Project Proposal Final
Project Proposal Final
Project Proposal Final
1. Identifying Information
PAKISAMA or the National Confederation and Movement of Small Farmer’s Organizations envision a
humane, gender-sensitive and environmentally sound rural societies where peoples control and
own the basic means of production and exchange, critically and actively participate in governance,
protect and care for the environment, and live the values of authentic humanism in a Philippine
society characterized by justice, freedom, democracy and national sovereignty.
PAKISAMA’s mission is to empower small farmers, fishers, rural women, youth and indigenous
peoples in the Philippines leading in the advocacy and implementation of sustainable agrarian and
aquatic reform, rural development and equality of women and men; responding to our present and
historical problem of poverty and injustice.
In the Philippines, the road construction project is one of the top havens of corrupt businessmen
and politicians. These corrupt practices have resulted to ghost projects, poor/sub-standard quality
of roads and high slippage/long overdue completion. This is so because of corrupt contractors
conniving with corrupt politicians, weak or non-functional oversight by people in authority, and
which is sustained by the indifference of the local citizens/communities like the issuance of the
certificate of completion by the Barangay Captain/beneficiaries even if the project is not yet
completed or sub-standard.
This project intends to monitor on-going implementation of Farm to Market Road (FMR) Projects
which were approved during the pilot run of the BUB-LPRAP in 2012 for implementation in 2013
but due to various reasons, the government is still implementing them until the present. Moreover,
due to the limited number of FMR projects under the 2013 BUB-LPRAP, additional on-going FMR
projects of the Department of Agriculture in the provinces of Agusan Del Norte and Agusan Del Sur
shall be included.
While farm to market roads (FMRs) are generally essential in the farmer’s access to the market and
in the development of the local economy, the inclusion of FMRs in the BUB-LPRAP of 2013 as
priority anti-poverty projects to be funded by the BUB-LPRAP is being questioned by the CSOs. It is
for the reason that FMRs must be in the regular programs and investments of the local government
units. In addition, the budget requirement of quality FMRs is high and thus they will just eat-up
majority if not all of the funds allocation of each LGU under the program which are intended for
anti-poverty projects as identified by the CSOs and basic sectors in the locality. Thus, monitoring its
implementation is relevant to ensure that these LGU pet projects will 1) have no double funding, 2)
will meet quality standards, 3) generate policy recommendations for its inclusion/non-inclusion in
the menu of projects that will be eligible for BUB-LPRAP funding, and 4) strengthen the credibility
of the BUB-LPRAP (now known as the Grassroots Participatory Budgeting Process or GPBP) as a
mechanism for people’s participation in local governance.
3. Description of a public sector partnership that can help the applicant to address the
governance risks or corruption problem.
This project will work closely with the project implementers, namely: the Local Government Units
(LGUs), the Department of Agriculture (DA), the Department of Public Works and Highways
(DPWH), National Anti-Poverty Commission (NAPC), as applicable, for the FMR which were
approved under the BUB 2013 cycle. The endorsement of the National Anti-Poverty Commission
(NAPC) may be asked if necessary in securing the needed project documents from DA or LGUs for
the BUB FMR projects. Otherwise, PAKISAMA-Mindanao may coordinate directly with DA-RFU XIII
since it is the source of funding for all the FMRs (BUB and regular DA FMR Project) to be covered
by this project. In the case of FMRs under the regular budget of the Department of Agriculture
through its Farm to Market Road Development Program (FMRDP), PAKISAMA-Mindanao will
coordinate directly with the Department of Agriculture - Regional Field Unit (RFU) in CARAGA.
PAKISAMA-Mindanao has a functional partnership with DA-RFU XIII because of its active
promotion of the implementation of the National Organic Agriculture Program (NOAP).
Following the proposed methodology and tools to be employed in the actual monitoring work and
post monitoring activities, PAKISAMA-Mindanao shall negotiate with the DA-RFU XIII for the
signing of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) that will include the following provisions in
support to this project, to wit:
ii. Commit to act on issues that may surface as a result of the monitoring work of the
Community Monitoring Team (CMT) members by establishing the Quick Feedback
iv. Actively participate in the interface meeting with the project community
partners/beneficiaries to discuss findings and recommendations of the CMTs;
vii. Support and participate in the public presentation session in which the output of
the project and the partnership shall be disseminated to the media and the local
government units, relevant government agencies and local CSOs.
The purpose of this project is to build the capacity of ordinary citizens to effectively monitor
government road construction projects and thereby creating “demand” for quality construction
and on-time completion of these infrastructure projects.
The specific monitoring technology to be used will be the Citizen-Led Monitoring System of the
National Anti-Poverty Commission’s Citizen-Led Monitoring Program Management Office (NAPC -
The set of activities of the CLMP is designed to involve the citizens and the local community. For
this project, PAKISAMA-Mindanao shall organize Community Monitoring Teams (CMTs) that will
facilitate the conduct of the different data-gathering, data-processing, validation, and planning
phases of the FMR monitoring. The following shall be the specific activities to be conducted,
1) Project Input Tracking using the Input Tracking Matrix Tool which will basically compare the
actual project accomplishment/performance with what are stipulated in the Project Plan and
budget; maybe done through ocular inspection and key informant’s interview. The findings of the
input tracking will be presented to the community for analysis and recommendations.
4) Interface Meeting. The interface meeting will be done to give both the implementing
unit/agency and the community/beneficiaries the opportunity to present their respective
feedback, assessment and recommendations about the project implementation. The meeting also
hopes to be able to generate a mutually agreed action plan on the recommendations that both sides
have brought forth. The atmosphere of dialogue must be facilitated and the meeting does not
become adversarial and antagonistic. The sensitization can be done by explaining the motivation
for the interface and sharing the results of the different scorecards. On a case to case basis, other
parties, like local political leaders, NGO, academe, church leaders, media practitioners maybe
invited to act as mediators, and give the process greater legitimacy and backing.
Note: the above activities and descriptions were lifted from the NAPC-CLMP Manual.
5) Public Presentation. This shall showcase the success of the project and the partnership with the
DA-RFU XIII, Local Government Units, and other relevant agencies on one hand and the CSOs and
ordinary citizens on the other hand. This will be conducted after some time when the
implementers (and the communities) have been given time to act on the recommendations on how
they should improve the project performance. The media will be invited to cover this event.
In addition to the NAPC-CLMP Methodology and Tools, PAKISAMA-Mindanao shall partner with the
Concerned Citizens of Abra for Good Governance (CCAGG) in the enhancement of the monitoring
tool and in the capacity-building of the CMT members as well.
Finally, PAKISAMA-Mindanao shall mobilize its community leaders and also involve other local
CSOs in the target project sites in carrying-out the objectives and activities of this project. The
partnership shall start with the selection and training of community monitoring team members to
the conduct of community sessions, interface meeting, and public presentation. A Memorandum of
Understanding (MOU) maybe executed to define this partnership and collaboration.
Knowledge management and sharing
The project product which is the knowledge generated from the whole experience of monitoring
FMR construction projects by ordinary citizens will be worth sharing to the general public both
inside and outside of the project areas. The following are some of the initial actions that can be
done in this regard, to wit:
1) Draft and submit policy proposals to DA-FRMDP and the BUB-EXECOM on the importance
and value of institutionalizing an independent citizens’ monitoring in the FMR/Road
Construction Projects;
2) The experience and the output of the citizens’ monitoring of FMR construction projects can
be documented and disseminated to the local population through the public presentation
event and with the help of the local media; and
3) The monitoring framework and methodology as well as the lessons learned and
recommendations generated from the project experience can be shared to the general
public both local and national by publishing it in the PAKISAMA National website and link it
also to the CODE-NGO Network website.
PAKISAMA-Mindanao will continue to monitor the unfinished implementation of the findings and
recommendations of the Community Monitoring Teams beyond the 6 months partnership with ETI,
if any, directly to DA-RFU XIII based on the provisions of the MOU. Furthermore, it shall continue to
promote constructive engagement with government of ordinary citizens through monitoring of
government projects especially among its member organizations and cooperatives in Agusan Del
Sur and Agusan Del Norte.
6. Definition and Measurement of Project Success. This Section should describe the indicators or
measures for achieving the target outcomes and impacts based on the delivered outputs. It is also
important to cite means of documenting and verifying the indicators.
Below is the summary of the proposed objectives and outputs of this project.
5) Efficient project 5.1. Identified and mobilized at least 5- List of CMT members
implementation and 10 CMT members for each project per FMR; copy of the
management 6 months action plan
5.2. Formed and mobilized at least one List of CMT members
(1) Community Monitoring Team per FMR; copy of the
(CMT) per FMR Project CMT Action Plan
5.3. Assigned project and support staff List of PAKISAMA-
to mentor the community monitors Mindanao Project
and to comply with the required Staff and copy of the
documentary and financial reporting Project
system of ETI Implementation Plan
7. Implementation schedule. This section should list down the activities within a six-seven
month period, for example in Gantt chart format.
2) Signing of MOU
8. Budget. A broad estimate of the project cost should be provided, including counterpart
contribution in cash or kind. --- 35% admin and management fee; 65% direct project
implementation activities and support.