SIRI 3 MODUL Bio Ting 4 BAB 1-7 TG4 GURU
SIRI 3 MODUL Bio Ting 4 BAB 1-7 TG4 GURU
SIRI 3 MODUL Bio Ting 4 BAB 1-7 TG4 GURU
1. Which of the following cells contain the highest amount of smooth endoplasmic reticulum?
Antara sel berikut, yang manakah mengandungi jumlah tertinggi jalinan endoplasma licin?
3. What is the process that occurs when a mustard stem is immersed in a hypertonic solution?
Apakah proses yang berlaku apabila batang sawi direndam di dalam larutan hipertonik?
A. Crenation B. Haemolysis C. Plasmolysis D. Deplasmolysis
Krenasi Hemolisis Plasmolisis Deplasmolisis
4551/1 Modul Hero Biologi 2021/Tg 4/Siri 3
6. Diagram 4 shows the effect of substarte concentration on the rate of enzyme reaction.
Rajah 4 menunjukkan kesan kepekatan substrat terhadap kadar tindak balas enzim.
7. Diagram 5 shows meat cutlets which are tenderized using papaya leaves.
Rajah 5 menunjukkan potongan daging yang dilembutkan menggunakan daun betik
4551/1 Modul Hero Biologi 2021/Tg 4/Siri 3
Rajah 5
Why does the meat cutlets in container B tenderized faster than in container A?
Mengapa potongan daging dalam bekas B menjadi lembut lebih cepat berbanding bekas A?
A. Total surface area of shredded leaves is high
Jumlah luas permukaan daun yang dicarik adalah besar
B. More water is produced by the shredded leaves
Lebih banyak air dikeluarkan oleh daun yang dicarik
C. More enzymes are secreted from the shredded leaves
Lebih banyak enzim dirembeskan daripada daun yang dicarik
D. The meat cutlets are fully covered by the shredded leaves
Potongan daging ditutupi sepenuhnya oleh daun yang dicarik
4551/1 Modul Hero Biologi 2021/Tg 4/Siri 3
A Cytosine / Sitosina Adenine / Adenina
B Thymine / Tiamina Cytosine / Sitosina
C Guanine / Guanina Cytosine / Sitosina
D Adenine / Adenina Guanine / Guanina
4551/1 Modul Hero Biologi 2021/Tg 4/Siri 3
14. Which organelle produces adenosine triphosphate, which is the energy source for the cell?
Organel manakah yang menghasilkan adenosin trifosfat, yang merupakan sumber tenaga bagi
17. Diagram 2 shows structure P in a cell which is involved in producing extracellular enzymes.
Rajah 2 menunjukkan struktur P dalam suatu sel yang terlibat dalam penghasilan enzim luar
What will happen if structure P fails to fuse with the Golgi apparatus?
Apakah yang akan berrlaku jika struktur P gagal bercantum dengan jasad Golgi?
Rajah 3
Which of the following statements are correct about the movement of substance Z?
Antara pernyataan berikut, yang manakah benar tentang pergerakan bahan Z?
19. Diagram 4 shows the condition of a cell before and after being immersed in solution X.
Rajah 4 menunjukkan keadaan satu sel sebelum dan selepas direndam dalam larutan X.
Sebelum Selepas
Rajah 4
What is solution X and the process involved?
Apakah larutan X dan proses yang terlibat?
4551/1 Modul Hero Biologi 2021/Tg 4/Siri 3
21. Diagram 5 shows the structure of an enzyme molecule at the temperature of 26° C.
Rajah 5 menunjukkan struktur molekul enzim pada suhu 26°C.
Rajah 5
Which of the following is the structure of the enzyme molecule at the temperature 60°C?
Antara berikut, yang manakah struktur molekul enzim itu pada suhu 60°C?
22. Diagram 6 shows the graph of the amount of substrate used against time.
Rajah 6 menunjukkan graf bagi jumlah substrat yang digunakan melawan masa.
4551/1 Modul Hero Biologi 2021/Tg 4/Siri 3
Rajah 7
Which sequence is correct? Urutan manakah yang betul?
24. What phase of mitosis shows early formation of cell plate in a plant cell?
Fasa mitosis manakah yang menunjukkan pembentukan awal plat sel dalam sel tumbuhan?
What are the possibilities that will happen if structure Y is not formed?
Apakah kemungkinan yang akan berlaku jika struktur Y tidak terbentuk?
4551/1 Modul Hero Biologi 2021/Tg 4/Siri 3
1 C 11 D 21 D
2 B 12 C 22 B
3 C 13 B 23 B
4 A 14 A 24 D
5 C 15 C 25 D
6 D 16 D 26 A
7 C 17 B
8 B 18 B
9 C 19 C
B 20 D