Shear Strength of Dry and Epoxy Joints For Ultra-High-Performance Fiber-Reinforced Concrete
Shear Strength of Dry and Epoxy Joints For Ultra-High-Performance Fiber-Reinforced Concrete
Shear Strength of Dry and Epoxy Joints For Ultra-High-Performance Fiber-Reinforced Concrete
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heat treatment of 90°C and 100% humidity for 48 hours as Test setup
recommended by the French standard.20 Preparation of the All the UHPFRC joint specimens were tested under vertical
UHPFRC joint specimens after heat treatment is shown in monotonic loading at the centerline of the shear planes with
Fig. 2. The male and female parts of the six epoxy-jointed negligible moment, as shown in Fig. 3. This force was
specimens were joined together using thixotropic epoxy applied directly on a 50 mm thick solid bearing plate at the
adhesive resin and 5 tonne concrete blocks were positioned top of the joint specimens and slip measured using LVDTs.
on top to densely pack them together (refer to Fig. 2(a) The horizontal confining stress was applied to the dry and
through (d)). epoxy-keyed joint surfaces through a stiff steel framework
and loaded using 15.2 mm diameter prestressing strands, as
shown in Fig. 3(a). For the specimens with confining pres-
Fig. 3—Experimental setup of UHPFRC keyed joint specimens under shear test.
Fig. 4—Example of shear behavior and typical failure of shear keys in SK3-10N.
slant cylinders with a diameter of 75 mm and height of
150 mm were tested and the mean value of bond strength
(C) of 3.7 MPa was calculated, where the standard deviation
and coefficient of variation for the 36 slant shear samples
were 0.23 and 6.2, respectively.
σ11 = + + τ 2xy (1) where Ake is the area of an epoxy layer on the male compo-
2 2 nent of the key surface (refer to Table 1). C is the cohesion
of the epoxy layer on the UHPFRC surface, whereby this
where σx = σn and σy = 0 are normal stresses in the x- and value is determined through the bond strength of epoxy resin
y-directions, respectively. For limit states design, σ11 = on the concrete surfaces based on the ASTM standard,21 as
ft, where ft is uniaxial tensile strength of the composite. mentioned earlier in this paper.
UHPFRC exhibits strain hardening behavior and ft can be The theoretical shear joint capacity of the keyed dry joints
determined as ft = fct,el at first crack and ft = fctfm at ultimate, at the first crack (Vjd,cr,theo) and at the ultimate state (Vjd,u,theo)
where fct,el and fctfm are tensile limit of elasticity and post- can be calculated from Eq. (10) and (11).
cracking tensile strength respectively, as per French Stan-
dard20 (refer to Table 3). Accordingly, the shear strength (τxy) V jd , cr ,theo = [ (−0.009σ n + 0.59) Asm σ n ]
can be calculated follows
n σn σn
2 2
+ ∑ Aki f ct , el + −
2 2 i =1 2 2
σ σ
τ xy = f t + n − n (2)
2 2
V jd ,u ,theo = [ (−0.009σ n + 0.59) Asm σ n ]
The joint shear capacity for keyed dry joints (Vjd) shall be n σ σ
2 2
taken as the superposition of the frictional component of the + ∑ Aki f ctfm + n − n (11)
i =1 2 2
contact surfaces (Vsm) and the shear strength contribution of
the keys (Vk). Thus, it can be expressed as
The theoretical shear joint capacity of the keyed epoxy
Vjd = Vsm + Vk (3) joints at first crack (Vje,cr,theo) and at the ultimate state (Vje,u,-
theo) can then be determined from Eq. (12) and (13).
While, for keyed epoxy joints, the joint shear capacity (Vje)
is calculated as V je , cr ,theo = C ( Asm + Ake ) + [ (−0.007σ n + 0.54) Asm σ n ]
n σn σn (12)
2 2
Vje = Vsm + Vk + Vcoh (4)
+ ∑ Aki f ct , el + −
i =1 2 2
where Vcoh is the additional shear strength produced by the
cohesion parameter of epoxy resin. The frictional force (Vsm)
due to the average confining pressure across the joint (σn) V je ,u ,theo = C ( Asm + Ake ) + [ (−0.007σ n + 0.54) Asm σ n ]
can be written as
n σ σ (13)
2 2
Vsm = μAsmσn (5) + ∑ Aki f ctfm + n − n
i =1 2 2
As presented in Table 1, Asm is the area of the smooth section
of the keyed joints. μ is the static friction coefficient of Comparison of proposed shear design model with
concrete to the concrete surface and c be estimated by the experimental data
empirical formula as To assess the reliability of the proposed shear design provi-
sion model, a comparison study between the experimental
μ = –0.009σn + 0.59 Keyed dry joints (6) results and the calculated values from proposed model was
conducted in this section. As shown in Fig. 7, comparisons
μ = –0.007σn + 0.54 Keyed epoxy joints (7) were made on the first crack and ultimate stages on the both
keyed dry joints (refer to Tables 5 and 6) and keyed epoxy
The shear force capacity from the shear keys is then given as joints (refer to Tables 7 and 8).
As observed in Fig. 7, the shear capacity loads calculated
from the new design provision model show an excellent
Vk = ∑ Aki � τ xy (8)
i =1 match with the experimental results for a single keyed joint.
The estimated first crack loads from the proposed provision
where Aki is the area of the shear key, while i and n are the model and the loads recorded through the experiments on
number of keys. In this study, each shear key had a dimen- the SK1-10N, SK1-20N, SK1-10E, and SK1-20E speci-
sion of 100 x 150 mm and, thus, the area of each key was mens differed by 2.9%, 6.4%, 0.2%, and 0.4%, respectively.
However, a maximum difference of 24.3% is observed
In this research, a new design shear model for UHPFRC
precast segmental bridges with keyed dry and epoxy joints
was developed and validation of the proposed model was
accomplished through comparison with experimental obser-
vations. Further, to assess the shear behavior and shear
capacity of UHPFRC precast segmental bridges, 12 full-scale
shear joint key specimens were cast and tested experimen-
tally up to failure with three variable parameters including
the number of shear joint keys, amount of confining stress,
Fig. 7—Comparison of proposed model and test results at and the type of joint keys (dry and epoxy).
first crack and ultimate.
Table 5—Comparison of proposed model and test results at first crack for keyed dry joints
At first crack (SLS)
Surface friction Shear key Theory versus experiment
Specimen μ Vsm, kN fct.el, MPa τxy, MPa Vk, kN Vj,cr,theo, kN Vj,cr,exp, kN Theo/Exp
SK1-10N 0.50 725.0 9.1 13.2 197.8 922.8 950.0 0.97
SK1-20N 0.40 1160.0 9.1 16.3 244.1 1404.1 1500.0 0.94
SK3-10N 0.50 575.0 8.2 12.2 549.8 1124.7 1370.0 0.82
SK3-20N 0.42 966.0 8.2 15.2 684.3 1650.3 1900.0 0.87
SK5-10N 0.50 425.0 9.4 13.5 1008.8 1433.8 1800.0 0.79
SK5-20N 0.42 714.0 9.4 16.6 1242.4 1956.4 2300.0 0.85
Mean 0.87
STD 0.06
COV 7.71
Table 7—Comparison of proposed model and test results at first crack for keyed epoxy joints
At first cracking stage (SLS)
Epoxy cohesion Surface friction Shear key Theory versus experiment
Specimen C, MPa Vcoh, kN μ Vsm, kN fct,el (MPa) τxy, MPa Vk, kN Vj,cr,theo, kN Vj,cr,exp, kN Theo/Exp
SK1-10E 3.7 607.8 0.47 681.5 9.1 13.2 197.8 1487.1 1490.0 0.99
SK1-20E 3.7 607.8 0.39 1131.0 9.1 16.3 244.1 1982.9 1990.0 0.99
SK3-10E 3.7 639.4 0.48 552.0 8.2 12.2 549.7 1741.1 1900.0 0.92
SK3-20E 3.7 639.4 0.40 920.0 8.2 15.2 684.3 2243.7 2300.0 0.98
SK5-10E 3.7 671.0 0.48 408.0 9.4 13.5 1008.8 2087.8 2400.0 0.87
SK5-20E 3.7 671.0 0.41 697.0 9.4 16.6 1242.4 2610.4 2700.0 0.96
Mean 0.95
STD 0.05
COV 5.31
Table 8—Comparison of proposed model and test results at ultimate for keyed epoxy joints
At ultimate stage (ULS)
Epoxy cohesion Surface friction Shear key Theory versus experiment
Specimen C, MPa Vcoh, kN μ Vsm, kN fctfm, MPa τxy, MPa Vk, kN Vj,cr,theo, kN Vj,cr,exp, kN Theo/Exp
SK1-10E 3.7 607.80 0.47 681.5 11.9 16.1 242.2 1531.5 1601.0 0.96
SK1-20E 3.7 607.80 0.39 1131.0 11.9 19.5 292.3 2031.1 2288.0 0.89
SK3-10E 3.7 639.40 0.48 552.0 12.1 16.4 735.9 1927.3 2258.0 0.85
SK3-20E 3.7 639.40 0.40 920.0 12.1 19.7 886.9 2446.3 2864.0 0.85
SK5-10E 3.7 671.0 0.48 408.0 13.2 17.5 1308.6 2387.6 2984.0 0.80
SK5-20E 3.7 671.0 0.41 697.0 13.2 20.9 1565.9 2933.9 3495.0 0.84
Mean 0.87
STD 0.05
COV 6.12
The following conclusions are subsequently drawn from joints indicated higher values compared to the keyed epoxy
these experimental results: joints. This can be due to the presence of epoxy powder layer
1. From the experimental tests, the shear capacities of joint between the UHPFRC surfaces after failure, having a lubri-
specimens improved up to 150% with an increasing number cating effect. However, further investigations are needed to
of keys and at higher confining stress. clearly address this difference.
2. By considering the effect of the epoxy layer, the keyed Ultimately, this research will provide an essential contri-
epoxy joints tended to produce higher shear failure capacity bution to the development of UHPFRC guidelines for
up to 25% compared to the specimens with dry joints. precast segmental bridges in the future, particularly in the
3. The residual frictional shear capacities (Vj,fric,exp.) and area of the joints.
the static friction coefficients (μ) of the UHPFRC keyed dry
Yen Lei Voo is an Adjunct Associate Professor in the School of Civil and
Environmental Engineering at the University of New South Wales (UNSW),
Sydney, NSW, Australia, and the Managing Director and Founder of Dura
Technology Sdn. Bhd in Malaysia. In 1997, he was offered a place at UNSW,
where he received his bachelor’s in engineering (civil) degree with First
Class Honors in 2000. Upon graduating, he was being immediately offered
a full scholarship by the same university for his noteworthy achievements to
complete his PhD in civil engineering. His research interests include design
of precast ultra-high-performance fiber-reinforced concrete bridges.
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