872.756] <015> connect task for complete
[1678571872.756] <015> finished connect task for

[1678571873.101] <001> [11544] <03/11 22:57:53.101> OmneChannel[Order] started on

19:23:17 2023-03-11 <open> is quiet for 10824,728 seconds.
[1678611859.499] <068> Device Order=>login_agent_op_paperc has notified an error.
[1678611859.508] <017> A timer device Order=>login_agent_op_paperc:recover has been
established to attempt recovery every 1 milliseconds.
[1678611860.476] <060> Device Price=>login_agent_tp_paperc has notified an error.
[1678611860.493] <061> Device History=>login_agent_history_paperc has notified an
[1678611860.552] <025> Device dd_admin_sslc has notified an error.
[1678611860.553] <017> A timer device dd_admin_sslc:recover has been established to
attempt recovery every 1800000 milliseconds.
[1678611860.554] <062> Device RMS=>login_agent_pnl_paperc has notified an error.
[1678611860.555] <017> A timer device History=>login_agent_history_paperc:recover
has been established to attempt recovery every 1 milliseconds.
[1678611860.558] <017> A timer device RMS=>login_agent_pnl_paperc:recover has been
established to attempt recovery every 1 milliseconds.
[1678611860.561] <017> A timer device Price=>login_agent_tp_paperc:recover has been
established to attempt recovery every 1 milliseconds.
[1678611860.704] <012> [11544] <03/12 10:04:20.704> Connection BROKEN on
[1678611860.704] <005> [11544] <03/12 10:04:20.704> Connection BROKEN on
[1678611860.704] <014> [11544] <03/12 10:04:20.704> Connection BROKEN on
[1678611860.720] <012> Attempting to recover History by opening
History=>login_agent_history_paperc (recovery attempt 1).
[1678611860.789] <007> [11544] <03/12 10:04:20.789> Connection BROKEN on
[1678611860.790] <007> [11544] <03/12 10:04:20.790> ** Clearing Brd Queue ** - No
[1678611860.792] <007> Attempting to recover Price by opening
Price=>login_agent_tp_paperc (recovery attempt 1).
[1678611861.065] <005> Attempting to recover RMS by opening
RMS=>login_agent_pnl_paperc (recovery attempt 1).
[1678611861.077] <001> [11544] <03/12 10:04:21.077> Orders disconnected. Waiting to
reconnect (<1 minute)...
[1678611861.079] <014> Attempting to recover Order by opening
Order=>login_agent_op_paperc (recovery attempt 1).
[1678611861.081] <008> running lb task 0
[1678611861.082] <008> lb task 0 connecting to ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:64100
[1678611861.106] <070> running lb task 0
[1678611861.106] <070> lb task 0 connecting to ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:64100
[1678611861.112] <011> running lb task 0
[1678611861.112] <011> lb task 0 connecting to ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:64100
[1678611861.145] <071> running lb task 0
[1678611861.145] <071> lb task 0 connecting to ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:64100
[1678611861.163] <073> running connect task for ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:64100
[1678611861.163] <074> running connect task for ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:64100
[1678611861.164] <072> running connect task for ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:64100
[1678611861.167] <074> finished connect task for ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:64100

Raised in : com.omnesys.omne.om.CnnctTask
Method : runTask
Error : os error

[1678611861.168] <015> running connect task for ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:64100

[1678611861.169] <015> finished connect task for ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:64100

Raised in : com.omnesys.omne.om.CnnctTask
Method : runTask
Error : os error

[1678611861.171] <011> finished lb task 0

[1678611861.181] <070> finished lb task 0
[1678611861.181] <073> finished connect task for ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:64100

Raised in : com.omnesys.omne.om.CnnctTask
Method : runTask
Error : os error

[1678611861.183] <072> finished connect task for ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:64100

Raised in : com.omnesys.omne.om.CnnctTask
Method : runTask
Error : os error

[1678611861.183] <008> finished lb task 0

[1678611861.185] <071> finished lb task 0
[1678611861.217] <047> running ds task 0
[1678611861.217] <047> ds task 0 connecting to ritpz01004.01.rithmic.com:65000
[1678611861.217] <075> running ds task 0
[1678611861.217] <075> ds task 0 connecting to ritpz01004.01.rithmic.com:65000
[1678611861.218] <009> running ds task 0
[1678611861.218] <009> ds task 0 connecting to ritpz01004.01.rithmic.com:65000
[1678611861.224] <076> running ds task 0
[1678611861.224] <076> ds task 0 connecting to ritpz01004.01.rithmic.com:65000
[1678611861.229] <077> running connect task for ritpz01004.01.rithmic.com:65000
[1678611861.230] <077> finished connect task for ritpz01004.01.rithmic.com:65000

Raised in : com.omnesys.omne.om.CnnctTask
Method : runTask
Error : os error
[1678611861.230] <047> finished ds task 0
[1678611861.231] <079> running connect task for ritpz01004.01.rithmic.com:65000
[1678611861.232] <079> finished connect task for ritpz01004.01.rithmic.com:65000

Raised in : com.omnesys.omne.om.CnnctTask
Method : runTask
Error : os error

[1678611861.232] <078> running connect task for ritpz01004.01.rithmic.com:65000

[1678611861.233] <078> finished connect task for ritpz01004.01.rithmic.com:65000

Raised in : com.omnesys.omne.om.CnnctTask
Method : runTask
Error : os error

[1678611861.233] <080> running connect task for ritpz01004.01.rithmic.com:65000

[1678611861.233] <075> finished ds task 0
[1678611861.233] <081> running ds task 0
[1678611861.233] <081> ds task 0 connecting to ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:65000
[1678611861.235] <009> finished ds task 0
[1678611861.235] <082> running ds task 0
[1678611861.235] <082> ds task 0 connecting to ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:65000
[1678611861.236] <083> running connect task for ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:65000
[1678611861.237] <076> finished ds task 0
[1678611861.237] <080> finished connect task for ritpz01004.01.rithmic.com:65000

Raised in : com.omnesys.omne.om.CnnctTask
Method : runTask
Error : os error

[1678611861.237] <083> finished connect task for ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:65000

Raised in : com.omnesys.omne.om.CnnctTask
Method : runTask
Error : os error

[1678611861.237] <081> finished ds task 0

[1678611861.239] <084> running ds task 0
[1678611861.239] <084> ds task 0 connecting to ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:65000
[1678611861.240] <086> running ds task 0
[1678611861.240] <086> ds task 0 connecting to ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:65000
[1678611861.240] <087> running ds task 0
[1678611861.240] <087> ds task 0 connecting to ritpz01004.01.rithmic.net:65000
[1678611861.246] <085> running connect task for ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:65000
[1678611861.246] <085> finished connect task for ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:65000

Raised in : com.omnesys.omne.om.CnnctTask
Method : runTask
Error : os error

[1678611861.247] <082> finished ds task 0

[1678611861.248] <089> running connect task for ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:65000
[1678611861.249] <089> finished connect task for ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:65000

Raised in : com.omnesys.omne.om.CnnctTask
Method : runTask
Error : os error

[1678611861.249] <086> finished ds task 0

[1678611861.250] <090> running connect task for ritpz01004.01.rithmic.net:65000
[1678611861.250] <090> finished connect task for ritpz01004.01.rithmic.net:65000

Raised in : com.omnesys.omne.om.CnnctTask
Method : runTask
Error : os error

[1678611861.251] <087> finished ds task 0

[1678611861.252] <091> running ds task 0
[1678611861.252] <091> ds task 0 connecting to ritpz01004.01.rithmic.net:65000
[1678611861.252] <088> running connect task for ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:65000
[1678611861.253] <088> finished connect task for ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:65000

Raised in : com.omnesys.omne.om.CnnctTask
Method : runTask
Error : os error

[1678611861.254] <084> finished ds task 0

[1678611861.255] <093> running ds task 0
[1678611861.255] <093> ds task 0 connecting to ritpz04063.04.rithmic.net:65000
[1678611861.255] <092> running ds task 0
[1678611861.255] <092> ds task 0 connecting to ritpz01004.01.rithmic.net:65000
[1678611861.255] <094> running connect task for ritpz01004.01.rithmic.net:65000
[1678611861.256] <095> running ds task 0
[1678611861.256] <095> ds task 0 connecting to ritpz01004.01.rithmic.net:65000
[1678611861.257] <096> running connect task for ritpz04063.04.rithmic.net:65000
[1678611861.257] <097> running connect task for ritpz01004.01.rithmic.net:65000
[1678611861.259] <096> finished connect task for ritpz04063.04.rithmic.net:65000

Raised in : com.omnesys.omne.om.CnnctTask
Method : runTask
Error : os error

[1678611861.259] <093> finished ds task 0

[1678611861.260] <097> finished connect task for ritpz01004.01.rithmic.net:65000

Raised in : com.omnesys.omne.om.CnnctTask
Method : runTask
Error : os error

[1678611861.260] <094> finished connect task for ritpz01004.01.rithmic.net:65000

Raised in : com.omnesys.omne.om.CnnctTask
Method : runTask
Error : os error

[1678611861.260] <091> finished ds task 0

[1678611861.260] <092> finished ds task 0
[1678611861.260] <098> running connect task for ritpz01004.01.rithmic.net:65000
[1678611861.261] <098> finished connect task for ritpz01004.01.rithmic.net:65000

Raised in : com.omnesys.omne.om.CnnctTask
Method : runTask
Error : os error

[1678611861.277] <099> running ds task 0

[1678611861.277] <099> ds task 0 connecting to ritpz01004.01.theomne.net:65000
[1678611861.278] <100> running ds task 0
[1678611861.278] <100> ds task 0 connecting to ritpz04063.04.rithmic.net:65000
[1678611861.280] <101> running ds task 0
[1678611861.280] <101> ds task 0 connecting to ritpz04063.04.rithmic.net:65000
[1678611861.282] <095> finished ds task 0
[1678611861.283] <102> running connect task for ritpz01004.01.theomne.net:65000
[1678611861.283] <102> finished connect task for ritpz01004.01.theomne.net:65000

Raised in : com.omnesys.omne.om.CnnctTask
Method : runTask
Error : os error

[1678611861.284] <099> finished ds task 0

[1678611861.285] <103> running connect task for ritpz04063.04.rithmic.net:65000
[1678611861.285] <103> finished connect task for ritpz04063.04.rithmic.net:65000

Raised in : com.omnesys.omne.om.CnnctTask
Method : runTask
Error : os error

[1678611861.286] <104> running connect task for ritpz04063.04.rithmic.net:65000

[1678611861.286] <100> finished ds task 0
[1678611861.286] <104> finished connect task for ritpz04063.04.rithmic.net:65000

Raised in : com.omnesys.omne.om.CnnctTask
Method : runTask
Error : os error

[1678611861.287] <105> running ds task 0

[1678611861.287] <105> ds task 0 connecting to ritpz04063.04.rithmic.net:65000
[1678611861.287] <106> running ds task 0
[1678611861.287] <106> ds task 0 connecting to ritpz04063.04.theomne.net:65000
[1678611861.289] <101> finished ds task 0
[1678611861.289] <107> running ds task 0
[1678611861.289] <107> ds task 0 connecting to ritpz01004.01.theomne.net:65000
[1678611861.289] <108> running connect task for ritpz04063.04.rithmic.net:65000
[1678611861.289] <109> running connect task for ritpz04063.04.theomne.net:65000
[1678611861.290] <109> finished connect task for ritpz04063.04.theomne.net:65000

Raised in : com.omnesys.omne.om.CnnctTask
Method : runTask
Error : os error

[1678611861.290] <108> finished connect task for ritpz04063.04.rithmic.net:65000

Raised in : com.omnesys.omne.om.CnnctTask
Method : runTask
Error : os error

[1678611861.291] <106> finished ds task 0

[1678611861.292] <110> running ds task 0
[1678611861.292] <110> ds task 0 connecting to ritpz01004.01.theomne.net:65000
[1678611861.292] <111> running connect task for ritpz01004.01.theomne.net:65000
[1678611861.293] <105> finished ds task 0
[1678611861.294] <112> running ds task 0
[1678611861.294] <112> ds task 0 connecting to ritpz01004.01.theomne.com:65000
[1678611861.295] <113> running connect task for ritpz01004.01.theomne.net:65000
[1678611861.295] <111> finished connect task for ritpz01004.01.theomne.net:65000

Raised in : com.omnesys.omne.om.CnnctTask
Method : runTask
Error : os error

[1678611861.295] <113> finished connect task for ritpz01004.01.theomne.net:65000

Raised in : com.omnesys.omne.om.CnnctTask
Method : runTask
Error : os error

[1678611861.295] <107> finished ds task 0

[1678611861.295] <114> running ds task 0
[1678611861.295] <114> ds task 0 connecting to ritpz01004.01.theomne.net:65000
[1678611861.296] <110> finished ds task 0
[1678611861.296] <115> running connect task for ritpz01004.01.theomne.com:65000
[1678611861.296] <116> running ds task 0
[1678611861.296] <116> ds task 0 connecting to ritpz04063.04.theomne.net:65000
[1678611861.296] <117> running connect task for ritpz01004.01.theomne.net:65000
[1678611861.297] <115> finished connect task for ritpz01004.01.theomne.com:65000

Raised in : com.omnesys.omne.om.CnnctTask
Method : runTask
Error : os error

[1678611861.297] <117> finished connect task for ritpz01004.01.theomne.net:65000

Raised in : com.omnesys.omne.om.CnnctTask
Method : runTask
Error : os error

[1678611861.298] <114> finished ds task 0

[1678611861.299] <112> finished ds task 0
[1678611861.299] <119> running connect task for ritpz04063.04.theomne.net:65000
[1678611861.300] <118> running ds task 0
[1678611861.300] <118> ds task 0 connecting to ritpz04063.04.theomne.net:65000
[1678611861.300] <120> running ds task 0
[1678611861.300] <120> ds task 0 connecting to ritpz04063.04.theomne.net:65000
[1678611861.300] <119> finished connect task for ritpz04063.04.theomne.net:65000

Raised in : com.omnesys.omne.om.CnnctTask
Method : runTask
Error : os error

[1678611861.300] <121> running ds task 0

[1678611861.300] <121> ds task 0 connecting to ritpz04063.04.theomne.com:65000
[1678611861.300] <116> finished ds task 0
[1678611861.301] <122> running connect task for ritpz04063.04.theomne.net:65000
[1678611861.301] <123> running connect task for ritpz04063.04.theomne.net:65000
[1678611861.301] <123> finished connect task for ritpz04063.04.theomne.net:65000

Raised in : com.omnesys.omne.om.CnnctTask
Method : runTask
Error : os error

[1678611861.301] <122> finished connect task for ritpz04063.04.theomne.net:65000

Raised in : com.omnesys.omne.om.CnnctTask
Method : runTask
Error : os error

[1678611861.302] <120> finished ds task 0

[1678611861.302] <125> running ds task 0
[1678611861.302] <125> ds task 0 connecting to ritpz01004.01.theomne.com:65000
[1678611861.302] <124> running connect task for ritpz04063.04.theomne.com:65000
[1678611861.303] <124> finished connect task for ritpz04063.04.theomne.com:65000

Raised in : com.omnesys.omne.om.CnnctTask
Method : runTask
Error : os error

[1678611861.303] <118> finished ds task 0

[1678611861.303] <126> running ds task 0
[1678611861.303] <126> ds task 0 connecting to ritpz01004.01.theomne.com:65000
[1678611861.303] <121> finished ds task 0
[1678611861.303] <127> running connect task for ritpz01004.01.theomne.com:65000
[1678611861.304] <128> running ds task 0
[1678611861.304] <005> resolved login_agent_pnl_paperc as
[1678611861.304] <128> ds task 0 connecting to ritpz01004.01.theomne.com:65000
[1678611861.304] <129> running connect task for ritpz01004.01.theomne.com:65000
[1678611861.304] <127> finished connect task for ritpz01004.01.theomne.com:65000

Raised in : com.omnesys.omne.om.CnnctTask
Method : runTask
Error : os error

[1678611861.304] <125> finished ds task 0

[1678611861.305] <130> running connect task for ritpz01004.01.theomne.com:65000
[1678611861.305] <129> finished connect task for ritpz01004.01.theomne.com:65000

Raised in : com.omnesys.omne.om.CnnctTask
Method : runTask
Error : os error

[1678611861.305] <126> finished ds task 0

[1678611861.305] <131> running ds task 0
[1678611861.305] <131> ds task 0 connecting to ritpz04063.04.theomne.com:65000
[1678611861.305] <130> finished connect task for ritpz01004.01.theomne.com:65000

Raised in : com.omnesys.omne.om.CnnctTask
Method : runTask
Error : os error

[1678611861.305] <128> finished ds task 0

[1678611861.306] <132> running ds task 0
[1678611861.306] <132> ds task 0 connecting to ritpz04063.04.theomne.com:65000
[1678611861.306] <133> running ds task 0
[1678611861.306] <133> ds task 0 connecting to ritpz04063.04.theomne.com:65000
[1678611861.306] <134> running connect task for ritpz04063.04.theomne.com:65000
[1678611861.306] <135> running connect task for ritpz04063.04.theomne.com:65000
[1678611861.307] <134> finished connect task for ritpz04063.04.theomne.com:65000

Raised in : com.omnesys.omne.om.CnnctTask
Method : runTask
Error : os error

[1678611861.307] <131> finished ds task 0

[1678611861.307] <135> finished connect task for ritpz04063.04.theomne.com:65000

Raised in : com.omnesys.omne.om.CnnctTask
Method : runTask
Error : os error

[1678611861.307] <014> resolved login_agent_op_paperc as

[1678611861.307] <132> finished ds task 0
[1678611861.307] <007> resolved login_agent_tp_paperc as
[1678611861.308] <136> running connect task for ritpz04063.04.theomne.com:65000
[1678611861.309] <136> finished connect task for ritpz04063.04.theomne.com:65000

Raised in : com.omnesys.omne.om.CnnctTask
Method : runTask
Error : os error

[1678611861.309] <133> finished ds task 0

[1678611861.309] <012> resolved login_agent_history_paperc as
[1678611862.476] <003> Attempting to recover Repository by opening
Repository=>login_agent_repositoryc (recovery attempt 2).
[1678611862.477] <137> running lb task 0
[1678611862.477] <137> lb task 0 connecting to ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:64100
[1678611862.477] <138> running connect task for ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:64100
[1678611862.478] <138> finished connect task for ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:64100

Raised in : com.omnesys.omne.om.CnnctTask
Method : runTask
Error : os error

[1678611862.478] <137> finished lb task 0

[1678611862.479] <139> running ds task 0
[1678611862.479] <139> ds task 0 connecting to ritpz01004.01.rithmic.com:65000
[1678611862.480] <140> running connect task for ritpz01004.01.rithmic.com:65000
[1678611862.481] <140> finished connect task for ritpz01004.01.rithmic.com:65000

Raised in : com.omnesys.omne.om.CnnctTask
Method : runTask
Error : os error

[1678611862.481] <139> finished ds task 0

[1678611862.483] <141> running ds task 0
[1678611862.483] <141> ds task 0 connecting to ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:65000
[1678611862.483] <142> running connect task for ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:65000
[1678611862.485] <142> finished connect task for ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:65000

Raised in : com.omnesys.omne.om.CnnctTask
Method : runTask
Error : os error

[1678611862.485] <141> finished ds task 0

[1678611862.487] <143> running ds task 0
[1678611862.487] <143> ds task 0 connecting to ritpz01004.01.rithmic.net:65000
[1678611862.488] <144> running connect task for ritpz01004.01.rithmic.net:65000
[1678611862.490] <144> finished connect task for ritpz01004.01.rithmic.net:65000

Raised in : com.omnesys.omne.om.CnnctTask
Method : runTask
Error : os error

[1678611862.493] <143> finished ds task 0

[1678611862.494] <145> running ds task 0
[1678611862.494] <145> ds task 0 connecting to ritpz04063.04.rithmic.net:65000
[1678611862.494] <146> running connect task for ritpz04063.04.rithmic.net:65000
[1678611862.495] <146> finished connect task for ritpz04063.04.rithmic.net:65000

Raised in : com.omnesys.omne.om.CnnctTask
Method : runTask
Error : os error

[1678611862.496] <145> finished ds task 0

[1678611862.496] <147> running ds task 0
[1678611862.496] <147> ds task 0 connecting to ritpz01004.01.theomne.net:65000
[1678611862.497] <148> running connect task for ritpz01004.01.theomne.net:65000
[1678611862.497] <148> finished connect task for ritpz01004.01.theomne.net:65000

Raised in : com.omnesys.omne.om.CnnctTask
Method : runTask
Error : os error

[1678611862.497] <147> finished ds task 0

[1678611862.498] <149> running ds task 0
[1678611862.498] <149> ds task 0 connecting to ritpz04063.04.theomne.net:65000
[1678611862.499] <150> running connect task for ritpz04063.04.theomne.net:65000
[1678611862.499] <150> finished connect task for ritpz04063.04.theomne.net:65000

Raised in : com.omnesys.omne.om.CnnctTask
Method : runTask
Error : os error

[1678611862.500] <149> finished ds task 0

[1678611862.500] <151> running ds task 0
[1678611862.500] <151> ds task 0 connecting to ritpz01004.01.theomne.com:65000
[1678611862.500] <152> running connect task for ritpz01004.01.theomne.com:65000
[1678611862.501] <152> finished connect task for ritpz01004.01.theomne.com:65000

Raised in : com.omnesys.omne.om.CnnctTask
Method : runTask
Error : os error

[1678611862.501] <151> finished ds task 0

[1678611862.502] <153> running ds task 0
[1678611862.502] <153> ds task 0 connecting to ritpz04063.04.theomne.com:65000
[1678611862.503] <154> running connect task for ritpz04063.04.theomne.com:65000
[1678611862.504] <154> finished connect task for ritpz04063.04.theomne.com:65000

Raised in : com.omnesys.omne.om.CnnctTask
Method : runTask
Error : os error

[1678611862.504] <003> resolved login_agent_repositoryc as

[1678611862.505] <153> finished ds task 0
[1678611863.355] <012> Attempting to recover History by opening
History=>login_agent_history_paperc (recovery attempt 2).
[1678611863.356] <007> Attempting to recover Price by opening
Price=>login_agent_tp_paperc (recovery attempt 2).
[1678611863.358] <014> Attempting to recover Order by opening
Order=>login_agent_op_paperc (recovery attempt 2).
[1678611863.359] <005> Attempting to recover RMS by opening
RMS=>login_agent_pnl_paperc (recovery attempt 2).
[1678611863.360] <155> running lb task 0
[1678611863.360] <155> lb task 0 connecting to ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:64100
[1678611863.360] <156> running lb task 0
[1678611863.360] <156> lb task 0 connecting to ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:64100
[1678611863.363] <157> running lb task 0
[1678611863.366] <157> lb task 0 connecting to ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:64100
[1678611863.364] <158> running lb task 0
[1678611863.372] <158> lb task 0 connecting to ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:64100
[1678611863.372] <160> running connect task for ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:64100
[1678611863.365] <159> running connect task for ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:64100
[1678611863.374] <161> running connect task for ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:64100
[1678611863.375] <162> running connect task for ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:64100
[1678611864.520] <003> Attempting to recover Repository by opening
Repository=>login_agent_repositoryc (recovery attempt 3).
[1678611866.026] <162> finished connect task for ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:64100

Raised in : com.omnesys.omne.om.CnnctTask
Method : runTask
Error : os error

[1678611866.026] <158> finished lb task 0

[1678611866.026] <152> running ds task 0
[1678611866.026] <152> ds task 0 connecting to ritpz01004.01.rithmic.com:65000
[1678611866.055] <159> finished connect task for ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:64100

Raised in : com.omnesys.omne.om.CnnctTask
Method : runTask
Error : os error

[1678611866.056] <155> finished lb task 0

[1678611866.056] <150> running ds task 0
[1678611866.056] <150> ds task 0 connecting to ritpz01004.01.rithmic.com:65000
[1678611866.271] <161> finished connect task for ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:64100

Raised in : com.omnesys.omne.om.CnnctTask
Method : runTask
Error : os error

[1678611866.271] <157> finished lb task 0

[1678611866.271] <148> running ds task 0
[1678611866.271] <148> ds task 0 connecting to ritpz01004.01.rithmic.com:65000
[1678611866.286] <160> finished connect task for ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:64100

Raised in : com.omnesys.omne.om.CnnctTask
Method : runTask
Error : os error

[1678611866.286] <156> finished lb task 0

[1678611866.286] <146> running ds task 0
[1678611866.286] <146> ds task 0 connecting to ritpz01004.01.rithmic.com:65000
[1678611866.302] <152> 32766 1 14 32766 1 unknown request 32767 1 ping

[1678611866.317] <150> 32766 1 14 32766 1 unknown request 32767 1 ping

[1678611866.442] <150> 10045 1 rithmic_paper_prod_domain 32764 0 32767 1


[1678611866.442] <150> 10615 1 2023-03-05 21010 1 20230305 10616 1 04:35:29 21000

1 103529 21001 1 409694 25007 1 (none) 25008 1 ritpz01002-p2p1 10046 1 10045 1 rithmic_paper_prod_domain 10000 1
mlb_paper_ritpz01002c 32764 0 32767 1 mrv_show_tree
[1678611866.442] <150> 10046 1 25008 1 ritpz08022-p2p1 25007
1 (none) 21001 1 526439 21000 1 091913 10616 1 03:19:13 21010 1 20230305 10615 1
2023-03-05 10045 1 rithmic_paper_prod_domain 10000 1 mlb_paper_ritpz08022c 32764 0
32767 1 mrv_show_tree

[1678611866.442] <150> 10046 1 25008 1 ritpz08021-p2p1 25007

1 (none) 21001 1 770833 21000 1 091910 10616 1 03:19:10 21010 1 20230305 10615 1
2023-03-05 10045 1 rithmic_paper_prod_domain 10000 1 mlb_paper_ritpz08021c 32764 0
32767 1 mrv_show_tree

[1678611866.442] <150> 10046 1 25008 1 ritpz08020-p2p1 25007

1 (none) 21001 1 747023 21000 1 091852 10616 1 03:18:52 21010 1 20230305 10615 1
2023-03-05 10045 1 rithmic_paper_prod_domain 10000 1 mlb_paper_ritpz08020c 32764 0
32767 1 mrv_show_tree

[1678611866.442] <150> 10046 1 25008 1 ritpz08019-p2p1 25007

1 (none) 21001 1 946427 21000 1 091850 10616 1 03:18:50 21010 1 20230305 10615 1
2023-03-05 10045 1 rithmic_paper_prod_domain 10000 1 mlb_paper_ritpz08019c 32764 0
32767 1 mrv_show_tree

[1678611866.442] <150> 21010 1 20230305 10046 1 25008 1

ritpz01004-eth1.01.rithmic.com 25007 1 (none) 21001 1 392784 21000 1 103939 10616 1
04:39:39 10615 1 2023-03-05 10045 1 rithmic_paper_prod_domain 10000 1
mlb_paper_ritpz01004c 32764 0 32767 1 mrv_show_tree

[1678611866.442] <150> 21010 1 20230305 10615 1 2023-03-05 10616 1 04:41:17 21000

1 104117 21001 1 149510 25007 1 (none) 25008 1 ritpz01005-p2p1 10046 1 10045 1 rithmic_paper_prod_domain 10000 1
mlb_paper_ritpz01005c 32764 0 32767 1 mrv_show_tree

[1678611866.442] <150> 21010 1 20230305 10615 1 2023-03-05 10616 1 04:44:34 21000

1 104434 21001 1 848770 25007 1 (none) 25008 1 ritpz04040-eth1 10046 1 10045 1 rithmic_paper_prod_domain 10000 1
mlb_paper_ritpz04040c 32764 0 32767 1 mrv_show_tree

[1678611866.442] <150> 10615 1 2020-04-19 21010 1 20200419 10616 1 11:22:47 21000

1 162247 21001 1 227478 25007 1 (none) 25008 1 ritpz01004-eth1.01.rithmic.com 10046
1 10045 1 rithmic_paper_prod_domain 10000 1 mlb_paper_c 32764
0 32767 1 mrv_show_tree

[1678611866.442] <150> 21010 1 20230305 10615 1 2023-03-05 10616 1 04:40:29 21000

1 104029 21001 1 515335 25007 1 (none) 25008 1 ritpz04037-eth1 10046 1 20023 0 10045 1 rithmic_paper_prod_domain 10000 1
mlb_paper_ritpz04037c 32764 0 32767 1 mrv_show_tree

[1678611866.442] <150> 21010 1 20230305 10615 1 2023-03-05 10616 1 04:39:54 21000

1 103954 21001 1 364296 25007 1 (none) 25008 1 ritpz01003-p2p1 10046 1 10045 1 rithmic_paper_prod_domain 10000 1
mlb_paper_ritpz01003c 32764 0 32767 1 mrv_show_tree

[1678611866.442] <150> 10046 1 25008 1 ritpz02010-p2p1 25007

1 (none) 21001 1 453928 21000 1 101529 10616 1 04:15:29 21010 1 20230305 10615 1
2023-03-05 10045 1 rithmic_paper_prod_domain 10000 1 mlb_paper_ritpz02010c 32764 0
32767 1 mrv_show_tree

[1678611866.442] <150> 10046 1 25008 1 ritpz02011-p2p1 25007

1 (none) 21001 1 468261 21000 1 101622 10616 1 04:16:22 21010 1 20230305 10615 1
2023-03-05 10045 1 rithmic_paper_prod_domain 10000 1 mlb_paper_ritpz02011c 32764 0
32767 1 mrv_show_tree
[1678611866.442] <150> 10046 1 25008 1 ritpz02012-p2p1 25007
1 (none) 21001 1 977513 21000 1 101832 10616 1 04:18:32 21010 1 20230305 10615 1
2023-03-05 10045 1 rithmic_paper_prod_domain 10000 1 mlb_paper_ritpz02012c 32764 0
32767 1 mrv_show_tree

[1678611866.442] <150> 10046 1 25008 1 ritpz02019-p2p1 25007 1

(none) 21001 1 735243 21000 1 102049 10616 1 04:20:49 21010 1 20230305 10615 1
2023-03-05 10045 1 rithmic_paper_prod_domain 10000 1 mlb_paper_ritpz02019c 32764 0
32767 1 mrv_show_tree

[1678611866.442] <150> 10046 1 25008 1 ritpz02013-p2p1 25007

1 (none) 21001 1 410834 21000 1 102051 10616 1 04:20:51 21010 1 20230305 10615 1
2023-03-05 10045 1 rithmic_paper_prod_domain 10000 1 mlb_paper_ritpz02013c 32764 0
32767 1 mrv_show_tree

[1678611866.442] <150> 10046 1 25008 1 ritpz02022-p2p1 25007 1

(none) 21001 1 969227 21000 1 102116 10616 1 04:21:16 21010 1 20230305 10615 1
2023-03-05 10045 1 rithmic_paper_prod_domain 10000 1 mlb_paper_ritpz02022c 32764 0
32767 1 mrv_show_tree

[1678611866.442] <150> 10046 1 25008 1 ritpz02020-p2p1 25007 1

(none) 21001 1 729542 21000 1 102120 10616 1 04:21:20 21010 1 20230305 10615 1
2023-03-05 10045 1 rithmic_paper_prod_domain 10000 1 mlb_paper_ritpz02020c 32764 0
32767 1 mrv_show_tree

[1678611866.442] <150> ds task to ritpz01004.01.rithmic.com:65000 completed by 0

[1678611866.442] <150> finished ds task 0
[1678611866.442] <144> running lb task 0
[1678611866.442] <144> lb task 0 connecting to
[1678611866.442] <152> 10045 1 rithmic_paper_prod_domain 32764 0 32767 1

[1678611866.442] <152> 10615 1 2023-03-05 21010 1 20230305 10616 1 04:35:29 21000

1 103529 21001 1 409694 25007 1 (none) 25008 1 ritpz01002-p2p1 10046 1 10045 1 rithmic_paper_prod_domain 10000 1
mlb_paper_ritpz01002c 32764 0 32767 1 mrv_show_tree

[1678611866.442] <152> 10046 1 25008 1 ritpz08022-p2p1 25007

1 (none) 21001 1 526439 21000 1 091913 10616 1 03:19:13 21010 1 20230305 10615 1
2023-03-05 10045 1 rithmic_paper_prod_domain 10000 1 mlb_paper_ritpz08022c 32764 0
32767 1 mrv_show_tree

[1678611866.442] <152> 10046 1 25008 1 ritpz08021-p2p1 25007

1 (none) 21001 1 770833 21000 1 091910 10616 1 03:19:10 21010 1 20230305 10615 1
2023-03-05 10045 1 rithmic_paper_prod_domain 10000 1 mlb_paper_ritpz08021c 32764 0
32767 1 mrv_show_tree

[1678611866.442] <152> 10046 1 25008 1 ritpz08020-p2p1 25007

1 (none) 21001 1 747023 21000 1 091852 10616 1 03:18:52 21010 1 20230305 10615 1
2023-03-05 10045 1 rithmic_paper_prod_domain 10000 1 mlb_paper_ritpz08020c 32764 0
32767 1 mrv_show_tree

[1678611866.442] <152> 10046 1 25008 1 ritpz08019-p2p1 25007

1 (none) 21001 1 946427 21000 1 091850 10616 1 03:18:50 21010 1 20230305 10615 1
2023-03-05 10045 1 rithmic_paper_prod_domain 10000 1 mlb_paper_ritpz08019c 32764 0
32767 1 mrv_show_tree

[1678611866.442] <152> 21010 1 20230305 10046 1 25008 1

ritpz01004-eth1.01.rithmic.com 25007 1 (none) 21001 1 392784 21000 1 103939 10616 1
04:39:39 10615 1 2023-03-05 10045 1 rithmic_paper_prod_domain 10000 1
mlb_paper_ritpz01004c 32764 0 32767 1 mrv_show_tree

[1678611866.442] <152> 21010 1 20230305 10615 1 2023-03-05 10616 1 04:41:17 21000

1 104117 21001 1 149510 25007 1 (none) 25008 1 ritpz01005-p2p1 10046 1 10045 1 rithmic_paper_prod_domain 10000 1
mlb_paper_ritpz01005c 32764 0 32767 1 mrv_show_tree

[1678611866.442] <152> 21010 1 20230305 10615 1 2023-03-05 10616 1 04:44:34 21000

1 104434 21001 1 848770 25007 1 (none) 25008 1 ritpz04040-eth1 10046 1 10045 1 rithmic_paper_prod_domain 10000 1
mlb_paper_ritpz04040c 32764 0 32767 1 mrv_show_tree

[1678611866.442] <152> 10615 1 2020-04-19 21010 1 20200419 10616 1 11:22:47 21000

1 162247 21001 1 227478 25007 1 (none) 25008 1 ritpz01004-eth1.01.rithmic.com 10046
1 10045 1 rithmic_paper_prod_domain 10000 1 mlb_paper_c 32764
0 32767 1 mrv_show_tree

[1678611866.442] <152> 21010 1 20230305 10615 1 2023-03-05 10616 1 04:40:29 21000

1 104029 21001 1 515335 25007 1 (none) 25008 1 ritpz04037-eth1 10046 1 20023 0 10045 1 rithmic_paper_prod_domain 10000 1
mlb_paper_ritpz04037c 32764 0 32767 1 mrv_show_tree

[1678611866.442] <152> 21010 1 20230305 10615 1 2023-03-05 10616 1 04:39:54 21000

1 103954 21001 1 364296 25007 1 (none) 25008 1 ritpz01003-p2p1 10046 1 10045 1 rithmic_paper_prod_domain 10000 1
mlb_paper_ritpz01003c 32764 0 32767 1 mrv_show_tree

[1678611866.442] <152> 10046 1 25008 1 ritpz02010-p2p1 25007

1 (none) 21001 1 453928 21000 1 101529 10616 1 04:15:29 21010 1 20230305 10615 1
2023-03-05 10045 1 rithmic_paper_prod_domain 10000 1 mlb_paper_ritpz02010c 32764 0
32767 1 mrv_show_tree

[1678611866.442] <152> 10046 1 25008 1 ritpz02011-p2p1 25007

1 (none) 21001 1 468261 21000 1 101622 10616 1 04:16:22 21010 1 20230305 10615 1
2023-03-05 10045 1 rithmic_paper_prod_domain 10000 1 mlb_paper_ritpz02011c 32764 0
32767 1 mrv_show_tree

[1678611866.442] <152> 10046 1 25008 1 ritpz02012-p2p1 25007

1 (none) 21001 1 977513 21000 1 101832 10616 1 04:18:32 21010 1 20230305 10615 1
2023-03-05 10045 1 rithmic_paper_prod_domain 10000 1 mlb_paper_ritpz02012c 32764 0
32767 1 mrv_show_tree

[1678611866.442] <152> 10046 1 25008 1 ritpz02019-p2p1 25007 1

(none) 21001 1 735243 21000 1 102049 10616 1 04:20:49 21010 1 20230305 10615 1
2023-03-05 10045 1 rithmic_paper_prod_domain 10000 1 mlb_paper_ritpz02019c 32764 0
32767 1 mrv_show_tree

[1678611866.442] <152> 10046 1 25008 1 ritpz02013-p2p1 25007

1 (none) 21001 1 410834 21000 1 102051 10616 1 04:20:51 21010 1 20230305 10615 1
2023-03-05 10045 1 rithmic_paper_prod_domain 10000 1 mlb_paper_ritpz02013c 32764 0
32767 1 mrv_show_tree

[1678611866.442] <152> 10046 1 25008 1 ritpz02022-p2p1 25007 1

(none) 21001 1 969227 21000 1 102116 10616 1 04:21:16 21010 1 20230305 10615 1
2023-03-05 10045 1 rithmic_paper_prod_domain 10000 1 mlb_paper_ritpz02022c 32764 0
32767 1 mrv_show_tree
[1678611866.442] <152> 10046 1 25008 1 ritpz02020-p2p1 25007 1
(none) 21001 1 729542 21000 1 102120 10616 1 04:21:20 21010 1 20230305 10615 1
2023-03-05 10045 1 rithmic_paper_prod_domain 10000 1 mlb_paper_ritpz02020c 32764 0
32767 1 mrv_show_tree

[1678611866.442] <152> ds task to ritpz01004.01.rithmic.com:65000 completed by 0

[1678611866.442] <152> finished ds task 0
[1678611866.458] <142> running lb task 0
[1678611866.458] <142> lb task 0 connecting to
[1678611866.521] <148> 32766 1 14 32766 1 unknown request 32767 1 ping

[1678611866.567] <146> 32766 1 14 32766 1 unknown request 32767 1 ping

[1678611866.630] <148> 10045 1 rithmic_paper_prod_domain 32764 0 32767 1


[1678611866.630] <148> 10615 1 2023-03-05 21010 1 20230305 10616 1 04:35:29 21000

1 103529 21001 1 409694 25007 1 (none) 25008 1 ritpz01002-p2p1 10046 1 10045 1 rithmic_paper_prod_domain 10000 1
mlb_paper_ritpz01002c 32764 0 32767 1 mrv_show_tree

[1678611866.630] <148> 10046 1 25008 1 ritpz08022-p2p1 25007

1 (none) 21001 1 526439 21000 1 091913 10616 1 03:19:13 21010 1 20230305 10615 1
2023-03-05 10045 1 rithmic_paper_prod_domain 10000 1 mlb_paper_ritpz08022c 32764 0
32767 1 mrv_show_tree

[1678611866.630] <148> 10046 1 25008 1 ritpz08021-p2p1 25007

1 (none) 21001 1 770833 21000 1 091910 10616 1 03:19:10 21010 1 20230305 10615 1
2023-03-05 10045 1 rithmic_paper_prod_domain 10000 1 mlb_paper_ritpz08021c 32764 0
32767 1 mrv_show_tree

[1678611866.630] <148> 10046 1 25008 1 ritpz08020-p2p1 25007

1 (none) 21001 1 747023 21000 1 091852 10616 1 03:18:52 21010 1 20230305 10615 1
2023-03-05 10045 1 rithmic_paper_prod_domain 10000 1 mlb_paper_ritpz08020c 32764 0
32767 1 mrv_show_tree

[1678611866.630] <148> 10046 1 25008 1 ritpz08019-p2p1 25007

1 (none) 21001 1 946427 21000 1 091850 10616 1 03:18:50 21010 1 20230305 10615 1
2023-03-05 10045 1 rithmic_paper_prod_domain 10000 1 mlb_paper_ritpz08019c 32764 0
32767 1 mrv_show_tree

[1678611866.630] <148> 21010 1 20230305 10046 1 25008 1

ritpz01004-eth1.01.rithmic.com 25007 1 (none) 21001 1 392784 21000 1 103939 10616 1
04:39:39 10615 1 2023-03-05 10045 1 rithmic_paper_prod_domain 10000 1
mlb_paper_ritpz01004c 32764 0 32767 1 mrv_show_tree

[1678611866.630] <148> 21010 1 20230305 10615 1 2023-03-05 10616 1 04:41:17 21000

1 104117 21001 1 149510 25007 1 (none) 25008 1 ritpz01005-p2p1 10046 1 10045 1 rithmic_paper_prod_domain 10000 1
mlb_paper_ritpz01005c 32764 0 32767 1 mrv_show_tree

[1678611866.630] <148> 21010 1 20230305 10615 1 2023-03-05 10616 1 04:44:34 21000

1 104434 21001 1 848770 25007 1 (none) 25008 1 ritpz04040-eth1 10046 1 10045 1 rithmic_paper_prod_domain 10000 1
mlb_paper_ritpz04040c 32764 0 32767 1 mrv_show_tree

[1678611866.630] <148> 10615 1 2020-04-19 21010 1 20200419 10616 1 11:22:47 21000

1 162247 21001 1 227478 25007 1 (none) 25008 1 ritpz01004-eth1.01.rithmic.com 10046
1 10045 1 rithmic_paper_prod_domain 10000 1 mlb_paper_c 32764
0 32767 1 mrv_show_tree

[1678611866.630] <148> 21010 1 20230305 10615 1 2023-03-05 10616 1 04:40:29 21000

1 104029 21001 1 515335 25007 1 (none) 25008 1 ritpz04037-eth1 10046 1 20023 0 10045 1 rithmic_paper_prod_domain 10000 1
mlb_paper_ritpz04037c 32764 0 32767 1 mrv_show_tree

[1678611866.630] <148> 21010 1 20230305 10615 1 2023-03-05 10616 1 04:39:54 21000

1 103954 21001 1 364296 25007 1 (none) 25008 1 ritpz01003-p2p1 10046 1 10045 1 rithmic_paper_prod_domain 10000 1
mlb_paper_ritpz01003c 32764 0 32767 1 mrv_show_tree

[1678611866.630] <148> 10046 1 25008 1 ritpz02010-p2p1 25007

1 (none) 21001 1 453928 21000 1 101529 10616 1 04:15:29 21010 1 20230305 10615 1
2023-03-05 10045 1 rithmic_paper_prod_domain 10000 1 mlb_paper_ritpz02010c 32764 0
32767 1 mrv_show_tree

[1678611866.630] <148> 10046 1 25008 1 ritpz02011-p2p1 25007

1 (none) 21001 1 468261 21000 1 101622 10616 1 04:16:22 21010 1 20230305 10615 1
2023-03-05 10045 1 rithmic_paper_prod_domain 10000 1 mlb_paper_ritpz02011c 32764 0
32767 1 mrv_show_tree

[1678611866.630] <148> 10046 1 25008 1 ritpz02012-p2p1 25007

1 (none) 21001 1 977513 21000 1 101832 10616 1 04:18:32 21010 1 20230305 10615 1
2023-03-05 10045 1 rithmic_paper_prod_domain 10000 1 mlb_paper_ritpz02012c 32764 0
32767 1 mrv_show_tree

[1678611866.630] <148> 10046 1 25008 1 ritpz02019-p2p1 25007 1

(none) 21001 1 735243 21000 1 102049 10616 1 04:20:49 21010 1 20230305 10615 1
2023-03-05 10045 1 rithmic_paper_prod_domain 10000 1 mlb_paper_ritpz02019c 32764 0
32767 1 mrv_show_tree

[1678611866.630] <148> 10046 1 25008 1 ritpz02013-p2p1 25007

1 (none) 21001 1 410834 21000 1 102051 10616 1 04:20:51 21010 1 20230305 10615 1
2023-03-05 10045 1 rithmic_paper_prod_domain 10000 1 mlb_paper_ritpz02013c 32764 0
32767 1 mrv_show_tree

[1678611866.630] <148> 10046 1 25008 1 ritpz02022-p2p1 25007 1

(none) 21001 1 969227 21000 1 102116 10616 1 04:21:16 21010 1 20230305 10615 1
2023-03-05 10045 1 rithmic_paper_prod_domain 10000 1 mlb_paper_ritpz02022c 32764 0
32767 1 mrv_show_tree

[1678611866.630] <148> 10046 1 25008 1 ritpz02020-p2p1 25007 1

(none) 21001 1 729542 21000 1 102120 10616 1 04:21:20 21010 1 20230305 10615 1
2023-03-05 10045 1 rithmic_paper_prod_domain 10000 1 mlb_paper_ritpz02020c 32764 0
32767 1 mrv_show_tree

[1678611866.630] <148> ds task to ritpz01004.01.rithmic.com:65000 completed by 0

[1678611866.630] <148> finished ds task 0
[1678611866.646] <140> running lb task 0
[1678611866.646] <140> lb task 0 connecting to
[1678611866.708] <146> 10045 1 rithmic_paper_prod_domain 32764 0 32767 1

[1678611866.708] <146> 10615 1 2023-03-05 21010 1 20230305 10616 1 04:35:29 21000

1 103529 21001 1 409694 25007 1 (none) 25008 1 ritpz01002-p2p1 10046 1 10045 1 rithmic_paper_prod_domain 10000 1
mlb_paper_ritpz01002c 32764 0 32767 1 mrv_show_tree
[1678611866.708] <146> 10046 1 25008 1 ritpz08022-p2p1 25007
1 (none) 21001 1 526439 21000 1 091913 10616 1 03:19:13 21010 1 20230305 10615 1
2023-03-05 10045 1 rithmic_paper_prod_domain 10000 1 mlb_paper_ritpz08022c 32764 0
32767 1 mrv_show_tree

[1678611866.708] <146> 10046 1 25008 1 ritpz08021-p2p1 25007

1 (none) 21001 1 770833 21000 1 091910 10616 1 03:19:10 21010 1 20230305 10615 1
2023-03-05 10045 1 rithmic_paper_prod_domain 10000 1 mlb_paper_ritpz08021c 32764 0
32767 1 mrv_show_tree

[1678611866.708] <146> 10046 1 25008 1 ritpz08020-p2p1 25007

1 (none) 21001 1 747023 21000 1 091852 10616 1 03:18:52 21010 1 20230305 10615 1
2023-03-05 10045 1 rithmic_paper_prod_domain 10000 1 mlb_paper_ritpz08020c 32764 0
32767 1 mrv_show_tree

[1678611866.708] <146> 10046 1 25008 1 ritpz08019-p2p1 25007

1 (none) 21001 1 946427 21000 1 091850 10616 1 03:18:50 21010 1 20230305 10615 1
2023-03-05 10045 1 rithmic_paper_prod_domain 10000 1 mlb_paper_ritpz08019c 32764 0
32767 1 mrv_show_tree

[1678611866.708] <146> 21010 1 20230305 10046 1 25008 1

ritpz01004-eth1.01.rithmic.com 25007 1 (none) 21001 1 392784 21000 1 103939 10616 1
04:39:39 10615 1 2023-03-05 10045 1 rithmic_paper_prod_domain 10000 1
mlb_paper_ritpz01004c 32764 0 32767 1 mrv_show_tree

[1678611866.708] <146> 21010 1 20230305 10615 1 2023-03-05 10616 1 04:41:17 21000

1 104117 21001 1 149510 25007 1 (none) 25008 1 ritpz01005-p2p1 10046 1 10045 1 rithmic_paper_prod_domain 10000 1
mlb_paper_ritpz01005c 32764 0 32767 1 mrv_show_tree

[1678611866.708] <146> 21010 1 20230305 10615 1 2023-03-05 10616 1 04:44:34 21000

1 104434 21001 1 848770 25007 1 (none) 25008 1 ritpz04040-eth1 10046 1 10045 1 rithmic_paper_prod_domain 10000 1
mlb_paper_ritpz04040c 32764 0 32767 1 mrv_show_tree

[1678611866.708] <146> 10615 1 2020-04-19 21010 1 20200419 10616 1 11:22:47 21000

1 162247 21001 1 227478 25007 1 (none) 25008 1 ritpz01004-eth1.01.rithmic.com 10046
1 10045 1 rithmic_paper_prod_domain 10000 1 mlb_paper_c 32764
0 32767 1 mrv_show_tree

[1678611866.708] <146> 21010 1 20230305 10615 1 2023-03-05 10616 1 04:40:29 21000

1 104029 21001 1 515335 25007 1 (none) 25008 1 ritpz04037-eth1 10046 1 20023 0 10045 1 rithmic_paper_prod_domain 10000 1
mlb_paper_ritpz04037c 32764 0 32767 1 mrv_show_tree

[1678611866.708] <146> 21010 1 20230305 10615 1 2023-03-05 10616 1 04:39:54 21000

1 103954 21001 1 364296 25007 1 (none) 25008 1 ritpz01003-p2p1 10046 1 10045 1 rithmic_paper_prod_domain 10000 1
mlb_paper_ritpz01003c 32764 0 32767 1 mrv_show_tree

[1678611866.708] <146> 10046 1 25008 1 ritpz02010-p2p1 25007

1 (none) 21001 1 453928 21000 1 101529 10616 1 04:15:29 21010 1 20230305 10615 1
2023-03-05 10045 1 rithmic_paper_prod_domain 10000 1 mlb_paper_ritpz02010c 32764 0
32767 1 mrv_show_tree

[1678611866.708] <146> 10046 1 25008 1 ritpz02011-p2p1 25007

1 (none) 21001 1 468261 21000 1 101622 10616 1 04:16:22 21010 1 20230305 10615 1
2023-03-05 10045 1 rithmic_paper_prod_domain 10000 1 mlb_paper_ritpz02011c 32764 0
32767 1 mrv_show_tree
[1678611866.708] <146> 10046 1 25008 1 ritpz02012-p2p1 25007
1 (none) 21001 1 977513 21000 1 101832 10616 1 04:18:32 21010 1 20230305 10615 1
2023-03-05 10045 1 rithmic_paper_prod_domain 10000 1 mlb_paper_ritpz02012c 32764 0
32767 1 mrv_show_tree

[1678611866.708] <146> 10046 1 25008 1 ritpz02019-p2p1 25007 1

(none) 21001 1 735243 21000 1 102049 10616 1 04:20:49 21010 1 20230305 10615 1
2023-03-05 10045 1 rithmic_paper_prod_domain 10000 1 mlb_paper_ritpz02019c 32764 0
32767 1 mrv_show_tree

[1678611866.708] <146> 10046 1 25008 1 ritpz02013-p2p1 25007

1 (none) 21001 1 410834 21000 1 102051 10616 1 04:20:51 21010 1 20230305 10615 1
2023-03-05 10045 1 rithmic_paper_prod_domain 10000 1 mlb_paper_ritpz02013c 32764 0
32767 1 mrv_show_tree

[1678611866.708] <146> 10046 1 25008 1 ritpz02022-p2p1 25007 1

(none) 21001 1 969227 21000 1 102116 10616 1 04:21:16 21010 1 20230305 10615 1
2023-03-05 10045 1 rithmic_paper_prod_domain 10000 1 mlb_paper_ritpz02022c 32764 0
32767 1 mrv_show_tree

[1678611866.708] <146> 10046 1 25008 1 ritpz02020-p2p1 25007 1

(none) 21001 1 729542 21000 1 102120 10616 1 04:21:20 21010 1 20230305 10615 1
2023-03-05 10045 1 rithmic_paper_prod_domain 10000 1 mlb_paper_ritpz02020c 32764 0
32767 1 mrv_show_tree

[1678611866.708] <146> ds task to ritpz01004.01.rithmic.com:65000 completed by 0

[1678611866.708] <146> finished ds task 0
[1678611866.708] <138> running lb task 0
[1678611866.708] <138> lb task 0 connecting to
[1678611866.755] <142> 32766 1 14 32766 1 unknown request 32767 1 ping

[1678611866.755] <144> 32766 1 14 32766 1 unknown request 32767 1 ping

[1678611866.901] <142> 10046 1 10123 0 30003 1

login_agent_pnl_ritpz08011-40262_paper@rithmic_paper_prod_domain 21000 1 084404
21001 1 877598 10616 1 03:44:04 21010 1 20230312 10615 1 2023-03-12 10609 1
login_agent_pnl_paperc 32748 1 1678611861 32764 0 32767 1 mrv_lb 10000 1
login_agent_pnl_paperc 50100 1 1678611861 50101 1 118932 32752 1 1678611866 32752 1

[1678611866.901] <142> lb task to completed by 0

[1678611866.902] <142> finished lb task 0
[1678611866.904] <005> resolved login_agent_pnl_paperc as
name=<login_agent_pnl_paperc> host=<> domain=<> address=<>
port=<40262> type=<4>
[1678611866.914] <144> 10046 1 10123 0 30003 1
login_agent_history_ritpz01000-40030@rithmic_paper_prod_domain 21000 1 121548 21001
1 788716 10616 1 06:15:48 21010 1 20230305 10615 1 2023-03-05 10609 1
login_agent_history_paperc 32748 1 1678611861 32764 0 32767 1 mrv_lb 10000 1
login_agent_history_paperc 50100 1 1678611861 50101 1 126121 32752 1 1678611866
32752 1 755000

[1678611866.914] <144> lb task to completed by 0

[1678611866.915] <144> finished lb task 0
[1678611866.916] <012> resolved login_agent_history_paperc as
name=<login_agent_history_paperc> host=<> domain=<> address=<>
port=<40030> type=<4>
[1678611866.946] <140> 32766 1 14 32766 1 unknown request 32767 1 ping
[1678611867.009] <138> 32766 1 14 32766 1 unknown request 32767 1 ping

[1678611867.102] <140> 10046 1 10123 0 30003 1

login_agent_op_ritpz08015-40255_paper@rithmic_paper_prod_domain 21000 1 084425
21001 1 839003 10616 1 03:44:25 21010 1 20230312 10615 1 2023-03-12 10609 1
login_agent_op_paperc 32748 1 1678611861 32764 0 32767 1 mrv_lb 10000 1
login_agent_op_paperc 50100 1 1678611861 50101 1 313924 32752 1 1678611866 32752 1

[1678611867.102] <140> lb task to completed by 0

[1678611867.102] <140> finished lb task 0
[1678611867.102] <014> resolved login_agent_op_paperc as
name=<login_agent_op_paperc> host=<> domain=<> address=<>
port=<40255> type=<4>
[1678611867.165] <138> 10046 1 10123 0 30003 1
login_agent_tp_ritpz08017-40512_paper@rithmic_paper_prod_domain 21000 1 084233
21001 1 349037 10616 1 03:42:33 21010 1 20230312 10615 1 2023-03-12 10609 1
login_agent_tp_paperc 32748 1 1678611861 32764 0 32767 1 mrv_lb 10000 1
login_agent_tp_paperc 50100 1 1678611861 50101 1 382286 32752 1 1678611867 32752 1

[1678611867.165] <138> lb task to completed by 0

[1678611867.165] <007> resolved login_agent_tp_paperc as
name=<login_agent_tp_paperc> host=<> domain=<> address=<>
port=<40512> type=<4>
[1678611867.165] <138> finished lb task 0
[1678611867.480] <005> [11544] <03/12 10:04:27.480> Connection OPENED on
[1678611867.480] <005> The recovery of RMS has been satisfied by the opening of
[1678611867.605] <012> [11544] <03/12 10:04:27.605> Connection OPENED on
[1678611867.620] <012> The recovery of History has been satisfied by the opening of
[1678611867.636] <138> running connect task for
[1678611867.683] <014> [11544] <03/12 10:04:27.683> Connection OPENED on
[1678611867.683] <014> The recovery of Order has been satisfied by the opening of
[1678611867.730] <007> [11544] <03/12 10:04:27.730> Connection OPENED on
[1678611867.730] <001> [11544] <03/12 10:04:27.730> Green LED: Price
[1678611867.730] <007> The recovery of Price has been satisfied by the opening of
[1678611867.799] <138> connect task for complete
[1678611867.799] <138> finished connect task for

[1678611867.810] <052> [11544] <03/12 10:04:27.810>

32767 1 rithmic_login 32760 1 64624677_3 32747 1

dd_man1_order_users_paper@rithmic_46_domain 32747 1 11303055 32766 1 13 32766 1
permission denied

[1678611867.810] <052> [11544] <03/12 10:04:27.810> login error at

login_agent_op_paperc, permission denied
[1678611867.810] <052> [11544] <03/12 10:04:27.810>
32767 1 rithmic_login 32760 1 64624677_3 32747 1
dd_man1_order_users_paper@rithmic_46_domain 32747 1 11303055 32766 1 13 32766 1
permission denied

[1678611868.088] <143> running connect task for

[1678611868.260] <143> connect task for complete
[1678611868.260] <143> finished connect task for

[1678611868.666] <003> [11544] <03/12 10:04:28.666> Connection OPENED on

[1678611868.666] <003> The recovery of Repository has been satisfied by the opening
of Repository=>login_agent_repositoryc.
[1678611868.917] <054> [11544] <03/12 10:04:28.917>

32767 1 rithmic_login 32760 1 23987677_2 32747 1

dd_repo1_paper_ritpz02011@rithmic_46_domain 32747 1 337941 32766 1 13 32766 1
permission denied

[1678611868.917] <054> [11544] <03/12 10:04:28.917> login error at

login_agent_repositoryc, permission denied
[1678611868.917] <054> [11544] <03/12 10:04:28.917>

32767 1 rithmic_login 32760 1 23987677_2 32747 1

dd_repo1_paper_ritpz02011@rithmic_46_domain 32747 1 337941 32766 1 13 32766 1
permission denied

[1678611868.917] <054> [11544] <03/12 10:04:28.917> Resetting OMNE Environment...

[1678611868.917] <054> [11544] <03/12 10:04:28.917> Removing watches for:
OmneStreamEngine[Order] (16 watches) <running>
[1678611868.917] <054> [11544] <03/12 10:04:28.917> Removing watches succeeded.
[1678611868.917] <054> [11544] <03/12 10:04:28.917> Removing watches for:
OmneStreamEngine[RMS] (3 watches) <running>
[1678611868.917] <054> [11544] <03/12 10:04:28.917> Removing watches succeeded.
[1678611868.917] <054> [11544] <03/12 10:04:28.917> Removing watches for:
OmneStreamEngine[Price] (3 watches) <running>
[1678611868.917] <054> [11544] <03/12 10:04:28.917> Removing watches succeeded.
[1678611868.917] <054> [11544] <03/12 10:04:28.917> Removing watches for:
OmneStreamEngine[History] (2 watches) <running>
[1678611868.917] <054> [11544] <03/12 10:04:28.917> Removing watches succeeded.
[1678611868.917] <054> [11544] <03/12 10:04:28.917> Removing watches for:
OmneStreamEngine[Repository] (4 watches) <running>
[1678611868.917] <054> [11544] <03/12 10:04:28.917> Removing watches succeeded.
[1678611868.917] <054> [11544] <03/12 10:04:28.917> Stopping Tty Timer...
[1678611868.917] <054> [11544] <03/12 10:04:28.917> Stopping BRD Timer...
[1678611868.917] <054> [11544] <03/12 10:04:28.917> Stopping BRD Timer...
[1678611868.917] <054> [11544] <03/12 10:04:28.917> Stopping CHT Timer...
[1678611868.917] <054> [11544] <03/12 10:04:28.917> Stopping GEN Timer...
[1678611868.917] <054> [11544] <03/12 10:04:28.917> Stopping Data Rates...
[1678611868.932] <054> [11544] <03/12 10:04:28.932> Stopping ELP Timer...
[1678611868.932] <054> [11544] <03/12 10:04:28.932> Reset OMNE Environment
[1678611868.932] <001> [11544] <03/12 10:04:28.932> Closing all windows...
[1678611868.932] <001> [11544] <03/12 10:04:28.932> Any data entered since you last
saved settings will be lost when the windows are closed.
Are you sure want to close all windows?
[1678611869.804] <140> Device Order=>login_agent_op_paperc has notified an error.
[1678611869.804] <017> A timer device Order=>login_agent_op_paperc:recover has been
established to attempt recovery every 1 milliseconds.
[1678611869.820] <137> [11544] <03/12 10:04:29.820> Connection BROKEN on
[1678611869.820] <137> Attempting to recover Order by opening
Order=>login_agent_op_paperc (recovery attempt 1).
[1678611870.920] <138> Device Repository=>login_agent_repositoryc has notified an
[1678611870.920] <017> A timer device Repository=>login_agent_repositoryc:recover
has been established to attempt recovery every 1 milliseconds.
[1678611870.936] <144> [11544] <03/12 10:04:30.936> Connection BROKEN on
[1678611870.936] <144> Attempting to recover Repository by opening
Repository=>login_agent_repositoryc (recovery attempt 1).
[1678611871.836] <137> Attempting to recover Order by opening
Order=>login_agent_op_paperc (recovery attempt 2).
[1678611872.945] <144> Attempting to recover Repository by opening
Repository=>login_agent_repositoryc (recovery attempt 2).
[1678611873.851] <137> Attempting to recover Order by opening
Order=>login_agent_op_paperc (recovery attempt 3).
[1678611874.961] <144> Attempting to recover Repository by opening
Repository=>login_agent_repositoryc (recovery attempt 3).
[1678611921.103] <001> [11544] <03/12 10:05:21.103> Disconnect Timer Tick...
[1678612742.012] <136> Device History=>login_agent_history_paperc has notified an
[1678612742.013] <134> Device RMS=>login_agent_pnl_paperc has notified an error.
[1678612742.015] <017> A timer device History=>login_agent_history_paperc:recover
has been established to attempt recovery every 1 milliseconds.
[1678612742.017] <017> A timer device RMS=>login_agent_pnl_paperc:recover has been
established to attempt recovery every 1 milliseconds.
[1678612742.025] <143> [11544] <03/12 10:19:02.024> Connection BROKEN on
[1678612742.025] <138> [11544] <03/12 10:19:02.025> Connection BROKEN on
[1678612742.027] <143> Attempting to recover RMS by opening
RMS=>login_agent_pnl_paperc (recovery attempt 1).
[1678612742.029] <138> Attempting to recover History by opening
History=>login_agent_history_paperc (recovery attempt 1).
[1678612744.034] <138> Attempting to recover History by opening
History=>login_agent_history_paperc (recovery attempt 2).
[1678612744.035] <143> Attempting to recover RMS by opening
RMS=>login_agent_pnl_paperc (recovery attempt 2).
[1678612746.038] <138> Attempting to recover History by opening
History=>login_agent_history_paperc (recovery attempt 3).
[1678612746.052] <143> Attempting to recover RMS by opening
RMS=>login_agent_pnl_paperc (recovery attempt 3).
[1678612750.140] <142> Device Price=>login_agent_tp_paperc has notified an error.
[1678612750.144] <017> A timer device Price=>login_agent_tp_paperc:recover has been
established to attempt recovery every 1 milliseconds.
[1678612750.153] <140> [11544] <03/12 10:19:10.153> Connection BROKEN on
[1678612750.154] <140> [11544] <03/12 10:19:10.154> ** Clearing Brd Queue ** - No
[1678612750.156] <140> Attempting to recover Price by opening
Price=>login_agent_tp_paperc (recovery attempt 1).
[1678612752.168] <140> Attempting to recover Price by opening
Price=>login_agent_tp_paperc (recovery attempt 2).
[1678612754.185] <140> Attempting to recover Price by opening
Price=>login_agent_tp_paperc (recovery attempt 3).
[1678613378.842] <018> I'll be back...
[1678613660.561] <013> dd_admin_sslc:recover attempting to recover dd_admin_sslc by
opening dd_admin_sslc.
[1678615178.951] <018> I'll be back...
[1678657367.669] <001> [11544] <03/12 22:42:47.669> Close all windows succeeded.
[1678657367.721] <001> [11544] <03/12 22:42:47.721> Ready...
[1678657367.722] <001> [11544] <03/12 22:42:47.722> User needs to relogin. Showing
the login screen...
[1678657367.724] <139> [11544] <03/12 22:42:47.724> stopping
OmneStreamEngine[Repository] (0 watches) <running>
[1678657367.734] <139> [11544] <03/12 22:42:47.734> stopped
OmneStreamEngine[Repository] (0 watches) <stopped>
[1678657367.734] <139> [11544] <03/12 22:42:47.734> stopping
OmneStreamEngine[Price] (0 watches) <running>
[1678657367.736] <139> [11544] <03/12 22:42:47.736> stopped OmneStreamEngine[Price]
(0 watches) <stopped>
[1678657367.737] <139> [11544] <03/12 22:42:47.737> stopping
OmneStreamEngine[History] (0 watches) <running>
[1678657367.739] <139> [11544] <03/12 22:42:47.739> stopped
OmneStreamEngine[History] (0 watches) <stopped>
[1678657367.740] <139> [11544] <03/12 22:42:47.740> stopping
OmneStreamEngine[Order] (0 watches) <running>
[1678657367.745] <139> [11544] <03/12 22:42:47.745> stopped OmneStreamEngine[Order]
(0 watches) <stopped>
[1678657367.746] <139> [11544] <03/12 22:42:47.746> stopping OmneStreamEngine[RMS]
(0 watches) <running>
[1678657367.749] <139> [11544] <03/12 22:42:47.749> stopped OmneStreamEngine[RMS]
(0 watches) <stopped>
[1678657367.749] <139> [11544] <03/12 22:42:47.749> 4 Engines Down.
[1678657367.758] <139> com.omnesys.omne.om.OMNEVerse(System.Threading.Thread) in
shutdown of device dd_admin_sslc :
Raised in : com.omnesys.omne.om.OMSslDeviceInfo
Method : OMgetIODevice
Error : no handle
[1678657367.759] <139> trace finished.
[1678907670.889] <001> trace started.
[1678907671.184] <001> [4504] <03/15 20:14:31.183> C:\Program Files (x86)\Rithmic\
Rithmic Trader Pro\Rithmic Trader Pro.exe

Rithmic Trader Pro, 32-bit

.NET CLR 4.0.30319.42000

Microsoft Windows 10 Famille, 6.2.9200.0, Version 2004 (OS Build 19041.264), 64-bit
Machine has been on for 9 days 20:50:44
Current Time is 15-Mar-2023 08:14:31.130485 pm, fr-FR (pi=3.14159, c=299792458),
Paris, Madrid UTC+01.00

Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4200U CPU @ 1.60GHz, 2-core (4-logical)

System Disk: AS-512 (431.81 GB available on system drive)
MAC Addresses: E0:3F:49:33:40:6B, 16:0A:64:FF:2C:E7, 26:0A:64:FF:2C:E7,
24:0A:64:FF:2C:E7, 24:0A:64:FF:2C:E6
IP Address:
RAM: 11.89 GB, 29% used

[1678907671.184] <001> [4504] <03/15 20:14:31.184> Reading Configuration

[1678907671.185] <001> [4504] <03/15 20:14:31.185> Initializing Connection
[1678907671.185] <001> [4504] <03/15 20:14:31.185> Instantiating Heartbeat
[1678907671.185] <001> [4504] <03/15 20:14:31.185> Intantiating Notification
[1678907671.186] <001> [4504] <03/15 20:14:31.186> Contacting License Server...
[1678907671.996] <001> [4504] <03/15 20:14:31.996> Instantiating Local Storage
[1678907672.031] <001> [4504] <03/15 20:14:32.031> Initializing Controls...
[1678907672.882] <001> [4504] <03/15 20:14:32.882> Initialization Successful.
Starting Up...
[1678907673.186] <001> [4504] <03/15 20:14:33.186> Saved recent login items: 1
[1678907673.334] <001> [4504] <03/15 20:14:33.334> Saved recent login items: 1
[1678907673.379] <001> [4504] <03/15 20:14:33.379> Showing login screen...
[1678907675.456] <001> [4504] <03/15 20:14:35.456> Login button pressed by:
[Orders] [email protected] (Rithmic Paper Trading, Chicago Area)
[Market Data] [email protected] (Rithmic Paper Trading, Chicago Area)
[1678907675.460] <001> [4504] <03/15 20:14:35.460> Starting pre-init clock at: Wed,
Mar 15, 2023 08:14:35.458 PM
[1678907675.462] <001> [4504] <03/15 20:14:35.462> Reading Configuration
[1678907675.473] <001> [4504] <03/15 20:14:35.473>

User: [email protected]
System: Rithmic Paper Trading
Gateway: Chicago Area

[Market Data]
User: [email protected]
System: Rithmic Paper Trading
Gateway: Chicago Area

Order: login_agent_op_paperc
Price: login_agent_tp_paperc
RMS: login_agent_pnl_paperc
History: login_agent_history_paperc
Indicator: login_agent_indicator_paperc
Repository: login_agent_repositoryc
Admin: dd_admin_sslc
Device Timeout: default
LBI Timeout: default
Domain: rithmic_paper_prod_domain
Domain Server:
License Server:
Location Broker: ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:64100
Log Type: log_net

[Market Data]
Order: login_agent_op_paperc
Price: login_agent_tp_paperc
RMS: login_agent_pnl_paperc
History: login_agent_history_paperc
Indicator: login_agent_indicator_paperc
Repository: login_agent_repositoryc
Admin: dd_admin_sslc
Device Timeout: default
LBI Timeout: default
Domain: rithmic_paper_prod_domain
Domain Server:
License Server:
Location Broker: ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:64100
Log Type: log_net

Admin Socket: [email protected]

User Msg: RithmicTraderPro-[]-asus-
[email protected]
Auto Log File: C:\Users\asus\Documents\Rithmic\Rithmic Trader Pro.cur.txt

[1678907675.473] <001> [4504] <03/15 20:14:35.473> Applying Configuration

[1678907675.475] <001> [4504] <03/15 20:14:35.475> Environment Variables:
PROCESSOR_IDENTIFIER = Intel64 Family 6 Model 69 Stepping 1, GenuineIntel
HOMEPATH = \Users\asus
APPDATA = C:\Users\asus\AppData\Roaming
MML_SSL_CLNT_CERT_FILE = C:\Program Files (x86)\Rithmic\Rithmic Trader Pro\
TMP = C:\Users\asus\AppData\Local\Temp
windir = C:\Windows
ProgramFiles(x86) = C:\Program Files (x86)
MML_LOC_BROK_ADDR = ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:64100
LOCALAPPDATA = C:\Users\asus\AppData\Local
MML_LOG_TYPE = log_net
OS = Windows_NT
USERPROFILE = C:\Users\asus
Path = C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\System32\Wbem;C:\Windows\System32\
MML_SSL_CERT_NAME = rithmic.com
ProgramFiles = C:\Program Files (x86)
SystemDrive = C:
MML_DOMAIN_NAME = rithmic_paper_prod_domain
CommonProgramW6432 = C:\Program Files\Common Files
CommonProgramFiles(x86) = C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files
ComSpec = C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe
CommonProgramFiles = C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files
USER = asus
PUBLIC = C:\Users\Public
ProgramData = C:\ProgramData
TEMP = C:\Users\asus\AppData\Local\Temp
PSModulePath = C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules;C:\Windows\system32\
SystemRoot = C:\Windows
DriverData = C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\DriverData
OneDrive = C:\Users\asus\OneDrive
ProgramW6432 = C:\Program Files

[1678907675.475] <001> [4504] <03/15 20:14:35.475> Starting Stream Engines...

[1678907675.480] <001> [4504] <03/15 20:14:35.480> Starting ADMIN Connection..
[1678907675.483] <007> [4504] <03/15 20:14:35.483> ADMIN connection started...
[1678907675.484] <007> [4504] <03/15 20:14:35.484> Starting Performance Counters...
[1678907675.484] <007> [4504] <03/15 20:14:35.484> Pre-init completed in 0.26
[1678907675.484] <007> [4504] <03/15 20:14:35.484> 0. Creating Connection...

[1678907675.486] <007> [4504] <03/15 20:14:35.486> Starting connect clock at: mer.,
mars 15, 2023 08:14:35.485
[1678907675.514] <010> logger task ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:45454
[1678907675.516] <014> logger task ritpz04063.04.theomne.net:45454
[1678907675.516] <015> logger task ritpz01004.01.theomne.net:45454
[1678907675.517] <016> logger task ritpz04063.04.theomne.com:45454
[1678907675.519] <017> logger task ritpz01004.01.theomne.com:45454
[1678907675.520] <011> logger task ritpz01004.01.rithmic.com:45454
[1678907675.520] <012> logger task ritpz04063.04.rithmic.net:45454
[1678907675.536] <013> logger task ritpz01004.01.rithmic.net:45454
[1678907675.569] <010> logger address ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:45454 : success
[1678907675.569] <015> logger address ritpz01004.01.theomne.net:45454 : success
[1678907675.569] <016> logger address ritpz04063.04.theomne.com:45454 : success
[1678907675.570] <007> logger signalled
[1678907675.570] <007> logger tasks : left=0, found=True
[1678907675.570] <011> logger address ritpz01004.01.rithmic.com:45454 : success
[1678907675.570] <012> logger address ritpz04063.04.rithmic.net:45454 : success
[1678907675.571] <014> logger address ritpz04063.04.theomne.net:45454 : success
[1678907675.571] <017> logger address ritpz01004.01.theomne.com:45454 : success
[1678907675.580] <013> logger address ritpz01004.01.rithmic.net:45454 : failure
[1678907675.633] <021> running lb task 0
[1678907675.634] <021> lb task 0 connecting to ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:64100
[1678907675.638] <022> running connect task for ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:64100
[1678907675.873] <022> connect task for ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:64100 complete
[1678907675.873] <022> finished connect task for ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:64100

[1678907676.085] <021> 32766 1 14 32766 1 unknown request 32767 1 ping

[1678907676.288] <021> 10046 1 21001 1 210281 21000 1 100704

10616 1 05:07:04 21010 1 20230312 10615 1 2023-03-12 10123 0 30003 1
dd_admin_paper_ritpz04040@rithmic_paper_prod_domain 10609 1 dd_admin_sslc 32748 1
1678907667 32764 0 32767 1 mrv_lb 10000 1 dd_admin_sslc 50100 1 1678907667 50101 1
744262 32752 1 1678907676 32752 1 87000

[1678907676.289] <021> lb task to ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:64100 completed by 0

[1678907676.290] <021> finished lb task 0
[1678907676.291] <007> resolved dd_admin_sslc as name=<dd_admin_sslc> host=<>
domain=<> address=<> port=<40338> type=<4>
[1678907676.301] <023> running connect task for
[1678907676.542] <023> connect task for complete
[1678907676.542] <023> finished connect task for

[1678907677.061] <007>

CN=Sectigo RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA, O=Sectigo Limited, L=Salford,
S=Greater Manchester, C=GB

[Serial Number]

[Not Before]
03/06/2022 02:00:00

[Not After]
05/07/2023 01:59:59


[1678907677.061] <007>
Cert chain

[1678907677.068] <007> Chain revocation flag : ExcludeRoot

[1678907677.068] <007> Chain revocation mode : Online
[1678907677.069] <007> Chain verification flag : NoFlag
[1678907677.069] <007> Chain verification time : 15/03/2023 20:14:37
[1678907677.069] <007> Chain status length : 0
[1678907677.069] <007> Chain application policy count : 1
[1678907677.069] <007> Chain certificate policy count : 0
[1678907677.069] <007> Chain Element Information
[1678907677.069] <007> Number of chain elements : 3
[1678907677.069] <007> Element issuer name : CN=Sectigo RSA Domain
Validation Secure Server CA, O=Sectigo Limited, L=Salford, S=Greater Manchester,
[1678907677.069] <007> Element certificate valid until : 05/07/2023 01:59:59
[1678907677.069] <007> Element certificate is valid : True
[1678907677.069] <007> Element error status length : 0
[1678907677.069] <007> Element information :
[1678907677.069] <007> Number of element extensions : 9
[1678907677.069] <007> Element issuer name : CN=USERTrust RSA
Certification Authority, O=The USERTRUST Network, L=Jersey City, S=New Jersey, C=US
[1678907677.069] <007> Element certificate valid until : 01/01/2031 00:59:59
[1678907677.456] <007> Element certificate is valid : True
[1678907677.457] <007> Element error status length : 0
[1678907677.457] <007> Element information :
[1678907677.457] <007> Number of element extensions : 8
[1678907677.457] <007> Element issuer name : CN=USERTrust RSA
Certification Authority, O=The USERTRUST Network, L=Jersey City, S=New Jersey, C=US
[1678907677.457] <007> Element certificate valid until : 19/01/2038 00:59:59
[1678907677.457] <007> Element certificate is valid : True
[1678907677.457] <007> Element error status length : 0
[1678907677.457] <007> Element information :
[1678907677.457] <007> Number of element extensions : 3
[1678907677.459] <007>
Policy errors -> None
[1678907677.459] <007> subject rithmic.com matches
[1678907677.642] <007> [4504] <03/15 20:14:37.642> OmneVerse up in 2.157 seconds.
[1678907677.642] <007> [4504] <03/15 20:14:37.642> *** 0. Connection created

[1678907677.646] <007> [4504] <03/15 20:14:37.646>

Admin Client
Peer Address:
name=<> host=<host-216-57-156-165.customer.veroxity.net> domain=<>
address=<> port=<40338> type=<1>

Local Address:
name=<> host=<DESKTOP-CBUT4IU> domain=<> address=<> port=<49283>

Last Read Time : 1678911277614

Last Write Time: 1678911277643

[1678907677.646] <001> [4504] <03/15 20:14:37.646> 1. Reading Request Table...

[1678907677.652] <007> [4504] <03/15 20:14:37.652> *** 1. Loaded all requests

[1678907677.656] <001> [4504] <03/15 20:14:37.656> Prev Count: 0

[1678907677.656] <001> [4504] <03/15 20:14:37.656> Finished 1 of 6 (Login_ReadTbl)
[1678907677.657] <001> [4504] <03/15 20:14:37.657> Waiting for Repository, Order,
Price, RMS, History...
[1678907677.659] <026> [4504] <03/15 20:14:37.659> Waiting for Repository, Order,
Price, RMS, History...
[1678907677.659] <001> [4504] <03/15 20:14:37.659> 2. Starting Repository
[1678907677.660] <027> [4504] <03/15 20:14:37.660> Waiting for Repository, Order,
Price, RMS, History...
[1678907677.660] <001> [4504] <03/15 20:14:37.660> 3. Starting Order connection...
[1678907677.660] <028> [4504] <03/15 20:14:37.660> Waiting for Repository, Order,
Price, RMS, History...
[1678907677.660] <029> [4504] <03/15 20:14:37.660> Waiting for Repository, Order,
Price, RMS, History...
[1678907677.661] <001> [4504] <03/15 20:14:37.661> 5. Starting RMS connection...
[1678907677.661] <001> [4504] <03/15 20:14:37.661> 6. Starting Price connection...
[1678907677.663] <030> [4504] <03/15 20:14:37.663> Waiting for Repository, Order,
Price, RMS, History...
[1678907677.663] <001> [4504] <03/15 20:14:37.663> 4. Starting History
[1678907677.687] <027> [4504] <03/15 20:14:37.687> Created OmneStreamEngine[Order]
(0 watches) <initialized>
[1678907677.688] <026> [4504] <03/15 20:14:37.688> Created
OmneStreamEngine[Repository] (0 watches) <initialized>
[1678907677.690] <029> [4504] <03/15 20:14:37.690> Created OmneStreamEngine[Price]
(0 watches) <initialized>
[1678907677.691] <030> [4504] <03/15 20:14:37.691> Created
OmneStreamEngine[History] (0 watches) <initialized>
[1678907677.692] <028> [4504] <03/15 20:14:37.692> Created OmneStreamEngine[RMS] (0
watches) <initialized>
[1678907677.727] <027> [4504] <03/15 20:14:37.727> Login_Order: iKeys items 12
[1678907677.727] <028> [4504] <03/15 20:14:37.727> Login_RMS: iKeys items 12
[1678907677.728] <030> [4504] <03/15 20:14:37.728> Login_History: iKeys items 12
[1678907677.733] <026> [4504] <03/15 20:14:37.733> Login_Repository: iKeys items 12
[1678907677.735] <029> [4504] <03/15 20:14:37.735> Login_Price: iKeys items 12
[1678907677.748] <056> running lb task 0
[1678907677.748] <056> lb task 0 connecting to ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:64100
[1678907677.748] <057> running lb task 0
[1678907677.748] <057> lb task 0 connecting to ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:64100
[1678907677.748] <058> running lb task 0
[1678907677.748] <058> lb task 0 connecting to ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:64100
[1678907677.748] <059> running lb task 0
[1678907677.748] <059> lb task 0 connecting to ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:64100
[1678907677.748] <060> running lb task 0
[1678907677.748] <060> lb task 0 connecting to ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:64100
[1678907677.748] <061> running connect task for ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:64100
[1678907677.749] <062> running connect task for ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:64100
[1678907677.749] <064> running connect task for ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:64100
[1678907677.749] <063> running connect task for ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:64100
[1678907677.749] <065> running connect task for ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:64100
[1678907677.920] <064> connect task for ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:64100 complete
[1678907677.920] <064> finished connect task for ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:64100

[1678907677.923] <061> connect task for ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:64100 complete

[1678907677.923] <061> finished connect task for ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:64100

[1678907677.923] <065> connect task for ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:64100 complete

[1678907677.923] <062> connect task for ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:64100 complete
[1678907677.923] <065> finished connect task for ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:64100

[1678907677.923] <062> finished connect task for ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:64100

[1678907677.924] <063> connect task for ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:64100 complete

[1678907677.924] <063> finished connect task for ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:64100

[1678907678.127] <058> 32766 1 14 32766 1 unknown request 32767 1 ping

[1678907678.127] <060> 32766 1 14 32766 1 unknown request 32767 1 ping

[1678907678.127] <056> 32766 1 14 32766 1 unknown request 32767 1 ping

[1678907678.128] <057> 32766 1 14 32766 1 unknown request 32767 1 ping

[1678907678.128] <059> 32766 1 14 32766 1 unknown request 32767 1 ping

[1678907678.332] <060> 10046 1 21001 1 598635 21000 1 084431

10616 1 03:44:31 21010 1 20230312 10615 1 2023-03-12 10123 0 30003 1
login_agent_op_ritpz08018-40257_paper@rithmic_paper_prod_domain 10609 1
login_agent_op_paperc 32748 1 1678907669 32764 0 32767 1 mrv_lb 10000 1
login_agent_op_paperc 50100 1 1678907669 50101 1 791825 32752 1 1678907678 32752 1

[1678907678.332] <056> 10046 1 21001 1 737354 21000 1 112359

10616 1 06:23:59 21010 1 20230312 10615 1 2023-03-12 10123 0 30003 1
login_agent_history_ritpz01005-40250@rithmic_paper_prod_domain 10609 1
login_agent_history_paperc 32748 1 1678907669 32764 0 32767 1 mrv_lb 10000 1
login_agent_history_paperc 50100 1 1678907669 50101 1 792644 32752 1 1678907678
32752 1 127000

[1678907678.332] <060> lb task to ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:64100 completed by 0

[1678907678.332] <056> lb task to ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:64100 completed by 0
[1678907678.332] <059> 10046 1 21001 1 723775 21000 1 104737
10616 1 05:47:37 21010 1 20230312 10615 1 2023-03-12 10123 0 30003 1
login_agent_pnl_ritpz04031-40826_paper@rithmic_paper_prod_domain 10609 1
login_agent_pnl_paperc 32748 1 1678907669 32764 0 32767 1 mrv_lb 10000 1
login_agent_pnl_paperc 50100 1 1678907669 50101 1 791973 32752 1 1678907678 32752 1

[1678907678.332] <059> lb task to ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:64100 completed by 0

[1678907678.332] <056> finished lb task 0
[1678907678.332] <060> finished lb task 0
[1678907678.333] <059> finished lb task 0
[1678907678.333] <057> 10046 1 21001 1 261692 21000 1 095120
10616 1 04:51:20 21010 1 20230312 10615 1 2023-03-12 10123 0 30003 1
login_agent_rp_paper_ritpz02011-4@rithmic_paper_prod_domain 10609 1
login_agent_repositoryc 32748 1 1678907669 32764 0 32767 1 mrv_lb 10000 1
login_agent_repositoryc 50100 1 1678907669 50101 1 792688 32752 1 1678907678 32752
1 128000

[1678907678.333] <027> resolved login_agent_op_paperc as

name=<login_agent_op_paperc> host=<> domain=<> address=<>
port=<40257> type=<4>
[1678907678.333] <058> 10046 1 21001 1 453667 21000 1 095009
10616 1 04:50:09 21010 1 20230312 10615 1 2023-03-12 10123 0 30003 1
login_agent_tp_ritpz02022-40562_paper@rithmic_paper_prod_domain 10609 1
login_agent_tp_paperc 32748 1 1678907669 32764 0 32767 1 mrv_lb 10000 1
login_agent_tp_paperc 50100 1 1678907669 50101 1 789909 32752 1 1678907678 32752 1

[1678907678.333] <058> lb task to ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:64100 completed by 0

[1678907678.333] <030> resolved login_agent_history_paperc as
name=<login_agent_history_paperc> host=<> domain=<> address=<>
port=<40250> type=<4>
[1678907678.333] <058> finished lb task 0
[1678907678.334] <028> resolved login_agent_pnl_paperc as
name=<login_agent_pnl_paperc> host=<> domain=<> address=<>
port=<40826> type=<4>
[1678907678.333] <057> lb task to ritpz04063.04.rithmic.com:64100 completed by 0
[1678907678.334] <029> resolved login_agent_tp_paperc as
name=<login_agent_tp_paperc> host=<> domain=<> address=<> port=<40562>
[1678907678.334] <026> resolved login_agent_repositoryc as
name=<login_agent_repositoryc> host=<> domain=<> address=<>
port=<40203> type=<4>
[1678907678.334] <057> finished lb task 0
[1678907678.337] <023> running connect task for
[1678907678.338] <022> running connect task for
[1678907678.339] <021> running connect task for
[1678907678.340] <017> running connect task for
[1678907678.340] <016> running connect task for
[1678907678.607] <022> connect task for complete
[1678907678.607] <022> finished connect task for

[1678907678.726] <016> connect task for complete

[1678907678.726] <016> finished connect task for

[1678907678.727] <017> connect task for complete

[1678907678.727] <017> finished connect task for

[1678907678.728] <023> connect task for complete

[1678907678.728] <023> finished connect task for

[1678907678.729] <021> connect task for complete

[1678907678.729] <021> finished connect task for

[1678907678.951] <030>

CN=Sectigo RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA, O=Sectigo Limited, L=Salford,
S=Greater Manchester, C=GB
[Serial Number]

[Not Before]
03/06/2022 02:00:00

[Not After]
05/07/2023 01:59:59


[1678907678.951] <030>
Cert chain

[1678907678.951] <030> Chain revocation flag : ExcludeRoot

[1678907678.951] <030> Chain revocation mode : Online
[1678907678.951] <030> Chain verification flag : NoFlag
[1678907678.951] <030> Chain verification time : 15/03/2023 20:14:38
[1678907678.951] <030> Chain status length : 0
[1678907678.951] <030> Chain application policy count : 1
[1678907678.951] <030> Chain certificate policy count : 0
[1678907678.951] <030> Chain Element Information
[1678907678.951] <030> Number of chain elements : 3
[1678907678.952] <030> Element issuer name : CN=Sectigo RSA Domain
Validation Secure Server CA, O=Sectigo Limited, L=Salford, S=Greater Manchester,
[1678907678.952] <030> Element certificate valid until : 05/07/2023 01:59:59
[1678907678.952] <030> Element certificate is valid : True
[1678907678.952] <030> Element error status length : 0
[1678907678.952] <030> Element information :
[1678907678.953] <030> Number of element extensions : 9
[1678907678.953] <030> Element issuer name : CN=USERTrust RSA
Certification Authority, O=The USERTRUST Network, L=Jersey City, S=New Jersey, C=US
[1678907678.953] <030> Element certificate valid until : 01/01/2031 00:59:59
[1678907678.961] <030> Element certificate is valid : True
[1678907678.961] <030> Element error status length : 0
[1678907678.961] <030> Element information :
[1678907678.962] <030> Number of element extensions : 8
[1678907678.962] <030> Element issuer name : CN=USERTrust RSA
Certification Authority, O=The USERTRUST Network, L=Jersey City, S=New Jersey, C=US
[1678907678.962] <030> Element certificate valid until : 19/01/2038 00:59:59
[1678907678.962] <030> Element certificate is valid : True
[1678907678.962] <030> Element error status length : 0
[1678907678.962] <030> Element information :
[1678907678.962] <030> Number of element extensions : 3
[1678907678.962] <030>
Policy errors -> None
[1678907678.962] <030> subject rithmic.com matches
[1678907679.155] <029>

CN=Sectigo RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA, O=Sectigo Limited, L=Salford,
S=Greater Manchester, C=GB

[Serial Number]

[Not Before]
03/06/2022 02:00:00

[Not After]
05/07/2023 01:59:59


[1678907679.155] <028>

CN=Sectigo RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA, O=Sectigo Limited, L=Salford,
S=Greater Manchester, C=GB

[Serial Number]

[Not Before]
03/06/2022 02:00:00

[Not After]
05/07/2023 01:59:59


[1678907679.155] <027>

CN=Sectigo RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA, O=Sectigo Limited, L=Salford,
S=Greater Manchester, C=GB

[Serial Number]

[Not Before]
03/06/2022 02:00:00

[Not After]
05/07/2023 01:59:59


[1678907679.155] <029>
Cert chain

[1678907679.155] <027>
Cert chain
[1678907679.155] <029> Chain revocation flag : ExcludeRoot
[1678907679.155] <027> Chain revocation flag : ExcludeRoot
[1678907679.155] <029> Chain revocation mode : Online
[1678907679.155] <027> Chain revocation mode : Online
[1678907679.155] <029> Chain verification flag : NoFlag
[1678907679.156] <027> Chain verification flag : NoFlag
[1678907679.156] <029> Chain verification time : 15/03/2023 20:14:39
[1678907679.156] <027> Chain verification time : 15/03/2023 20:14:39
[1678907679.156] <029> Chain status length : 0
[1678907679.156] <027> Chain status length : 0
[1678907679.156] <029> Chain application policy count : 1
[1678907679.156] <027> Chain application policy count : 1
[1678907679.156] <029> Chain certificate policy count : 0
[1678907679.156] <027> Chain certificate policy count : 0
[1678907679.156] <029> Chain Element Information
[1678907679.156] <027> Chain Element Information
[1678907679.156] <029> Number of chain elements : 3
[1678907679.156] <027> Number of chain elements : 3
[1678907679.155] <026>

CN=Sectigo RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA, O=Sectigo Limited, L=Salford,
S=Greater Manchester, C=GB

[Serial Number]

[Not Before]
03/06/2022 02:00:00

[Not After]
05/07/2023 01:59:59


[1678907679.155] <028>
Cert chain

[1678907679.156] <029> Element issuer name : CN=Sectigo RSA Domain

Validation Secure Server CA, O=Sectigo Limited, L=Salford, S=Greater Manchester,
[1678907679.156] <028> Chain revocation flag : ExcludeRoot
[1678907679.156] <028> Chain revocation mode : Online
[1678907679.156] <029> Element certificate valid until : 05/07/2023 01:59:59
[1678907679.156] <028> Chain verification flag : NoFlag
[1678907679.156] <027> Element issuer name : CN=Sectigo RSA Domain
Validation Secure Server CA, O=Sectigo Limited, L=Salford, S=Greater Manchester,
[1678907679.156] <028> Chain verification time : 15/03/2023 20:14:39
[1678907679.156] <028> Chain status length : 0
[1678907679.156] <028> Chain application policy count : 1
[1678907679.156] <028> Chain certificate policy count : 0
[1678907679.156] <028> Chain Element Information
[1678907679.156] <028> Number of chain elements : 3
[1678907679.156] <029> Element certificate is valid : True
[1678907679.156] <029> Element error status length : 0
[1678907679.156] <027> Element certificate valid until : 05/07/2023 01:59:59
[1678907679.156] <029> Element information :
[1678907679.156] <028> Element issuer name : CN=Sectigo RSA Domain
Validation Secure Server CA, O=Sectigo Limited, L=Salford, S=Greater Manchester,
[1678907679.156] <028> Element certificate valid until : 05/07/2023 01:59:59
[1678907679.156] <026>
Cert chain

[1678907679.156] <026> Chain revocation flag : ExcludeRoot

[1678907679.156] <027> Element certificate is valid : True
[1678907679.156] <026> Chain revocation mode : Online
[1678907679.156] <027> Element error status length : 0
[1678907679.156] <026> Chain verification flag : NoFlag
[1678907679.156] <027> Element information :
[1678907679.156] <026> Chain verification time : 15/03/2023 20:14:39
[1678907679.156] <028> Element certificate is valid : True
[1678907679.156] <028> Element error status length : 0
[1678907679.156] <026> Chain status length : 0
[1678907679.156] <029> Number of element extensions : 9
[1678907679.156] <026> Chain application policy count : 1
[1678907679.157] <026> Chain certificate policy count : 0
[1678907679.157] <026> Chain Element Information
[1678907679.157] <026> Number of chain elements : 3
[1678907679.157] <029> Element issuer name : CN=USERTrust RSA
Certification Authority, O=The USERTRUST Network, L=Jersey City, S=New Jersey, C=US
[1678907679.157] <029> Element certificate valid until : 01/01/2031 00:59:59
[1678907679.157] <026> Element issuer name : CN=Sectigo RSA Domain
Validation Secure Server CA, O=Sectigo Limited, L=Salford, S=Greater Manchester,
[1678907679.157] <027> Number of element extensions : 9
[1678907679.157] <026> Element certificate valid until : 05/07/2023 01:59:59
[1678907679.157] <027> Element issuer name : CN=USERTrust RSA
Certification Authority, O=The USERTRUST Network, L=Jersey City, S=New Jersey, C=US
[1678907679.158] <027> Element certificate valid until : 01/01/2031 00:59:59
[1678907679.158] <026> Element certificate is valid : True
[1678907679.158] <026> Element error status length : 0
[1678907679.158] <026> Element information :
[1678907679.158] <026> Number of element extensions : 9
[1678907679.159] <026> Element issuer name : CN=USERTrust RSA
Certification Authority, O=The USERTRUST Network, L=Jersey City, S=New Jersey, C=US
[1678907679.159] <026> Element certificate valid until : 01/01/2031 00:59:59
[1678907679.156] <028> Element information :
[1678907679.162] <028> Number of element extensions : 9
[1678907679.162] <028> Element issuer name : CN=USERTrust RSA
Certification Authority, O=The USERTRUST Network, L=Jersey City, S=New Jersey, C=US
[1678907679.162] <028> Element certificate valid until : 01/01/2031 00:59:59
[1678907679.165] <029> Element certificate is valid : True
[1678907679.165] <029> Element error status length : 0
[1678907679.165] <029> Element information :
[1678907679.166] <029> Number of element extensions : 8
[1678907679.166] <029> Element issuer name : CN=USERTrust RSA
Certification Authority, O=The USERTRUST Network, L=Jersey City, S=New Jersey, C=US
[1678907679.166] <029> Element certificate valid until : 19/01/2038 00:59:59
[1678907679.166] <029> Element certificate is valid : True
[1678907679.166] <029> Element error status length : 0
[1678907679.166] <029> Element information :
[1678907679.166] <029> Number of element extensions : 3
[1678907679.166] <029>
Policy errors -> None
[1678907679.167] <029> subject rithmic.com matches
[1678907679.172] <027> Element certificate is valid : True
[1678907679.172] <027> Element error status length : 0
[1678907679.172] <027> Element information :
[1678907679.172] <026> Element certificate is valid : True
[1678907679.172] <026> Element error status length : 0
[1678907679.172] <026> Element information :
[1678907679.172] <028> Element certificate is valid : True
[1678907679.172] <028> Element error status length : 0
[1678907679.172] <028> Element information :
[1678907679.173] <026> Number of element extensions : 8
[1678907679.173] <026> Element issuer name : CN=USERTrust RSA
Certification Authority, O=The USERTRUST Network, L=Jersey City, S=New Jersey, C=US
[1678907679.173] <027> Number of element extensions : 8
[1678907679.173] <026> Element certificate valid until : 19/01/2038 00:59:59
[1678907679.174] <026> Element certificate is valid : True
[1678907679.174] <026> Element error status length : 0
[1678907679.174] <026> Element information :
[1678907679.174] <026> Number of element extensions : 3
[1678907679.174] <027> Element issuer name : CN=USERTrust RSA
Certification Authority, O=The USERTRUST Network, L=Jersey City, S=New Jersey, C=US
[1678907679.174] <028> Number of element extensions : 8
[1678907679.174] <027> Element certificate valid until : 19/01/2038 00:59:59
[1678907679.174] <026>
Policy errors -> None
[1678907679.175] <027> Element certificate is valid : True
[1678907679.175] <028> Element issuer name : CN=USERTrust RSA
Certification Authority, O=The USERTRUST Network, L=Jersey City, S=New Jersey, C=US
[1678907679.175] <027> Element error status length : 0
[1678907679.175] <027> Element information :
[1678907679.175] <028> Element certificate valid until : 19/01/2038 00:59:59
[1678907679.175] <026> subject rithmic.com matches
[1678907679.175] <028> Element certificate is valid : True
[1678907679.175] <028> Element error status length : 0
[1678907679.175] <028> Element information :
[1678907679.175] <027> Number of element extensions : 3
[1678907679.175] <027>
Policy errors -> None
[1678907679.175] <027> subject rithmic.com matches
[1678907679.175] <028> Number of element extensions : 3
[1678907679.175] <028>
Policy errors -> None
[1678907679.175] <028> subject rithmic.com matches
[1678907679.302] <030> [4504] <03/15 20:14:39.302> Connection OPENED on
[1678907679.312] <030> [4504] <03/15 20:14:39.312> *** 4. Started
OmneStreamEngine[History] (1 watches) <running>

[1678907679.313] <030> [4504] <03/15 20:14:39.313> Waiting for Repository*, Order*,

Price*, RMS*, History*...
[1678907679.359] <029> [4504] <03/15 20:14:39.359> Connection OPENED on
[1678907679.361] <029> [4504] <03/15 20:14:39.361> *** 6. Started
OmneStreamEngine[Price] (1 watches) <running>

[1678907679.361] <029> [4504] <03/15 20:14:39.361> Waiting for Repository*, Order*,

Price*, RMS*, History*...
[1678907679.436] <028> [4504] <03/15 20:14:39.436> Connection OPENED on
[1678907679.437] <028> [4504] <03/15 20:14:39.437> *** 5. Started
OmneStreamEngine[RMS] (1 watches) <running>

[1678907679.437] <028> [4504] <03/15 20:14:39.437> Waiting for Repository*, Order*,

Price*, RMS*, History*...
[1678907679.439] <026> [4504] <03/15 20:14:39.439> Connection OPENED on
[1678907679.439] <026> [4504] <03/15 20:14:39.439> *** 2. Started
OmneStreamEngine[Repository] (1 watches) <running>

[1678907679.439] <026> [4504] <03/15 20:14:39.439> Waiting for Repository*, Order*,

Price*, RMS*, History*...
[1678907679.441] <027> [4504] <03/15 20:14:39.440> Connection OPENED on
[1678907679.441] <027> [4504] <03/15 20:14:39.441> *** 3. Started
OmneStreamEngine[Order] (1 watches) <running>

[1678907679.441] <027> [4504] <03/15 20:14:39.441> Waiting for Repository*, Order*,

Price*, RMS*, History*...
[1678907679.574] <052> [4504] <03/15 20:14:39.574>

32766 0 32767 1 rithmic_login 32760 1 2706844_1 32747 1

omd_history_paper_tp01@rithmic_paper_domain 32747 1 392837 54013 1 Rithmic 54014 1
Rithmic 30002 1 Rithmic Trader Pro 31033 1 54712 1 MC 44108 1
E0:3F:49:33:40:6B 44108 1 16:0A:64:FF:2C:E7 44108 1 26:0A:64:FF:2C:E7 44108 1
24:0A:64:FF:2C:E7 44108 1 24:0A:64:FF:2C:E6 31804 1

[1678907679.577] <052> [4504] <03/15 20:14:39.577> logged in at

[1678907679.587] <001> [4504] <03/15 20:14:39.587> Login Success (Login_History)
[1678907679.587] <001> [4504] <03/15 20:14:39.587> Prev Count: 1
[1678907679.587] <001> [4504] <03/15 20:14:39.587> Finished 2 of 6 (Login_History)
[1678907679.587] <001> [4504] <03/15 20:14:39.587> Waiting for Repository*, Order*,
Price*, RMS*...
[1678907679.766] <053> [4504] <03/15 20:14:39.766>

32766 0 32767 1 rithmic_login 32760 1 20260233_4 32747 1

omd_pnl_paper_op01@rithmic_paper_domain 32747 1 3531746 54013 1 Rithmic 54014 1
Rithmic 30002 1 Rithmic Trader Pro 31033 1 54712 1 MC 44108 1
E0:3F:49:33:40:6B 44108 1 16:0A:64:FF:2C:E7 44108 1 26:0A:64:FF:2C:E7 44108 1
24:0A:64:FF:2C:E7 44108 1 24:0A:64:FF:2C:E6 31804 1

[1678907679.766] <053> [4504] <03/15 20:14:39.766> logged in at

[1678907679.767] <001> [4504] <03/15 20:14:39.767> Login Success (Login_RMS)
[1678907679.767] <001> [4504] <03/15 20:14:39.767> Prev Count: 2
[1678907679.767] <054> [4504] <03/15 20:14:39.767>

32766 0 32767 1 rithmic_login 32760 1 63831630_3 32747 1

omd_tp_paper_tp01@rithmic_paper_domain 32747 1 3265680 54013 1 Rithmic 54014 1
Rithmic 30002 1 Rithmic Trader Pro 31033 1 54712 1 MC 44108 1
E0:3F:49:33:40:6B 44108 1 16:0A:64:FF:2C:E7 44108 1 26:0A:64:FF:2C:E7 44108 1
24:0A:64:FF:2C:E7 44108 1 24:0A:64:FF:2C:E6 31804 1
[1678907679.767] <001> [4504] <03/15 20:14:39.767> Finished 3 of 6 (Login_RMS)
[1678907679.767] <054> [4504] <03/15 20:14:39.767> logged in at
[1678907679.767] <001> [4504] <03/15 20:14:39.767> Waiting for Repository*, Order*,
[1678907679.768] <001> [4504] <03/15 20:14:39.768> Login Success (Login_Price)
[1678907679.768] <001> [4504] <03/15 20:14:39.768> Prev Count: 3
[1678907679.768] <001> [4504] <03/15 20:14:39.768> Finished 4 of 6 (Login_Price)
[1678907679.768] <001> [4504] <03/15 20:14:39.768> Waiting for Repository*,
[1678907679.872] <055> [4504] <03/15 20:14:39.872>

32766 0 32767 1 rithmic_login 32760 1 5142522_2 32747 1

omd_Repo_repo1@rithmic_paper_domain 32747 1 4896639 54013 1 Rithmic 54014 1 Rithmic
30002 1 Rithmic Trader Pro 31033 1 54712 1 MC 44108 1
E0:3F:49:33:40:6B 44108 1 16:0A:64:FF:2C:E7 44108 1 26:0A:64:FF:2C:E7 44108 1
24:0A:64:FF:2C:E7 44108 1 24:0A:64:FF:2C:E6 31804 1

[1678907679.872] <055> [4504] <03/15 20:14:39.872> logged in at

[1678907679.872] <001> [4504] <03/15 20:14:39.872> Login Success (Login_Repository)
[1678907679.872] <001> [4504] <03/15 20:14:39.872> Prev Count: 4
[1678907679.872] <001> [4504] <03/15 20:14:39.872> Finished 5 of 6
[1678907679.872] <001> [4504] <03/15 20:14:39.872> Waiting for Order* connection...
[1678907679.968] <051> [4504] <03/15 20:14:39.968>

32766 0 32767 1 rithmic_login 32760 1 62820990_0 32747 1

omd_paper@rithmic_paper_domain 32747 1 81303717 54013 1 Rithmic 54014 1 Rithmic
30002 1 Rithmic Trader Pro 31033 1 54712 1 MC 44108 1
E0:3F:49:33:40:6B 44108 1 16:0A:64:FF:2C:E7 44108 1 26:0A:64:FF:2C:E7 44108 1
24:0A:64:FF:2C:E7 44108 1 24:0A:64:FF:2C:E6 31804 1

[1678907679.968] <051> [4504] <03/15 20:14:39.968> logged in at

[1678907679.968] <001> [4504] <03/15 20:14:39.968> Login Success (Login_Order)
[1678907679.968] <001> [4504] <03/15 20:14:39.968> Prev Count: 5
[1678907679.968] <001> [4504] <03/15 20:14:39.968> Finished 6 of 6 (Login_Order)
[1678907679.969] <001> [4504] <03/15 20:14:39.969> 5 Engines Up. Elapsed 4.483

[1678907679.976] <001> [4504] <03/15 20:14:39.976>

Admin Client
Peer Address:
name=<> host=<host-216-57-156-165.customer.veroxity.net> domain=<>
address=<> port=<40338> type=<1>

Local Address:
name=<> host=<DESKTOP-CBUT4IU> domain=<> address=<> port=<49283>

Last Read Time : 1678911277829

Last Write Time: 1678911277643

OmneStreamEngine[Order] (1 watches) <running>
OmneStreamEngine[Price] (1 watches) <running>
OmneStreamEngine[RMS] (1 watches) <running>
OmneStreamEngine[History] (1 watches) <running>
OmneStreamEngine[Repository] (2 watches) <running>

Order Channel
Channel name : Order
State : open
Send broadcast : disabled
Queue enabled : yes
Queue name : Order:service_queue
Throttled : no
Input suspended : no
Heartbeat request : are_you_there
Heartbeat enabled : yes
Heartbeat interval : 50 seconds
Last message received : 0.006 seconds ago
Last message sent : 0.534 seconds ago
Environment : system
Time offset from server : -8.438 seconds (1 measurement )
Last offset from server : -8.438 seconds
Average rtt for offset : n/a
Secure mode : enabled
Certificate file : C:\Program Files (x86)\Rithmic\Rithmic Trader Pro\
Certificate name : rithmic.com
Tracing meters : disabled
Trace filtering : 3 of every 3600
Encoding : none

Open messages : 0 (0 bytes)

Close messages : 0 (0 bytes)
Input clone device :
Output clone device :
Proxy device :
Recover freq : 2 seconds
Init recover freq : 0.1 seconds

Event listener : com.rithmic.rithmic_trader.ConnectionListener

Heartbeat listener : com.rithmic.rithmic_trader.HeartBeatHandler

Stream callback : com.omnesys.omne.ose.ose_stream_callback

Finish open callback : com.omnesys.omne.ose.ose_finish_open_callback
Start close callback : com.omnesys.omne.ose.ose_start_close_callback
End of rcd callback :

High water mark (bytes) : n/a

Low water mark (bytes) : n/a
High water mark (msgs) : n/a
Low water mark (msgs) : n/a

Channel encyclopedia : Order_encyclopedia

Channel transports : 1

login_agent_op_paperc : [tonpz08018.theomne.net(] <= current

Channel open count : 1
Channel close count : 0

Transport open count : 1

Transport close count : 0
Transport disconnect count : 0

Timers added : 1
Timers removed : 0

Events posted : 0
Events cancelled : 0

Time Offset: -8.437675

Price Channel
Channel name : Price
State : open
Send broadcast : disabled
Queue enabled : yes
Queue name : Price:service_queue
Throttled : no
Input suspended : no
Heartbeat request : are_you_there
Heartbeat enabled : yes
Heartbeat interval : 50 seconds
Last message received : 0.209 seconds ago
Last message sent : 0.614 seconds ago
Environment : system
Time offset from server : -8.440 seconds (1 measurement )
Last offset from server : -8.440 seconds
Average rtt for offset : n/a
Secure mode : enabled
Certificate file : C:\Program Files (x86)\Rithmic\Rithmic Trader Pro\
Certificate name : rithmic.com
Tracing meters : disabled
Trace filtering : 3 of every 3600
Encoding : compressed (deflate)

Open messages : 0 (0 bytes)

Close messages : 0 (0 bytes)
Input clone device :
Output clone device :
Proxy device :
Recover freq : 2 seconds
Init recover freq : 0.1 seconds

Event listener : com.rithmic.rithmic_trader.ConnectionListener

Heartbeat listener : com.rithmic.rithmic_trader.HeartBeatHandler

Stream callback : com.omnesys.omne.ose.ose_stream_callback

Finish open callback : com.omnesys.omne.ose.ose_finish_open_callback
Start close callback : com.omnesys.omne.ose.ose_start_close_callback
End of rcd callback :

High water mark (bytes) : n/a

Low water mark (bytes) : n/a
High water mark (msgs) : n/a
Low water mark (msgs) : n/a

Channel encyclopedia : Price_encyclopedia

Channel transports : 1

login_agent_tp_paperc : [tonpz02022.theomne.net(] <= current

Channel open count : 1

Channel close count : 0

Transport open count : 1

Transport close count : 0
Transport disconnect count : 0

Timers added : 1
Timers removed : 0

Events posted : 0
Events cancelled : 0

Time Offset: -8.440091

RMS Channel
Channel name : RMS
State : open
Send broadcast : disabled
Queue enabled : yes
Queue name : RMS:service_queue
Throttled : no
Input suspended : no
Heartbeat request : are_you_there
Heartbeat enabled : yes
Heartbeat interval : 120 seconds
Last message received : 0.209 seconds ago
Last message sent : 0.539 seconds ago
Environment : system
Time offset from server : -8.438 seconds (1 measurement )
Last offset from server : -8.438 seconds
Average rtt for offset : n/a
Secure mode : enabled
Certificate file : C:\Program Files (x86)\Rithmic\Rithmic Trader Pro\
Certificate name : rithmic.com
Tracing meters : disabled
Trace filtering : 3 of every 3600
Encoding : none

Open messages : 0 (0 bytes)

Close messages : 0 (0 bytes)
Input clone device :
Output clone device :
Proxy device :
Recover freq : 2 seconds
Init recover freq : 0.1 seconds

Event listener : com.rithmic.rithmic_trader.ConnectionListener

Heartbeat listener : com.rithmic.rithmic_trader.HeartBeatHandler

Stream callback : com.omnesys.omne.ose.ose_stream_callback

Finish open callback : com.omnesys.omne.ose.ose_finish_open_callback
Start close callback : com.omnesys.omne.ose.ose_start_close_callback
End of rcd callback :

High water mark (bytes) : n/a

Low water mark (bytes) : n/a
High water mark (msgs) : n/a
Low water mark (msgs) : n/a

Channel encyclopedia : RMS_encyclopedia

Channel transports : 1

login_agent_pnl_paperc : [ritpz04031.04.theomne.net(] <=


Channel open count : 1

Channel close count : 0

Transport open count : 1

Transport close count : 0
Transport disconnect count : 0

Timers added : 1
Timers removed : 0

Events posted : 0
Events cancelled : 0

Time Offset: -8.438027

History Channel
Channel name : History
State : open
Send broadcast : disabled
Queue enabled : yes
Queue name : History:service_queue
Throttled : no
Input suspended : no
Heartbeat request : are_you_there
Heartbeat enabled : yes
Heartbeat interval : 120 seconds
Last message received : 0.413 seconds ago
Last message sent : 0.663 seconds ago
Environment : system
Time offset from server : -8.437 seconds (1 measurement )
Last offset from server : -8.437 seconds
Average rtt for offset : n/a
Secure mode : enabled
Certificate file : C:\Program Files (x86)\Rithmic\Rithmic Trader Pro\
Certificate name : rithmic.com
Tracing meters : disabled
Trace filtering : 3 of every 3600
Encoding : compressed (deflate)
Open messages : 0 (0 bytes)
Close messages : 0 (0 bytes)
Input clone device :
Output clone device :
Proxy device :
Recover freq : 2 seconds
Init recover freq : 0.1 seconds

Event listener : com.rithmic.rithmic_trader.ConnectionListener

Heartbeat listener : com.rithmic.rithmic_trader.HeartBeatHandler

Stream callback : com.omnesys.omne.ose.ose_stream_callback

Finish open callback : com.omnesys.omne.ose.ose_finish_open_callback
Start close callback : com.omnesys.omne.ose.ose_start_close_callback
End of rcd callback :

High water mark (bytes) : n/a

Low water mark (bytes) : n/a
High water mark (msgs) : n/a
Low water mark (msgs) : n/a

Channel encyclopedia : History_encyclopedia

Channel transports : 1

login_agent_history_paperc : [tonpz01005.theomne.net(] <=


Channel open count : 1

Channel close count : 0

Transport open count : 1

Transport close count : 0
Transport disconnect count : 0

Timers added : 1
Timers removed : 0

Events posted : 0
Events cancelled : 0

Time Offset: -8.436856

Repository Channel
Channel name : Repository
State : open
Send broadcast : disabled
Queue enabled : yes
Queue name : Repository:service_queue
Throttled : no
Input suspended : no
Heartbeat request : are_you_there
Heartbeat enabled : yes
Heartbeat interval : 1 seconds
Last message received : 0.103 seconds ago
Last message sent : 0.087 seconds ago
Environment : system
Time offset from server : -8.438 seconds (1 measurement )
Last offset from server : -8.438 seconds
Average rtt for offset : n/a
Secure mode : enabled
Certificate file : C:\Program Files (x86)\Rithmic\Rithmic Trader Pro\
Certificate name : rithmic.com
Tracing meters : disabled
Trace filtering : 3 of every 3600
Encoding : compressed (deflate)

Open messages : 0 (0 bytes)

Close messages : 0 (0 bytes)
Input clone device :
Output clone device :
Proxy device :
Recover freq : 2 seconds
Init recover freq : 0.1 seconds

Event listener : com.rithmic.rithmic_trader.ConnectionListener

Heartbeat listener : com.rithmic.rithmic_trader.HeartBeatHandler

Stream callback : com.omnesys.omne.ose.ose_stream_callback

Finish open callback : com.omnesys.omne.ose.ose_finish_open_callback
Start close callback : com.omnesys.omne.ose.ose_start_close_callback
End of rcd callback :

High water mark (bytes) : n/a

Low water mark (bytes) : n/a
High water mark (msgs) : n/a
Low water mark (msgs) : n/a

Channel encyclopedia : Repository_encyclopedia

Channel transports : 1

login_agent_repositoryc : [tonpz02011.theomne.net(] <= current

Channel open count : 1

Channel close count : 0

Transport open count : 1

Transport close count : 0
Transport disconnect count : 0

Timers added : 1
Timers removed : 0

Events posted : 0
Events cancelled : 0

Time Offset: -8.437812

[1678907680.012] <001> [4504] <03/15 20:14:40.012> Login successful. Getting User

[1678907680.189] <001> [4504] <03/15 20:14:40.189> Getting Aggregator
[1678907680.293] <055> [4504] <03/15 20:14:40.293>
32766 1 7 32766 1 no data 32767 1 list_unaccepted_agreements 32760 1 5142522_6
32747 1 mrv_agreement_enduser_repo1@rithmic_paper_domain 32747 1 103844

[1678907680.588] <054> [4504] <03/15 20:14:40.587>

32766 1 14 32766 1 unknown request 32767 1 is_there_an_aggregator 32760 1

63831630_8 32747 1 osri_ritpz02022_paper@rithmic_46_domain 32747 1 126287

[1678907680.631] <001> [4504] <03/15 20:14:40.631> Getting User Settings...

[1678907681.105] <001> [4504] <03/15 20:14:41.105> Saving recent login items: 1
[1678907681.107] <001> [4504] <03/15 20:14:41.107> Getting FCM Information...
[1678907681.303] <001> [4504] <03/15 20:14:41.303> Getting IB Information...
[1678907681.473] <001> [4504] <03/15 20:14:41.473> Getting Entitlement Status...
[1678907681.711] <001> [4504] <03/15 20:14:41.711> Getting Exchange Entitlements...
[1678907681.917] <001> [4504] <03/15 20:14:41.917> Getting Firm Entitlements...
[1678907682.428] <001> [4504] <03/15 20:14:42.428> Getting Exchanges...
[1678907682.646] <001> [4504] <03/15 20:14:42.646> Getting Accounts...
[1678907683.058] <001> [4504] <03/15 20:14:43.058> Requesting current market
[1678907683.068] <001> [4504] <03/15 20:14:43.068> Getting Account Keys...
[1678907683.069] <001> [4504] <03/15 20:14:43.069> Getting orders and positions...
[1678907683.071] <001> [4504] <03/15 20:14:43.071> Getting drips...
[1678907683.073] <001> [4504] <03/15 20:14:43.073> Getting sources...
[1678907683.074] <001> [4504] <03/15 20:14:43.074> Getting products...
[1678907683.076] <001> [4504] <03/15 20:14:43.076> Getting countries and states...
[1678907683.076] <001> [4504] <03/15 20:14:43.076> Getting stored templates...
[1678907683.419] <001> [4504] <03/15 20:14:43.419> Getting restricted symbols...
[1678907683.420] <001> [4504] <03/15 20:14:43.420> Getting localization settings...
[1678907683.420] <001> [4504] <03/15 20:14:43.420> Initializing accounts and
[1678907683.468] <001> [4504] <03/15 20:14:43.468> Initializing application...
[1678907683.649] <001> [4504] <03/15 20:14:43.649> Reopening default windows...
[1678907683.742] <001> [4504] <03/15 20:14:43.742> Opening 4 windows...
[1678907683.878] <051> [4504] <03/15 20:14:43.877>

32764 1 7 32764 1 no data 32767 1 mrv_bracket_templates_show_tree_koi 32760 1

62820990_27 32747 1 mrv_bracket_templates_paper@rithmic_paper_domain 32747 1 40975

[1678907685.618] <001> [4504] <03/15 20:14:45.618> Login Complete.

[1678907685.621] <001> [4504] <03/15 20:14:45.621> Getting Orders and Positions.
Please Wait...
[1678907685.745] <001> [4504] <03/15 20:14:45.745> Processing cached orders...
[1678907685.746] <001> [4504] <03/15 20:14:45.746> All orders fetched. Loading...
[1678907685.752] <001> [4504] <03/15 20:14:45.752> Getting Positions. Please
[1678907685.752] <001> [4504] <03/15 20:14:45.752> All positions fetched.
[1678907685.753] <001> [4504] <03/15 20:14:45.753> All positions loaded.
[1678907685.765] <001> [4504] <03/15 20:14:45.765> Login Complete.
[1678907685.765] <001> [4504] <03/15 20:14:45.765>
Trader Dashboard (Normal) attached (True) loc {X=1,Y=1}) bounds {X=-1,Y=-
1,Width=1238,Height=733} on screen {X=0,Y=0,Width=1366,Height=768} supress param
(False) params {X=1,Y=1} saved loc {X=1,Y=1}
Performance (Normal) attached (True) loc {X=0,Y=485}) bounds {X=-1,Y=-
1,Width=1238,Height=733} on screen {X=0,Y=0,Width=1366,Height=768} supress param
(False) params {X=0,Y=485} saved loc {X=0,Y=485}
Order History (Normal) attached (True) loc {X=1045,Y=484}) bounds {X=-1,Y=-
1,Width=995,Height=621} on screen {X=0,Y=0,Width=1366,Height=768} supress param
(False) params {X=1045,Y=484} saved loc {X=1045,Y=484}
Recent Orders (Normal) attached (True) loc {X=1046,Y=0}) bounds {X=-1,Y=-
1,Width=919,Height=609} on screen {X=0,Y=0,Width=1366,Height=768} supress param
(False) params {X=1046,Y=0} saved loc {X=1046,Y=0}
CPU 29.5% Rithmic Trader Pro 15.3%, Memory 60.2 MB
[1678907685.869] <051> [4504] <03/15 20:14:45.869>

32764 1 7 32764 1 no data 32767 1 mrv_account_allocation_templates_show_tree_koi

32760 1 62820990_28 32747 1
mrv_account_allocation_templates_paper@rithmic_paper_domain 32747 1 40062

[1678907687.964] <055> cannot calculate offset, too much variance in max rtt
(0.124, 0.138)
[1678907688.570] <055> cannot calculate offset, too much variance in max rtt (0.2,
[1678907693.178] <055> calculated offset : -8.413593
[1678907695.622] <001> [4504] <03/15 20:14:55.622> Any data entered since you last
saved settings will be lost when the window is closed.
Are you sure want to close the Trader Dashboard?
[1678907697.978] <001> [4504] <03/15 20:14:57.978> Any data entered since you last
saved settings will be lost when the window is closed.
Are you sure want to close the Performance?
[1678907700.362] <001> [4504] <03/15 20:15:00.362> Any data entered since you last
saved settings will be lost when the window is closed.
Are you sure want to close the Recent Orders?
[1678907703.315] <001> [4504] <03/15 20:15:03.315> Any data entered since you last
saved settings will be lost when the window is closed.
Are you sure want to close the Order History?
[1678907712.066] <001> [4504] <03/15 20:15:12.066> Any data entered since you last
saved settings will be lost when the window is closed.
Are you sure want to close the Symbol Dashboard?
[1678907721.922] <001> [4504] <03/15 20:15:21.922> Any data entered since you last
saved settings will be lost when the window is closed.
Are you sure want to close the Trader Dashboard?
[1678907724.295] <001> [4504] <03/15 20:15:24.295> Do you want to exit the
[1678907724.295] <001> [4504] <03/15 20:15:24.295> Removing requests...
[1678907724.296] <001> [4504] <03/15 20:15:24.296> Removing requests succeeded.
[1678907724.319] <001> [4504] <03/15 20:15:24.319> Saving current settings...
Please wait...
[1678907724.515] <001> [4504] <03/15 20:15:24.515> Settings saved.
[1678907724.519] <001> [4504] <03/15 20:15:24.519> Resetting OMNE Environment...
[1678907724.520] <001> [4504] <03/15 20:15:24.519> Removing watches for:
OmneStreamEngine[Order] (16 watches) <running>
[1678907724.534] <001> [4504] <03/15 20:15:24.534> Removing watches succeeded.
[1678907724.535] <001> [4504] <03/15 20:15:24.535> Removing watches for:
OmneStreamEngine[RMS] (3 watches) <running>
[1678907724.535] <001> [4504] <03/15 20:15:24.535> Removing watches succeeded.
[1678907724.535] <001> [4504] <03/15 20:15:24.535> Removing watches for:
OmneStreamEngine[Price] (3 watches) <running>
[1678907724.538] <001> [4504] <03/15 20:15:24.538> Removing watches succeeded.
[1678907724.538] <001> [4504] <03/15 20:15:24.538> Removing watches for:
OmneStreamEngine[History] (2 watches) <running>
[1678907724.538] <001> [4504] <03/15 20:15:24.538> Removing watches succeeded.
[1678907724.538] <001> [4504] <03/15 20:15:24.538> Removing watches for:
OmneStreamEngine[Repository] (3 watches) <running>
[1678907724.539] <001> [4504] <03/15 20:15:24.539> Removing watches succeeded.
[1678907724.539] <001> [4504] <03/15 20:15:24.539> Stopping Tty Timer...
[1678907724.540] <001> [4504] <03/15 20:15:24.540> Stopping BRD Timer...
[1678907724.541] <001> [4504] <03/15 20:15:24.541> Stopping BRD Timer...
[1678907724.541] <001> [4504] <03/15 20:15:24.541> Stopping CHT Timer...
[1678907724.542] <001> [4504] <03/15 20:15:24.542> Stopping GEN Timer...
[1678907724.543] <001> [4504] <03/15 20:15:24.543> Stopping Data Rates...
[1678907724.544] <001> [4504] <03/15 20:15:24.544> Stopping ELP Timer...
[1678907724.545] <001> [4504] <03/15 20:15:24.545> Reset OMNE Environment
[1678907724.548] <001> [4504] <03/15 20:15:24.548> Closing all windows...
[1678907724.560] <001> [4504] <03/15 20:15:24.560> Close all windows succeeded.
[1678907724.560] <001> [4504] <03/15 20:15:24.560> Do a final refresh...
[1678907724.564] <001> [4504] <03/15 20:15:24.564> Finis!
[1678907724.564] <001> trace finished.

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