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Houses & Apartments Key Vocabulary Dodoo oocoo08o09000000 Vocabulary Builder reside/currently living located/situated in inner city central location suburbs/ontskirts rent<>own born and raised there/resided/lived there since I was two-bedroom multi-storied house/single-storey house two-bedroom apartment complex/high-rise apartment back garden/yard balcony/veranda nicely/simply decorated nice/simple décor ostentatious<>modest homely (comfortable)/cozy spacious<>eramped all the mod cons (moder appliances) redecorated/renovated run down/in disrepair cold and dranghty (cold air from outside) vieinity/nearby A. Match the words to a synonym, antonym, or idiom. 1 wan ee 9. single storey house ostentatious roomy inner- staying homely own. baleony redecorated 10. mod cons reside spacious bought run-down washing machine veranda simple suburbs cozy high-rise apartment B. Circle the odd word/s out. 1. live bom and raised reside 2. bought rent own 3. apartment multi-storied house single-storey 4. inner city suburbs commercial center 5. noisy limited space good security 6. all the mod cons unique design cold and draughty 7. cramped 00d facilities power-cuts 8. cutoff from neighbours panoramic views close-knit community 9. back garden balcony yard 10. simple luxurious ostentatious C. Fillin the gaps with the correct word from the key vocabulary above, circle the correct word in bold, and then answer the questions, using the structure provided but with information that is true for you. 4. Where do you live? Tmcurrently with my parents in/on a two , which is located in/on the of/at London. (Gort answer + explanation) 2. How long have you lived there? Tve been there 21 years as I was there, and also since my father works in the (short answer + rexson + explanation) 3. What do you like abont your home? While it’s not a/the flashy or place, it’s nice and a ____. Also, the interior is not too/to cramped - it’s actually quite with three each having their own en-suite. (Contrast two answers + resson + explanation) 4. What do you like most about your home? What I really love is the , which overlooks the _ __, which has a/the sinall vegetable garden. (C-What I particularty/espectally/really/most enjoy” ~ reasons + examples) 5. Ifyou could change anything about your home, what would it be? Given the kitchen and bathroom are looking a bit run__ , showing their age, itd be nice if they could be (reason + short answer) Additional Vocabulary + isolated rural community © detached house + town-house + condominium * cottage single-story house ® old fashioned/tradition house © unique design/architectural style + garden/yard/vegetable garden « sitting/living room + ensuite + garage + furnished-unfurnished. Apartments: Positives & Negatives ~ noisy — hear neighbours - limited space/eramped - cut off from neighbours ~ less social - can't make any structural changes + well-constructed 4+ modern + all the mod cons (modern appliances) + good security + spacious/enormous + central + good facilities (swimming pool/tennis courts) + panoramic views + not cold and draughty like some old houses + not susceptible to power-cuts like houses, Sl aa Apartments & Houses Approach ‘in a Nutshell + Tdeatifa story (problen) elated to the topic ommon voeabulary nplex sentences + Use past simple for past State setting, describe topic, and tell 1-2 stories related to it One Minute Preparation - identify a story (problem) related to the topic Write down: 1. main verb tense 2, uncommon words and ideas to describe the topic + story related to it. Describe the house or apartment that you live in. Setting (where/uheneho/whe!) Description ~Wenteasintesbe, || ee Ideas ~ Around six years ago, “As far back as Lean remember, = What happened - important events from start to finish? -Froblomy iat challenge? “things done to solve problem? “Solution Gateome/reslt? “Feelings? Story 2 ‘Story 1 = Lesson learnt? Finportant events? “important events? + Eatict momory ~ problem /ditfcalty/challenge? ~ problem /difficulty/challenge? «+ Highlights solution? solution? + Disappointment outcome/sesult? outcome result? 1 Why particule it = felngs =felngs 1 Wn didat appeal Ex, Studio apt,/lack of space Vocabulary » reside/currently living + born and raised there/resided/lived there since Tae + rentcsown, + two-bedroom maulti-storied house/singl storey house « two bedroom apartment complex/high= Hise apartment + located/situated in + inner eity/central Iocation« suburbs outskirts + back garden/vard + balcony/veranda + nicels-simply decorated ‘+ nice/simple décor + ostentatiousrmodest + homely (comfortable + unpretentious) + spacions/rocmye>eramped « all the mod cons (modern appliances) + redecorated/renovated + run down/in disrepair * vicinity/nearby « isolated rural community * single-storey house/apartment/ + semi-detached house (shares one wall) + terraced house (shares two walls) + detached house (shares 20 walls) + old fashioned/traditional house + unique design/architectural style * garden/yard/vegetable garden « sitting/living room + ensuite * garage + furnishede unfurnished Additional Vocabulary Apartments: Positives & Negatives + noisy ~ hear neighbours + limited space/eramped ~ cut off from neighbours ~ less social - can't make any structural changes + well-constructed + modern + all the mod cons (modern conveniences) + good security + spacious/roomy + central + good facilities (swimming pool/tennis courts) + panoramic views + not cold and draughty like some old houses + not susceptible to power-ents like houses Sr a8 Apartments & Houses Sp Answer the questions, using the structures indicated below. Types of Housing 1. What are the most common kinds of housing in your country? I think it comes down to where you live. If you live in the count normally a one storey home, whereas if you live in a metropolitan city, it's typically a three or four story terrace home because space is at a premium. (comes down to “eriteria” + contrast two diferent situations, using if + whereas if) 2. What is the most popular type of new housing in your country? (comes down to “criteria” + contrast two diferent situations, using if + whereas if) 3. What are the differences between living in an apartment and a house? While there are many, probably the key one is moise since in the house you have less worries about making any noise, whereas in an apartment the neighbours are right next to you, so you are more concerned about not disturbing them. (ahain difference + reason + whereas + contrasting reason) 4. What are the differences between living in a single storey house and a four storey house? (main difference + reason + whereas + contrasting reason) What are the advantages and disadvantages of living in an old house? I guess, what’s charming with some is the historic architectural style, which can be very orate and attractive when they are made of wood, but the downside is that they can often have many issues with things like the plumbing or electrical wiring, which can expensive to fix. Gain advantage + reason + whereas + main disadvantage) 6. What are the advantages and disadvantages of living in an apartment? (auain advantage + reason + but + disadvantage + exazuple) Rooms 1. Which room do families usually spend the most time in? (owhile + wo different answers + reasons + examples) What types of thing do people usually put on the walls of their rooms? (comes down to “criteria” + contrast two different situations, using i+ whereas 1 3. Is it more important for a room to look nice or to be comfortable? (short answer *both"+ because i+ i)

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