Oilskimmer ICMERE2021

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Oil skimmer-ICMERE 2021

Conference Paper · October 2022


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Md Mahmodul Alam
Khulna University of Engineering and Technology


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Proceedings of the
International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Renewable Energy 2021
(ICMERE 2021) 12 – 14 December 2021, Chattogram, Bangladesh

ICMERE 2021-PI-144


Md. Mahmodul Alam1, Tariq Jamil2*, Rayhan Salim Tamzid3, D.M. Meftahul Islam4 and Naseem Ahmed5
Department of Energy Science and Engineering, Khulna University of Engineering and Technology, Bangladesh
2*, 3, 4, 5
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Bangladesh Army University of Science and Technology,
[email protected], [email protected]*, [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected]

Abstract-This study describes the design, construction, and performance test of an oil skimmer used to
separate and collect oil spills from the water surface. There have been several oil spilling accidents that
occurred across the globe. The environmental effects of such oil spills are not negligible as this a global
problem nowadays. There needs to be a feasible way to separate this oil from the water surface without
wasting it. This study represents the project work carried on developing a mechanism for collecting the oil
from the water by using locally available equipment that will be capable to absorb the spilled oil rapidly.
The setup uses gear motor, timing belt, pulleys, full stainless-steel frame, RPM controller and AC to DC
converter. The collected oil quality has been evaluated by “Flash Point Test” and “Carbon Residue Test”
experiment. After constructing the oil skimmer, the performance was quite good. Where the maximum
efficiency of Diesel oil was 96.37%, efficiency of Petrol oil was 53.48%, efficiency of Lube oil was 97.38%
and the efficiency of Used Engine oil was 94.22%. The main objective is to minimize the cost of collection
and to control the pollution which has been attain through the project work.
Keywords: Oil Skimmer, Belt Pulley Mechanism, Flash Point Test, Carbon Residue Test, Pollution Control.


Oil is one of the most precious crudes and being used Several research was done earlier to separate oil from
in many habitual applications of human existence. Since water. Some considerable research are:
most oils are toxic and pretty risky for a living when it Eldon L. Grimes; David W. Lerch, [1]: An oil spill
comes to direct contact with them. In current decades, the recovery method and apparatus utilizing a low-resistance
world has witnessed many oil spillage tragedies and flow-through endless belt of reticular oleophilic,
subsequent damages to existence and the environment. hydrophobic material and forced flow of water with oil
As long as oil is explored, transported, stored, and used, through the belt through induction affected by propulsion
there will be either a spillage risk. Oil pollution of the means operating at a position immediately behind and
seashore and the reduction of amenities also affect beneath the submerged active portion of the belt.
marine edge existence and vegetation. The oil pollution Gregory A. Ettelt, Berwyn; Alfred L. Cohen, Deerfield,
of the sea has gradually elevated with the boom in oil [2]: A system is provided for removing accumulated oil
consumption. Crude oil is composed of various from a basin. An endless belt for carrying oil is partially
hydrocarbons that range from light gas to heavy solids. submerged in the basin and is driven and supported by a
When the oil is spilt out on the water, the physical and rotary drum. The rotary drum has an irregular surface for
chemical properties of oil change progressively. Oil frictional co-operation with the belt and a spring-biased
skimming is the operation of removing or separating the roller urges the belt against the irregular surface. The oil
oil from the water. Oil and grease are usually on the is scraped from the belt and directed away from the belt
surface of the water. They do not mix with water. Based and basin. Means are also provided for wiping the
on this principle, the oil skimmer unit has a unique underside of the drum surface.
motive timing belt that is rotated by mechanical means Philip C. Lewan, Jackson, Mich [3]: Developed
such that it simply touches the surface of the water. The apparatus for removing oil from the surface of a liquid,
oil particle stick with the belt material and travels with such as a coolant, employing an endless belt partially
the belt up to the scrapping arrangement, where submerged in the liquid passing through the surface.
scrapping of oil occurs, and oil is collected. A M Najar, J T Turner [4]: This paper describes a
Here, the objective of this experiment is to simplify the fundamental study in which experimental techniques
complex driving mechanisms used in earlier projects and have been developed to enable the performance of model
give it a simple, economical and high working capability. skimmers to be measured. Based upon an improved
understanding of the flow behavior inherent in the oil
collection process, several enhanced disc skimming
© ICMERE 2021
systems were discussed. 3.5 Mixture Tank
S H Pawar, Shukla Amit Kumar, Ahire Vishu, Patil The mixture tank contains a mixture of oil and water.
Yashodhan, Patil Mayuresh [5]: Shows that, offshore For demonstration purposes, the oil skimmer will
drilling & production operations and spills or leaks from separate the oil present in the oil-water mixture in the oil
ships or tankers are typically contributing less than 8% of tank. The mixture tank can contain up to 15-litre water.
the total whereas routine maintenance of ships (nearly
20%), onshore air pollution & hydrocarbon particles 3.6 Propeller
(about 13%), and natural seepage from the seafloor (over For the interest of the project here have used three-
8%). This has caused ever-lasting damage to aquatic life. blade Propeller to create a vortex into the water, near the
Manivel, R. Sivakumar [6]: Aim of this work is to belt surface area. To make this propeller SS 304 material
remove an oil effluent from water. In oil skimmer, coated have used.
Teflon or activated carbon is used for separator systems
of roller. Roller absorbs the oil from water by gliding and 3.7 Bevel Gear
collecting through scrapper. When power is required to be transmitted from one
Harold Halter, New Orleans, La. [7]: Shows that the shaft to another shaft which is intersecting with each
oil skimmer craft removes oil spilled on a body of water. other, then bevel gear is used. Generally, the angle
An adjustable depth pump suction is provided for between the shafts is 90 degrees. In the interest of this
pumping floating oil from the separation tank into a project, straight bevel gear has been used.
separate tank to thereby leave only unpolluted water
remaining in the separation tank. 3.8 Shaft
Mamta Patel [8]: It estimated that approximately 706 In this project, three shafts have been used. One shat is
million gallons of waste oil enters the ocean every year; a driver which is mainly a motor shaft were coupled with
whereas more than half of that sourced from land one pulley. Its length is 122mm. Another shat is fixed
drainage and waste disposal. with the supporting frame were coupled with a rotating
This study comprises the construction and performance pulley. Its length is 60mm. Another shaft is a couple with
analysis of belt pulley mechanism oil skimmer for propeller and bevel gear which length is 294mm. Each of
various fuels under different conditions and the results the shafts is made of stainless steel.
obtained are very remarkable for further
recommendations. 3.9 Motor Shaft Supporter
The shaft supporter is used for the end, or intermittent
3. EXPERIMENTAL SETUP support where loads are light and slight shaft deflection
The first step in manufacturing any machine or any is not a concern. Using a shaft supporter decreases, the
component is designed so that they are easy to vibration, and noise which results in smooth operating of
manufacture. At the initial stage, various components the timing belt.
such as motor, sheet metal, gear material, welding rod,
and some electrical components were selected for the 3.10 Supporting Frame
project's design. The supporting frame is a function of both the weight
of the supported and the frame’s material of construction.
3.1 Timing Belt Many machine-based suppliers, supports, and frames
A timing belt is a non-slipping mechanical drive belt indicate whether the support frame is rated for light,
or tooth belt. The timing belt was selected for the interest medium, or heavy-duty. It’s made up of stainless steel. It
of the project. The belt type is STD 600-S5M which supported the pulley and belt assemblies. And also, the
length is about 600mm, and the width is 45mm. Its motor is fixed on the frame. The frame is lightweight, so
material is Neoprene rubber with a fiberglass core. it’s easy to transfer. It’s the main component of the oil
3.2 Motor
Here the motor is used to provide a driving force for 3.11 AC to DC Converter
the pulley and belt. For the interest of the project worm An AC to DC power supply is used to convert the
gear, a DC motor has been used, which speed up to 260 alternating current to a direct current. The AC to DC
RPM and the toque is 8 Kg.cm. power supplies is used in applications where power needs
to be processed from the AC power mains to loads
3.3 Pulley requiring a fixed or variable DC voltage or current. Here
Pulleys are used for gripping the belt and for keeping the power supply has been used to get 12V output.
it in proper tension. For reducing the overall cost and
weight of the project, fibre gear material has been used. 3.12 Motor Speed Controller
Which length is 45 mm and the diameter is 25mm. DC motor speed control is one of the most useful
features of the motor. By controlling the motor's speed, it
3.4 Wiper can vary the speed of the motor according to the
Its function is to remove the oil that sticks or clings to requirements and can get the required operation.
the surface of the belt. The contact between belt and
wiper enables the removal of oil. It is made up of stainless
steel. An angle of 45 degrees is provided for inclination.

© ICMERE 2021
Motor Shaft
5.1.1 Data Collection
Supporter After extraction:
Timing Belt
Table 1: Extraction of Diesel Oil by Oil Skimmer
Bevel Gear

Time(min) Extracted Oil Extracted Oil

Wiper With Without
Propeller(ml) Propeller(ml)
1 135 133
2 133 130
Propeller 3 133 128
4 131 123
5 130 118
(a) (b) 6 121 96
7 108 75
Fig. 1: (a) Designed view of Oil Skimmer, (b) Real view 8 86 46
of Oil Skimmer. 9 40 21
10 18 8
It is known that the density of water is greater than that
of oil. Hence, oil floats on the surface of the water. Due
to this, oil is visible on the surface. Viscosity plays a vital
role in the working of the equipment. The viscosity of the
oil is more significant, and hence oil easily clings on the
surface of the belt of the oil skimmer. Although designs
vary, oil skimmers rely on specific gravity, surface
tension and a moving medium to remove floating oil
from the surface of a fluid. The floating oil clings the belt
of the oil skimmer more readily than water, and there has
a little affinity of water with the belt. The oil sticks to the
surface of the moving belt and is thereby separated from
the water. Later on, the belt comes in contact with the
wiper, which helps to remove the oil that sticks or clings
to the surface of the belt. Due to the contact between the
belt and wiper, the oil falls in the collecting tray or tank Fig. 2: Extracted Diesel Oil vs. Time
which can be reused for further applications, if necessary.
There is a propeller under the upper shaft in contact with 5.1.2 Calculation
the mixture of oil and water. It helps to create a vortex Loss of the Diesel oil after extraction with propeller =
that pulls the oils closer to the belt. As a result, it (1074-1035) ml = 39ml
increases the efficiency more than earlier. The collected Loss of the Diesel oil after extraction without propeller =
oil performance is evaluated in two kinds of experiments, (1074-878) ml = 196ml
the “Flash Point Test” and the “Carbon Residue Test” for Efficiency with propeller, η =
× 100
the liquid fuel. The Flash point is the lowest possible 1074
temperature at which fuel burns quickly. The Carbon = 96.37%
Residue Tester is an automatic airtight furnace that is pre- Efficiency without propeller, η = × 100
programmed to run tests to determine Carbon residue of
petroleum products. It is used to determine the amount of = 81.75%
carbonaceous residue formed after evaporation and
pyrolysis of petroleum materials under specific 5.2 Extraction of Petrol Oil by Oil Skimmer
conditions. This ensures proper removal of oil and Initial amount before extraction: 834ml
separation from the water source. Hence, the work is
quite simple and easy to understand. The belt may 5.2.1 Data Collection
become weak due to prolonged use which can be easily After extraction:
Table 2: Extraction of Petrol Oil by Oil Skimmer
OBSERVATIONS Time(min) Extracted Oil Extracted Oil
With Without
5.1 Extraction of Diesel Oil by Oil Skimmer Propeller(ml) Propeller(ml)
Initial amount before extraction: 1074ml 1 50 43
2 48 42
3 47 40

© ICMERE 2021
4 44 37
5 43 33
6 42 25
7 40 16
8 34 10
9 24 8
10 16 6
Total 388 260

Fig. 4: Extracted Lube Oil vs. Time

5.3.2 Calculation
Loss of the Lube oil after extraction with propeller =
(840-818) m = 22ml
Loss of the Lube oil after extraction without propeller =
(840-731) ml = 109ml
Fig. 3: Extracted Petrol Oil vs. Time Efficiency with propeller, η = × 100
= 97.38%
5.2.2 Calculation 731
Loss of the Petrol oil after extraction with propeller = Efficiency without propeller, η = × 100
(834-388) ml = 446ml = 87.02%
Loss of the Petrol oil after extraction without propeller =
(834-260) ml = 574ml 5.4 Extraction of Used Engine Oil by Oil
446 Skimmer
Efficiency with propeller, η = × 100 Initial amount before extraction: 675 ml
= 53.48%
Efficiency without propeller, η = × 100 5.4.1 Data Collection
After extraction:
= 31.18%
The efficiency of petrol oil extraction is comparatively
Table 4: Extraction of Used Engine Oil by Oil Skimmer
lower than Lube oil and Diesel oil extraction, because of
its high volatility and less density. As a result, there is less Time(sec) Extracted Oil Extracted Oil
petrol oil with the belt contact surface. And it results in With Without
having less efficiency than other oil. Propeller(ml) Propeller(ml)
10 180 177
5.3 Extraction of Lube Oil by Oil Skimmer 20 112 108
Initial amount before extraction: 840ml 30 96 89
40 68 53
5.3.1 Data Collection 50 49 35
After extraction: 60 35 23
70 28 15
Table 3: Extraction of Lube Oil by Oil Skimmer 80 24 11
90 18 9
Time(min) Extracted Oil Extracted Oil 100 14 7
With Without 110 12 5
Propeller(ml) Propeller(ml) Total 636 532
0.5 430 415
1 165 140
1.5 105 81
2 65 53
2.5 25 19
3 17 15
3.5 11 8
Total 818 731

© ICMERE 2021
5.6 Flash Point Test of Lube Oil

Fig.7: Lube oil Flash Point vs. Room Temperature

The following figure 7 illustrate about the difference

between room temperature and flash point temperature.
Fig. 5: Extracted Used Engine Oil vs. Time It is noticed that the sample Lube oil flash point
temperature is 155℃, 155℃, 154.5℃, 154℃ and 153℃
5.4.2 Calculation: at the respected room temperatures 22℃, 24℃, 26℃,
Loss of the used Engine oil after extraction with propeller 28℃ and 30℃. Where extracted flash point temperature
= (675-636) ml = 39ml is 175℃, 175℃, 174℃, 173℃ and 172.5℃ at respected
room temperatures 22℃, 24℃, 26℃, 28℃ and 30℃.
Loss of the used Engine oil after extraction without
From the above explanation, it is understood that the
propeller = (675-532) ml = 143ml flash point temperature varies with the change of room
Efficiency with propeller, η = × 100 temperature.
= 94.22%
5.7 Flash Point Test of Used Engine Oil
Efficiency without propeller, η = × 100
= 78.81%

5.5 Flash Point Test of Diesel Oil

Fig. 8: Used Engine Flash Point vs. Room Temperature

The following figure 8 illustrate the difference

between room temperature and flash point temperature.
It is noticed that the sample Used Engine oil flash point
Fig. 6: Diesel Flash Point vs. Room Temperature temperature is 160℃, 160℃, 159.5℃, 159℃ and 158℃
at the respected room temperatures 24℃, 26℃, 28℃,
The following figure 6 illustrate the difference 30℃ and 32℃. Where extracted flash point temperature
between room temperature and flash point temperature at is 169℃, 1168.5℃, 168℃, 167.5℃ and 166℃ at
different room temperature. It is noticed that the sample respected room temperatures 24℃, 26℃, 28℃, 30℃ and
Diesel oil flash point temperature is 65℃, 64℃, 63℃, 32℃. From the above explanation, it is understood that
63℃ and 62℃ at the respected room temperatures 23℃, the flash point temperature varies with the change of
25℃, 27℃, 29℃ and 31℃. Where extracted flash point room temperature.
temperature is 74℃, 72℃, 71℃, 71℃ and 69℃ at
respected room temperatures 23℃, 25℃, 27℃, 29℃ and 5.8 Carbon Residue Test of Fuels
31℃. From the above explanation, it is understood that For Sample Diesel Oil,
the flash point temperature varies with the change of Mass of vial = 2.9935 gm
room temperature. Mass of sample = 1.0101 gm
Mass of the sample + vial = 4.0036 gm
Mass of residue + vial = 2.9955 gm

© ICMERE 2021
Mass of reside = (2.9955-2.9935) gm ii. Two pulleys have been used in this skimmer
=0.0020gm which is a highly efficient method for
0.0020 wringing and also provides a very effective
Percentage (%) of Carbon Residue = × 100
1.0101 way of driving the belt.
= 0.1980% iii. Oil recovery rate can be expected to vary
By following the similar procedure, the Percentage (%) almost directly with slick thickness and belt
of carbon residue and mass of carbon residue of different speed and is capable of collecting all kinds of
fuels are represented in table 5. light and heavy oil.
iv. The maximum efficiency was achieved
96.37% for Diesel oil.
Table 5: Carbon Residue Test of Fuels v. The maximum efficiency was achieved
53.48% for Petrol oil.
Sample Temp Time Mass Mass %of vi. The maximum efficiency was achieved
Name eratur (min) of of Carbo 97.38% for Lube oil.
e (°C) samp Carbo n vii. The maximum efficiency was achieved
le n Resid 94.22% for Used Engine oil.
(gm) Resid ue viii. The timing belt oil skimmer is economical
ue (%) and feasible for the implication.
(gm) This device is highly efficient for Diesel oil and Lube oil
Sample 502 102 1.011 0.002 0.198 for its high performance and further modification is
Diesel 0 0 0 recommended to increase the efficiency of Petrol oil.
Extracted 502 102 1.01 0.005 0.494 7. REFERENCES
Diesel 01 0 6 [1] E. L. Grimes and David W. Lerch, "Moving Belt-Type
Oil Oil Skimmer With, Propulsion Induced Flow, Method
Sample 502 102 1.03 0.001 0.155 And Apparatus". United States Patent 3,992,292 , 16
Lube Oil 23 6 0 Novermber 1976.
Extracted 502 102 1.03 0.005 0.540 [2] B. Gregory A. Ettelt and D. Alfred L. Cohen, "Belt
Lube Oil 56 6 7 Type Ol Removal Unit". United States Patent Patent
Sample 4,089,784, 16 May 1978 .
Used 502 102 1.02 0.028 2.824 [3] J. M. Philip C. Lewan, "Belt Type Oil Skimmer With".
Engine 31 9 7 United States Patent Patent 5,062,953, 5 November 1991 .
Oil [4] J. T. T. A M Najar, "Enhanced oil recovery using the
Extracted rotating-disc skimmer," Proceedings of the Institution of
Used 502 102 1.01 0.046 4.604 Mechanical Engineers, Part E: Journal of process
Engine 43 7 2 Mechanical Engineering, vol. 214, no. 4, pp. 271-282, 01
Oil November 2000.
[5] S. A. K. A. V. P. Y. P. M. S H Pawar, "Design and
fabrication of Oil Collector," International Journal of
From table 5, it can be seen that the sample of Diesel oil
Progressive Research in Science and Engineering, vol. 1,
has the mass of carbon residue 0.0020 gm and the percent
no. 3, pp. 167-185, June 2020.
(%) of carbon residue 0.1980. It is clear that the extracted
[6] R. S. R. Manivel, "Boat type oil recovery skimmer,"
Diesel oil has the mass of carbon residue 0.0050 gm and
Materials Today: Proceedings, pp. 1-4, 12 June 2019.
the percent (%) of carbon residue 0.4946. It can also be
[6] R. S. R. Manivel, "Boat type oil recovery skimmer,"
seen that the sample of Lube oil has the mass of carbon
Materials Today: Proceedings, pp. 1-4, 12 June 2019.
residue 0.0016 gm and the percent (%) of carbon residue
[8] M. Patel, "Design and Efficiency Comparison of
0.1550. Also, the extracted Lube oil has the mass of
Various Belt Type Oil Skimmers," International Journal
carbon residue 0.0056 gm and the percent (%) of carbon
of Science and Research (IJSR), vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 998-
residue 0.5407 and the sample of Used Engine Oil has the
1002, January 2015.
mass of carbon residue 0.0289 gm and the percent (%) of
carbon residue 2.8247. The table also shows that the
Extracted Used Engine Oil has the mass of carbon
residue 0.0467gm and the percent (%) of carbon residue Symbol Meaning Unit
4.6042. From the overall data, it is observed that the mL Milliliter millilitre
percentage (%) of carbon residue is very low and medium. η Efficiency %
As a result, it is clearly understood that the harmful min Minutes Minutes
effects on the environment are low and medium. s Seconds Sec
g Grams gm
The following conclusions can be drawn from the
information collected during this study:
i. The timing belt concept during this study is a
feasible concept for oil recovery.

© ICMERE 2021

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