Stability of The Modulator in A Plasma-Modulated P
Stability of The Modulator in A Plasma-Modulated P
Stability of The Modulator in A Plasma-Modulated P
Accelerator (P-MoPA). The P-MoPA scheme offers a potential route to high-repetition-rate, GeV-
scale plasma accelerators driven by picosecond-duration laser pulses from, for example, kilohertz
thin-disk lasers. The first stage of the P-MoPA scheme is a plasma modulator in which a long,
high-energy ‘drive’ pulse is spectrally modulated by co-propagating in a plasma channel with the
low-amplitude plasma wave driven by a short, low-energy ‘seed’ pulse. The spectrally modulated
drive pulse is converted to a train of short pulses, by introducing dispersion, which can resonantly
drive a large wakefield in a subsequent accelerator stage with the same on-axis plasma density
as the modulator. In this paper we derive the 3D analytic theory for the evolution of the drive
pulse in the plasma modulator and show that the spectral modulation is independent of transverse
coordinate, which is ideal for compression into a pulse train. We then identify a transverse mode
instability (TMI), similar to the TMI observed in optical fiber lasers, which sets limits on the energy
of the drive pulse for a given set of laser-plasma parameters. We compare this analytic theory with
particle-in-cell (PIC) simulations and find that even higher energy drive pulses can be modulated
than those demonstrated in the original proposal.
passing it through a dispersive optical system that re- duces Eq. (1) to a linear paraxial wave equation
moves the relative spectral phase, ψm = −|m|π/2, of
each sideband. This forms a train of short pulses, spaced i ∂ c2 ωp2
+ 2 ∆ ⊥ a = 2 δn0 (r) + δn(r, ξ; |as |2 ) a
temporally by Tp0 , which can resonantly drive a large am- ωL ∂τ 2ωL 2ωL n0
plitude plasma wave in a plasma accelerator stage with (2)
the same axial density as the modulator.
where as denotes the seed pulse envelope, whose intensity
In our earlier work a one-dimensional (1D) fluid model,
we assume to be unchanging relative to the modulating
and 2D particle-in-cell (PIC) simulations were used to
drive pulse envelope a. We also demand that the chan-
demonstrate the operation of the plasma modulator and
nel is matched to the spot size w0 of the seed and drive
accelerator stages, and to show that GeV-scale energy
pulses. A matched parabolic channel and its respective
gains could be obtained from existing thin-disk laser sys-
unperturbed Gaussian drive pulse envelope take the form
tems. In this paper we derive a full 3D theory of seeded
spectral modulation and we use this to establish the use-
ful operating regime for the modulator stage in the P- n0 (r) = n00 + ∆n(r/w0 )2
MoPA. We find that the range of operation of the mod-
r2 2c2
ulator is determined by the onset of the transverse mode a(r, ξ, τ ) = a0 f (ξ) exp − 2 − iωL τ 2 2 (3)
w0 ωL w0
instability (TMI), similar to the TMI observed in high
power fiber laser systems [13–17]. This analysis is used where ∆n ≡ (πre w02 )−1 is the channel depth parame-
to establish the regime of parameter space for which the ter, re is the classical electron radius and 0 ≤ f (ξ) ≤ 1
modulator can be operated successfully. The results of is the slowly-varying longitudinal envelope of the drive
the 3D analytic theory are compared with particle-in-cell pulse. Assuming the seed wake is small relative to the
(PIC) simulations, and are found to be in good agree- channel depth parameter |δn(r, ξ; |as |2 )| ∆n, we can
ment. We find that even higher energy drive pulses can apply time-independent perturbation theory to Eq. (2),
be modulated than those considered in the original pro- yielding the following modulation to the total phase of
posal. the laser pulse
2c2 τ δn(r, ξ; |as |2 )
Φ(ξ, τ ) = kL ξ − 1 + (4)
FIG. 1. [Color online]. Outline of the P-MoPA scheme from the original proposal [12]. A short, low energy seed pulse excites
a small wake in the modulator stage which spectrally modulates a long, high energy drive pulse into interleaving redshifted
(Stokes) and blueshifted (anti-Stokes) pulse trains whilst maintaining a smooth envelope. Chromatic dispersion is then applied
to the spectrally modulated drive pulse to compress it into a multipulse train, which can then be used to resonantly drive a
wakefield in the accelerator stage with the same density as the modulator.
tion when the longitudinal gradient of the wave is aver-
0.03 0.00
aged radially. Note that in the Supplemental Material
[22] we compare the results of PIC simulations in 2D −0.02
0.02 −5.0 −2.5 0.0 2.5 5.0
and cylindrical geometry. All PIC simulations presented
of simulation parameters is included in the Supplemental
0 0.0
Material [22].
−5.0 −2.5 0.0 2.5 5.0
Channel Suppression of Spectral Modulation ξ/λp0
As observed in Fig. 2, Eq. (5) implies that the spec- FIG. 2. [Color online]. 2D PIC simulation of the modulator
tral modulation of the drive pulse is limited by wave-front stage in a matched parabolic plasma channel of matched spot
curvature of the plasma wave. For low amplitude wakes size w0 = 30 µm with Wseed = 50 mJ and Wdrive = 0.6 J,
this curvature is dominated by the transverse profile of τdrive = 1 ps. The top panel shows the on-axis longitudinal
the plasma channel. For square channels the wake has intensity profiles |a|2 for the seed and drive pulses. The middle
panel plots the on-axis instantaneous frequency calculated by
flat phase fronts over most of the transverse profile of the a Hilbert transform. The bottom panel displays the full 2D
lowest-order mode of the channel. However, for chan- distributions of the relative amplitude δn/n00 of the plasma
nels with a curved transverse profile, such as parabolic wave and the relative frequency modulation ∆ω/ωL .
channels, the wave-fronts of the plasma wave are curved,
which can strongly suppress the spectral modulation.
Figure 3 shows the results of 2D PIC simulations that curvature increases towards the tail of the drive pulse.
compare the performance of a modulator with square and As a consequence, the generated pulse train does not ex-
parabolic plasma channels. It can be seen that for the hibit complete intensity modulation near its tail, which
square channel the wave-fronts of the plasma wave are would reduce the amplitude of the plasma wave it could
flat across most of the channel width, and as a conse- drive in the accelerator stage. As shown in Fig. 3, in-
quence the pulse train generated by removal of the side- creasing the matched spot size of the parabolic channel
band spectral phase exhibits strong temporal modulation to 50 µm reduces the wake curvature, which leads to im-
over the entire duration of the pulse train. In contrast, proved modulation of the generated pulse train. We note
the wave-fronts of the wake driven in a parabolic channel that the deleterious effects of wave-front curvature would
of 30 µm matched spot size are strongly curved, and this be even more pronounced in 3D geometry (see Supple-
0 0.0 0.2
−50 the Stokes and anti-Stokes light leads to the formation
−0.1 0.0
0.0 2.5 −5 0 5 −5 0 5 of low-contrast pulse trains in the modulator, with the
n0/n00 ξ/λp0 ξ/λp0 Stokes-shifted radiation forming a train off-axis, and the
parabolic, 30 µm δn/n00 |a| anti-Stokes light forming a train on-axis. This effect be-
50 comes worse with increasing drive pulse energy, and can
x (µm)
0 0.0 0.2
−50 be seen to be especially bad for the 2.4 J pulse, which
−0.1 0.0
0.0 2.5 −5 0 5 −5 0 5 has undergone severe transverse break-up and has been
n0/n00 ξ/λp0 ξ/λp0 strongly redshifted. This difference in behaviour between
parabolic, 50 µm δn/n00 |a| the Stokes and anti-Stokes sidebands has previously been
100 0.1
observed as the result of relativistic effects [28]. As shown
x (µm)
0 0.0 0.2
in the Supplemental material [22], a similar effect is pre-
−100 −0.1 0.0 dicted in the non-relativistic regime when non-paraxial
0 1 −5 0 5 −5 0 5
n0/n00 ξ/λp0 ξ/λp0 effects are accounted for.
x (µm)
x (µm)
0 0.016 0 0.04 0 0.02
−25 0.008 −25 0.02 −25 0.01
0.000 0.00 0.00
−5 0 5 −5 0 5 −20 0 20
ξ/λp0 ξ/λp0 ξ/λp0
(a) τdrive = 1 ps, Wdrive = 0.6 J (b) τdrive = 1 ps, Wdrive = 1.2 J (c) τdrive = 4 ps, Wdrive = 2.4 J
FIG. 4. [Color online]. 2D PIC simulations of the intensity profiles, |a|2 , of drive pulses at the exit of the modulator with a
channel of square cross-section with w0 = 30 µm and Wseed = 50 mJ, for various energies and durations of the drive pulse. The
top row displays the intensity profiles decomposed into its redshifted Stokes (ω − ωL ) < −ωp0 /2, central |ω − ωL | < ωp0 /2, and
blueshifted anti-Stokes (ω − ωL ) > ωp0 /2 components; the bottom panel displays the full intensity profile of the drive pulse.
growth rate is slower than the spot size oscillation fre- define the plasma modulator stability condition, which
quency [32] γSM < ωw = 4c2 /ωL w02 . In this section sets bounds on the laser-plasma parameters to prevent
we consider the effects of the plasma channel on self- nonlinear self-modulation from exciting transverse mode
modulation. transitions.
Consider coupling a slightly unmatched drive pulse We will work in the shallow channel limit ∆n n00 ,
into a parabolic plasma channel so it undergoes small which allows us to neglect the effects of the channel on
spot size oscillations, and assume that no centroid oscil- wake structure [33]. This gives a seed wake of the form
lations are present, so that only radial Laguerre-Gaussian [18]
modes LGp0 (r) are excited (see Supplemental Mate-
rial [22]). Neglecting relativistic effects, applying time- δn(r, ξ) = δns cos(kp0 ξ)LG200 (r) (10)
dependent perturbation theory to Eq. (1), the coeffi- where kp0 = ωp0 /vg and δns denotes the on-axis seed
cients αp (ξ, τ ) of each radial Laguerre-Gaussian mode p wake amplitude. As the drive pulse should remain pri-
at longitudinal coordinate ξ are found to evolve according marily in the fundamental mode, we can approximate Eq.
to: (8) as a two-level system comprising the LG00 and LG10
i ∂αp (ξ, τ ) modes with transitions between them driven by the seed
= wake
ωc ∂τ
X D δn + δn E
NL ∂α0
αn (ξ, τ ) LGp0 LGn0 ei(p−n)ωw τ , i = 2Ωs cos(kp0 ξ) α0 + 21 α1 e−iωw τ ,
∆n ∂τ
X ∂α1
a(r, ξ, τ ) = e−iωc τ αp (ξ, τ )LGp0 (r)e−ipωw τ (8) i = 2Ωs cos(kp0 ξ) 21 α0 eiωw τ + 12 α1 (11)
where Ωs = (ωp0 /8ωL )(δns /n00 ) is the rate of spectral
where δn is the fixed seed wake, δnNL is the self-wake
modulation parameter. Note that since we are using the
of the drive pulse, and ωw and ωc = ωw /2 are the spot
paraxial description, we are implicitly assuming symme-
size and centroid oscillation frequencies respectively [32].
try between the Stokes and anti-Stokes sidebands (see
Coupling the drive pulse into a slightly unmatched chan-
Supplemental Material [22] for the non-paraxial descrip-
nel corresponds to following set of initial conditions
tion). We can already see from these expressions that
α0 = a0 f (ξ), α1 = w a0 f (ξ), αp6=0,1 ≈ 0 (9) the first radial mode spectrally modulates half as fast
as the fundamental, as it is more sensitive to the ra-
where w = −δw/w0 1 is the channel spot size mis- dial drop-off of the seed wake amplitude ∼ LG200 (r).
match parameter. In order to solve Eq. (8), the self-wake This asymmetry, coupled to spot size oscillations, is one
δnNL must be known. We estimate the self-wake as fol- of two effects contributing to plasma-resonant modula-
lows. We first assume that the self-wake can be neglected, tions of the drive pulse intensity which excite a self-
and calculate the intensity modulation of the drive pulse wake. Since the spot size oscillation frequency is nec-
caused by the seed wake only. We then use this inten- essarily much higher than the spectral modulation rate,
sity modulation to calculate the self-wake it would ex- i.e. ωw Ωs , as a consequence of the seed wake being
cite. This estimate of the self-wake can then be used to small relative to the channel depth parameter, we can
|a(r, ξ, τ )|2 Ωs cos(kp0 ξ)
1 − 2 w +
= (cos[Ωs τ cos(kp0 ξ)] − 1) LG200 (r)
|a0 |2 f 2 (ξ) ωw
2Ωs cos(kp0 ξ)
+ 2w cos [Ωs τ cos(kp0 ξ) − ωw τ ] + (cos [Ωs τ cos(kp0 ξ) − ωw τ ] − 1) LG00 (r)LG10 (r) . (12)
We see from Eq. (12) that the drive pulse is modulated nally in ξ and temporally in τ .
radially, longitudinally, and temporally. This modulation To estimate the self-wake δnNL that would be excited
can be physically understood by splitting it into three ef- by this intensity modulation, we are only interested in
fects which can be isolated by setting certain terms to keeping terms resonant with the plasma ∼ cos(kp0 ξ + φ)
zero. The first is a longitudinally uniform spot size oscil- which excite the largest amplitude self-wake. We also
lation of amplitude δw, which can be recovered by setting only consider propagation times up to Ωs τmod ∼ 1/2, as
Ωs = 0. The second comes from coupling between the δw this provides sufficient spectral modulation for compres-
spot size oscillations and the seed wake spectral modu- sion into a pulse train which roughly coincides with the
lation due to the effect mentioned earlier where higher minimum modulation required to reach the accelerator
order radial modes spectrally modulate slower than the stage wake amplitude plateau discussed by Jakobsson et
fundamental mode in the ∼ LG200 (r) seed wake. The al [12]. With both of these considerations in mind, we can
third depends purely on the seed wake, which can be Taylor expand the cos [Ωs τ cos(kp0 ξ) − ωw τ ] terms in Eq.
seen when setting w = 0. The seed wake introduces lo- (12) to first order in Ωs τ . This gives the plasma-resonant
cal variations in the matched spot size as it perturbs the part of the intensity modulation and the approximate
channel plasma density, varying the spot size longitudi- self-wake it would excite [34]
2Ωs [cos(ωw τ ) − 1]
|a(r, ξ, τ )|2res = |a0 |2 f 2 (ξ) 2w Ωs τ sin(ωw τ ) + cos(kp0 ξ)LG00 (r)LG10 (r) ,
δnNL (r, ξ, τ ) e2 ωp0 Wdrive (ξ)λ2L 2Ωs [cos(ωw τ ) − 1]
= 2 Ω
w s τ sin(ωw τ ) + sin(kp0 ξ)LG00 (r)LG10 (r) (13)
n00 8π 2 m2e 0 c5 πw02 ωw
where Wdrive (ξ) indicates the total energy of the drive bility condition
pulse contained between its head and coordinate ξ. To
prevent self-modulation driving transverse mode transi- δw/w 2
kp0 w02 ωp0 Wdrive λ2L
+ Pmod ,
tions (and to make this calculation self-consistent), we δns /n00 8 πw02
require that the self-wake effect on the LG00 → LG10
transition must be negligible throughout the full propa- 32π 2 m2e 0 c5
Pmod = ≈ 220 GW . (15)
gation in the modulator, resulting in the constraint e2
This sets a limit on the total energy of the drive pulse
Wdrive for a given plasma density, spot size, laser wave-
Z τmod
length, seed wake and channel spot size mismatch. For
the laser-plasma parameters used by Jakobsson et al [12],
LG10 δnNL eiωw τ LG00 LG10 δnLG00 .
0 τmod taking δns /n00 ∼ 2.5% and δw/w0 ∼ 12% from the PIC
(14) simulations therein, the requirement of Eq. (15) becomes
37 GW 220 GW, which is satisfied. Hence, in this
regime we do not expect the self-modulation effects to
be debilitating to the plasma modulator. In PIC simu-
Substituting Ωs τmod = 1/2 and Eq. (13) into this con- lations, we have found that even letting the LHS of Eq.
straint yields the plasma modulator transverse mode sta- (15) go up to ∼ 70 GW remains stable enough for com-
x (µm)
from other sources, such as ponderomotive and relativis-
0.08 2
tic self-focusing [35, 36]. In addition, the kp0 w02 /8 term
0 0
in Eq. (15), which comes from the seed wake forming a
−25 −25
plasma-resonant variation in matched spot size, ensures
0.00 0.00
−1 0
1 −5 0
5 that there will always be an upper limit on the drive pulse
(a) τdrive = 250 fs (b) τdrive = 1 ps
There are two ways that excitation of higher order
transverse modes can be mitigated, other than ensur-
25 25 ing that Eq. (15) is satisfied. However, each of these
0 0.08 0 0.04 comes at a cost. First, the treatment above assumed
−25 −25 propagation in a shallow channel. For deeper channels,
x (µm)
x (µm)
25 0.04 25 0.02 by the off-resonant plasma wave, and the difference in
0 0 spectral modulation rate of the higher-order mode and
−25 −25
the fundamental will be decreased due to the radial com-
0.00 0.00
ponent of the seed wake. This allows for more energy
−10 0 10 −20 0 20
ξ/λp0 ξ/λp0 to propagate in the modulator without transitions to
(c) τdrive = 2 ps (d) τdrive = 4 ps higher order modes. However, channels of this form
also suppress the spectral modulation towards the tail
FIG. 5. Calculated intensity profiles, |a|2 , of drive pulses of the pulse, as shown in Fig. 3, which is detrimental to
at the exit of the modulator before (top) and after (bot- pulse compression. Another option would be to use a
tom) compression into a pulse train for drive pulses of energy leaky channel that leaks higher order modes faster than
Wdrive = 1.2 J and FWHM duration: (a) 0.25 ps, (b) 1 ps, (c)
the fundamental mode [37, 38]. However, this approach
2 ps and (d) 4 ps. For these 2D PIC simulations the modula-
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Supplemental Material for “Stability of the Modulator in a Plasma-Modulated
Plasma Accelerator”
Substituting a Gaussian pulse with a fixed spot size w0 where integer l ≥ 0 is the transverse index and the
yields the following stable solution Hl functions are the (physicist’s) Hermite polynomials.
Note that the laser centroid and spot size oscillation fre-
r2 2c2
a(r, ξ, τ ) = a0 f (ξ) exp − 2 − iωL τ 2 2 , quencies are the same in both 2D slab and 3D cylin-
w0 ωL w 0
drical geometry, so we would expect processes tied to
n0 (r) = n00 + ∆n(r/w0 )2 , ∆n = (πre w02 )−1 (SM–6) spot/centroid oscillations to behave similarly in 2D and
where the longitudinal profile of the pulse, 0 ≤ f (ξ) ≤ 1, 3D. However, the rate of spectral modulation does de-
is assumed to be sufficiently slowly varying for the parax- pend on the dimensionality. For example, consider the
ial approximation to hold, n00 is an arbitrary on-axis shallow channel limit ∆n n00 where the seed wake can
density and re is the classical electron radius. This re- be written in the form
sult for the matched channel can also be shown to confine
1 1D
2 2
all Laguerre-Gaussian modes with envelope solutions of δn = δns cos(kp0 ξ) e−2x /w0 2D (SM–9)
the form
−2r2 /w02
e 3D
apm (r, θ, ξ, τ ) = where δns denotes the on-axis seed wake amplitude. As-
2c2 suming that the modulating drive pulse remains in the
αpm (ξ) exp −iωL τ (2p + |m| + 1) 2 2 LGpm ,
ωL w0 fundamental channel mode, the spectral modulation rate
LGpm (r, θ) = parameter Ωs is given by
s √ !|m| 2 1 1D
p! 2r r2 2r 1 ωp0 δns
2 √
exp − 2 + imθ Lp|m|
2 2
, Ωs = −2x /w
hHG0 |e 0 |HG0 i = 1/ 2 2D
(p + |m|)! w0 w0 w02 4 ωL n00 2 2
hLG00 |e−2r /w0 |LG00 i = 1/2 3D
hLGp0 m0 |(. . .)|LGpm i ≡ (SM–10)
Z 2π Z ∞
dθ rdrLG∗p0 m0 (. . .)LGpm (SM–7) hence 2D PIC √ simulations are expected to spectrally
πw02 0 0 modulate ∼ 2 times√faster than predicted by 3D cylin-
where the integers p ≥ 0 and m are the radial and az- drical theory (and ∼ 2 times slower than 1D theory).
|m| The suppression of spectral modulation by wake
imuthal indexes respectively and the Lp functions are
the generalized Laguerre polynomials. Note that it is phase-front curvature caused by the plasma chan-
the interference between the fundamental and first az- nel, as described in the paper, also changes depend-
imuthal and radial modes that set the laser centroid and ing on the dimensionality. This is again primarily
spot size oscillation frequencies ωc = ωw /2 = 2c2 /ωL w02 caused by the difference between hHG0 |δn(x, ξ)|HG0 i
respectively. and hLG00 |δn(r, ξ)|LG00 i, resulting in the suppression
towards the pulse tail being more pronounced in the 3D
cylindrical case. There is also a smaller effect due to
2D SLAB VS 3D CYLINDRICAL GEOMETRY differences in the wake structure itself between 2D and
To justify the use of 2D PIC simulations to study the
stability of the plasma modulator, we outline the pulse
propagation theory in 2D slab geometry. The physical
description of seeded spectral modulation in 2D slab and
3D cylindrical are similar, but they have some key differ-
ences which come from the transverse Laplacian opera- As derived previously in 1D by Jakobsson et al [2],
tor ∆⊥ taking a different form. The matched parabolic to first order the spectral modulation takes the form of
channel for a Gaussian beam with spot size w0 still takes a set of sidebands of angular frequencies ωm = ωL +
the same form n0 (x) = n00 + ∆n(x/w0 )2 , but the con- mωp0 , where m = ±1, ±2, ±3, . . . is the sideband order.
fined modes are instead described by Hermite-Gaussian These sidebands will each have a relative spectral phase
functions ψm = −|m|π/2. With a more detailed analysis, which
can be derived from Eq. (SM–26) assuming a narrow
2c2 −1
bandwidth τdrive ωp0 and that light only remains in
al (x, ξ, τ ) = αl (ξ) exp −iωL τ (l + 1) 2 2 HGl ,
ωL w0 the fundamental channel mode, the full relative spectral
r √ !
1 x2 2x phase of the modulated drive pulse before compression
HGl (x) = exp − 2 Hl , into a pulse train can be approximately described by the
2l l! w0 w0
s following nearest integer staircase function
Z ∞
2 ω − ωL π
hHGl0 |(...)|HGl i ≡ dxHG∗l0 (...)HGl (SM–8)
ψ(ω) = − nint
πw02 −∞ ωp0 2. (SM–11)
To form a pulse train, we wish to remove this spectral where we have included a 1/ 2π normalization in the
phase from the pulse. However, it is not practical to re- definition of the convolution for notational convenience.
move a spectral phase of this form with a dispersive optic. Ignoring relativistic effects, we can split kp2 (r, ξ, η) into
Instead, we can take advantage of the narrow bandwidth contributions from a pre-formed axisymmetric plasma
of each of the sidebands to approximately remove this channel n0 (r) and a plasma wake δn(r, ξ, η)
spectral phase by applying a continuous dispersion func-
tion of the form 1 ∂ 1 2 n0 (r)
i(1 + k/kL ) + 2 ∆⊥ − 2 2 ak =
ω − ωL π kL ∂η 2kL kL w0 ∆n
ψ (ω) = + . (SM–12)
ωp0 2 2 δn(r, ξ, η)
2 w2 ∗ ak (SM–17)
kL ∆n
This form of ψ opt (ω) was used in the main paper to eval- 0 k
uate the pulse trains that can be formed from the spec-
trally modulated drive pulses. where ∆n ≡ (πre w02 )−1 is the channel depth parameter.
Ignoring the wake for now, a matched parabolic channel
n0 (r) = n00 + ∆n(r/w0 )2 can guide any linear combina-
NON-PARAXIAL DESCRIPTION OF SEEDED tion of Laguerre-Gaussian modes of the form
apm pm pm
k (r, θ, k, η) = αk (k) exp[−ik̃k (k)η]LGpm (r, θ) ,
2 2p + |m| + 1 + n00 /∆n
Unlike the paraxial equation, this description will in- k̃kpm (k) = ,
clude group velocity dispersion as well as asymmetries kL w02 1 + k/kL
between the dynamics of the generated Stokes and anti- LGpm (r, θ) =
Stokes sidebands in the plasma modulator. We will start s √ !|m| 2
by following the procedure outlined by [1] for deriving the p! 2r r2 2r
exp − 2 + imθ Lp|m| .
non-paraxial description of pulses in fully ionized plasma, (p + |m|)! w0 w0 w02
but here we will include contributions from a parabolic (SM–18)
plasma channel and a seed wake. We begin with the full
3D wave equation for a laser pulse propagating in a fully Assuming that k/kL 1 remains valid for the majority
ionized plasma of the pulse ak , (i.e. for pulse durations that are not
1 ∂2 too short relative to the laser cycle period), we can also
∆ − 2 2 − kp2 a = 0 (SM–13) write the Laguerre-Gaussian mode solutions in real space
c ∂t
to first order in the form
where a = eA/me c is the normalized vector potential
and we have neglected higher order plasma source terms apm (r, θ, ξ, η) = αpm (ξ) ∗ exp[−ik̃kpm (k)η] LGpm (r, θ)
from having a finite electrostatic potential [3]. We now ξ
switch to new coordinates ξ = z − ct, η = (z + ct)/2, ≈ αpm (ξ + k̃0pm η/kL ) exp(−ik̃0pm η)LGpm (r, θ) ,
which yields 2
ωp0 2
k̃0pm /kL = + (2p + |m| + 1) 2 2 (SM–19)
∂2 2
2kL c2 kL w0
2 + ∆⊥ − kp2 a = 0 . (SM–14)
We seek envelope solutions in the form a = where αpm (ξ) is the inverse Fourier transform of αkpm (k).
[a exp(ikL ξ) + c.c.] êL /2 where kL is a constant. This This describes the first order group velocity dispersion
yields the envelope PDE and wavenumbers of Laguerre-Gaussian modes due to
the on-axis plasma density and finite spot size effects.
∂ ∂ 2 We can see that for a pulse primarily in the fundamen-
2 ikL + + ∆⊥ − kp a(r, ξ, η) = 0 . (SM–15)
∂ξ ∂η tal mode, after every spot size oscillation the first ra-
dial mode will fall behind the fundamental mode by a
We then take the Fourier transform in the variable ξ and
laser wavelength (and similarly for centroid oscillations).
apply the convolution theorem
Hence we eventually need to take this group velocity dis-
∂ persion into account if the pulse propagates over many
2i (kL + k) + ∆⊥ ak = kp2 k ∗ ak ,
∂η spot size oscillations in a long plasma channel.
Z ∞
1 If we can treat the wake contribution as a small pertur-
ak (r, k, η) = √ dξe−ikξ a(r, ξ, η) , bation to the matched parabolic plasma channel, we can
2π −∞
Z ∞ use time-dependent perturbation theory to calculate the
(f ∗ g)(k) := √ f (k 0 )g(k − k 0 )dk 0 (SM–16) transitions between the channel modes with the following
2π −∞ expression
where kc = kw /2 = 2/kL w02 are the centroid and spot We now choose to work in the shallow channel limit
size oscillation wavenumbers respectively. ∆n n00 to ignore the non-separable transverse wake
Assume that the short seed pulse has the same wave- structure introduced by the channel [4]. Note that using
length as the drive pulse, has many laser cycles in its a square-like channel would achieve a similar effect, but
duration, is in the fundamental mode and does not ap- would have Bessel modes rather than Laguerre-Gaussian
preciably deplete. The seed pulse will then have a group modes. The wake excited by the seed pulse considering
velocity of both plasma and finite spot size effects on its group ve-
locity in this limit takes the form
ωp0 2
vg,s /c = 1 − k̃000 /kL = 1 − 2 − 2 2. (SM–21)
2kL c 2 kL w0 h i
δn(r, ξ, η) = δns LG200 (r) cos kp0 ξ + k̃000 η/kL .
Note that the group velocity is slowed by both plasma
and finite spot size effects. This means that in general
the seed wake will be in the form
Substituting this seed wake into Eq. (SM–20) yields the
δn(r, ξ, η) = δn(r, ξ + k̃000 η/kL ) . (SM–22) non-paraxial plasma modulator equation
1 + k/kL ∂αkpm 2
1 ωp0 δns X p0 m0 h 0 0 i
pm pm
i = 2 c2 n αk±kp0 exp −i k̃ k±kp0 − k̃ k ± (k p0 /k L )k̃ 00
0 η hLGpm |LG200 |LGp0 m0 i (SM–24)
kL ∂η 4 kL 00 0 0
where we can now clearly see that the seed wake modulating a pulse with an initially short bandwidth will generate
Stokes and anti-Stokes sidebands in k-space separated by integer multiples of kp0 . Assuming that k, kp0 kL , the
wavenumber shifts approximate to
0 0
pm pm
k̃k±k p0
− k̃ k ± (k p0 /k L )k̃ 00
0 /kc ≈ [2(p0 − p) + (|m0 | − |m|)] (1 − k/kL ) ∓ (2p0 + |m0 |) (kp0 /kL ) . (SM–25)
Using this expression and assuming that most of the light remains in the fundamental mode and that no azimuthal
modes are present, we can approximate the plasma modulator equation as a two-level system of the fundamental and
first radial modes
1 + k/kL ∂αk00 2
1 ωp0 δns 00 10
i = 2 2
αk±kp0 + 12 αk±k exp [−ikw (1 − k/kL ∓ kp0 /kL ) η] ,
kL ∂η 8 kL c n00 p0
1 + k/kL ∂αk10 2
1 ωp0 δns 1 00 1 10
i = 2 c2 n 2 αk±k exp [ikw (1 − k/k L )η] + 2 αk±k exp [±ik w (k p0 /k L ) η] (SM–26)
kL ∂η 8 kL 00
p0 p0
which to zeroth order in k/kL and kp0 /kL gives the same transverse mode transitions than the anti-Stokes. This
result given by the paraxial equation used in the paper asymmetry in the dynamics between the Stokes and anti-
(apart from the slightly different propagation variable η). Stokes sidebands is necessary to explain the transverse
However, to first order we see symmetry-breaking be- separation of Stokes and anti-Stokes light observed in
tween the Stokes and anti-Stokes sidebands which was PIC simulations in the regime where the self-wake of the
not captured by the paraxial equation. We see here that modulating drive pulse is no longer negligible.
the Stokes sidebands are generated faster by the seed
wake and also undergo faster spot size oscillations and
0 (r) − n00
(r/w0 )10 0 ≤ r < 1.2w0
1.210 1.2w0 ≤ r < 1.2w0 + d
Two-dimensional simulations were performed with the 0 −d
1.210 1 − r−1.2wd 1.2w0 + d ≤ r < 1.2w0 + 2d
PIC code WarpX (version 22.07) [5]. Results from eight
0 r ≥ 1.2w0 + 2d
simulations are included in the paper with laser-plasma
parameters and respective figures outlined in Table I. All nparabolic
0 (r) − n00
of these eight simulations were performed at an on-axis ∆n
density of n00 = 2.5 × 1017 cm−3 in a modulator of length (r/w0 )2 0 ≤ r < 2w0
Lmod = 110 mm with seed and drive pulses with the same 4 2w0 ≤ r < 2w0 + d
wavelength λL = 1030 nm and spot size w0 = 30 or 50 r−2w0 −d
4 1 − 2w0 + d ≤ r < 2w0 + 2d
µm. The seed and drive pulses were polarized out of
and in the plane of simulation respectively. All simula- 0 r ≥ 2w0 + 2d
tions had a longitudinal resolution of ∆z = λL /50 and (SM–27)
transverse resolution of ∆x = λL /2.5 using a second or-
der Yee field solver and perfectly matched layer (PML) where d = 10 µm. Note that all simulations were initial-
transverse boundary conditions. The transverse window ized with a laser pulse with a gaussian transverse profile
size for all simulations was at least 2.67w0 away from of spot size w0 , which differs slightly from the fundamen-
the axis. The “square” and “parabolic” plasma channels tal guiding mode of the square channel.
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purpose of Open Access, the author has applied a CC of ultrashort laser pulses in plasma channels, Phys. Rev.
BY public copyright licence to any Author Accepted E 59, 1082 (1999).
Manuscript version arising from this submission. [4] N. E. Andreev et al., Structure of the wake field in plasma
channels, Phys. Plasmas 4, 1145 (1996).
[5] L. Fedeli, A. Huebl, F. Boillod-Cerneux, T. Clark,
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[email protected] of laser-based electron accelerators with groundbreaking
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