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Grammar Exercises: Ramil M. Rzayev

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Əziz oxucular! Sizlərə qrammatik qaydaları möhkəmlətmək
üçün hazırlanmış çalışmalar toplusunu təqdim edirəm. Çalışmalar
maraqlı və öyrədici üsulla verilmişdir, tədris proqramında istifadə
olunan qrammatik qaydaları əhatə etmişdir. Ümid edirəm bu vəsaitdə
olan fərqli yanaşma sizə ingilis dilinin öyrənilməsində və imtahanlara
hazırlaşmağınızda yardımçı olacaq.

Astara şəhər 5 saylı tam orta

məktəbin ingilis dili müəllimi
Ramil Rzayev

EXC 1: YOU / HE / SHE / IT / WE / THEY EXC 4: IT / IT’S / ITS

1. Kate – 1. My mother – 1. There is a bed in ______.
2. Tom – 2. His father – 2. I liked ______ colour.
3. Kate and Tom – 3. Kate and I – 3. Close ______.
4. The pen – 4. The pens – 4. ______ a bag.
5. The cat – 5. His brother – 5. Put ______ on the table.
6. Tom’s house – 6. The lion – 6. ______ was late.
7. The elephants – 7. Ben and you – 7. ______ spring.
8. Children’s room – 8. David’s niece – 8. ______ autumn.
9. Jane’s nephew – 9. Jack – 9. Eat ______. ______ very tasty.
10. Mr. Brown – 10. Mrs. Smith – 10. ______ is May.
11. The Blacks – 11. The cats – 11. Write ______.
12. The shoes – 12. The dog and the cat 12. Drink ______.
13. The pupils’ bus – 13. The Smiths’ house – 13. Send ______ to Jane.
14. His hair – 14. This pair of trousers 14. Give ______ to him.
15. Nizamy’s poems – 15. These drawings – 15. ______ a poem. ______ author is S. Vurgun.
16. Jane’s uncle 16. His brother’s mother 16. Azerbaijan is famous for ______ oil.
17. The actress’s role 17. These trousers 17. Guba os famous for ______ apples.
18. His nephew‘s gloves 18. This sheep – 18. London is the capital of the UK and ______
19. These sheep – 19. A fish – political centre.
20. Fish – 20. Deer – 19. My hometown is famous for ____ old buildings.
20. I'm interested in Denmark and ______ people.
EXC 2: IT / IT’S / ITS 21. What's the time? ______ ten past twelve.
22. Put the CD in ______ place, please.
1. ___ a pen. 1. ___ is my cat. 23. ______ never too late to learn.
2. ___ is cold. 2. ___ is raining.
3. ___ is a fine day. 3. ___ name is Nokia. EXC 5: YOU / YOU’RE / YOUR / YOURS
4. I like ___. 4. Don’t eat ___. 1. ______ are a teacher.
5. Read ___. 5. ___ number is 8685754 2. What are ______?
6. ___ name is Rex. 6. ___ bread. 3. It is my book. Where is ______?
7. I want ___. 7. He needs ___. 4. He loves ______.
8. ___ morning. 8. ___ evening. 5. ______ must go.
9. ___ afternoon. 9. ___ summer. 6. ______ pupils.
10. ___ winter. 10. ___ September. 7. I will not go without ______.
8. Our school is new but ______ is old.
EXC 3: IT / IT’S / ITS 9. It’s not ______.
1. What’s ______ name? 10. I shall do it for ______.
2. What’s ______? 11. I shall send ______ a letter.
3. Where is ______? 12. They told ______.
4. ______ yours. 13. What is ______ brother?
5. ______ your book. 14. I love ______.
6. ______ cold. 15. Do you love ______ mother?
7. ______ very nice. 16. Thank ______.
8. Tell me ______ name. 17. I remember ______.
9. Take ______ and go out. 18. ______ teachers.
10. ______ is so hot. 19. ______ a teacher.
20. ______ book is on the table.


1. This / These is a house. 1. This book is interesting. I like it / its.
2. Those / That are my books. 2. It’s / Its a book.
3. This / That is a building over there. 3. Is this pen your / yours?
4. Don’t take this / that pen, take this / that one. 4. Jane is a nice girl. I like her / him.
5. This / These are my brothers. 5. - Our / ours school is new. - So is our / ours.
6. This bench / benches is green. 6. Whose / Who book is it? – It is her / his.
7. These / That sheep are black. 7. Give me / I the book. That is not your / yours.
8. This / These fish is tasty. 8. Is this car my / mine or your / yours?
9. Those / That milk is fresh. 9. It’s / Its a dog. It’s / Its name is Rex.
10. That / These pens are short. 10. My brother is a doctor. How about your /
11. That / Those shirt looks great. yours?
12. Look at this / that man over there. 11. Whose house is that / this over there?
13. That / Those deer are very beautiful. 12. I love she / her.
14. Do you like that / those flowers? 13. She loves her / hers parents.
15. What are the answers to this / these questions? 14. We / Us like our school.
16. I love these / that shoes and these / that shirt. 15. A friend of my / mine likes walking.
17. Show me these / those trousers over there. 16. My father doesn’t let us / we stay out.
18. Whose house is those / that? 17. We could help him and their / them friends.
19. This book isn’t very good, but that / this book 18. A friend of his / him was there.
is great over there. 19. I admire his / him for his / him talent.
20. My brother likes this / these shoes. 20. In the evenings we got together with our / ours
21. My brother likes this / these pair of shoes. friends.
22. This / These books are mine. 21. Let them / their stay here.
23. This / These is my book. 22. Jane showed we / us her family.
24. This / That is a house there. 23. It’s / Its a poem. It’s / Its author is S. Vurgun.
25. Do you see that / this man over there? 24. It’s / Its not your / yours.
26. This pair / These pairs of gloves is expensive. 25. 5. The soup is very hot. Don’t eat it / its.
27. This pair / These pairs of socks are cheap. 26. Is this parrot your / yours?
28. This / These cattle is / are on sale. 27. Our house is large, but your / yours isn’t.
29. That / Those flowers are nice. 28. My / Mine name is Ann. What’s your / yours?
30. These / This scissors are sharp. 29. These exercises are easy. Do it / them at home.
31. Could you bring me this / that chair over 30. Take the scissors and give it / them to me.
32. Is this / that piece of pie over there for me? EXC 8: MAKE PLURAL
33. These / Those shirts over there are expensive. 1. a tie 12. a map 23. a bag
34. I want that / those cookies on that shelf. 2. a bus 13. a class 24. a box
35. In these / those days it wasn't acceptable. 3. a tomato 14. a bush 25. a photo
36. He gives this / those students homework. 4. a video 15. a radio 26. a piano
37. I read this / these book to my little sister. 5. a man 16. a woman 27. a foot
38. Boys usually ride this / these bikes. 6. a goose 17. a tooth 28. a child
39. I don't know the answer this / these question. 7. an ox 18. a louse 29. a mouse
40. Open that / those window, please. 8. a sheep 19. a deer 30. a fish
41. Can you tell these / this people the way to the 9. a swine 20. a salmon 31. a species
airport, please? 10. a city 21. a lady 32. an army
11. a boy 22. a toy 33. a play

EXC 9: MAKE PLURAL EXC 12: A / AN / ---

1. a knife 12. a leaf 1. ___ honest man 1. ___ hour
2. a life 13. a wife 2. ___ historic monument 2. ___ university
3. a roof 14. a chief 3. ___ ugly boy 3. ___ useful tool
4. a cliff 15. a belief 4. ___ unimportant problem 4. ___ good time
5. a man-driver 16. a woman-driver 5. ___ unkind woman 5. ___ yard
6. a policeman 17. an Englishman 6. ___ lovely weather 6. ___ old furniture
7. Roman 18. Norman 7. ___ good news 7. ___ nice furniture
8. German 19. a father-in-law 8. ___ cold weather 8. ___ unit
9. a pen-friend 20. a baby-sister 9. ___ nice breakfast 9. have ___ dinner
10. an editor-in-chief 21. a handkerchief 10. ___ delicious lunch 10. have ___ lunch
11. a merry-go-round 22. a forget-me-not 11. ____ European country 11. ___ information
12. There is ____ furniture in the room.
EXC 10: MAKE PLURAL 13. There is ____ furniture shop in the room.
1. he 7. she 14. There are ____ furniture shops in our city.
2. does 8. It 15. Is there ____ police station nearby?
3. you 9. is 16. My uncle has ____ police car.
4. was 10. this
5. that 11. has EXC 13: NOUNS / WRITE EXAMPLES
6. has got 12. I 1. –er – 9. –ship – 17. –ian –
2. –or – 10. –y – 18. –ity –
EXC 11: MAKE PLURAL 3. –age – 11. co- 19. –ment –
4. –ance – 12. micro- 20. –ness –
Ex: This is a pen. – These are pens.
5. –ation – 13. –sion – 21. –dom –
1. This is a sheep. 6. –ess – 14. –ism – 22. –th –
2. That goose is white. 7. –ence – 15. –ist – 23. ex-
3. It is a mouse. 8. –ion – 16. –hood – 24. super-
4. I am a policeman.
6. You are a woman.
7. She is an Englishwoman. 1. Alice has black hair / a hair / hairs.
8. What is it? 2. There are some hair / hairs on the jacket.
9. There is a deer in the zoo. 3. There is hair / a hair / hairs on the soap.
10. The child’s toy is nice. 4. There is an iron / iron on the table.
11. This house has a balcony. 5. This door made of iron / an iron.
12. That bench is wet. 6. There is a wood / wood near our house.
13. She is an Englishwoman. 7. This furniture is made of a wood / wood.
14. Their roof is new. 8. I have a good job / work.
15. He is a man-driver. 9. I have a lot of job / work to do.
16. He is a Roman. 10. I’m looking for a work / job.
17. She is a baby-sitter. 11. Where do you job / work?
18. She is a child. 12. Give me a glass / glass of water.
19. He is a man-servant. 13. The glasses / glass of the window is broken.
20. He has a baby. 14. two glass / glasses of milk
21. There is a deer in the zoo. 15. a pair / pair of trousers
22. This is a bus. 16. This pairs / These pairs of shoes

1.___ ___ feet 1. ______ scales 1. Only ________ students were there.
2. ______ light 2. ______ bread 2. Very ________ people know about it.
3. ______ oxen 3. ______ bushes 3. I have got ________ money.
4. ______ stairs 4. ______ news 4. I have ________ friends. I feel lonely.
5. ______ dishes 5. ______ goods 5. I have ________ time. I can’t wait.
6. ______ legends 6. ______ men 6. There are ________ minutes left. I can’t wait.
7. ______ rain 7. ______ water 7. I know very ________ words in English.
8. ______ hair 8. ______ geese 8. Only ________ books here are interesting.
9. ______ progress 9. ______ scissors 9. Could I borrow ________ dollars?
10. ______ furniture 10. ___ information 10. She can speak English ________.
11. I need ________ fresh air.
1. ______ hatred 1. ______ snow 12. He has got ________ stamps.
2. ______ holidays 2. ______ money 13. There is very ________ soup in the bowl.
3. ______ sugar 3. ______ lice 14. I have only ________ soup in the bowl.
4. ______ mice 4. ______ people EXC 18: SO / SUCH
5. ______ cattle 5. ______ wine
6. ______ soup 6. ______ soap 1. ___ fast 1. ___ a fast train
7. ______ letters 7. ______ sheep 2. ___ late 2. ___ early
8. ______ swine 8. ______ fish 3. ___ hard work 3. ___ a nice girl
9. ______ species 9. ______ deer 4. ___ a funny dog 4. ___ funny
10. ______ difficulty 10. ______ police 5. ___ an interesting book 5. ___ cold weather
1. ______ blood 1. ______ jobs 1. ___ fast runner 1. ___ interesting film
2. ______ work 2. ______ honey 2. ___ happy day 2. ___ happy people
3. ______ chalk 3. ______ mail 3. ___ good teacher 3. ___ good teachers
4. ______ cotton 4. ______ silence 4. ___ fine weather 4. ___ long time
5. ______ butter 5. ______ luggage 5. ___ good time 5. ___ good information
6. ______ baggage 6. ______ chocolate
7. ______ meat 7. ______ traffic EXC 20: SO / SUCH
8. ______ news 8. ______ scenery 1. ___ few lumps 1. ___ few pieces
9. ______ food 9. ______ gas 2. ___ a lot of bookcases 2. ___ little flour
10. ______ mistakes 10. ______ candles 3. ___ much luggage 3. ___ a lot of bottles
4. ___ much pleasure 4. ___ many sounds
5. ___ few attractions 5. ___ a lot of books
1. Only ________ students were there.
2. Very ________ people know about it. 1. ____________ interesting cartoons!
3. I have ________ friends. I feel lonely. 2. ____________ good advice!
4. There are ________ minutes left. We can’t wait. 3. ____________ difficult work!
5. I have ________ English books. I can’t learn. 4. ____________ tasty juice!
6. I know very ________ words in French. 5. ____________ high hills!
7. Only ________ books here are interesting. 6. ____________ dangerous trip!
8. Could I borrow ________ dollars? 7. ____________ curious children!
9. He has got ________ stamps. 8. ____________ cheap clothes!
10. They made ________ mistakes. 9. ____________ bad news!

1. _________ apples do you have? 1. a few week’s / a few weeks’ / a few weeks’s
2. _________ do you weigh? 2. children’ / children’s / childrens’
3. _________ does it cost? 3. Brown’s / Browns’ / Brown’
4. _________ times a day? 4. Jane’s and Ben’s eyes / Jane and Ben’s eyes
5. _________ was your computer? 5. The Brown’s / The Browns’ / The Browns’s
6. _________ photos? 6. two miles’ / two mile’s / two miles’s
7. _________ water? 7. father’s-in-law / father’-in-law / father-in-law’s
8. _________ policemen? 8. fathers-in-law’s / fathers’-in-law
9. _________ mistakes? 9. a moments’ silence / a moment’s silence
10. _________ money? 10. sheeps’ skin / sheep’s skin / sheep’ skin
11. _________ bread? 11. deer’s tracks / deers’ tracks / deer’ track
12. _________ is it? 12. man’s / men’ / mens’
13. _________ children? 13. woman’ / women’s / womens’
14. _________ rice? 14. the cats’s / the cats’
15. _________ time? 15. the children’ / the children’s / the childrens’
16. _________ cattle? 16. 4 students’ / 4 student’s
17. _________ people? 17. the boss’ order / the boss’s order
18. _________ coins? 18. the actress’s answer / the actress’ answer
19. _________ information, 19. one another’s / one anothers’
20. _________ times? 20. each other’s / each others’
21. _________ money do you have? 21. Ted and Ben’s hair / Ted’s and Ben’s hair
22. _________ people live in your city? 22. at the baker’s / at the baker’
23. _________ does that book cost? 23. at my uncle’s / at my uncle’
24. _________ rice is there?
24. at the dentist’ / at the dentist’s
25. _________ apples are there in the basket?
26. _________ petrol do we need? 25. fathers-in-law’s / fathers’-in-law
27. _________ children are in the class?
28. _________ teachers do you have? EXC 24: CHOOSE THE CORRECT VARIANT
29. _________ money do you want? 1. a few bunch / bunches of flowers
30. _________ is it? 2. a few sack / sacks of flour
31. _________ do you charge?
3. a few basket / baskets of pears
32. _________ steaks will you have?
33. _________ did it cost? 4. a pair of tight / tights
34. _________ times did you see him? 5. a pair of sock / socks
35. _________ children have you got? 6. a few pair / pairs of jeans
36. _________ are they? 7. deer’s / deers’ legs
37. _________ bottles do you want? 8. Peter’s / Peter and John’s mother
38. _________ times did it happen? 9. Kate / Kate’s and Jane’s hair
39. ______ stars are in the sky?
10. The Smith’s / The Smiths’
40. ______ people live on islands?
11. Mr Smith’s / Mr Smiths’
41. ______ birds are there?
42. ______ water is in the ocean? EXC 25: A FEW / A LITTLE / FEW / LITTLE
43. ______ money is in a bank?
44. ______ countries are in the world? 1. There’s ___ food in the fridge. It’s nearly empty.
2. When did you see Lee? ______ days ago.
45. ______ bread is eaten per day?
3. He's very lazy. He does ______ work.
46. ______ bones are in the human body?
4. I will arrive ______ later.
47. ______ sand is in the deserts?
48. ______ information is on the internet? 5. ______ people understand it. It’s too difficult.

EXC 26: SO / SUCH / SUCH A / SUCH AN 43. This quiz was ______ easy.
1. It was ___ lovely day. 44. It's ______ long way there.
2. There was ___ a lot of trouble at that time. 45. It is the first time I've had ______ bad flu.
3. I've never seen ___ many people at a concert. 46. There are _____ many good jobs in Fortaleza.
4. I've never seen ___ dirty kitchen. 47. The hotel has ______ comfortable room.
5. It's ___ expensive. 48. It was ______ dark that I couldn't see his face.
6. It took ___ much time to do. 49. That restaurant has ______ delicious food.
7. I haven’t seen you lived here for ___ many 50. They were ______ talented singers.
years. 51. Most TV programs are ______ boring.
8. It looks ___ nice. 52. I've been to Paris ______ many times!
9. The film was ___ dull that we left halfway 53. There were ______ many people there!
through. 54. The guitar player was ______ good!
10. The car is ___ uneconomical. 55. ______ students have a problem with this
11. She's ___ kind person. exercise.
12. I told him not to be ___ stubborn. 56. She works ______ quickly.
13. They tried ___ hard, but still didn't succeed. 57. That is _______ good idea!
14. Don't be ___ silly. 58. They have ______ little house.
15. It was ___ long way from my house.
16. She's ___ cool.
17. We knew that he would be ___ good president. 1. I've got ___ money. Let's have coffee.
18. I wasn't expecting ___ many people to be there. 2. I've got ___ stamps that you can use.
3. I've got ___ time. Do you want to talk?
19. They did it ___ well.
4. She can speak ___ Spanish.
20. ___ far as I know he is a good doctor. 5. I write ___ letters every week.
21. They told him not to be ___ idiot. 6. We had ___ rain last night.
22. It cost ___ a lot of money. 7. They made ___ mistakes, but it was OK.
23. He's ___ unfriendly guy. 8. Let's go outside for ___ fresh air.
24. It's ___ hot in that club.
25. I've never eaten ___ dreadful food. EXC 28: SOME / ANY / A / AN
26. The book was ___ interesting. 1. Is there ___ book on the table?
27. There was ___ much smoke. 2. I had ___ cereal for breakfast.
28. He went to bed early because he were ___ 3. There isn’t ___ water in the bottle.
tired. 4. I heard ___ interesting story this morning.
29. It was ___ interesting book. 5. There are ___ apples in the fruit bowl.
30. That's ___ like him. 6. There is ___ cat in the garden.
31. He was looking ___ ill that they sent him home. 7. There aren’t ___ students at school at present.
32. He walks ___ slowly. 8. Would you like ___ apple?
33. The food was ___ bad that we had to complain. 9. There aren't ___ taxis near here.
34. Everything happened ___ quickly. 10. Could I have ___ pasta, please?
35. It was ___ cold that our hands went blue.
36. Don't be ___ idiot..
37. You have to be ___ patient to be a nurse. EXC 29: TOO MUCH / TOO MANY
38. Everything costs ___ a lot of money nowadays. 1. ___ toothpaste 1. ___ ice-cream
39. I didn't think you'd be able to finish it ___ soon. 2. ___ children 2. ___ cars
40. We had ___ many problems. 3. ___ light 3. ___ policemen
41. She has ___ nice voice. 4. ___ time 4. ___ men
42. It was ___ fast car that nobody could catch it. 5. ___ potatoes 5. ___ hair

EXC 30: A / AN 1. a furniture 1. a furniture shop

1. ___ eagle 1. ___ arrow 2. a clothes shop 2. a few day’s work
2. ___ ultra-violet ray 2. ___ honest person 3. few days’ leave 3. plenty of time
3. ___ unit 3. ___ easy question 4. a plenty of books 4. a lot of people
4. ___ X-ray 4. ___ university 5. such a little mouse 5. lots of cattle
5. ___ umbrella 5. ___ hour-glass EXC 33: POSSESSIVE --- ‘S / ‘ / OF
6. ___ UNESCO office 6. ___ TOEFL score Example: Ben / daughter – Ben’s daughter
7. ___ black umbrella 7. ___ yellow tie 1. the men / families
8. ___ ox 8. ___ uniform 2.that boy / friends
9. ___ white umbrella 9. ___ orange bag 3. her babies / toys
10. ___ orange sweater 10. ___ ugly dress 4. the people / names
EXC 31: MUCH / MANY / LITTLE / FEW 5. Mary and John / son
6. the actress / role
1. He isn't very popular. He has ______ friends. 7. the dog / ball
2. Ann is very busy these days. She has ______ free
time. 8. my brothers / room
3. Did you take ______ photographs when you 9. my brother-in-law / car
were on holidays? 10. The Browns / house
4. I'm not very busy today. I haven't got ____ to do. 11. my sons-in-law / cars
5. The museum was very crowded. There were too 12. the boss / promise
______ people. 13. Tom and Bill / mother
6. Most of the town is modern. There are ______
14. yesterday / news
old buildings.
7. The weather has been very dry recently. We've 15. Ann and Carol / hearts
had ______ rain. 16. Tom / car
17. the cat / eyes
EXC 32: CHOOSE THE CORRECT VARIANT. 18. the children / toys
1. so many idea 1. so many ideas 19. tomorrow / meeting
2. such many ideas 2. such a good idea 20. Mr Smith / car
3. such good idea 3. such a lot of ideas 21. Anar and Faig / fathers
4. so many information 4. so a lot of news 22. two days / work
5. such a lot of information 5. such a little house 23. the number / the house
6. so few people 6. so a few people 24. the capital / Azerbaijan
7. so a lot of people 7. such little bread 25. the driver / the car
8. so little bread 8. so few bread 26. an hour / film
9. such a little mice 9. such little mice 27. the actress / dress
10. such much news 10. so a lot of news 28. London / parks
29. the parks / London
1. so much salt 1. so much boys
30. the key / the car
2. so few event 2. so few events
31. a glass / milk
3. so little snow 3. such little rain
32. my friend / bike
4. so little money 4. so few money
33. the window / room
5. such a lot of money 5. so a lot of money
34. Mr Smith / car
6. pair of shoes 6. a pair of shoes
35. the headteacher / office
7. half an hour 7. an hour and half
36. ten minutes / walk
8. an hour and a half 8. few books
37. the number / house
9. such an interesting book 9. a few books
38. two days / work
10. such a good advice 10. a news agency
39. the waiter / shoes


1. This is ___ book. (Peter) Peter Baker _____ from Manchester, but
2. Let's go to the ___. (Smiths) Paul and John _____ from London. Manchester
3. The ___ room is upstairs. (children) and London _____ cities in England. Hamburg
4. ___ sister is twelve years old. (John) _____ a city in Germany. Sandra _____ at school
5. ___ and ___ bags have blue stickers. (Tim-Ben) today. Jack and Peter _____ her friends. They
6. ___ shoes are on the second floor. (men) _____ in the same class. Mr and Mrs Baker _____
7. My ___ car was not expensive. (parents) on a trip to the USA to visit their cousin Anne. She
8. ___ CD player is new. (Charles) _____ a nice girl. Peter says: "My grandfather
9. This is the ___ bike. (boy) _____ in hospital. I _____ at home with my
10. These are the ___ pencils. (boys) grandmother." What time _____ it? It _____ 8
EXC 35: ’S = HAS or IS? o'clock. _____ you tired? No, I _____ not.

1. He's listened to the song. 1. It's rained a little. EXC 39: AM / IS / ARE
2. She's reading a comic. 2. She's been here. 1. The weather ___ very nice today.
3. He's written an e-mail. 3. It's raining. 2. I ___ not tired.
4. She's lost her money. 4. He's cut his finger. 3. This ball ___ very heavy.
5. Where's Kathy gone? 5. That's nice of you. 4. The dogs ___ hungry. Let's feed them.
EXC 36: AM / IS / ARE 5. Look! Carol ___ at home.
1. She ___ in the house. 6. This castle ___ very old.
2. The dog and the cat ___ in the garden. 7. My brother and I ___ good football players.
3. The woman ___ behind a tree. 8. Ann and her children ___ at the supermarket.
4. I ___ Kevin. 9. I ___ a student. My sister ___ a teacher.
5. Carol and I ___ friends. 10. My hands ___ cold.
6. It ___ black. 11. Canada ___ a big country.
7. My name ___ Bob. 12. Ann ___ a nice girl.
8. They ___ nice girls. 13. How ___ you?
9. The children ___ in the shop. 14. They ___ at school.
10. He ___ a teacher. 15. Can I have an apple? Yes, here you ___.
11. We ___ hungry. EXC 40: WAS / WERE
12. Mrs Dixon ___ funny and nice.
13. I ___ twelve years old. 1. Mr Cooper ___ in the house.
14. Jim and Cathy ___ at school. 2. The dog and the cat ___ in the garden.
15. The elephants ___ tired. 3. The woman ___ behind a tree.
4. Peter ___ a clever boy.
EXC 37: AM / IS / ARE 5. It ___ Kevin.
1. My mother ___ in the kitchen. 6. Mr Baker and I ___ friends.
2. The pupils ___ not at school today. 7. It ___ time for dinner.
3. Maria's grandmother ___ from Brazil. 8. My name ___ Caroline.
4. I ___ a football fan. 9. My rabbit and my cat ___ friends.
5. It ___ Sunday today. 10. They ___ very nice animals.
6. They ___ in the car. 11. Dog food ___ also good for cats.
7. His pencil case ___ at home. 12. The children ___ in the garden.
8. ___ you from Sheffield? 13. He ___ a teacher.
9. I ___ not your friend. 14. Mrs Dixon ___ funny and nice.
10. Hey John! We ___ here. 15. I ___ ten years old.

EXC 41: AM / IS / ARE / HAVE / HAS EXC 44: I / YOU / HE / SHE / IT / THEY
1. I ___ an Australian. 1. ___ am with my dog.
2. She ___two cats and one dog. 2. ___ has got a yellow dress.
3. It ___ a bird. 3. Is your TV beautiful ? Is ___ large ?
4. They ___ a car. 4. The schoolboys work , so ___ are here.
5. He ___ a teacher. 5. You have got a new car. Is ___ beautiful?
6. It ___ green. 6. I love Mick because ___ is funny!
7. She ___ a girl. 7. Peter! Mary! Do ___ want some chocolate?
8. They ___ a small, modern one. EXC 45: SOME / ANY
9. We ___ pink hair.
10. We ___ both Canadian. 1. I don't need ___ help. I'm fine.
2. Could you fetch me ___ paper, please?
EXC 42: WAS / WERE 3. Lynne cooked ___ typically British food for
1. I ___ at home. dinner.
2. She ___ not at home in the morning. 4. I have three pairs of scissors and I can't find
3. We ___ in the park. ___ of them.
4. Jim ___ in school 5. I'd like ___ more, if there is any.
5. Our friends ___ on their summer holidays. 6. Would you like ___ coffee?
6. Uncle George ___ a good football player. 7. There weren't ___ dogs in the park.
7. The dog ___ under the table. EXC 46: A / AN / SOME
8. He ___ very funny. 1. He has ___ test.
9. The shoes ___ white. 2. Would you like ___ sweets?
10. You ___ right. 3. He buys ___ orange.
11. Susan ___ good at tennis. 4. Would you like ___ coffee?
12. They ___ in the house. 5. She has got ___ stickers.
13. His T-shirts ___ cool. 6. Do you have ___ raincoat?
14. My uncle ___ a good swimmer. 7. We need ___ strawberries.
15. She ___ in Italy. 8. We go to ___ restaurant.
9. They have ___ exciting holiday.
EXC 43: A / AN / SOME 10. She reads ___ book.
1. Bill has got ___ orange snowboard. 11. He buys ___ new computer.
2. This is ___ interesting story. 12. They have ___ interesting History lesson.
3. They like ___ hamburgers. 13. I need ___ money.
4. This is ___ expensive hotel. 14. Can I have ___ milk?
5. Do you have ___ mobile phone? 15. He gives her ___ orange juice.
6. She is ___ nice teacher.
7. We live in ___ old house. EXC 47:
8. He is ___ diligent boy. IS / ARE / DO / DON’T / DOES / DOESN’T
9. She is ___ beautiful girl. 1. Excuse me, ___ you speak English?
10. We'll have ___ tests next week. 2. - Where's Tom? - I ___ know.
11. They sing ___ song. 3. What's funny? Why ___ you laughing?
12. He buys ___ cheese. 4. - What ___ your sister do? - She's a dentist.
13. Can you give me ___ information, please? 5. It ___ raining. I don't want to go out.
14. She has ___ blue schoolbag. 6. - Where ___ you come from? - Canada.
15. This is ___ Irish beer. 7. How much ___ it cost to phone Canada?
8. George ___ a good tennis player but he ___.


1. He _____ here five minutes ago. 1. I ___ come here to borrow your book
2. This _____ the dress she wore last week. 2. ___ you ever done online banking?
3. They _____ still young when their parents died. 3. We ___ not done our homework yet.
4. One of the eggs _____ broken. 4. Each of you ___ to pay a dollar.
5. There _____ some oranges on the table. 5. There ___ been no complaint so far.
6. _____ you tired after the game? 6. Does he ___ a bicycle?
7. She _____ not at home when I called. 7. What ___ she got to say about this?
8. Yesterday I saw a rainbow as I ___ driving
EXC 52: IS / ARE / DO / DOES
9. The train ___ late.
10. Those ___ people who helped the victim. 1. ___ she a student?
2. ___ he like frogs?
3. ___ they from Argentina?
1. ___ you know him? 4. ___ he English?
2. That ___ not mean I ___ not like her. 5. ___ they play computer games?
3. Please ___ not smoke here.
6. ___ he drive a car?
4. ___ anybody know the answer?
5. They ___ not want to play. 7. ___ your mother a teacher?
6. It ___ not matter where you put it. 8. ___ you 10 years old?
7. He ___ the measuring and we ___ the cutting. 9. ___ you speak English?
8. Those sheep ___ not belong to that farmer. 10. ___ your brother singing now?
9. My feet ___ not get tired easily. 11. ___ you watching TV now?
10. Every one here ___ not know about it. 12. ___ you go to bed early?
EXC 50: HAVE / HAS 13. ___ she cooking at the moment?
14. ___ Peter and Sally go to school by bus?
1. I ___ blond hair and blue eyes. 15. ___ your parents doctors?
2. Ann ___ to go home now.
3. Mr. Scotford ___ two brothers.
4. They ___ two cats and three rabbits.
5. The man next door ___ had an accident. 1. ___ you play basketball?
6. The new supermarket ___ everything. 2. ___ your friend speak English?
7. ___ you heard about my new job? 3. ___ your parents work?
8. Mr. and Mrs. Smith ___ gone to Sweden. 4. ___ Susan like sweets?
9. The tomatoes ___ grown quickly this year. 5. ___ Jimmy and Ben watch TV every day?
10. The lettuce ___ grown quickly too. 6. ___ she drink juice?
11. ___ your father got a nice car? 7. ___ the children get up early?
12. ___ you bought a camera? 8. ___ they like fish?
13. ___ she got many friends? 9. ___ Tom go to school every day?
14. ___ your mother got blue eyes? 10. ___ your friends like chicken?
15. ___ you got a ticket? 11. How much ___ you earn?
16. ___ they got any children? 12. ___ London have many museums?
13. ___ it snow a lot in Iceland?
17. ___ he learnt how to use it yet?
14. ___ you speak English?
18. ___ we been there before? 15. ___ they live in London?
19. ___ my number been called yet? 16. ___ you have a car?
20. ___ you sold out of vanilla ice cream? 17. ___ your parrot talk?
21. He ___ a law degree. 18. What ___ we have to do for homework?
22. They ___ gone to the cinema. 19. What time ___ this class finish?
23. Only one of the students ___ failed the test. 20. How often ___ you rent a video?

EXC 54: HAVE / HAS / DO / DOES EXC 57:

1. ___ you have a car? MY / YOUR / HIS / HER / OUR / THEIR
2. Did you ___ that book? 1. John Anderson forgot ___ book.
3. She doesn’t ___ a pen. 2. Mary and Susan talk like ____ mother.
4. ___ she got a dress? 3. Alex and I were late for ___ class .
5. My friend didn’t ___ a book. 4. Princess Caroline is wearing ___ new Gucci
6. He doesn’t ___ homework. gown.
7. We don’t ___ exercises. 5. Where are ___ keys? I can't find them.
8. ___ we have Maths today? 6. Where do you keep ___ money in the bank?
9. My friend doesn’t ___ homework.
10. ___ she have a raincoat? EXC 58: HAVE GOT / HAS GOT
11. She ___ not got a car. 1. ___ you ___ a favourite singer?
12. What ___ she do? 2. ___ he ___ a pen in his pencil case?
13. What ___ she got? 3. ___ they ___ a garden?
14. What did she ___ for breakfast? 4. ___ she ___ a yellow bike?
15. Do you ___ homework? 5. ___ your parents ___ a stamp collection?
16. Does she ___ a book? 6. ___ Ben ___ a green marker?
17. He doesn’t ___ a pen. 7. ___ your teacher ___ a computer in this room?
18. Kate didn’t ___ a house. 8. ___ we ___ milk at home?
19. ___ it rain? 9. ___ Anne ___ a car?
20. Where ___ you live? 10. Where ___ you ___ your headphones?


1. I ___ your T-shirt.
1. My sister ___ very clever. 2. She ___ a workbook.
2. What ___ she do? 3. We ___ lunch at school.
3. She ___ a teacher in a primary school. 4. Steve ___ a brother.
4. Where ___ she live? 5. My brother ___ a TV-set in his room.
5. She ___ a lovely house in the country. 6. They ___ a lorry.
6. ___ she married? 7. Mr Jones ___ a red jacket.
7. Yes. Her husband's name ___ Ray. 8. The boys ___ pink pencil cases.
8. ___ she have any children? 9. This car ___ four doors.
9. Yes. A girl called Mary. She ___ eight years old. 10. Tom and Emily ___ books on their desk.
10. She ___ a lot of friends.
1. hundred / a hundred manats
1. Mary ___ work on Saturday. 2. 2 hundred / 2 hundreds letters
2. My boss ___ like going to meetings. 3. a hundred / hundreds of students
3. You ___ like funny stories. 4. thousand / one thousand books
4. My friend Paul ___ work very hard. 5. 5 thousands / 5 thousand accidents
5. Why ___ we go to the cinema tonight. 6. million / millions of stars
6. David is very quite. He ___ talk very much. 7. one hundred manat / manats
7. I ___ know what you’re talking about. 8. one hundred fifty five / one hundred and fifty five
8. It ___ cost a lot to eat here. 9. May 9 = May the nineth / May nine
9. We ___ like going to parties. 10. 8 March = the eighth of March / the eighth
10. I ___ give money to beggars. March


1. My family is / are large. SOMETHING / SOMEONE / SOMEWHERE /
2. My family is / are high-educated. ANYTHING / ANYONE / ANYWHERE
3. There are some hair / hairs on his pillow. 1. I've got ____ in my eye.
4. He has got black hair / hairs. 2. There is ____ at the door.
5. This news is / are not good. 3. We haven't heard ____ about Peter. Is he ill?
6. Billiards is / are my favourite game. 4. Do you live ____ near Mandy?
7. Phonetics is / are a branch of linguistics. 5. ____ wants to see you.
8. Mathematics is / are one of the exact science. 6. Has ____ seen my bag?
9. Football is / are an exciting game. 7. My teacher asked me ____ .
10. All the people is / are here. 8) Can I have ____ to drink?
11. Two hundred dollars is / are not enough for me. 9. Don't worry. ____ can tell you where the post-
12. 20 kilos is / are the maximum weight suitcase. office in this town is.
13. Three years is / are a long time to be. 10. I don't know ____ about it.
14. My trousers is / are too long.
15. Those is / are nice jeans.
16. Scissors is / are necessary to something. EXC 64: CHOOSE THE CORRECT FORM
17. The cattle is / are in the meadow. 1. my / mine umbrella
18. They are Germans / Germen. 2. your / yours book
19. These sheep / sheeps aren’t mine. 3. This house is my / mine.
20. There was / were a lot of deer / deers in the 4. its / it’s trip
forest. 5. its / it’s name
21. My childrens’ / children’s room is clean. 6. Its / It’s interesting.
22. It was such a / --- terrible weather. 7. their / theirs houses
23. I love old furniture / furnitures. 8. I like cats. I like watching it / them.
24. He needs an / --- advice. 9. Its / It’s a dog.
25. Give me some water / waters. 10. Its / It’s gone.
11. I have / must to go.
12. He ought / should write.
13. I asked him come / to come.
EXC 62: CHOOSE THE CORRECT FORM 14. Let him / his go out.
1. The book is my / mine. 15. Let them read / to read.
2. He drank her / hers cola. 16. My classmates speak / speaks Arabic.
3. He is one of her / hers friends. 17. The people living here is / are very friendly.
4. Did you / your mother call? 18. The pages in this book contain / contains
5. I don’t know them / their very well. pictures.
6. I don’t know them / their son very well. 19. The students in my class is / are from South
7. I talked to my / me grandfather. America.
8. It is my / mine. 20. Children in my country go / goes to school.
9. I don’t like their / theirs apartment. 21. The rivers in the world is / are polluted.
10. It’s your / yours. 22. This / These is my / mine umbrella. Your /
11. A friend of our / ours called. Yours is broken.
12. That’s our / ours house, not their / theirs. 23. City dwellers do not has / have cars.
13. Is he a friend of your / yours? 24. The citizens of the United States speak / speaks
14. Isn’t their / theirs son older than you? English.
15. Is that your / yours notebook or my / mine? 25. Mary and Bob has / have their books.


OURSELVES / THEMSELVES 1. ___ a lot of water in the oceans.
1. Tom cut ______. 2. ___ a lot of books in our library.
2. We really enjoyed ______. 3. ___ a shirt and shoes in my rucksack.
3. I repaired my bike ______. 4. ___ some butter in the fridge.
4. You clean the window ______. 5. ___ two letters and a telegram for you.
5. Jack and I ______ at the party 5 years ago. 6. ___ some salt in the soup.
6. I read not only about the athour ______ but also 7. ___ some guests at the party.
his poems. 8. ___ a little time to have a cup of coffee.
7. They looked at ______. 9. ___ a few apples in the basket.
8. The film ______ wasn’t very good. 10. ___ some people in the square.
9. The old woman was talking to _____. 11. ___ many flowers in the vase.
10. Let’s paint the house ______. 12. ___ much flour in the sack.
11. Did you write it ______. 13. How much tea ___ in the glass?
12. She locked the door ______. 14. How many rules ___ in the grammar book?
13. The tourists admired not only Azerbaijan 15. ___ a lot of sand in the desert.
______ but also its traditions. 16. ___ a lot of deer in the forest.
14. The children cleaned their room ______. 17. ___ a lot of fish in the lake.
15. Ann baked the cake ______. 18. ___ a lot of snow in the mountains.
16. The cat caught the mouse ______. 19. ___ a lot of species of animals in the world.
17. Mary, did you bake the cake ______. 20. ___ a lot of sheep in the meadow.
18. Children, have you done homework ______.
19. I liked to watch ______ in a video film.
20. Tell me a little about ______. 1. Can you take ___ to work?
21. He never talks about ______. 2. This cat is ___.
3. I heard that ___ won the lottery.
22. The horse hurt ______.
4. She said that she wanted to do it ___.
23. Tom! Please behave ______. 5. Do you think ___ is older than me?
24. Tom and Ben! Please behave ______. 6. There is a problem with ___ TV.
25. I will do ______. 7. Has ___ called you yet?
26. He decided to go to Spain by ______. 8. She doesn't want to go by ___.
27. She lived there to go Spain by______. 9. There is no way ___ will agree with me.
28. Boys! Help ______. 10. ___ brother is a doctor.
29. He and I wrote the letter ______.
30. Let’s do our homework ______. EXC 69: A / AN
1. This is Bob. He's ___ doctor.
EXC 66: 2. Peter is ___ engineer.
THERE WAS / THERE WERE / 3. That's Oliver. He's ___ travel agent.
THERE WEREN’T 4. Leonardo di Caprio is ___ actor.
1. ___ a lot of rain in the summer. 5. Fred is ___ electrician.
2. ___ any good films at the cinema last week. 6. Mr. Smith is ___ teacher.
3. ___ 26 people at Sophie’s party. 7. This is Gloria. She's ___ homemaker.
4. ___ an English teacher at my primary school. 8. That's John. He's ___ police officer.
5. ___ a big celebration for my sister’s wedding. 9. I'm ___ student.
6. ___ a lot of interesting animals in the pet shop. 10. Meryl Streep is ___ actress.


1. Choose the correct variant. 1. Choose the correct variant.
A. Have you got a dog? A. He don’t do homework.
B. Does she has a cat? B. He doesn’t homework.
C. Did he had a car last year? C. He doesn’t do homework.
2. Choose the correct variant. 2 Choose the correct variant.
A. Does she have black shoes? A. She doesn’t do exercises.
B. Does Kate has black shoes? B. She doesn’t does exercises.
C. Does kate got black shoes? C. She doesn’t exercises.
3. Choose the correct variant. 3. Choose the correct variant.
A. Did they had new T-shirts? A. Do they housework?
B. Did they have new T-shirts? B. Do they did housework?
C. Did she has a new T-shirt? C. Do they do housework?
4. Choose the correct variant. 4. Choose the correct variant.
A. She doesn’t has a green pencil. A. Does Mary does the cooking?
B. She don’t have a red pen. B. Does Mary do the cooking?
C. She doesn’t have a grey pencil. C. Does Mary the cooking?

5. Choose the correct variant. 5. Choose the correct variant.

A. We didn’t have a dog last year. A. How many exercises did you do?
B. We didn’t has a dog last year. B. How many mistakes did you?
C. We didn’t had a dog last year. C. How many mistakes do you did?

6. Choose the correct variant. 6. Choose the correct variant.

A. My father didn’t has a job. A. What does she?
B. My father don’t have a job. B. What did she had?
C. My father doesn’t have a job. C. What does she do?

7. Choose the correct variant. 7. Choose the correct variant.

A. I don’t have got a job. A. He didn’t the washing.
B. I haven’t got a job. B. He doesn’t the washing.
C. She haven’t got a job. C. He didn’t do the washing.

8. Choose the correct variant. 8. Choose the correct variant.

A. My friend has got a pet. A. Does Kate morning exercises?
B. My friend hasn’t a pet. B. Do Kate do morning exercises?
C. My friend hadn’t a pet. C. Does Kate do morning exercises?

9. Choose the correct variant. 9. Choose the correct variant.

A. She didn’t have dinner. A. Does your friend has breakfast?
B. She doesn’t has breakfast. B. Does your friend have breakfast?
C. She don’t have lunch. C. Did your friend had breakfast?

10. Choose the correct variant. 10. Choose the correct variant.
A. We didn’t had a good time. A. He didn’t do it himself.
B. She doesn’t have coffee. B. He didn’t it himself.
C. She doesn’t has tea. C. He didn’t did it himself.

EXC 72: HAVE GOT / HAS GOT 20. ___ they ___ breakfast?
1. My parents ___ four children. A. Did, have B. Does, has C. Do, got
A. have got B. has got
2. We ___ a house.
A. have got B. has got 1. I have to do it ___.
2. Why doesn’t she do it ___?
3. They ___ two cars. 3. He saw ___ in the mirror.
A. have B. has 4. We can’t do this ___.
4. A dog ___ four legs. 5. They don’t like ___.
A. have got B. has got 6. Are you going to the mall by ___?
7. She likes to think of ___as a good person.
5. Mandy ___ two sisters.
8. I can’t see ___doing that.
A. have got B. has got
9. They talk about ___all the time.
6. I ___ a lot of homework. 10. You don’t respect ___.
A. have got B. has got
7. Your father ___ a lot of money last year. 1. Do / Does you speak English?
A. had B. has got 2. If they don’t / doesn’t come, I’ll be surprised.
8. We ___ a new teacher. 3. Do / Does he always behave like
A. have B. has got 4. Do / Does they know that you're my sister?
5. I don't / doesn't know how to cook.
9. My father ___ a car last year.
6. Do / Does your cats play with you?
A. had B. has got
7. You don’t / doesn’t understand, do you?
10. My teacher ___ a red pen. 8. Why do / does he always wear the same shirt?
A. have got B. has got 9. Do / Does Polish people eat a lot of meat?
11. ___ you have a car? 10. My mother don't / doesn't like to travel.
A. Does B. Have C. Do EXC 75: AM / IS / ARE
12. Did they ___ a house? 1. I ___ a girl.
A. have B. has C. had 2. My father___ at work.
13. Does she ___ a new bag? 3. Alex and Dino ___ my cats.
A. has B. had C. have 4. We ___ Scottish.
5. He ___ a pilot.
14. ___ she got a pen?
6. It _____ good.
A. Does B. Has C. Have
7. ___ you from Málaga?
15. She ___ have a uniform. 8. ___ Isabel Spanish?
A. hasn’t B. don’t C. doesn’t
16. We ___ have a car last year.
A. didn’t B. don’t C. haven’t 1. They ___ some new trainers.
2. John and I ___ a great computer game.
17. ___ she ___ an English book?
3. You ___ a pen.
A. Has, got B. Does,has C. Did, had
4. Mark ___ a pet.
18. They ___ a nice cat last year. 5. She ___ fifteen euros.
A. didn’t had B. didn’t have C. don’t have 6. You ___ a dog.
7. I ___ some DVDs.
19. We didn’t ___ a good time last summer. 8. We ___ a good TV.
A. has B. had C. have 9. She ___ a mobile phone.


1. ___ you like to play soccer? 1. I'd like some / any cheese, please.
a. Does b. Do c. Is d. Are 2. How much / many meat do you eat every day?
2. Gabriela ___ like to watch T.V. 3. Is there some / any milk in the fridge?
a. doesn't b. don't c. isn't d. aren't 4. How much / many bathrooms are there in this
3. He ___ like to do homework. 5. I can't talk to you now. I haven't got some / any
a. isn't b. aren't c. do d. doesn't time.
4. ___ Betty and Linda going to be here today?
a. Does b. Do c. Are d. Is EXC 81: DO / GO

5. Armando and Juan ___ like to play tennis. 1. I'll ___ my homework later.
a. do b. doing c. does d. don't 2. He said he'll ___ to the party. I hope he does.
3. I'll ___ to the doctors this afternoon.
6. ___ Ms. Smith a teacher? 4. I'll ___ shopping on Saturday.
a. Are b. Is c. Does she be d. Do she be 5. Let's ___ out for dinner tonight.
7. Mary and Rocio ___ doing thier homework. 6. I have to ___ the laundry before we go out.
a. are be b. are c. is d. be 7. If you ___ your best, nobody can ask for more.
8. I always ___ to church on Sundays.
8. ___ Oscar know how to speak Spanish?
9. If you wash the windows, I'll ___ the cooking.
a. Do b. Is c. Are d. Does
10. I have got to ___ this assignment by tomorrow.
9. Where ___ the bathroom?
a. does be b. is being c. is d. does EXC 82: THERE / THEY’RE / THEIR

10. How ___ you like the food in the U.S.? 1. I really don't want to go ___ again.
2. I'm always wrong and ___ always right.
a. does b. is c. are d. do
4. I fixed ___ car.
EXC 78: POSSESSIVE PRONOUNS 5. I didn't know ___ would be so many people here.
6. You mean ___ not coming tonight?
1. Can I use ___ car this evening? 7. Robert was ___ only friend.
A. your B. mine C. yours 8. In Los Angeles, people really love ___ cars.
9. Were ___ many people at the game?
2. Don't drink that coffee, it's ___. 10. I'm not ___cousin.
A. her B. she C. hers 11. ___ are a lot of people who voted for him.
3. Is this book ___? 12. ___ the people who voted for him.
13. ___ children voted for him.
A. yours B. you C. you'll
14. ___ not very nice.
4. This gift isn't for us. It's ___. 15. My mother lived ___ for a while.
A. their B. them C. theirs
5. You can take one of the pencils, they're ___.
A. ours B. our C. us 1. Could you ___ me some money, please?
2. Some pupils can ___ books from their school.
3. Will you ___ me your umbrella till tomorrow?
EXC 79: DO / DON’T / DOES / DOESN’T 4. Should I ___ him my football
1 The girls love tennis, but they ___ love riding. 5. You may ___ my bike, but be careful.
2. What ___ Sandra sell? 6. Could I ___ your cup?
7. You can ___ your book to Steve.
3. Mr Nelson speaks Spanish, but he ___ speak
8. Why do students ___ so much money from their
German. parents?
4. Where ___ your grandparents live? 9. Peter won't ___ his car to anyone.
5. Max plays tennis, but he ___ play hockey. 10. Will your mother ___ you some money?


1. I ___ a book. 1. Could I have a ___ of bread?
2. He ___ a car. a. glass b. loaf c. lump
3. We ___ got a house. 2. Could I have a ___ of milk?
4. My friend ___ good marks. a. loaf b. jar c. carton
5. Her friend ___ English books.
6. She ___ a lot of friends. 3. Could I have a ___ of wine?
7. It ___ black eyes. a. bottle b. jar c. container
8. His face ___ a round shape. 4. Could I have a ___ of chocolate?
9. We ___ a car last year. a. bottle b. bar c. slice
10. They ___ a good time time last weekend.
5. Could I have a ___ of tea?
a. cup b. dish c. plate
6. Could I have a ___ of lemon?
A. 1. It was ___ hot. a. bunch b. slice c. cup
2. He wasn’t strong ___.
7. Could I have a ___ of cheese?
3. There aren’t ___ policemen there.
a. jar b. lump c. piece
4. Do you have ___ information.
5. It is ___ difficult. 8. Could I have a ___ of cake?
6. I don’t have ___ time. a. glass b. lump c. slice
7. I don’t have ___ much time. 9. Could I have a ___ of jam?
8. It was ___ expensive. a. jar b. packet c. bottle
9. He didn’t work hard ___.
10. She drinks ___ much coffee. 10. Do we need a ___ of bread?
a. loaf b. pair c. jar
11. Should I buy a ___ of biscuits?
B. 1. There are ___ many people in the hall.
2. The man is ___ poor to buy a car. a. slice b. packet c. sack
3. I’m just ___ tired to work. 12. Could I have a ___ of beer?
4. Is this box light ___ for you? a. cup b. plate c. mug
5. Thank you ___ much for your words.
6. It was ___ hot to drink. 13. Can you buy a ___ of lettuce?
7. He wasn't strong ___ to lift that heavy box. a. bunch b. kilogram c. bottle
8. There aren't ___ policemen in our town.
9. Do you have ___ information to help me? 14. ___ of bananas are cheap today.
10. It is ___ difficult to do for a little child. a. Bunches b. Heads c. Packages
15. Don't forget to buy a ___ of onions.
C. 1. I do not have ___ much time to prepare a. kilogram b. piece c. slice
dinner. 16. The corn looks good. Can I have two ___.
2. I didn't buy the car because it was ___
a. bottles b. jars c. bunches
3. He didin't work hard ___ to pass the exam. 17. Let's buy a ___ of gloves.
4. She drinks ___ much coffee. a. bag b. jar c. pair
5. She isn't old ___ to start driving.
6. This man is _____ poor to buy a car. 18. I'll buy a ___ of flour.
7. I am just _____ tired to work any more. a. sack b. jar c. box
8. Is this box light _____ for you to carry?
9. Thank you _____ much for your nice words. 19. Can you give a ___ of advice.
10. Do you have _____ money for emergencies? a. piece b. pair c. bar

20. Can you buy a ___ of cigarettes. EXC 88: INTERROGATIVE SENTENCES.
a. plate b. slice c. packet
1. - … ? – It is a pen.
21. Can you buy a ___ of grapes. A. What is your name?
a. plate b. bunch c. packet B. What is it?
22. Can you buy a ___ of scissors. C. Where are you?
a. plate b. slice c. pair
2. - … ? – My name is Ben.
23. Can you buy a ___ of coal.
a. sack b. slice c. bunch A. What is your name?
B. What is it?
24. Can you buy a ___ of tea. C. Where are you?
a. plate b. slice c. packet
3. - … ? – He is 15.
A. What is his name?
1. I'm very unhappy. I don't have ____. B. What is he?
A) enough money C. How old is he?
B) money enough
4. - … ? – They are in Baku.
2. My Mercedes is ___.I have to buy a new one.
A. Where are they?
A) enough old
B) too old B. Where are they from?
C. What are their jobs?
3. My husband's Jaguar isn't ____.
5. - … ? – We are from London.
A) too fast
B) fast enough A. What are you?
B. Who are you?
4. My silver isn't ___ and I have to get it polished.
C. Where are you from?
A) enough shiny
B) shiny enough 6. - … ? – I’m an engineer.

5. My fur coat isn't ___. A. How are you?

B. What do you do?
A) fashionable enough
B) enough fashionable C. Where do you live?

6. My ten-room house is ___ for my furniture. 7. - … ? – He is a teacher.

A) too small A. What is her job?
B) small enough B. Who is she?
C. What is he?
7. My maid says her salary isn't ___.
A) high enough 8. - … ? – He is my brother.
B) enough high
A. Who is this boy?
8. My children don't have ___ to play with. B. What is this boy?
C. What does this boy do?
A) toys enough
B) enough toys
9. - … ? – She is a baby-sitter.
9. As you can see, my income isn't ___. A. How old is she?
A) high enough B. Who is she?
B) enough high C. What is she?

10. - … ? – I am in the 5th form. 19. - … ? – Yes, I have.

A. What form are you in? A. Have you got a pen?
B. What are you? B. Do you have a pen?
C. Where are you? C. Did you have a pen?

11. - … ? – I am Tom. 20. - … ? – Yes, I did.

A. What are you? A. Have you got a pen?
B. What do you do? B. Do you have a pen?
C. Who are you? C. Did you have a pen?

12. - … ? – I’m fine, thanks. EXC 89: USE THE VERBS IN THE PAST
A. How old are you? be / get up / meet / have / go / run / drink
B. How do you go to work? sleep / swim / eat
C. How are you? Yesterday I 1)______ early – at about
seven o’clock. I 2)______ a shower and some fruit
13. - Who are you? – … .
for breakfast. Then I 3)______ to the sports centre.
A. I am a policeman. I 4)______ 500 meters in the swimming pool and
B. I am Mr. Brown’s son. then I 5)______ 5 kilometers. At lunchtime I
C. I am a driver. 6)______ my friends in a café. We 7)______ some
pasta and 8)______ some juice. After lunch I
14. - … ? – It is 7 o’clock.
9)______ for a few hours – I 10)______ tired!
A. What time it is?
B. What is the weather like? EXC 90: WHO / WHOM / WHOM-WHO
C. What is the time?
1. ______ knows what colour it should be?
2. Don’t forget the lady ______ sang last time.
15. - … ? – It is cold.
3. ______ will you come with?
A. What time is it? 4. You are comparing me to ______?
B. What is the weather like? 5. Can you tell me ______ sat next to him?
C. What colour is it? 6. ______ do you agree with?
7. With ______ do you agree?
16. - … ? – It is green. 8. To ______ should I write?
9. ______ did you invite to the party?
A. What time is it?
10. With ______ will you come?
B. What is the weather like?
C. What colour is it?
17. - … ? – It is 5857647. 1. ___ people knew this was not true.
2. ___ my friends believed it.
A. What is your phone number?
3. ___ these people have not slept for days.
B. What time is it?
4. ___ teenagers live on hamburgers and sodas.
C. What colour is it?
5. ___ pilots had had very little training.
6. ___ the paintings were destroyed during the
18. - … ? – Yes, I do.
A. Have you got a pen? 7. ___ Londoners love their pubs.
B. Do you have a pen? 8. ___ the English children drink tea at breakfast.
C. Did you have a pen? 9. ___ the London parks are wonderful in May.

1. ___ is the name of the President of the United 1. ___ wrote this book?
States of America? 2. ___ are you going to recommend?
2. ___ month is the Chinese new year? 3. ___ dictionary is on the table?
3. ___ is Christmas Day? 4. ___ wants to go with us?
4. ___ did Neil Armstrong say when he first landed 5. ___ did you ask?
on the moon? 6. ___ did you see last night?
5. ___ did he first land? 7. ___ has left the door open?
6.___ did the Americans drop the atomic bomb on 8. ___ eyes are blue?
Hiroshima? 9. ___ grammar book is on the table?
7. ___ is New York city? 10. ___ car is it?
8. ___ is that called in English? 11.Do you remember the man ___ we saw
9. ___ are the Hawaiian islands? yesterday?
10. ___ are you doing this afternoon? 12. To ___ did you sent that letter?
EXC 93: WHY / WHEN / WHERE 13. I don’t know ___ was standing by the window.
14. With ___ will she go there?
1. Do you know the reason ____ she is upset. 15. Do you remember ___ received the letter?
2. The day ____ you saw me I was feeling ill.
3. The library is a place ____ you can borrow EXC 96:
4. That is the house ____ we used to live.
5. This is the reason ____ I never call her. 1. ___ did you ask for help?
6. The place ____ we went yesterday is around the 2. I want to know ___ can help me with this
corner. exercise.
7. They never told us the reason ____ they moved 3. I don’t know ___ he asked to take a quiz.
away. 4. I met the person ___ English was perfect.
8. The school ___ I study English is not far from 5. ___ took my car?
your house. 6. The tourists ___ we saw earlier looked tired.
9. Was that the time ___ you guys went to France 7. I didn’t know ___ book that was.
together? 8. I know ___ did it.
10. That is the drawer ___ I keep my t-shirts. 9. The boy ___ computer I was using moved to
EXC 94: THAT / WHO-THAT 10. Could you tell me ___ that was?
1. That's the man ___ stole my purse! 11. To ___ do you wish to speak?
2. That's the jacket ___ I want to buy. 12. The boy ___ father is a doctor is my best friend.
3. That's the girl ___ won the race. 13. This is not anything ___ we want to do.
4. The students ___ do well on the exam will be 14. The thief ___ they caught was sent to the party.
allowed to leave early. 15. Our friends ___ we invited to the party.
5. We saw the cat ___ lives in the house next door. 16. Mr Smith ___ is a taxi driver lives on the
6. The airport ___ is being built will be the largest corner.
in the country. 17. The man ___ father is a professor forgot his
7. The woman ___ sang that song is very beautiful. umbrella.
8. People ___ use this site will learn English very 18. This is the girl ___ comes from Spain.
quickly. 19. That’s Peter ___ has just arrived at the airport.
9. The computer ___ I want to buy costs $1,000. 20. Thank you very much for your e-mail ___ was
10. The dinner ___ your mother prepared was interesting

1. We know a girl ___ speaks Italian. 1. ___ the bread
2. My brother lives in a small town ___ there is 2. ___ my brothers
only one library. 3. ___ of the students
3. Linda lives in a city ___ has several libraries. 4. ___ the year
4. The people ___ work in this shop are very nice. 5. ___ the children
5. The restaurant needs a waiter ___ has a lot of 6. ___ Tom and Ben
experience. 7. ___ the students
6. Paul is a student at a school ___ has some 8. I have two pens. ___ of them are red.
Canadian teachers. 9. ___ of these boys knows English.
7. Susan is a teacher at a school ___ many of the 10. ___ of these boys know English.
students are from Portugal. 11. ___ person has his name here.
8. Here is a picture of the fire ___ destroyed all 12. ___ of these students has a notebook.
their things. 13. ___ of them was mine.
9. The restaurant ___ she works is very expensive. 14. ___ of them were mine.
10. She is visiting someone ___ was once a 15. I have been busy ___ this year.
professional dancer.
11. Is that the boy ___ we met at the exhibition?
12. The pencil ___ is on the table is mine. EXC 101:
13. The man ___ lives here is my uncle. OTHER / ANOTHER / THE OTHERS / ELSE
14. This is the house in ___ I live.
1. I’d like ___ cup of tea.
15. ___ has done it?
2. Many ___ people have said the same.
EXC 98: WHAT / THAT 3. What ___ can you say?
1. ___ he said is not important. 4. Who ___ wants to answer the question?
2. The book ___ I'm reading is very interesting. 5. Give me ___ chance, please.
3. I'm not responsible for you do. 6. Some people like chocolate, ___ people don’t.
4. Do you believe ___ he told us? 7. Some of the boys were sunbathing, ___ were
5. The world needs more people ___ help animals. swimming.
6. Tom's parents care about ___ he watches. 8. What ___ was there on the table?
7. Many of the people ___ saw that movie were 9. Give me ___ pen, please.
disappointed. 10. Where are ___?
8. You have to let me know ___ you plan to do.
9. The coffee ___ you made is very strong.
EXC 102: NO / NONE
10. We loved the story ___ you told in class.
1. Can you talk to me? - Sorry, I have ___ time.
2. How many books have you bought? ___
1. There was ___ in the house. 3. We have ___ lessons today.
2. There was ___ end to our troubles. 4. ___ of us were present at the meeting.
3. They had ___ food. 5. She had ___ difficulty finding her child.
4. ___ of them has come back yet. 6. We can;t write a letter because there are ___
5. ___ words can describe the scene. pens here.
6. - How many tickets have you got? - ___. 7. How many children have they got? - ___.
7. ___ of us was present at the meeting. 8. She wanted some sugar but there was ___ in the
8. She had ___ difficulty. house.
9. - Do you have any children? - ___. 9. Is there any tea left? ___
10. I have ___ time. 10. There was ___ end to our troubles.

EXC 103: TAG QUESTIONS 20. Your neighbors went on vacation, ___?
1. You're coming to the party, ___? a. isn't they b. didn't they c. aren't they
a. aren't you b. isn't you c. shouldn't you EXC 104: DOES SHE / DOESN’T SHE
2. It wasn't very difficult, ___? DID HE / DID SHE?
a. wasn't it b. isn't it c. was it 1. She works in a bank, ___?
3. Tom is getting something for Sue, ___? 2. She didn't eat anything, ___?
a. wasn't he b. isn't he c. was he 3. She doesn't talk much, ___?
4. She loves you, ___?
4. It won't be anything expensive, ___? 5. She looks very beautiful today, ___?
a. won't it b. isn't it c. will it 6. She didn't go, ___?
5. There's some milk in the refrigerator, ___? 7. She didn't close the door, ___?
a. isn't there b. isn't it c. wasn't it 8. She doesn't drive, ___?
9. She doesn't want to go, ___?
6. We don't need to go to the store today, ___?
10. She looks tired, ___?
a. don't we b. do I c. do we
7. Susan can bring some food, ___? EXC 105: NO / EITHER / NONE / NEITHER
a. won't she b. will she c. can't she 1. They have two brothers, but I don’t know ___ of
8. The party starts at eight o'clock, ___? them.
2. They are both very good, so ___ of them can win
a. isn't it b. doesn't it c. does it
the tournament.
9. The movie was very long, ___? 3. You can park your car on ___ side of the road.
a. isn't it b. wasn't it c. was it 4. They are all very clever, but ___ of them is
clever enough to find the solution.
10. There's a dictionary on the shelf, ___? 5. I am afraid that ___ doctor can save him now.
a. isn't it b. isn't there c. aren't there 6. ___ of his friends was able to help him.
7. ___ of his brothers could help him.
11. There's a lot of noise outside, ___?
8. ___ of them has come back yet.
a. aren't there b. isn't there c. is there
12. Mrs. Smith is sick, ___? EXC 106: EITHER .. OR / NEITHER … NOR
a. isn't she b. is she c. wasn't she
1. You must go. You can take ___ a bus ___ a taxi.
13. The dishes are dirty, ___? 2. Has anybody a pen? No. ___ Robert ___ I have.
a. weren't they b. isn't they c. aren't they 3. Who can help you? ___ John ___ Kate can help
14. Steven won't be at the party, ___? me.
a. won't he b. isn't he c. will he 4. Did he come yesterday? No, he ___ came ___
15. The math test was very difficult, ___? 5. What is his name? Is he Jack or Ben? - I'm not
a. wasn't it b. isn't it c. weren't they sure. He is ___ Jack ___ Ben.
16. We can go tomorrow, ___? 6. If you don't buy tickets beforehand, we'll not get
a. won't we b. can we c. can't we ___ to the theatre ___ to the concert.
7. Where is she from? - I'm not sure. She is ___
17. I'm early, ___?
Russian ___ Polish.
a. isn't I b. aren't I c. are I
8. ___ Tom ___ I have a bike. We want to buy bikes
18. This shirt is too big for me, ___? soon.
a. isn't it b. doesn't it c. does it 9. You can choose ___ the blue dress __ the red
19. Emily plays the piano well, ___? 10. ___ Spain ___ France has won the football
a. isn't it b. does she c. doesn't she world cup in 2004.

1. You don’t like this music, ______ ? HAD HE? /DOESN’T HE
2. Robert isn’t at work today, ______ ? 1. He hasn't done it yet, ___?
3. You haven’t seen the newspaper, ______ ? 2. He's been to Italy twice, ___?
4. Lynne speaks French and German, ______ ?
3. He's got a camera, ___?
5. They didn’t go to the concert, ______ ?
6. We’re leaving tomorrow, ______ ? 4. He's got a nice house, __?
7. You couldn’t do me a favour, ______ ? 5. He hadn't got his time to talk, ___?
8. You don’t know where Sarah is, ______ ? 6. He hasn't got any children, ___?
9. Switch on the light for me, ______ ? 7. Robert hasn't got any money left, ___?
10. Don’t forget to lock the door, ______ ? 8. He has a beautiful house, ___?
11. Nobody was watching the TV, ______? 9. He's got my newspaper again, ___?
12. Everyone will be here soon, ______ ?
10. Andrew hadn't grown much, ___?
13. Nothing terrible has happened, ______ ?
14. There’s plenty of time, ______ ? EXC 111: TAG QUESTIONS
15. Let’s have a cup of tea, ______ ? HAVE YOU? / ARE YOU? DO YOU?
16. It’s a good restaurant, ______ ?
17. Joan can’t come with us, ______ ? 1. You don't smoke, ______?
18. She’ll help us later, ______ ? 2. You haven't got a car, ______?
19. Something is wrong with Jane today, ______? 3. You don't know her, ______?
20. Everybody knows it, ______? 4. You aren't going to Rome, ______?
5. You haven't been to London, ______?
6. You don't like ice cream, ______?
7. You aren't twenty-one, ______?
1. You can park your car on ___ side of the road. 8. You aren't still angry, ______?
2. ___ trees nor animals can speak. 9. You haven't been on holiday, ______?
3. - When shall I phone you, at 6 or at 7 o'clock? 10. You aren't from America, ______?
- ___. I'll be at home.
4. Mike hasn't a car. I haven't a car ___. EXC 112: SO DO I. / NEITHER DO I.
5. Father hasn't read the newspaper. ___ have I. 1. I don't like tea with sugar. - ____ I.
2. David doesn't like carrots. - ____ she.
3. I'm feeling tired. - ____ my brother.
4. I spent all the money. - ____ he.
1. I can play tennis. - ___ Jerry. 5. I don't like eggs. - ____ I.
2. I love chocolate. - ___ my brother. 6. I was ill yesterday. - ____ we.
3. I am tall. - ___my friends. 7. Maria is not a noisy pupil. - ____ they.
4. I haven't done my work. - ___Sue.
5. I don't like loud music. - ___my neighbour. EXC 113: SO DO I. / NEITHER DO I.
6. I wrote a letter. - ___Teddy. 1. He need go. - ____ she.
7. I have tidied my bedroom. - ___Peter. 2. You will eat at 6 o'clock. - ____ he.
8. Ben and Tom are students. - ___Susan. 3. He read the letter. - ____ his father.
9. They haven't arrived yet. - ___Kate. 4. Your mother has to go. - ____ mine.
10. We can't speak Italian. - ___our friends. 5. I need a new suit. - ____ you.
11. My aunt read a book. - ___my uncle. 6. Jane plays tennis. - ____ I .
12. I don't have a computer. - ___ Betty. 7. He will go home. - ____ I.
13. Tim went by taxi. - ___ Jim. 8. Her children are out. - ____ mine.
14. Dad didn't wash the car. - ___ my mother. 9. My father works here. - ____ Mike.
15. Sophie is very clever. - ___ her children. 10. Joanne dances very well. - ____ my daughter.

1. I’m a doctor, ______. 1. He's a quick / quickly driver.
2. Are you ______ a student? 2. He ate his dinner very quick / quickly.
3. I don’t work on Sundays, ______. 3. She's a bad / badly speller.
4. She doesn’t like bananas, ______. 4. Sudden / Suddenly the wind changed directions.
5. I’m an engineer and I’m ______ a student. 5. Please try to be more careful / carefully.
6. He walks so heavy / heavily in those boots.
6. We shall go swimming, ______.
7. She plays the piano perfect / perfectly.
7. He is at home, ______. 8. He is a quick / quickly talker.
8. This shirt ______ large for me. 9. She writes very bad / badly.
9. I want ______ go. 10. There was a loud / loudly noise last night.
10. He has ______ sisters. 11. She shouted angry / angrily at him
11. What language are you going ______ learn? 12. He is a careless / carelessly worker.
12. Are you learning French, ______? 13. If you ask nice / nicely, I will give it to you.
14. Be Quiet! I can't think clear / clearly.
13. These trousers are ______ long.
15. Why are you angry / angrily?
14. I don’t like it, ______. 16. You are always so slow / slowly.
15. Aren’t you a pilot, ______? 17. Those chocolates look nice / nicely.
16. My son ______ plays the piano. 18. She opened the door slow / slowly.
17. Did you pass all exams last week ______? 19. It is a beautiful clear / clearly day.
18. Will you ______ come back in September? 20. You write so careless / carelessly.
19. I don’t know Tom’s telephone number ______. 21. Mary is a slow / slowly swimmer.
20. This paragraph ______ needs revising. 22. Andrew plays the piano beautiful / beautifully.
23. Mrs. Thompson sews quick / quickly.
EXC 115: GOOD / WELL 24. Mr. Garcia speaks loud / loudly.
25. His kids are good / well students.
1. He is a good / well student. 26. Joanna sings awful / awfully.
2. He works good / well. 27. Faye writes neat / neatly.
3. I like reading good / well books. 28. Douglas and Hannah are bad / badly students.
4. She speaks English good / well. 29. Jessica is a good / well basketball player.
5. It's a very good / well place to go on holiday. 30. Patty doesn't cook good / well.
6. She speaks good / well English. 31. He is not a careful / carefully policeman.
7. He always drives good / well. 32. Those girls talk intelligent / intelligently.
8. I don't feel good / well. 33. I don't think I am a bad / badly athlete.
9. You're a very good / well football player. 34. She's a careful / carefully driver, I think.
10. You play football very good / well . 35. I want my children to behave nice / nicely.
EXC 116: GOOD / WELL 36. Angelina is a love / lovely student.
1. I play tennis but I'm not very good / well. 37. She had to finish their work quickly / quick.
2. Your exams results were very good / well.
3. You did very good / well in your exams.
4. The weather was very good / well while we were 1. Joe is ______ than Ed. (short)
on holiday. 2. Al is the ______. (short)
5. I didn't sleep very good / well last night. 3. Ed is the ______. (thin)
6. George speaks German very good / well. 4. Joe is ______ than Al. (thin)
7. George's German is very good / well. 5. Al has the ______ clothes. (colourful)
8. Our business is going very good / well at the 6. Al is ______ than Joe. (heavy)
moment. 7. Ed is the ______. (light)
9. I like your jacket. It looks good / well on you. 8. Joe is ______ than Ed. (happy)
10. I don't know her very good / well. 9. Ed is the ______. (mysterious)


1. She is ill, so she ___ see the doctor. 1. ___ the bed 1. ___ breakfast
2. It’s raining heavily. You ___ take your 2. ___ morning exercises 2. ___ dinner
3. ___ one’s duty 3. ___ the washing
3. We ___ pick the flowers in the park.
4. We ___ go to the bank today. We haven’t got any 4. ___ lunch 4. ___ a good time
money. 5. ___ a bath 5. ___ one’s best
5. My hands are dirty. I ___ wash them. 6. ___ a decision 6. ___ time
6. It’s late. I ___ go now. Streets are full of 7. ___ a promise 7. ___ a book
dangers. 8. ___ a headache 8. ___ homework
7. You ___ stop at a red traffic light. 9. ___ money 9. ___ housework
8. You ___ speed in the city.
10. ___ a sum 10. ___ a swim
9. Tourists ___ take their passports when they go
abroad. 11. ___ arrangements 11. ___ well
10. You ___ talk in the library. 12. ___ one’s hair 12. ___ a rest
11. You ___ listen to the teacher. 13. ___ fun 13. ___ harm
12. Students ___ study a lot before their exams. 14. ___ a mistake 14. ___ sure
13. We ___ be cruel to animals. 15. ___ the cooking 15. ___ a speech
14. Young children ___ climb trees. 16. ___ the shopping 16. ___ peace
15. I ___ eat snacks before dinner. 17. ___ up one’s mind 17. ___ a toothache
16. They ___ go home at nine o’clock.
17. You ___ copy from other students. EXC 123: ENOUGH
18. He ___ tidy his room. 1. Do you have ___ to help?
19. You ___ drink cola in the classroom.
A) enough time
20. I ___ be late home after school today.
B) time enough
2. She said there were ___ to begin the study.
1. Did you speak to anyone ____ Keith?
A) participants enough
2. Who was that sitting ____ you in the lecture?
B) enough participants
3. ____ literature, what did you study at
university? 3. She says it's ___ to go outside without a jacket.
4. I don't like this shirt; ____ it's too expensive. A) sunny enough
5. They've got a lovely house ____ the sea. B) enough sunny
6. My supporters sat ____ me.
7. Don’t sit ____ that dog. It’s very dirty. 4. I brought along ___ to buy lunch.
8. Kate entered the hall and sat ___ her mother. A) money enough
B) enough money
1. It was cold ___ I shut the window. 5. Do you think the test is __ for the advanced
2. The door was open ___ I closed it. level?
3. She doesn't like him ___ he isn't honest. A) difficult enough
4. It was raining ___ I took a taxi. B) enough difficult
5. The water wasn't clean ___ we didn't swim.
6. There are ___ to win the election.
6. We didn't swim ___ the water wasn't clean.
7. I'll be home late tonight ___ I have to work late. A) votes enough
B) enough votes
8. I'm tired today ___ I couldn't sleep last night.
9. He quit her job ___ she is looking for a new one. 7. There are ___ here to begin the lesson.
10. We walked home ___ there were no buses.
A) people enough
11. I closed the window ___ it was cold. B) enough people

1. I like coffee ___ I don't like tea. 1. Have you finished your lunch ___?
2. I cannot swim ___ I can ski. 2. Everybody has ___ gone home.
3. I want a new TV ___ the one I have now is 3. I have ___ repaired your car.
broken. 4. Jane has ___ got up.
4. I had to work on Saturday ___ I couldn't go to 5. Jill is not hungry because she has ___ eaten.
John's party. 6. I had two cups of tea but I am ___ thirsty.
5. My name is Jim ___ I'm your new teacher. 7. I started to tell Helen the news but she stopped
6. I was cold ___ I turned on the heater. me. She had ___ heard it.
7. We'll have to go shopping ___ we have nothing 8. - Does your son work? – No, he is ___ at school.
for dinner. 9. My bus hasn’t come ___.
8. The history test was difficult ___ the English one 10. - Do you need a dictionary? – No, thanks. I’ve
was easy. ___ got one.
9. We didn't go to the beach yesterday ___ it was 11. Have you got your driver’s licence ___?
raining. 12. - What is in newspaper today? – I don’t know.
10. We have a test on Monday ___ I'll have to study I haven’t read it ___.
this weekend. 13. She has ___ seen this film.
14. I can’t skate because I haven’t learned it ___.
15. - Shall I pay the bill? – No, it’s OK. I have ___
EXC 125: UNTIL / SINCE / FOR paid it.
1. I've lived in America ___ I was five years old. 16. Jill is not hungry because she has ___ eaten.
2. He said he would be away ___ Monday. 17. I had two cups of tea but I am ___ thirsty.
3. I've been married ___ five years now. 18. He is ___ sleeping.
4. Mom and Dad have gone away ___ a few days. 19. I haven’t finished this book ___.
5. Wait here ___ I come back. 20. I’m ___ reading that book.
6. I stayed up ___ three in the morning.
7. It has been raining ___ he arrived.
8. I have been studying ___ half an hour. EXC 128: AND / BUT / OR / SO
9. I have been away ___ five p.m. 1. Jenny was cold, ___ he put on a coat.
10. I am going on a holiday ___ three weeks. Can 2. Maria tried to read a novel in French, ___ it was
you feed my cat? too difficult.
3. To get from Vancouver to Victoria, you can fly,
___ you can ride the ferry.
EXC 126: AND / BUT / OR 4. I bought a bottle of wine,___ we drank it
1. The bus stopped ___ the man got off. together.
2. We stayed at home ___ ate there. 5. The waiter was not very nice, ___ the food was
3. I wanted to buy a newspaper ___ didn't have delicious.
enough money. 6. I went to buy a Rolling Stones CD, ___ the shop
4. He's so nice ___ he doesn't have enough money.
didn't have it.
5. Do you want tea ___ coffee?
6. Is the Empire State Building in New York ___ 7. Anna needed some money, ___ she took a part-
London? time job.
7. Is it a new house ___ an old house? 8. There's so much rain lately! Maybe it's because
8. I enjoy visiting many different countries ___ I of El Nino, ___ maybe it's just coincidence.
wouldn't want to live overseas. 9. Julie has a guitar, ___ she plays it really well.
9. We can go by bus ___ we can walk. 10. The concert was cancelled, ___ we went to the
10. I can't remember his face ___ I know his face
park instead.
from somewhere.


FOR / TO / WITH / OF / FROM / ON / ABOUT 1. _____ it was raining, I didn't get wet.
1. Are you afraid ______ dogs? A) Although
2. Why are you angry ______ me? B) Because
3. Ann is very different ______ her sister?
4. My father was cross ______ me? 2. I don't drink coffee _____ it makes me nervous.
5. I’m fed up ______ my job. A) as
6. The room was full ______ people. B) although
7. Are you good ______ English?
3. Jun couldn't buy any Christmas presents _____
8. I’m not interested ______ sport.
he didn't have any money.
9. She is married ______ my friend.
10. It was kind ______ you to help us. A) even though
11. She is always kind ______ me. B) because
12. I’m very sorry ______ it. 4. I’ll be late today _____ my car has broken down.
13. I’m sorry ______ him.
14. This book belongs ______ me. A) though
15. It doesn’t depend ______ me. B) because
16. What’s happened ______ you? 5. Paula got the job _____ she had no experience.
17. I heard ______ the document.
A) as
B) even though
1. I have been waiting ______ 4 o'clock. EXC 133: STILL / YET
2. Sue has only been waiting ______ 20 minutes.
1. Is it ______ snowing?
3. Tim and Tina have been learning English
2. Has it finished ______?
______ six years.
3. I haven't eaten ______.
4. Fred and Frida have been learning French
4. She is ______ looking for a job.
______ 1998.
5. The bus hasn't come ______.
5.Joe and Josephine have been going out together
6. Have you done it ______?
______ Valentine's Day.
7. They are ___ eating.
6.I haven't been on holiday ______ last July.
8. It hasn't stopped raining ______.
7.Mary has been saving her money ______ many
9. She is ______ in bed.
10. She hasn't got up ______.
8.I haven't eaten anything ______ breakfast.
9.You have been watching TV ______ hours.
10.We have been living here ______ 2 months. EXC 134: IN / ON / AT
1. ___ night 1. ___ the weekend
EXC 131: TO / FOR / IN / BY 2. ___ weekdays 2. ___ the moonlight
1. She was born _____ 2004. 3. ___ midnight 3. ___ the same day
2. They are waiting _____ the bus. 4. ___ the same time 4. ___ this day
3. Don't forget to bring some flowers _____ me. 5. ___ that time 5. ___ this time
4. I haven't smoked _____ ages. 6. ___ this day 6. ___ present
5. You can look up the word _____ a dictionary. 7. ___ the moment 7. ___ the moment
6. I'm looking ____ my key. Have you found it? 8. ___ the Middle Ages 8. ___ May
7. The song was written _____ Madonna. 9. ___ the afternoon 9. ___ May 9
8. He likes to travel _____ Spain in summer. 10. ___ the morning 10. ___ the 9th of May


1. If you don't put so much sugar in your coffee, 1. 145 ___ live in the Russian Federation.
you ___ so much weight! coffee cup A) millions people B) millions of people
A. don't put on C) million of people D) million people
B. won't put on 2. ___ are starving in the world today.
2. You ___ better if you turn on the lamp. A) Thousands people
A. will be able to see B) Thousands of people
B. are able to see 3. You are ___ who asks me this stupid question.

3. You ___ heart disease if you eat too much meat. A) fifth B) the fiveth
C) the fifth D) five
A. get
B. will get 4. Every ___ person in our company is not satisfied
with his salary.
4. You won't pass the course if you ___. A) three
A. don't study B) the third
B. won't study C) third
5. Ok! See you on ___ of April.
5. You'll pay higher insurance if you ___ a sports
car. A) the twentyth-seventh
B) twenty-seven
A. buy
C) the twenty-seventh
B. will buy
6. It is ___ hit. I like such songs.
6. If a deer ___ into your garden, it ___ all your
A) his the third
B) his third
A. gets / will eat C) the third his
B. will get / eats
7. ___ of the territory is covered with ice.
7. If I ___ some eggs, how many ___? A) one thirds
A. cook / will you eat B) one third
B. will cook / do you eat
8. This bouquet costs ____ dollars!
8. She ___ completely different if she cuts her hair. A) two hundreds
A. looks B) two hundred
B. will look C) two hundred of

9. Two thirds of my work ___ dedicated to the

9. If you ___ an apple every day, you'll be very theory of the subject.
A) are B) is
A. eat C) will D) have been
B. will eat
10. A fortnight means ___ weeks.
10. If we don't protect the elephant, it ___ extinct. A) two
A. becomes B) three
B. will become C) four


1. Please look ___ me. I'm talking to you. 1. My uncle died ___ the war.
2. I always listen ___ my parents' advice. 2. The phone rang ___ I was eating brunch.
3. How much does he charge ___ a haircut? 3. I lived in Denpasar ___ several years.
4. She told us ___ her new projects. 4. ___ I was in Geneva, I made lots of friends.
5. I'm thinking ___ my trip to Canada. 5. Last week I was held up ___ four hours because
6. The professor sent the student ___ the reference of the traffic.
section of the library. 6. A salesman knocked on our door ___ we were
7. They used to laugh ___ her provincial manners. watching a movie.
8. She forgot ___ our annual meeting. 7. I hurt my leg ___ the third quarter of the
9. I'm looking ___ my car keys. I can't find them. basketball game.
10. Mary is really worried ___ her exam. 8. A game of rugby usually lasts ___ eighty
11. First you have to send an application ___ the minutes.
personnel manager. 9. ___ my stay in hospital, the nurses looked after
12. Who is he waiting ___? me very well.
13. Who is Professor Lee waiting ___? 10. I was traveling through Mumbai ___ six weeks
14. John's mother is looking ___ him. last summer.
15. They are talking ___ the chairman's affair.
EXC 141: FOR / AGO / SINCE / ON / AT
EXC 138: TO / AT / ON / IN
1. I graduated from college ___ 2002.
1. I get up ___ 7 o’clock every day 2. I like to go to bed ___ midnight on Saturdays.
2. I was born ___ 21 May 3. He migrated to Istanbul five years ___.
3. Mary likes to go to the seaside ___ summer. 4. The artist had been painting ___ two decades
4. Steve reads the newspaper ___ the morning. when he sold his first painting.
5. We are going to the picnic ___ the weekend. 5. Shakespeare was born ___ 23 April 1564.
6. My mother is home now, but I’m ___ work. 6. In Europe, autumn begins ___ September.
7. My friend was born ___ 1975. 7. We always eat a roast dinner ____ Christmas
8. I will be back ___ 5 minutes. Day.
9. His brother is going to get married ___ the age 8. His pet anaconda died five months ___, and he
of 25. still misses it.
10. We have English lessons ___ Monday and 9. I've been studying Italian ___ I was five years
Wednesday. old.
11. They are busy ___ the moment. 10 The chairman of the board has been working in
12. Olga and Nick arrived ___ the same time. the finance industry ___ 1984.
13. I'm a student. I'm ___ Cambridge University.
14. Do you sometimes listen ___ the radio. EXC 142: OFF / OUT OF
15. Every Saturday evening I go ___ the cinema. 1. get ___ a car 2. get ___ a bicycle
16. My aunt lives __ a flat in the centre of Bristol. 3. get ___ a train 4. get ___ a horse
17. Look ___ me when I talk to you. 5. get ___ a taxi 6. get ___ a rowing boat
7. get ___ a plane 8. get ___ a bus
EXC 139: ARRIVE AT / IN / -
1. arrive ___ the station 1. arrive ___ Baku EXC 143: ON / INTO
2. arrive ___ the school 2. arrive ___ the city 1. get ___ a car 2. get ___ a bicycle
3. arrive ___ the village 3. arrive ___ here 3. get ___ a train 4. get ___ a horse
4. arrive ___ England 4. arrive ___ there 5. get ___ a taxi 6. get ___ a rowing boat
5. arrive ___ Azerbaijan 5. arrive ___ home 7. get ___ a plane 8. get ___ a bus

EXC 144: IN / ON / AT / - EXC 146: ON / IN / AT / TO / OF / --- /BY

1. ___ THE MORNING. 1. ___ 3:45 1. We live ___ the second floor.
2. ___ TUESDAY 2. ___ APRIL 2. They sat ___ the desk.
3. ___ NEXT AUTUMN 3. ___ SPRING 3. We have dinner ___ the table.
4. ___ CHRISTMAS 4. ___ 1954 4. How do you get ___ work?
5. ___ THE AFTERNOON 5. ___ JULY 5. They are ___ the seaside.
6. ___ THE EVENING. 6. ___ 10:05 6. I haven’t got ___ a letter.
7. ___ EVERY MORNING 7. ___1999 7. The children are playing ___ the snow.
8. ___ THIS CHRISTMAS 8. ___ NIGHT 8. There is something ___ the snow.
9. ___ 12 TH MARCH 9. ___ EASTER 9. ___ she arrived ___ the airport at 6pm.
10. ___ 12:30 10. ___ APRIL 10. Have you ever been ___ Ireland?
11. ___ LAST YEAR 11. ___ 1997 11. We drove ___ the cinema ___ a taxi.
12. ___ CHRISTMAS 12. ___ MONDAY 12. They like to travel ___ plane.
13. ___ THE EVENING 13. ___ JANUARY 13. What time did you arrive ___ school?
14. ___ 11:20 14. ___ SPRING 14. I saw Bill this morning. He was ___ a bus.
15. ___ 19TH CENTURY 15. ___ 1967 15. It depend ___ you.
16. ___ NEXT WEEK 16. ___ MARCH 16. He’s interested __ art.
18. ___ AUGUST 18. ___ 8:15 EXC 147: IN / ON / AT
19. ___ THE WEEKEND 19. ___ 2000 1. ___ 5 o’clock 1. ___ this day
20. ___ LAST CENTURY 20. ___ AUTUMN 2. ___ lunchtime 2. ___ this time
21. ___ WEDNESDAY 21. ___ WINTER 3. ___ 11.45 3. ___ that time
22. ___ 20TH CENTURY 22. ___ MAY 4. ___ midnight 4. ___ the moment
23. ___ EVERY YEAR 23. ___ NIGHT 5. ___ sunset 5. ___ the end of year
24. ___ THIS MONTH 24. ___ EASTER 6. ___ Friday 6. ___ the beginning
25. ___ THE MORNING 25. ___ 2008 7. ___ my birthday 7. ___ the same day
26. ___ CHRISTMAS EVE 26. ___ FRIDAY 8. ___ the past 8. ___ the same time
27. ___ 21ST CENTURY 27. ___ 13:00 9. ___ night 9. ___ the moonlight
28. ___ DECEMBER 28. ___ JUNE 10. ___ the future 10. ___ the hall
29. ___ EVERY DAY 29. ___ 2009 11. ___ present 11. ___ the building
30. ___ THURSDAY 30. ___ SUMMER 12. ___ the 1990s 12. ___ the next stop
31. ___ NEXT CHRISTMAS 31. ___ SUNDAY 13. ___ weekdays 13. ___ the traffic light
32. ___ SATURDAY 32. ___ EASTER 14. ___ the weekend 14. ___ reception
33. ___ THE AFTERNOON 33. ___ 1995 15. ___ the Middle Ages 15. ___ the seaside
34. ___ MARCH 34. ___ SUNDAY 16. ___ the page 16. ___ school
35. ___ NEXT WEEK 35. ___ 1778 17. ___ her nose 17. ___ Baku
EXC 145: IN / BY / ON / TO / AT / FOR / BY / - 18. ___ the island 18. ___ the shelf
19. ___ the line 19. ___ the wall
1. ___ car 1. Don’t look ___ me. 20. ___ the row 20. ___ a concert
2. ___ taxi 2. He’s looking ___ a job. 21. ___ the queue 21. ___ the cinema
3. ___ foot 3. He’s good ___ English. 22. ___ the sky 22. ___ the theatre
4. ___ next Monday 4. We live ___ the sea. 23. ___ the world 23. ___ the doctor’s
5. ___ tram 5. a book ___ Nizamy 24. ___ bed 24. ___ the hairdresser’s
6. listen ___ the radio 6. I’m bad ___ cooking. 25. ___ the picture 25. ___ Jane’s
7. hear ___ the radio 7. ___ the way ___ here 26. ___ the newspaper 26. ___ my uncle’s
8. ___ the taxi 8. He’s clever ___ sums. 27. ___ the office 27. ___ a car

28. ___ the letter 28. ___ a bus EXC 150: ADJECTIVE+PREPOSITION
29. ___ the book 29. ___ a ship 1.Venice is famous ___ its canals.
30. ___ the left 30. ___ a train A. about B. in
31. ___ the right 31. ___ the sun C. with D. for
32. ___ hospital 32. ___ the shade
33. ___ prison 33. ___ the air 2.My son is afraid ___ the dark.
34. ___ the street 34. ___ the radio A. from B. on
35. ___ work 35. ___ the sofa C. of D. by
36. ___ the chair 36. ___ the armchair 3. Maria is married ___ my cousin.
37. ___ 50 km an hour 37. ___ 100˚ degrees A. with B. for
38. ___ agenda 38. ___ the shore C. to D. into
39. ___ the sand 39. ___ the coast
4.The second hotel was different ___ the first.
40. ___ the red hat 40. ___ the map
A. to B. for
C. with D. from
5.Lucas is very good ___ drawing.
1. absent ___ 1. afraid ___
A. at B. on
2. accused ___ 2. angry ___
C. to D. with
3. anxious ___ 3. ashamed ___
4. bad ___ 4. bored ___ 6.I'm tired ___ waiting for the bus. Let's take a taxi.
5. busy ___ 5. capable ___ A. to B. on
6. clever ___ 6. cross ___ C. of D. from
7. crowded ___ 7. different ___ 7. George was worried ___ his father's health.
8. difficult ___ 8. disappointed __ A. since B. about
9. dressed ___ 9. excited ___ C. on D. at
10. familiar ___ 10. famous ___
11. to be fond ___ 11. fed up ___ 8.I didn't know you were interested ___ science.
12. full ___ 12. good ___ A. in B. for
13. grateful ___ 13. happy ___ C. on D. to
14. interested ___ 14. important __ 9.Why are you angry ___ him?
15. late ___ 15. wrong ___ A. of B. from
16. made ___ 16. married ___ C. on D. with
17. pleased ___ 17. popular___
10.We were very pleased ___ the service.
18. proud ___ 18. ready ___
A. with B. on
19. responsible ___ 19. satisfied ___
C. at D. from
20. sorry ___ 20. surrounded ___
21. thankful ___ 21. tired ___ EXC 151: WITH / TO / AT / OF / FROM / IN
22. upset ___ 22. worried ___
1. What’s happened ___ you?
2. Are you afraid ___ dogs?
EXC 149: IN / AT / ON
3. Ann is different ___ her sister?
1. ___ night 1. ___ the weekend 4. My father was cross ___ me.
2. ___ weekdays 2. ___ the moonlight 5. I am fed up ___ my job.
3. ___ midnight 3. ___ the same day 6. The room was full ___ people.
4. ___ the same time 4. ___ this day 7. Are you good ___ English?
5. ___ this time 5. ___ that time 8. I’m not interested ___ sport.
6. ___ present 6. ___ the moment 9. She is married ___ my friend.
7. ___ the past 7. ___ the future 10. It was kind ___ you to help us.

EXC 152: VERB + PREPOSITION 46. to reply ___

1. to agree _________ smb 47. to run ___
2. to agree _________ smth 48. to say ___
3. to arrive _________ (kiçik obyektə) 49. to seem ___
4. to appoligize _________ 50. to shake ___
5. to arrive _________ (şəhərə, ölkəyə) 51. to shout ___
6. to ask smb_________ smth 52. to speak ___
7. to belong _________ 53. to suffer ___
8. to border _________ 54. to switch ___
9. to consist _________ 55. to talk ___
10. to deal _________ 56. to take ___
11. to dedicate _________ 57. to take care ___
12. to depend _________ 58. to take part ___
13. to describe _________ 59. to thank smb ___
14. to escape _________ 60. to think ___
15. to explain _________ 61. to wait ___
16. to happen _________ EXC 153: BY / IN
17. to hear _________
18. to insist _________ 1. ______ danger 1. ______ time for
19. to introduce _________ 2. ______ trouble 2. ______ accident
20. to get _________ 3. ______ chance 3. ______ heart
21. to go _________ 4. ______ mistake 4. side ______ side
22. to gradutate _________
23. to go _________ for sports
24. to laugh _________ Mary and I ______ (work) in the same
25. to go _________ an excursion office, but we're completely different. She ______
26. to leave _________ (yola düşmək) (like) coffee, but I ______ (like) tea. She ______
27. to listen _________ (wash) her car every weekend, but I never ______
28. to lie _________ (clean) mine. She ______ (smile) all the time at
29. to look _________ (nəzərdən keçirmək) work, but I ______ (feel) miserable. I ______
30. to look _________ (qayğısına qalmaq) (complain) about the boss all the time, but Mary
31. to look _________ (bənzəmək) ______ (think) the boss is a nice person. When I
32. to keep away _________ ______ (finish) work, I like to drink beer with my
33. to look _________ (baxmaq) friends, but Mary ______ (study) at night school.
34. to know _________ The boss ______ (think) Mary is perfect, but she
35. to look forward _________ -ing ______ (drive) me nuts!
36. to object _________
37. to look _________ ( axtarmaq) EXC 155: PRESENT SIMPLE TENSE
38. to operate _________ 1. The earth go / goes round the sun.
39. to pay attention _________ 2. He go / goes to school by bus.
40. to prevent _________ 3. I often go / goes to the library.
41. to prefer smth _________ smth 4. She wants to go / goes to the library?
5. She does not go / goes to the library?
42. to protect _________
6. He often go / goes to the cinema.
43. to put _________ a jacket 7. Every one of us must go / goes to school.
44. to rely _________ 8. Every one of us usually go / goes to school.
45. to put _________ the meeting 9. He has to go / goes to school.

1. She read / reads every day. 1. We are too late. The train ____________
2. I drink / drinks milk every day. (leave).
3. We like / likes to swim. 2. Look at what he ____________ (do).
4. My neighbours talk / talks to us every day. 3. My father ____________ (go) to Paris next
5. He speak / speaks good English. month.
6. They work / works in that factory. 4. She says she ____________ (cook) for dinner
7. One of us live / lives near the hospital. this evening.
8. Those deer in the zoo look / looks hungry. 5. I think she ____________ (write) a letter at the
9. Every one of the postmen ride / rides a bicycle. moment.
10. The black dog can bark / barks very loudly. 6. Why ______ he ____________ (break) up those
7. He ____________ (come) on the one o'clock
1. It hurt / hurts to know what he said. 8. They ____________ (widen) the road.
2. I sometimes play / plays football with my friends. 9. One of you ______ always ____________
3. My sister want / wants to be a teacher. (complain) about something.
4. We like / likes to do our homework together. 10. I don’t understand what I ___________ (say)?
5. His father smoke / smokes a pipe.
6. Does your mother cook / cooks every day?
7. The train leave / leaves in an hour. EXC 160:
8. He wash / washes his car on Sundays. USE THE VERBS IN THE PRESENT AND
9. My friend ride / rides a bike to work.
10. They often swim / swims in the river.
1. She _________ (to go) home.
EXC 158: 2. We _________ (to like) reading books.
3. They _________ (to study) in Canada.
4. Jane _________ (to study) at college.
1. I watch / am watching TV at the moment. 5. I _________ (to work) at a factory..
2. Kate goes / are going to Italy every year. 6. He _________ (to begin) to do his homework.
3. My sister walks / is walking to school every day. 7. Ben _________ (to live) near the city centre.
4. We have / are having lunch now. 8. Tom _________ (to want) a glass of milk.
5. He read / is reading a book now. 9. He _________ (to buy) a pair of trousers.
6. He does / is doing homework at the moment. 10. It _________ (to start) to rain.
7. We go / goes to school every morning. 11. My friend _________ (to sell) his car.
8. He likes / is liking coffee. 12. My brother _________ (to wear) large glasses.
9. The Sun rises / is rising in the East. 13. Mary _________ (to put on) red clothes.
10. The Sun sets / is setting in the West. 14. My shoes _________ (to hurt) my feet.
11. Look. It rains / is raining. 15. I _________ (to let) him go to the park.
12. I go / am going the park now. 16. We _________ (to tell) him the truth.
13. Listen! Somebody comes / is coming. 17. She _________ (to make) a shopping list.
14. They play / are playing tennis every Friday. 18. He _________ (to write) a letter.
15. – Where is Kate? 19. They _________ (to speak) to their teacher.
– She plays / is playing on the playground. 20. His uncle _________ (to read) funny stories.
16. We sometimes come / are coming here. 21. On Friday I ______ (to play) computer games.
17. The children still sleep / are still sleeping. 22. My mum _________ (not to cook) dinner.
18. I get / am getting a letter once a week. 23. I _________ (to walk) to school.
19. Be quick! It gets / is getting dark. 24. They _________ (not to dance) at the party.
20. My mum usually cooks / is cooking dinner. 25. My brother _________ (to travel) to Ireland.


1. We ___ (not see) her since we last met her. PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS TENSE
2. He ___ (teach) us for two years and is still 1. They ____________ (visit) their parents since
teaching us. they shifted out.
3. She ___ (already throw) away her old dresses. 2. She ____________ (talk) for an hour and when
4. I ___ already ___ (tell) them to hurry up. is she going to stop?
5. ___ you ___ (be) to see your old uncle recently? 3. His friends ____________ (wait) for him since
6. My parents ___ (never be) to London. 7 o'clock.
7. They ___ (just meet) your brother. 4. What ______ you _________ (do) since this
8. Our baby ___ (sleep) for more than eight hours. morning?
9. I ___ not ___ (choose) the one I want yet. 5. I have found it. I____________ (search) for it
10. You ___ (not eat) your dinner yet. for two days.
6. He ____________ (eat) here for one week and
he is not coming back.
EXC 162: PAST SIMPLE TENSE 7. We ____________ (see) each other regularly
since we became friends.
1. She ___ (cut) her finger last night. 8. Why ______ you _________ (keep) this matter
2. We ___ (go) for a ride and ___ (come) home a secret?
late. 9. Her mother ____________ (pray) for good luck
3. Her former husband always ___ (drink) heavily. at that temple.
4. He ___ (lend) me some money last week. 10. My sister ____________ (try) to write a book
5. There ___ (are) lots of people at the party. since last year.
6. My father ___ (lose) his car keys this morning.
7. She often ___ (quarrel) with her neighbour. EXC 165: PAST PERFECT CONTINUOUS
8. The vagrant ___ (lay) a mat on the pavement TENSE
and ___ (sleep) on it.
9. I ___ (meet) my uncle on Sunday afternoon. 1. She ____________ (sleep) before she was
10. ___ (can) you please help me carry this? woken by the loud thunder.
11. Last year I ___ (go) to England on holiday. 2. The patient ____________ (groan) when the
12. It ___ (be) fantastic. doctor arrived.
13. I ___ (visit) lots of interesting places. I ___ (be) 3. The little boy ____________ (play) with fire
with two friends of mine . before he was burnt.
14. In the mornings we (walk) ___ in the streets of 4. ______ you _________ (try) to get me before I
London. called?
15. In the evenings we ___ (go) to pubs. 5. What ______ the child ____________ (do)
16. The weather ___ (be) strangely fine. before she was scolded by her mother?
17. It ___ (not / rain) a lot. 6. When we arrived it ____________ (rain) for two
18. But we ___ (see) some beautiful rainbows. hours.
19. Where ___ (spend / you) your last holiday?
20. The meeting ___ (finish) late. EXC 166: PAST PERFECT TENSE
1. After we ___ (see) the movie, we went for a ride.
2. He ___ already ___ (leave) when we arrived.
EXC 163: CORRECT THE SENTENCES 3. I ___ just ___ (shut) the door when the telephone
1. Did he went to school yesterday? 4. They ate the food that I ___ (buy).
2. Why did you to go home early? 5. She ___ (eat) her lunch when I reached home.
3. Where you did learn English? 6. Maria ___ (drink) a glass of milk before he slept.
4. Did she works today? 7. "I fell down". He said that he ___ down.
5. What do you did yesterday? 8. "I cut my finger". She said that she ___ her
6. Did they last night phone you?
9. I arrived at the cinema after the film ___ (start).
7. Who do you met on Saturday morning? 10. The train ___ already ___ (go) when we
8. Why did you wrote that letter to me? reached the station.

1. While I __________ (wait) for you, I fell asleep. 1. I reject his position.
2. He ____________ (swim) at 4 o'clock yesterday. 2. You make proper conclusions.
3. Some students ____________ (not listen) while
3. I apply his method for my experiments.
the teacher ____________ (speak).
4. We ____________ (play) football when it 4. He specializes in engineering psychology.
started to rain. 5. I study the problem of group dynamics.
5. When I ____________ (walk) home, I saw a 6. I compare the experimental data.
dog. 7. They use the latest data in their research.
6. She and her friend ___________ (shop) at 7 8. I deny their approach.
yesterday. 9. She gives instructions to the subjects.
7. When they arrived, I ____________ (bathe).
10. I achieve good results.
8. While one worker ______ (paint), another
____________ (mix) some paint. EXC 172:
9. What ______ you _________ (do) when I was USE THE VERBS IN THE PAST SIMPLE
not at home?
10. They ____________ (jog) early this morning. 1. He behaves quite well.
2. We obtain good results.
EXC 168: MAKE PRESENT CONTINUOUS 3. They present the data in due time.
1. camp - camping 1. swim ___ 4. I settle such questions easily.
2. travel ___ 2. walk ___ 5. She applies various methods.
3. have ___ 3. write ___ 6. We used to introduce new factors.
4. cook ___ 4. shop ___ 7. They display good knowledge.
5. lie ___ 5. die ___ 9. I introduce new conditions while experimenting.


MAKE NEGATIVE AND INTERROGATIVE 1. Last time he behaved well.
1. He put on his gloves. 2. They obtained interesting data.
2. He puts on his coat every day. 3. She applied a new approach.
3. She read two texts. 4. We introduced new subjects.
4. She reads English books every day. 5. I settled this question easily.
5. Tom hurt his leg. 6. He made a good speech.
6. Mary cut her finger. 7. They presented interesting conclusions.
7. The pen cost only a dollar. 8. We analyzed his behaviour,
8. It costs 2 manats. 9. I accepted their point of view.
9. He let me go. 10. He displayed good knowledge of this subject.
10. His mother lets him play.
EXC 174:
1. I like eggs. 1. I obtained certain conclusions.
2. Some insects carry serious diseases. 2. He applied a new way of thinking.
3. Mary has an expensive car. 3. She accepted his approach.
4. This wine costs a lot of money. 4. We presented our position.
5. The Olympic champion comes from Victoria. 5. They interviewed a series of the subjects.
6. They live in teepees. 6. She made a great contribution to this research.
7. He teaches physics. 7. He achieved new results.
8. She drinks coffee every day. 8. They displayed good knowledge of this problem.
9. He plays in goal. 9. We described a new method in detail.
10. We get wool from sheep. 10. She introduced me to her uncle.


1. They didn't allow me ______ it. 1. The book of my father. My ___ book.
2. They didn't let me ______ it. A) father’s
3. He refused ______ me. B) fathers
4. I was unable ______ it. C) fathers’
5. He made us ______ it.
6. I forgot ______ it. 2. The trousers of my son. My ___ trousers.
7. I heard them ______ it. A) son’s
8. You needn't ______ it. B) sons’
9. You don't need ______ it. C) sons
10. We were forced ______ it.
3. The toys of her children. Her ___ toys.
11. They are able ______ it.
12. What are you going ______? A) children’
B) childrens’
EXC 176: C) children’s
SUBJECT-VERB AGREEMENT - IS / ARE 4. They were friends of my aunt. They were my ___
1. What ______ the news for today? friends.
2. There ______ no money in my bag. A) aunts’
3. All sorts of furniture ______ sold in this shop. B) aunt’
4. All sorts of paper ______ C) aunt’s
5. One of them ______
5. This is the dog of Bill. This is ___ dog.
6. Two of the brothers ______
7. Most of the people ______ A) Bills’
8. Both of the people ______ B) Bills
9. Neither of the boys ______ C) Bill’s
10. All of the bread ______ 6. The bench of her sisters. Her ___ bench.
11. All of the teeth ______
12. Some people ______ A) sisters’s
13. Some butter ______ B) sisters’
14. Some of them ______ C) sister’s
15. Some of it ______
7. The mobile telephone of my mother. My ___
16. A few of them ______
mobile telephone.
17. A little of it ______
18. The number of the students ______ A) mother’s
19. A number of students ______ B) mothers
20. Half of the bread ______ C) mothers’
21. Half of the boys ______
8. The hen of my neighbours. My ___ hen.
22. None of the boys ______
23. The furniture from these countries ______ A) neighbours’
24. The leaves of the tree ______ B) neighbour’s
25. The juice in the bottles ______ C) neighbours
26. Each boy in the class ______
27. Each of the boys in the class ______ 9. The pills of our grandmother. Our ___ pills.
28. Either of the boys ______ A) grandmothers
29. The book about animals ______ B) grandmothers’
30. Two bottles of milk ______ C) grandmother’s

10. The map of the pilot. The ___ map. EXC 179:
B) pilot’s 1. Such clothes ___
C) pilots’ 2. The glass of the window ___
11. The computer of my cousins. My ___ computer. 3. Glass ___
4. These scissors ___
A) cousins’ 5. Your clothes ___
B) cousin’s 6. Paper money ___
C) cousins 7. Children ___
12. The dresses of her daughters are blue. Her ___ 8. Mother’s hands ___
dresses are blue. 9. This sort of flour ___
10. This news ___
A) daughters
11. The tights ___
B) daughter’s
12. The police ___
C) daughters’
13. The police officer ___
13. The spoon of his grandfather is made of gold. 14. The policeman ___
His ___ spoon is made of gold. 15. The police officers ___
A) grandfather’s 16. The policemen ___
B) grandfathers’ 17. A police station ___
C) grandfathers 18. This pair of trousers ___
19. A few glasses of water ___
14. The hair of my mother is fair. My ___ hair is 20. Two loaves of bread ___
fair. 21. The information in these papers ___
A) mother’s 22. Two sacks of flour ___
B) mothers 23. All the news ___
C) mothers’ 24. A lot of work ___
25. A few jars of honey ___
15. The house of our grandparents is large. Our
26. The list of irregular verbs ___
____ house is large.
27. How many pieces of furniture ___
A) grandparents 28. A box of matches ___
B) grandparents’ 29. The goods from China ___ very popular.
C) grandparent’s 30. Most people in Africa ___ suffering from
16. The car of Rose is expensive. ____ car is hunger.
A) Rose’s
B) Roses 1. I ___ very happy to meet Jane.
C) Roses’ 2. You ___ my best friend when we ___ children.
3. I ___ very surprised because all my books ___
EXC 178: WERE / WE’RE / WHERE / WEAR on the floor.
1. ______ have you been? 4. Where ___ Jane yesterday?
2. They often ______ blue jeans. 5. Mandy and Tim ___ on holiday in august.
3. You should ______ a suit for this formal dinner. 6. Your parents ___ angry with me.
4. The children ______ playing computer games. 7. They ___ not in Los Angeles when I ___ there.
5. ______ having toast for breakfast. 8. Why ___ you late yesterday?
6. The hotel ______ we stayed was near the beach. 9. We ___ playing football when mother came.
7. What ______ you doing before you came here? 10. His friend ___ in time for the classes.

EXC 181: EXC 183:

1. Neither Juan nor Carmen ___ available. 1. There ___ four hurdles to jump.
2. Either Kiana or Casey ___ helping today with 2. There ___ a high hurdle to jump.
stage decorations. 3. Everybody ___ here.
3. Neither the teacher nor the students ___ come. 4. Nobody ___ ready.
4. Neither Jenny nor the others ___ available. 5. Everywhere ___ white.
5. He and I ___ engineers. 6. Ten dollars ___ a high price to pay.
6. A car and a bike ___ my means of 7. Five years ___ the maximum sentence for that
transportation. offense.
7. “ Snow White and the seven Dwarfs ” ___ a 8. Two hours ___ not enough for this work.
very popular fairy tale. 9. Salma is the scientist who ___
8. The woman with her children ___ also there. 10. He is one of the men who ___
9. All of the pies ___ gone. 11. The letter which ___ on the table is for you.
10. Some of the pies ___ missing. 12. Animals that ___ in the forests
11. None of the garbage ___ picked up. 13. It is difficult to live in a city for those who ___
12. Half of the work ___ still undone. poor.
13. Half of these students ___ English. 14. Doing morning exercises ___ good for our
14. Most of the workers ___ heart.
15. Most of the bread ___ eaten. 15. Reading detective stories ___ my favourite
16. None of the sentences ___ punctuated passtime.
correctly. 16. The book about animals ___ on the shelf.
17. The number of people we need to hire ___ 13. 17. Some problems on physics ___ difficult.
18. A number of people ___ 18. A lot of tourists from England ___
19. Neither of them ___ available to speak now. 19. A pair of gloves ___ a good present for him.
20. Either of us ___ capable of doing the job. 20. The traffic police in our street ___ very
21. Both the soldiers ___ wounded. attentive.
22. Both of my brothers ___ 21. All the news in the newspapers ___ shocking.
22. The citizens of our country ___ increasing.
EXC 182: SOME / ANY 23. These sacks full of rice ___ not so heavy as I
1. I’m going to buy ______ eggs.
2. They didn’t make ______ mistake.
3. I can’t pay. I haven't got ______ money.
4. There aren’t ___ shops in this part of the town. 1. ______ are you from?
5. George and Alice haven’t got ______ children. 2. ______ from Oxford, England.
6. Have you got ______ brother or sister? 3. Do you know ______ Rico is?
7. There are _____ beautiful flowers in the garden. 4. My parents ______ working in the garden.
8. Are there ______ letters for me? 5. There ______ apples on the table.
9. I haven’t got ______ stamps but Ann has got. 6. ____ you watching a film when the phone rang?
10. Do you know ______ good hotels in London? 7. This is my brother. ______ twins.
11. Would you like ______ tea? 8. When I arrived, four people ___ waiting for me.
12. Did you buy ______ rice? No, we don’t need 9. He's reading magazines, but ___ reading books.
______. 10. Between 3 and 4 we ____ doing our homework.
13. We haven’t got ______ bread. 11. She asked ______ Jane and Sue.
14. I went out to buy ______ milk. 12. Jeff asked me ______ he should put his essay.
15. I’m thirsty. Can I have ______ water, please? 13. I don't know ______ John is from.

EXC 185: CHOOSE THE CORRECT WORD. 8. I can't find my binoculars. Do you know where
1. All my brother / brothers eat too much. they are / it is?
2. Every boy / boys in my street likes walking dogs. 9. Do you think the people is / are happy with the
3. None of the photo / photos looks like you. government ?
4. They sell a lot of flower / flowers in this shop. 10. Do / Does the police know how the accident
5. Both Tom and Jerry was / were caught in a happened?
shower of rain. 11. I don't like very hot weather. Thirty degrees is
6. All of us is / are going on holiday soon. / are too warm for me.
7. Some people likes / like getting up early. 12. Twenty thousand pounds was / were stolen in
8. Every girl in that class has / have long hair. the robbery.
9. The teacher gave each boy / boys a different 13. The staff at the school isn’t / aren’t happy with
book. their new working conditions.
10. Many of us has / have already read that book. 14. There isn’t / aren’t enough busses in our
11. We has / have finished our work. country.
12. The boys was / were reading. 15. There isn’t / aren’t enough parking in Rio de
13. Everybody works / work hard. Janeiro.
14. Someone has / have eaten my food. 16. There should be less / few noise near my house.
15. Nobody knows / know the answer. 17. There was too much / many crime in this area.
16. All the soldiers was / were asleep. 18. There is a lot / a lot of bread at home.
17. Each woman has / have two bags of corn. 19. There should be less / fewer people.
18. Here is / are some bread. 20. There is / are some cheese on the plate.
19. Here is / are some books. 21. There is / isn’t any salt at home.
20. These people likes / like books. 22. There is / are a lot of books on the shelf.
21. The women is / are working. 23. There are / aren’t no cherries on the table.
22. Does / Do anybody know the answer? 24. I have a little / little money. Let’s have coffee.
23. Does / Do everyone understand? 25. Very a few / few people know about it.
24. This is / are very interesting. 26. Only a few / a little students in our form.
25. Sheep gives / give us wool and meat. 27. I’ve got a little / a few time.
26. The children has / have gone to bed. 28. Sorry, we don’t have some / any paper.
27. He has / have been ill. 29. Could you pass me some / any pepper?
30. Mary doesn’t / don’t work on Saturdays.
31. We doesn’t / don’t like going to the parties.
32. Does / Do it rain a lot in Vienna?
EXC 186: CHOOSE THE CORRECT WORD. 33. How many / much sugar do you want?
1. Gymnastics is / are my favourite sport. 34. How many / long did you stay there?
2. The trousers you bought for me don’t / doesn’t 35. - How many / long? – Two weeks.
fit me. 36. - How many / much? – 5 $.
3. The police want / wants to interview two men 37. How many / much apples have you got?
about the robbery. 38. How much / many time?
4. Physics was / were my best subject at school. 39. How much / many times?
5. Can I borrow your scissors? Mine aren’t / isn’t 40. The number of students is / are twenty.
sharp enough. 41. Do you like him / he.
6. Fortunately the news weren’t / wasn’t as bad as 42. This is a photo of she / hers.
we expected. 43. He likes them / their very much.
7. Three days isn’t / aren’t long enough for a good 44. You never listen to me / my!
holiday. 46. Mr John teaches we / us English.
47. Be quick. We have much / little time.

1. She likes you / your very much. 1. Jane and Mary both has / have English books.
2. Whose / Who’s laptop is this? – It’s his / him. 2. The number / A number of students learn
3. Whose / Who’s going to the party? English.
4. Whose / Who’s dog is this near our / ours yard? 3. Neither / Both of these films is exciting.
5. I like our / ours. 4. Don’t disturb me no / any more.
6. Our / ours house is smaller than their / theirs. 5. That is the boy who / which won the race.
7. My / Mine children are older than her / hers. 6. Very a few / few people have computers.
8. Whose / Who’s talking to your / yours sister? 7. We couldn’t make he / him come back.
9. Kate wants to improve / improve his English. 8. Every / Both girls prepare their lessons.
10. Ben wants to learn / learn French. 9. Nothing / Everything is ready! Don’t worry.
11. This car has broken. It needs repair / 10. One of my friends have / has a car.
repairing. 11. Both / Each player has a T-shirt.
12. Richard invited Rosa to dance / dance to 12. None / Both of them are Japanese.
music. 13. Every / Every one of them had that book.
13. no / another / others people 14. Some of the books is / are mine.
14. others / another pen 15. Both / Either / Neither of them was any good.
15. She learns two foreign languages. One of them 16. He is a quite / quite a good boy.
is English, others / the other / another is French. 17. He is a quite / quiet boy.
16. He talked / spoke / told me about the problem. 18. They like to have tea / a tea in the evening.
17. Nick watches nothing on TV, too / either. 19. Today’s news is / are interesting.
18. What / When are you thinking about? 20. The Earth go / goes round the Sun.
19. Granny has / hadn’t / can / must to wear her 21. She feels bad / badly today.
glasses. 22. He is at / in home.
20. The Sun rise / rises / raises. 23. He goes to / – home in / at 6 o’clock in / on the
21. Jane was very pleased because the film was so evening.
interesting / dull. 24. It is hot enough / enough hot here.
22. The roses smell sweet / nicely. 25. There is water enough / enough water at
23. Who / How often does Jane have English? home.
24. - What’s she? – She’s Helen / a doctor. 26. This car is much expensive / more expensive
25. He made us to go / go there. than that one.
26. Let his / him read the book. 27. He can hard / hardly speak English, but he
27. I need to go / going. works hard / hardly.
28. My trousers need to press / pressing. 28. Do you know that / this house over there?
29. When have you been / were you there? 29. Do you know that man? – Hard / Hardly.
30. an hour and --- half / an hour and a half 30. I want you go / to go.
31. - pair of shoes / a pair of shoes 31. He let me go / to go.
32. a little geese / little geese 32. Let him go / going.
33. a little mice / little mice 33. I saw him to wait / waiting for a bus.
34. Hurry up! We have a little / some / little time. 34. Open your book at / on page 5.
35. Unfortunately, he had much / little time. 35. Read the / – Text 6.
36. Unfortunately, he had a little / little time. 36. Write the / – / an Exercise 7 at / on page 8.
37. We have a little / little time. We needn’t hurry. 37. It sounds great /greatly.
38. Fortunately, we have enough / few customers. 38. He shut the door quiet / quietly.
39. They have such / so a little house. 39. - Where are they?
40. They have such / so little houses. - They have / are having a / – dinner.

1. Do / Did you like to play football in your 1. Tom and Ben both has / have Maths books.
childhood? 2. The number / A number of students learn
2. I am used to live / living here. English.
3. He is good / well at History. 3. Neither / Both of these films is exciting.
4. He is interested in / at English. 4. Not another / all the workers in the company
5. Sarah plays volleyball every / each Thursday were English.
morning. 5. That is the boy who / which won the race.
6. There is a train to London every / each hour. 6. Every / Both girls prepare their lessons.
7. The Olympic Games are held every / each four 7. Nothing / Everything is ready! Don’t worry.
years. 8. One of my friends have / has a car.
8. Not another / all the workers in the company 9. Do you need any farther / further help?
were English. 10. What will you do farther / further?
9. I go / shall go if the rain stops / will stop. 11. Speak about your farther / further plans.
10. If you see / will see this film you will enjoy. 12. I am elder / older than you.
11. If anyone call / calls,tell them I shall be at 7. 13. My elder / older brother is a student.
12. Do you like to go swimming / going swim? 14. Who is the oldest / eldest in your family.
13. Mother warned her not touch / not to touch the 15. This man is the oldest / eldest in our village.
electric plug. 16. I hear he is looking for / after a job.
14. Don’t tell John because I don’t want know / 17. My sister looks for / like the lost keys.
him to know. 18. A friend of me / mine is a doctor.
15. Grandmother will be pleased see / to see the 19. Peter’s/ Peter and John’s mother is a doctor.
baby. 20. deer’s / deers’ legs
16. There isn’t / aren’t enough busses in our 21. a few bunch / bunches of flowers
country. 22. a few sack / sacks of flour
17. There isn’t / aren’t enough parking in Rio de 23. a few lump / lumps of sugar
Janeiro. 24. a few pair / pairs of jeans
18. There should be less / few noise near my house. 25. a few glass / glasses of juice
19. He knows a lot / a lot of about computers. 26. a few slice / slices of lemon
20. They know English many / a little. 27. a pair of tight / tights
21. Can you give me tea / cup of tea? 28. a pair of sock / socks
22. There are many / much motorcycles on the 29. some pairs of glove / gloves
streets. 30. My house is on the other / the others side of
23. There is too much / too many butter. the street.
24. There is a lot / a lot of bread at home. 31. There are 9 photos in the album; six of them
25. There should be less / fewer people. are mine and others / the others are his.
26. We need more / else public transportation in 32. I found only one photo in the album. Where are
our city. others / the others?
27. There was too many / much noise in the street. 33. Would you like other / another cup of tea?
28. I am / have 17 years old. 34. How old have / are you?
29. Look! It rains / is raining. 35. Good morning! How are you feel / feeling
30. I haven’t got no / any money. today?
31. He goes to work on / by taxi. 36. Harold and Emily love each other / one
32. I have classes on / at Mondays. another.
33. You need to speak to him / he. 37.Can you give me a little / little time.
34. This / That is our / ours house over there. 38. He knows a / --- / the History well.

1. Both / All six of my brothers want me to mend 1. My parents / Nothing will stop me, will it?
their socks. 2. Take a few / some money and go shopping.
2.I am disappointed in you. You have done very a 3. Jill was a boy who / which took care of his
little / little. granny.
3. I have put my money on two horses, if either / 4. I’m not angry with you any more / no more.
neither of them wins, I shall make a fortune. 5. We couldn’t understand what / why he was so
4. It was so cold that hardly / nearly anybody went bad.
swimming. 6. They arrived / came in Baku.
5. I can’t help you because I have no much / any 7. What else / other do you know?
money. 8. What else / other countries have you been to?
6. He said his uncle had done something / nothing 9. He hasn’t made up his mind yet / still?
to help him even though he had promised to. 10. Each / None of us has any time.
7. Every / All people have told me to take a 11. John hasn’t got some / much money.
holiday. 12. Don’t forget to take a bottle / bottle of water
8. The church is on the other / other side of the with you.
street. 13. He asked me how much / how many sheep
9. I have never seen nobody / anybody who could were in the field.
speak Japanese. 14. Some people take a lot / a lot of sugar with tea.
10. Several / Each of my friends have been to 15. Please give me a / a piece of bread.
Japan this year. 16. I’ve got some eggs here, but not a lot of / a lot.
11. There were such many / a lot of people in the 17. You have got two oranges? Please give me one
street. / two of them.
12. Both / All of soldiers saluted as the officer went 18. In my school much / many of us learn English.
past. 19. He is too / enough young to go to school.
13. There was a little / little evidence against John, 20. I saw so many / much people in the street.
so he was not accused of murder. 21. I’ve read that book several / a little times.
14. He will be here in short / a short time. 22. Both / Each / Every of the three boys got a
15. I bought a bag of sweets and gave some to my prize.
brother and a few / a little to my friend. 23. Both / All the seven boys in that group enjoyed
16. We searched for the two boys, but none / themselves.
neither was found. 24. I had two eggs for breakfast and neither / none
17. Hurry up, if you want to buy something because of them was fresh.
there is hardly something / anything left. 25. Would you like else / another piece of cake?
18. He hardly / hard works. 26. I do too much / too many work.
19. He works hardly / hard. 27. There was food enough / enough food at the
20. He is such / so a clever boy. party.
21. The number of the students was / were over 2 28. Most / The most of this land belongs to me.
hundred / hundreds. 29. There was such / so / such a news every day.
22. I must give you 2 hundred / hundreds dollars. 30. How brave the young / the boy are!
23. I don’t like it, too / either. 31. The number / A number of people were there.
24. It was cold so / because I shut the window. 32. Tom did homework himself / yourself.
25. The door was open so / because I closed it. 33. Tom, do your homework himself / yourself.
26. It is still / yet snowing? 34. You can go there yourself / ourselves.
27. How many / much books have you got? 35. My mother can cook it herself / himself.
28. I have some / any money in my pocket. 36. Children did it yourselves / themselves.

1. There is some milk on the table. Will you give 1. He hard / hardly speaks English, does / doesn’t
me some / any? he?
2. I can’t come to see you because I haven’t got 2. Our school is near / next to our school.
much / many time. 3. It is near / nearly 8 o’clock.
3. I saw much / a lot of lovely animals in the zoo 4. Every / Each of the students have / has come in
yesterday. time.
4. Mary hasn’t got no / any / a flowers. 5. You look sad / sadly.
5. I can’t give you some / any because there’s no / 6. It sounds great / greatly.
none left. 7. The flowers smell good / well.
6. - Have you ever seen a snake? – Yes, a few / a 8. The soup tastes delicious / deliciously.
little times. 9. I am good / well.
7. I could see a bit / a bit of sky through the 10. I was good / badly / bad.
window. 11. I felt badly / bad.
8. You can’t have one / none because I want them 12. I feel good / well.
all. 13. He fell badly / bad.
9. Children, do it yourselves / themselves. 14. He felt badly / well.
10. The tea is hot enough / enough hot. 15. He looks nice / nicely.
11. There are a million / millions of stars. 16. She looked nice / nicely at the party.
12. There is a hair / hair on the soap. 17. He looked sad / sadly at me at the party.
13. Both / No one wants to help him. 18. I am alone.( adjective or adverb?)
14. None / No of the students good marks. 19. I live alone.( adjective or adverb ?)
15. Every / Every one of them is / are here. 20. I feel lonely.( adjective or adverb ?)
16. Some of the people is / are here. 21. The ceiling is high / highly.
17. Most of my friends was / were very friendly. 22. They are high / highly paid.
18. None of this / these money is mine. 23. There is a high / highly building over.
19. Most children / Most of children like playing. 24. a high / highly price
20. Every of them / Each of them knows it. 25. The prices are not high / highly.
21. Most people / Most of people like chocolate. 26. He thinks high / highly of himself.
22. Some of us was / were playing chess. 27. It is pretty / bad cold today.
23. Your English is very good / well. 28. On hearing the news they were deep / deeply
24. He speaks good / well English. shocked.
25. Susan is a good / well pianist. 29. Four people were serious / seriously injured.
26. You speak English good / well. 30. The young help / helps the old.
27. She plays the piano good / well. 31. The wounded was / were given attention.
28. He speaks English perfect / perfectly. 32. The poor has / have little money.
29. Bill speaks perfect / perfectly English. 33. English is / are my favourite language.
30. - How are you today? - I’m very good / well. 34. The English language is / are a good language.
31. Jack is a fast / fastly runner. 35. The English like / likes tea.
32. He runs fast / fastly. 36. He was the / --- only child in the family.
33. It is a fast / fastly train. 37. The English is / are fond of tea.
34. Ann is a hard / hardly worker. 38. He lives in a / the small village.
35. She works hard / hardly. 39. His wife is a / an educated woman.
36. The train was late / lately. 40. I have’t you started write / writing the answer?
37. He could hard / hardly walk. 41. He promised me give / to give some money.
38. Where is the nearest / next station. 42. I told Mr Brown to come / to come Mr Brown.

1. He knows a / the / --- history of our country. 1. We agreed to / --- come.
2. Let’s go to a / the post-office. 2. He learnt to / --- walk easily.
3. They live near the / a railway station. 3. He decided to / --- write a letter.
4. Turn to the / --- right. 4. They hope to / --- come and see us.
5. I liked the / --- food. 5. Grandfather told us to / --- play in the garden.
6. He hard / hardly works. 6. She made them to / --- eat in the kitchen.
7. It was a / - cold day. 7. Will you watch me to / --- swim across the river.
8. It was the / --- / a coldest day of the year. 8. I have heard you to / --- sing that song before.
9. The / a village where we live is in the / --- north. 9. She didn’t invite me to / --- play tennis with her.
10. I have never been to / in South America. 10. Did the teacher remind to / --- give in the
11. What is the / a name of that village? books.
12. Would you like some / any more coffee? 11. Kate will not let me to / --- go to the cinema.
13. Can you give me some / any coffee? 12. Did you see her to / --- dance last night?
14. quite / quiet reliable 13. I want my children to / -- be strong and healthy.
15. Most of people / Most of the people 14. Did you like to / --- stay with your aunt last
16. Every of / Every one of these students is/are week.
17. It is near / nearly 8 o’clock. 15. She asked us to / --- visit her house next.
18. She ate hardly something / anything. 16. Mr Paul taught me to / --- cook his favourite
19. She could hardly walk, could / couldn’t she? food.
20. hardly some / hardly any 17. I’m afraid of go / going out at night.
21. hardly somewhere / anywhere 18. Do you want me to / --- copy the exercise.
22. hardly ever / never 19. Thank you for invite / inviting us to your party.
23. arrive at / in / --- the station, arrive at / in / -- 20. I want to / --- leave tomorrow morning.
- home, arrive at / in Baku, arrive at / in school
24. None of the students is / are English. EXC 198: A / AN / ---
25. All of the students is / are here. 1. Is Albert ___ happy man?
26. Both of them knows / know English. 2. This is ___ interesting movie.
27. Every / Each of the boys is kind. 3. Does Susan want to be ___ actress?
28. Neither of these books is / are interesting. 4. Do you have ___ computer?
29. The book is near / nearly finished. 5. I would like to buy ___ pair of gloves.
30. The lesson is near / nearly over. 6. Sally's sister is ___ doctor.
31. I hope to see you / you to see there. 7. I have ___ money.
8. Sally Johnson is ___ nurse.
9. Betty lost ___ earring.
1. Could you ______ me some money, please? 10. What ___ language do you speak best?
2. Some pupils can _____ books from their school. 11. John is eating ___ apple.
3. Will you _____ me your umbrella till tomorrow? 12. The boys played ___ baseball yesterday.
4. Should I ______ him my football? 13. She is wearing ___ sunglasses.
5. You may ______ my bike, but be careful. 14. I bought ___ liter of grape juice.
6. Could I ______ your cup? 15. Is there ___ big window in your kitchen?
7. You can ______ your book to Steve. 16. Does your father have ___ American car?
8. Why do students ______ so much money from 17. Did you carry ___ umbrella this morning?
their parents? 18. Herman has ___ ugly dog.
9. Peter won't ______ his car to anyone. 19. Is there ___ elevator in that building?
10. Will your father ______ you some money? 20. He drank ___ cup of coffee.

EXC 199: WHICH IS CORRECT? I.1. will able to do J.1. needn’t write
A.1. Each of B.1. Every of 2. nedn’t to write 2. don’t need wash
2. No of 2. None of 3. don’t need it 3. don’t need to wash
3. another bread 3. another countries 4. ought to dress 4. ought go
4. another book 4. others books 5. should take 5. hasn’t to
5. other book 5. some of books 6. have to take 6. haven’t to take
6. a lot books 6. a poultry farm 7. she has to return 7. Does she has?
7. else countries 7. many informations 8. Did he had? 8. Did they have?
8. children’s 8. What the other films 9. Does Kate have? 9. only a few people
9. Who else knows 9. childrens’ 10. only little time 10. very little bread
10. sheep’s 10. What other films

K.1. very few students L.1. very a few men

C.1. sheeps’ D.1. a few days’ 2. only a few sugar 2. only a few fish
2. a few week’s 2. the Browns’ 3. very little sheep 3. much time
3. the Smith’s 3. What another films 4. many times 4. so nice dog
4. much people 4. Aliyev’s 5. such nice pet 5. such a nice girl
5. mans 5. each other’s clothes 6. the poor has 6. the poor have
6. each others 6. each other books 7. the rich is 7. the rich are
7. one anothers 7. one another’s clothes 8. the wounded are 8. the wounded were
8. a furniture shop 8. help each other 9. the young was 9. Everyone boy
9. mine house 9. respect one another 10. Every boy 10. Every boys
10. her pet 10. my country

M.1. Nothing pen N.1. no pen

E.1. his marks F.1. its universities 2. none pens 2. none of the pens
2. it’s people 2. some advices 3. every one of 3. All of the information is
3. no advice 3. an information 4. All of the books is 4. All of the students were
4. a clothes shop 4. an information board 5. no a pen 5. All of the information are
5. so news 5. such a good news 6. no an 6. no the
6. a very bad news 6. such good news 7. no another 7. nothing else
7. so a lot of 7. such a lot of 8. hardly some 8. hardly anybody
8. such much 8. so little 9. hardly anything 9. hardly nothing
9. so few 9. so a few 10. Somebody of 10. Somebody have
10. a few slice 10. such a little house

G.1. others people H.1. Some people don’t O.1. Somebody has P.1. doesn’t has
2. don’t some 2. don’t any 2. didn’t have 2. didn’t had
3. No, anything. 3. No, nothing. 3. everywhere are 3. everything was
4. No, nobody. 4. I like its. 4. he works 4. he work
5. I like it. 5. I like it’s 5. it rain 5. it rains
6. he wants 6. she go 6. don’t homework 6. don’t do homework
7. it works 7. it rain 7. let him go 7. made me to go
8. I play yesterday. 8. We saw tomorrow. 8. asked me to go 8. let she write
9. can to go 9. must come 9. asked they to come 9. want go
10. will be able do 10. will be able to do 10. want to go 10. began to rain

Q.1. good in cooking R.1. bad at English EXC 201:

2. interested in 2. succeed in 1. I’ll go out after I ______ reading the book.
3. belong on 3. belong to
4. depend on 4.depend from A. finish
5. there is people 5. a piece of music B. shall finish
6. a slice of water 6. a loaf of bread 2. She hurt her ankle when she ______ tennis.
7. Ted and Ben’s eyes 7. Ted’s and Ben’s hair
A. plays
8. he said he will 8. he said he would
B. played
9. whom dog 9. whose dog
10. yours house 10. mine is 3. You must always brush your teeth before you
______ to bed.
S.1. mine school T.1. my father
2. tell me 2. tell they A. go
3. tell them 3. read it B. will go
4. read its 4. he don’t 4. I ______ to the park if it ______ cold.
5. she doesn’t 5. police have
6. cattle is 6. hers brother A. go / will be
7. her cat 7. have seen today B. shall go / is
8. saw yesterday 8. will come last year 5. What will you do if your cousin ______ come in
9. send it 9. is going at the moment time?
10. Physics is 10. sheep are
A. doesn’t
V.1. a deer was W.1. there is fish B. didn’t
2. there are fish 2. there is a deer
6. If you ______ practice, you can’t learn English.
3. there is some deer 3. there is a lot of sheep
4. the cats’s 4. there is a lot of snow A. aren’t
5. the childrens’ 5. the children’s B. don’t
6. father’s-in-law 6. fathers-in-law’s 7. As soon as I ______ any news, I ______ you.
7. two months’ 7. four student’s
A. shall get / tell
8. each boy 9. these people over there
B. get / shall tell
8. every days 10. Would you like some…?
9. a cattle farm 9. this villa over there 8. I ______ you before I ______ to the country.
U.1. We have only a little information. A. call / shall call
2. I needn’t these documents. B. shall call / go
3. There are a pen and two books in the bookcase.
4. When have you bought your house? 9. As soon as I ______ a parrot, I ______ it.
5. Who was that dictation written?
A. have / shall train
EXC 200: THEN / THAN B. shall have / train
1. He likes English better ______ Maths.
10. We ______ to the country on Sunday if the
2. Is Canada bigger ______ the United States?
weather ______ windy.
3. Go straight on for about 200 metres, ______
turn right. A. shall go / isn’t
4. His daughter knows much more about B. go / won’t be
computers ______ he does.
11. I ______ you before I ______ to the village.
5. Let him finish his job, ______ we'll go.
6. My brother is younger ______ me. A. visit / shall go
7. It's less ______ a mile to Central Park. B. shall visit / go

12. Peter ______ you if you ______ him. 23. The cat ______ you if you ______ her tail.
A. help / ask A. scratch / will pull
B. will help / ask B. will scratch / pull
13. They ______ go to Spain until they ______ 24. You will enter the best university if you ______
Spanish. hard.
A. will / learn A. study
B. won’t / learn B. studied
14. If I ______ busy on Monday, I ______ there. 25. He ______ if you ______ him.
A. am / shall go A. comes / will ask
B. am / shan’t go B. will come / ask
15. If I ______ ill, I ______ come. 26. When I got home she ______.
A. am / shall not A. will go out
B. shall be / don’t B. went out
16. I can’t say when I ______. 27. When I got home they ______.
A. come A. already went
B. shall come B. had already gone
17. David ______ to Italy next month if he ______ 28. When I got home they ______ TV.
a visa. A. are watching
A. goes / will get B. were watching
B. will go / gets
29. She ___ herself while she was peeling potatoes.
18. As soon as we got home, the telephone ______. A. cuts
A. rang C. cut
B. rings
30. We ______ unless she ______.
19. Sandra ______ a diploma when she graduates. A. shall not leave / comes
A. gets B. leave / will come
B. will get
20. Merlyn ______ catch the plane if she ______
take a taxi. 1. ___ colour is your pencil case?
2. ___ picture did Henry paint, the left one or the
A. dosn’t / doesn’t right one?
B. won’t / doesn’t 3. ___ language does Mr Miller teach, French or
21. When the phone ______ I’ll call you.
4. ___ hobbies does your friend have?
A. rings 5. ___ subject do you like better, Art or Music?
B will ring 6. ___ car is faster, the red one or the blue one?
7. ___ time do you usually get up on Sundays?
22. Everything ______ clear as soon as he receives 8. ___ juice do you prefer, orange juice or apple
our letter. juice?
A. beome 9. ______ page are we on?
B. will become 10. ______ subject do you not like?

EXC 203: ARRIVE / GET / REACH 11. I get ______ from my uncle every month.
1. What time does the train _____ in? A. to a letter
A. get B. a letter
B. reach 12. How do you get ______?
C. arrive A. to work
2. It took them ages to _____ a decision. B. work

A. arrive
B. reach EXC 204: A / AN / ---
1. Joe is reading ___ book.
3. When we _____ to the party, she'd already gone 2. Please help me clean my ___ apartment.
home. 3. He lives in ___ Alaska.
A. reached 4. I wish I had ___ Italian sports car.
B. arrived 5. Let's go for ___ drive in the country.
C. got 6. She is ___ attractive girl.
7. James is ___ very angry man.
4. When will she _____? 8. Kenji is studying ___ English.
A. reach 9. Have you ever seen ___ kangaroo?
B. arrive 10. Do you like ___ apples?
C. get 11. Sam is ___ university student.
12. My father is reading ___ newspaper.
5. She arrived _____ Paris last night. 13. There is ___ airport about five miles from here.
14. This wine is ___ expensive.
A. in
15. It's ___ beautiful day.
B. at
16. Alice drives ___ old car.
6 Which means 'be informed of a decision'? 17. Let's buy ___ sugar.
18. Is Fred reading ___ exciting story?
A. get a decision
19. That was ___ easy test.
B. reach a decision
20. George worked here yesterday for ___ hour.
C. arrive at a decision
21. He is ___ artist.
7. Can you _____ the sugar? I'm not tall enough. 22. She is ___ famous actress.
23. Mr. Stanley is ___ English teacher.
A. arrive at
B. reach
8. I _____ late for the meeting.
1. ______ not here today?
A. reached B. got 2. ______ book is this?
C. arrived D. arrived at 3. ______ broken the window?
4. ______ taken my pen?
9. What time did you get ______?
5. ______ bag has been stolen?
A. home 6. ______ in the office?
B. to home 7. ______ dad is Irish?
8. She's the woman ______ going to be our new
10. He got ______ on his birthday.
A. a present 9. Ask Walter, he knows ______ who.
B. present 10. Do you know ______ van that is?

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