Wednesday 25 February 2021 Hinduism-Dharma

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Wednesday 25th February 2021

Hinduism- Dharma

Learning Objectives:

To understand what Dharma is and how it shapes a

Hindus life.

Key words:

Dharma- The eternal and inherent nature of reality,

in Hinduism as a cosmic law underlying right behaviour
social order.

The Game Snakes & Ladders is an ancient

game in Hindu Tradition. In Sanskrit, this
game was also known as 'Parama Pada
Sopana Patam', meaning the chart showing
the ladder that leads to the ultimate state.

Bad Karma:


Talking behind peoples back


Good Karma:

Helping people

Giving to others

Everyone believes that their religion is the truth and
follow their own religious path.

Your Dharma: That is what you ought to do, is yours

People might not understand you Dharma and your
beliefs may seem alien to them.

But in the end, everyone has a place in the world, and

a role to fill.

Dharma sees the world as a criss-cross pattern.

Dharma is the duties a Hindu should follow in their life.
There are various types of dharma for a Hindu. Some
are personal duties and some are eternal duties,
meaning that they are for everyone. Dharma or duties
are expected of all Hindus, and Hindus should live their
lives with these in mind. Dharma is one of the four
main aims in a Hindu’s life. In Hinduism, people’s
thoughts and behaviours store up karma, which affects
their afterlives. This is one reason why Hindus try to
behave good. Hindus believe that the Supreme Being
has revealed dharma to people through Hindu
scriptures and that to follow dharma successfully is to
achieve their deepest and purest purpose. Following
dharma carefully is likely to create good karma and
cause a good reincarnation in the next life.

He teaches us that our dharma depends on our stage

of life.

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