Comparison Between Traditional Resistance Exercise and Variable Resistance With Elastic Bands in Acute Vertical Jump Performance
Comparison Between Traditional Resistance Exercise and Variable Resistance With Elastic Bands in Acute Vertical Jump Performance
Comparison Between Traditional Resistance Exercise and Variable Resistance With Elastic Bands in Acute Vertical Jump Performance
Purpose. Resistance exercise (RE) with variable resistance (VR) may be an interesting strategy to increase strength and
power in several sports activities. The present study aimed to compare the effect of RE vs. VR exercise in the back squat on
subsequent jump performance at different time points.
Methods. Nine male elite handball athletes (age: 21.4 ± 2.1 years; body fat percentage: 10.5 ± 4.2%) undergoing in-season
training participated in the study. They randomly completed 3 sets of 5 back squat repetitions at 85% of predicted one-repetition
maximum (1RM) with 3-minute rests between sets. They performed RE back squat alone or VR back squat by combining
55% of 1RM using standard weight plates and 29.7 ± 2.0% of the athlete’s 1RM in fully erect position (starting position)
with elastic band resistance. Countermovement jump (CMJ) test was applied at baseline, immediately after the conditioning
activity (within 15 seconds), and every 2 minutes after the protocols (2, 4, 6, and 8 minutes).
Results. There was a very large (5.8%, p = 0.02, ES = 1.53) increase in CMJ performance 2 minutes after VR back squat,
while no significant changes were observed after the completion of RE back squat. Moreover, there was a large (p = 0.04,
ES = 1.27) increase in peak power after VR exercise.
Conclusions. CMJ performance and peak power output can be potentiated after 2 minutes of recovery following the
completion of back squat exercise combining RE plus elastic bands, reinforcing the practical applicability of VR exercise.
Key words: jump performance, power output, sports performance, post-activation potentiation, resistance training
Correspondence address: Douglas Popp Marin, Cruzeiro do Sul University, Rua Regente Feijó, 1295, 03342-000,
São Paulo – SP, Brazil, e-mail: [email protected]
Citation: Marin DP, Astorino TA, Serafim AIS, Urtado CB, Prestes J, Polito LFT, Otton R. Comparison between traditional
resistance exercise and variable resistance with elastic bands in acute vertical jump performance. Hum Mov. 2021;22(4):28–35;
D. Marin et al., Variable resistance and jump performance
referred to as complex training, which consists of al- squat, deadlift, and bench press [19]. This approach is
ternating biomechanically similar heavy resistance ex- characterized by an exponential increase in tension
ercise (RE) with plyometric or power exercises in the applied throughout the range of motion regardless of
same workout [6]. joint angle [9]. Previous data show that as elastic bands
The neurophysiological mechanisms that support are stretched, greater resistance is applied on a muscle
the application of complex training have been attrib- complex [9, 20]. This differs from traditional RE, in
uted to post-activation potentiation (PAP). Significant which the load remains relatively constant through-
improvements in sprinting [7] and vertical jump per- out the range of motion in function of change in veloc-
formance [4, 8–10] have been reported after the com- ity [20, 21]. In addition, studies comparing VR with
pletion of a conditioning activity [8, 11]. The aim of RE have shown significantly higher muscle activity,
complex training is to utilize the PAP effect to improve movement velocity, and external power in the concen-
subsequent power performance, and potentially induce tric phase of the back squat exercise when using VR
a greater chronic adaptive response [4–6]. [9, 21]. Previously, Seitz et al. [18] reported that hori-
Heavy back squat ( 85% of one-repetition maxi- zontal jump performance was potentiated after only
mum [1RM]) exercise is commonly investigated to in- 90 seconds of recovery following performance of back
duce the efficacy of PAP, and its use has been reported squat using free weights and elastic RE in rugby players.
to improve subsequent performance in trained indi- Therefore, the purpose of this study was to compare
viduals and athletes [8, 12]. Conversely, some studies the effect of RE vs. VR exercise in the back squat on
exhibited no difference in vertical jump performance subsequent jump performance at different time points
when preceded by back squats [13, 14]. in handball athletes. It was hypothesized that RE and
Different factors can influence the PAP response VR would enhance countermovement jump (CMJ)
after a conditioning activity. Seitz and Haff [12] re- performance compared with baseline, and VR would
ported that the magnitude of PAP is modulated by promote a PAP effect after a shorter period owing to
the inherent strength and training status of the indi- the greater velocity during the eccentric phase, which is
viduals, the type of conditioning activity, the rest pe- similar to the plyometric actions. These findings apply
riod between the conditioning activity and subsequent to the optimization of various training programs to
performance, and the number of sets and load ex- augment muscle force and power in athletes.
pressed as percent of 1RM of the conditioning activity.
Therefore, the type of conditioning activity and the Material and methods
time course of the PAP response must be considered
for programming complex training sessions. Design
Previous research documented a time course of PAP
effect > 5 minutes after the use of heavy RE as a con- This study used a randomized crossover design.
ditioning activity [12, 15]. In a meta-analysis, Gouvêa Initially, the athletes visited the laboratory to become
et al. [16] suggested that a rest interval of 8–12 min- familiar with the experimental procedures, and their
utes after a conditioning activity had a beneficial im- 1RM in the back squat was determined. Subsequently,
pact on jump height, whereas a rest interval of 0–3 2 experimental sessions and a control trial were con-
minutes induced a detrimental effect on jump perfor- ducted. The sessions were completed 7 days apart and
mance. This acute enhancement of performance is held at the same time of day (between 09:00 am. and
dependent on the balance between fatigue and poten- 11:00 a.m.). The participants were informed only at
tiation [11]. Therefore, longer recovery intervals are the start of each visit on the condition they would be
required to reduce fatigue onset, and allow PAP to exert exposed to. They reported to the laboratory on the
potential ergogenic effects on the subsequent exercise morning of testing after having refrained from alco-
bout. However, in the strength and conditioning set- hol, caffeine, and exercise the day before.
ting, a prolonged recovery duration required to elicit
an effect of PAP on vertical jump performance may Subjects
be impractical for athletes and coaches to implement.
Variable resistance (VR) training has emerged as Nine male elite handball athletes who were under-
another approach to elicit PAP in a shorter recovery going in-season training participated in the study
interval compared with RE [17, 18]. One form of VR (Table 1). They were informed about the experimental
combines the use of elastic resistance in conjunction procedures and possible discomforts associated with
with free weight during various REs, including the back the study. The participants had been engaged in a regu-
Human Movement, Vol. 22, No 4, 2021
D. Marin et al., Variable resistance and jump performance
Table 1. Mean ± SD demographic values for athletes To predict back squat 1RM, the following equation
(n = 9) was used, which has been shown to be highly corre-
Characteristics Mean ± SD lated (r = 0.97) with tested 1RM [23]:
Human Movement, Vol. 22, No 4, 2021
D. Marin et al., Variable resistance and jump performance
quently, they were given 3 minutes of passive recovery mediately after exercise, 2 minutes, 4 minutes, 6 min-
and completed the baseline CMJ test. Immediately utes, 8 minutes) and condition (3 levels: VR, RE, con-
after (within 15 seconds) the conditioning activity trol). ICCs were used to determine the test-retest
(3 sets of 5 back squat repetitions) and every 2 min- reliability of CMJ jump height and peak power at
utes after the PAP protocol (2, 4, 6, and 8 minutes), baseline. CMJ tests were applied during each testing
the participants completed the CMJ test (Figure 1) as session. Effects size using Cohen’s d was calculated
previously described [28]. In order to account for the to consider the magnitude of difference in the PAP
possible fatiguing or potentiating effects from repeated effect between protocols. Differences were considered
maximal jumps performed after the conditioning ac- trivial at < 0.20, small at 0.20–0.50, medium at 0.50–
tivity, a control condition that included repeated per- 0.80, large at 0.80–1.30, or very large at > 1.30.
formance of CMJ tests without conditioning activity
was also completed. Ethical approval
In the VR and RE conditions, the athletes performed The research related to human use has complied
3 sets of 5 back squat repetitions at 85% of predicted with all the relevant national regulations and institu-
1RM, with 3 minutes of rest between sets. For VR, tional policies, has followed the tenets of the Declara-
the intensity was determined by combining 55% of tion of Helsinki, and has been approved by the Ethics
1RM using standard weight plates and 29.7 ± 2.0% Committee of the Methodist University of São Paulo.
of the athlete’s 1RM in fully erect position (starting
position) with elastic band resistance. Informed consent
We used the following equation to determine the Informed consent has been obtained from all indi-
potentiating effect of conditioning activity on subse- viduals included in this study.
quent CMJ performance:
CMJ performance
where CMJPAP represents the highest CMJ measured in
each time point after PAP protocol, and CMJ BASELINE Two-way repeated measures ANOVA revealed a sig-
is the baseline CMJ height. nificant main effect of time (F(5, 40) = 5.50, p = 0.001,
p2 = 0.40), but no significant condition effect (p = 0.39)
Statistical analysis or time × condition interaction (p = 0.31). There was
a nonsignificant time effect for CMJ performance in
Statistical analyses were performed with the use the control condition (p = 0.80). Pairwise compari-
of the SPSS software (SPSS Inc., Chicago, USA) and sons indicated improvements of 5.8% in CMJ height
data are presented as mean ± SD. Significance was set (p = 0.02, ES = 1.53, ‘very large’) at 2 minutes of re-
at p < 0.05. Two-way repeated measures ANOVA served covery in the VR condition compared with pre-inter-
to compare the PAP effect across time (5 levels: im- vention. The change in CMJ performance was ‘very
Human Movement, Vol. 22, No 4, 2021
D. Marin et al., Variable resistance and jump performance
large’ at 4 minutes (p = 0.18, ES = 1.41) but did not tervention. No significant differences were observed
reach statistical significance. No significant differ- in CMJ peak power in the RE condition (Table 2).
ences were observed in CMJ performance in the RE
condition (Table 2). PAP response
Table 2. Countermovement jump performance and peak power across time points after the free weight, variable
resistance, and control conditions
Variable Condition Baseline Ca. 15 s 2 min 4 min 6 min 8 min
VR 41.4 ± 2.5 41.4 ± 3.1 43.8 ± 3.0* 43.8 ± 3.9 42.8 ± 4.3 41.6 ± 3.9
RE 41.5 ± 4.2 39.7 ± 4.7 42.0 ± 3.6 41.8 ± 3.6 41.9 ± 4.5 40.7 ± 4.3
Control 44.1 ± 3.6 45.2 ± 3.2 45.3 ± 3.3 44.7 ± 3.3 44.9 ± 2.5 45.0 ± 3.9
VR 6683.2 ± 451.3 6674.9 ± 409.9 6798.6 ± 419.7* 6793.6 ± 379.9 6748.3 ± 407.3 6669.4 ± 397.3
Peak power
RE 6691.5 ± 477.7 6587.7 ± 431.1 6704.8 ± 497.2 6693.3 ± 526.9 6706.6 ± 491.4 6633.8 ± 458.6
Control 6822.9 ± 414.8 6876.4 ± 451.6 6885.2 ± 431.4 6857.6 ± 453.4 6873.1 ± 451.9 6885.2 ± 406.5
CMJ – countermovement jump, VR – variable resistance, RE – resistance exercise
* significantly different from baseline value within condition (p < 0.05)
Figure 2. Changes in PAP response during the recovery period after variable resistance, resistance exercise,
and control condition (expressed as mean ± SD)
Human Movement, Vol. 22, No 4, 2021
D. Marin et al., Variable resistance and jump performance
Human Movement, Vol. 22, No 4, 2021
D. Marin et al., Variable resistance and jump performance
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