Annex 5 - Project SE Plan

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Project Social and Environmental Management Plan

Nov 2022
FORM EM01| Project S&E Plan | Society and Environment

Table of Contents
1. Introduction
1.1. Intro and scope of the Project S&E Management Plan 3
1.2. Project description and key dates 3
1.3. Roles and responsibilities 3
2. Local laws, regulations and other compliance requirements 4
3. Operational planning (for multiple sites, detail all site-specific information) 4
3.1. Social and environmental screening report 5
3.2. Identified social and environmental risks and opportunities 5
3.3. Objectives and targets 5
3.4. Management of contractors and sub-contractors 7
4. Environmental and social management at project site 7
4.1. Waste Management 7
4.2. Gender mainstreaming 7
4.3. Other key topics 7
4.4. Site inspections 8
4.5. Site induction and training 8
4.6. Emergency and evacuation procedures 8
5. Communication and information sharing 9
5.1. Internal communication 9
5.2. External communication 9
5.3. Consultation with the workforce 9
5.4. Accident and incident reporting and investigation 10
6. Audit and monitoring 10
6.1. Project files and records 10
6.2. Audit and monitoring 10
7. Revisions of the Plan 11

8. Table of references to Templates and Guidance documents 11

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FORM EM01| Project S&E Plan | Society and Environment

1. Introduction


UNOPS recognizes its responsibility to protect the environment and to promote positive societal
outcomes in the communities in which we work.

This Project Social and Environmental (S&E) Management Plan (hereafter “the Plan”) describes how
UNOPS intends to manage environmental and social issues under the sphere of influence of this
project. It identifies the procedures to be followed by all personnel working in the project.

This Plan is a live document that will be reviewed on the regular basis and updated if necessary.


Table 1 – Project details

Project Title Sustainable Energy Solutions for Telefomin
Project Location Telefomin, Papua New Guinea
UNOPS Project No. 23114-001
Project Duration -
Project Social and Environmental
Level 1
Management Level
Project Overall Risk Score, and
Low Risk
sub-scores for elements 2 and 3
UNOPS Project Manager Delelegn Mulat
UNOPS Project S&E Manager/
Yako Punin Minaro


While the Project Manager holds the overall responsibility for Social and Environmental
Management in the Project, other roles may hold accountability, or need to be consulted and
informed of various work packages (e.g. the Contractor, the Office Director, the Programme Manager,
the Project Design Manager). Table 2 below outlines Roles and responsibilities for Infrastructure
projects in the assurance set-up. .

Table 2 - RACI Table

UNO Proj
PS Proj ect
Country PRO ect Desi Cont
ACTIVITY Manage JECT Engi gn ract
r MA neer Man or*
NAG * ager
ER *
Ensure that the Environmental and Social screening has
been performed
Ensure that the Environmental/Social Review and the ESIA
have been performed (if applicable)
Ensure that the risks and opportunities for the project
over its life-cycle have been identified

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FORM EM01| Project S&E Plan | Society and Environment

Draft the S&E Plan A R

Eliminate foreseeable environmental and social risks

A R R*
through engineering design solutions
Transmit to procurement function the
environmental/social requirements for contractors and A R
Ensure regular liaison between parties on site on
Environmental and Social matters (including regular A R C
Ensure Consultation with the workforce, visitors and
affected stakeholders
Ensure that Contractor(s) employ effective S&E
Management techniques
Ensure arrangements are in place for Site induction,
A R I R*
training and briefings
Ensure that Waste Management is performed according to
A R I R*
Ensure that other environmental and social activities are
A R I R*
performed according to plans

Conduct site inspections according to stated frequency A R C

Compile quarterly reports of performance and report to

Ensure reporting of environmental accidents, incidents
R C I R*
and high potential near-misses
Review and update the Plan at the indicated frequency or
when circumstances change

A - Accountable (overall responsibility)

C - Consulted (supports, has the information or capability required)
I - Informed (notified but not consulted)
R - Responsible (gets the work done)
R* - refers to Work Package Responsibility

2. Local laws, regulations and other compliance requirements

Environmental and social legislation and other relevant requirements in [PNG] are described in the
[UNOPS THMCO] legal register using form HSE03. This should also include the relevant requirements
of interested parties that have been identified by the local office using form HSE02. A check for legal
compliance has been performed to ensure that this project is compliant with legal and other
requirements, using form HSE04.

A copy of the legal register is available [see HSE 03 in the Annex]. UNOPS Project Manager will review
these laws and regulations every [12 months] to make sure that there are no changes which may
affect this plan.

3. Operational planning (for multiple sites, detail all site-specific information)


At the pre-engagement stage of the project, the project developer completed the Environmental and
Social screening report (form EM03); this document is attached to this Plan as [see Annex 01].

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The main environmental and social aspects of the activities, products and services that are under the
project’s control and influence are identified and detailed using form EM04.
The full Analysis of environmental and social aspects for the project is attached to this Plan as [see
Annex 02].


The project will have the following Environmental and Social objectives and targets:
Table 3 - Objectives and Targets
Objective Target (measurable Action/Program/Resources Responsi Target
where practicable) ble Date
Septic tanks, if required, Ensuring brown and grey water are Civil 30 June
Soil and water to be located at a not discharged into the environment Engineer 23
protection distance of 50 ft. or by the construction of appropriate
1 against more from underground sanitary facilities.
contamination water sources, like
boreholes or hand dug
Zero soil and water Provide containments made of Civil 30 June
contamination impervious materials to collect Engineer 23
Soil and water leakages from generators and
2 protection concrete mixers and wastes from
against spillages such facilities to be fitted with oil
interceptors. Design measures for
handling spills
To ensure all waste Provide waste collection bins which Civil 30 June
collected or stored on should be regularly emptied in a Engineer 23
site adheres to best designated area
environmental practice Disposal of wastes in approved
and is clearly labelled. disposal pits and recyclable materials
Sorting wastes by to be recycled and organic wastes to
category before disposal be the dump site.
e.g. biodegradable Introduce waste training resources for
wastes such as remains all staff
of food and non- 1) Make different types of bins or
Waste storage areas available at construction
3 biodegradable wastes
segregation sites
such as plastic water
bottles are collected in 2) Monthly Waste record
separate collection bins
Reduce the amount of
waste. All construction
waste is to be removed
from Telefomin and
disposed of at a landfill
approved by UNOPS
project manager.
The space allocation to be Incorporate within project planning Civil 30 June
selected to ensure the the section on noise impacts to Engineer 23
required protection ensure this is taken into consideration
4 Noise pollution
between the construction
when construction installation and
site and the nearby
commissioning are planned

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To reduce the impact of Produce sustainable design briefs for Civil 30 June
construction, all new projects Engineer 23
refurbishment and All project specifications must
Construction &
maintenance of the
5 Maintenance of consider economic, social and
facilities and sites by
the Projects Sites environmental issues
assessment of the
environmental impact and


● Bidders receive key documentation outlining the requirements of UNOPS Environmental and
Social Management Systems during the tender phase. The selected contractor shall comply with
all UNOPS S&E requirements for the whole duration of the contract. These requirements equally
apply to any subcontractors hired by the contractor. It is the contractor’s responsibility to ensure
that subcontractors comply and to demonstrate such compliance in submittals and during
verification processes by UNOPS.
● If pre-bid meetings, site visits and/or contract commencement meetings are carried out, S&E
requirements and submittals should be discussed, both for day-to-day work and for S&E critical
● UNOPS recognises that all employees have a responsibility to work with concerns to the
environment they operate.
All employees are responsible for:
✔ Stopping work if they identify anything that could cause harm to person or environment,
✔ Reporting pollution incidents,
✔ Assisting in incident investigations,
✔ Identifying, reporting and eliminating (if within their authority and ability) hazards to the
✔ Complying with the UNOPS Policies, relevant legislations, Project Environmental
Management Plan.
These responsibilities will be communicated to the staff during the site induction.

● Tool Box Talks: Site supervisors and engineers will give tool box talks to operatives on key
issues such as spill response and waste management, on a basis of one per month and as
near miss trends are identified. Following topics should be tackled:
✔ Housekeeping
✔ Waste Management (hazardous waste, waste segregation)
✔ Ecological Awareness
✔ Water Pollution
✔ Dust and Air Quality
✔ Spill Control
✔ Noise
✔ Use of Petrol
✔ Washing Down Plant and Machinery
✔ Reporting of Incidents
✔ Why do we need to comply with the Social and Environmental project plan?

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The core set of the toolbox talks is available in the UNOPS environmental system.
Operatives attending the tool box talks will be required to sign an attendance register. The register
together with topics raised during the meeting should be kept on site as the record of toolbox talk.

4. Environmental and social management at project site


A Waste management plan for the project has been developed using form EM06, and is available [in
the annex].
[Where possible, the waste will be segregated: organic from non-organic, hazardous from
non-hazardous. Opportunities for introduction of the waste recycling and reuse schemes should be
investigated and implemented if appropriate.
Waste SHALL be stored in a separate area, at least 30m away from the water sources and
accommodation rooms. The storage should be on a wooden, metal, or concrete stand.
The containers must be emptied at regular intervals (to be determined based on temperatures and
volumes generated) to avoid unpleasant odours associated with decaying organic materials.
Waste disposal should be undertaken according to the instructions outlined in the Guideline GEM
02–Solid Waste Management.
Wastewater facilities shall be provided in accordance with the guidelines specified in the Guideline
GEM04–Wastewater management.].
The plan shall be monitored and updated every 6 months].


The project has considered gender mainstreaming in its activities:

[Refer to Gender Action Plan ].


Following additional considerations should be applied during the project in addition to the facts
mentioned in the condition of the contract:
- Human rights due diligence;
- Preventing discrimination towards vulnerable groups;
- Supporting and respecting fundamental rights at work;
- Promoting improvement of conditions of work and social protection;
- Promoting social responsibility in the value chain;
- Conflict sensitivity;
- Community involvement and development.


UNOPS plans to implement [weekly] environmental and social inspection on this project. Inspection
will be carried out by UNOPS site representatives and Contractor(s) Project and Environmental/Social

When carrying out the site weekly inspection, all aspects contained in the Health, Safety, Social and
Environmental inspection site report (form HSE05) should be reviewed.

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Site induction, training and briefings will be given in accordance with this training matrix:

Table 4 - Training
Planned Training Nominated Staff Frequency
Site Induction Contractor’s staff Quarterly
Every new incomers Whenever necessary
Training on Environmental management UNOPS’s construction Whenever necessary
supervisors and
contractor’s staff,
Environmental risk assessment UNOPS’s construction Quarterly
supervisors and
contractor’s staff,

The HSE training matrix (form HSE18) can be used to keep detailed records of site inductions, toolbox
talks and training.


Emergency information details including the site location, neighbours, emergency contact details,
location of the spill kits, high priority flora/fauna, culturally sensitive sites are provided within the
Site emergency and evacuation plan.

Emergency Plan and procedures including the emergency contact numbers will be available on all
notice and information boards all over the project work areas and site offices; also the emergency
procedures will be incorporated in the project site inductions briefing. These documents are
available in [Annex].

Emergency and evacuation procedures will be tested through appropriate drills that will be held
every [3months] and, where possible, may involve relevant interested parties [UNOPS, Contractor’s
Personnel, and local staff].

Emergency procedures should be periodically reviewed to ensure continued relevance.

5. Communication and information sharing


Internal communication for the Project will include as a minimum:

- S&E [weekly] meetings. They may be dedicated to S&E or S&E may be one part of the
agenda. Additional S&E meetings will be organised when needed. Meeting minutes will be
distributed to UNOPS, Contractor’s team and sub-contractors.
- [Weekly] inspections (form HSE05); including Environmental and Social items will be
performed jointly by UNOPS team and the Contractor(s) team; the report will be prepared by
UNOPS S&E Manager/Coordinator and shared with the Contractor(s) for necessary actions.

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- Site HSE quarterly report (form HSE12); the HSE quarterly report is a summary of the site
weekly inspection report findings and corrective action. It is prepared by UNOPS site HSE
Manager/Coordinator to be shared with the Contractor(s) and with UNOPS Senior
Management in the country as well as with UNOPS HQ.
- Toolbox talks
- Information and guidance signage will be present at site in [English language].
- The Site Notice Board will be used to convey daily updates and information.


Queries on environmental and social management from local communities, journalists, business
community, neighbours, local representatives, and any other external parties will be handled
according to the following protocol:

The focal point for the incoming communication is the Project Manager. Stake holder management
meetings will be held if issues arise.
All the minutes will be shared with participant and among the all stakeholders.


Arrangements for consulting and coordinating with the workers at site will be as follows:

- An employee representative will participate in the regular and extraordinary meetings

between UNOPS and the Contractor(s)
- All Contractor’s and sub-contractor’s employees will be encouraged to raise any suggestions
and concerns on environmental and social management of the project on an ongoing basis
and during meetings, briefings, toolbox talks, etc.


All significant accidents or incidents and high potential near misses shall be reported to UNOPS HQ
using form HSE09.

They should be thoroughly investigated and action taken to prevent recurrence. For Class 1 incidents,
the outcomes of the review shall be reported to UNOPS HQ using form HSE10. Lessons learned
should be captured using HSE11.

UNOPS and Contractor’s personnel have an obligation to report all incidents and near misses to the
UNOPS Project Manager/ESM coordinator, and will receive proper induction in this sense. Main
incidents and near misses should be recorded in Table 5:

Table 5 – Incidents/near misses

Incident/near miss description Date Corrective action taken

6. Audit and monitoring

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UNOPS environmental and social management electronic files will form the archived component of
the records for this project, in line with UNOPS Record Retention Policy and to facilitate internal and
external audit and review. As a minimum they will consist of:

- A copy of [PNG] legal register

- The Project Social and Environmental management plan with its Annexes
- Waste management plan and records
- S&E meetings minutes
- Weekly site inspection reports
- Quarterly HSE site reports
- Incidents investigation reports and near misses
- Emergency drill records
- Record of training and toolbox talks
- A copy of any S&E related correspondence in the project including any nonconformities
notification for the Contractor(s)
- Internal and External Audits records
- Copy of the latest UNOPS HQ Management Review records

The UNOPS S&E system shall be formally documented to allow for control and accountability.


- Weekly site inspections

- Ad hoc site inspections
- Internal peer reviews if requested by UNOPS HQ
- External audit visit if requested by UNOPS HQ
- [Other, for instance audit requirements from Donor or local authorities, if applicable]

7. Revisions of the Plan

Table 6 - Revisions
Revision Name and
Description of main changes
date title

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8. Table of references to Templates and Guidance documents

Table 7 - References
HSE02 Register interested parties
Legal review HSE03 Legal register
HSE04 Check for compliance requirements
Social and environmental EM03 Environmental and social screening
screening report

Social and environmental EM05 Environmental review report

assessment TOR for EIA
Analysis of environmental
EM04 Register of environmental and social
and social risks and GEM01 Generic REI
risks and opportunities
EM06 Waste management plan – site GEM02 Waste management
Waste management
EM07 Waste management plan – office GEM07 Hazardous waste

Gender mainstreaming Gender Action Plan template Gender checklists

GEM03 Protection of water

Other environmental
GEM04 Wastewater management
management topics
GEM05 Borrow pit management
Other social management
GEM06 Historical
HSE07 Site induction register
Site induction and training HSE08 Visitor induction register See catalogue of Toolbox talks
HSE18 Training matrix-not applicable

Site weekly inspections HSE05 HSE inspection report – site

Management of contractors See guidance for Contractors

and sub-contractors working with UNOPS
Site emergency and evacuation plan
Emergency and evacuation
HS03 Emergency contact numbers
HS04 Emergency drill record
HSE09 Incident report form
Accident/incident reporting HSE10 Incident review report form
HSE11 Incident highlight report form
Communication and
HSE12 Quarterly HSSE report – site

Audit and monitoring HSE16 Internal review (audit)

= UNOPS responsibility (usual set-up in assurance position)

= Contractor responsibility (usual set-up in assurance position)

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