Foundation Report
Foundation Report
Foundation Report
A building foundation is defined as the lowest part of any structure. Its
main function is to support load coming from the upper part and transfer
it to the soil beneath it.
Foundation distributes the loads of the super structure, to a larger area so
that the intensity of the load at its base (i.e. total load divided by the total
area) does not exceed the safe bearing capacity of the sub-soil.
•The soil needs stability all around the base
of the structure.
•To cope with the high load, it can be very
large in size.
•Separate foundations make this design
weak against the differential settlement that
may affect the building.
• Rigid frame mat
• Piled raft
USES : They are used, when soil bearing capacity
is low, column loads are heavy single footings
cannot be used, piles are not used and differential
settlement must be reduced.
Used to distribute heavy columns and walls loads ADVANTAGES DISADVANTAGES
across the entire building area to lower the •Mat foundation can be provided •Prone to edge erosion.
contact pressure compared to conventional where the shallow foundation is •Special measurements are
spread footings. necessary but soil condition is poor. needed when mat foundation
•It resists differential settlement. is subjected to the
• Mat foundation requires less earth concentrated load.
•Mat foundation itself can be
considered as a floor slab. So it
reduces the cost of constructing floor
The Foundation in which the depth of
foundation are much greater than its breadth.
It transfers the loads to the subsurface layers
of earth.
These are usual strip or rectangular . Footings
with depth higher than width.
Pile is a slender, structural member consisting
of steel or concrete or timber used as
foundation. It is installed to transfer the load to
a significant depth below the structure.
Pile foundation can be classified as-
1.Load bearing pile
2.Friction pile
USES : Pile caps are thick slabs used to tie a group
of piles together to support and transmit column
loads to the piles.
The cost of footings as compared to entire R.C.C.
framed structure is less and is about 4 to 5% of the
total building can only. Hence one should not
economical foundation also pad footings are
preferred, though increase cost marginally FRICTION PILE PILE FOUNDATION
1.A pile can be damaged quickly by driving
1.According to the specification we pre-order the through stones and boulders.
pile 2.Piles are can be attacked by marine borers in
2.The pile can be pre-made its length breadth its salt water
size according to site use 3.A pile cannot be above ground level.
3.Precast is the process through which reducing the 4.It is very difficult to know the actual required
completion time length in advance.
4.Can be installed in a very large area. 5.Vibrations generate when piles are driving
5.Can be installed in very long lengths. which affects the neighboring structures.
6.We can use piles in a place where drilling and 6.Heavy equipment is required by driving the
holes are not done. piles.
7.Work of pile is very neat and clean. 7.Pile is not containable for low drainage.
1.This method is easy which requires a small amount of material and 1.The installation of drilled piers requires
labor. careful supervision and quality control of all
2.The necessary material is easily available and has a wide range of materials used in construction.
design variations. 2.The method is bulky so adequate storage
3.The pier foundation saves money and time because it does not require space is required for all materials used in
extensive excavation and much concrete which causes minimal construction.
disruption to the soil environment. 3.The construction of piers in a heavy flow of
4.The space between the house and the ground is sufficient to install groundwater due to the pressure of the artesian
utilities such as plumbing and electrical wiring between them. is very difficult.
5.It is comfortable for walking on the floor, which does not rest on a
solid surface and it is good for those who have stiffness and back pain.
6.Inspection is possible because the diameter of the shaft is large.
7.Workers can easily find the space between the house and the ground
to solve issues related to plumbing and electrical as there is enough
space to crawl.
8.Ground vibration that is normally associated with driven piles is
absent in the case of drilled pier construction.
9.Bearing capacity can be increased by under-reaming the bottom (in
non-caching material).
Stones as building foundation material proved to be strong, durable and
economical to use if they are available near the building site. Stone
mostly used for curtain walls and low piers and, where they may be laid
up without mortar if the economy is a major factor, although it is
difficult to make them watertight, even if laid with mortar.
To protect the house from termite attack the stone foundations are most
suitable because it provides an impermeable barrier to enter the house.
Treated wood
Preservative treated wood is a cost-effective solution in building
foundations. The wood is pressure infused with preservative chemicals.
It can be used for the construction of crawlspace stem walls and
Wood foundations are lighter, easier and faster to build, and do not
require a poured concrete base to build on. According to Tool Base
Services, more than 300,000 homes have been built in the United States
with preservative treated wood foundations.
•Concrete is the best material for foundation among •Block made of concrete can be used to construct
all other materials used for foundation because it is attractive and durable foundation walls. Concrete
hard, durable, and strong in compression. Concrete block eliminates the need for unnecessary formwork
does not affect by moisture and can be made nearly and, because of their large size, concrete blocks will
watertight for basement walls. It can easily casted in lay up faster than bricks. Its major disadvantage is
any shape required for each foundation. These that concrete block walls are difficult to make
materials used in concrete foundations work. watertight than a concrete wall and do not resist
lateral forces as well as a poured-concrete wall.
The primary advantage of using earth as a foundation material is its
low cost and availability. It is suitable only in very dry climates.
Where rainfall and soil moisture are too high for an unprotected
earth foundation, they may be faced with stones, as shown in Figure
below, or shielded from moisture with polythene sheet.
The Brick masonry foundation is mainly used for its cost-
effectiveness and its unattractive appearance would not be visible.
Steel is the most popular reinforcing material used by foundation
contractors in the United States because of its strength and
durability. It is utilized in the form of steel rods of varying
thicknesses. These steels can be arranged either parallel or
perpendicular to each other. Generally, the steel used as
reinforcements is usually treated to be stainless and rust-free.
Aggregate is not only one material, it includes gravel, crushed stone,
sand, slag, and recycled concrete and geosynthetic aggregates. This
material may natural, manufactured or recycled.
Aggregates cover 60 – 80 % volume of concrete mix. Its main function
is to provide compressive strength and bulk to concrete. Amount of
aggregates are used in any concrete are selected for their durability,
strength, workability, and ability to receive finishes.
For making strong and durable concrete, and aggregates need to be
clean, hard, strong particles free of absorbed chemicals or coatings
of clay and other fine materials that could cause the deterioration of
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