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Cure Accelerator For Selected Polyurethane Finish Coats

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Cure Accelerator for Selected
Polyurethane Finish Coats


 Accelerates cure of Altex E~Line® 379, Carbothane® Altex Polyurethane Accelerator, is designed to reduce the
130 Clear Coat & Multi-Gard® GP 48AU and AY&B time to Hard Cure in winter temperatures in a range of
Elite® Pro~Spray Linear Polyurethane finishes polyurethane finish coats:
 Reduces “dry to handle” time- when time is critical
 Reduces time to mask out, and improves masking Use in:
properties when conditions are marginal Altex Yacht & Boat Elite® Pro~Spray Linear Polyurethane
Carbothane® 130 Clear Coat
Multi-Gard® GP 48AU (Aust. Only)
Note: E~Line® 379
Depending on temperature, the addition of Polyurethane
Accelerator will reduce the pot life of the treated finish coat - Typically, Polyurethane Accelerator would be used in:
refer to the chart below.
 A production situation where finished fabrications
require to be moved or erected soon after painting has
CAUTION ! been completed.
Polyurethane Accelerator should only be used when it is  Where masking out areas, (especially in maintenance
essential to improve cure time. repaints of pleasure craft), would be significantly
Mixed product should be thinned at least 10% BEFORE delayed.
adding Polyurethane Accelerator. (excluding Elite  To reduce the time to a return to service for various
Pro~Spray) industrial items, commercial floors, earthmoving
Over addition of Accelerator may result in drastically equipment etc.
reduced Pot Life, and be detrimental to finish gloss
level and overall performance.


Coating Type: Urethane Catalyst Density: 0.87 kg per litre

Colour: Clear and colourless
See Rates overleaf.
Packaging: Single component - 500ml DO NOT add Polyurethane Accelerator until after mixing and
thinning of finish coat.
Flash Point: 0°C Setaflash
Approximate Curing Time & Pot Life at 20°C (Hours):
Shelf Life: 1 year (Based on E~Line®379)
Accelerator Touch Hard Pot
Storage: Store in cool dry conditions Addition Rate Dry Dry Life
5ml / 1 litre of mix 2¼ 4 6
8ml / 1 litre of mix 1½ 3¼ 4
10ml / 1.25 litre kit 1½ 3¼ 4
40ml / 5 litre kit 1½ 3¼ 4

Note: The use of Polyurethane Accelerator will affect the

maximum self recoat time of the product. Contact Altex
Coatings Technical Department for specific recommendations.

Polyurethane Accelerator PDS Available in Australia & New Zealand January 2016

Stir thoroughly before use. Limitations:

Maximum recommended addition of Polyurethane The addition of Polyurethane Accelerator will reduce the pot life
Accelerator is 8ml per 1 litre of MIXED product. of the treated finish coat - refer to the chart above.
The use of Polyurethane Accelerator will affect the maximum
8ml per 1.0 litre kit self recoat time of the product.
10ml per 1.25 litre kit Additions of Polyurethane Accelerator in excess of 10ml
per litre may result in drastically reduced Pot Life, and be
40ml per 5 litre kit detrimental to finish gloss level and overall coating
...in any of the following products: performance.
Carbothane® 130 Clear Coat Further:
Multi-Gard® GP 48AU (Australia only) Due to the 1:1 mix ratio of Elite® Pro~Spray, the recommended
rate is:
40ml per 8 litre kit

DO NOT add Polyurethane Accelerator until after mixing the

finish coat base and converter. Carry out any thinning
required prior to adding the Polyurethane Accelerator.
The addition of Polyurethane Accelerator reduces the pot life
of the finish coat treated.
Temperatures above 26°C will drastically reduce the pot life
of the coating. Best results are achieved at temperatures in
the range of 10-20°C.
Treatment is not normally required in temperatures above
25°C. However, should there be a need to accelerate, then
do so with extreme caution.


For industrial use only: Read and follow all the caution Polyurethane Accelerator is flammable. Keep away from heat,
statements on this Product Data Sheet, the product label and sparks and open flame. Use with adequate ventilation. May
the Safety Data Sheet (SDS) for health and safety information cause eye and skin irritation. Do not breathe vapour or spray.
prior to use. Wear suitable protective clothing such as gloves and eye and
face protection.

ALTEX ANCILLARY PRODUCTS | www.altexcoatings.com

Head Office Head Office Australia: DISCLAIMER

New Zealand: Resene Paints (Aust) Ltd This is not a specification and all of the information is given in good
Altex Coatings Ltd Industrial & Marine Division faith. Since conditions of use are beyond the control of the
manufacturer, information contained herein is without warranty, implied
91-111 Oropi Road 7 Production Avenue or otherwise, and final determination of the suitability of any information
Greerton, Tauranga Molendinar or material for the use contemplated, the manner of use and whether
Tauranga Mail Centre Queensland 4214 there is any infringement of patents is the sole responsibility of the
Ph : +61 7 5512 6600 user. The manufacturer does not assume any liability in connection with
Ph : +64 7 541 1221 the use of the product relative to coverage, performance or injury. For
Fax : +64 7 541 1310 Fax : +61 7 5512 6697
application in special conditions, consult the manufacturer for detailed
It is the users’ responsibility to ensure they have the latest product data
sheet and Safety Data Sheet. Check the data sheet date with the
listings at www.altexboatpaint.com.

Polyurethane Accelerator PDS Available in Australia & New Zealand January 2016

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