GeM-Bidding-2580918 Word Format Annexures
GeM-Bidding-2580918 Word Format Annexures
GeM-Bidding-2580918 Word Format Annexures
Dated: 19-08-2021
Bid Document
Bid Details
Bid End Date/Time 13-09-2021 16:00:00
Bid Opening Date/Time 13-09-2021 16:30:00
Bid Life Cycle (From Publish Date) 90 (Days)
Bid Offer Validity (From End Date) 65 (Days)
Ministry/State Name Ministry Of Petroleum And Natural Gas
Department Name Indian Oil Corporation Limited
Organisation Name Marketing Division
Office Name Iocl Marketing Upso2 Mathuramarketingterminal
Custom Bid for Services - Providing Haulage Housekeeping
Item Category Services at Mathura Terminal including MC office and
OMS1 for the 3 Years
Contract Period 3 Year(s)
Minimum Average Annual Turnover of the
81 Lakh (s)
MSE Exemption for Years of Experience and
Startup Exemption for Years of Experience
and Turnover
SHG Exemption for Years of Experience and
Bidder Turnover,Additional Doc 1 (Requested in
ATC),Additional Doc 2 (Requested in ATC)
*In case any bidder is seeking exemption from Experience /
Document required from seller
Turnover Criteria, the supporting documents to prove his
eligibility for exemption must be uploaded for evaluation by
the buyer
Bid to RA enabled Yes
RA Qualification Rule H1-Highest Priced Bid Elimination
Time allowed for Technical Clarifications
7 Days
during technical evaluation
Estimated Bid Value 48580933
Evaluation Method Total value wise evaluation
EMD Detail
Required No
ePBG Detail
(a). EMD & Performance security should be in favour of Beneficiary, wherever it is applicable.
Indian Oil Corporation Limited, Uttar Pradesh State Office-2, E-8, Sector-1, Noida
1. The minimum average annual financial turnover of the bidder during the last three years, ending on 31st
March of the previous financial year, should be as indicated above in the bid document. Documentary evidence in
the form of certified Audited Balance Sheets of relevant periods or a certificate from the Chartered Accountant /
Cost Accountant indicating the turnover details for the relevant period shall be uploaded with the bid. In case the
date of constitution / incorporation of the bidder is less than 3-year-old, the average turnover in respect of the
completed financial years after the date of constitution shall be taken into account for this criteria.
2. Estimated Bid Value indicated above is being declared solely for the purpose of guidance on EMD amount and
for determining the Eligibility Criteria related to Turn Over, Past Performance and Project / Past Experience etc.
This has no relevance or bearing on the price to be quoted by the bidders and is also not going to have any
impact on bid participation. Also this is not going to be used as a criteria in determining reasonableness of
quoted prices which would be determined by the buyer based on its own assessment of reasonableness and
based on competitive prices received in Bid / RA process.
3. Reverse Auction would be conducted amongst all the technically qualified bidders except the Highest quoting
bidder. The technically qualified Highest Quoting bidder will not be allowed to participate in RA. However, H-1
will also be allowed to participate in RA in following cases:
Introduction about the project /services being proposed for procurement using custom bid
Instruction To Bidder:1628761504.pdf
Scope of Work:1628761532.pdf
Payment Terms:1628761567.pdf
Quantifiable Specification / Standards of The Service/ BOQ:1628761597.pdf
Technical Specifications
Specification Values
Description /Nomenclature of Service Proposed for Providing Haulage Housekeeping Services at Mathura
procurement using custom bid functionality Terminal including MC office and OMS1 for the 3 Years
Quantity of
Consignee/Reporti ( to be Additional
S.No. Address
ng Officer chosen 1 in Requirement
281005,Behind Mathura
1 Pushpendra Singh Refinery, Near Baad Railway 1 N/A
Station Mathura
Bidders shall mandatorily submit Bid Security Declaration (Annexure-S of tender documents)
in lieu of EMD waiver. Tenderers not uploading “Bid Security Declaration (in lieu of EMD) on
or before tender submission date and time, will be summarily rejected. The Bid Security
Declaration shall also be applicable on bidders who are exempted from payment of EMDs
(MSEs as per PPP, Startups, CPSEs and JVs).
The additional terms and conditions have been incorporated by the Buyer after approval of the Competent
Authority in Buyer Organization. Buyer organization is solely responsible for the impact of these clauses on the
bidding process, its outcome and consequences thereof including any eccentricity / restriction arising in the
bidding process due to these ATCs and due to modification of technical specification and / or terms and
conditions governing the bid. Any clause incorporated by the Buyer such as demanding Tender Sample,
incorporating any clause against the MSME policy and Preference to make in India Policy, mandating any Brand
names or Foreign Certification, changing the default time period for Acceptance of material or payment timeline
governed by OM of Department of Expenditure shall be null and void and would not be considered part of bid.
Further any reference of conditions published on any external site or reference to external documents / clauses
shall also be null and void. If any seller has any objection / grievance against these additional clauses or
otherwise on any aspect of this bid, they can raise their representation against the same by using the
Representation window provided in the bid details field in Seller dashboard after logging in as a seller within 4
days of bid publication on GeM. Buyer is duty bound to reply to all such representations and would not be
allowed to open bids if he fails to reply to such representations.
This Bid is governed by the General Terms and Conditions, conditons stipulated in Bid and Service Level
Agreement specific to this Service as provided in the Marketplace. However in case if any condition specified in
General Terms and Conditions is contradicted by the conditions stipulated in Service Level Agreement, then it will
over ride the conditions in the General Terms and Conditions.
In terms of GeM GTC clause 26 regarding Restrictions on procurement from a bidder of a country which shares a land border with India, any bidder from a country which
shares a land border with India will be eligible to bid in this tender only if the bidder is registered with the Competent Authority. While participating in bid, Bidder has to
undertake compliance of this and any false declaration and non-compliance of this would be a ground for immediate termination of the contract and further legal action
in accordance with the laws.
---Thank You---
Tender No. (GeM Bid No.): GEM/2021/B/1430869
Providing Haulage & Housekeeping Services at Mathura Terminal
IndianOil (including MC office and OM&S-1) for the Year 2021-24
Details of Documents uploaded along with Tender documents in technical bid and
confirmation required to be furnished by tenderer:
Note: Above declaration is to be signed by the same person, who is duly authorized to sign all the
required declarations, documents to bid for subject tender
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Tender No. (GeM Bid No.): GEM/2021/B/1430869
Providing Haulage & Housekeeping Services at Mathura Terminal
IndianOil (including MC office and OM&S-1) for the Year 2021-24
We declare that we have complied with all the conditions of the tender including technical
specifications, drawings & all the documents etc., forming part of tender.
Date: Tenderer’s
Place: Signature & Seal
D E C L A R A T I O N - `B'
We declare that we do not have any employee who is related to any officer of the Corporation/ Central/
State Governments of India.
We have the following employees working with us who are near relatives of the Officer/ Director of the
Corporation/ Central/ State Government in India.
Name of the employee of the Tenderer Name & designation of the Officer of the
Corporation/ Central/ State Governments
Date: Tenderer’s
Place: Signature & Seal
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Tender No. (GeM Bid No.): GEM/2021/B/1430869
Providing Haulage & Housekeeping Services at Mathura Terminal
IndianOil (including MC office and OM&S-1) for the Year 2021-24
D E C L A R A T I O N - `C'
The Tenderer is required to state whether he is a relative of any Director of Indian Oil Corporation or the
Tenderer is a firm in which any Director of our Corporation or his relative is a partner or any other
partners of such a firm or alternately the Tenderer is a private company in which Director of Indian Oil
Corporation is a member or Director.
Date: Tenderer’s
Place: Signature & Seal
Tenderer is required to state whether they have employed any retired Director and above rank officer of
Indian Oil Corporation Limited in their firm. If so, details hereunder to be submitted.
Date: Tenderer’s
Place: Signature & Seal
a. A separate sheet may be attached, if the above is not sufficient.
b. Strike out whichever is not applicable. If the tenderer employs any person subsequent to signing the
above declaration and the employee/s so appointed happens to be the near relatives of the Officer/Director of
the Corporation/Central/State Governments, the tenderer should submit another declaration furnishing the
name/s of such employee/s who is/are related to the officer/s of the Corporation/ Central/ State Governments.
c. List of Directors of IOC Board is attached.
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Tender No. (GeM Bid No.): GEM/2021/B/1430869
Providing Haulage & Housekeeping Services at Mathura Terminal
IndianOil (including MC office and OM&S-1) for the Year 2021-24
Bidders should give the Declaration “A” “B” “C” & “D” based on the list of Board of Directors
mentioned as per the link.
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Tender No. (GeM Bid No.): GEM/2021/B/1430869
Providing Haulage & Housekeeping Services at Mathura Terminal
IndianOil (including MC office and OM&S-1) for the Year 2021-24
I hereby declare that neither I in my personal name or in the case of my Proprietary concern M/s
, which is submitting the accompanying Bid/Tender,
nor any other concern in which I am proprietor nor any partnership firm in which I am involved as a Partner,
are presently or having during the past three years, been placed on any black list or holiday list declared by
Indian Oil Corporation Limited or by any department of any Government (State, Provincial, Federal or
Central) or by any Public Sector Organization in India or in any other country nor is there pending any
inquiry by Indian Oil corporation Ltd. or any Department of Government or by any other Public Sector
Organization in India or in any other country, in respect of any corrupt or fraudulent practice(s) against me or
any other of my proprietorship concern(s) or against any partnership firm(s) in which I am or was at the
relevant time involved as a partner, except as indicated below:
(Here give particulars of blacklisting or holiday listing, and/or inquiry in absence thereof state “NIL”)
(Here give particulars of black listing or holiday listing, and in absence thereof state “NIL”).
We hereby declare that neither we or a parent, subsidiary or other Company under direct or indirect common
parent (associate company) are presently nor have within the past three years been placed on black list or
holiday list declared by Indian Oil Corporation Limited or by any Department of any Government (State,
Provincial, Federal or Central) or by any Public Sector Organization in India or in any other country; and that
there is no pending inquiry by Indian Oil corporation Ltd. or any Department of any Government (State,
Provincial, Federal or Central) or by any other Public Sector Organization in any country against us or a parent
or subsidiary or associate company as aforesaid, in respect of corrupt or fraudulent practice(s), except as
indicated below:
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Tender No. (GeM Bid No.): GEM/2021/B/1430869
Providing Haulage & Housekeeping Services at Mathura Terminal
IndianOil (including MC office and OM&S-1) for the Year 2021-24
(Here give particulars of black list or holiday listing, and in absence thereof state “NIL”)
It is understood that if this declaration is found to be false in any particular, Indian Oil Corporation Ltd., shall
have the right to reject my/our/bid, and if the bid has resulted in a contract, the contract is liable to be
terminated without prejudice to any other right or remedy (including black listing or holiday listing) available
to Indian Oil Corporation Ltd.
Place :
Date :
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Tender No. (GeM Bid No.): GEM/2021/B/1430869
Providing Haulage & Housekeeping Services at Mathura Terminal
IndianOil (including MC office and OM&S-1) for the Year 2021-24
Note: Copy to be uploaded along with tender and original to be submitted during documents verification.
• I/We have not tampered or modified the subject tender document in any manner and before uploading, same
has been cross-checked with documents hosted on GeM portal. In case, if same is found to be
tampered/modified, I/We understand that my/our tender will be summarily rejected and EMD/SD may be
forfeited and I am/We are liable to be banned from doing business with and/or prosecuted.
• I/We, hereby confirm that if any discrepancy observed in the submitted tender even at a future date, I/We
will abide by all the terms and conditions as per all the documents hosted including
Addendums/Changes/Corrigendum, on your e-portal related with subject tender. I/We further assure that we
agree to all the decisions confirmed in Pre-Bid Conference of the subject tender.
1) Name & Address:
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Tender No. (GeM Bid No.): GEM/2021/B/1430869
Providing Haulage & Housekeeping Services at Mathura Terminal
IndianOil (including MC office and OM&S-1) for the Year 2021-24
Payment system to Vendors through Electronic Modes such as NEFT, RTGS etc has been introduced by the
Corporation. For availing this facility, a consent letter from the Vendor as also the Bank Account details of the
Vendor is required.
Tenderers are requested to submit their Consent Letter as per the format given below along with the enclosures
as required:-
Dated :
To ,
M/s Indian Oil Corporation Ltd.
Dear Sir ,
With reference to your advise, we hereby agree to accept the payment of our bills through
“RTGS/NEFT/Electronic Mode” .
The desired bank account details are given below :
1. Vendor Code allotted by IOCL in SAP
2. Name of Beneficiary (i.e IOCL Vendor )
3. Name of the Beneficiary’s Bank
**** Verification required only in case vendors name is not printed/appearing on the cancelled cheque
leaf being submitted to IOCL office
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Tender No. (GeM Bid No.): GEM/2021/B/1430869
Providing Haulage & Housekeeping Services at Mathura Terminal
IndianOil (including MC office and OM&S-1) for the Year 2021-24
1. I/we shall strictly adhere to safety standards stipulated in the Safety Practices during
construction stipulated in the Oil Industry Safety Directorate (OISD) without exception.
2. I/we shall provide, without any exception, safety helmets & safety shoes to all our
employees/workmen/ labourers working at IOC locations (Retail Outlets, Consumer Outlets, Depots,
Terminals, AFS’s or any other location not specified here) for the purpose of rendering
services to the Corporation under the subject Contract
3. I/ We shall provide, without any exception, Safety Belts to all our workmen/ lobourers working at
heights (Including building roof top, canopy roof top etc) for the purpose of rendering services
to the Corporation under the subject Contract
4. I/We have read and understood the provisions of Clause 16 of the Special Terms &
Conditions of Contract regarding safety at worksites.
5. I/We shall be bound to pay a penalty of Rs. 5000/- for every incident of non-provision of safety
shoes/ safety helmet/ safety belts occurring during the pendency of the contract.
6. I/We shall take safe height working permit for working at heights.
7. I/We shall be solely responsible for any accident resulting from unsafe practices or due to non-
adherence to safety standard stipulated by the OISD. Any injury / loss of life resulting from the
above shall be solely at our risk & cost and we shall bear and pay solely and absolutely all
costs, charges and expenses including legal charges incurred in this connection.
8. That the Corporation is not bound to be responsible, legally or otherwise, for any acts and/or
consequences of unsafe practices during execution of works during the pendency of the contract.
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Tender No. (GeM Bid No.): GEM/2021/B/1430869
Providing Haulage & Housekeeping Services at Mathura Terminal
IndianOil (including MC office and OM&S-1) for the Year 2021-24
AND WHEREAS the Contractors are bound by law to comply with the provisions of various Labour Laws
like Inter State Migrant Workmen (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Service) Act 1979, Contract
Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act 1970, Employees Compensation Act 1923, Employees State Insurance
Act as also the Provident Fund Act by the Contractors but in the event of violation of the provisions of
various amenities and facilities to the workers under the different labour laws, not only the Contractors but
also the Corporation as the principal employer becomes liable for the acts of omissions and commission by the
1. The Contractors hereby undertake to furnish a certificate with regard to the number of labourers
employed by them in Corporation and in other organization throughout the country to the location in-charge of
the Corporation where the work is being executed by the Contractors.
2. The Contractors hereby confirm and state that they undertake to furnish the licence under Contract
Labour (R&A) Act 1970 as amended from time to time, if applicable, from the competent authority to the
Corporation’s representative.
3. The Contractors hereby undertake to keep proper record of attendance of his labourers and provide a
copy of the pay sheets officer nominated by the Corporation for supervision of the payment of wages made to
the labourers by the contractors.
4. The Contractors state that they are fully aware of the provisions of the Provident Fund Act and the
rules made thereunder and will ensure compliance under the Act.
5. The Contractors hereby undertake and agree that in the event of any claim on account of
P.F. liabilities arising in future, they shall keep the Corporation duly indemnified against all losses, damages,
charges, expensed, penalties, suits or proceedings which the Corporation may incur, suffer or be put to on that
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Tender No. (GeM Bid No.): GEM/2021/B/1430869
Providing Haulage & Housekeeping Services at Mathura Terminal
IndianOil (including MC office and OM&S-1) for the Year 2021-24
6. The Contractor hereby agree, confirm and declare that they have fully complied and will comply
with the provisions of various labour laws, particularly those referred to herein above and that no violation of
the provisions of various amenities and facilities to the workers under different laws has been done by them
and in the events of any past or future violation of the various labour laws the contractors shall indemnify and
keep the Corporation duly indemnified against all losses, damages, costs, expenses, penalties, suits or
proceedings which the Corporation may incur, suffer or be put to.
7. The Contractor hereby agree that the aforesaid indemnity undertaking are in addition to and not in
substitution of the terms and conditions contained in the Empanelment documents and the Agreement
executed by the Contractors with the Corporation.
8. The Contractors hereby confirm, agree and record that these terms of undertaking and indemnity
shall be irrevocable and unconditional and shall be binding on their heirs, executors, administrators and legal
representative and shall ensure for the Corporation’s benefit and for the benefit of its successors and assigns.
Name & Address
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Tender No. (GeM Bid No.): GEM/2021/B/1430869
Providing Haulage & Housekeeping Services at Mathura Terminal
IndianOil (including MC office and OM&S-1) for the Year 2021-24
AND WHERE the Contractors are bound by law to comply with the provisions of various Labour Laws like
State Migrant Workmen (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Service) Act 1979, Contract Labour
(Regulation and Abolition) Act 1970, Employees Compensation Act 1923, Employees State Insurance Act as
also the Provident Fund Act by the Contractors but in the event of violation of the provisions of various
amenities and facilities to the workers under the different labour laws, not only the Contractors but also the
Corporation as the principal employer becomes liable for the acts of omissions and commission by the
1. The Contractors hereby undertake to furnish a certificate with regard to the number of labourers
employed by them in Corporation / in other organization throughout the country to the Location In Charge of
the Corporation where the work is undertaken by the Contractors.
2. The Contractors hereby confirm and state that they undertake to furnish the licence under Contract
Labour (R&A) Act 1970 as amended from time to time, if applicable, from the competent authority to the
Corporation’s representative.
3. The Contractors hereby undertake to keep proper record of attendance of his labourers and provide a
copy of the pay sheets officer nominated by the Corporation for supervision of the payment of wages made to
the labourers by the contractors.
4. The Contractors state they are fully aware of the provisions of the ESIC Act, and the rules made
thereunder and will ensure compliance , if the same is applicable.
5. The Contractors hereby undertake and agree that in event of any claim on account of ESIC liabilities
arising in future, they shall keep the Corporation duly indemnified against all losses, damages, charges,
expenses, penalties, suits or proceedings which the Corporation may incur, suffer or to be put to on that
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Tender No. (GeM Bid No.): GEM/2021/B/1430869
Providing Haulage & Housekeeping Services at Mathura Terminal
IndianOil (including MC office and OM&S-1) for the Year 2021-24
6. The Contractor hereby agree, confirm and declare that they have fully complied and will comply
with the provisions of various labour laws, particularly those referred to herein above and that no violation of
the provisions of various amenities and facilities to the workers under different laws has been done by them
and in the events of any past or future violation of the various labour laws the contractors shall indemnify and
keep the Corporation duly indemnified against all losses, damages, costs, expenses, penalties, suits or
proceedings which the Corporation may incur, suffer or be put to.
7. The Contractor hereby agree that the aforesaid indemnity undertaking are in addition to and not in
substitution of the terms and conditions contained in the Empanelment documents and the Agreement
executed by the Contractors with the Corporation.
8. The Contractor hereby confirm, agree and record that these terms of undertaking and indemnity shall
be irrevocable and unconditional and shall be binding on their heirs, executors, administrators and legal
representative and shall ensure for the Corporation’s benefit and for the benefit of its successors and assigns.
Name & Address Seal:
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Tender No. (GeM Bid No.): GEM/2021/B/1430869
Providing Haulage & Housekeeping Services at Mathura Terminal
IndianOil (including MC office and OM&S-1) for the Year 2021-24
(On acceptance of tender, this undertaking shall be submitted on non-judicial stamp paper of appropriate value)
2) Be responsible and liable for payment of salaries, wages and other legal dues of our employees for the
purpose of rendering the services required by the Corporation under the above contract and shall maintain
proper books of account, records and documents. We shall however as the employer, have the exclusive right
to terminate the service of any of our employees and to substitute any person instead.
3) Be responsible and liable for payment of salaries, wages and other legal dues of our employees for the
purpose of rendering the services required by the Corporation under the above contract and shall maintain
proper books of account, records and documents. We shall however as the employer, have the exclusive-right
to terminate the services of any of our employees and to substitute any person instead.
4) Comply in all respects with the provisions of all statues, rules and regulations applicable to us and /or to
our employees and in particular we shall obtain the requisite license under the Contract Labour (Regulation
and abolition) Act 1970 and the rules made there under.
5) Ensure that our employees while on the premises of the Corporation or while carrying out their
obligations under the contract, observe the standards of cleanliness, decorum, safety and general discipline laid
down by the Corporation or its authorized agents and the Corporation shall be the sole Judge as to whether or
not we and/or our employees have observed the same.
6) Personally and exclusively employ sufficient supervisory personnel exclusively to supervise the
work of our employees so as to ensure that the services rendered under this contract are carried out to the
satisfaction of the Corporation.
7) Ensure that our employees will not enter or remain on the Corporation's premises unless absolutely
necessary for fulfilling our obligations under the contact.
8) Not do or suffer to be done in or about the premises of the Corporation anything whatsoever which in
the opinion of the Corporation may be or become a nuisance or annoyance or danger or which may adversely
affect the property, reputation or interest of the Corporation.
9) Not do so suffer to be done in or about the premises of the Corporation any thing whereby any policy of
insurance taken out by the Corporation against loss or damage by fire or otherwise may become void or
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Tender No. (GeM Bid No.): GEM/2021/B/1430869
Providing Haulage & Housekeeping Services at Mathura Terminal
IndianOil (including MC office and OM&S-1) for the Year 2021-24
10) Be liable for and make good any damage caused to the Corporation's properties or premises or any
part thereof or to any fixtures or fittings thereof or therein by any act, omission, default or negligence on our
part or on the part of our employees or our agents.
11) Indemnify and keep indemnified the Corporation, its officers and employees from and against all
claims, demands, actions, suits and proceedings, whatsoever that may be brought or made against the
Corporation by or on behalf of any person, body, authority and whatsoever and all duties, penalties, levies,
taxes, losses, damages, costs, charges and expenses and all other liabilities of whatsoever nature which the
Corporation may now or hereinafter be liable to pay, incur or sustain by virtue of or as a result of the
performance or non-performance or observance or non- observance by us of the terms and conditions of the
contact. Without prejudice to the Corporation's other rights, the Corporation will be entitled to deduct from
any compensation or other dues to us the amount payable by the Corporation as a consequence of any such
claims, demands, costs, responsible for death, injury or accidents to out employees which may arise out of or
in the course of their duties on or about the Corporation's property is made liable to pay any damages or
compensation in respect of such employees, we here by agree to pay to Corporation such damages or
compensation upon demand. The Corporation shall also not be responsible or liable for any theft, loss,
damages or destruction of any property that belongs to us our employees lying in the Corporation's premises
from any cause whatsoever.
12) It is hereby declared that we are, for the purpose of this contract independent contractors and all persons
employed or engaged by us in connection with our obligations under the Contract shall be our employees and
not of the Corporation.
13) On the expiration of the contract or any earlier termination thereof, we shall forthwith remove our
employees who are on the Corporation's premises or an part thereof failing which, our employees, agents,
servants etc. shall be deemed to be trespassers and on their failure to leave the Corporation's premises, the
Corporation shall be entitled to remove all persons concerned (if necessary use of force) from the
Corporation’s premises and also to prevent them (if necessary by use of force) from entering upon the
Corporation's premises.
14) We hereby undertake and declare that, in the event the workmen / employees / person engaged by us
("the Contractors' employees") to carry out the purpose hereof, attempt to claim employment with the
Corporation or attempt to be declared as employees of the Corporation or attempt to become so placed, then in
all such cases, we shall assist the Corporation in defending all such attempts of the Contractor's employees
AND we shall bear and pay solely and absolutely all costs, charges and expenses including legal charges
incurred or which may be incurred in defending all such attempt and in any appeal or appeals filed by the
Corporation therein or relating thereto AND we hereby indemnify forever the Corporation against all such
costs, charges and expense including legal charges and against all and any loss, expenses or damages whether
recurring or not, financial or otherwise, caused to or incurred by the Corporation; as a result of such attempt by
the Contractors' employees.
15) It is hereby agreed that the Corporation shall be entitled to set off any debt or sum payable by us either
directly or as a result of vicarious of vicarious liability to the Corporation against any monies payable or due
from the Corporation to us against any monies lying or remaining with the Corporation and belonging to us or
any of our partners or directors.
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Tender No. (GeM Bid No.): GEM/2021/B/1430869
Providing Haulage & Housekeeping Services at Mathura Terminal
IndianOil (including MC office and OM&S-1) for the Year 2021-24
(To be furnished by the tenderer)
1. To be filled and signed with stamp by contractor.
2. Incorrect/ false declaration will result in disqualification.
3. Necessary supporting documents to be enclosed.
4. Corporation reserves the right to assess the tenderer’s capacity and capability if necessary by
visiting/ inspecting recently executed / under execution of works.
5. Bidders should fill in below mentioned details and submit online along with other tender
documents. Please state NIL or NOT APPLICABLE in case particular information is not
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Tender No. (GeM Bid No.): GEM/2021/B/1430869
Providing Haulage & Housekeeping Services at Mathura Terminal
IndianOil (including MC office and OM&S-1) for the Year 2021-24
10. Power of attorney for the person signing the tender document should be attached,
wherever applicable.
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Tender No. (GeM Bid No.): GEM/2021/B/1430869
Providing Haulage & Housekeeping Services at Mathura Terminal
IndianOil (including MC office and OM&S-1) for the Year 2021-24
1. In consideration of the Indian Oil Corporation Limited having its Registered Office at
(hereinafter called “The Corporation”) having agreed to exempt
(hereinafter called “The said Contractor(s) / Supplier(s) / -Seller(s)”) from the demand under the
terms and conditions of an Agreement dated made between and
for (hereinafter called “The said Agreement”), of Security Deposit for the
due fulfillment by the said Contractor(s) / Supplier(s) / - Seller(s) of the terms and conditions contained in the
said Agreement, on production of a Bank Guarantee for Rs. (Rupees
only), we _ (hereinafter referred to as “The Bank” at the request of
Contractor(s) / Supplier(s) / - Seller(s) do hereby undertake to pay to the Corporation an
amount not exceeding Rs. against any loss or damage caused to or suffered or would
be caused to or suffered by the Corporation by reason of any breach by the said Contractor(s)
/ Supplier(s) / - Seller(s), of any of the terms or conditions contained in the said Agreement.
2. We ( indicate the name of the bank) do hereby undertake to pay the amounts due
and payable under this guarantee without any demur, merely on a demand from the Corporation stating that
the amount claimed is due by way of loss or damage caused to or would be caused to or suffered by the
Corporation by reason of breach by the said Contractor(s) / Supplier(s)
/ - Seller(s) of any of the terms or conditions contained in the said Agreement or by reason of the Contractor(s)
/ Supplier(s) ‘ failure to perform the said Agreement. Any such demand made on the bank shall be conclusive
as regards the amount due and this guarantee shall be restricted to an amount not exceeding Rs.
3. We undertake to pay to the Corporation any money so demanded notwithstanding any dispute or
disputes raised by the Contractor(s) / Supplier(s) / - Seller(s) in any suit or proceeding pending before any
court or Tribunal or Arbitrator relating thereto our liability under this present being absolute and
unequivocal. The payment so made by us under this bond shall be a valid discharge of our liability for
payment there under and the Contractor(s) / Supplier(s) / - Seller(s) shall have no claim against us for making
such payment.
4. We, further agree that the guarantee herein contained shall remain in full force
and effect during the period that would be taken for the performance of the said Agreement and that it shall
continue to be enforceable till all the dues of the Corporation under or by virtue of the said agreement have
been fully paid and its claims satisfied or discharged or till
office / department at certifies that the terms and conditions of the said agreement have
been fully and properly carried out by the said Contractor(s) / Supplier(s) / - Seller(s) and
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Providing Haulage & Housekeeping Services at Mathura Terminal
IndianOil (including MC office and OM&S-1) for the Year 2021-24
accordingly discharge this guarantee. Unless a demand or claim under this guarantee is made on us in writing
on or before we shall be discharged from all liability under this guarantee
5. We, (indicate the name of Bank) further agree with the corporation that the
corporation shall have the fullest liberty without our consent and without affecting in any manner our
obligations hereunder to vary any of the terms and conditions of the said agreement or to extend time of
performance by the said Contractor(s) / Supplier(s) / - Seller(s) from time to time or to postpone for any time
or from time to time any the powers exercisable by the corporation against the said Contractor(s) /
Supplier(s) / - Seller(s) and to forbear or enforce any of the terms and conditions relating to the said agreement
and shall not be relieved from our liability by reason of any such variation or extension being granted to the
said Contractor(s) / Supplier(s) / - Seller(s) or forbearance, act or omission on the part of the corporation or
any indulgence by the corporation to the said Contractor(s) / Supplier(s) / - Seller(s) or by any such matter or
thing whatsoever which under the law relating to sureties would, but for this provisions have affect of so
relieving us.
6. This guarantee will not be discharged due to change in the constitution of the Bank or the
Contractor(s) / Supplier(s) / - Seller(s).
7. We, (indicate the name of Bank) lastly undertake not to revoke this guarantee
during its currency except with the previous consent of the corporation in writing.
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Providing Haulage & Housekeeping Services at Mathura Terminal
IndianOil (including MC office and OM&S-1) for the Year 2021-24
Dear Sir,
This is to certify that nothing is payable by me/us to Corporation. In case it is found that some amount is
outstanding against me/us payable to corporation, the same may please be recovered from my/our bills against
this contract.
I/We am/are also agreeable to relieve my/our labourers for training pertaining to safety operations of locations
as required by corporation.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully
Authorised Signatory.
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Providing Haulage & Housekeeping Services at Mathura Terminal
IndianOil (including MC office and OM&S-1) for the Year 2021-24
b) We are not engaging Child Labour in any of our work(s) in terms of the provisions of The Child Labour
(Prohibition and Regulation) Act, 1986 and other applicable laws.
c) We undertake to fully comply with provisions of The Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act, 1986
and other applicable labour laws, in case the work is awarded to us.
d) It is understood that if I/We, either before award or during execution of Contract, commit a transgression
through a violation of Article b /c above or in any other form, such as to put my/our reliability or credibility in
question, the Owner is entitled to disqualify us from the Tender process or terminate the Contract, if already
executed or exclude me / us from future contract award processes. The imposition and duration of the
exclusion will be determined by the severity of transgression and determined by the Owner. Such exclusion
may be for a period of 1 year to 3 years as per the procedure prescribed in the guidelines for holiday listing of
the Owner.
e) I/We accept and undertake to respect and uphold the Owner's absolute right to resort to and impose such
Signature of Bidder:
Name of Signatory :
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Tender No. (GeM Bid No.): GEM/2021/B/1430869
Providing Haulage & Housekeeping Services at Mathura Terminal
IndianOil (including MC office and OM&S-1) for the Year 2021-24
THIS CONTRACT made at Mumbai this day of 200 ; BETWEEN INDIAN
OIL CORPORATION LTD., a Government of Indian Undertaking registered in India under the Indian
Companies Act 1956, having its registered office at G-9, All Yavar Jung Marg, Bandra (East), Bombay - 400
051 (hereinafter referred to as the “OWNER” which expression shall include its successors and assigns) of
the One Part; AND carrying on business in sole proprietorship/carrying on
business in partnership under the name and style of a Company registered in India
under the Indian Companies
Act, 1913/1956 having its registered office at (hereinafter referred to/as
collectively referred to as the ‘Contractor which expression shall include his/their/its executors, administrators,
representatives and permitted assigns/successors and permitted assign) of the other part:
Contract Documents
1.1 The following documents shall constitute the Contract documents, namely:
(a) This contract;
(b) Tender documents as defined in the General Instructions to Tenderers;
(c) Letter of Acceptance of Tender along with Fax/Telegram of Intent.
1.2 A copy of each of the Tender Documents is annexed hereto and the said copies have been collectively
marked Annexure ‘A’ while a copy of the letter of Acceptance of Tender along with annexures thereto and a
copy of Fax/Telegram of Intent dated are annexed hereto
and said copies have been collectively marked as Annexure — ‘B”.
2.1The CONTRACTOR shall perform the work upon the terms and conditions and within the item
specified in the Contract documents.
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Providing Haulage & Housekeeping Services at Mathura Terminal
IndianOil (including MC office and OM&S-1) for the Year 2021-24
3.1 Subject to and upon the terms and conditions contained in the Contract documents, the OWNER shall pay
CONTRACTOR compensation as specified in the Contract documents upon the satisfactory completion of the
work and/or otherwise as may be specified in the Contract documents.
4.1 Notwithstanding any other court or courts having jurisdiction to decide the question(s) forming the
subject matter of the reference if the same had been the subject matter of a suit, any and all actions and
proceedings arising out of or relative to the contract (including any arbitration in terms thereof) shall lie only
in the court of competent civil jurisdiction in this behalf at
(where this Contract has been signed on behalf of the OWNER) and only the said
Court(s) shall have jurisdiction to entertain and try any such action(s) and/or proceeding(s) to the exclusion of
all other Courts.
Entire Contract
5.1 The Contract documents mentioned in Article - 1 hereof embody the entire Contract between the
parties hereto, and the parties declare that in entering into this Contract they do not rely upon any previous
representation, whether express or implied and whether written or oral, or any inducement, understanding or
agreements of any kind not included within the Contract documents and all prior negotiations, representations,
contracts and/or agreements and understandings relative to the work are hereby cancelled.
6.1 Subject to any provisions in the Contract documents to the contrary, any notice, order or
communication sought to be served by the CONTRACTOR on the OWNER with reference to the Contract
shall be deemed to have been sufficiently served upon the OWNER (notwithstanding any enabling provisions
under any law to the contrary) only if delivered by hand or by Registered Acknowledgment Due Post to the
Engineer-in-Charge as -defined in the Genera! Conditions of Contract.
6.2 Without prejudice to any other mode of service provided for in the Contract Documents or
otherwise available to the OWNER, any notice, order or other communication sought to be
served by the OWNER on the CONTRACTOR with reference to the Contract, shall be deemed to have been
sufficiently served if delivered by hand or through Registered Post Acknowledgement due to the principal
office of the CONTRACTOR at
or to the CONTRACTOR’s representatives as referred to in the General
Conditions of Contract forming part of the Contract, Documents.
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Providing Haulage & Housekeeping Services at Mathura Terminal
IndianOil (including MC office and OM&S-1) for the Year 2021-24
7.1 No failure or delay by the OWNER in enforcing any right or remedy of the OWNER in terms of the
Contract or any obligation or liability of the CONTRACTOR in terms thereof shall be deemed to be a waiver
of such right, remedy, obligation or liability, as the case may be; by the OWNER and notwithstanding such
failure or delay, the OWNER shall be entitled at any time to enforce such right, remedy, obligation or liability,
as the case may be.
8.1 The Contract and benefits and obligations thereof shall be strictly personal to the
CONTRACTOR and shall not on any account be assignable or transferable by the CONTRACTOR.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have executed this Contract in duplicate the place, day and year
first above written
in the presence of:
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Providing Haulage & Housekeeping Services at Mathura Terminal
IndianOil (including MC office and OM&S-1) for the Year 2021-24
We confirm that we have quoted the rates in the tender considering Inter-alia the
1. Tender Document(s)
2. Additional Document(s) (if any)
3. Price Bid
4. Corrigendum (if any)
5. Pre Bid Meeting Minutes (if any)
We (Name of the
Tenderer) hereby certify that we have fully read and thoroughly understood the tender requirements
and accept all terms and conditions of the tender including all corrigendum/addendum issued, if any.
Our offer is in confirmation to all the terms and conditions of the tender including all
corrigendum/addendum, if any and minutes of the pre- bid meeting. In the event our offer is found
acceptable and contract is awarded to us, the complete tender document shall be considered for
constitution of Contract Agreement.
Name of Tenderer(s)
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Providing Haulage & Housekeeping Services at Mathura Terminal
IndianOil (including MC office and OM&S-1) for the Year 2021-24
It is understood that if this declaration is found to be false, Indian Oil Corporation Ltd. shall have
the right to reject my/our bid and forfeit the EMD. If the bid has resulted in a contract, the contract
will be liable for termination without prejudice to any other right or remedy (including black listing
or holiday listing) available to Indian Oil Corporation Ltd.
Signature of Bidder
Name of Signatory
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Providing Haulage & Housekeeping Services at Mathura Terminal
IndianOil (including MC office and OM&S-1) for the Year 2021-24
Housekeeping & mopping of the following areas on continuous basis as mentioned against each item. This includes
removing of dust, dirt, water, waste materials, oil soaked clothes, shifting wastes outside terminal area, removal of
1 beehives , cobwebs as and when required, cleaning of roof once in a month etc. in licensed,unlicensed area as given
below: (Consumables to be provided by IOCL. Payment to be made on monthly basis). Contractor to provide one hand
rickshaw trolley during the duration of contract for collection of garbage etc.
S. No Percentage of Local
Description (B) Country of Origin (C)
(A) Content (D)
Housekeeping and mopping of admin / office building, canteen block of
MC office & MMT, Control Room, Record Room, Staff room, old S&D Old,
Customer Service Block, PPE Room etc. complete on daily basis. This
1.1 includes sweeping, removing of dust, dirt, water, waste materials, oil
soaked clothes, shifting wastes outside MC office & MMT, removal of
beehives, cobwebs. Twice in a day for some area whenever instructed
DG room,Fire engine, PMCC,EPMCC,Security Buildings,Lab & SKO Flash
Point Room, HT/LT panel room, Sample Room, Storm water pump/OWS
area, Transformer room, under supervision of electrical in charge on
daily basis. (Duration-daily)
Housekeeping or Cleaning of Car & scooter parking area, security
cabin of MC office & MMT, , TT parking Area, TTPA security cabin,
open area between TTPA and security rooms, Drivers' Rest Room &
adjoining toilets, Area outside terminal boundary wall up to main
Contractor shall have to call labor on Sunday / off day for or desirable
date for washing / cleaning of TTPAdriveways.(Duration-daily)
Cleaning of drains outside & inside MC office & MMT between boundary
wall and main road, Complete cleaning and making the drains through
for flow of water and disposal of the waste to an appropriate place.
(Duration-Weekly). All storm water and any other drains inside/outside
MC office &MMT premise.TLF shed & Complete TLF Driveways, Xtra
1.4 Premium &Xtra Mile Pump House,Black & White oil Pump house and
surrounding areas, Road between Main Gate and TLF Gate, Compressor
Shed, Lock shed complete on daily basis; Contractor shall have to call
labor on Sunday /off day for washing / cleaning of TLF
driveways,stacking at dirt pit and disposing the same on same day by
suitable transport to an unobjectionable place outside the
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Providing Haulage & Housekeeping Services at Mathura Terminal
IndianOil (including MC office and OM&S-1) for the Year 2021-24
Providing services for miscellaneous job in MMT & MC office e.g. supply
of drinking water, pantry services, , loading/ unloading/ handling of
stores items & photocopying as per the instructions given from time to
time. (Duration-daily)
Administrative building office boy for assistance in letter/notice typing
3.2 etc and similar clerical works. Person deployed should have knowledge
of computer and typing in English and Hindi.(Duration-daily)
Assistance for S&D activities e.g. Fan, Lock & Invoice Distribution at
3.3 Customer Service Block. Assistance for Locking & Sealing of Tank
Providing services at record room & store, sorting/ staking of records
3.4 sorting of old records for destruction at MMT & MC office.(Duration-
Assistance in checking of Safety Fittings of Tank Trucks for Green Card
Assistance for documentation/filing related to Safety & Maintenance of
3.6 Terminal and assistance for issuance/filling of letters etc related to
VTS. (Duration-daily)
Sorting, segregating, arranging, filling etc of excise & other finance
documents like forms, certificates, off-spec records etc. at MC
office/MMT as per the instructions from officer in charge. Job includes
punching the form numbers, names in PC.(Duration-daily)
Maintaining & retrieving various files & documents, sorting and filing of
papers of Location in charge. Pantry Services - Serving
3.8 tea/snacks/water etc and attending to visitors for customer
satisfaction. Assistance in any other similar activity as and when
instructed by Location In charge.(Duration-daily)
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Providing Haulage & Housekeeping Services at Mathura Terminal
IndianOil (including MC office and OM&S-1) for the Year 2021-24
Assistance in pump house, tank operation, Lining up of tanks for receipt
and dispatch & pumps for TLF operation & pipeline receipt including
opening & closing of valves. Assistance in decantation of ethanol and
bio-diesel TTs and any other TTs as and when received for the purpose,
hose connection / handling, mixing additives, Mixing of blue dye ,
Carrying sample Containers, Dip tape, sampling equipment. Carrying
and stacking of sample etc. as & when required, as per instruction of
Officer I/c. (Duration-daily)
Assistance to Maintenance officer for periodic inspection, maintenance
of equipments including providing services for regular cleaning, removal
of dust & dirt from roof of all the tanks,PV Valve cleaning, regular
greasing of ladder wheel of floating roof tanks, strainer cleaning, hose
hydro testing, topping up oil cups, pump coupling checking and
replacement of coupling star/shims, spool piece dismantling and
erection, changing of packing at various flange joints/swivel joints of
TLF as per requirement and to make all joints leak free, cleaning of air
vent mesh of cone roof tanks including removal of wild vegetation,if any
from tank pad foundation & inside tank dyke and body cleaning of all
the tank valves inside dyke for any dust, dirt and leakage. Job includes,
opening of manhole, assistance in gauging, quality checks, All jobs shall
be done under complete supervision & guidance of supervisor/officer(s)
(Duration-daily). Replacement of Silica Gel in Ethanol tanks as per
instructions. Silica gel shall be provided by IOCL as & when required. Oil
collection in barrels(200 liters) supplied by IOCL / salvaging as a result
of leakage or release of air of the line or due to any other reason like
leakages at tank manifold. carrying out salvaged oil to pump house
sucking back of the oil in respective tanks and cleaning of the area of
oil leakages throughout the terminal, Cleaning of Water Cooler tanks &
Assistance for water draining of storage tanks ,dyke wall operation etc.
(Duration-daily). Assistance in Store related works viz inventory &
Upkeep of Materials in Safety Store, maintenance Store and Lube
Godown,Pumps, and other engineering materials.(Duration-daily)
Operating the fork lift at terminal for various operation/ maintenance
works such as shifting and lifting of heavy materials, Foam barrels,
Additive barrels, Prover tank & Foam trolley Movement, Shifting of
manhole of underground tanks during cleaning, Shifting of product
barrels during pipeline and tank maintenance works, Shifting weight
lifting during calibration of weigh bridge and movement & shifting of
other heavy material such as pipeline spool piece, valves etc inside the
terminal premises to comply with the statutory requirement, operator
should have fork lift operation training from OEM M/s Godrej and heavy
driver license. In addition to the operation of fork lift this workmen
shall do the other maintenance jobs as mentioned above in item
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Providing Haulage & Housekeeping Services at Mathura Terminal
IndianOil (including MC office and OM&S-1) for the Year 2021-24
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Providing Haulage & Housekeeping Services at Mathura Terminal
IndianOil (including MC office and OM&S-1) for the Year 2021-24
S. No Percentage of Local
Description (B) Country of Origin (C)
(A) Content (D)
Ground level Grass/Bush removal & Clearing of Road Area behind the
four sides boundary walls of Terminal: Along the road (both sides of
road up to 2 mtrs) between terminal boundary wall and approach road
wild vegetation after uprooting of unwanted plants, trees, bushes,
8.2 vegetations etc through hand held machine/manually including stacking
and disposing the same on same day by suitable transport to an
unobjectionable place as directed by the location-in-charge (Total Area :
7000*2*2 Sqm) considering once in 2 months. Payment to be made as per
actual measurement. (Duration-As & when required)
Product Tank Cleaning: Opening of tank manholes, degassing, cleaning of tanks and boxing up the tank. The job includes
services of emptying out tank by transferring product to other tanks using pump house pumps or by corporation provided
portable pumps. Shifting of all the equipments needed for entire process will be in the scope of contractor. Consumables
such as packing sheet, studs and grease to be supplied by IOCL. Apart from this all other items for cleaning purpose like
wipers, clothes, etc shall be arranged by the contractor. The work to be carried out as and when directed by concerned
officer. Providing services for tanks cleaning, Emptying out of product below dead stock level by transferring to other
tank using portable pump, opening of manhole covers, shifting sludge into barrels, cleaning tank as directed by IOCL
officer. Assisting in M&I inspection and boxing up of tank. Only portable pump and hoses will be supplied by corporation,
however same to be transported/shifted by the contractor. Job includes leg position change & water filling / draining for
FR tanks etc.
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Providing Haulage & Housekeeping Services at Mathura Terminal
IndianOil (including MC office and OM&S-1) for the Year 2021-24
10 Service Water Tank Cleaning: Cleaning of service water storage tanks including stenciling of date once a month or as
directed. Materials required for cleaning are to be supplied by contractor.
Five tanks of 5000 Litres ( cleaning duration - once in two
months) (Duration-As & when required)
Fifteen Tanks of 1000 or less Litres ( cleaning duration - once in two
months) (Duration-As & when required)
Courier service for Samples /material to/from places from 181 Kms to
500 Kms Mathura Terminal (to & fro).(Duration-As & when required)
Book Binding of records/documents and any size etc viz. Challans, AC4,
AC5, daily invoice,Old safety and M&R file,QC file & receipt files etc
irrespective of size or any other job related to binding and spiral winding
as per instructions of the location-in-charge/ Officer in charge.All
materials &labour required for the job are to be provided by the
contractor (Duration-As & when required)
12.0 Cleaning & Maintenance of Sprinklers nozzle including painting of the date of cleaning.
Please fill up the desired information under Column “C” & “D” and upload PDF copy of this annexure under
technical bid cover along with other annexures, while submitting the bid.
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Providing Haulage & Housekeeping Services at Mathura Terminal
IndianOil (including MC office and OM&S-1) for the Year 2021-24
Annexure - S
(i) that I / we have availed the benefit of waiver of EMD while submitting our offer
against the subject Tender and No EMD being deposited for the said Tender.
(ii) that in the event we withdraw / modify our bid during the period of validity OR
I/we fail to execute formal contract agreement within the given timeline OR I/we
fail to submit a performance security within the given timeline OR I/ We commit any
other breach of Tender Conditions / Contract which amounts for forfeiture of EMD; I /
we will be suspended from being eligible for bidding / award of all future contract
(s) of Indian Oil Corporation Limited for a period of one year from the date of
committing such breach.
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