Public Transportation Accessibility Towards Sustai

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Public transportation accessibility: towards sustainable transit oriented

development (Case study: Depok Baru Station – Jakarta, Indonesia)
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CITIES2017 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 202 (2018)
1234567890 ‘’“” 012012 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/202/1/012012

Public transportation accessibility: towards sustainable

transit oriented development
(Case study: Depok Baru Station – Jakarta, Indonesia)

W Hadi1,3 , Y Chrisnawati1,3 and H N Ikhsan2,3

1 Department of Transportation, Faculty of Engineering
2 Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering
3 Universitas Negeri Jakarta

Email: [email protected]

Abstract. Pedestrian accessibility considered as an important factor in developing a Transit

Oriented Development (TOD) concept to improve peri-urban developments. Depok Baru Station
is having a potential value to be expanded as a TOD area in order to support Jabodetabek urban
planning. This paper aims to figure up the pedestrian accessibility levels in Depok Baru Station
based on time by calculating the pedestrian walking time during transfer modes. Adopting Public
Transportation Accessibility Levels (PTAL) methods, this paper will measure accessibility index
(AI) using the primary data from direct observation and secondary data from related data
documents. Research findings deliver accessibility index (AI) value from two modes namely
commuter line and local public transport as the basic knowledge to be considered as a TOD

Keywords: accessibility, transit oriented development, PTAL methods.

1. Introduction
Indonesia is experiencing an increasing demand for mobility and significant transportation demand due
to the urban development [1]. City focused developments such as infrastructure development, social
facilities and public facilities encourage the development of industry and trade that has an impact on
urban economic growth [2]. Population growth and urban economic generate a high number of trip
volume both people and goods [3]. Recently the big cities growth tends toward urban sprawl which
impact to the length of time and trip distance. The main consequence of this condition is the congestion
in urban areas that affect to the environmental and society psychological problems. However, volume
of transport energy consumption and vehicle emission production can be substantially reduced with
compact-city development [4] which focusing on central multi-functional area development that
beneficially reduce trip distance and transport energy consumption [5].
The peri-urban is such a zone presenting a transition or interaction zone between urban and rural
areas. And due to geographical proximity, the periphery of the city center appears to be functionally
integrated with and influenced by the city center [3]. As cities expand, the main zone of direct impact is
the peri-urban area. The low cost of commuting from peri-urban areas to the city center coupled with
relatively low rent at the peripheries of cities in many developing countries are facilitating the growth
of the peri-urban areas. At these peri-urban communities, development is patchy, scattered and spread
out, with a tendency for discontinuity. A pattern of uncontrolled development around the periphery of a

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CITIES2017 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 202 (2018)
1234567890 ‘’“” 012012 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/202/1/012012

city is called urban sprawl and it is an increasingly common feature of the built environment especially
in the industrialized nations [6]. Urban sprawl involving the poor occurs because authorities pay little
attention to slums, land, services, and transport. Typically urban sprawl associated with overdependence
on personal motorized transport coupled with a lack of alternatives, limited housing options, and urban
spaces that discourage pedestrian traffic [7].
One of the peri-urban regional development alternative is transit-oriented development (TOD)
application to solve the urban sprawl problem and dependency to the private mode transport [8]. TOD
concept offers development pattern around transport nodes such as terminal and station which located
in densely populated areas by integrating facilities to pedestrian and easy access to various modes of
transportation [9]. TOD has been applied in many countries and provide benefits of accessibility; city-
compact development and eco-friendly. TOD also encouraging movement from private modes to public
transport modes; increasing economical scale of urban areas; and reduce transport expenses [10].
Public transportion plays a key role in ensuring accessibility to activities and services. There are
many influences on the use of public transport, including spatial access, cost, physical accessibility,
information, and attitudes, all of which contribute to people’s ability and motivation to use public
transport. In delivering public transport accessibility goals and targets, service planning makes
assumptions about walking distance to access public transport. Assumptions about distances that people
will walk to access public transport or “rules of thumb” are used not only by tranport planners to
determine stop spacing, but also by land-use planners for urban design to achieve walkable cities and
plan transit-oriented development [11].

2. Case study and method

2.1. Case study

Jabodetabek (Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, Bekasi) start to applied TOD concept following the
development of several transportation modes such as train, LRT, MRT, busway and feeder systems
under a management of transportation network. The main target of TOD implementation in Jabodetabek
area is to develop train station integrated to neighborhood and potential to growth rapidly [12]. The area
around station naturally runs into an increase of economic growth, population and settlement area,
business area, office, market and another centre of activities. Depok Baru station is one of the TOD
location planning since Depok is counted as peri-urban area of Jakarta that produce huges of daily trip
to Jakarta. Having a high activity level with complex mixed used areas, generally Depok depends on
train as public transportation mode besides private modes to facilitate movement from Depok to Jakarta
and vice versa. Statistical data shows that there is an increase of KRL passengers amount 27% from
2015 to 2016. However, this increasing is not directly proportional to the percentage of train mode share
in Depok particularly and in Jabodetabek generally. Study of JUTPI [13] on master plan of transportation
in Jabodetabek [14] shows that train mode share in Jabodetabek still below of 3%.
Many factors affecting to the shrinkage of train user, one of them is provision of facilities that do not
accomodate the flexibility and accessibility of user movement. Generally, Depok Baru station area and
surround has potentially to be developed into transit-oriented nodes with the emphasis on accessibility
levels of user (pedestrian) to activities and services which starts from transfer modes activities. This
paper aims to figure up the pedestrian accessibility level in Depok Baru Station based on time by
calculating the pedestrian walking time during transfer modes from train to mini busses and vice versa.
The results will be reviewed from TOD perspective to deliver basic knowledge of TOD component,
particularly in peri-urban area.

2.2. Methodology
This research applies PTALs (Public Transport Accessibility Levels) to measure accessibility of a
point/node to transportation networks by considering pedestrian walking time and the availability of
transportation services [15]. Walking times are calculated from specified point(s) of interest to all public
transport access point. PTALs then incorporates a measure of servive frequency by calculating an
average waiting time based on the frequency of services at each public transport point. A reliability
factor is added and total access time is calculated. A measure known as an Equivalent Doorstep

CITIES2017 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 202 (2018)
1234567890 ‘’“” 012012 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/202/1/012012

Frequency (EDF) is then produced for each point. These are summed for all routes within the catchment
an the PTALs for different modes are then added to give a single value [16].
PTALs describe four element of accessibility namely (a) walking time from the point-of interest to
the public transport access point; (b) the reliability of the service modes available; (c) the number of
services available within the catchment; and (d) the level of service at the public transport access points.
It does not consider the speed or utility of accessible services; crowding; and ease of interchange. PTAL
method can be broken down into a series of stages as follow:
a. Define the point of interest (PoI)
b. Calculate the walk access time (WAT) from PoI to the service access points (SAPs)
c. Indentify valid routes at each SAP and calculate average waiting time (AWT)
d. For each route at the SAPs calculate the minimum total access time (TAT)
e. Convert TAT to equivalent doorstop frequencies (EDF) to compare the benefits offered by
routes at different distances
f. Sum all EDFs with a weighting factor in favpur of the most dominant route for each mode
g. PTALs are then determined using 6 banded levels as shown in
WAT are measured from the PoI to the SAPs using survey. AWT is the average time between when
a passenger arrives at a stop or station, and the arrival of the desired service. In PTALs passengers are
assumed to arrive at the SAP at random. For each selected route AWT is calculated by formula (1) as
𝐾 60 (1)
𝐴𝑊𝑇 = ×
2 𝑓𝑟𝑒𝑞𝑢𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑦

Where K is reliability factor of waiting times modes that can be calculated by assumption. K for train
is 0,75 and K for busses is 2.
TAT is made up of a combination of WAT and AWT with formula (2) as follow:

𝑇𝐴𝑇 = 𝑊𝐴𝑇 + 𝐴𝑊𝑇 (2)

TAT is converted to an EDF of every passengers in each PoI following formula (3) below:

30 (3)
𝑇𝐴𝑇 (𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑢𝑡𝑒𝑠)

For a single transport mode the accessibility indeks (AIs) can be calculated using formula (4) below:

𝐴𝐼𝑚𝑜𝑑𝑒 = 𝐸𝐷𝐹𝑚𝑎𝑥 + (0.5 × 𝑎𝑙𝑙 𝑜𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟 𝐸𝐷𝐹𝑠) (4)

Calculating the overall AI is a sum of the individual AIs over all modes using formula (5) as follow:
𝐴𝐼𝑝𝑜𝑖 = ∑ (𝐴𝐼𝑚𝑜𝑑𝑒1 + 𝐴𝐼𝑚𝑜𝑑𝑒2 + 𝐴𝐼𝑚𝑜𝑑𝑒3 . . . 𝐴𝐼𝑚𝑜𝑑𝑒 𝑛) (5)
The final formula given above now can be allocated to bands of PTALs in .
PTAL Range of Index Map Colour Description
1a (Low) 0.01 – 2.50 Very poor
1b 2.51 – 5.00 Very poor
2 5.01 – 10.00 Poor
3 10.01 – 15.00 Moderate
4 15.01 – 20.00 Good
5 20.01 – 25.00 Very good
6a 25.01 – 40.00 Excellent
6b (High) 40.01 + Excellent
Figure 1. PTALs indicator
Source: Transport for London, 2010

CITIES2017 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 202 (2018)
1234567890 ‘’“” 012012 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/202/1/012012

2.3. Data and information

There are 100 respondents involved in this intercept survey with simple random sampling method to
calculate accessibility indexs for train and mini buses. Those respondents as shown in Figure 2 taken
from point of interests in three pedestrian path around Depok Baru station , namely (a) Jl. Raya
Margonda – Depok Baru station, (b) Jl. Baru Plenongan – Depok Baru station, (c) Kemiri Muka market
area – Depok baru station and vice versa. Sample has taken during 6 am up to 6 pm by dividing it into
4 duration that is (a) 6 – 9 am, (b) 9 – 12 am, (c) 12 am – 3 pm, (d) 3 – 6 pm.

Figure 2. Location of PoI (point of interest)

WAT is measured by direct observation to the respondents using stopwatch. Service frequency
survey for mini buses also conducted along with this stage, meanwhile service frequency data for train
can be obtained by using travel train charts issued by Directorate General of Railways. This stage
generate primer data, while secondary data gained from station map to display station layout and from
Google Earth to calculate the length of walking path.

3. Result

3.1. Accessibility Index

Travel pattern in Depok Baru station is typical for peri-urban areas. In the morning time people travel
to their destination such as workplace using train and end up with return trip in the evening time using
train and mini busses as transfer mode choice. Therefore, two time periods in the morning (6 – 9 am and
9 – 12 am) used to calculate accessibility index for train and the rest of periods used to calculate
accessibility index for mini buses. Accessibility index (AI) measurement results as shown in Figure 3
to Figure 6 below.

CITIES2017 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 202 (2018)
1234567890 ‘’“” 012012 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/202/1/012012

Figure 3. AI(train) period 6 – 9 am Figure 4. AI(train) period 9 – 12 am

Figure 5. AI(mini busses) period 12 am – 3 pm Figure 6. AI(mini busses) period 3 – 6 pm

AI results shows that average waiting time (AWT) for train is 16,5 minutes and AWT for mini busses
is 0,62 minute. This means that people need to wait longer to catch the train compared to mini busses
since the K factor of train is amount 5,5 and mini busses is 1,41. In other words based on PTALs method,
Depok Baru station have poor accessibility indexs on train and excellent accessibility indexs for mini
busses. Intercept survey of pedestrian in Depok Baru station obtained that the number of pedestrians is
dominated by male with 63% while female is 37%. Majority of pedestrians age are in a range of 25 –
34 years old around 36% and the fewest with 8% share are in range of 15 – 24 years old. Table 1 below
is an example of AI(train) calculation in Jl. Raya Margonda – Depok Baru station using series stage of
PTALs Methodology. All AI calculation then accumulated and summarized in Table 2 based on PTALs
band indicators in .
Table 1. AI(train) calculation in ) Jl. Raya Margonda – Depok Baru
Resp. Sex Age WAT Sch. Freq AWT TAT EDF
1 L 25 - 34 2,5 10 16,5 19 1,58
2 L 55 > 2,67 10 16,5 19,17 1,56
3 L 25 - 34 3,22 10 16,5 19,72 1,52
4 L 35 - 44 3,22 10 16,5 19,72 1,52
5 L 25 - 34 4 10 16,5 20,5 1,46
6 L 45 - 54 3,82 10 16,5 20,32 1,48
7 P 25 - 34 2,93 10 16,5 19,43 1,54
8 L 55 > 3 10 16,5 19,5 1,54
9 P 35 - 44 3,95 10 16,5 20,45 1,47

CITIES2017 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 202 (2018)
1234567890 ‘’“” 012012 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/202/1/012012

Resp. Sex Age WAT Sch. Freq AWT TAT EDF

10 L 25 - 34 3,98 10 16,5 20,48 1,46
EDF MAx 1,58
AI(train) 8,36
PTALs band indicator Poor

Table 2. Summary of AI indexs in Depok Baru station

AI indexs in point-of interest
periods Jl. Raya
Jl. Baru Area Pasar
AI(train) 6 – 9 am 8,36 9,37 9,37
AI(train) 9 – 12 am 8,35 5,14 5,00
AI(mini busses) 12 am – 3 pm 36,45 36,46 84,29

3.2. Accessibility as a TOD component

Depok Baru station has been promoted as one of TOD planning due to the existing condition that suitable
for TOD development. Depok Baru station having initial characteristics that meet TOD principles
particularly in transport characteristics such as park and ride facilities, pedestrian path facilities, various
choices of transport modes, located near of shopping center, traditional market, bus terminal, highway
road and connected to the residential area. Located in a peri-urban areas which has a potential value of
development, Depok Baru area is adequate to linked with Jakarta as city center and another peri-urban
area. Therefore Depok Baru is able to provide various of economical center, social center, employment
opportunities and other community services and facilities.
From the various definitions of TOD, Queensland Municipality summarizes TOD characteristics in
TOD Guide for practitioners in Queensland Australia [19]. There are three main characteristics which
requires accessibility levels, namely: (a) a rapid and frequent transit service; (b) high accessibility to the
transit station; (c) reduces rates of private car parking. Excellent accessibility levels to the transit station
with a rapid and frequent transit service will encourage private modes users into public transport users
and actualize the energy saving as one of the purpose of sustainable TOD.
This study discover that train accessibility in Depok Baru station currently counted as poor category,
while accessibility into mini busses counted as excellent category. In order to achieve goals and targets
of TOD, accessibility levels is one of the main consideration. Unfortunately in Indonesia does not have
an accessibility level measuring instrument yet, however accessibility aspect has become one of the key
performance indicator of Jabodetabek transportation [14] which is limited by interpreting accessibility
as just a distance. There are no consideration about another aspects of accessibility such as time and

4. Conclusion and recommendation

According to the analysis results, our study concludes that accessibility index of train in Depok Baru
station need to be improved by increase the arrival frequency of train. In addition to reduce the average
waiting time this action potentially compound capacity of train in order to meet the demand of trip
movement. Besides, measurement tools of accessibility level from many aspect need to be defined after
previously agreed on a common perception about accessibility in TOD principles.

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