Recent Advances in Materials For All-Ceramic Restorations
Recent Advances in Materials For All-Ceramic Restorations
Recent Advances in Materials For All-Ceramic Restorations
Author Manuscript
Dent Clin North Am. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2010 March 5.
Published in final edited form as: Dent Clin North Am. 2007 July ; 51(3): 713viii. doi:10.1016/j.cden.2007.04.006.
The past three years of research on materials for all-ceramic veneers, inlays, onlays, single-unit crowns, and multi-unit restorations are reviewed. The primary changes in the field were the proliferation of zirconia-based frameworks and computer-aided fabrication of prostheses, as well as, a trend toward more clinically relevant in vitro test methods. This report includes an overview of ceramic fabrication methods, suggestions for critical assessment of material property data, and a summary of clinical longevity for prostheses constructed of various materials.
Ceramic materials are best able to mimic the appearance of natural teeth. However, two obstacles have limited the use of ceramics in the fabrication of dental prostheses: 1) brittleness leading to a lack of mechanical reliability and 2) greater effort and time required for processing in comparison to metal alloys and dental composites. Recent advances in ceramic processing methods have simplified the work of the dental technician and have allowed greater quality control for ceramic materials, which has increased their mechanical reliability. As a result, the proportion of restorative treatments using all-ceramic prostheses is rapidly growing. Several authors previously reviewed progress in the field of dental ceramics [112]. This article reviews the research literature and commercial changes over the past three years since the last review in this field. The recent developments in dental ceramic technology can be categorized into three primary trends: 1. There has been a rapid diversification of equipment and materials available for computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing (CAD-CAM) of ceramic prostheses. The availability of CAD-CAM processing permitted the use of polycrystalline zirconia coping and framework materials. The relatively high stiffness and good mechanical reliability of partially stabilized zirconia allows thinner core layers, longer bridge spans, and the use of all-ceramic fixed partial dentures (FPDs) in posterior locations. Basic science researchers are increasingly using clinically relevant specimen geometry, surface finish, and mechanical loading in their in vitro studies. This implies that in vitro results will more accurately predict clinical performance of ceramic prostheses, but clinicians still need to be cautious in extrapolating from the laboratory to the clinical case.
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with metal alloys [15,16]. Contrary to intuition, the higher crystalline content and lack of porosity do not lead to increased fracture resistance or decreased variability of strength [18]. Pressable ceramics usually have application only as core and framework materials. Pressable veneering materials, such as IPS e.max ZirPress (Ivoclar-Vivadent) are available, but the depth of layered esthetics may be limited when using pressable ceramics for veneering materials. CAD-CAM Like pressable ceramics, CAD-CAM ceramics are available as prefabricated ingots. These ingots are milled or cut by computer-controlled tools. In the case of presintered ceramics, the ingots are porous, which enables fast milling without bulk fracture of the ceramic. The disadvantage of presintered ingots is the need for subsequent sintering treatment to eliminate the porosity. The computer software must compensate for the shrinkage that occurs during sintering to achieve good accuracy of fit. Densely sintered ceramics are available in non-porous ingots, which are more difficult to mill, but they do not require any further sintering. Glass infiltrated CAD-CAM ingots have similar composition to slip cast ceramics, but starting with a porous ingot eliminates the complicated steps of slip casting. After milling, the porosity is eliminated by molten glass infiltration. One might question whether the milling process introduces surface cracks that weaken CAD-CAM ceramics, especially in the case of densely sintered ingots, but no evidence of this effect is available in the current literature [19]. Dental CAD-CAM systems have been available for 20 years. In recent years, the increasing use of polycrystalline alumina and zirconia as framework materials and the increasing popularity and variety of CAD-CAM systems seem to be mutually accelerating trends.
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[31,32]. There will always be a need for some simple standard geometry specimens to study the micromechanisms associated with crack growth. However, clinicians should not assume that simple specimens are predictive of clinical performance. In other words, ceramic specimens that have been finely polished, tested dry, or loaded quickly can be expected to have much higher strength than prostheses fabricated from the same materials, and the relative ranking of commercial products may change depending on test method. An area that has seen only modest improvement is the reporting of Weibull statistics to describe ceramic strength data. The failure load and strength of a ceramic prosthesis or test specimen is controlled by the size of the largest flaw in the highly stressed location not the average flaw. This causes the distribution of ceramic strengths to be skewed toward the lower end (Fig. 1). The strengths fit a Weibull distribution instead of a Gaussian (normal) distribution, and the shape of the Weibull distribution can be described by the Weibull modulus and the stress corresponding to a particular probability of failure, such as the median strength (50% chance of failure) or the characteristic strength (63%). The Weibull modulus is a measure of variation in strength with higher Weibull modulus corresponding to less variation. The Weibull modulus can be more important than the median strength for predicting clinical performance because the Weibull modulus can be used to predict the effect of prosthesis size on strength and because it controls the stress level corresponding to low probabilities of failure. The median strength corresponds to a 50% chance of failure, but clinicians are not interested in such a high failure rate. Fig. 2 illustrates how an all-ceramic system with lower median strength and higher Weibull modulus can survive higher stress levels at low probability of failure (5%). A slowly increasing number of basic science researchers are reporting Weibull statistics, however, they usually lack sufficient number of specimens to accurately estimate the Weibull modulus. Most studies published in the past three years had six to 10 specimens per group, even though the recommended number is 30 per group [33]. If a study estimates a Weibull modulus of m=5 using a sample size of 10 specimens per group, then there is a 95% chance that the actual Weibull modulus for the restorative system is in the range 3.79.2 and a 5% chance that the true value is outside that range [34]. So, clinicians should be cautious and note the sample size when interpreting in vitro studies because a study may conclude no difference in Weibull modulus between groups when there is not enough statistical power to detect a difference.
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the next highest long term survival and were both made from CAD-CAM ceramics. The lowest long term survival probability (Group J) corresponded to inlays made by powder condensation.
Fig. 5 shows the survival of single-unit crowns over time. Groups X and AA showed much poorer longevity than the other groups. These crowns were part of a study to determine the effect tooth preparation on CAD-CAM crowns (Vita Mark II, Vita Zahnfabrik) [38]. Crowns in Groups V and Y were placed on teeth with sufficient healthy tissue for a classic crown preparation. Groups W and Z were placed on preparations with a reduced stump height. The shortest lived crowns (Group X) were placed on endodontically treated premolars, and the next shortest lived crowns (Group AA) were placed on endodontically treated molars. Another interesting observation is that anterior crowns (Groups T and U) performed similarly to posterior crowns even though lower biting forces, and hence longer prosthesis survival, are expected in the anterior. Fig. 6 shows the survival of fixed partial dentures over time. The expected anterior-posterior relationship was observed here. Five-unit zirconia FPDs exhibited higher survival probability in anterior locations (Group OO) than in posterior locations (Group PP) [52]. Likewise, threeunit glass-ceramic FPDs exhibited higher survival probability in the anterior (Group KK) than the posterior (Group LL) [50]. This effect is not evident for another pressable glass-ceramic (Groups MM and NN), but it may have been confounded by the other experimental factors, such as glass ionomer cement in the anterior vs. resin-based cement in the posterior. In fact, debonding was the primary cause of failure in that study [54]. The IPS Empress 2 FPDs (Group KK and LL) had such poor performance because specimens in that study had smaller connector dimensions than recommended by the manufacturer [56]. Instead of ceramic fracture data, some studies reported survival in terms of percentage of restorations scoring excellent or alpha ratings at followup in each of the following categories: color match, marginal adaptation, marginal staining, secondary caries, and postoperative sensitivity. Most of those studies showed a lack of color match as the primary cause of low ratings at placement and marginal deterioration (staining and lack of adaptation) as the primary problem at followup [36,41,42,57]. Hayashi et al. [58] collected more detailed observations on marginal deterioration than other investigators. They reported rapid wear of resin-based cements during the first six to 21 months followed by a period of little change. At 72 months, inlay margins were widened by a rapid progression of ceramic microfractures.
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Strength distributions for prostheses fabricated from two hypothetical dental ceramics.
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Figure 2.
Cumulative failure probabilities for prostheses fabricated from two hypothetical dental ceramics.
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Figure 3.
Cumulative survival probabilities for all-ceramic veneers over time calculated from data published in recent clinical studies.
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Figure 4.
Cumulative survival probabilities for all-ceramic inlays and onlays over time calculated from data published in recent clinical studies.
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Figure 5.
Cumulative survival probabilities for all-ceramic crowns over time calculated from data published in recent clinical studies.
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Figure 6.
Cumulative survival probabilities for all-ceramic fixed partial dentures over time calculated from data published in recent clinical studies.
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Table 1
Commercial Examples Duceram LFCa Finesse Low Fusinga IPS e.max Ceramb IPS Erisb LAVA Ceramc Vita Dd Vitadur Alphad Vitadur Nd
Composition glass leucite-glass fluoroapatite-glass fluoroapatite-glass leucite-glass leucite-glass leucite-glass alumina-glass glass-alumina glass-alumina-spinel glass-alumina-PS zirconia leucite-glass leucite-glass leucite-glass lithium disilicate-glass lithium disilicate-glass fluoroapatite-glass leucite-glass
Slip casting
Hot pressing
Finesse All-Ceramica Fortress Pressablee IPS Empressb IPS Empress 2b IPS e.max Pressb IPS e.max ZirPressb OPCf
CAD-CAM Presintered Cercona DC-Zirkong Everest ZS-Blanksh IPS e.max ZirCADb LAVA Framec Procera AllCerami Procera AllZirkoni Vita YZd Densely sintered Denzirj Digiceram Lk Digizonk Everest G-Blanksh Everest ZH-Blanksh IPS e.max CADb ProCADb partially stabilized zirconia partially stabilized zirconia partially stabilized zirconia partially stabilized zirconia partially stabilized zirconia alumina partially stabilized zirconia partially stabilized zirconia partially stabilized zirconia leucite-glass partially stabilized zirconia leucite-glass partially stabilized zirconia lithium disilicate-glass leucite-glass
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Fabrication Method
Composition leucite-glass leucite-glass partially stabilized zirconia glass-alumina glass-alumina-spinel glass-alumina-PS zirconia
Glass infiltrated
a b
c 3M ESPE, St. Paul, MN, USA; d Vita Zahnfabrik, Bad Sckingen, Germany;
e Mirage Dental Systems, Kansas City, KS, USA; f Pentron Clinical Technologies, Wallingford, CT, USA; g h DCS Dentalsysteme, Kelkheim, Germany; KaVo, Lake Zurich, IL, USA;
i Nobel Biocare, Kloten, Switzerland; j Cad.esthetics, Skellefte, Sweden; k Digident, Pforzheim, Germany; l Cynovad, Saint-Laurent, Canada
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Table 2
Method/Topic of Research Layered specimen geometry CAD-CAM fabrication Surface roughness/defects Cyclic mechanical/thermal loading Ceramic-resin bond strength Polycrystalline zirconia Marginal adaptation/degradation Contact loading Weibull statistics Polycrystalline alumina some studies were related to more than one of these methods/topics
Number of Studies* 70 (37%) 70 (37%) 57 (30%) 51 (27%) 45 (24%) 33 (17%) 24 (13%) 22 (12%) 22 (12%) 11 (6%)
Table 3
Graph Label
Barnes [36]
Fradeani [41]
Smales [48]
Smales [48]
Sjogren [47]
Sjogren [47]
Thordrup [51]
Thordrup [51]
Barnes [36]
Kramer [44]
Kramer [43]
Kramer [43]
Schulte [46]
Kaytan [42]
Barnes [36]
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Bindl [37]
Bindl [37]
Bindl [38]
Bindl [38]
Bindl [38]
Bindl [38]
Bindl [38]
Bindl [38]
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Marquardt [45]
Graph Label Location NS anterior posterior anterior anterior posterior NS posterior anterior posterior NS posterior anterior posterior NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS implant natural tooth NS NS NS Support IPS Empress 2 Procera AllCeram Procera AllCeram Procera AllCeram Procera AllCeram IPS Empress 2 IPS Empress 2 In-Ceram Zirconia IPS Empress 2 IPS Empress 2 IPS e.max Press IPS e.max Press DC-Zirkon DC-Zirkon Vita D ZP five-unit FPD Vita D ZP five-unit FPD stain DC three-unit FPD stain NS three-unit FPD NS DC three-unit FPD NS DC three-unit FPD NS NS three-unit FPD IPS Eris DC three-unit FPD NS NS three-unit FPD NS mod GIC single-unit crown NS mod GIC single-unit crown NS GIC single-unit crown NS GIC single-unit crown NS DC single-unit crown
Framework Material
Veneer Material
Luting Agent
Restoration Type
Taskonak [50]
Walter [53]
Walter [53]
Zarone [55]
Zarone [55]
Esquivel-Upshaw [40]
Marquardt [45]
Suarez [49]
Taskonak [50]
Taskonak [50]
Wolfart [54]
Wolfart [54]
NS indicates experimental factor was not specified or was not separated in the presentation of results
Dent Clin North Am. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2010 March 5.
LC = light-cure resin cement, SC = self-cure resin cement, DC = dual-cure resin cement, GIC = glass-ionomer cement, mod GIC = resin-modified glass ionomer cement, ZP = zinc phosphate cement, SE = self-etch adhesive, ER = etch-and-rinse adhesive