Multi-Day Lesson Plan 1

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Teachworthy Lesson Plan Template

Week of Date: July 11, 2022- July 13, 2022 Teacher: Ms. Donna Martin

Categories Monday Tuesday Wednesday

Objective TEKS: TEKS: TEKS:
(List TEKS aligned to 1.2.c- Demonstrate and apply spelling 1.2c Demonstrate and apply spelling 1.2c; spelling words with initial
the curriculum) knowledge by: spelling high frequency knowledge by; spelling words using sound- and final constant blends,
words from a research-based list spelling patterns digraphs, and trigraphs
SMART Objective SMART Objective SMART Objective
Students will be able to identify high Students will be able to sort spelling words Students will be able to categorize
frequency words through applied into single syllable and multi-syllable words based on constant blend
spelling knowledge categories sounds
Assessing/Rehearsing Assessing/Rehearsing Assessing/Rehearsing Assessing/Rehearsing
(Planned project or assignment.
Students will be tested weekly to Given a list of words, students will sort words Students will be given
Must be aligned to objective).
assess their knowledge. into perspective groups by syllable. worksheets that has different
constant blends and they will
be responsible for categorizing
words into their proper
Material Planning Material Planning category.
Material Planning Device, Pencil, paper, and task cards.
Paper, pencil, word list Material Planning
Retrieval/ Worksheets, pencil, paper
Introduction Retrieval/
Who can explain to me what words are Introduction Retrieval/ Introduction
Retrieval/ made up of? Today’s focus will be on listening to
We will be working on
Introduction Where are some places where you spelling patterns from your spelling words
constant blend sounds such
(Activate pQrior knowledge) may have seen these words before? and making connections to which words
have similar patterns.
as bl, br, cl,dr, fl. We will
This lesson will allow you to identify
How many sounds did you hear in the work on grouping words into
and spell high frequency words upon
recognition. word? their proper constant blend
Relevance-Hook group.
(Capture their attention ) Relevance-Hook Relevance-Hook
 Metaphors A spelling game where students will be Relevance-Hook
 Analogies able to practice their spelling Students will watch a video on Brain Pop Students will watch a video
vocabulary, practice their listening jr. pertaining to spelling patterns. on Brain Pop Jr. for constant
skills, while developing a positive blends, trigraphs
attitude towards learning
Essential Vocabulary Essential Vocabulary Essential Vocabulary Essential Vocabulary
(List words and mastery activities)
Vocabulary Syllables
Patterns Constant blend
Daily Connections Diagraph

Instruction/Guided Practice Routing-Direct
Routing-Direct Instruction/Guided Practice with
with resources Instruction/Guided Practice
(What are you going to DO and USE to Instruction/Guided Practice resources
with resources
teach your students? with resources
Refer to Bloom’s Taxonomy to ensure Students will be put into small Students will go into cooperative
rigor. Modeling is essential: “I do, we Students will be able to work with their groups to work one on one
do”) Work Stations, Cooperative learning groups into think pair
table mates and practice on the with the teacher for further
Learning Groups share where they will work
spelling of each word. I will walk instruction. Students will take together on identifying and
around the room and assess that turns showcasing their level of placing words into their correct
everyone is on task and provide
knowledge about spelling group. They will be instructed to
remediation as needed.
patterns, through writing each challenge and ask questions to
word in its perspective group. their neighboring peers as I walk
How many different sounds around to formatively assess
do you hear in this word? Are whether students are on the right
there other words with the
same sound pattern?
Retaining-Independent Practice with Resources
Practice with Resources
Students will be working with
Retaining-Independent Practice with Resources Students will be put into small their table in workstations to
Students will be put into differentiated group with the teacher, while
Practice with Resources break down words into their
small group instruction at the teacher
(“You Do” Students demonstrate their they are given independent proper constant blend group
understanding) table, where they will observe the
task to work on to further using worksheets that use
 Questioning teacher showing through visual
apply their knowledge. digraphs and trigraphs as
 Cause and Effect presentation different ways to learn
example. Teacher will table walks
 Table Walks High frequency words, then students
Work Stations, Differentiated Small
to ensure everyone is engaged
will be given the opportunity to
Group Instruction at Teacher Table, and on task.
Technology Differentiated Lessons Re-Exposing-Check for
Re-Exposing-Check for Re-Exposing-Check for
Re-Exposing-Check for Understanding Understanding Understanding
(Helps you determine if your Students will be placed in multiple Students will be put into Students will walk around
students are getting it. Use stations where some will utilize device stations where they will work the room and find names
Blooms Taxonomy Question Stems to help with the spelling of high on different activities that of things that can be
to explore higher order thinking). frequency words. Other stations will consist of different spelling grouped into the different
have visual cards to see the words and patterns. sound blends that we are
the last station will be listening to currently exploring.
auditory reviews of the high frequency The teacher will monitor
words. students who are struggling The teacher will monitor
and pull them to a small group students who are
The teacher will monitor students who to address misunderstandings struggling and pull them
are struggling and pull them to a small to a small group to
group to address misunderstandings address
Reflection-Daily misunderstandings
EXIT TICKET/Assessment
(At the conclusion of every lesson
Reflection-Daily Reflection-Daily
EXIT TICKET/Assessment Reflection-Daily
they should complete an exit ticket EXIT TICKET/Assessment
Pair- Share- Explain to your neighbor EXIT TICKET/Assessment
like strategy that prompts them to Students will have to choose 5 words
answer a question or performing a two things that you have learned today that they will need to write down
operation targeting the big idea of along with two places that we typically Students will choose 3 words
how many spelling patterns are in
the lesson) see vocabulary words. with the same constant blend
each word.
and write them down.
(Extended learning and practice. Must
be objective relevant while Rehearsal-Homework
demonstrative). Students will be able to complete a
Rehearsal-Homework Rehearsal-Homework
spelling lesson on Imagine Learning
Students will practice Spelling words Students will need to complete
that covers the entire spelling
Rigor-Instructional by alphabetizing words in order. worksheets that show different spelling
lesson for the week.
Resources patterns.
Bloom’s Taxonomy
Increase the rigor of your lesson by using ACTION WORDS in your objectives to ensure you are teaching at the HIGHEST LEVELS

Knowledge Comprehension Application Analysis Synthesis Evaluation

Count, Define, Conclude, Apply, Change, Analyze, Characterize, Compose, Construct, Appraise, Argue,
Describe, Draw, Find, Demonstrate, Discuss, Choose, Compute, Classify, Compare, Create, Design, Assess, Choose,
Identify, Label, List, Explain, Generalize, Dramatize, Interview, Contrast, Debate, Develop, Integrate, Conclude, Critic,
Match, Name, Quote, Identify, Illustrate, Prepare, Produce, Deduce, Diagram, Invent, Make, Decide, Evaluate,
Recall, Recite, Interpret, Paraphrase, Role-play, Select, Differentiate, Organize, Perform, Judge, Justify, Predict,
Sequence, Tell, Write Predict, Report, Show, Transfer, Use Discriminate, Plan, Produce, Prioritize, Prove,
Restate, Review, Distinguish, Examine, Propose, Rewrite Rank, Rate, Select
Summarize, Tell Outline, Relate,
Research, Separate

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