Department Order No. 2007 25

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mae : ppypo = as, Republic of fv Pitinines oe DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AND (COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY ¥s 18 June 2007 DEPARTMENT ORDER NO. 2007-25 ec - é i 1 = Loe > 2 Q = a a a g S z $ é Subject: REVISED SCHEDULE OF Fi INTERNATIONAL AIRPOR’ Pursuant to the provisions of Sections 32 and $1 af Republic Act No. 776, otherwise panne s the Croll Acronnuties Aci, es amended hy Presidential Decree Nos, 804 Toya. 1462 and Executive Order No. 546, the following fees ae! charges for the dacieperation of Davaw International Airport (DIA) are hereby prescribed amending = dee irrurpese Department Order Na. 961178 dated 09 September 1098 (Revises net eee ee recs and. Charges for Alternate Imemational Airports and National Airports) PART 1: DEFINITION OF TERMS Follows: Scetion |. ‘The following teriminatogies shall be construed to mea 1 Aireratt = Any contrivance now known or _hereinaller invented, used or designed for navigation oF Might in the 12 Aiveraft Parking Fee A foe charged 10 airerall for the use af facilities and services for parking at the rerminal apron er remote parking areas from the time of landing up to the time af take-olT 1.3 -Airport Any area of fankl or water which is used or intended to be used for landing and take-off of hireraft ineluding its appurtenant areas which are ised oF intended to be used for airpart buildings installation or the airport Facilities or right-of-ways ; together with all airport buildings and facilities : 14 ATO < Air Transportation Office 1.5 “DIA = Davao Intemational Airport 1.6 Secretary’ The Seeretary of the Department of Pransportation and Communications ~The Assistant Seeretary af the Air Trinsportation oltice LB Concessionaire =A company or nn individual allowed by the ATO. through a contract or permit, tu operate and 17 Assistant Scere! FATAE 7p 1s conumenn Towen, Brov. Wack-Wack, Onions AvENUE, BBE MANOALUTONS Sa7r, PHILIPPINES: Ooo ne ere gIO * 725 abgp "720 7106 + 726 7108 + 724 E485 * 725 1880 | 7282760 ‘Fae Les 727 7960 6 70 Local 97. 20Q)) g80! 27," Facsini.e Ln 729 7108 7 78 eaten ES dell hapsimrndate-aorm G6 137 maintain business aetivity within DIA. A passenger passing Davao fram a point of origin lo connect with another ight to their final destination whose reservation is on request or 1.9 Conneeting Passenger 1.10 Developed Area ‘An area that has an access road and or where improvements are already introduced The certified maximum gross weight of an aireraft as spevilied in the certificate of registration of said aireral granted by the licensing authority, LLL Gross Weight 1.12 Landing and ‘Take-off - A fee eharged for the use of aireraft of the airport Fees facilities and services for landing and take-off 113 Nighttime = The time between 6:00 PM and 6:00 AM (local time) 1.14 Transit Passenger Wuhiweveyro oreosec ourcons 07-0159 PAGE 16 oF 4 Republic of the Philippines Department of Transportation and Communications CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF THE PHILIPPINES Office of the Director General fuihe * MEMORANDUM CIRCULAR NO, 12-24 Ore b L TO + ALL CAAP AREA CENTER MANAGERS AIRPORT MANAGERS/ OFFICER-IN-CHARGE. FROM : THE DIRECTOR GENERAL SUBJECT: OPERATIONAL MANAGEMENT OF CAAP-OWNED VEHICULAR PARKING AREAS DATE :__ APR 2 92014 Effective immediately and pending finalization of the guidelines for fees and charges to be imposed on ‘yehicular parking spaces, all Area Center Managers, Airport Managers and Officers-in-Charge aro precluded fo entertain or process application for the renewal of subsisting Concession Contracts for ‘vehicular parking areas/spaces including Temporary Permits. ‘Accordingly, in linc with CAAP"s corporate thrust to optimize revenue generation, maximize manpower ‘lization and strengthen security measures within the airport vicinties, all CAAP-owned vehicular parking areas shall be operationally managed by the personnel of the concerned airports Furthermore, Area Center Managers, Airport Managers and Officers-in-Charge are directed to coordinate ‘with the Concession Unit of the Aerodrome Development and Management Service (ADMS) in the ‘etermination of the reasonableness and economic viability of parking rates/fees to be imposed. {In the meantime, pending the final determination of new ‘vehicular parking fee rates, airports with previous parking concession contracts shall adopt the existing parking fee rates thereat, ‘All Orders and Memoranda in conflict herewith are hereby rescinded. For compliance CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY LT GEN wale K TIT AFP (Ret) Director General AIDA S. ROMULO- Chief, Central Records and Archives Division ‘Old MIA Road corner Ninov Aauino Avenue, Pasav Ci Republic of the Philippines Department of Transportation and Communications CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF THE PHILIPPINES Office of the Director General ’ pale Pe is ABUN 2 4 201% + fr oe eee AUTHORITY ORDER NO. _ 148-44 ees Ay Pursuant to Memorandum Circular No, 12-14 regarding operational management of CAAP- owned vehicular parking areas, all Airport Area Managers, Airport Managers and Officers in-Charge are hereby authorized to collectimposed parking fees to all types of vehicles in accordance with the following scheduled rates: Classification of | 1*Zhours | Succeedinghours | Overnight | Twenty four Airports orfraction | orfraction thereof | Parking | (24) hours thereof Fee parking Fee Parking fee 7_| international Php20.00__| Php10.00 Phpi00.00_| Php150.00 2__| Principal Class 20.00 10.00 100.00 150.00 3 | Principal Class 1 20.00 5.00 50.00 100.00 4 |Community | 20.00 5.00 30.00 75.00 For airports with present parking fee shall adopt the existing parking fee rates whichever is higher. For airports with recently approved parking concession contract/permit shall adopt the parking fee rates indicated in the agreement. All Orders/Memoranda in conflict herewith are hereby rescinded. For compliance. CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY \ es (OF THE PHILIPPINES LT GEN WILLIAM K HOTCHKISS III AFP (Ret) Director General AIDA S. ROMULO Chief, Central Records and Archives Division Admasimel “The Fatuce 1s tu the Shees” 01d MIA Road comer Ninoy Aquino Avenue, Pasay City, Metro Manila, Philippines, 1300 “Tels (+632) 879-9122/126 / www.caapgovph

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