Overview of The Request For Proposals: RFP-CBARD-2023-025
Overview of The Request For Proposals: RFP-CBARD-2023-025
Overview of The Request For Proposals: RFP-CBARD-2023-025
RFP # RFP-CBARD-2023-025
Anticipated Award Type ROP anticipates issuing a Firm Fixed Price Purchase Order. This is only the
anticipated type of award and may be changed as a result of negotiations.
Expected delivery date Within 4 Months from the issuance of the Purchase Order Agreement (POA).
Documents to be submitted Bidder must specify all the required parameters listed in the
and requirements “Technical Specifications” section. Failure to do so may critically
disadvantage the bid during evaluation.
Offerors should submit all documents as outlined in the Proposal Checklist (Annex
Information to bidders
1. Background
Roots of Peace (ROP) is a humanitarian organization whose mission is to rid the world of landmines and other
remnants of war by transforming toxic minefields into thriving farmland and communities through a focus on
sustainable, organic farming practices. Roots of Peace is implementing a Community-Based Agriculture Rural
Development (CBARD) project to support the Production of Fruits and Vegetables as an alternative to poppy
Cultivation and Trade in five high Cultivation provinces of Afghanistan.
Moreover, the ROP-CBARD project aims to create partnerships between existing ROP-CBARD communities to reach
three key objectives: reducing opium poppy cultivation, create alternative licit economic development for former
poppy farmers and women in the community, and support more sustainable peace.
Any payment of a bribe or kickback is strictly prohibited by ROP-CBARD and will result in disqualification. If you are
approached by anyone suggesting unlawful actions regarding this Request for Proposal (RFP ) or have any concerns
or suspicions that your proposal is not being treated with honesty, transparency, and integrity, please contact the
ROP office on [email protected] or anonymity can be guaranteed.
1. Submission of Submit signed, dated, and stamped Proposals in the format provided with your offers
offers to designated Procurement team before the deadline specified in this solicitation. Late
submissions will not be considered. The subject line must be the RFP#, (RFP-CBARD-
2023-025) failure to adhere to this instruction will lead to disqualification of a Proposal
from evaluation.
2. Responsibility ROP will not enter into any type of agreement with an Offeror prior to ensuring the
Determination Offeror’s responsibility. When assessing an Offeror’s responsibility, the following factors
are taken into consideration:
1. The offeror should have valid business license to operate in Afghanistan. Any
formal business license issued from the Government of the Islamic Republic of
Afghanistan is considered acceptable.
2. The source, origin, and nationality of the goods are not from a Prohibited Country,
nor have they been transported through such a country.
3. Having adequate financial resources to deliver goods.
4. Ability to comply with required or proposed delivery/performance schedules.
5. Have a satisfactory past performance record.
6. Have a satisfactory record of integrity and business ethics.
7. Be qualified, eligible to perform work under laws and regulations of the
Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, UNDP, and/or ROP.
3. Geographic • ROP must verify the source, nationality and origin, of goods and services and ensure
Code (to fullest extent possible) that ROP does not procure any services from prohibited
countries listed by the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) as sanctioned
countries. The current list of countries under comprehensive sanctions include Cuba,
Iran, North Korea, Sudan, and Syria. ROP is prohibited from facilitating any
transaction by a third party if that transaction would be prohibited if performed by
• According Section 889 of FY2019 National Defense Authorization Act, Provision of
good/services from below Chines listed companies are prohibited.
1. Huawei Technologies Company,
2. ZTE Corporation,
3. Hytera Communications Corporation,
4. Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Company,
5. Dahua Technology Company (or any subsidiary or affiliate of such entities)
By submitting a proposal in response to this RFQ, Offerors confirm that they are not
violating Source and Nationality requirements and that the services comply with the
Geographic Code and the exclusions for prohibited countries.
4. Mandatory Site A Mandatory site visit is scheduled for one day March 12, 2023, from 10:00AM to
Visit 02:00PM. Prospective bidders must communicate and arrange their site visit on
mentioned date with the following ROP personnel. Any visits beyond this date will not be
arranged. Bidders did not attend the site visit will lead to disqualification of their bids
during the evaluation. The bidders are required to submit the pictures of the site visit as
a proves of their visits along with their bids.
Bidders are instructed to contact the following person for arranging their site visits on
mentioned date.
Point of contact for site visit: Mob: 0787679863
visit will not be considered for evaluation. The bidders are required to submit the pictures of the site visit as a proves of their
visits along with their bids.
Technical and Cost proposals will be reviewed separately. Technical Proposals that score over 75% will proceed onto
Cost Proposal evaluation.
1. Offerors should complete Annex 1 “Cost Proposal”. To be considered for award.
2. Offerors must complete all sections of Annex 2 – “Technical Proposal”. ROP will score technical proposals as
per the criteria below:
Technical Proposal Evaluation Criteria:
Proposal completeness.
Did the Offeror provide all the necessary attachments?
• Proposal Cover Letter
• Business Information and License 10
• Past Performance- relevant to irrigation construction works
• Technical Specifications of items quoted in Cost Proposal
• Check List.
Past Performance.
Did the Offeror provide relevant and verifiable past performance (Annex 2c).
The vendor must have successfully implemented and delivered at least two 30
similar contracts for Construction irrigation projects in the last five years.
Time to Delivery
Preference given to Offerors who can complete the construction of project to 25
the desired locations as quickly as possible.
Technical Specification
Do the goods offered meet or exceed the RFP requirements? Is there
sufficient information contained in the proposal with which to make a
determination of the proposed goods to be delivered.
The bidder shall provide the quality control plan, health and safety plan, site 35
environmental management plan (SEMP) and project work plan along with a
brief work methodology.
Financial Capabilities:
Offerors should provide proof of liquid assets of not less than 25% of the total
project budget. Acceptable proof would be a copy of the company’s bank
Total cost, assessment of overall price and price reasonableness. Prices should represent fairness and reasonableness.
Please Indicate fixed costs and total cost in the categories given with including transportation. Please provide your financial offer on
your company letterhead signed and stamped.
Offerors are welcome to submit photographs and product literature or technical documentation to support their
Technical Proposals (Annex 2).
Annex: 2
[Firm’s Letterhead]
We, the undersigned, provide the attached proposal in accordance with the RFP-CBARD-2023-025 -
Construction of Nawda Mora irrigation canal lining in the Qarghayee district of Laghman province.
I certify a validity period of 90 days for the prices provided in the attached proposal. Our proposal shall
be binding upon us, subject to the modifications resulting from any discussions.
We understand that ROP is not bound to accept any proposal it receives.
Yours sincerely,
Authorized Signature:
Name and Title of Signatory:
Name of Firm:
Company Seal/Stamp:
Annex: 2
b) Business Information and License
Please attach your business license and a copy of the Tazkeria / Passport of the Company President.
Annex: 2
c) Past Performance
Include projects that best illustrate your work experience relevant to this RFP, sorted by decreasing order of completion date.
Projects should have been undertaken in the past five years. Projects undertaken in the past five years may be taken into consideration at the
discretion of the evaluation committee.
# Project Title Description of Activities Location: Client Cost in USD Start and Completed Completion Type of Agreement
End Dates on schedule Letter (Subcontract, Grant, PO
Province, Received? and fixed unit price or
(Yes/No) cost reimbursable)
District (Yes/No)
Annex: 2
d. Technical Specifications:
Site map;
Proposed canal lining at Nawda Mora village.
1- Excavation: Excavation for culverts foundation, canal lining foundation, and water dividers foundation according to technical
design/drawing including disposal of surplus material up to a maximum distance of 200 m or as directed by the ROP engineer.
2- Stone Masonry 1:4: Providing and laying random rubble uncursed Stone masonry with cement sand mortar 1:4 as per
relevant drawings, Specifications and to the complete satisfaction of the site engineer, all stone tests should be done before
masonry, and the contractor should test stone frequently during the project life cycle by order and witness of ROP Engineer,
Stone shall be from approved source Including all LAB tests and results during construction work.
3- Pointing 1:3 Pointing with 1: 3 Cement Sand mortar including material, labor, curing, etc. in accordance with the drawings,
specification, and complete satisfaction of the ROP engineer.
4- Plain Cement Concrete (PCC): Plain cement Concrete M200: Supplying, placing, compacting, and curing PCC class B M200
(1:1.5:3) including formworks as per relevant drawings, as per specifications, and to the complete satisfaction of the ROP
engineer. shall be used washed crash plant aggregate, including all LAB tests and their results, and providing mix design for
PCC class B and providing related tests based on the requirements.
5- Graveling/Boulder under PCC: Providing, leveling, and compaction of gravel under PCC with 5cm-10 Cm Thick as per site
requirement and complete satisfaction of the ROP engineer.
6- Water Control Gates Size 0.5x0.5: Gate As per the Drawing with Frame (lifting, Gear, Spindle) Size of Frame = (0.5x0.5 m),
Spindle Dia shall be 40 mm with the required Hight and with proper mechanical workability.
7- Water Control Gates Size 0.8x0.8 m: Gate As per the Drawing with Frame (lifting, Gear, Spindle) Size of Frame = (0.5x0.5 m)
and Spindle Dia shall be 40 mm with the required Hight and with proper mechanical workability.
8- Backfilling and compaction: Compaction with granular materials from excavation or borrow pits from approved sources
including compaction to 95% of modified proctor in layers shall not be more than 15 cm thick, FDT tests shall be conducted,
and each layer should be approved by ROP Engineer.
9- Steel signboard: Provide steel sign boards (140x100) cm as per the site and Roots of Peace requirements or as directed by
the field engineer.
10- Stone Sign board: Stone Sign Board: Provide all necessary labor, equipment, and materials to Supply and install of scheme
sign board from 50mm Marble stone with a size of 70x60cm (Client details, Scheme and Project details, Contractor details,
Project Start and End date, Placement of Roots of Peace CBARD and UNDP Logos need to be plotted in marble proposed as
sign board ) to be fitted and need to be properly installed at the start of the scheme (at Proper location subject to the approval
of the Roots of Peace Supervisor) including complete other necessary construction work as per design drawings and technical
specification and with complete satisfaction of Roots of Peace field Supervisor.
11- Diversion and Dewatering: Diversion of existing water including temporary canal excavation and dewatering for the purpose
to provide water to the farms and make sure that the water will not disturb work during construction.
Annex: 2
e) Proposal Checklist
Name of Company:
Does your proposal include the following?
Any un-checked boxes may indicate that your proposal is incomplete. ROP / CBARD reserves the right to
not evaluate any incomplete proposals.