Bautista vs. Atty. Bernabe (Digested)
Bautista vs. Atty. Bernabe (Digested)
Bautista vs. Atty. Bernabe (Digested)
FACTS: Victorina Bautista filed a complaint before the Commission on Bar Discipline of the
Integrated Bar of the Philippines (IBP) for the suspension or disbarment of respondent Atty.
Sergio E. Bernabe for malpractice and unethical conduct in the performance of his duties
as a notary public and a lawyer.
ISSUE: WON the respondent is liable for the alleged falsification of the document in issue
which constitutes a violation of the Code of Professional Responsibility.
Respondent was also remiss in his duty when he allowed Pronebo to sign in behalf of
Basilia. A member of the bar who performs an act as a notary public should not notarize
a document unless the persons who signed the same are the very same persons who
executed and personally appeared before him. The acts of the affiants cannot be delegated
to anyone for what are stated therein are facts of which they have personal knowledge.
They should swear to the document personally and not through any representative.
Complainant’s desistance or withdrawal of the complaint does not exonerate respondent
or put an end to the administrative proceedings. A case of suspension or disbarment
may proceed regardless of interest or lack of interest of the complainant. What matters is
whether or not the charge of deceit and grossly immoral conduct has been proven. This rule
is premised on the nature of disciplinary proceedings.
A proceeding for suspension or disbarment is not a civil action where the complainant is a
plaintiff and the respondent lawyer is a defendant. Disciplinary proceedings involve no
private interest and afford no redress for private grievance. They are undertaken and
prosecuted solely for the public welfare. They are undertaken for the purpose of
preserving courts of justice from the official ministration of persons unfit to practice in
them. The attorney is called to answer to the court for his conduct as an officer of
the court. The complainant or the person who called the attention of the court to the
attorney’s alleged misconduct is in no sense a party, and has generally no interest in the
outcome except as all good citizens may have in the proper administration of justice.16
WHEREFORE, for breach of the Notarial Law and Code of Professional Responsibility, the
notarial commission of respondent Atty. Sergio E. Bernabe, is REVOKED. He
is DISQUALIFIED from reappointment as Notary Public for a period of two years. He is
also SUSPENDED from the practice of law for a period of one year, effective immediately.
He is further WARNED that a repetition of the same or of similar acts shall be dealt with
more severely. He is DIRECTED to report the date of receipt of this Decision in order to
determine when his suspension shall take effect.
In a resolution the Board of Governors of the IBP adopted and approved the
recommendation of the Investigating Commissioner with modification that respondent be
suspended from the practice of law for one year and his notarial commission be revoked and
that he be disqualified for reappointment as notary public for two years.