GUIA Client Questionnaire For Individuals-1
GUIA Client Questionnaire For Individuals-1
GUIA Client Questionnaire For Individuals-1
Important Notice regarding Anti-Money Laundering, Counter Terrorist Financing and Know-
Your-Customer measures
Anti-Money Laundering (AML), Counter Terrorist Financing (CTF) and Know-Your-Customer (KYC)
measures are topics of key focus for our Company.
Below you will find a summary of our policy in regard to these topics.
The Board of Directors has adopted an internal “Anti-Money Laundering Operations & Procedures Manual”
on the prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing. It requires Fxwinning Limited to have effective
policies and procedures in place to comply with applicable laws and regulations as well as set a minimum set
of standards and policies for the purpose of preventing and identifying Money Laundering and Terrorist
Financing activities and for performing appropriate Know-Your-Customer procedures.
We are required to protect our clients’ interests, for which purpose we believe our primary tasks are to
understand our clients, the nature of their business, financial position, sources of funds, and to ensure that
we understand fully their investment objectives, knowledge and experience in investment sphere, and also in
certain financial products or services.
You also agree that according to the Information provided by you in this Questionnaire and other documents,
we may classify you as a professional client unless a different agreement is reached. In any event, the
Company reserves the right to assume any possible measures for checking reliability of the Information,
specified by you in the Questionnaire, particularly to request supporting documents and also additional
information and documents for the purpose of your classification in definite category of clients, and you
hereby certify your consent to provide such documents and information.
You hereby consent and agree that you shall be liable to notify the Company of any modifications to the
Information provided that may influence your classification to the definite category of clients.
The Information provided in this Questionnaire shall be kept confidential and shall not be disclosed by us to a
third party without your consent other than by explicit requirement under the applicable laws. You agree and
acknowledge that it is required to disclose any of such information, we shall, without your additional consent,
submit information only to the extent required by the appropriate regulations and only to the person specified
in such regulations.
Fecha actual
Fxwinning Limited, Unit 1411, 14th floor, Cosco Tower, 183 Queen Road Central, Hong Kong
Registration Number 2930110
PERSONAL INFORMATION Rellenar informacion personal
Title: _________________________________________________________________________________
First Name: ____________________________________________________________________________
Middle Name: __________________________________________________________________________
Last Name: ____________________________________________________________________________
Date of birth: ___________________________________________________________________________
Country of birth: _________________________________________________________________________
Nationality: ____________________________________________________________________________
Are you a US citizen or a US resident for tax purposes? (also applies in case of persons with dual or more
Yes ☐ No ☐
If the answer above is ‘Yes’ please note that we cannot proceed with account opening and you should
consider using the services of the US Broker.
If no Tax Identification Number (TIN) is provided above, select one of the reasons below:
Fxwinning Limited, Unit 1411, 14th floor, Cosco Tower, 183 Queen Road Central, Hong Kong
Registration Number 2930110
According to its internal operation manual Fxwinning Limited is obliged to ask its clients to provide all
necessary information in order to comply with requirements for customer identification and due diligence
procedures and the construction of the Client’s economic profile.
☐ If more than $1 000 000, then please specify the amount: USD____________________
☐ $50 001 – $100 000 Indicar una cifra similar a lo que has depositado en fxwinning
☐ $100 001 – $300 000
☐ If more than $1 000 000, then please specify the amount: USD____________________
Yes ☐ No ☐
Fxwinning Limited, Unit 1411, 14th floor, Cosco Tower, 183 Queen Road Central, Hong Kong
Registration Number 2930110
Finanzas básicas
Please specify: __________________________________________________________________________
Tu profesion aunque no la ejerzas
Employment status: ______________________________________________________________________
Industry of employments: __________________________________________________________________
Please specify Employer’s name, address and phone number if you are employed in Financial Services
Are you employed by a firm that has as its primary business dealing in investments or securities?
Yes ☐ No ☐
☐ Inheritance
Your regular financial commitments (you can choose more than 1 option):
☐ Loan Obligaciones tribuatrias en el pais en el que resides (la segunda seguro
☐ Taxes/ utility bills
que todos). Puedes elegir mas de 1.
☐ Corporate bonds
☐ Bills of Exchange
☐ Corporate Stocks
☐ Mutual Funds
☐ Other
Fxwinning Limited, Unit 1411, 14th floor, Cosco Tower, 183 Queen Road Central, Hong Kong
Registration Number 2930110
Purpose of the investment (you can choose more than 1 option):
☐ Capital growth
Objetivo de tus inversiones (se puede elegir mas de 1)
☐ Income generation
BANKING DETAILS cuenta bancaria a donde retiras o retirarias tus ganancias. Rellenar solo
Expected Origin of Incoming Funds Expected Origin of Outgoing Funds (if different)
Bank Name: Bank Name:
Bank Bank
Address/country: Address/country:
Account Holder Account Holder
Name: Name:
Joint Account Joint Account
Holder Name: Holder Name:
Account Number: Account Number:
Swift Code: Swift Code:
Sort Code: Sort Code:
Do you (or your close relatives or associates) hold or held any public position in the last twelve months?
Yes ☐ No ☐
Please specify:
Fxwinning Limited, Unit 1411, 14th floor, Cosco Tower, 183 Queen Road Central, Hong Kong
Registration Number 2930110
high-ranking officers in the armed forces
☐ Members of the administrative, management or supervisory bodies of state-owned enterprises
Is the account holder or any immediate family member who resides in the same household, registered as a
broker-dealer or an employee, director or owner of a securities or commodities brokerage firm, employee of
a bank, hedge fund, or other financial services company?
Yes ☐ No ☐
Is the account holder a director, a 10% shareholder or a policy-making officer of any publicly traded
Yes ☐ No ☐
Please enter the stock symbol(s) of the company(ies), separated by commas: ________________________
By default, we offer our clients a maximum leverage of 1:100 on all our products. Do you want to be able to
access higher levels of leverage and have the required knowledge and experience to do so?
Yes ☐ No ☐
Fxwinning Limited, Unit 1411, 14th floor, Cosco Tower, 183 Queen Road Central, Hong Kong
Registration Number 2930110
• Money Market instruments (non-complex instruments: deposits, federal government bonds,
commercial papers notes and other fixed income instruments)
Yes ☐ No ☐
• Derivatives (complex instruments: options, futures, swaps, forward rate agreements and any other
derivative contracts relating to securities, currencies, interest rates or yields; derivative contracts
relating to commodities) Yes ☐ No ☐
Please note that you apply for Margin Account. Borrowing to support equities trading, shorting of equities, full
options trading, full futures/futures options trading, currency conversions, and securities/commodities trading
in multiple currency denominations is available. Margin requirements are computed real-time under a rules-
based calculation methodology, with immediate position liquidation if the minimum maintenance margin
requirement is not met. Purchase and sale proceeds are immediately recognized.
Fxwinning Limited, Unit 1411, 14th floor, Cosco Tower, 183 Queen Road Central, Hong Kong
Registration Number 2930110
☐ I do hereby give my approval and consent to all present Client confirmations:
˅ This account will be used to trade and/or invest on behalf of myself as the account holder
˅ I, the account holder, have never been the subject of an investigation or proceeding by any
commodities or securities exchange or regulatory authority or self-regulatory authority
˅ I, the account holder, have never been the subject of, or initiated litigation, arbitration or any other type
of dispute or settlement procedure with another broker or dealer
˅ I, the account holder, confirm that I am not a member of an exchange or a regulatory or a self-
regulatory organization, or an associated person, affiliated person or employee of an exchange
☐ I do hereby give my approval and consent to all present Client Declarations:
˅ I agree that Fxwinning Limited will provide me with information regarding investments.
˅ I agree that my personal information, including name, personal identification number, address etc., as
well as client information, including account information, investments etc., submitted by me when
registering as a client with Fxwinning Limited or later or which otherwise comes into Fxwinning Limited
possession may be disclosed to partners of Fxwinning Limited. I agree that Fxwinning Limited and its
related parties may send me communications about offers and promotions.
˅ I declare that I act in my own name as specified above and not on behalf of a third party in respect of
all matters related to this client relationship. Accordingly, all funds to be deposited and traded on the
account with Fxwinning Limited are my own funds.
☐ I the undersigned, who wishes to apply for the establishment of a business relationship with Fxwinning
Limited, do hereby declare and confirm the following:
˅ I hereby attach my identification documents. In the event that there is any change, I undertake to
advise you within 30 days of any such change in writing.
˅ I am fully aware of my legal obligations with regards to the provisions of the Prevention and
Suppression of Money Laundering Activities, The Securities and Futures Ordinance as amended from
time to time and I hereby declare that I comply with the rules and regulations specified by said law.
˅ I am aware of FATCA (Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act) provisions and obligations which
became enforceable in Hong Kong upon Hong Kong signing the relevant Intergovernmental
Agreement on March 25, 2014 and has further been incorporated into domestic legislation pursuant to
a relevant decree issued by the Minister of Finance. I am aware and acknowledge that FATCA
requires Financial Institutions to report information relating to reportable accounts as provided in the
Intergovernmental Agreement to the Hong Kong Tax Department.
˅ On the basis of the above I hereby confirm that the information stated in CRS Self Certification for
natural persons of this document is true, correct and complete.
☐ I hereby confirm that I am not directly and/or indirectly involved in any criminal activity in any conduct or
money laundering activity or terrorist financing activity, my wealth and income proceeds are legitimate and
have been personally identified and there is no conflict of interest whatsoever.
☐ I confirm that I am acting on my own behalf and not as nominee(s) or in a fiduciary capacity on behalf of
any other person(s).
Fxwinning Limited, Unit 1411, 14th floor, Cosco Tower, 183 Queen Road Central, Hong Kong
Registration Number 2930110
☐ I do hereby give my approval and express consent to all present Client Consents:
˅ I declare that I give my express consent to the following provisions and policies:
- Order Execution Policy
- Summary Conflicts of Interest Policy
- Complex Instruments Risk Warning
- Order to transfer funds to Asset Management Account
- Order to transfer securities to Asset Management Account
- Client orders may be executed outside of a Regulated Market or Multilateral Trading Facility (MTF)
- Client Limit Orders which have not been immediately executed under prevailing market conditions
may not be made public (unless instructed otherwise by you in writing)
- Client agrees to communicate in a durable medium other than on paper including electronic means
such as email or Company web site. In this respect Client confirms that he/she has regular access
to the internet.
˅ I have carefully read and fully understood the entire text of the present Brokerage Agreement,
Regulations for provision of brokerage, investment and agency services on the Securities market,
Online Adhesion Contract and Regulations for provision of asset management services and all
disclosures and policies included thereon.
˅ I declare and understand that trading in derivative are in line with my investments objectives and risk
profile, including possibility of unlimited financial losses that might be associated with the risky
investments in derivatives.
˅ I further acknowledge that trading with financial instruments on financial market may involve significant
risk of loss and it is not suitable for all investors, that the value of the investments can both increase
and decrease and the investors may lose all their investment capital, I acknowledge that in case of a
leveraged product, the loss may be more than the initial capital invested and any financial success of
other parties doesn't guarantee the same result for investor.
Signature Firma
By clicking on “I agree” you certify, under penalty of perjury that:
I. the information provided is correct, complete and not misleading and I will inform the Company
immediately about any changes to the details or information provided.
II. “I agree” represents your digital signature which is the equivalent of your written signature and you will
be entering into a legally binding agreement, the equivalent of a signed written contract.
Fxwinning Limited, Unit 1411, 14th floor, Cosco Tower, 183 Queen Road Central, Hong Kong
Registration Number 2930110