General Election - Alicia Rahada Aishy - PPKN A - 1401622080
General Election - Alicia Rahada Aishy - PPKN A - 1401622080
General Election - Alicia Rahada Aishy - PPKN A - 1401622080
Class : PPKn A
NIM : 1401622080
General Election
Introduction :
Civic education is important in high school because they are nearing the age to must elect
according to the rules. In order of this, the basic knowledge of NKRI that has been taught since
elementary school must be taught again so it can be implemented inside and outside of classroom.
In the term of NKRI, civic educators must teach the basic knowledge of identity of
Indonesia to make the students smarter in choosing the candidate they think will best fit to be the
leader of "Indonesia", who will bring Indonesia to prosperity.
Despite being neglected, civic education is also important in teaching the techniques and
mandatory knowledges on how to do election, and experiences that can be taught in classroom by
teacher that students can understand and learn from General election is where the practice of
citizenship will help change direction of Indonesia for one period, so student must be taught to be
wise and think about the direction in which Indonesia, nation of 38 provinces, cultures, races, and
religions will exist and work together. In this aspect, the example or implementation and
knowledge of general election is indonesia, is the election and voting of OSIS, which is available
in high school and middle school, and more complex. High school OSIS is prime example to real
life general election and a prime example for the young generations to learn and experiment the
experience and importance of voting, in which the elected student will reign as president of student
council, others can experiment their right to vote as a future part of society.
This essay will discuss about "the importance of civic education in reinforcing the
knoweledge of general election to high school students".
Main Idea :
In general election system in OSIS / student council of Indonesia, the students and the
teacher will construct an event that is similar to real life general election and implementing LUBER
principles, where the candidates will public their visions for the students (students are linear with
citizens of Indonesia), and then students are given chance to freely, secretly, generally, and directly
vote for their desired candidate through a voting space/booth.
The students will also be able to understand the value of election through "living" with a
chosen candidate as their OSIS chairperson, and feel to each of their own role in taking part of
choosing them as a leader they can trust. This way will reflect in real life in the real general election
when choosing a respective leader of each governance.
Conclusion :