Warforged Modifications - The Homebrewery

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Wa r f o r g e d M o d i f i c at i o n s

arforged are machines brought to life by A r t i f i e r s ' Fa b r i a l s
magic. The first warforged were mindless
automatons. An unexpected breakthrough The alterations and upgrades from this class require the
produced fully sentient soldiers, blending blueprints of a working prototype for the fabrial and must be
organic and inorganic materials. Warforged performed by an artificer with access to Tinker's tools. The
are made from wood and metal, but they can artificer creating the fabrial must spend invention points
feel pain and emotion. Built as weapons, they equal to the Upgrade Points needed.
must now find a purpose. A warforged can be a steadfast ally, If an upgrade from this class has a DC, it is set by skills of
a cold-hearted killing machine, or a visionary in search of the artificer who prepared it. More skilled artificers have
purpose and meaning. higher DC for their inventions by charge more for their work
as well.
Unless stated otherwise, the following upgrades count
Un-finished against your attuned items.
Mark: (AF)
C o n s t r uc t i o n
Some warforged are not content with their original design.
Those individuals seek to alter and upgrade their bodies
Upgrade List
progressively. Th i c k H i d e
You have a set amount of Upgrade Points equals twice your
level. Each upgrade costs a certain amount of Upgrade Points FFiirrsstt LLaayyeerr
to work. You can degrade an active upgrade, removing and 2 Upgrade Points - (MS)
deactivating it to regain the Upgrade Points spent. Each
You cover yourself with additional metal plating increasing
upgrade can be applied only once unless stated otherwise.
your AC by 1. The additional armor restricts your movement
and lowers your base and jumping speed by 5ft.
Upgrade Classes Cost: Metal plates worth at least 10 gp.
Preparation time: At least one day of work (8 hours per
There are four different classes of upgrades, each has
different requirements for appliance and use. Every upgrade
Effects: +1 AC.
belongs to one of the classes and follows its requirements
Activation: Passive.
and restrictions.
SSeeccoonndd LLaayyeerr ((R
Reeqquuiieerrss FFiirrsstt LLaayyeerr))
M e ta l S m i t h e r y 2 Upgrade Points - (MS)
The alterations and upgrades from this class can be
You cover yourself with additional heavier metal plating
performed either by a skilled blacksmith at his workshop, or
increasing your AC by an additional 1. The additional metal
by you given you have Prof. in Smith's tools, access to those
restricts your movement and lowers your base and jumping
tools and a workshop containing a forge and an anvil.
speed by an additional 5ft.
Mark: (MS)
Cost: Metal plates worth at least 40 gp.
Preparation time: At least three days of work (8 hours per
C l o c k wo r k M a c h i na r y day).
The alterations and upgrades from this class require the Effects: additional +1 AC.
blueprints of a working prototype for the mechanism and can Activation: Passive.
be performed either by a skilled tinkerer at his workshop, or
by you given you have Prof. in Tinker’s Tools and access to
those tools.
Mark: (CM)

A l c h e m i c a l C o m p oun d s
The alterations and upgrades from this class require the
recipe for the compound and can be performed either by a
skilled alchemist at his workshop or by you given you have
Prof. in alchemist's supplies and access to those supplies.
Unless stated otherwise, the following upgrades are
temporary and must be reapplied once the compound's
affective duration has reached its end.
Mark: (AC)
AAuuttoom maattiicc SSh
hiieellddiinngg ((R
Reeqquuiieerrss FFiirrsstt Mechanical Legs
LLaayyeerr,, N
Noott C Coommppeettaabbllee wwiitth
hA Addh haassiivvee JJuum
mppiinngg SSpprriinnggss
LLaayyeerr)) 2 Upgrade Points - (CM)
2 Upgrade Points - (CM)
You attach external machinery to your legs. The device
You integrate a mechanically automated attack deflector into attached to your legs boosts the power of your jump. You gain
your outer shell. The mechanism connects parts of your an advantage to any ability check determining your success in
hide's plates to a group of compressed springs and latches. jumping high and wide. Your jumping speed increases by 5 ft,
When you are being targeted by an attack you can use a but your base speed decreases by 5ft.
reaction to unleash the mechanical energy of the springs to Cost: Metal ingots, springs, and rubber bands worth at
deflect the attack increasing your AC by 2 momentarily. Once least 24 gp.
you release the mechanic energy, you must spend an action Preparation time: At least two days of work (8 hours per
to re-compress the springs. You can use this feature after the day).
roll to hit was made but before the outcome was determined. Effects: Base speed -5ft., Jump speed +5ft.
Cost: Springs and latches worth at least 20 gp.
Preparation time: At least six days of work (8 hours per C
mbbiinngg C
day). 2 Upgrade Points - (CM)
Effects: Momentary +2 AC.
Activation: Reaction. You attach external machinery to your legs. You attached
claws to your feet, boosting your ability to climb. You gain an
haassiivvee LLaayyeerr ((RReeqquuiieerrss FFiirrsstt LLaayyeerr,, advantage to any ability check determining your success in
NNoott CCoom mppeettaabbllee w
hA Auuttoom maattiicc climbing. Your climbing speed increases by 5 ft, but your base
speed decreases by 5ft.
1 Upgrade Points - (AC) Cost: Metal ingots, springs, and rubber bands worth at
least 24 gp.
You coat your hide with a sticky substance, the adhesiveness Preparation time: At least two days of work (8 hours per
of the glue lasts for 6 hours since applied. You gain an day).
advantage on ability checks for maintaining a grapple, in Effects: Base speed -5ft., Climb speed +5ft.
addition, any projectile hitting you, stick to your surface, and
you can collect it for later use. SSkkaatteerr FFeeeett
Cost: 1 lit of bone and sap glue. 2 Upgrade Points - (CM)
Preparation time: At least half an hour.
Effects: Adv. on grappling, stick to projectiles. You attach external machinery to your legs. Mechanical
Activation: Passive. mussels surround your legs and a pair of skate wheels are
Effectiveness duration: 6 hours. imbedded in your feet. You suffer a decrease of 5 ft in both
climbing and jumping but gains an increase of 5 ft to your
base speed. In addition, your carrying capacity is doubled.
MMaaggnneettiicc SSkkiinn ((R
Reeqquuiieerrss SSeeccoonndd
Cost: Metal ingots, springs, and rubber bands worth at
LLaayyeerr)) least 24 gp.
2 Upgrade Points - (AF)
Preparation time: At least two days of work (8 hours per
You integrate a magical opal gemstone into your hide turning day).
it into a fabrial. Effects: Base speed +5ft., Climb speed -5ft., Jump speed
You have up to 20 charges stored in the opal in your hide, -5ft., Doubled carrying capacity.
once a day at dawn the opal can restore 1d4 charges. If the
opal ever reaches zero charges it loses it's magical properties LLiiggh
htt wweeiiggh htt R
Ruunnnneerr ((N
and must be replaced. CCoom mppeettaabbllee w
hTThhiicckk HHiiddee))
When being hit by a metal weapon you can use your 1 Upgrade Points - (CM)
reaction to activate the fabrial spending one of its charges,
causing your hide to become magnetic and stick to the You attach external machinery to your legs. Mechanical
weapon that hit you. A weapon will become magnetized to mussels surround your legs and you scrape off some of your
your hide for up to one minute since the last time you spent a metallic skin in order to reduce your weight. Increase your
charge to activate the fabrial. In order to detach a weapon base speed by an additional 5 ft but decreases your AC by 1.
magnetize to your hide before the minute passes, one must If you have flying speed you increase it by 5 ft.
make a Strength check against the fabrial's DC. Cost: Metal ingots, springs, and rubber bands worth at
Cost: The fabrial and a magical opal worth at least 50 gp, least 8 gp.
as well as Metal ingots worth at least 16 gp. Preparation time: At least one day of work (8 hours per
Preparation time: At least three days of work (8 hours per day).
day). Effects: Base speed +5ft., -1 AC, (fly speed +5 ft if exist).
Effects: Magnetize enemy weapons.
Activation: Reaction.
Charges: Up to 20, 1d4 at dawn.
Save/Check: Strength check.
O f f - h a n d I m p r ov e m e n t ( O n l y Save/Check: Dexterity save.
A t ta c h e d We a p o n ( O n ly o n e c a n
b e a p p l i e d at a g i v e n m o m e n t ) o n e c a n b e a p p l i e d at a g i v e n
htt w
htt moment)
1 Upgrade Points - (MS) You replace your off-hand with a small fabrial. You cannot use
your off-hand for anything but activating that fabrial unless
You replace your main hand with a light weapon. You gain a you spend three hours with a blacksmith or an artificer to re-
+1 to all attack rolls made with this weapon. You cannot be attach your hand instead of it (canceling the upgrades).
disarmed from this weapon, and cannot switch this weapon You have up to 20 charges stored in the gemstone
unless you spend three hours with a blacksmith to re-attach operating the fabrial, once a day at dawn the gemstone can
your hand instead of it (canceling the upgrades). restore 1d4 charges. If the gemstone ever reaches zero
Cost: A light weapon and Metal ingots worth at least 1 gp. charges it loses it's magical properties and must be replaced.
Preparation time: At least 4 hours of work.
Effects: +1 to hit, cannot be disarmed. T
1 Upgrade Points - (AF)
2 Upgrade Points - (MS) As a bonus action, you can attempt to stun an enemy within
5ft by spending one of the quartz's charges. The enemy must
You replace your main hand with a simple melee weapon. succeed on a Constitution saving throw against the fabrial's
You gain a +1 to all attack rolls made with this weapon. You DC or be stunned for one round. If the target of this effect
cannot be disarmed from this weapon, and cannot switch this currently concentrating on a spell it must make a DC 10
weapon unless you spend three hours with a blacksmith to concentration check. Enemies with immunity to lightning are
re-attach your hand instead of it (canceling the upgrades). not affected.
Cost: A simple melee weapon and Metal ingots worth at Cost: A fabrial and large magical quartz worth at least 50
least 5 gp. gp, as well as Metal ingots worth at least 4 gp.
Preparation time: At least a day and a half of work (8 Preparation time: At least 4 hours of work.
hours per day). Effects: Stun an enemy within 5ft.
Effects: +1 to hit, cannot be disarmed. Activation: Bonus action.
Charges: Up to 20, 1d4 at dawn.
Heeaavvyy w
htt Save/Check: Constitution save.
4 Upgrade Points - (MS)

You replace your main hand with a heavy weapon. You gain a
1 Upgrade Points - (AF)
+1 to all attack rolls made with this weapon. You cannot be
disarmed from this weapon, and cannot switch this weapon As a bonus action, you can attempt to burn an enemy within
unless you spend three hours with a blacksmith to re-attach 5ft with a small burst of fire by spending one of the ruby's
your hand instead of it (canceling the upgrades). charges. The enemy must succeed on a dexterity saving
While this upgrade is active, your off-hand must be used to throw against the fabrial's DC or be dealt 1d4 fire damage.
balance your weaponized hand. Alternatively, you can spend a charge to create a smaller
Cost: A heavy weapon and Metal ingots worth at least 20 studier flame to produce light like with the light cantrip for
gp. one minute. Flammable objects can catch fire if you spend a
Preparation time: At least three and a half days of work (8 minute with this feature trying to light them up.
hours per day). Cost: A fabrial and a large magical ruby worth at least 50
Effects: +1 to hit, cannot be disarmed. gp, as well as Metal ingots worth at least 4 gp.
Preparation time: At least 4 hours of work.
Haannddyy C
w Effects: Burn an enemy within 5ft (1d4 damage).
4 Upgrade Points - (CM) Activation: Bonus action.
Charges: Up to 20, 1d4 at dawn.
You replace your main hand with a clockwork mechanism
Save/Check: Dexterity save.
combined with a crossbow. You gain a +1 to all attack rolls
made with this weapon. You cannot be disarmed from this
weapon, and cannot switch this weapon unless you spend
mookkee SSpprraayy::
1 Upgrade Points - (AF)
three hours with a blacksmith to re-attach your hand instead
of it (canceling the upgrades). As a bonus action, you can attempt to temporarily blind an
While this upgrade is active, your off-hand must be used to enemy within 5ft by spending one of the smokestone's
activate your weaponized hand. charges. The enemy must succeed on a dexterity saving
Cost: A crossbow and Metal ingots, strings, and gears throw against the fabrial's DC or be blinded for one round.
worth at least 17 gp. Cost: A fabrial and a large magical smokestone worth at
Preparation time: At least four and a half days of work (8 least 50 gp, as well as Metal ingots worth at least 4 gp.
hours per day). Preparation time: At least 4 hours of work.
Effects: +1 to hit, cannot be disarmed. Effects: Blind an enemy within 5ft.
Activation: Bonus action.
Charges: Up to 20, 1d4 at dawn.
Gyroscopic Center J e t Pa c k
1 Upgrade Points - (CM) BBaassiicc PPrrooppoollttiioonn ((N
Noott C
hT Th hiicckk H
You add a clockwork gyroscope to the center of your body, 5 Upgrade Points - (AF)
allowing you to use a reaction to gain an advantage against
falling prone. You install a pair of focused flames producing fabrials to the
Cost: Metal ingots, strings, and gears worth at least 8 gp. center of your back. While you have this upgrade your
Preparation time: At least one day of work (8 hours per carrying capacity is halved. As an action, you can spend one
day). charge of each ruby to activate the boosters giving you a 20 ft
Effects: Adv. saves vs prone. flying speed for 1 minute. You have up to 20 charges stored in
Activation: Reaction. each ruby, once a day at dawn the rubies can restore 1d4
charges. If a ruby ever reaches zero charges it loses it's
I n t e r na l R e c o r d e r magical properties and must be replaced.
Cost: The fabrials and two magical rubies worth at least
BBaassiicc R
Reeccoorrddeerr 100 gp each, as well as Metal ingots worth at least 16 gp.
1 Upgrade Points - (CM) Preparation time: At least two days of work (8 hours per
You add a clockwork recorder to your body, allowing you to
Effects: gain 20ft. flying speed for 1 minute, halved
record what you hear for up to one minute. as an action, you
carrying capacity.
can start the recording, bonus action to end it. Given that a
Activation: Action.
record was made within the last hour you can use your action
Charges: Up to 20, 1d4 at dawn for each ruby.
to play it. Starting a recording immediately deletes any prior
Cost: Metal ingots, strings, and gears worth at least 8 gp.
TThhrruusstt TTuubbeess ((R
Reeqquuiieerrss BBaassiicc
Preparation time: At least one day of work (8 hours per PPrrooppoollttiioonn))
day). 3 Upgrade Points - (CM)
Effects: Record what you hear up to 1 minute, replay what
You connect moveable metal tubes to where the fabrials
you recorded after up to 1 hour.
release their thrust. You can use an attack action and spend
Activation: Action to start recording and playing, bonus
one of the gems' charges to create a torrent of fire toward an
action to stop.
enemy within 15 ft. Make a ranged attack and add your
dexterity bonus plus proficiency. Hit: 1d12 fire damage.
Grreeaatteerr R
Reeccoorrddeerr ((R
Reeqquuiieerrss BBaassiicc While flying you must maintain concentration, or be thrust
Reeccoorrddeerr)) your entire speed in a random direction. You have up to 20
1 Upgrade Points - (CM) charges stored in each ruby, once a day at dawn the rubies
can restore 1d4 charges. If a ruby ever reaches zero charges
You improve your clockwork recorder, allowing you to record
it loses it's magical properties and must be replaced.
what you hear for up to ten minutes and to store and play
Cost: The fabrials and two magical rubies worth at least
what you record up to one day. Starting a new recording
100 gp each, as well as metal ingots and metal tubes worth at
immediately deletes any prior records.
least 24 gp.
Cost: Metal ingots, strings, and gears worth at least 16 gp.
Preparation time: At least one day of work (8 hours per
Preparation time: At least one day of work (8 hours per
Effects: Flame thrust attack (Dex), flying requires
Effects: Record length increase to 10 minutes, records last
for up to 1 day.
Charges: Up to 20, 1d4 at dawn for each ruby.
mpprroovvee RReeccoorrddeerr ((R
Reeqquuiieerrss G
RReeccoorrddeerr,, C
Caann bbee aapppplliieedd m
1 Upgrade Points - (CM)

You improve your clockwork recorder, allowing you to record

what you hear for up to ten more minutes. The record lasts
for one more day. You can save multiple records equals to the
number of times you have taken this upgrade. The total time
of recordings cannot exceed the maximum length of
Cost: Metal ingots, strings, and gears worth at least 20 gp.
Preparation time: At least two days of work (8 hours per
Effects: Record length increase by 10 minutes, records
last for up to 1 day more, can store one more recording in

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