Diploma in Computer Application Semester - I C. Line printer D. Daisy wheel
Fundamentals of Computer ( DCA -101)
Internal Examination (June 2021 )
Full Marks- 40 Time- 90 Minutes 8. Sequence of instruction written in a language understood by computer
SET - A is called
a. Computer Program b. Operating System
1. Any device that performs signal conversion is c. Software d. Machine language
A. Modulator B. Modem
C. Keyboard D. Plotter 9. . Which of the following is not currently a topic in computer science?
A. Speech recognition B. Artificial intelligence
2. A memory that holds micro programs is C. Thermodynamics D. Multiprocessing
A. Core memory B. ROM
C. RAM D. Control memory 10. . When was Apple Macintosh II microcomputer introduced in the
3. Who introduced Stored-Program concept A. 1964 B. 1970
a. Charles Babbage c. John Von Neumann C. 1987 D. 1986
b. Blaise Pascal d. Baron Gottfried Wilhelm
11. The unit of a computer system that executes program, communicates
4. A modern electronic computer is a machine that is meant for with and often controls the operation of other subsystems of the
A. Doing quick mathematical calculations computer is known as
B. Input storage, manipulation of outputting of data A. CPU B. Control Unit
C. Electronic data processing C. I/O unit D. Peripheral unit
D. Performing repetitive tasks accurately
12. . The ALU of a computer normally contains a number of high speed
5. . Symbolic languages were developed in storage elements called
A. 1962 B. 1950 A. semiconductor memory B. registers
C. 1974 D. 1980 C. hard disk D. magnetic disk
6. Where have the program and data to be located before the ALU and 13. A _____ is simply an arrangement where multiple disk drives appear
control unit of a computer can operate on it? as a single disk drive to the user.
A. Internal memory B. Secondary memory A. disk B. disk array
C. Microprocessor D. Magnetic tapes C. bunch of disks D. disk pack
7. Which printer uses a combination of laser-beam & electro 14. EBCDIC can code up to how many different characters?
photographic techniques. A. 8 B. 16
C. 32 D. 256 C. Babbage D. jacquard
31. Storage on PC allows you to store files until something erases it, but 36. Which unit represent Primary Unit Storage
memory loses its contents whenever its _____ is lost a. 3 b. 2 c. 7 d. 5
A. static B. disk space
C. power D. both a and b above 37. Unit 3 in the Diagram represents
a. Storage Unit c. ALU
32. . One byte can be used to encode any integer between 'O' and - b. CPU d. Control Unit
A. 16 B. 256 38. Which unit represent CPU
C. 128 D. 255 a. 6 b. 2 c. 10 d. 9
33. When did arch rivals IBM and Apple Computers Inc. decide to join 39. Unit 6 in the Diagram represent
hands? a. Control Unit c. Output unit
A. 1978 B. 1984 b. CPU d. Program and Data
C. 1990 D. 1991
40. Which Unit is Called Information (Result)
a. 2 b. 6 c. 9 d. 8
Refer to the Diagram below