Paper 8927
Paper 8927
Paper 8927
International Journal of Advanced Research in Science, Communication and Technology (IJARSCT)
Abstract: Agriculture is an important sector that considerably enhances a nation's economic development.
Farmers encounter several obstacles every year in order to produce high-quality crops. Plant diseases are
a significant factor in the failure of the harvest. Additionally, pests, specialized illnesses, or natural
disasters cause massive crop losses every year. It raises serious concerns about the application of
sustainable advanced technologies to agricultural problems. The proposed intelligent system's main job is
to detect plant disease using an image captured in the mobile application. It employs the region-based
convolution neural network (fast-RCNN) and pre-trained model generation for the set of datasets and
captured images. To ensure long-term viability, the mobile app is integrated with cloud services. The
proposed system also includes recommendations to help farmers determine whether plant conditions are
healthy or unhealthy, as well asthe recommendations to cure disease.
India is a major agricultural-producing country that is heavily reliant on food production. Agriculture is also the main
industry and source of wealth in India. Agriculture is also the primary source of employment, food, and income for
many Indians. Good agricultural production is influenced by a variety of things. A few of the variables are the
application of fertilizers, the quantity and distribution of rain, the fertility and condition of the soil, and others. Crop
diseases are the main problem that people encounter. Farmers can lack a thorough understanding of the diseases, which
can result in incorrect disease diagnoses and poor problem-solving techniques. An intelligent mobile plant disease
diagnostic system, on the other hand, has become valuable because of its utility in the early diagnosis and detection of
plant diseases using leaf images, whether healthy or unhealthy. Mobile apps that use artificial intelligence to assist
farmers in identifying plant-affected diseases are one such tool being investigated. In this mobile application, we use
deep learning technology to accurately determine the disease. The region-based convolution neural network model is
being used (fast R-CNN). It is made up of three simple steps: Take a photograph with your camera first. The second
step is to generate a diagnosis report, which will inform the user about the disease and whether the leaf is healthy or
unhealthy. The third step suggests treating the disease with fertilizer.
Adedamola O. Adedoja et al [2] The system is powered by a web service that performs diagnostics using the CNN
model. The web service is used to provide photographs of plant leaves taken with the developed mobile app, and the
NASNet-Mobile CNN model is used to identify plant diseases.
Sophia Sanga et al [3] The system is powered by a web service that performs diagnostics using the CNN model. The
web service is used to provide photographs of plant leaves taken with the developed mobile app, and the NASNet-
Mobile CNN model is used to identify plant diseases.
Ayesha Siddiqua et al [4]Weston Three raters evaluated the chosen apps using the system we developed for app
evaluation. Inter-rater reliability is computed with intra-rater reliability to check rater agreements on the ratings and
ensure rating consistency.
ZarreenNaowal Reza et al [5] Using the colour co-occurrence methodology, the resultant feature values from the
segmented area will be gathered for texture analysis. To recognise and categorise the disease, sample values from the
pre-defined database will be compared to the extracted values using a multi-SVM classifier.
Nikos Petrellis et al [6]The user's processing of plant images captured using visible, infrared, and other wavelengths of
light. It is common to utilise lesions or spots in different sections of a plant to determine a disease. The colour, size, and
number of these spots can all aid in determining which disease has killed a plant.
N. Petrellis et al [7] A software for smartphones that can identify plant illnesses. It is based on identifying the disease
signature, which is expressed as a set of guidelines for the colour, shape, and placement of spots, as well as information
about previous weather patterns. The collection of plant diseases supported can be expanded or altered by an
agriculturist using the built programme as an end user thanks to the disease signature format.
3.1. Modules
3.1.1 Image Acquisition
Selecting the diseased plant is the first step. Next, gather the damaged plant's leaves, take a photo of them, or load an
existing image of them into the computer system. In order to make digital photos useful for the system, image
acquisition is used to process
rocess the images using algorithms.
It eliminates visual distortion and noise. Images from the source folder are read by data producers. To process the
photos, data augmentation is employed. This method improves dataset image quality such that Fast R-CNN models can
be created with them.
Approach 1: Plant Leaf Disease Diagnosis using Fast RCNN
Input: Infected or healthy leaf image
Output: Class of leaf image
1. Read the input image.
2. Read the image into RGB image.
3. Resize the image.
4. Convert input image into the feature extraction.
5. Apply the Fast RCNN algorithm.
6. Diagnosis the input image.
7. Calculate the image is healthy or unhealthy.
8. Calculate the Evaluation metrics.
9. End
+ + +
Recall: Also referred to as detection rate, is the ratio of attack samples that were correctly categorised to all of the
attack samples:
False Alert Rate: The ratio of assault samples that were mistakenly classified to benign samples is known as the false
alarm rate.
F1-Score: F1 Score is the harmonic mean of precision and Detection Rate:
Area Under the Curve: The trade-off between the DR and FAR is shown by the area under the Receiver Operating
Characteristics (ROC) curve, or area under the curve.
Copyright to IJARSCT DOI: 10.48175/IJARSCT-8927 846
ISSN (Online) 2581-9429
International Journal of Advanced Research in Science, Communication and Technology (IJARSCT)
In this study, a mobile application for Android has been created to quickly and accurately identify and detect plant
illnesses. The model's high accuracy, which was reached using a huge public dataset of plant photos, demonstrates the
model's acceptance. In this essay, it is suggested that an Android app be created to detect plant leaf disease. Using the
Fast RCNN technique, the disease detection model in this approach analyses a plant leaf image as input before
detecting and identifying the disease. With low-end hardware, this suggested way application also runs and performs
well. The user interface for the application is likewise fairly simple. So, farmers may use the programme pretty well. It
can be used by farmers in remote places to correctly identify plant illnesses and administer the required treatments.
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