1. About Claudication which of the following statements are true?
a. Doppler ultrasound works on the basis of a frequency shift when sound waves hit
moving red blood cells.
b. ABPI means ‘ankle brachial pulsatility index.
c. An ABPI of greater than 0.9 is probably normal.
d. Duplex scans are a combination of wave form analysis and B-mode ultrasound.
e. Carotid surgery is often performed on the basis of duplex scans without further imaging.
3. Drugs which of the following drugs have been shown to improve claudication?
a. Beta-blockers
b. Aspirin
c. Oxpentifylline
d. Simvastatin
e. Prostacyclin.
a. Buerger’s disease
b. Infection
c. Intra-arterial drug injection
d. Frostbite
e. Deep vein thrombosis insufficiency.
1 2 3 4
5. About amputation, which of the following are not an indication for major
5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12
15. About acute arterial thrombosis all the following ore true except:
a. Old age
b. History of chronic ischemia
c. No collateral
d. There may be history of diarrhea
16. Sure signs of arterial injury include all the following except:
a. Signs of ischemia
b. Evidence of adjacent nerve injury
c. Pulsating hematoma
d. Palpable thrill at the site of injury
13 14 15 16
18. Management of complete arterial rear may include all the following except
a. Dissection of the artery
b. Cut the minor bronchus
c. Suturing in transverse suture line
d. Saphenous grafting
17 18 19 20
D C d B
23. A 55-year-old woman gives a history of tiredness, aching, and a feeling of heaviness in the
left lower leg for the past 3 months. These symptoms are relieved by leg elevation. She is also
awakened frequently by calf and foot cramping, which is relieved by leg elevation, walking, or
massage. On physical examination there are superficial varicosities, non pitting edema, and a
slightly painful, 2 cm. diameter superficial ulcer 5 cm. above and behind the left medial malleolus.
What is the most appropriate diagnosis?
24. The best treatment plan for the patient described in the preceding question should
21 22 23 24
B D C e
25. In patients who develop a documented episode of deep venous thrombosis (DVT) the most
significant long-term sequale is:
a. Claudication.
b. Recurrent foot infection s.
c. Development of stasis ulcer.
d. Pulmonary embolization.
e. Diminished arterial perfusion.
26. A 28-year-old woman developed a painful thrombosis of a superficial varix in the left
upper calf 2 days previously. After spending the 2 days in bed with her leg elevated, she felt
better and the tenderness resolved; however, when out of bed she developed a twinge of
right-sided chest pain when walking and a feeling of heaviness in the calf. Which treatment is
most appropriate?
a. Check for leg swelling, tenderness, and Homan's sign, and obtain a Doppler ultrasound study.
b. Begin antibiotics for a probable secondary bacterial infection.
c. Order emergency venography, and if it is abnormal, begin heparin administration.
d. Begin ambulation and discontinue bed rest that probably caused muscle pain by hyperextension of the
e. If there is no pain on dorsiflexion of the left foot reassure her, since a negative Homan's sign precludes the
diagnosis of DVT.
27. In a 55-year-old grocery store cashier with an 8-month history of leg edema increasing over the
course of a work day, associated with moderate to severe lower leg bursting pain, the most
appropriate investigative study or studies are:
28. In an otherwise healthy male with previously normal pulmonary and cardiac function,
how much of the pulmonary vascular bed must usually be occluded to produce an unstable
cardiovascular state (shock)?
a. 10%.
b. 20%.
c. 40%.
d. More than 50%.
25 26 27 28
C C A d
30. The single most important indication for emergency pulmonary embolectomy is:
31. In prevention of the fat emboli syndrome the primary therapy can be
accomplished by which of the following?
29 30 31 32
C c d c
34. Which of the following con firms the diagnosis of transection of the descending
thoracic aorta?
a. Widened mediastinum.
b. Fractured first rib.
c. Left pleural effusion.
d. Positive aortogram.
e. All of the above.
36. The most common risk associated with carotid artery aneurysm is:
33 34 35 36
c d C b
a. Sepsis.
b. A congenital defect.
c. Atherosclerosis.
d. Fibromuscular dysplasia.
a. Celiac.
b. Superior mesenteric.
c. Hepatic.
d. Splenic.
a. Matas.
b. Linton.
c. Dubost.
d. Non e of the above.
37 38 39 40
c d b c
42. The appropriate treatment in most situations of an aortic abdominal graft that
has become infected is:
43. In a patient with an abdominal aortic aneurysm and a history of several previous
abdominal procedures for release of dense peritoneal adhesions causing episodes
of intestinal obstruction, consideration should be given to which one of the
following at operation?
a. Cardiopulmonary bypass.
b. An incision from the xiphoid process to the symphysis pubis.
c. Incision in the left flan k with a retroperitoneal approach.
d. An axillobifemoral graft.
44. The incidence of inflammatory aortic abdominal aneurysms with dense periaortic
adhesions and possible involvement of adjacent structures such as the duodenum,
renal vein, and ureter is approximately:
a. 2%.
b. 10%.
c. 25%.
41 42 43 44
a d c b
45. Carotid artery occlusive disease most often produces transient ischemic
attacks or stroke by which of the following mechanisms?
a. Reduction of flow to the affected area of the brain through stenotic or occluded
b. Embolization of atheromatous debris and/or clot with occlusion of intracranial
branches of the carotid artery.
c. Thrombosis and propagation of the clot into the intracranial branches.
d. All of the above are equally common.
47. In terms of long-term graft patency, the best results in the femoral tibial bypass
position have been achieved with:
48. Which of the following statements about femoral popliteal bypass grafting is/are
a. Lon g-term graft surveillance by duplex scanning has no effect on graft patency
b. Graft failure and amputation occur in half the patients within 5 years.
c. If grafting is successful, long-term mortality is improved.
d. Patency rates of 80% to 90% at 1 year currently are expected.
45 46 47 48
B C D d
49. Which of the following statements about percutaneous renal artery transluminal angioplasty
(PRTA) are true?
a. Patients with renovascular hypertension are usually cured after successful PRTA.
b. Patients with renovascular hypertension due to atherosclerosis are more likely to benefit
from PRTA than those in whom it is due to fibromuscular dysplasia.
c. PRTA of ostial atherosclerotic lesions is more successful than PRTA of nonostial lesions.
d. PRTA is associated with a higher morbidity and mortality than angioplasty for peripheral
vascular disease.
51. A patient presents with a gunshot wound of the mid-neck. Although drunk, he exhibits no
lateralizing neurologic signs. After control of his airway is achieved, he is taken directly to the
operating room for control of hemorrhage. The common carotid artery has a 2-cm. destroyed
segment. There is also a major esophageal injury. The best treatment for this carotid injury is:
52. A 35-year-old man involved in a motor vehicle accident presents with a knee
dislocation that is easily reduced. Radiography of the knee shows no fracture. Which of the
following statements about h is treatment are true?
49 50 51 52
D d a b
a. Explore all the major arteries and veins of the pelvis and surgically control the
bleeding if possible.
b. Do not explore the pelvic hematoma. Close the abdomen and apply a MAST suit.
c. Do not explore the pelvic hematoma. Apply a pelvic fixator and send the patient
to radiology f or possible embolization of bleeding pelvic vessels.
d. Use sustained hypotensive anesthesia to try to control bleeding.
e. Open the pelvic hematoma and apply laparotomy pads with topical hemostatic
54. Which of the following statements about acute arterial occlusion today is/are not
55. Which of the following statements about lytic agents is/are true?
a. They were first introduced well after the advent of balloon embolectomy.
b. Streptokinase is nonantigenic.
c. Systemic use is the most effective means of delivery.
d. The interval to reperfusion limits their utility in the treatment of advanced
53 54 55 56
C d d d
57. Which of the following is/are not true of the embolectomy catheter technique?
a. The balloon should be inflated by the same person who withdraws the catheter.
b. Distal exploration should be carried out in all major branches of the affected
c. The balloon is designed to dilate as it traverses areas of luminal narrowing.
d. Removal of adherent thrombus requires alternate catheter-based therapy in
addition to balloon exploration.
58. Which of the following is the least reliable indicator of successful thrombectomy?
59. A 21-year-old woman presents with digital color changes in response to cold
stimulation. Physical examination and laboratory data, including an autoimmune
disease screen, are normal. She should be advised that:
57 58 59 60
C a a d
61. The most dangerous DVT which requires the longest period of treatment:
62. Which of the following statements about upper extremity edema is/are true?
63. Which of the following statements about chronic mesenteric ischemia due to
atherosclerosis is/are correct?
a. It is a decapeptide.
b. It is an enzyme found in high concentration in the pulmonary circulation.
c. It is a direct vasoconstrictor and stimulates aldosterone production.
d. It is a vasoconstrictor and inhibits aldosterone secretion.
61 62 63 64
c b e c
65. Which of the following statements about atherosclerotic obstruction of the renal arteries
is true?
66. Which of the following statements about the treatment of renal artery stenosis is/are true?
a. Though a significant cause of hypertension, renal artery stenosis seldom results in loss
of renal function.
b. In patients with medically controlled renovascular hypertension there is no need to
consider revascularization.
c. Balloon angioplasty is more effective in patients with atherosclerotic disease as
compared with those with fibromuscular disease.
d. In patients with severe atherosclerosis of the aorta, bypass from the splenic or hepatic
arteries should be considered.
67. All but one of the following statements is true. Which is not true?
a. Successful clinical repair of injured veins had been affected by the turn of the twentieth
b. Initial large experience in managing injured vein s came from the battlefields of
twentieth-century wars.
c. More than 50% of repaired injured veins thrombose.
d. Phlebography is useful in evaluating variable venous anatomy.
e. Repeated phlebography following attempted venous repair is useful in determining the
success rate.
68. Concerning in-vivo regulation of the anticoagulated state by endothelium, the following
is/are true:
65 66 67 68
a d c d
69. Ten years after irradiation of the neck for a tonsillar carcinoma, a 59-year-old
woman is found to have symptomatic carotid artery disease. Arteriogram shows a 70%
irregular stenotic lesion. The following is/are true:
a. Replacement of the artery should be planned due to radiation induced arterial injury
b. The pathology is most likely to be an inflammatory reaction with endothelial
sloughing and thrombosis
c. If atherosclerotic disease is found, the plaque will be no different than nonirradiated
d. The patient should be managed medically because of the radiation arterial in jury
70. A 23-year-old woman with fever, myalgia and anorexia presents with hypertension
and a cool, ischemic left arm. Angiography shows multiple stenoses of the subclavian and
renal arteries. The following is/are true:
a. Plasminogen is an a-globulin
b. Fibrin but not fibrinogen is lysed by plasmin
c. The main inhibitor of plasmin is a2-macroglobulin
d. TAP is activated during fibrin bonding to plasminogen
72. An 82-year-old man with a long history of coronary and peripheral vascular disease
presents with an acutely ischemic right lower extremity. The following is/are true:
69 70 71 72
C D D b
73. Two days following coronary angiography and angioplasty, a 47-year-old male diabetic
develops painful blue toes on both feet. The following is/are true:
a. It is very unlikely that there is any connection between the catheterization and the
extremity problem
b. The appropriate treatment is vasodilators and an antiplatelet agent
c. If both superficial femoral arteries are obstructed, the most likely etiology is in-situ
microvascular thrombosis
d. If renal failure or pancreatitis develops, the outlook for long term survival is very poor
74. A 70-year-old man presents with sudden pain and ischemic changes in his left leg.
An arterial embolus is suspected. The following is/are true:
75. A 67-year-old man with acute popliteal arterial embolism has a negative cardiac echo for
source of the thrombus. The following is/are true:
76. Which of the following is/are appropriate candidates for exercise testing?
a. The patient with symptoms of intermittent claudication but normal resting ankle
brachial indices
b. The patient with rest pain, non healing ulcers or gangrene
c. If the resting ankle pressure is below 30–40 mmHg
d. The patient with blue toe syndrome and readily palpable pedal pulses
73 74 75 76
D C c a
77. Which of the following statements is/are true regarding the use of duplex
scanning as a means to follow and monitor bypass grafts?
a. Strict control with insulin but not oral hypoglycemic agents markedly reduces
the incidence of cardiovascular complications in diabetic persons
b. Vascular complications are directly proportion al to the degree of glycemic
c. The effects of diabetes are most marked in individuals with other risk factors
d. The impact of diabetes and cardiovascular risk is relatively uniform
77 78 79 80
A c c c
83. About phlegmasia cerulae dolens all the following ore true except:
a. There is massive iliofemoral DVT
b. Severe congestion and cyanosis of lower limb
c. Treated by anticoagulants
d. May lead to venous gangrene
81 82 83
1. A 43-year-old man experiences lower back pain after lifting a heavy object off the
ground. The following morning, he notices that the pain has begun to radiate down the
posterolateral aspect of the right leg and across the top of the foot to the big toe. The pain
is severe, electric in quality, associated with paresthesia over the same distribution, and
made worse by coughing. On examination, it is found that he has an area of diminished
sensation to pinprick over the dorsum of the right foot and mild weakness in his right
extensor hallucis longus muscle. The deep tendon reflexes are all intact. What is the most
likely diagnosis?
(A) Lumbar spinal fracture with compression of the caudaequina
(B) Herniated lumbar disk on the right at the level of L4–L5
(C) Herniated lumbar disk on the left at the level of L4–L5
(D) Herniated lumbar disk on the right at the level of S1–S2
(E) Intermittent claudication
2. A 48-year-old woman has a lower back pain and hypoesthesia in the left S1 dermatomal
distribution (left calf and lateral left foot). What is the most likely cause?
(A) A lesion at the right L4–L5 interspace
(B) Pathology where the nerve exits the spinal canal immediately above the pedicle of S3
(C) A herniated nucleus pulposus
(D) Compression by the L5 lamina
(E) A lesion outside the vertebral column
3. A 35-year-old secretary complains of severe pain in the neck that radiates down the
right arm. The pain is electric in quality and affects specifically the radial aspect of the right
forearm and the thumb. She also describes numbness and paresthesia over the same
distribution. On physical examination, she is found to have an area of diminished
sensation to pinprick over the right wrist and thumb. The right biceps tendon reflex is
diminished, but there is no loss of muscle strength. She has right C5–C6 disk compression
and radiculopathy affecting which of the following?
(A) The right C4 root
(B) The right C4 mixed spinal nerve
(C) The right C4 anterior primary rami
(D) The right C6 root
(E) The right C6 spinal ganglion
6. A 63-year-old woman presents for workup to determine the reason for a gradual
hearing loss over approximately 5 years and intermittent tinnitus over the last
several months. Findings on physical and neurologic examination are
entirely within normal limits, except for the presence of sensorineural hearing loss
in the left ear. She has no cranial nerve deficits. An MRI of the brain with
gadolinium reveals the presence of an extra-axial tumor in the region
of the left cerebella-pontine angle. What is the most likely diagnosis?
(A) Epidermoid tumor (cholesteatoma)
(B) Glioblastomamultiforme
(C) Meningioma
(D) Acoustic neuroma
(E) Glomus tumor
5 6 7 8
c D E C
11. During her eighth month of pregnancy, a 29-year-old woman is noted to have
hydramnios. Further testing shows anencephalus. In this case hydramnios is
caused by which of the following?
(A) Impairment of the fetus’s swallowing mechanism
(B) Tumor of the fetus’s brain
(C) A secretory peptide from the placenta
(D) Excess antidiuretic hormone (ADH) from the fetus
(E) Renal agenesis
12. A 28-year-old man presents with a history of chronic headache. The headache
is intermittent, severe, poorly localized, and most often present when he arises in
the morning. He suffered a severe blow to the head and sustained a skull fracture
at the age of 15. Findings on his physical and neurologic examinations are within
normal limits. An MRI of the brain with gadolinium reveals the presence of a large,
nonenhancing extra-axial cyst in the region of
the right temporal tip. This most likely represents which of the following?
(A) An arachnoid cyst
(B) A cystic astrocytoma
(C) Rathke’s cleft cyst
(D) A Dandy-Walker cyst (failure of proper formation of the foramina of Lushka
and Magendie)
(E) Polycystic disease
9 10 11 12
13. A 15-year-old boy complains of right-sided weakness and gait impairment. ACT
scan shows a large, nonenhancing cyst in the posterior cranial fossa, with an
enhancing tumor nodule in the left cerebellum. What is the most likely diagnosis?
(A) An arachnoid cyst
(B) A cystic astrocytoma
(C) Rathke’s cleft cyst
(D) Glioblastomamultiforme
(E) A large sebaceous cyst ans:B
14. A 43-year-old man is treated with pyridostigmine for facial, ocular, and
pharyngeal weakness due to myasthenia gravis. Which statement is true of
(A) It is unrelated to neostigmine.
(B) It has far more side effects than neostigmine.
(C) Pyridostigmine and neostigmine reverse depolarizing neuromuscular blockade.
(D) It causes greater muscarinic effect than neostigmine.
(E) It is an anticholinesterase agentans:E
15. A 17-year-old male presents with 3-month history of headache, weight gain,
decreased concentration, polyuria, and polydypsia. His headaches are mostly in
morning and involvesthe frontal region. On examination he was found to have
bitemporal visual field defect and no facial hair. MRI scan revealed a suprasellar
partially calcified cystic lesion with displacement of optic chiasm. The most likely
pathology is:
(A) Giant aneurysm of carotid artery
(B) Pituitary macroadenoma
(C) Glioblastomamultiforme
(D) Craniopharyngioma
(E) Testicular metastasisans:d
13 14 15 16
17. A 45-year-old woman was brought to emergency department for sudden onset
of severe headache associated with photophobia, nausea, and transient loss of
consciousness. On examination, she is awake and alert with normal cranial nerve
function. She also exhibits normal muscle strength and sensation.Her past medical
history is significant for sickle cell disease (SCD) and hypertension. CT scan confirms
the diagnosis of SAH without any intraparenchymal abnormality.
What is the least likely cause of SAH?
(A) Aneurysmal bleed
(B) Sickle cell angiopathy
(C) Arteriovenous malformation (AVM)
(D) Hemorrhagic meningioma
(E) Blood dyscrasia
17 18 19
l. About etiology of pneumothorax:
a- Spontaneous pneumothorax is always secondary to lung disease
b- Accidental pneumothorax needs a penetrating injury
c- Mechanical ventilation can result in pneumothorax
d- Central venous line insertion is not a reported cause
1. C
2. C
3. D
4. D
7. All of the following are differential diagnoses for sudden chest pain
without shock except:
a- Tension pneumothorax
b- Massive pulmonary embolism
c- Massive myocardial infarction
d- Flail chest
5. C
6 B
7 D
8 B
9 C
l0 A
11 A
12 E
14. All of the following ore indications of open surgical drainage of pus
in acute empyema except:
a- thick pus
b- Rapid recollection of pus
c- Streptococcal empyema
d- Extensive conditions
13 C
14 C
15 A
16 b
17 C
18 E
19 D
20 D
22. Open chest wounds are characterized by the following except that
a. May cause "pendulum respiration".
b. May produce "mediastinal flutter.
c. May be associated with abdominal injuries.
d. Need immediate sealing of the wound.
e. Always require thoracotomy for definitive treatment.
21 E
22 E
23 A
24 E
25 A
26 D
27 A
1.Themain advantage of Lund and Browder charts over rule of nines is:
a- lt is easier
b- More accuroteto regarding sex of patient
c- More accuroteregarding age of patient
d- All of the above
1 2 3 4
7.The most common site for the following diseases is correctly matched except:
a- Keloids :face, neck and skin over sternum
b- Hypertrophic scars :extensor surfaces
c- Hemangiomas:head and neck
d- Basal cell carcinoma:face
8. Langenbeek's repair:
a- lsa method of grafting in burns
b- lsa method of repair after surgical excision of Sq.C.C.
c- lsa method of repair of cleft lip
d- lsa method of repair of cleft palate
5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16
20. A paraplegic bed-ridden patient developed a large deep bed-sore over his
sacrum. The best regimen is by wide excision and :
a. Local applications.
b. Thierschgrafting.
c. Wolfe-grafting.
d. Localskin flops.
e. Myocutaneousflap.
17 18 19 20
21.lnunilateral hare-lip, the following statements are true except that it:
a. Affects the upper lip only.
b. Moy be partial or complete.
c. ls due to failure to fusion between the maxillary process with the fronto-nasal
process and the maxillary process of the opposite side.
d. lsalways associated with nasaldeformity.
e. Produces no serious speech defects.
24. A 6 year old boy has a 2 cm lesion on Right cheek. The lesion has been
enhancing since birth. On Auscultation lesion is pulsatile, it has a thrill and it has a
harsh sound on auscultation. It has multiple feeding arteries. The best treatment
option for this lesion would be
21 22 23 24
a) Keloid is excessive scar formation within and outside the boundaries of skin incision
b) Recurence rate of keloid after excision is 10-20%
c) Exact cause of keloid formation is not known but fibroblast dysfunction is commonly
d) Adjunctive treatment besides surgery gives the best results
26. Which of the following is true about Langer's line of the skin?
25 26 27 28