4th Grade General Music Lesson Plan

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Music Lesson Plan

Name: Chew, Qian Yao

Lesson Topic: What are chords?
Grade Level or Class: 4th grade
Lesson Duration: 60 mins

Materials Needed for This Lesson:

● Powerpoint slides
● Boom whackers
● Soundtracks
● Video with songs and chord names for accompaniment

Lesson Objectives:
● Students will be able to…
o Name the notes in chords C, F, and G
o Build triads on a keyboard
o Demonstrate C. F. and G chords with boom whackers
o Accompany songs with these three chords

AZ/National Performance Objectives Addressed:

● MU:Cr1.1.4b Generate musical ideas (such as rhythms, melodies, and simple
accompaniment patterns) within related tonalities (such as major and minor) and meters.
● MU:Pr5.1.4b Rehearse to refine technical accuracy and expressive qualities, and address
performance challenges.

National Music Standard(s) Achieved:

Imagine: Generate musical ideas for various purposes and contexts
☐ Plan and Make: Select and develop musical ideas for defined purposes and contexts
☐ Evaluate and Refine: Evaluate and refine selected musical ideas to create musical work
that meets appropriate criteria
☐ Present: Share creative musical work that conveys intent, demonstrates craftsmanship,
and exhibits originality
☐ Select: Select varied musical works to present based on interest, knowledge, technical
skill, and context
☐ Analyze: Analyze the structure and context of varied musical works and their
implications for performance
☐ Interpret: Develop personal interpretations that consider the creators’ intent
Rehearse, Evaluate, and Refine: Evaluate and refine personal and ensemble
performances, individuality or in collaboration with others
☐ Present: Perform expressively, with appropriate interpretation and technical accuracy, and
in a manner appropriate to the audience and context
Select: Choose music appropriate for a specific purpose or context

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☐ Analyze: Analyze how the structure and context of varied musical works inform the
☐ Interpret: Support interpretations of musical works that reflect creators’/performers’
expressive intent
☐ Evaluate: Support evaluations of musical works and performances based on analysis,
interpretation, and established criteria
☐ Connect: Synthesize and relate knowledge and personal experiences to make music
☐ Connect: Relate musical ideas and works to varied contexts and daily life to deepen


Introductory Activity / Anticipatory Set:

● Students will start by reviewing those chords they learned from playing the ukulele
(previous unit).
● Clean hands before touching the instruments
● Questions: whoever answers the question correctly, the whole row the student sits in,
gets to choose the boom whackers.
o what were the chords we played on the ukulele?
o What are the notes in each chord?
● Time allotted: 13 mins

Body of the Lesson / Activities that demonstrate new material/concepts

● New Activity 1: Students will learn about triads/three-note chords and how the chord is
o Finding the notes in C, F, and G chords
▪ led the students to think about building a triad chord.
▪ Questions:
● Could you find the notes of the chord on this keyboard?
● Is there any pattern when you point the chords out on the
▪ Go through all the notes in C major scale
o Modifications/Accommodations: for students with special needs, I will adjust the
classroom setting based on the situation. Boom whackers are easy to access and
play. It can be played in a chair, standing, or any spot in the classroom. In this part
of the activity, students with special needs will accomplish the tasks with
assistance from me and their EAs.
o Formative Assessment: During this activity, students already had the boom
whackers. I will group them by the note names.
▪ If you think you are in a C/F/G chord, raise your boom whackers.
o Instructional Strategy: In this activity, the teacher’s role is to ask questions and
lead them to actively think about the building patterns of a triad/three-note chord
without thinking about minor or major.
o Time allotted: 15 mins

● New Activity 2: Students will play I-iv-V-I in the key of C

o Plan for 100% engagement:
▪ check their understanding of C, F, and G chords
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▪ Review the chord progression from the ukulele lessons
▪ Let them demonstrate the chord progression with my instruction and play
once without it.
o Modifications/Accommodations: for students with special needs
▪ If the student is physically unable to play the instruments, I will have them
help out a group (a note) by reminding them to play their notes on time
and clap the rhythm with the group.
▪ Other types of special needs:
● It is a physical activity, so the students can play and join the class
with assistance from their EAs.
● The teacher will help the students keep up with the class and pay
more attention. If the situation is allowed, the teacher will ask if
other students are willing to help a little in the lesson.
o Formative Assessment: without me telling them the order of the progression, ask
them to perform the whole progression along with the accompaniment.
o Instructional Strategy: teacher’s role is to help them musically succeed, which
means keeping them at the correct tempo and playing with gentle and beautiful
o Time allotted: 8-10 mins

● New Activity 3: Students will start accompanying pop music with the three chords they
o Plan for 100% engagement: song: I’m Yours by Jason Mraz (Accompany version)
▪ In this song, students will use their knowledge to build Am chord.
● The students know what Am chord is. However, they only know to
play the chord on the ukulele; therefore, they need to go over the
notes of Am chord.
▪ students will focus on the screen or whiteboard for the chord progression
of the songs and play along with the songs.
▪ Let them hear each other’s sound qualities and keep up with the tempo as
a group.
o Modifications/Accommodations:
▪ If the student is physically unable to play, the student will assist the
teacher in listening to each group or helps the class to play on time and
with the right notes.
▪ Students with EAs can play with the class and achieve their goals with the
help of their EAs.
o Formative Assessment: The teacher can easily assess their understanding of the
chords and participation status while accompanying them.
o Instructional Strategy:
▪ develop their musicianship during the accompaniment
▪ assist students to succeed in this activity
o Time allotted: 10 mins

Concluding Activity
● Students will stay in the resting position and wait for me to call out the order to return the
boom whackers.
o Order consideration: students will return their boom whackers based on the C

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● If time allows, students will play some melodies such as Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, or
any other songs from their learning in the past.
● The song choice needs to be any song that they learned in the music classroom.

Summative Assessments
● Assessment Activity/Assignment: Exit ticket
o What are the chords you have learned in this class?
o Please write down the notes in C, F, and G chords
o What is the chord progression that we played earlier in this lesson?
o Pick one song you want to accompany next time (it must be any song from our
ukulele lessons).
● Rubric:
Criteria 4-Excelling; 3-Meets the 2-Approaching 1-Falls far
Exceeds the Standard below
Number of 4/4 3/4 get part of the only answer one
correct answers get all the get questions 1, correct answers, question
questions correct 2, and 3 correct but there are still correctly and
but did not a few mistakes: barely follow the
follow the wrong chord instructions
instruction for progression, or
Q4 get some of the
chords correct
Following Follow the Following most Follow some of Barely follow
instructions instructions of the the instructions the instructions
correctly instructions but (50% accuracy) (less than 2
made a few instructions in
mistakes in answering the
writing down the questions)

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