SEM 1 OVERALL (Summary)
SEM 1 OVERALL (Summary)
SEM 1 OVERALL (Summary)
962 /1 - CHEMISTRY SEMESTER 1 3 a) Isotopes : Atoms with the same atomic numbers (number of protons) but different mass
numbers (nucleon numbers)
Element Isotopes No of proton No of neutron % of abundance
LESSON 1 : 7 APR 2017 (FRIDAY) TIME : 6.30 - 9.30 PM
Hydrogen Deuterium, D : 21H 1 1 0.99
NAME : Tritium, T : 31H 1 2 0.01
CHAPTER 1 : MATTER Oxygen-16 : 168O 8 8 98.9
Oxygen Oxygen-17 : 8O 8 9 1.00
1. The elementary particles (also known as sub-articles) in a carbon-12 atom Oxygen-18 : 188O 8 10 0.01
Diagram 1.a
b) The table 1.dbelow shows the description of elementary particles and their properties.
Elementary Charge Relative
Symbol Mass (kg)
particles Coulumb unit mass
proton p +1.6022 x 10-19 +1 1.673 x10-24 1
neutron n 0 0 1.675 x 10-24 1
-19 -28
electron e- –1.6022 x 10 –1 9.11 x 10 1/1840
2. Deflection of sub-particles in electrical field and (electro)magnetic field.
Deflection in electrical field Deflection in (electro)magnetic field
i. From the graph : ratio of 35Cl+ to 37Cl+ is 100 : 33.33 or 3 : 1. From the ratio, we can
determine the relative atomic mass of chlorine :
RAM of Cl = (35 x 100) + (37+33.33) / 100 + 33.33 ; RAM of Cl = 35.5
ii. Also from the mass spectrum, we can see that there are 3 peaks at m/e 70, 72 and 74. The
abundance ratio of 3 peaks are measured at
m/e ratio Species involved Probability Percentage of abundance
a) The factors that affect the deflection of proton / electron are mass and charge 3 3 9 9
70 (35Cl – 35Cl)+ P 100% 56.25%
mass (m) 4 4 16 16
distance of deflection (35Cl – 37Cl)+ and 1 3 6 6
ch arg e (e ) 72 P 4 4 2 16 100% 37.5%
(37Cl – 35Cl)+ 16
Therefore, distance of deflection become further, when the mass is greater or the charge
of the species is lower. 1 1 1 1
74 (37Cl – 37Cl)+ P 100% 6.25%
4 4 16 16
PRE–U STPM CHEMISTRY I SEMESTER 1 I Chapter 1 - 6 - Short Note Revision Kursus Kecemerlangan STPM Chemistry I Chew Chin Kuen | 2
5. Mole concept and stoichiometry CHAPTER 2 : ELECTRONIC STRUCTURE OF ATOMS
4. Electronic configuration of an elements are written based on three rules and Principles
a) Aufbau's principle ~ electrons are filled up in orbitals from the lowest energy orbital
available ( 1s < 2s < 2p < 3s < 3p < 4s < 3d < 4p < 5s < 4d < …..)
b) Pauli Exclusion's Principle ~ an atomic orbital can hold a maximum of two electrons
with opposing quantum spins
c) Hund's Rule ~ when orbitals of equal energy are available, the most stable configuration
has the maximum number of unpaired electrons with parallel spins.
Examples :
Particles Electronic configuration
Main factors affecting the intermolecular forces
7N 1s2 2s2 2p3
Lattice energy Band theory - greater the
14Si 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p2 Weak Van Der Waals' forces
Q n Q n number of electrons
L.E. measure the interaction
19K 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s1 delocalised , greater the
r r conductivity. d-block
between 2 molecules.
22Ti 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 3d2 4s2 - LE is high when ions have Greater molecular mass,
elements will always have
high charge and small ionic greater weak VDW forces,
24Cr 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 3d5 4s1 higher conductivity than s-
radius. higher boiling point.
block elements.
29Cu 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 3d10 4s1
7N 1s2 2s2 2p6
2+ - high melting points - relatively high melting - Generally have low melting
14Si 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2
- hard yet brittle point and boiling point
24Cr 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 3d3 - insulator at solid state, - soft, ductile and malleable. - an insulator regardless of
when molten, it can conduct - conductor in solid, or in what state of matter. (except
29Cu2O 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 3d10
electricity molten state for C)
PRE–U STPM CHEMISTRY I SEMESTER 1 I Chapter 1 - 6 - Short Note Revision Kursus Kecemerlangan STPM Chemistry I Chew Chin Kuen | 4
1. Hybridisation in covalent molecules 2. Valence Shell Electron Pair Repulsion (VSEPR) Theories are based on 3 postulates
sp3 hybridisation sp2 hybridisation sp hybridisation a) Surrounding atoms repel themselves as far as possible to occupy their own space
b) Double bond and triple bond are considered as one bond
Hybridisation sp3 sp2 sp c) bond-pair electrons - bond-pair electrons repulsion < bond-pair electrons - lone-pair
electrons repulsion < lone pair electrons - lone pair electrons repulsion
1 s and 3 p merge to 1 s and 2 p merge to 1 s and 1 p merge to
Meaning overlap with orbitals of overlap with orbitals of overlap with orbitals of Arrangement
of e- pairs
linear trigonal planar trigonal planar
4 surrounding atoms 3 surrounding atoms 2 surrounding atoms
Example CH4 BCl3 BeF2 No of lone
2 bond pair electrons 3 bond pair electrons 2 bond pair electrons
pair and bond
0 lone pair electrons 0 lone pair electrons 1 lone pair electrons
pair electrons
Ground state
2p 2p 2p
of element
2s 2s 2s Lewis
Excited state
2s 2p 2s 2p 2s 2p
linear trigonal planar bent
Hybridised o 0
2pz 2py 2pz Angle 180 120 < 1200
sp3 sp2 sp Arrangement
of e- pairs
tetrahedral tetrahedral tetrahedral
No of lone
Hybrid 4 bond pair electrons 3 bond pair electrons 2 bond pair electrons
pair and bond
diagram 0 lone pair electrons 1 lone pair electrons 2 lone pair electrons
pair electrons
Angle 109.5 o
120 o
180 o diagram
Shape tetrahedral trigonal planar linear Geometrical
tetrahedral trigonal pyramidal bent
Formation of multiple bonds in ethene ethyne
Hybridisation sp2 sp
Angle 109.5o 1070 104.50
of e- pairs
trigonal bipyramidal trigonal bipyramidal trigonal bipyramidal
Ground and 2s 2p
excited state 2p
No of lone
2s 5 bond pair electrons 4 bond pair electrons 3 bond pair electrons
pair and bond
0 lone pair electrons 1 lone pair electrons 2 lone pair electrons
pair electrons
state 2pz 2py 2pz
sp2 sp Lewis
Orbitals Geometrical
trigonal bipyramidal see saw T-shape
o o 0
Angle 120 & 90 Less than 120 Less than 1200
PRE–U STPM CHEMISTRY I SEMESTER 1 I Chapter 1 - 6 - Short Note Revision Kursus Kecemerlangan STPM Chemistry I Chew Chin Kuen | 5
Arrangement 4. Flow chart below shows how to determine whether a molecule is polar or non-polar
of e- pairs
trigonal bipyramidal octahedral octahedral
No of lone
2 bond pair electrons 6 bond pair electrons 5 bond pair electrons
pair and bond
3 lone pair electrons 0 lone pair electrons 1 lone pair electrons
pair electrons
linear octahedral Square pyramidal
o 0
Angle 180 90 < 900
Boyle's 1
P P1V1 = P2V2
Law V
8. Phase diagram - a graph of pressure against temperature which explain how solid, liquid
and gas are formed between each other.
a) Phase diagram of water, H2O b) phase diagram of carbon dioxide, CO2
c) Particles collides with minimum amount of energy called as activation energy. Activation
energy is the minimum amount of energy required to initiate a chemical reaction.
3. During a chemical reaction take place, a substance will be formed during chemical
reaction. For example, in the hydrolysis of haloalkane :
b) Note in the phase diagram of water, the melting curve slopes to the left with increasing
pressure showing that as the pressure is increased, the melting point of ice decreases
slightly. This is unusual because an increase in pressure usually favours the formation of
solid. However, this behaviour is due to ice having an open structure. As the pressure
exerted is increased, the hydrogen bonds between the H 2O molecules in ice are broken
down, changing the ice into a denser liquid phase which occupies a smaller volume. Same a) From the reaction, is called as intermediate, a substance formed during
things applied when temperature increased. Hydrogen bond between ice broken, and the chemical reaction, but will not formed as a product
open structure of ice broken. As a result, distance between water molecules become 4. - Rate law is a way to expresses the relationship of the rate of a reaction to the rate constant
closer, hence volume decreased, which increase the density of water. and the concentrations of the reactants raised to some powers
c) For carbon dioxide, its solid is called as dry ice, which is used as refrigerant. Fumy effect - Rate constant, k, is the proportionality constant of the reaction, in which the value remain
is due to as dry ice sublimed when surrounding heat is absorbed, surrounding temperature constant under constant temperature
decreased. As a result, water vapour from the surrounding condensed hence form the - order of reaction, x and y, is the power to which the concentration of the reactants (in this
fume. case, [A] and [B] respectively) is raised to in the rate equation
PRE–U STPM CHEMISTRY I SEMESTER 1 I Chapter 1 - 6 - Short Note Revision Kursus Kecemerlangan STPM Chemistry I Chew Chin Kuen | 9
Example of calculation to determine order of reaction
Zero order First order Second order O2 (g) + 2 NO (g) → 2 NO2 (g)
Rate rate = k [A]0 1 rate = k [A]2 or The rate equation, expressed in general form, is
rate = k [A]
equation = k rate = k [A] [B] rate = k [O2]x [NO]y
Unit of k -3 -1
mol dm s s-1 mol-1 dm3 s-1 Note that the order of reaction cannot be determined directly from the
[reactant] [reactant] [reactant] stoichiometry of the reaction. To find out the orders of reactant with respect to each O 2 and
NO, we run series of experiments, starting each one with a different set of reactant
[A]0 [A]0 concentrations and obtaining an initial rate in each case.
Graph of
Initial concentration of reactant Initial rate
k = - gradient O2 / mol dm-3 NO / mol dm-3 (mol dm-3 s-1)
[A]0/2 [A]0/2 1 1.10 x 10 -2
2.50 x 10-2 2.40 x 10-3
vs time
2 2.20 x 10 2.50 x 10-2 4.80 x 10-3
[A]0/4 [A]0/4 -2
3 1.10 x 10 5.00 x 10-2 9.60 x 10-3
time From each experiment, the rate equations are expressed individually, where
t½ t½ time t½ 2t½ time
rate rate rate Experiment 1 : 2.40 x 10-3 = k (1.10 x 10-2)x (2.50 x 10-2)y
Experiment 2 : 4.80 x 10-3 = k (2.20 x 10-2)x (2.50 x 10-2)y
Experiment 3 : 9.60 x 10-3 = k (1.10 x 10-2)x (5.00 x 10-2)y
Graph of Comparing Exp 2 to Exp 1 : 4.80 x 10-3 = k (2.20 x 10-2)x (2.50 x 10-2)y
rate gradient = k 2.40 x 10-3 = k (1.10 x 10-2)x (2.50 x 10-2)y
against 2 = (2)x
[reactant] Order of reaction with respect to O2 ; x = 1
Comparing Expe 3 to Exp 1 : 9.60 x 10-3 = k (1.10 x 10-2)x (5.00 x 10-2)y
2.40 x 10-3 = k (1.10 x 10-2)x (2.50 x 10-2)y
[reactant] [reactant] [reactant]
4 = (2)x
1 1 Order of reaction with respect to NO ; x = 2
Equation [A]0 – [A]t = k t ln [A]0 – ln [A]t = kt kt From the order of reaction deduced, the rate equation is rate = k [O2][NO]2.
[A] t [A]0 The overall order of reaction = 1 + 2 = 3
Half-life Using any experiment, rate constant can be calculated. For example, in experiment 1
t½ = [A]0 / 2k t½ = 0.693 / k t½ = 1 / k [A]0
equation 2.40 x 10-3 = k (1.10 x 10-2) (2.50 x 10-2)2
[A]t against time ln [A]t against time 1 / [A]t against time k = 349 mol-2 dm6 s-1.
[A]t ln [A]t 1 / [A]t
5 Chemical reactions may occur in one way reaction or a reversible reaction. In a one way
reaction, process may be taken in multiple steps, and therefore irreversible back to the
reactants, as they might involve in steps that required higher activation energies. Example
2 NO (g) + O2 (g) 2 NO2 (g)
k = gradient k = gradient k = gradient Mech-
Linear Reaction Equation Rate equation
plot anism
Step 1 2 NO slow
N 2 O 2 rate = k [NO]2
N 2O2 O2
Step 2 rate = k [N2O2] [O2]
2 NO 2
time time time
In a mechanism, slow step is rate determining step. Therefore, the rate equation for the
overall reaction can be written as rate = k [NO]2.
PRE–U STPM CHEMISTRY I SEMESTER 1 I Chapter 1 - 6 - Short Note Revision Kursus Kecemerlangan STPM Chemistry I Chew Chin Kuen | 10
6. Generally, the rate of reaction increased with temperature as it affect the rate by increased CHAPTER 6A : CHEMICAL EQUILIBRIUM
the rate constant of the reaction. The dependence of the rate constant of a reaction on
temperature can be expressed by using Arrhenius equation 1. Dynamic equilibrium ~ In a reversible reaction, a system is to say reaches dynamic
E k = rate constant A = Arrhenius constant equilibrium when the concentration of reactants and products remain constant, while the
A T = temperature EA = activation energy reaction is ongoing at the rate of forward reaction is the same as the rate of backward
k Ae RT
R = gas constant (8.31 J mol-1 K-1) reaction.
a) For example : w A (aq) + x B (aq) ↔ y C (aq) + z D (aq)
a) When Arrhenius equation is derived, the equation can be re-expressed as :
E E 1 equilibrium constant of concentration, [C]y [D]z
ln k ln A A ; rearrange the equation ln k A ln A KC
RT R T [A]w [B]x
b) When a graph of ln k against 1/T (in Kelvin) is plotted, the gradient of the graph can be b) If a gaseous system is involved, not only it can be expressed as Kc, but it can also be
used to calculate the activation energy of the reaction. expressed as equilibrium constant of partial pressure, Kp
c) Activation energy can also be calculated when the rate constant at two different N2 (g) + 3 H2 (g) 2 NH3 (g)
Equilibrium constant of concentration, KC Equilibrium constant of partial pressure, KP
E E k E 1 1
ln k1 ln k 2 A ln A A ln A ln 1 A [ NH3 ] 2 (PNH 3 ) 2
RT 1 RT 2 k 2 R T
2 T1 KC KP
[ N 2 ][ H 2 ]3 (PN 2 ) (PH 2 ) 3
7. Catalyst is a substance added to a chemical reaction to alter the rate of reaction.
- catalyst is added to lower the activation energy by providing an alternative route for the 2. Method of calculating Kc and Kp for examples of reaction are stated below
reaction to take place. However, amount of product will remain the same. a) Dissociation of phosphorous (V) pentachloride
- the route provided by catalyst is specific. However, even without the addition of catalyst, PCl5 (g) ↔ PCl3 (g) + Cl2 (g)
the reaction will still take place, its just that catalyst will make reaction occur faster. Initial mol 1 mol 0 0
degree of dissociation, - + +
a) Energy profile of endothermic and exothermic reaction with and without the addition of
catalyst is described in the diagram below At equilibrium 1-
If calculating KP of reaction
If calculating Kc of 1. First calculate their mol fraction
total mol = 1 - + + =1+
XPCl5 = ( ) XPCl3 = ( ) XCl2 = ( )
KP =
b) Autocatalyst is formed when product itself act as catalyst. An example of reaction for
autocatalyst is the reaction between sodium ethanedioate and potassium manganate (VII) b) Another example is the dissociation of dinitrogen tetraoxide, N 2O4 (g) to form nitrogen
2 MnO4- (aq) + 5 C2O42- (aq) + 16 H+ (aq) → 2 Mn2+ (aq) + 10 CO2 (g) + 8 H2O (l) dioxide gas, NO2 (g)
N2O4 (g) ↔ 2 NO2 (g)
Initial mol 1 mol 0
degree of dissociation, - +2
At equilibrium 1- 2
PRE–U STPM CHEMISTRY I SEMESTER 1 I Chapter 1 - 6 - Short Note Revision Kursus Kecemerlangan STPM Chemistry I Chew Chin Kuen | 11
If calculating KP of reaction 4. Temperature is the only factor that can change the equilibrium constant of a chemical
If calculating Kc of 1. First calculate their mol fraction equilibrium. This can be deduced using Van't Hoff equation, which is expressed below
reaction total mol = 1 - + 2 =1+ H ∆H = enthalpy change of reaction
ln K C R = gas constant (8.31 J mol-1 K-1)
XN2O4 = ( ) XNO2 = ( ) RT T = temperature in Kelvin (x 0C + 273)
2. The find its partial pressure (total pressure = P tot) a) Based on the expression above, if a graph of ln K against 1/T is plotted, a liner graph will
be obtained. Using this graph, the enthalpy change of a chemical reaction can be
( ) PN2O4 = ( )Ptot PNO2 = ( ) Ptot
determined. Table below summarised the graph of endothermic and exothermic process
( ) 3. The substitute all partial pressure into Kp
Exothermic process Endothermic process
KP =
3. Le Châtelier’s principle states that if an external stress is applied to a system at
equilibrium, the system adjusts in such a way that the stress is partially offset as the
system reaches a new equilibrium position.
a) Concentration :- changes of concentration will shift position to counter the changes
toward the concentration of the substance involved. However, Kc and Kp will remain
b) Pressure : If the pressure of the system is increased, equilibrium will adjust to decrease
the pressure by shifting to the position with less total mol of gas. 1/T / K-1 1/T / K-1
- If the pressure of the system is decreased, equilibrium will adjust to increase the
pressure by shifting to the position with more total mol of gas. b) At two different temperature, ∆H of the reaction can also be calculated using the formula
i. When an inert gas is added to an equilibrium system under constant volume,
equilibrium will not be disturbed, hence position of equilibrium will not shift. K 2 H 1 1
ii. When an inert gas is added to an equilibrium system under constant pressure,
the total pressure will not change , and adding inert gas will decrease the partial
K1 R T1 T2
pressure of the gaseous mixture, hence position of equilibrium will shift its position
to increase the pressure, therefore position with more total mol of gas.
However, regardless how the pressure changes, KC and KP will remain constant.
c) Temperature :- when temperature increased, system will respond to decrease the
temperature - by shifting to the direction of decreasing temperature, hence an
endothermic path. Conversely, when temperature decreased, system will respond to
increase the temperature - by shifting to the direction of increasing temperature, hence
an exothermic reaction
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+ -
CHAPTER 6B : ACID-BASE AND SOLUBILITY EQUILIBRIA 3. Ionic product of water is derived from the equation H 2O (l) ↔ H (aq) + OH (aq). From
+ -
the reaction, ionic product of water, Kw = [H ] [OH ]
1. Bronsted-Lowry acid : substance which donate proton to base a) o -14 2 -6
At 25 C, Kw = 1.0 x 10 mol dm . Using this figure, Kw is expressed as pKw.
Bronsted-Lowry base : substance which accept proton from acid. Therefore, the equation Kw = [H+] [OH-] is applied with negative logarithm.
Lewis acid : substance which accept lone pair electron from a base -lg 1.0 x 10-14 mol2 dm-6 = -lg [H+] + (-lg [OH-] ) @ 14 = pH + pOH
Lewis base : substance which donate lone pair electron to an acid.
b) Under certain derivation, Kw = Ka x Kb
From the angle of Bronsted-Lowry acid-base theory :
CH3COOH (aq) + H2O (l) ↔ CH3COO- (aq) + H3O+ (aq) 4. Indicator is a weak organic acid added to a solution to show acidity of a solution. A few
B.L acid B.L base conjugate base conjugate acid example of indicator are shown below
Indicator Acid Basic End point colour
From the angle of Lewis acid-base theory : Methyl orange Reddish orange Yellow Orange
Bromothymol blue Yellow Blue Green
Phenolphthalein Colourless Pink purplish Light pink
In the titration curve section shall discuss further of how its applied
2. For a dissociation of a weak acid/base, the strength of an acid /base can be measured 5. Buffer solution ~ solution where pH does not change much when a little acid or base is
using dissociation constant of acid, Ka or base, Kb. added to the solution
Equation HA (aq) + H2O (l) H3O+ (aq) + A- (aq) a) Acidic buffer [Eg : CH3COOH (weak acid) and CH3COONa (salt of conjugate base) ]
Initially concentration c (unknown) 1 (constant) 0 0 Basic buffer [Eg : CH3NH2 (weak base) and CH3NH3Cl (salt of conjugate acid) ]
Degree = -c +c +c b) Role of buffer solution :- In aqueous solution, both ethanoic acid and sodium ethanoate
dissociate accordingly to the following equations :
At equilibrium c(1-) c c
CH3COOH (aq) + H2O (l) ↔ CH3COO- (aq) + H3O+ (aq)
[H 3O +] [A ] Substitute the concentration of [H3O+], [A-] and [HA] into the CH3COONa (aq) → CH 3COO- (aq) + Na+ (aq)
Ka When a little acid is added to the solution, H+ added will react with CH3COO- to form
[HA ] equation
CH3COOH, therefore does not affect the concentrated of H+ in the buffer system. When
(c)(c) Since is very small (less than 0.05 is consider small), a little base is added to the buffer solution, OH- will react with H+ in system, where
c(1 ) therefore we assume that 1 ≈ 1. H+ + OH- H2O. Therefore decreased the concentration of H+. Based on Le Chatelier
Principle, equilibrium in (1) will shift to the right, and form H+ to compensate the H+
(c)(c) Therefore, [H3O+] = K a c
Ka Since [H3O+] = c lost in the system.
c c) The equation used for determining pH of buffer solution with the appropriate ratio of
2 + weak acid and its conjugate base salt used is :
Ka = c pKa = lg Ka and pH = lg [H3O ] [ weak acid ] [ weak base]
pH pK a lg pOH pK b lg
Equation M (aq) + H2O (l) +
MH (aq) + OH (aq) - [conjugate base] (salt ) [conjugate acid ] (salt )
At equilibrium c(1-) c c
5. Dissociation of polyprotic acid take place in stages of neutralisation. For example in the
[MH 2 ] [OH ]
Substitute the concentration of [MH2+], [OH-] and neutralisation of sulphite acid, H2SO3, with NaOH, it undergoes 2 stages of reaction
Kb Stage 1 : NaOH (aq) + H2SO3 (aq) → NaHSO3 (aq) + H2O (l)
[MH ] [MH] into the equation
Stage 2 : NaOH (aq) + NaHSO3 (aq) → Na2SO3 (aq) + H2O (l)
(c)(c) Since is very small (less than 0.05 is consider small), Each stage of neutralisation at equal volume. Another example is the reaction of HCl with
c(1 ) therefore we assume that 1 ≈ 1. sodium carbonate, Na2CO3.
Stage 1 : HCl (aq) + Na2CO3 (aq) → NaHCO3 (aq) + NaCl (aq)
(c)(c) (c)(c)
Kb Since [OH] = c Kb Stage 2 : HCl (aq) + NaHCO3 (aq) → NaCl (aq) + H2O (l) + CO2 (g)
c c
Kb = c 2 pKb = lg Kb Kb = c 2
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PRE–U STPM CHEMISTRY I SEMESTER 1 I Chapter 1 - 6 - Short Note Revision Kursus Kecemerlangan STPM Chemistry I Chew Chin Kuen | 14
PRE–U STPM CHEMISTRY I SEMESTER 1 I Chapter 1 - 6 - Short Note Revision Kursus Kecemerlangan STPM Chemistry I Chew Chin Kuen | 15
6. - Solubility is the quantity of solute that dissolved in unit volume of saturated solution at CHAPTER 6C : PHASE EQUILIBRIA
a given temperature
- Solubility product, Ksp, of a sparingly soluble electrolyte is the product of the 1. Ideal solution ~ mixture of two solutions that obey Raoult's Law. Two characteristics of
concentrations of the ions in a saturated solution at a given temperature ideal solutions are :
a) Intermolecular forces between two solutions and mixing solutions are the same
b) No heat absorb or liberated when mixed. Therefore, total volume = summation of volume
of two solution mixture.
2. Diagram of vapour pressure composition graph and boiling point composition graph.
Vapour Pressure / kPa Boiling point / oC
a) The common ion effect is the suppression of the ionization of a weak acid or weak base
by the presence of a common ion from a strong electrolyte. For example : gas
Mg(OH)2 (aq) ↔ Mg2+ (aq) + 2 OH- (aq) liquid
When strong base, NaOH, is added to Mg(OH)2 aqueous solution, concentration of OH- is
high, therefore equilibrium shift to left, therefore decrease solubility.
b) At a particular temperature, Ksp value indicates the maximum product of ion
concentrations in solution at equilibrium. MX (s) M+ (aq) + X- (aq) liquid
Ionic product, Q = [M ] [X ] - gas
a) If ionic product, Q = Ksp → The system is at equilibrium and the solution is saturated,
formation of precipitate is observed. 0 mol fraction composition 1 0 mol fraction composition 1
b) If ionic product, Q > Ksp → The system is not at equilibrium and the solution is
supersaturated. The concentrations of the ions in solution are too high and thus the salt 3. Fractional distillation ~ technique use to separate 2 miscible liquids.
will precipitate. Boiling point / oC When a mixture at composition a is brought
c) If ionic product [M+] [X-] < Ksp → The system is not at equilibrium and the solution to fractional distillation, it will first boil at
is not saturated (ie. more solid can dissolve until equilibrium is achieved), so no gas temperature T1, and vapour mixture is at
precipitate formed T1 composition b, which then condensed at
Example 1: Will a precipitate form when 50 cm3 of 0.050 mol dm-3 AgNO3 is added to 50 temperature T2. Fractional distillation
cm3 of 0.10 mol dm-3 KBrO3? [Ksp AgBrO3 = 6.0 x 10-5 mol2 dm-6] T2 continue at the second plate, where liquid
For [Ag+] in mixture, For [BrO3-] in mixture, mixture boiled at T2 and gives vapour
M1V1 = M2V2 (total) (0.050)(50) M1V1 = M2V2 (total) (0.10)(50) T3 composition at c, then condensed at
M2 M2 liquid temperature T3. Note that concentration of A
(50 50) (50 50) keep increasing as mixture distillate where
M2 = 0.025 mol dm-3 M2 = 0.050 mol dm-3 vaporation - condensation keep on occurring
' a b c
Since AgBrO3 (s) ↔ Ag+ (aq) + BrO3- (aq) ; Therefore, Q = [Ag+][BrO3-] 0 mol fraction composition A 1
until pure A is distillate, leaving pure B as
Q = (0.025)(0.050) = 1.25 x 10-3 mol2 dm-6 residue.
Since Q > Ksp ; therefore mixing both solution will form precipitate of AgBrO 3.
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o o
Deviation from Ideal solution behaviour. boiling point / C boiling point / C
Negative deviation Positive deviation
HCl – H2O ; HNO3 – H2O ; H2SO4 – Propanol – H2O ; ethanol – H2O ;
Example HCOOH ; phenol – aniline ; acetone ethanol – toluene ; ethanol and Boiling
(CH3COCH3) – CHCl3 benzene point-
Intermolecular forces between A---B Intermolecular forces between A---B compo-
Happen sition
molecules are stronger than in molecules are weaker than in between
when curve
between pure A---A and pure B---B pure A---A and pure B---B
Partial Since the intermolecular forces are Since the intermolecular forces are 0 1 0 1
pressure stronger in A---B ; the partial vapour weaker in A---B ; the partial vapour Composition by % mass A Composition by % mass A
of pressure are lower than expected in pressure are higher than expected in
mixture Raoult’s Law Raoult’s Law
Fractional distillation of negative deviation
Since the intermolecular forces are Since the intermolecular forces are
boiling point / oC
Heat stronger, A --- B are more stable than weaker, A --- B are less stable than st
1 Distillate : 1st Distillate :
changes their individual forces, thus the their individual force thus the process
Pure B Pure A
process is exothermic is endothermic
2nd distillate : 2nd distillate :
HCl and H2O Azeotropic mixture Azeotropic mixture
The forces hold between HCl – HCl Ethanol, C2H5OH and H2O
are pure Van Der Waals forces The intermolecular forces between Residue : Residue :
whereas the forces between H2O – ethanol – ethanol are hydrogen Pure A + impurities Pure B + impurities
H2O are pure hydrogen bonding bonding and same goes to between
When HCl and H2O are mixed water – water. 0 1
together, it will ionised to form However, when this 2 solutions are Composition by % mass A
HCl + H2O H3O+ + Cl- mixed, the hydrogen between water
The ionic interactions between are broken by ethanol and reduce the Fractional distillation of positive deviation
hydrated ions are stronger than both intermolecular forces formed between boiling point / oC
Van Der Waals forces and hydrogen ethanol – water. st
1 Distillate : 1st Distillate :
bond. Azeotropic mixture Azeotropic mixture
Since mixing the solution causes a Since mixing the solution causes a 2nd distillate : 2nd distillate :
stronger attraction forces formed weaker attraction forces formed Pure B Pure A
between A---B ; so when 50 cm3 A + between A---B ; so when 50 cm3 A +
50 cm3 B < 100 cm3. 50 cm3 B > 100 cm3. Residue : Residue :
kPa kPa Pure A + impurities Pure B + impurities
0 1
Vapour Composition by % mass A
compo- Azeotropic mixture is a mixture of two solution that has a constant boiling point, which
sition the liquid state is at equilibrium with gaseous state
0 1 0 1
mol fraction of A mol fraction of A