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Insurance Management System: A Project Report On "

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Project Report
“Insurance Management System”

RihaSoft Ltd. , Jalgaon.

Submitted in the partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

Submitted By
PRN NO.:- 334411200159
Email ID: [email protected]


K.C.E Society’s

Moolji Jaitha College , Jalgaon.

"An Autonomous College Affiliated to K.B.C. North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon."
NAAC Accredited ‘A’ Grade (with CGPA 3.63) UGC honored
‘College of Excellence’
Academic Year - 2021-22
Guided By

Prof. H.D.Deshmukh
This is to certify the NAVADE SANDHYA SAMADHAN student of
T.Y.B.C.A. SEM-VI of M .J.College(Autonomous),Jalgaon[Project work]
has details information on ‘Insurance Management System. She is Hard
Working and sincere, and we wish her every success in future.
She has developed the project in partial fulfillment of the requirement
for the TYBCA [Computer Application] under our supervision and guidance
during the year 2021-2022.

Date: / /2021-22

Place: Jalgaon

K.C.E. Society’s


"An Autonomous College Affiliated to K.B.C. North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon."
NAAC Re-accredited “A” Grade (with CGPA 3.63)
UGC honored “College of Excellence”ISO
9001:2008 Certified

Faculty of Science
Professional Management

This is to certify that NAVADE SANDHYA SAMADHAN is
a confide student of M. J. College, Jalgaon and She has completed
the Project, titled Insurance Management System guidance in
partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of “Bachelor of
Computer Application” for the year 2021-2022 of KBC North
Maharashtra University, Jalgaon.

Project Guide HOD

Examiner Examiner

The satisfaction that accompanies that the successful completion of

any task would be incomplete without the mention of people whose ceaseless
cooperation made it possible, whose constant guidance and encouragement
crown all efforts with success.
We are grateful to our project guide Prof. H.D.Deshmukh for the
guidance, inspiration and constructive suggestions that helpful to us in the
preparation of this project.

I acknowledge most sincerely and respectfully CA A. N.

Arsiwala,Incharge of Management Faculty, Moolji Jaitha College
(Autonomous), Jalgaon.
Finally, I appreciate my colleagues and friends who kindly offered their
suggestions, comments and criticism for improvement of this report



Sr. Chapter name

1. Introduction

2. Needs

3. Objective

4. Scope of project

5. Technology proposed for project

6. Feasibility Study

7. Case Tools

8. Testing tools

9. Onscreen Views

10. Limitation

11. Conclusion

12. User manPual

13. References
1. Introduction

Nowadays, insurance have been widely accepted by the public . There are
many type of Insurance such as car insurance, accident insurance, property
insurance, Life insurance and others. I f you pick 10 people to be survey and ask
whether they are covered by insurance , I am sure most of them give a positive

The users will benefit from IMS are the insurance agent from various
insurance companies such as AIA Insurance , Prudential Insurance,ING
Insurance,Kurnia Insurance and others .For this project ,AIA insurance company
will be my reference organization .The insurance packages offers by AIA will be
integrated into the IMS. The insurance rate calculation is based on the rate given
by AIA.Other insurance packages from other companies can also integrate into the
system. The IMS administrator can set the rate into IMS.

Admin finds it very easy way to obtain the customer, supplier and Bill
 User friendly.
 Admin can get the Timely Information from the database without any
delay regarding the query.
 This reduces the delay of response.
 System provides Reports to admin for making quick decisions.

Objectives of project:
The main benefits of this software will be paper saving and most important one:
Time saving. Earlier these records were maintained on a paper on daily basis but
now these can be easily done using this software.

All the transactions can carried out (with details) in this software. This
software can be installed on any Operating System. This software does not require
special templates, frames, coding, or server-side technology.

1) Volume Handling: - It is possible to keep the sales & purchase records on

papers but since sales & purchases are daily transactions it will requires too large
bundle of papers which needs large storage area & than also the papers get older
soon as the time passes.
The computer being electronic machine saves each & every data for long
period as we desire & protects it from damage. It has large memory capacity,
which can store more than sufficient amount of data.

2) Reliability: - As the data is saved one can add, modify & delete data as & when
required. Processing is done by the computers are accurate provided that user is
accurate & the reports generated are appropriate, attractive & more readable so
users may rely on the computer

3) Speed/Communication: - Being electronic device the computer processing is

faster and that increases the speed of work and within few seconds the records of
previous years can also be processed. It affects the communication & decision
making also.

4) Security: - As the data stored & doesn’t get damaged unless the physical device
is not proper. The part of the data can be viewed & can be taken on printers as &
when required. One can validate the data while entering. The storage of previous
records is possible by secondary device & provides future retrieval.

5) Complete Control: - One can get the proper massages & accordingly decide
regarding the future plans & hence the complete control is left to computer.

6) Cost: - The decision at the right time makes it possible to keep the stock in
control & thus provide right investment.

 The system is convenient and flexible to be used. It saves their time, efforts,
money and resources.
 User Friendliness is provided in the application with various controls provided
by system Rich User Interface.
 The user information files can be stored in centralized database which can be
maintained by the system.
 Purchasing insurance online is convenient and fast. With click of a mouse
customers can buy any policy from any corner of the world at any point of
 This system maintains profile management of all policy holders. This system
providing interface to customer that helps to him to know his policy details.
 Payment process also like ecommerce transaction. Customers can pay their
policies through online. The payment processes is hassle-free and customer
can complete a transaction at a much lesser time.
 Since the customer buys directly from the insurance company, the agent’s
margin (or commissions) is saved. Also, the entire process is carried in the
virtual world and is paperless, reducing the costs further.
 This system provides information about new policies or existing polices
through online.
 All communication happens via email, which are faster and more reliable than
courier or post.


A major element in building system is selection of compatible hardware &

software. Hardware selection they begin with requirements analysis following
by a request for proposal, evaluation & validation, post installation review.

While selecting the software various criteria is considered such as

reliability (gives consistent results), functionality (function to standards),
capacity (satisfies volume requirements), flexibility (adapts to changing
needs), usability (user friendly), security (to prevent unauthorized access),
performance (capacity to deliver as expected), serviceability (good
documentation), minimal cost (affordable for intended application).

 Software Requirement:
1. Operating System-widows 10
2. Apache Netbeans IDE
3. .JDK,
4. MYSQL Workbench

 Hardware Requirement:
1. I3
2. Minimum 2GB RAM.
3. Maximum 500 GB HDD.
4. Input Devices: Keyboard, Mouse.

At the time of the development we have gone through the following phases:

Recognition of need (Requirement specification):

It refers to the organization’s needs, requirements and expectations from the
project to be developed. After recognizing the organization’s need, it has been
taken in writing and then a rough idea of the system/project has been given to the

1. Feasibility Study:
It is always essential to evaluate the various aspects before we develop
the project. Evaluation should always justify the cost and benefits ratio.
Economic, social and technical feasibility of project is analyzed.

2. Data Collection:
Here comes an important aspect of project development i.e. data
collection. For this to accomplish, we observe registers, bills, invoices and
order forms at client’s firm.

3. Data Normalization:
Normalization means allowing only a single value in a table’s row and
column intersection. For this, entities are identified from the data collected
and normalized tables with appropriate relationship and minimized
redundancy are designed.

4. System Design:
This step includes drawing of different diagrams such as DFD and ERD. It
includes database design, form design etc.

5. Coding:
It is the most critical stage among all the stages of development. It has
taken approximately seven days to complete. It involves giving functioning
to data entry forms with the help of action, validation, calculations and
linking of different data entry forms.
6. Testing: It involves testing of the working of the project.

7. Implementation:
This involves deployment of project to client side.

8. User training:
It is one day activity involving training to the user to operate the project

It is always essential to evaluate the various aspects before we develop a

system. Evaluation should always justify the cost and benefits ratio. If it is found
that benefits are less as compare to the cost of project, then it is better to avoid
going in for computerization.

The key consideration involved in the Feasibility analysis is:

1. Technical Feasibility.
2. Economical Feasibility.
3. Social Feasibility.

1. Technical Feasibility:
For this project technical feasibility should be studied in two aspects i.e.
Hardware feasibility and software feasibility. The system should be easy to update
i.e. if the user wants to made some changes in the system then it should be easy for
him to change without disturbing the initial system. It should be develop in such a
way that it will easy to operate.

It should be menu driven and provide help features and give message on each
option so it should be easy to even novice to operate the package. Few hours
training is sufficient to train the operator.

2. Economical feasibility:
Cost benefit analysis gives justification for the computerization. In this the
benefits and savings that are expected are comparing with costs. If benefits
overweigh cost then only the decision is made to design and implement the system.
In our case, computerization results reduction of cost, reduction of staff and
reduction and of non-reusable stationary. The computer stationary will replace
various types of bills and registers. However the overall effect on the operating
cost is that we get substantial reduction in monthly running cost. Cost will reduce
also in terms of reduction in expenses for space and computers required.

3. Social Feasibility:
Operating with records in both situations i.e. in manual system and
computerized system is quite different. Manual system is always disliked
because of the complications and other hustle involved in maintaining the
records. Computerization will be welcomed because of the simplicity in the
data entry and fastest and easy way of getting outputs. After computerization it
will become the job of single operator with no risk involved in posting and
report generation. Speed of the operation will also increase substantially and
hence reporting service to patient will be faster. Hence all welcomes
Data Flow Diagram (DFD)

 Data flow diagram is graphical tool which is used to describe and analyzethe
movement of data through a system. They focus on the data flowing into the
system, between processes and in & out of data stores.
 DFD is a graphical technique that detects information flow and transformation
that are applied as data move from input and output.
 DFD is a central tool and the basis from which other components are
 DFD provides mechanism for a final modeling as well as information flow
 DFD has very simple notation which are easily understood by the users &
those who involved in the system.

Symbol used for DFD

Symbol Meaning

External Entity as source


Process or Function.

Indicates the direction of data flow

File Storage i.e. data is

Stored for use by one or more.
Data Flow Diagram
Entity Relationship Diagram

An ER-Diagram can express the overall logical structure of a database graphically.

The Entity Relationship Diagram enable a software engineer to fully specify the
data objects that are input from a system, the attributes that define the properties of
these objects and the relationship between the objects.

o The ER model is one of the several semantic data models; the

semantic aspect of the model lies in the attempt to represent meaning
of the data.

o The ER model is extremely useful in mapping the meaning and

interaction of real world enterprise into a conceptual schema.

o It is notable point that concept of ERD is totally different from DFD.

The ER-Diagram is used to describe the logical organization of data.

There are following four type of relationships diagram between entities given as

1. One to One
2. One to Many
3. Many to One
4. Many to Many
Symbol used for ERD

Symbol Meaning




Entity Relationship Diagram

Testing is important from the point of view of accurate functioning of the project.
There are many testing measures and tools available to test a project.
Basic tools used to test this project are:

1) Black Box Testing.

2) White Box Testing

3) GUI Testing

1. Black Box Testing:

It is a method of software testing that tests the functionality of
an application as opposed to its internal structures or workings. Specific
knowledge of the application’s code/internal structure and programming
language in general is not required. The tester is only aware of what the
software is supposed to do, but not how i.e. when he enters a certain input,
he gets certain output; without being aware of how the output was produced.
Tests cases are build around specifications and requirements, i.e., what the
application is supposed to do. It uses external descriptions of the software,
including specifications, requirements and designs to derive test cases. These
test designer select valid and invalid inputs and determine the correct output.
There is knowledge of the test object’s internal structure.

This method of test can be applied to all levels of software testing: Unit,
Integration, System and Acceptance. It typically comprises most if not all
testing at higher levels, but can also dominate unit testing as well.
The advantages of this type of testing include:
 The test is unbiased because the designer and the tester are independent of
each other.
 The tester does not need knowledge of any specific programming languages.
 The test is done from the point of view of the user, not designer.

The disadvantages of this type of testing include:

 The case can be redundant if the software designer has already run a test
 The test cases are difficult to design.

2. White Box Testing:

White box testing is a method of testing software that tests internal
structures or workings of an application, as opposed to its functionality. In
white-box testing an internal perspective of the system, as well as
programming skills, are required and used to design the test cases. The tester
chooses input to exercise paths through the code and determine the
appropriate outputs. While white-box testing can be applied at the unit,
integration and system levels of the software testing process, it is usually
done at unit level. It can test paths within a unit, paths between units during
integration, and between subsystems during a system level test. Though this
method of test design can uncover many errors or problems, it might not
detect unimplemented parts of the specification or missing requirements.

White-Box test design techniques include:

 Control flow Testing
 Data flow Testing
 Branch Testing
 Path Testing

For a complete software examination, both white box and black box tests
are required.
3. Graphical User Interface Testing:
It is the process of testing a product’s graphical user interface to ensure it
meets its written specifications. This is normally done through the use of a
variety of test cases. It checks only the user friendliness. The creation of the
user interface is less time consuming for the user but more complex for the
programmer. It must be tested for its sole purpose.

This test must be carried out to ensure:

 Windows open properly.
 All data contents are properly addressable.
 All the graphical elements are available and displayed.
Multiple or incorrect mouse click do not produce side effects
9. Onscreen Views

Login Page
Signup Page
Forgot Password Page
Loading Page
Main System Page
Add Policies_holder
Clear Data From Textfield
Update Data - Page
Delete Policy_holder
Search Policy_holder

The problems faced by the researcher include lack of finance, research materials
and time.

Lack of money prevented the researcher from traveling outside Enugu to search for

Time: The time allocated to the project work is too short coupled with other
academic activities.

Research materials: Lack of research materials is another problem that faced the

Poor response from the respondents: Many of them fear that their masters will
victimize them if they release information’s.

A computerized insurance management system has been developed

and the system was tested with sample data.

The system results in regular timely preparations of required

outputs. In comparison with manual system the benefits under a
computer system are considerable in the saving of man power working
hours and Effort.

Provision for addition, updation and deletion of customers is there

in the system .It is observed that proper filing system has been adopted
for future reference. The entire project runs on windows environments.

The system can be used to make better management described at

appropriate time. The user gets amount and timely information system.

The system is-

 User Friendly- The system is totally user friendly & easy to operate
& understand.
 Duplicity- As data is completely normalized, so that no duplicate
entries exists
 Menu driven- This system is totally menu driven for the best result.

Every user interacts with the system with some needs and requirement such as:-

1) Basic knowledge of computer should be required.

2) User should know basic knowledge about the computerized Courier Services
i.e. which are the modules of the computerized system, what is the function
of each module.
3) Comprehensive information accessing and retrieving so as to provide
valuable report and figures.
4) Data security and priority is not to be ignored.
5) At the time of generating the reports, where the corresponding reports are to
be set in the computerized system.
6) Every user must know the function of each Master entry, Transaction entry
and Reports.
7) The format, field within a format, data types, what type of data is to be
entered, what is the maximum size of each entry module. The user must
know each thing.
8) In short, operating environment about the computerized “Insurance
Management System” must be familiar to the user.
9) Every Text Box should be filled with Data .If data is not available put at list
‘.’(DOT) for character, as well as for numeric data’0’ (ZERO) should be

1. Core Java Volume I- Fundamentals
2. Effective Java
3. Java: A Beginner’s Guide
4. Head First Java
5. Java: The Complete Reference
6. TDD for JAVA

1. www.tutorialspoint.com
2. www.w3schools.com
3. www.dotnettricks.com
4. www.tutorialsteacher.com
5. aspnettutorials.com

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